dr. Madam
How exceeding kind was your letter found
to my heart & above all do I rejoice to find that
the Lord Jesus Christ has his witness to own &
honour his poor & much distressed people every where
& it is with much love & gratitude of heart
I thank you for the Christian Hospitality offer'd
to those ministers in my Connection -- I may
assure you none shall ever Come recommended in my
name that I shall not first account it my honour
that they belong to us -- & then I believe your heart &
those of your House shall have the Prophets reward
of being taught much from the Lord, I most earnestly
request a share in your Prayers -- & that being
found faithfull to death, mercy from the sinners
friend may lift up my head above the waves
When passing Jordan -- before this reachs you
I hope Mr. Percey my Chaplin, but more a beloved
son yet more a servt. of Jesus Christ & highly favoured of himwill comfort all your hearts & engage many by
his faithfull ministry to Glorifie God in this their close
of visitation, I shall be much obliged by your [illegible]
intelligence & also how the Lord owns & blesss him he
is a faithfull soul & experienced in the ways of
the Lord & with Grace & Gifts Considered he has (if -- (If
there is any) They are few in an age like him -- may Jesus bless
him to all your precious souls & Cause him & you
all to rejoice together in the hope of that Glory that
shall be revealed O! dr. Mrs. Wheatly let us redeem
the time & seek Constantly & fervently for all that
Blessings of the new Covt., there are many & they
are all free -- let us take Care we have the Childrens
portion -- my heart often is with the dear american
Church O! We are but one body tho our Cloths [clothes] may
or rather our Ideas may be diffrent one Lord one hope of our Calling &
now I find myself engaged with these & for the
poor heathen in the Cause of Jesus Christ O! my
heart overflowes with love & prayer for you all & that
in such a manner that you all seem as my own
soul & tho I shall probably never see one of you
upon Earth we shall with peculier Joy meet in Glory proven to
Bliss Eternity bless our dear Immanual that in the faithfullof his love he has brought us safe thro a Hell of sin & sorrow
to sit down with him in his Kingdom remember your
poor unworthy unknown but Companion & friend in yr travels & in
the Kingdom & patience of Jesus Christ, I am a poor
frail servt. in his houshold but blessed be his name
he has regard to their low estate also -- to this love
& this the the faithfull regard of the saviours loveing heart
I Commend you, thanking you exceedingly for your
great Christian love shown to Mr Page who tho I
know little of believe to be an honest man & for
Christ sake would show him all kindness, Your little
Poetess remember me to her may the Lord keep her & hope
comfort her heart alive with the fire of that alter [altar] that
never goes out, & may all under your roof dwell
safe under the shadow of Jesus with great delight
Ever believing I am dr. Madam
Your obliged friend
in the Lord
College Wales
May 13 1773