July 26 [1776]
down all opposition while they could
pillage the Country round about, &
then as I suppose they were to retreat on board, upon
this the more ignorant Vulgar who
it appeared had been drawn into this Confe=
-deracy by the artfull persuasions of
worse abandoned than themselves, were
dismissed under proper Restrictions, but
the worst of them were Some Sent to the
Mines in
New England others were Sent
to close confinement --
In the Even=
-ing Lieut
Sears came home & braught
4 Men who appeared to be Gentlemen
whom he had taken the Night before
in endeavouring to make their escape
on board the Men of War-- Himself as
also the Others that were in the Whale
Boats had taken a considerable Number
of the Tories at different times endeav=
-ouring to make their Escape, & had
delivered them to the Committee of
the Town
but they had frequen-
-tly dismissed them upon their Paroles
& in a Short Time would make their
escape being more luckey than at first
being disgusted with the proceedings of the
Men Committee whom he also suspected of Toryism
he determined & accordingly braught them to
the Genl
Joseph Egerton &
Joseph Snell
two of our Company the former the Capts
were taken ill on the
21 Instant & as they
were now
not fit to remain in tents having a Strong Fever