An acct. of wt I
disbursed for my Servt Sylvanus
Warro negro.
1. To his Master yt I bought him off I
pd hand Maj:
Genll Gook
in. 5 years, -- 40. l. 0. b. 0 d
[l/b/d written above the line] as appears by his receite.
2. Wn he ran away from my Service in charges
=pended in finding of him & bringing of him to me & money
he stole then from mee & damage by ye Court he
orderd to pay me as by a Court ordr now prs
l3 l. 00. 0.
[l symbol written above line]
besides Court & prison Charge.
0. 07. 6.
for his bastard Child I pd --
12. 00.
ffor money he stole from me as by Cort ordr aprs.
20. 0. 0
This Sum by me disbursd & for him to pay
85. 7. 6.
This Negro ran away from my Service before he servd
me one year of ye eight wch he was to serve me &
carryed away
forty pounds of my Estate with him wch
md me to seek him up
but it would have been less loss to me to have lost
yt forty pounds
than eer to have sought him up any more.
An Acct of wt I
recevd in pt of
wh I disbursd &
wt sd Ne-
=gro was by ye Corts ordred to pay unto me
1. by 4 yrs & 3 qrs unfaithfull
Service --
20. l. 0. b. 0 d
[l/b/d appear above the line]
2. in pt of ye mony he stole
from me --
03. 5. 0
& of Pet: Manning --
0. 12. 0
3. Recevd of his Mastr. mr Jonath:
Wade --
26. 10. 0
this is all yt I received --
50. 07.
rest still due to me to ballance
accts --
35. 00. 6
witness myne hand this.
15. of decemb
Sworn in Court by Wm Parks
yt this is a true
Narrative, he owning yt Capt Wade hath now his sole
19. 10. 82.