Chicago, Ill. Dec. 19th 1903


Mr. S. Cabot
Boston, Mass.

Dear Mr. Cabot

I am very much pleased with your telegram and with the fact that Americans have been the first to produce a successful flying machine.

There are yet no good accounts that I have seen of the Wright apparatus. It is like their 1902 machine, but larger, being 40 ft 4 in across by 6 ft 6 in wide, and two surfaces 6 ft 2 in across. It is provided with a 10 Horsepower motor, by the side of the aviator, and 2 screw propellers 8 ft 6 in in diameter in the rear. A pair of sleds take [the] shock on landing. It is started by resting the center on a rolling platform which runs upon a single plank set edgewise and shod with iron; men running at the side and keeping the machine evenly balanced. The enclosed rough sketch will give you the idea.

I had a telegram from the sister of Messrs Wright on 17th
"Boys report four successful flights today from level
against 21 mile wind. Average speed through air 31 miles.
Longest flight 57 seconds."

At 30 miles per hour the resistance was computed at 92 Lts. At 40 miles an hour, 121 Lts. The thrust of the propellers was tested up to 132 Lts.

Yours truly,
O. Chanute