On Sunday the 2d day of November 1735
Mr. Samuel Waldo arrived at St. Georges who on his
coming understood the Indians were desirous of seeing
him and in a day or two some of the Indians coming to
the Truckhouse were informed that Mr. Waldo was there
and should be glad to shake hands with any of the Indians
accordingly on Tuesday the 11th instant a considerable
number of Indians whose names are as followeth with
a considerable number of Squaws & children came to the
Truckhouse and desired to see Mr. Waldo who accordingly
went to the Truck house where he found the Indians and
they went into the house and came & shook hands with him
he told them he was very glad to see so many of their
tribe and principal men together and hoped we should always
continue to be good friends, he also told them that in the
spring of the year he had been down in these parts where he
mett a considerable number of their People who were desirous to
be informed of his intention to settle these parts when he had
told them that he was come in order to settle upon some lands which
he & a number of Gentlemen held by a purchase from Madocka
wando their former Sachem and owner of these Lands which he
had in some measure done and others were coming down to do
the Like and then had their was very much encouraged in the
affair by the hearty desire their people then showed to the Settlement
upon which Capt. Loron said that those People who were in the Spring
were but afew of their tribe and had no order to act or do any thing
but that they were now the whole tribe and not only acted for themselves but
for all the tribe around about but could not consent that the
purchase of Madockawando was good or that he had any right to sell
their Lands upon which Mr. Waldo acquainted them that all
History spoke of him as the Sagamore and at the Treaty held at
Falmouth by Lt. Gov. Dummer the Same Deed was shown to them
and then insisted on to be apurchase as well as aformer Settlement
and therefore he should go on to settle these parts and hoped they
should be good neighbors & friend they Desired some little time

to be together when We Left them and retired they came in a small
time and desired that he would come again that they had something
to say and then Loren said that they had never consented that the
english should go up any further then the flowing of the water but
that his people were going beyond up the falls into the Country but hoped
they would desist and go no further. He then told them that at the
spring the indians only desired him not to go over the Mill
river which he had consented to and ordered all his houses
to the Westward of that river but would not be able to fulfill
his engagements with the people if he was to go no further than
the falls for he had Actually urged a number of familys to
come and settle these Lands who were now come down with him
he also told them that he might not only settle here but as well
as far as Penobscott river if he insisted on his rights but he had contented
himself for the present with only this river and therefore hoped he
nor his people should meet with any hindrance from them but
if they should endeavor to hinder or obstruct his people in their
Lawfull calling they must expect that they would not stand still
and see themselves wrong by any one but on the contrary they should
find the people always willing and ready to give them all their
assistance and be kindly treated if they would do the like upon which
they desired some further discourse among themselves and after
a few minutes acquainted Mr. Waldo that they hoped that as they
went up the river that they would not go over to the Eastward
of the Mill he told them that they should build along by the river
side up to the head of it which they approved of and consented to and
hoped as they were now come to settle among them that they would
be good friends and neighbors to one another and said that their
consent to the Settlement was very in order to have afriendly good [understanding?]
between them and desired that when any of their Indians came att peas
hunting and were weary & tired that they might find shelter in
the houses if they behaved well but if they come there drunk they hoped
they would not show them any kindness but run them out of Doors
what they said would be pleasing to them Mr. Waldo told them
his people should have a day to do as they desired and if at any time their dogs should kill any of their Sheep or
cattle they must expect to pay for them, and if they could not
find the owner of such dog they must expect they should be killed
all which they consented to and showed a great deal of content
Mr. Waldo then Acquainted them that he should erect a grist mill
on the Same river with the Saw mill which would be of great
advantage in grinding their Corn all which should be grinded
without paying any toll upon which they all expressed their
thankfulness for it and consented to a Mill house and
one other for the Person who should tend the same to be erected
on the eastern side of the river but hoped that would not be as the
Custom of the english that afterward they expected to see a great
many men and were very merry upon it. He then shook hands
with them and told them he had some small present for their
tribe which they should have and distribute among themselves they
thanked him for his favour to them and then said they now
supposed as he had got from them all he desire that they should see
him no more upon which they all seemed very merry but he told
them not so, he hoped to see them many times after this and then
shook hands with their principall men and then took his leave
wishing them well.


Mr. Samel. Waldo's
Interview with
the Indians