sing, levying, collecting, and Payment, of the Rates and Duties thereby
granted; and that the aforesaid Duties hereby charged upon British Coffee
and Pimento, exported from any British Colony or Plantation, shall be rai-
sed, levied, collected, and paid, in the same Manner and Form, and by
such Rules, Ways, and Means, and under such Penalties and Forfeitures,
as are mentioned and referred unto in an Act of Parliament, made in the
Twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, An
Act for the Encouragement of the
Greenland and Eastland Trades, and for
the better securing the Plantation Trade
, with respect to the raising, levying,
collecting, and Payment of the Rates and Duties thereby granted upon the
several Goods therein particularly enumerated: And that all Powers, Pe-
nalties, Provisions, Articles, and Clauses, in those Acts respectively con-
tained and referred unto (except in such Cases where any Alteration is made
by this Act) shall be observed, applied, practised, and put in Execution,
for the raising, levying, collecting, and answering, the respective Rates and
Duties granted by this Act, as fully and effectually, as if the same were
particularly and at large re-enacted in the Body of this present Act, and ap-
plied to the Rates and Duties hereby imposed; and as fully and effectually,
to all Intents and Purposes, as the same could have been at any Time put
in Execution, for the like Purposes, with respect to the Rates and Duties
granted by the said former Acts.

Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority afore-
said, That if the Importer of any Wines shall refuse to pay the Duties hereby

imposed thereon, it shall and may be lawful for the Collector, or other
proper Officer of the Customs where such Wines shall be imported, and he
is hereby respectively required to take and secure the same, with the Casks
or other Package thereof, and to cause the same to be publickly sold, within
the Space of Twenty Days at the most after such Refusal made, and at such
Time and Place as such Officer, shall, by Four or more Days publick No-
tice, appoint for that Purpose; which Wine shall be sold to the best Bidder,
and the Money arising by the Sale therof shall be applied in the first Place
in Payment of the said Duties, together with the Charges that shall have
been occasioned by the said Sale; and the Overplus, if any, shall be paid to
such Importer, or any other Person authorized to receive the same.

Provided also, That if the Money offered for the Purchase of such Wine,
shall not be sufficient to discharge the Duty and Charges aforesaid, then, and
in every such Case, the Collector, or other proper Officer, shall cause the
Wine to be staved, spilt, or otherwise destroyed, and shall return the Casks
or other Package wherein the same was contained to such Importer.

And it is hereby declared and enacted, That every Piece of Callico in-
tended to be charged with the Duty herein before-mentioned, if of the Breadth
of One Yard and a Quarter or under, shall not exceed in Length Ten Yards;
and if above that Breadth, shall not exceed Six Yards in Length, and that
every Piece of Cambrick and French Lawn shall contain Thirteen Ells each,
and shall pay Duty for the same in those Proportions for any greater or lesser
Quantity, according to the Sum herein before charged upon each Piece of
such Goods respectively.

And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the
Monies which, from and after the Twenty-ninth Day of September, One
thousand seven hundred and sixty four shall arise by the several Rates and
Duties herein before granted; and also by the Duties which, from and after
the said Twenty ninth day of September, One thousand seven hundred and
sixty four, shall be raised upon Sugars and Paneles, by virtue of the said
Act made in the Sixth Year of the Reign of his said late Majesty King
George the Seeond (except the necessary Charges of raising, collecting,
levying, recovering, answering, paying, and accounting for the same)