sunk were to the S & W - the Jap
cruiser about SW - the Indep.
close on that side & the Arkansas
just a little further off than the
Jap & with the Indep. almost bet.
her & the Nevada - the sub was
more to the W & close to the
Jap - in short the worst destruction
took place [abou?] with a centre
about 300 to 500 yds. SW of the
Nevada & spreading out to
800 yds or so -

July 3 - At 8.30 AM we were
off with the J.C.S. committee
& inspected the Pensacola, the
Nevada, the Arkansas & "A.P. 77" -
"Crittenton" Of these the Arkansas with
its smoke-stack laid over -
its airplane completely destroyed.