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Memoir of the Northern Kingdom, Written, A.D. 1872, by the late Rev. Williamson Jahnsensykes

Memoir of the Northern Kingdom, Written, A.D. 1872, by the late Rev. Williamson Jahnsensykes Pamphlet


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    This 48-page pamphlet (actually written in 1808 and published at Boston) was written by Rev. William Jenks (1778-1866). It presents a counterfactual history, supposedly published in 1901, that describes how the United States came to be dissolved into a French-dominated imperial South, a British/Canadian-controlled New England under a British viceroy, and the Illinois Republick (the last bastion of democratic government in America). Described as a "political jeu d’esprit", the pamphlet is organized in a series of six letters in which the writer "reflects" on the breakup of the United States, due to the commercial policies of Jefferson's adminstration. On page 35, towards the beginning of the fifth letter, a passage about "that valuable library of domestick history collected by friends and associates of Belknap and Minot" is a reference to the Massachusetts Historical Society; unfortunately in Jenks' imagined alternate history, the library didn't survive.   

    Suggested Readings and Online Materials

    Dibbell, Jeremy. "If only MHS had 'survived the troubles of civil war'". The Beehive [Massachusetts Historical Society blog], 22 December 2010.

    Jenks, William.  Memoir of the Northern Kingdom.  [Boston: Ferrand & Mallory, 1808]. Online version of the entire pamphlet is available from the Internet Archive: