Halifax January the 13th [1783]
I must be void of that tender Sensibility
and fillial affection which I owe you if I did
Embrace thiss opportunity of writing you a few
Lines. Sorry am I for the Dissagreable Subject
I must in duty mention thou the melancholy
news has perhaps Reached you Ere thiss, heaven
has seen fitt to deprive you of a
Beloved Son that Promised
by his many good accomplishments to be an honor
to his faimily & a blessing to Society in
[His] Death is much Lamented by all his
[and?] most Sincerely Regretted by us & wee feel with
you a Tender Simpathy of Soul in thiss Severe
Loss. happy should I be to Pour in one Cordial
Drop to Smoothe & alleviate your Grief. But my
Dear madam you have that which alone Can
Support the true Christian under Every Trial
which is the never failing aid of Sweet Religion.
be Comforted then under thiss Severe Stroke
& in the Dictates of
infinite wisdom that
does not afflict willing & may you & yours
meet & Recognize Each other in the happy
of Eternal Day is my Sincere whish.
I Wrote you before I Left
New york which I
hope came Safe to hand & may thiss find you
Enjoying as much health as it now Leaves me.
thiss Climate agrees better with my Constitution
then the Southwar'd. But my Little Boy
is in a bad state of health & has bin so for a Long Time.
But wee hope the change of air & Climate will
yet restore his health god grant it may.
Mr. Bliss desires his [k ]ind Regards to you &
Compliments to the Doct. & Lady with mine allso
& to Mr. White & Lady & & to my
good Mr. & Mrs. S [ . . . ]
& all friends att
haverhill & that
wee shall be
happy allways to hear from you & them & hope
too Soon as my situation will not permitt me
to write thiss Same time you must not impute
to neglect
Respect your Ever affectionate Daughter
[Subscription (recipient's name at foot of page)] Mrs Harrod