My Lord

The Joyful occacion which has given
me this Confidence in Addressing your Lordship in the
inclosed peice will, I hope sufficiently apologize for
this freedom in an African who with the now hap-
py America exults with equal transport in the view
of one of its greatest advocates presiding with the
Special tenderness of a Fatherly Heart over that

Nor can they my Lord be insensible of the
Friendship so much exemplified in your Endeav-
ours in their blhalf [behalf] during the late unhappy Dis-

I sincerely wish your Lordship
all possible success in your Undertaking for the
Interest of north America

That the united blessings of Heaven & Earth
may attend you here and the endless Felicity of the --
invisible State in the presence of the divine Benefactor
may be your portion hereafter is the hearty Desire of

My Lord
Your Lordships
Most Obedient
H'ble Servant
Phillis Wheatley


Boston N.E. Octo. 10th. 1772