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Exposition Universelle de MDCCCLXVII à Paris, Récompenses medal, 1867

Exposition Universelle de MDCCCLXVII à Paris, Récompenses medal, 1867 Silver medal


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    Among the medals deeded to the Massachusetts Historical Society by the heirs of Charles T. Jackson is a silver prize from the Paris Universal Exposition of 1867. The family mistakenly believed it to be an award for his part in the ether discovery, but it was actually awarded for his geological and surveying talents. See Article XIII. “Discovery of Emery in Chester, Massachusetts.” Charles T. Jackson, M.D. Geologist and State Assayer. The American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven. 2d series, Vol XXXIX. May 1865, pp 87-90. In Usher, J. M. Paris Universal Exposition, 1867: with a full description of awards rendered to the United States department, and notes upon the same (Boston: Nation Office, 1868), Jackson’s award is listed on page 87: “SILVER MEDALS. . . 8. Jackson, Dr. Charles T., of Boston. Co-operator for the Discovery of Emery in the United States.”