Anno Regni
Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ
Q U A R T O.

At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster,
the Nineteenth Day of May, Anno Dom. 1761,
in the First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of
God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith, &c.

And from thence continued by several Prorogations to the Fif-
teenth Day of November, 1763, being the Third Session of
the Twelfth Parliament of Great Britain.

GR [coat of arms of King George III]

L O N D O N:
Printed by Mark Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent
Majesty ; and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett. 1764.

Anno quarto
Georgii III. Regis.

An Act to prevent Paper Bills of Credit,
hereafter to be issued in any of His Ma-
jesty’s Colonies or Plantations in America,
from being declared to be a legal Ten-
der in Payments of Money ; and to pre-
vent the legal Tender of such Bills as are
now subsisting, from being prolonged be-
yond the Periods limited for calling in and
sinking the same.

[Side-note: Preamble]
WHEREAS great Quantities
of Paper Bills of Credit have
been created and issued in
His Majesty's Colonies or Plan-
tations in America, by virtue
of Acts, Orders, Resolutions,
or Votes of Assembly, making
and declaring such Bills of
Credit to be legal Tender in
Payments of Money : And whereas such Bills of
Credit have greatly depreciated in their Value, by
Means whereof Debts have been discharged with a
much less Value than was contracted for, to the
great Discouragement and Prejudice of the Trade
and Commerce of His Majesty's Subjects , by occa-
sioning Confusion in Dealings, and lessening Credit
in the said Colonies or Plantations: for Remedy
whereof, May it please Your most Excellent Majesty,
that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the
King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Ad-
vice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem-
poral, and Commons, in this present Parliament as-
sembled, and by the Authority of the same, That
[Side-note: After 1 Sept.
1764, all fu-
ture Acts of
Assembly, &c.
for creating,
&c. Paper
Bills of Cre-
dit, declaring
them to be a
legal Tender
in Payment
of Money;

from and after the First Day of September, One
thousand seven hundred and sixty four, no Act, Order,
Resolution, or Vote of Assembly, in any of His Ma-
jesty's Colonies or Plantations in America, shall be
made, for creating or issuing any Paper Bills, or
Bills of Credit of any Kind or Denomination what-
soever, declaring such Paper Bills, or Bills of Cre-
dit, to be legal Tender in Payment of any Bar-
gains, Contracts, Debts, Dues, or Demands what-
soever; and every Clause or Provision which shall
[Side-note: are void]
hereafter be inserted in any Act, Order, Resolution,
or Vote of Assembly, contrary to this Act, shall be
null and void.

Anno Regni quarto Georgii III. Regis.

And whereas the great Quantities of Paper Bills,
or Bills of Credit, which are now actually in Cir-
culation and Currency in several Colonies or Plan-
tations in America, emitted in pursuance of Acts of
Assembly declaring such Bills a legal Tender, make it
highly expedient that the Conditions and Terms,
upon which such Bills have been emitted, should not
be varied or prolonged, so as to continue the legal
Tender thereof beyond the Terms respectively fixed
by such Acts for calling in and discharging such Bills;
be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
[Side-note: as are also all
Acts, &c.
which shall be
made to pro-
long the legal
Tender of
such Bills now
subsisting, be-
yond the Pe-
riods limited
for calling in
and sinking
the same.

every Act, Order, Resolution, or Vote of Assembly, in
any of the said Colonies or Plantations, which shall
be made to prolong the legal Tender of any Paper
Bills, or Bills of Credit, which are now subsisting
and current in any of the said Colonies or Planta-
tions in America, beyond the times fixed for the
calling in, sinking, and discharging of such Paper
Bills, or Bills of Credit, shall be null and void.

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
[Side-note: Governor,
giving his As-
sent to any
such Act, for-
feits 1000 l.
and is incapa-

That if any Governor or Commander in Chief for
the time being, in all or any of the said Colonies
or Plantations, shall, from and after the said First
Day of September, One thousand seven hundred and
sixty four, give his Assent to any Act or Order of
Assembly contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of
this Act, every such Governor or Commander in Chief
shall, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum
of One thousand Pounds, and shall be immediately
dismissed from his Government, and for ever after
rendered incapable of any public Office or Place of

Provided always, That nothing in this Act shall
[Side-note: This Act
not to alter or re-
peal the
Act 24 Geo. II.

extend to alter or repeal an Act passed in the Twenty
fourth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King
George the Second, intituled, An Act to regulate and

restrain Paper Bills of Credit in His Majesty's Colonies
or Plantations of Rhode Island and Providence Planta-
tions, Connecticut, the Massachusets Bay, and New Hamp-
in America and to prevent the same being legal
Tenders in Payments of Money.

[Side-note: nor to make
any Bills now
subsisting a le-
gal Tender.

Provided also, That nothing herein contained shall
extend, or be construed to extend, to make any of
the Bills now subsisting in any of the said Colonies
a legal Tender.

F I N I S.