the 9d. [July 1775]
This Day a flagetrus Came out
of Bostown and went to head
Quarters at Cambridge

the 10d [July 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 11d [July 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 12d [July 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 13d [July 1775]
This Day one of our Rigement Died
Belongine to Capt Prince
Being the furst that thath Died in
our Rigement

the 14d [July 1775]
This Day their was a man wip t
Nothing Remarkabel to Day

the 15d [July 1775]
Nothing Remarkabel to Day
a man wip t. 29 Lashes

the 16d [July 1775]
This Day i went to meting in the
for none in the after none i staid
home to Cack
fast to Day