[March 1776, cont.] found) upon the Point under
cover of the Shiping & of the
Castle, the next Night, why they
had not done it that Day if ever
they intended it God only Knows,
for my part I Should have been
willing to have receivd them,
either by night or Day as we
had a tolerable cover for from Mu-
-squetry and as to their Field
Pieces they could not have bra-
ught them to bear because of
the Sciatuation of the ground.
had they been So rash they
would in all probability have
found the 5th of March 1776
more Bloody on their Side than
Preston made the Same Day in
1770 on ours -- in fine I cant
think it was ever their design
more than to make a Parade and
Sho But they have a good excu-
-se for about 11 at Night the
most violent Storm of Wind &