We hear that there was held two or three
evenings ago, an assembly of Ladies of the
first quality, in a very respectable alley in
Town, who have not wore ribbons for many
years past, and who thro' a resolution to
ecourage to the most of their Power the
manufactures of this country, have made
spinning their only employment, and drink
nothing at their meetings but New England
Rum, the best part of their lives ; and the
patriotism of the above Ladies is more illus-
trious and worthy of imitation, as Rum is
the principal and almost only manufacture
of this country--except a few shoes,
40,000) made annually at Lynn, and salt-
fish, which we would recommend to the La-
dies who are desirous of following the ex-
ample of the above patriots, as the best thing
they can take morning and evening by way
of bread and butter with the home manufac-
ture substituted to that pernicious and ener-
vating thing called Tea. In order to encou-
rage those that are willing to follow the above
example we have the pleasure to inform our
Readers that a very patriotic gentleman in
the Town has written over his chimney-piece
the following words, No Tea, but as much
New-England Rum as you please.
We are assured from very good Autho-
rity, that there were made at Shirley within
the last Year no less than forty thousand
Watches, which will convince the Cavillers
against the List of Proscribed Articles that it
was not without good grounds that that ne-
cessary Implement for 'em of Business was
numbered among the Articles not to be im-
ported, when we can make it so easily our
selves: Nay we may perhaps next Year send
Watches to
Europe, and how much beter
a Return will they be than Salt fish, Skins,
and Boards.
If the True Patriot or any one else doubts
of this, or attempts to assert the contrary in
order to deceive the ignorant, we will in the
next Paper, to silence these wretched Cavil-
lers, give an account of the Workmen, and
how many Watched each of 'em makes in a