We hear from Weston in the County of Middlesex,
That on Monday Evening the 21st of Instant, a Num-
ber of People appeared before the House of Capt. Isaac
Jones, Innholder, in that Town, gave a loud Indian
WHOOP, and immediately went off without speaking
to any Person in the Houses -- That on Monday Night
last between nine and ten o'clock, a Number of Persons,
supposed near one hundred again appeared there, and
Capt. Jones having that Morning gone a Journey to
Uxbridge, they fell to breaking the Windows of the
House stove in all in the lower Rooms, and then the
Chamber, Mrs. Jones was then in Bed with a young
Infant, having lain in about three Weeks, the Windows
of her Room did not escape but she lay exposed to the
Inclemency of the Weather, it being rainy, two Hours :
-- Near 30 of the People entered disguised with Paints,
Paper Vissages, &c. -- and ransacked the whole House
from Cellar to Garret, without breaking down any
Part excepting two Pannels of a Partition : Being asked
what they were in Search of, they said, Jones, and
would have him ; but being told he was gone a Journey,
they made free with the Bottles of Liquor in the Cellar,
as also the Liquors that were in the Bar-Room breaking
or carrying off the Bowls, Mugs, &c. also about 100
Lemons, and half a Casks of Raisins : -- Several of them
were known by the People in the House and called to
by Name, when they went off. -- Several other Circum-
stances upon this Discovery, our Informant supposes
will be given when a Particular Account is taken.

A Military Watch was thought necessary, accord-
ingly the Colonel ordered one from the Militia in
Weston, to be every Night.

Capt. Jones purchased Tea at Albany last Winter,
not subject to a Duty, and had retailed it out, which
is said to be the Cause of this Resentment against him.