BOSTON, December 2, 1773

WHEREAS it has been reported that a Permit will be given by
the Custom-House for Landing the Tea now on Board a Vessel
laying in this Harbour, commanded by Capt. HALL: THIS is
to remind the Publick, That it was solemnly voted by the
Body of the People of this and the neighbouring Towns assembled at the
Old-South Meeting-House on Tuesday the 30th Day of November, that
the said Tea never should be landed in this Province, or pay one Farthing
of Duty: And as the aiding or assisting in procuring or granting any
such Permit for landing the said Tea or any other Tea so circumstanced,
or in offering any Permit when obtained to the Master or Commander of
the said Ship, or any other Ship in the same Situation, must betray an
inhuman Thirst for Blood, and will also in a great Measure accelerate Con-
fusion and Civil War: This is to assure such public Enemies of this Coun-
try, that they will be considered and treated as Wretches unworthy to live,
and will be made the first Victims of our just Resentment.


N.B. Captain Bruce is arrived laden with the same detestable Commo-
dity; and 'tis peremptorily demanded of him, and all concerned, that
they comply with the same Requisitions.