Voyage to Georges

A Journal of a voyage to the
Eastward on board the Massachusetts
Thomas Sanders Master --
We sailed from the harbour of Boston
on Thursday the fifth day of September
A.D. 1734 at twelve aClock at noon with a
small gale at West but the Wind coming
to the Southeast before we reached
Castle Island, and the Tide of ebbing
making down we soon galed to broad sound
and towards evening the Wind coming
to the South West we came up with
Cape Ann at eight-aclock at night
having a pleasant gale all night. we
continued our Course and the next day
being Friday about twelve aClock we
saw the Island of Seguin which lyes at the
Mouth of the River Kenebeck and at about
sun down We reached as far as a place called
Fidlers reach which is just at the entrance
of the long reach but the ebbing coming
down & the Wind failing we was obliged to
lay there that night. Saturday morning
the Wind came to the Northeast with rain
and at nine of the clock in the morning we
came to sail and turned up the River as far
as Swan Island about three Miles below

Richmond Fort where we came to Anchor
at eight at night and the next day being
the Lords day at twelve aClock we came
to sail & reached the Fort at three aclock
afternoon. We went ashore and heard
Mr. Parker preach Monday being avery
pleasant day they sloop [ keeping?] unladed
the sloop of what was for that garison
Mr. Parker & I went down the river
afishing killed some few fish which they
call Carp and the next day being
Tuesday at Nine of the clock in the
morning we came to sail in order
to proceed down river but the Wind but
very small & contrary we could not
reach father down then the chops
of Merrymeeting bay the tide of Flood
coming in we anchored in the Cove
by the Fort built at the entrance of
the bay where We were saluted by
the discharge of three Cannon. We then
answered them from the Vessell with
the same number and in the evening Capt.
Sanders & my self went ashore at the
Desire of Mr. Drummond who came on
board the sloop & welcomed us there, this
Fort stands upon apoint of land just as you
enter the bay is about Fifty foot square built
with good square timber and twelve feet high high with two watch boxes, and the next
morning at the making down of the ebb we
came to sail with avery pleasant gale
we got down as far as Arowsick Island by
Two afternoon where we went ashore and
saw a Company of Men consisting of about Sixty
mustered under the command of Capt. Samel.
Denny the Men performed the service well
tarried there all night the Wind blowing
very hard but the Wind abating the next
morning at nine aClock We came to sail
with the Wind at South got to the Mouth
of the River and met with avery large Swell
and the Wind abating still more we met with some
difficulty to get out but the tide making
out down strong We Wore the Vessell the swell
hindring her from coming to stays and then we
proceeded to Georges River the Wind
breezing up again We passed by the Island
of Damaris Cove & some others called the
Hippocrite at two aClock came up with
Pemmequid and the Wind abating came up
thick with rain the Vessell still gliding along
at Four we came up with got to Franklin Island
which is one of Georges Island when the rain
being over the Wind springing up again with
apleasant gale we came up with pleasant
point and the Flood still running up we
got to the Fort at eight aClock at night which Fort stands upon ahead of land
Fronting down the river about ten Miles
from pleasant point which makes the
rivers mouth. We went ashore that night
and the next day being Friday I walked
with Mr. Martyn & Capt. Sanders to the
place where they digg the stones out of the
quarry in order to make lime Viewed the
hill they spread about Five acres or
thereabouts and is but a small distance
from the bank of the River which is very
steep and they have build two kilnes
to burn the stones in with a Small
wharffe. Saturday was foul weather
the next day being the Lords day We heard
the service performed by Mr. Seabomb
[The following two and a half lines were added inbetween the preceeding three lines:] In the morning came to the Fort some
Indians Ekeguet John Hart etc. Went away on Monday
on which day
Monday I walked up to aplace called
Lewis point and went around the same
marked aplace very convenient to place
akilne at it is apoint of Land within gun
shott of the Fort with aVery good cove
to lay aVessell in the bank much easier
to cart down then where they now cart
and the Woods almost clear for acart way
there is a pleasant place to build ahouse
on at that point where is aspring of Water
alwayes running. the next day in the morning
it rained hard but toward the evening cleared
away. Wednesday in the morning We went
up the river in the boat and landed at landed at the lime kilne and so came
down by Land Viewing the hill of Stones
and aplace convenient to make aroad to
Lewis's point where the Land has avery
small declivity about aquarter of aMile
in the afternoon came some Indians to the
Fort viz Ferremogus Skinner, John Hart
some quaws children towards evening they
towed the sloop down about a Mile and
at nine aclock Capt. Sanders Mr. Noyes
and I went on board and the next morning
at sun rise we came to sail with a small
gale of Wind at North east passed down the
river at which is aVery streight and pleasant
riverone the channel running thro the
Middle about aquarter of a Mile Wide
when we come as far as pleasant point the
Wind almost lost the tide of ebb making
down the Vessell gliding along got out as
far as Franklins Island, where we took the
boat and Went ashore this Island lies
on the Starboard side of the going into
Georges River is aSmall round Island full
of small Firr Trees no Wind all the afternoon
We lay driving about just with this Island Island took severall Cod fish and at night
grew very foggy and little or no wind. We
stood off on the shore till morning not
being able to make the going in to Pemequid
the next day in the morning we made
the point of Pemmequid very foggy and
little or no wind and at eleven aclock
We anchored in the cove close to the