Washington, Nov. 20, 1863
[Name of recipient:] Hon. Edward Everett.
My dear Sir:
Your kind note of to-day is received. In our
respective parts yesterday, you could not have been excused
to make a short address, nor I a long one. I am pleased
to know that, in your judgment, the little I did say was
not entirely a failure. Of course I knew Mr. Everett
would not fail; and yet, while the whole discourse was
eminently satsfactory, and will be of great value, there were
passages in it which trancended my expectation. The point
made against the theory of the general government being
only an agency, whose principals are the states, was new
to me, and, as I think, is one of the best arguments for
the national supremacy. The tribute to our noble women
for their angel-ministering to the suffering soldiers, sur-
passes, in its way, as do the subjects of it, whatever has
gone before.
Our sick boy, for whom you kindly inquire, we hope is
past the worst.
Rec. 21 Nov. 1863