I A.B. do swear, That I will faithfully execute the Trust reposed in
pursant to an Act of Parliament made in the Fifth Year of the Reign
of His Majesty King George
the Third, for granting certain Stamp Duties,
and other Duties, in the British Colonies and Plantations
in America, with-
out Fraud or Concealment; and will from time to time true Account make of
my Doing therein, and deliver the same to such Person or Persons as His
Majesty, His Heirs, or Successors, shall appoint to receive such Account; and
will take no Fee, Reward, or Profit, for the Execution or Performance of the
said Trust, or the Business relating thereto, from any Person or Persons, other
than such as shall be allowed by His Majesty, His Heirs,
and Successors, or by
some other Person or Persons under him or them to that Purpose
Or if any such Officer be of the People commonly called
Quakers, he
shall take a solemn Affirmation to the Effect of the said Oath; which
Oath or Affirmation shall and may be administered to any such
missioner or Commissioners by any Two or more of the same
missioners, whether they have or have not previously taken the same:
And any of the said Commissioners, or any Justice of the Peace,
in the Kingdom of Great-Britain, or any
Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
Judge, or other Magistrate, within the said Colonies or Plantations,
shall and may administer such Oath or Affirmation to any subordinate
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said
Commissioners, and all Officers to be employed or entrusted by or
der them as aforesaid, shall, from time to time, in and for the better
Execution of their several Places and Trusts, observe such Rules, Me-
thods, and Orders, as they respectively shall from time to time, receive
from the high Treasurer of Great-Britain, or the
Commissioners of the
Treasury, or any Three or more of such Commissioners for the time
ing; and that the said Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties
shall take especial Care, that the several Parts of the said Colonies and
Plantations shall, from time to time, be sufficiently furnished with
lum, Parchment, and Paper, stamped or marked with the said respective
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
Person or Persons shall sign, ingross, write, print, or sell, or expose to
Sale, or cause to be signed, ingrossed, written, printed, or sold, or
sed to Sale, in any of the said Colonies or Plantations, or in any
other Part of his Majesty's Dominions, any Matter or Thing, for which
the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, is hereby charged to pay any Duty,
before the same shall be marked or stamped with the Marks or Stamps
to be provided as aforesaid, or upon which there shall not be some Stamp
or Mark resembling the same; or shall sign, ingross, written, printed, or
sold, or exposed to Sale, or cause to be signed, ingrossed, written, printed,or
sold, or exposed to Sale, any Matter or Thing upon any Vellum, Parch-
ment, or Paper, that shall be marked or stamped for any lower Duty
than the Duty by this Act made payable in respect thereof; every such
Person so offending shall for every such Offence, forfeit the Sum of
Ten Pounds.
Add be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no
ter or Thing whatsoever, by this Act charged with the Payment of a
Duty, shall be pleaded or given in Evidence, or admitted in any Court
within the said Colonies and Plantations, to be good, useful, or available
in Law or Equity, unless the same shall be marked or stamped, in
suance of this Act, with the respective Duty hereby charged thereon,
or with an higher Duty.