To Capt. Nathan Fuller you are
hereby Directed to Collect all the Cattle
horses Excepted and Sheep brought off from
Noddle Island yesterday and this Day
and proceed with them to head Quarters
unless you Receive Counter orders from
the General and proceed with Caution
and not Drive hard as the Sheep are
Very Much Worried in geting from the
Island. Taking forty five min for your
Escort - May the 30 1775

Ephrm. Doulittle Coll.

A True Copy
Attest Nathan Fuller

these Certifie that we the Subscribers
Did collect all the Cattle and Sheep that we could find above
mentioned on the Said 30th Day of May 1775 and
Delivered the Same at head Quarters in Cambridge
and Never new what became of them

Nathan Fuller} Capt. and

John George} Liet. at that time

NB We also Remember that there ware
a Number of horses Brought off Said Island
But we are not Permitted to Take the Charge
off but we are left with the party that Stayed Still
under Col Doulittle's Comand


No 3
Messr. Fuller & George Certificate
[Further down page:]


Colo.Nathan Fullers'
Testimony Consarning
Stocks - 1775