Surgeon Dentist.

Informs the public, that he practices in all the branches, with improvements. [i.e.] Trais-
plants both live and dead Teeth with greater conveniency, and gives less pain than heretofore
practiced in Europe or America :---Sews up Hare Lips ;---Cures Ulcers ;---Extracts Teeth and
stumps or roots with ease ;---Reinstates Teeth and Gums, that are much depreciated by nature,
carelessness, acids, or corroding medicine ;---Fastens those Teeth that are loose ; (unless wast-
ed at the roots) regulates Teeth from their first cutting to prevent feavers and pain in Chil-
dren ;---Assists nature in the extension of the jaws, for the beautiful arrangement of the second
Sett and preserves them in their natural whiteness entirely free from all scorbutic complaints---
and when thus put in order, and his directions followed, (which are simple) he engages that
the further care of a Dentist will be wholly unnecessary ;---Eases pain in Teeth without draw-
ing ;---Stops bleeding in the gums, jaws or arteries ;---Lines and plumbs teeth with virgin
GOLD, FOIL, or LEAD ;---Fixes Gold Roofs and Palates, and artificial Teeth of any quality,
without injury to and independent of the natural ones, greatly assisting the pronunciation and
the swallow, when injured by natural, or other defects. -- A room for the practice with
every accomodation at his house, where may be had Dentifices Tinctures, Teeth and Gum
Brushes, Mastics, &c. warranted approved and adapted to the various ages and circumstan-
ces :-- Also Chew-sticks, particularly useful in cleansing the fore Teeth and preserving a natural
and beautiful whiteness ; which Medicine and Chew-sticks are to be sold wholesale and re-
tail, that they may be more extensively usefull.

Dr. FLAGG, has a method to furnish those Ladies and Gentlemen, or Children with
artificial Teeth, Gold Gums, Roofs, or Palates, that are at a distance and cannot attend him

CASH Given
for Handsome and Healthy Live TEETH,
At No. 47, Newbury-Street, BOSTON, (1796.)

Flagg, to use his DENTIFICES,
or TINCTURES, (viz.) Use Cold
Water, and a Brush, every day after
rubbing the Gums hard with your
finger, to make them bleed what you can: rinse them
clean with Cold Water, holding the water in your mouth
untill the keenness of the air is off before you apply it to
your teeth : After which use with the Brush the war-
ranted and approved Antiscorbutic [handwritten (following word)] Tincture
But not rinse it off for some time : -- It may be used
every day for the first week or ten days, and once or twice
a week afterwards at discretion : -- When once in
good order, there is no further need of a DENTIST or
Medicine. [ handwritten (remainder of text)] -N.B. Fear not the stiffness
of the brush;- and if your Tincture
is too potent for the Gums, add to it
Port Wine to your likeing; But
not mix the whole in the vial. --

Josiah Flagg

[Subscription (recipient's name at foot of page)] To Mr. J. Green

May, 1800