Messi'rs Green &
Please to insert the following, and you'll oblige one
of your constant Readers.
My Dear Countrymen,
YOU having been of late years insensibly drawn
into too great a degree of luxury & dissipa-
tion, not only in the West and
East-India pro-
ductions ; but likewise in the unnecessary super-
fluities of European, enumerated in a late Vote of
the Town of
Boston, with many others that I
cannot but think that the inhabitants of this and
most of the other colonies have the highest reason
to acknowledge their obligation to the Town of
Boston, for setting so laudable an example, as by
every prudent and legal measure, to encourage the
produce and manufactures of this province, and
to lessen every superfluous expence as much as
may be ; by these means, if possible, to prevent
the threatened loss of the whole medium of the
vince, partly by the remittances to
of the duties laid upon many of our imports,
and partly by the much larger export, thro' the
hands of our merchants, of our gold and silver, in
return for British commodities, many of which
are absolutely needless, and with great part of the
remainder we are indisputably capable of supplying
ourselves ; and tho' they are not so well
dress'd off
as those of Europe ; since they cost us nothing but
the labor of our head and hands, we ought with the
[utmost?] thankfulness to use
them, till our artists
shall become more skilfull ; in which we have the
shining examples of our mother country, and other
European states, at their respective commencement
of providing necessaries for themselves ; which all
are under as well a natural as moral obligation to
do, as far as in their power. -- We would hear-
tily, for this reason, recommend to every Farmer
the growth of Hemp and Flax, that the linen
nufactures may be especially promoted and encou-
raged by all ranks of people. -- Further, if we
may be excused, we think it our duty to add, the
most sincere recommendation of the disuse of the
most luxurious and enervating article of BOHEA
TEA, in which so large a sum is annually expended
by the American colonists altho' it may be well
supplied by the Teas of our own country, especi-
ally by that called the
Labrador, lately discovered
to be a common growth of the more northern co-
lonies, and esteemed very wholesome to the hu-
man species, as well as agreeable. --
Thus my countrymen, by consuming less of what
we are not really in want of, and by industriously
cultivating and improving the natural advantages
of our own country, we might save our substance,
even our lands, from becoming the property of o-
thers, and we might effectually preserve our virture
and our liberty, to the latest posterity. Blessings,
surely, which no man, while in the exercise of his
reason will contentedly part with, for a few fo-
reign trifles.
Save your Money, and save your Country !