Cambridge Aprl. 17 1776--

These may Cartify all whome it may Concarn, that on the 21 Day of Aprl.
1775 two Days after ye Battle of Lexington; I saw Mr. Williams of Noddles Island in
Boston & that after some Conoversation with him setting forth my Concern how
I should git out of town, Expecting every minute that I should be sent for; to go Down
to that Castle - he told me that he would Carry me over to Noddles Island if I would
Resque it that he would Do the same for ye good of his Country; And am Sure that
if we had been taken Crossing of water must have been confind. to this Day, or otherway
more severly punished. that I owe my Escape intirely to Mr. Williams as all other
Communication to ye Country was stopd. And that the Very next morning after; A
party of men & Boat was sent after me And Serchd. my house & Shop to find
me - that after we got to ye Isand Mr. Williams ordered one of his men to Carry me over
to Chelsea by which means I am now in Cambridge - And that a few Days after I got into
Cambridge sent to Mr. Williams Desiring him to Send my millitary Books & plans as also all my
instruments which ye Army stood in great Need of. And Could not Do without. All
which Mr. Williams Sent me tho it was Done at ye Risque of Every thing that is Dear
And informd. me that he was ready to save me or his Country in any thing that he Could
I know of but few men if Any in American that would have taken such Risques they
being in his their situation (on an Island Surounded by men of war)- Mr. Williams Complaynd.
to me of the Ill treatment he Recd. from the Enemy that his family had been abused
And his Interest taken from him & Recd. nothing therefor and that his situation was
Dredfull- That he wished his Interest was off the Island and himself in the

William Burbeck
Lieut. Colo. Artillery


No. 13.
Col. Burbeck's


Cpl. Burbeck's Certficate