To the Kinges Most Excellent Matie

The humble petition of John Leverett:

That your petr upon the takeing of severall fforts from the French in Nova Scotia and
coast of Accadie in America was left to command and keepe them in the yeare 1654 in wch
service your petr for the payment of Souldiers & Seamen runn out his Estate & credit to severall
Thousands of pounds, for which in the yeares 1656 & 1658 upon the Auditeing of his Accompts
recd Two Privie Seales for Payment out of the Exchequer of which sumes there remaine
due unto him £3799 7s. 4d. whereby your petr hath ben diverted in the way of his calling
& occasiondd to remove his habitation to the allmost ruineing of him and his family.

And for as much as the moneyes were Expended for the Takeing of a country which
is an Addition to your Maties Dominions and by ymprovement may at present be some
Addition of Revennue, and for future may increase.

Wherefore your petr doth humbly pray yor Majties Gracious favour in affordeing
him releife either by your Royall Gracious Order for the money due, or by granting
to him the said Country for Terme of yeares, or such part thereof to him & his heires
forever as may be a just compensation for his disbursments; And for the
better satisfacton of your Majtie in the Justice and Equitie of your petrs desires
he doth farther pray that your Matie will please to referr the consideration
of your petrs case to the Rt. Honoble Comtee of your Maties privie Councell,
to whome the consideration of the buisines of Nova Scotia is referred, or
to whome yor Matie shall in yor Royal Wisdome see meete.

And your petitioner shall pray &c.

Leveretts petition to the King