CHARLESTOWN, (S. Carolina), October 4.

Saturday last, being the first of October, a number of
the principal mechanicks of this town, assembled
under some trees, in a field adjacent to the Rope-Walks,
in order to fix upon six gentlemen, to represent the inha-
bitants of this town, in the ensuing General Assembly;
which being concluded upon, they then partook of a de-
cent entertainment, which had been provided upon the
occasion; at five in the afternoon, they removed to a large
live-oak tree in Mr. Macyck's pasture, adjoining to
Christopher Gadsden's Esq; at the North end of the
town which they consecrated by the name of the TREE
OF LIBERTY; when the celebrated Liberty Song, so
much admired in America, with several others, were sung:
At dark, the tree was ornamented with 45 lights, sundry
sky-rockets and other fire-works were played off, and loy-
al and suitable toasts were given by a gentleman who
was chosen president, and drank by the company: At
eight in the evening, the company returned to town,
marching in regular order down Kingstreet, and Broad-
street, preceded by 45 of the number, each carrying a
lighted candle; and when they came opposite to the
house of his Honour the Lieutenant Governor, they drew
up before the door, and the President gave the toast of the
Massachusetts Ninety-Two, &c. which was followed by
three huzza's, from thence they proceeded on to Dillon's
tavern, before the door of which they also drew up, when
the President gave another toast, May the ensuing members
of assembly be unanimous, and never rescind from the reso-
lutions of the MASSACHUSETTS NINETY TWO, and
three huzza's were again given; then the whole com-
pany repaired to the long room in the said house, where
45 candles were placed on the table, and 92 glasses were
applied in resounding the voices of as many loyal and
respectable toasts, and at ten they broke up ; -- having
spend the day, and concluded the evening, in civil mirth
and jollity; -- without the least irregularity happening. --
On the contrary, the utmost respect was shewn to one a-
nother, attended with unanimity and concord, during the
whole proceeding, -- such as much certainly reflect honour
on the intention of their meeting, as well as to convince
the world of their steady and fixed determination to join,
upon all proper occasions in support of the glorious cause
of LIBERTY and their COUNTRY.