A Plan of the Town of
Pitsfield [Pittsfield] in the County taken in
Obedience to a Resolve of the General Court
June 26 th 1794. The South line of this Town is 2111
rods in Length, the East Line is 1897 Rods long, the
North Line in the whole is 2048 Rods & y e whole of the West
line is 1892 Rods in length: This Town was intended
to be & perhaps is in a Square Form. The very Steap [Steep]
mountains near the Northwest Corner may make a Difference
in measuring the Lines. The original plan of this Town, one of which we had
taken 34 years since set forth
the Town as a Square & the point from the South West Corner
[as?] running East 19º South, but in running the same Line
at this period & setting the compass so as to Stroke the Northwest corner
of the Town of
Lenox which is in y e South Line of
Pitsfield [Pittsfield] & 684 Rods from
our Southwest Corner. The line was found to run
E 16º.15’ South. The Lines at each Corner are at
Right Angles & y e [Ancient?] Boundaries
& marked Trees are yet remaining. Pitsfield [Pittsfield] by Estimation on the
Rout [Route] through
is 140 Miles from
Boston. The
Meeting House 6 miles & a half from
Lenox Courthouse,
Ousatonick [Housatonic] River
at its Entrance on the East Side of said Town is 6 rods wide & on the Side
of the Town were it crosses the Line
it is 8 rods wide-. There are five ponds that lye [lie] wholly
in Pitsfield and two others part of one of w ch is in Lanesborough & of
y e other in Richmond
which we estimate as
Godrich [Goodrich] Pond at 50
Ensign at 40
Vanschaacks 40
Rathburn 45
West Pond 520
N o Pond 300
S o Pond 80
We know no
Mines or Minerals
in y e Town.-
The Ore used
here is brought
from Richmond
This survey
was taken in the
Months of Nov. & Dec.
AD 1794. The
Dotted Lines
represent y e
County Roads
[Green?] Lines the
Streams & Rivers
over which are
Bridges where y e
Roads cross them
the Bridges over
y e
Ousatonick [Housatonic] River
are five in
Dec. 8th 1794.
{J C Williams
{O V Root
{Jim Larned
{Nath l
{Eli Root