John Cornuck Mate, Richard Smith
Robert Born Boatswain, & Henry Angel,
Thurstam, Rees Thomas, Joseph Drasey
belonging to the ship More Hampton make Oath; That,
July last, the second day after their departure from
Plymouth in
New England on their present Voyage
for this Place, appeared aboard the said Ship
a Negro Man that calls himself Pompey, and he being
Examined by their Comander John
Moffatt before them,
and asked who and whence he was, & why and how
he got there Replied; That he belonged to Mrs.
Cross, had Served Mr. Richard Trevit of
many years, had fled from a Shallop that apper=
-tained to the said Richard Trevit because of the
bad usage he had received from him, & that about
Twelve of the Clock in the night he Privately got
aboard the ship while she lay at Anchor, by means
of a Canon [cannon] that was then by the
Shoar [Shore] Side.
Witness their Hands
Jurant Coram me
Porto 7, Octobris 1724 --
We underwritten do certify yt. the behind Sign and
is of Mr. Robert Jackson
Consul of ye. British Factory
witness our Sign --
Porto ye.
9th. 8ber. 1724 --