BOSTON March 14.
of the Narraganset Tribe of Indians, on recei-
ving Information of the arrival of another Car-
go of that Cursed Weed TEA, immediately
Summoned his Council at the Great Swamp by
the River Jordan, who did Advise and Con-
sent to the immediate Destruction thereof, after
Resolving that the IMPORTATION of this Herb,
by ANY Persons whatever, was attended with per-
nicious Consequences to the Lives and Properties
of all his Subjects throughout
America. Orders
were then issued to their Seizor & Destroyer Gene-
ral, and their Deputies to assemble the executive
Body under their Command, to proceed directly
to the Place where the noxious Herb was. They
arrived last Monday Evening in Town, and find-
ing the Vessel, they emptied every Chest, into the
Great Pacific Ocean, and effectually Destroyed
the whole, (Twenty-eight Chests and an half.)
They are now returned to
Narragansett to make
Report of their doings to his
Majesty, who we hear
is determined to honour them with Commissions
for the Peace.