Boston April 17th, 1735
Dear Child,
I Knew not of Capt. Sanders departure
yesterday til some hours after he was gone
so had no opportunity to write you by him and
this moment Mr.
Sparrhawk tells me the
Sloop with Men and Provisions for
Georges will
Sail in a few minitts so cannot inlarge nor
Write Mr. Waldo
as fully purposed. This day I
attended the General Court more than Usual
or else had not been Surprized if the Sloop
does not depart til the morning. I Shall Write
Mr. Waldo to
whom my hearty and Sincere Regards
Mr. Sherley
I understand has write him.
The Several things you mentioned are on
Board and I hope will Reach you Safe
except the line which Mr. Fairfield
thought best not to Send til you come and
see several Sorts lately made Use of for
Fishing. His Young Man with the help
of a carpenter can make a Wooden Skreen
or Two Thatt will doe for the
Your Sister Phillips was Safe
delivered of a
fine Son on the
fifth Instant, both She and
the Babee thro Gods
Goodness both welle.
I hope notwithstanding the mean Attempts
to defeat Mr.
Waldo and yours you will proceed.
Least I miss the opportunity.
Your Mother Joynes me in our kind
-brance to you, She in an especial Manner
thinks your absence of a long Continuance.
Your Sisters give their kind love to you.
I shall not take time to assure you
I am your Loving
and Affectionate
I shall Send Mr.
account of his Pork by next
My Service to the Capt.
Mr. Noyes
and Lt.
[This page also contains a note wrrtten in pencil indicating the author, recipient, and date of the letter.]