[Handwritten at top:]
Charles Austin died.
Aug 4th 1806
shot by a pistol
from the hand
of T O Selfridg[e]
[Inserted in a different hand:]
in self defence.
Tried and
Dec. 1806.
defended by C. Gore & Saml. Dexter
[Printed text of broadside:]
Liberty and Science mourn a promising and
favor Son.
Written by John Horace Nichols.
[First verse appears interspersed with musical notation:] Hark, hark
what means that solemn knell, The sad pomp and fun’ral parade. Hear the deep
sobs of sorrow, tell ye martyr’d
patr’ot Austin’s dead. Second Verse.
[Handwritten at bottom of page ] x Honestus – or Ben: Austin--an old fashiondd Jacobin.