Monday 22 July 1776---

Went to visit Lieut Webb, &c went
on board Mr Bakers vessell in which
was Capt Prince Ghorham.

23d [July 1776] went on Fatiegue at St Pauls
Church for about an hour then
was Sent for with my Party to
go on board the Ships preparing
to be sunk -- dined according to engagement with Mr O Dougald
& Monsieur Perry Gentlemen of my
acquaintance in the City-- Saw
the P infamous Proclamation issu=
-ed by Lord Howe & now made pub-
-lick by order of the Congress, offer
-ing Pardon to those in any of the
Colonies who will return to their
Duty & acknowledge the Supremacy
of Parliament-- Lord Howe declares
that he hath this power vested in
him by act of Parliament & these
are the Terms of accomodation offerd
by the English -- But will Ameri-
-cans tamely submit, acknowledge to those merciless
Tyrants who have already done their ut-
-most to reduce them to a State of abject
Slavery? and will they acknowledge?
What can they acknowledge? but that