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Indenture between David Stoddard Greenough and Dick Morey, witnessed by selectmen of Roxbury, 6 September 1786

Indenture between David Stoddard Greenough and Dick Morey, witnessed by selectmen of Roxbury, 6 September 1786


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    This is an "indenture," or formal agreement for an African American child named Dick Morey to serve as an apprentice to David Stoddard Greenough in Roxbury (now Jamaica Plain) to learn the farming trade.  Greenough had purchased Dick the previous year from John Mory of Roxbury (See the online presentation of the bill of sale).  This indenture was arranged by the selectmen of Roxbury, indicating that they had some proprietary interest in Dick Morey, perhaps because Dick was born into slavery.  Two justices of the peace also later consented to the agreement, 14 March 1787.

    David Stoddard Greenough (1752-1826), was a wealthy lawyer and merchant, resident of Roxbury (later Jamaica Plain), Massachusetts.  He was an ardent patriot, a member of the Sons of Liberty, and served on the Committee of Public Safety under George Washington.
