United States Senate
Office of the Democratic Leader
Washington D.C.
July 28, 1955

Dear Lev:

The thought of you toting a calf into the barn on
a jeep shot so much juice into me that I decided to answer
your letter myself. It is time that I stopped being lazy and
went ahead to correspond with my really close friends.

I have been sitting up, reading the newspapers,
listening to the radio and watching television. But, I haven't
seen anything on the television screen like Leverett Salton-
stall confronted with two calves. You had better come on
down and visit me in Texas where we take such things in our

I certainly am grateful for your splendid letters
which meant so much to me when I was ill. Anytime you
have a few minutes and can come out to the hospital, just
give my office a call and I will be mighty happy to have a
good talk with my Yankee friend.

Sincerely yours,
Lyndon B. Johnson

[Subscription (recipient's name and address at foot of page)]
Honorable Leverett Saltonstall
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.