
We arrived at St. Georges River on Saturday
last have had a smart Season till this day which is grown
very moderate and to morrow Mr. Martyn who has Liberty from
Capt. Gyles to be dismised enters into pay and will proceed
upon the business making all possible dispatch intending
this day to go into the Woods for our Timber. Capt. Gyles very
willingly came in to dismiss him as far as lay in his power
to do & promised to write the Govr. concerning it, he seems to
be very Courteous & affable and upon my giving him Mr.
Waldoes letter offered me all the accomodations that the
garison afforded. We have cleared out the Block house where
our stores are all lodged and is a convenient place.

I am apt to think Mr. Waldo must procure Jos. Bane to
come here & settle or at least for sometime att the beginning and
if he could possibly bring him when he comes down it would be
of very singular service, the men has cut about three
hundred & fifty cord of wood which is more than We shall be
able to burn this summer and I have dismissed them from
that work and entered them into pay at Six pounds per Month.
John Williams has sent a note to his Wife for a small sum which he
says he wants very much. You have here inclosed an account of
what things are necessary to come down by the sloop, and I should
have wrote Mr. Waldo if I thought he was there but I expect
before the Sloop reaches Boston he will be on his journey hither
if not I would desire my service may be given to him. Mr. Noyes
presents his service to you and My mother and I shall not enlarge any

more at this time but to give my Duty to my mother love
to my Sisters & all friends and Subscribe myself

Your Dutifull Son,
Middelcott Cooke

St. Georges
March 11th 1725


P.S. I shall want some linnen caps.


Middlecott Cooke
Letter from Georges
to his Father
March 11th 1735