AMERICUS ( in the
New-York Papers ) writes
to all whom it may concern in the several Pro-
vinces in
North-America, that as we are hindred from
making Remittances home to our Mother-Country,
for Goods imported from thence, and as we cannot
do without Woolen Cloths, Blankets, Stockings, &c.
he would earnestly recommend that a large Bounty
be granted upon Sheep's Wool, a Fund to be raised
therefore yearly by Lottery, to be continued for seven
Years, and That all Sheep be freed from Taxes, du-
ring that Time ; by which Means there would be a
great Plenty of that valuable Article among us ; and
no doubt we shall soon have a sufficiency of Labourers
from Home, Masters of every Branch of the Manu-
facture, glad to get their Bread abroad, since every
Branch of that Manufacture must greatly diminish
there, while we are disabled to make Remittances as
formerly, for the immense Quantities of Woolen
Goods, which have been heretoforere, and might
still imported among us.
A PATRIOT ( in the last New-York Gazette )
seconds the above, and adds -- " Most assured-
ly our Ease and Opulence absolutely depends on our
being able to raise and supply ourselves with Raiment,
Food and Drink. While these are in Plenty among
us, foreign Trade, Diamonds or precious Metals are
more Superflities. And if we neglect providing our-
selves, tho' amply furnished with the Means,
Trade, Gold or Silver will make us rich as easy, --
Can the Peruvians, Mexicans, or Spaniards be said
to be rich? -- No, Want and Wretchedness is every
where stalking about ; while
England and
China and
Japan, enjoy the greatest Affluence : Not
from their Mines,
England and
Holland have none ;
nor their foreign Trade, for
China and
Japan des-
pise it ; but their Industry and Manufactories, make
them the richest People upon Earth -- Let none
therefore repine at the Loss of our Foreign Trade,
but every one in their Station zealously endeavour
promote the Produce and Manufactures of his Coun-
try ; then shall Opulence and Independence succeed
to our present gloomy Fears. And we shall date our
Happiness from the Year 1764." The Patriot adds
the Following P. S. I am certainly informed that
many of the most considerable Gentlemen in this City
[New-York] are determined to wear the Manufac-
tures of the Country, and to encourageethe
Use of
whatever is our own Produce. It is earnestly hoped,
that every Lover of their Country will follow their
laudable Example.