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Presidential Letters at the Massachusetts Historical Society

An Overview



This subject guide is an overview of all known letters written by U.S. presidents found in the Massachusetts Historical Society's manuscript and autograph collections.


This subject guide brings together descriptions and locations of all known letters written by U.S. presidents found in the Massachusetts Historical Society's manuscript and autograph collections. The guide is not a detailed inventory of every collection, but an overview of the Society's presidential holdings.

The Massachusetts Historical Society is famous for the thousands of letters of Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and Thomas Jefferson held in the Adams Family Papers and the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts. This guide describes more than 3,500 letters found in other collections written by all U.S. presidents. While the guide emphasizes letters written during each president's term of office, it includes an overview of letters written throughout the lifetime of each president. Although not the main emphasis, the guide also lists some manuscript copies of letters and other important writings such as Washington's Newburgh Address and Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. The lists of related materials note the existence of printed presidential papers, letters, and works, as well as other manuscript repositories that hold presidential papers.

As this guide was created for research purposes, documents such as commissions, circulars, and materials containing just signatures with no additional content are not included. Because this guide focuses on letters written by the U.S. presidents, other writings (speeches, pamphlets, books, etc.), artifacts, portraits, photographs, and letters written to presidents are not included.

The guide is organized into 47 series (one series for each president listed chronologically). Within each series, there can be up to six subseries listed as follows: presidential papers, collections, items, autographs, other materials, and related materials. Letters are described at the collection level (listed alphabetically by collection name) when two or more letters can be found within that collection. When collections primarily consist of papers by the president, they are listed under the presidential papers (i.e. the Adams Family Papers for John Adams and John Quincy Adams). Items are listed chronologically for collections that hold only one presidential letter. Autograph collections are listed alphabetically and include item- and collection-level descriptions, depending on the amount of presidential letters contained in each collection. Descriptions for the first three subseries include descriptions of recipients, dates, and subjects of the majority of letters found in the collections, except for links to autograph collections that already have an itemized guide online. The last two subseries, other materials and related materials, are listed alphabetically and emphasize additional materials held at the MHS, including manuscript copies of letters and other important documents written by presidents (other materials) and published materials and manuscript collections at other institutions (related materials) that are not included in the first three subseries. The notes section used throughout this guide provides information about additional formats, including microfilm, publication, and photocopies, as well as where originals are stored.

To find more information on these resources or to request materials described in this overview, readers may consult several MHS resources. The Society's online catalog, ABIGAIL, contains collection-level descriptions of the Society's manuscript collections and many of the photograph collections. Published and unpublished manuscript and photograph collection guides contain more detailed information than the descriptions found in ABIGAIL. Many of these guides are fully searchable at the MHS website here, and more are added on a regular basis. The collection-level records in ABIGAIL also indicate if there is a guide available for the collection. Copies of paper guides that have not yet been converted to electronic format are available in the MHS reading room.

The manuscript card catalog contains descriptions of approximately 320,000 individual items; very few of these appear in ABIGAIL. The published Catalog of Manuscripts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (G. K. Hall, 1969; 1980 supplement), available in more than 150 U.S. libraries, consists of photocopies of these item catalog cards. Although almost all of the collection-level descriptions in the Catalog have been revised or superseded in ABIGAIL, the published catalog remains a useful guide for descriptions of more than 300,000 individual manuscript items. The MHS card catalog, now available on microfiche in the Society's reading room, contains the cards in the published Catalog, as well as many additions and corrections.

Detailed Description

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I. George Washington (1732-1799; President: 1789-1797)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 600 letters written by George Washington. The majority of the letters in the Society's collection relate to Washington's command of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, including over 300 in the papers of William Heath. There are a few letters during Washington's presidency, including letters to Vice President John Adams, to historian Jeremy Belknap, and to Postmaster General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State Timothy Pickering. The remainder of Washington's letters are scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the William Livingston family papers, Ward family papers, Warren-Adams papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Washington's letters deal with military issues, including military supplies, intelligence, general orders, and appointments; to political issues, such as advice to President John Adams, federal appointments, constitutional reform, state responsibilities, and Congressional power; and to personal issues, such as Washington's desire to retire. The MHS also holds a letter from Washington to Timothy Pickering, written a few weeks before Washington's death (14 Dec. 1799), that is one of his last letters.

Close I. George Washington (1732-1799; President: 1789-1797)

II. John Adams (1735-1826; President: 1797-1801)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds the most letters written by John Adams of any institution or private collector. The Adams Family Papers is the main source for Adams's letters which covers over four generations of the Adams family spanning 1639 to 1889. The MHS also holds letters from Adams in over sixty other collections, including the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, the Warren-Adams papers, and the Winthrop family papers. The Adams Papers Editorial Project, also found at the MHS, seeks to publish volumes of materials written to, from, and by the Adams family broken into four series: Diaries, Adams Family Correspondence, General Correspondence and Other Papers of the Adams Statesmen, and Adams Family Portraits. Materials for the project are found both in the MHS collections and other collections around the world. The MHS is also home to the Online Adams Catalog, an item-level catalog that brings together descriptions and locations of all known letters (over 100,000) written by four generations of the Adamses.

Close II. John Adams (1735-1826; President: 1797-1801)

III. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826; President: 1801-1809)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 9,400 letters by Thomas Jefferson. The majority of the letters can be found in the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts spanning Jefferson's entire lifetime. The majority of letters found outside of the Coolidge Collection were written prior to Jefferson's presidency during his time as minister to France, secretary of state under Washington, and vice president under John Adams, as well as during his retirement. The majority of these letters are found in the Adams Family Papers where Jefferson had a lengthy correspondence with John Adams beginning in 1777 until his death in 1826. Adams and Jefferson stopped corresponding for almost two decades during Jefferson's time as vice president and president, as their opposing political views created tension in their friendship. The coolness between the two did not thaw until both were well into retirement and no longer in the public eye. The remainder of the correspondence is scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the Bowdoin and Temple papers, Letters received by Levi Lincoln, the Timothy Pickering papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Jefferson's letters deal with political matters during his multiple posts in the United States government, including Congressional power, international relations, and political theory; household matters at Monticello, Poplar Forest, and Shadwell; and theology and literature.

Close III. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826; President: 1801-1809)

IV. James Madison (1751-1836; President: 1809-1817)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds more than 200 letters by James Madison. The majority of the letters were written during Madison's tenure as secretary of state under Thomas Jefferson, as the fourth United States president, and during his retirement. Also included are some earlier letters from Madison's tenure as a United States representative and as a member of the Virginia Assembly. The majority of Madison's letters were written to John Quincy Adams during Adams's term as United States president, with James Bowdoin during Bowdoin's tenure as minister to Spain, to Congressman Richard Cutts during Madison's tenure as president and his retirement years, and to Edward Everett during Everett's tenure as United States representative. The rest of Madison's correspondence is scattered throughout several MHS collections, including Letters received by William Eustis, Letters received by Levi Lincoln, the Jeremy Belknap papers, the Samuel Cabot papers, the Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, the Henry Dearborn papers, the Quincy family papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Madison's letters deal with political matters such as government philosophy, international relations with Spain and England, the War of 1812, and other subjects, including the University of Virginia and literature.

Close IV. James Madison (1751-1836; President: 1809-1817)

V. James Monroe (1758-1831; President: 1817-1825)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds more than 500 letters by James Monroe. The majority of the letters were written during Monroe's time as U.S. secretary of state and as the fifth president of the United States, 1817-1825. Also included are letters covering Monroe's time as minister plenipotentiary to France, Virginia senator, and secretary of war, as well as his final years in retirement. The majority of Monroe's letters are found in the Adams Family Papers, where he had a lengthy correspondence with John Quincy Adams during Monroe's tenure as secretary of war, United States secretary of state, and during John Quincy Adams's presidency. The rest of Monroe's correspondence is scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the John Brown papers, Bowdoin and Temple papers, Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Manuscripts, Rotch family papers, Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection, and several other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Monroe's letters deal with diplomatic and political matters during his many posts in the United States government, including international relations with Russia and Great Britain, the French Revolution, Congressional business, and Virginia politics.

Close V. James Monroe (1758-1831; President: 1817-1825)

VI. John Quincy Adams (1767-1848; President: 1825-1829)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds the most letters written by John Quincy Adams of any institution or private collector. The Adams Family Papers are the primary source for Adams letters, which cover over four generations of the Adams family from 1639 to 1889. The MHS holds letters from John Quincy Adams in over 50 other collections, including the Boylston family papers, the Edward Everett papers, and the Quincy family papers. The Adams Papers Editorial Project, which seeks to publish volumes of materials written to, from, and by the Adams family broken into four series, Diaries, Adams Family Correspondence, General Correspondence and Other Papers of the Adams Statesmen, and Adams Family Portraits, is also found at the MHS. Materials for the project are found both in the MHS collections and other collections around the world. The MHS is also home to the Online Adams Catalog, an item-level catalog that brings together descriptions and locations of all known letters (over 100,000) written by four generations of the Adamses.

Close VI. John Quincy Adams (1767-1848; President: 1825-1829)

VII. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845; President: 1829-1837)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 50 letters written by the seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. The letters are scattered throughout several collections of personal papers, the majority of which span Jackson's military career prior to his presidency and his retirement years. A small collection of 11 letters to Martin Van Buren are the majority of presidential letters held by the MHS. Other collections containing letters from Andrew Jackson include the Adams Family Papers, George Bancroft papers, Jacob Brown papers, Edward Everett papers, Amos Kendall papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Many of Jackson's letters pertain to his military and political career, including letters regarding the election of 1844 and the War of 1812.

Close VII. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845; President: 1829-1837)

VIII. Martin Van Buren (1782-1862; President: 1837-1841)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 180 letters written by Martin Van Buren. The majority of the letters span Van Buren's political career starting as a New York state senator, then as United States secretary of state, vice president, and as the eighth United States president. The bulk of the letters are located in the Martin Van Buren papers; Van Buren wrote to many recipients during his career as a lawyer through his final year as president. The Massachusetts Historical Society also holds a large collection of Van Buren letters in the George Bancroft papers, mostly regarding politics. Bancroft was a strong supporter of Van Buren in 1844 and planned to write his campaign biography, but switched his support to Polk when it appeared that Van Buren would not be nominated. The remainder of Van Buren's letters are scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the Adams Family Papers, Edward Everett papers, Worthington C. Ford papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Van Buren's letters deal with politics, including James K. Polk's campaign and cabinet, the Northeast boundary, New York politics, and the presidential nomination.

Close VIII. Martin Van Buren (1782-1862; President: 1837-1841)

IX. William Henry Harrison (1773-1841; President: 1841)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds letters written by Harrison regarding military and political matters, including the contentious election of 1826. All letters were written during Harrison's military career prior to his one-month presidency.

Close IX. William Henry Harrison (1773-1841; President: 1841)

X. John Tyler (1790-1862; President: 1841-1845)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds 40 letters in which Tyler discusses political, personal, and international matters. The majority of the letters, most to Edward Everett, were written during Tyler's presidency, 1841-1845. The remainder span Tyler's political career before and after his presidency.

Close X. John Tyler (1790-1862; President: 1841-1845)

XI. James K. Polk (1795-1849; President: 1845-1849)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 40 letters by James K. Polk, the majority written during his tenure as the 11th president of the United States. Most of the letters were written to George Bancroft during Polk's administration. The remainder are scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the Edward Everett papers, the Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Polk's letters deal with politics during his presidency, including political appointments, naval matters, the Mexican War, a potential campaign biography, and the annexation of Texas.

Close XI. James K. Polk (1795-1849; President: 1845-1849)

XII. Zachary Taylor (1784-1850; President: 1849-1850)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 15 letters by Zachary Taylor, the majority written during his military service in the Mexican-American War and his presidential campaign. Letters are scattered through several collections including the Edward Everett papers, the Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection, and several other personal papers and autograph collections. The majority of Taylor's letters discuss military and political matters, including international relations with Europe, marching music, and his presidential nomination.

Close XII. Zachary Taylor (1784-1850; President: 1849-1850)

XIII. Millard Fillmore (1800-1874; President: 1850-1853)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 90 letters by Millard Fillmore. The majority of the letters were written during Fillmore's tenure as a member of the United States Congress, comptroller of the state of New York, vice president, and as the 13th United States president, 1850-1853. The majority of the letters are in the Edward Everett papers, which contain a lengthy correspondence spanning almost three decades. The remainder of the letters are scattered throughout several collections, including the Nathan Appleton scrapbooks, Amos Adams Lawrence papers, John O. Sargent papers, Winthrop family papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Fillmore's letters pertain to his posts in the United States government, including his presidential nomination, Congressional business, international relations and law, his work as a lawyer and legal cases, and a small number discussing personal interests such as literature.

Close XIII. Millard Fillmore (1800-1874; President: 1850-1853)

XIV. Franklin Pierce (1804-1869; President: 1853-1857)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 30 letters written by Franklin Pierce. The majority of the letters were written during Pierce's time as a United States senator, New Hampshire attorney, soldier in the Mexican-American War (1847-1848), and 14th president of the United States. Letters are scattered through several collections, including the George Bancroft papers, Edward Everett papers, Amos Adams Lawrence papers, Seth Turner Crawford papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Pierce's letters deal with politics during his political career, including the Democratic Convention, the presidential campaign of 1853, and the creation of the Hiram Powers statue of "Liberty."

Close XIV. Franklin Pierce (1804-1869; President: 1853-1857)

XV. James Buchanan (1791-1868; President: 1857-1861)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 70 letters by James Buchanan. The majority of Buchanan's letters were written during his time as United States senator, secretary of state under James K. Polk, and minister to England under Franklin Pierce. A few letters in the MHS collections were written during Buchanan's term as the 15th United States president, including letters to Charles Francis Adams and Edward Everett. The majority of letters were written to fellow politician and ambassador George Bancroft and fellow politicians Edward and Alexander Hill Everett during Buchanan's tenure as secretary of state. The remainder of the letters are scattered through several collections, including the Everett-Peabody family papers, the Martin Van Buren papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Buchanan's letters deal with politics and his duties as secretary of state, including international relations, as well as the 1848 presidential campaign and other campaigns.

Close XV. James Buchanan (1791-1868; President: 1857-1861)

XVI. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; President: 1861-1865)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 30 letters written by Abraham Lincoln. The majority of letters were written during Lincoln's terms as the 16th United States president. There are also a few letters written by Lincoln during his time as a United States representative and lawyer. Letters are scattered through several MHS collections, including the Adams Family Papers, Letters to Edward Everett, the Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Lincoln's letters deal with many subjects, including politics, Edward Everett's speech at Gettysburg, legislation, slavery, and military matters.

Close XVI. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; President: 1861-1865)

XVII. Andrew Johnson (1808-1875; President: 1865-1869)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 16 letters by Andrew Johnson, the majority written during Johnson's term as the 17th United States president. A few letters were written while he was in the United States House of Representatives and Senate and while he served as military governor of Tennessee. The majority of Johnson's letters are located in the George Bancroft papers and the Amos Adams Lawrence papers and discuss political support, Congressional affairs, and aid for Tennessee. The remainder of his letters, which discuss politics and the Civil War, are scattered throughout other personal papers and autograph collections.

Close XVII. Andrew Johnson (1808-1875; President: 1865-1869)

XVIII. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885; President: 1869-1877)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 26 letters by Ulysses S. Grant. The majority of letters were written during Grant's post as general in command of all Union armies under President Lincoln and during his two terms as the 18th United States president. Letters written by Grant are scattered through several collections, including the John Davis scrapbook, Winthrop family papers, Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Grant's letters deal with military matters, including the surrender at Vicksburg; political matters, including the silver question; and personal matters, including invitations to dinners and family visits.

Close XVIII. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885; President: 1869-1877)

XIX. Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893; President: 1877-1881)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 20 letters by Rutherford B. Hayes. The majority of letters were written during Hayes's term as the 19th United States president. There are also letters written during Hayes's term as governor of Ohio. Letters are scattered through several collections, including the Winthrop family papers, Dana family papers, George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Hayes's letters discuss politics, including the election of 1876 and political appointments; and personal matters, including literature and visits to friends.

Close XIX. Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893; President: 1877-1881)

XX. James A. Garfield (1831-1881; President: 1881)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 36 letters by James A. Garfield. The majority of letters were written during Garfield's tenure as a United States representative. The MHS holds only four letters written by Garfield during his presidency; one is located in the Curtis Guild autograph collection, and the remaining three are located in the George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection. The majority of his letters are located in the Edward Atkinson papers and the George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection and discuss House debates; presidential campaigns, including his campaign of 1880; and political support. Garfield and Hoar became friends while serving in the House of Representatives together. Hoar was a manager at the Republican Convention that nominated Garfield (a "dark horse" candidate) in 1880. Garfield was about to set out on a trip to Massachusetts and New England when he was mortally wounded. The remainder of the letters are scattered through several collections, including the Francis Parkman papers, the Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections.

Close XX. James A. Garfield (1831-1881; President: 1881)

XXI. Chester A. Arthur (1829-1886; President: 1881-1885)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately seven letters by Chester A. Arthur. The majority of letters were written during Arthur's nomination for and term as the 21st United States president. Arthur's letters are scattered through several collections, including the George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection, George Cabot Lodge collection, Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, and Alexander Calvin and Ellen Morton Washburn autograph collection. Arthur's letters discuss his presidential nomination, military appointments, and personal matters.

Close XXI. Chester A. Arthur (1829-1886; President: 1881-1885)

XXII and XXIV. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908; President: 1885-1889; 1893-1897)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 100 letters by Grover Cleveland. The majority of letters were written during Cleveland's two terms as the 22nd and 24th United States president and the four intervening years when he worked as a lawyer in New York. The majority of letters are located in the Endicott family autograph collection and the letters to William E. Russell. Among the subjects are War Department issues with Cleveland's Secretary of War William C. Endicott; political issues, including the Democratic Party and speeches; and personal matters, including his home in Buzzards Bay. The remainder of the letters are scattered through several other collections, including the Codman family correspondence, the Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections.

Close XXII and XXIV. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908; President: 1885-1889; 1893-1897)

XXIII. Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901; President: 1889-1893)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 20 letters by Benjamin Harrison, the majority written during Harrison's term as the 23rd United States president. There are also letters written while he was a United States senator and during his retirement. The majority of letters are located in the George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection and discuss the 1888 presidential campaign, Republicanism at Harvard, and Congress. The remainder of Harrison's letters are located in several collections, including in the John Davis Long papers, the Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections.

Close XXIII. Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901; President: 1889-1893)

XXV. William McKinley (1843-1901; President: 1897-1901)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 17 letters by William McKinley. The majority of letters were written during McKinley's term as the 25th United States president. His letters are scattered through several collections, including the Henry Cabot Lodge papers, George Frisbie Hoar autograph collection, John Davis Long papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of McKinley's letters discuss McKinley's 1900 nomination and presidential campaign, the Philippines, and Harvard.

Close XXV. William McKinley (1843-1901; President: 1897-1901)

XXVI. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919; President: 1901-1909)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 400 letters by Theodore Roosevelt. The majority of letters were written during Roosevelt's seclusion after the death of his wife and mother; during the Spanish-American War as a colonel of the Rough Riders; during his terms as governor of New York, vice president under McKinley, and 26th United States president; during the 1912 Bull Moose campaign; and during his retirement. The majority of Roosevelt's letters are held in the Lodge-Roosevelt correspondence. Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) maintained a life-long correspondence about politics, personal matters, and world events. The remainder of the letters are scattered through several collections, including the Winthrop Murray Crane papers, the Dana family papers, the George Cabot Lodge papers, the John Davis Long papers (Roosevelt served as Long's assistant in the Navy Department, and they became life-long friends), Letters to George H. Lyman, the George von Lengerke Meyer papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Roosevelt's correspondence discusses politics, including the presidential campaigns of 1900 and 1912, the Panama Canal, treaties, World War I, and various political parties; personal matters, including Harvard, family deaths, and his African expedition; and military matters, including the Rough Riders, the United States Navy, and his post as secretary of the Navy.

Close XXVI. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919; President: 1901-1909)

XXVII. William H. Taft (1857-1930; President: 1909-1913)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds 117 letters written by the 27th president of the United States, the bulk dating from William Howard Taft's presidential campaign and single term as president, 1908-1913. There are also earlier letters from his service as secretary of war during the administration of Theodore Roosevelt, 1904-1908, and his post-presidential career as a professor of constitutional law at Yale, 1913-1921, and chief justice of the United States, 1921-1930. Other Taft letters in MHS collections are scattered through the personal papers of Republican members of Congress and his cabinet, including Massachusetts Senators Henry Cabot Lodge (his chief correspondent in the MHS collection) and Winthrop Murray Crane, as well as Postmaster General and Secretary of the Navy George von Lengerke Meyer. Other recipients include historian Charles Francis Adams; General Clarence Ransom Edwards; Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justice Arthur P. Rugg; Ellery Sedgwick, the editor of the Atlantic Monthly; and Joseph Walker, who was active in Massachusetts state politics. Most of Taft's letters in MHS collections pertain to diplomatic and political matters during his presidency, including his break with Theodore Roosevelt and the 1912 presidential campaign, when the split in the Republican Party led to Taft's defeat for re-election. There are also a small number of individual Taft letters scattered in other collections of personal papers or collected as autograph letters.

Close XXVII. William H. Taft (1857-1930; President: 1909-1913)

XXVIII. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924; President: 1913-1921)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 40 letters by Woodrow Wilson, the majority written during Wilson's terms as the 28th United States president. There are also some letters written while he was governor of New Jersey. The majority of letters are located in the Charles Francis Adams papers and the Winthrop Murray Crane papers and discuss education, congressional legislation, and Wilson's first inauguration. The remainder of the correspondence is scattered through several collections, including the Ellery Sedgwick papers, the Phillips family papers II, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Wilson's letters discuss education, politics, international relations, and literature.

Close XXVIII. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924; President: 1913-1921)

XXIX. Warren G. Harding (1865-1923; President: 1921-1923)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds 23 letters written by Harding in which he discusses military, political, and personal matters. All but one were written during Harding's presidency, 1921-1923, and all but three are addressed to Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

Close XXIX. Warren G. Harding (1865-1923; President: 1921-1923)

XXX. Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933; President: 1923-1929)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 60 letters by Calvin Coolidge, the majority written during Coolidge's service as the 30th president of the United States. There are also a few letters written during Coolidge's terms as governor of Massachusetts and vice president under Warren G. Harding. The majority of Coolidge's letters are found in the Henry Cabot Lodge papers, Winthrop Murray Crane papers, and Arthur P. Rugg papers. Among the subjects are various political issues, including the coal crisis, the United States Navy, political prisoners, promotions and appointments, foreign relations bills, and Amherst College. The remainder of Coolidge's correspondence is scattered throughout several MHS collections, including the Albert Bushnell Hart papers, Shattuck family papers, Grenville H. Norcross autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections.

Close XXX. Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933; President: 1923-1929)

XXXI. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964; President: 1929-1933)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 30 letters by Herbert Hoover. The majority of letters were written during his time on the Supreme Economic Council, as head of the American Relief Administration, and during his terms as secretary of commerce under Harding and Coolidge. There are also a few letters written during Hoover's term as the 31st U.S. president. Letters are scattered through several collections, including the Ellery Sedgwick papers, August Belmont papers, Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth autograph collection, Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Hoover's letters discuss literary matters, including the Atlantic Monthly; political matters, including his opponent Al Smith and political support; and personal matters.

Close XXXI. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964; President: 1929-1933)

XXXII. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945; President: 1933-1945)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 30 letters by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The majority of letters were written during his tenures as New York senator, assistant secretary of the Navy, and governor of New York. There are also a few letters written during Roosevelt's two terms as the 32nd United States president. Letters are scattered through several collections, including the Godfrey Lowell Cabot papers, Merriman family papers, Phillips family papers II, Ellery Sedgwick papers, and other personal papers and autograph collections. Most of Roosevelt's letters discuss international relations, World War II, Harvard, and politics.

Close XXXII. Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945; President: 1933-1945)

XXXIII. Harry S. Truman (1884-1972; President: 1945-1953)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds two letters from Harry S. Truman, written during his retirement. The letters were written to Representative John W. McCormack and MHS Director Stephen T. Riley regarding finances and the publication of the Adams Papers.

Close XXXIII. Harry S. Truman (1884-1972; President: 1945-1953)

XXXIV. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969; President: 1953-1961)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds over 380 letters by Dwight D. Eisenhower. The majority of the letters were written during Eisenhower's service as commanding general of the U.S. Army (European Theater), Army chief of staff, president of Columbia University, supreme allied commander of Europe, president, and five-star general in the United States Army, as well as during his retirement. Most were written to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. (1902-1985) throughout Eisenhower's public career, including during 1952 when Lodge ran Eisenhower's presidential campaign in Massachusetts, and during Eisenhower's retirement. The remainder of the letters are scattered throughout several MHS collections. including the Phillips family papers II, Mary Bowditch Forbes papers, Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection, and Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth autograph collection. Most of the correspondence deals with politics during Eisenhower's campaign for the presidency and during his administration. Also included are letters related to Eisenhower's military service during World War II.

Close XXXIV. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969; President: 1953-1961)

XXXV. John F. Kennedy (1917-1963; President: 1961-1963)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 50 letters by John F. Kennedy. The majority of Kennedy's letters were written during his tenure as United States senator, with a few letters written while he served as the 35th U.S. president. The majority of presidential letters are located in fellow Senator Leverett Saltonstall's autograph collection, while the majority of senatorial letters are located in the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts records and the Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection. The remainder of Kennedy's letters are scattered through several collections, including the Massachusetts Historical Society Archives and Letters to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Landers. Most of Kennedy's letters discuss civil rights legislation, Massachusetts Historical Society activities, congressional bills, and speeches.

Close XXXV. John F. Kennedy (1917-1963; President: 1961-1963)

XXXVI. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973; President: 1963-1969)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds 51 letters from Lyndon B. Johnson as United States senator, vice president, and president. The majority of the letters are found in the personal papers of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., ambassador to Vietnam and Germany, and in the autograph collection of Massachusetts Senator Leverett Saltonstall. Also included is one letter from the MHS Archives written by Johnson to MHS president Thomas Boylston Adams. Most of Johnson's letters deal with personal, political, and diplomatic matters during his political career as senator, vice president, and president.

Close XXXVI. Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973; President: 1963-1969)

XXXVII. Richard Nixon (1913-1994; President: 1969-1974)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 60 letters by Richard Nixon. The majority of letters were written during Nixon's term as vice president under Eisenhower, his presidential campaign in 1960, and the eight years prior to his election as president. There are also a few letters written by Nixon during his term as the 37th United States president. The majority of Nixon letters, located in the Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection, were written to fellow Senator Leverett Saltonstall throughout his political career. The remainder of Nixon's letters are scattered through several collections, including the Leverett Saltonstall papers, Massachusetts Historical Society Archives, and Richard Bowditch Wigglesworth autograph collection. Most of Nixon's letters discuss politics, including political support, international relations, and his political campaigns.

Close XXXVII. Richard Nixon (1913-1994; President: 1969-1974)

XXXVIII. Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006; President: 1974-1977)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 20 letters by Gerald R. Ford. The majority of letters were written during Ford's tenure as United States House representative, vice president under Nixon, and the 38th president. Ford's letters are located in the Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection and pertain to political campaigns, the Republican Party, and President Carter and his administration.

Close XXXVIII. Gerald R. Ford (1913-2006; President: 1974-1977)

XXXIX. James Carter (1924-2024; President: 1977-1981)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds one letter by James Carter in the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers II. The letter was written during the first year of Carter's administration and discusses Lodge's service as the United States representative to the Holy See.

Close XXXIX. James Carter (1924-2024; President: 1977-1981)

XL. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004; President: 1981-1989)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds one letter from Ronald Reagan in the Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection requesting Saltonstall's support for Reagan and his political agenda.

Close XL. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004; President: 1981-1989)

XLI. George H. W. Bush (1924-2018; President: 1989-1993)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds approximately 25 letters from George H. W. Bush. The majority of letters were written during Bush's tenure as a United States House representative, United States ambassador to the United Nations, director of the CIA, vice president, and the 41st United States president. Bush's letters are located in the Leverett Saltonstall autograph collection and consist of correspondence between long-time family friends, the Bushes and Saltonstalls, discussing personal gifts, events, and political support.

Close XLI. George H. W. Bush (1924-2018; President: 1989-1993)

XLII. William J. Clinton (1946- ; President: 1993-2001)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds two letters by William J. Clinton, both written to constituents during his first term in office.

Close XLII. William J. Clinton (1946- ; President: 1993-2001)

XLIII. George W. Bush (1946- ; President: 2001-2009)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds one letter from George W. Bush, written to a constituent during his first term in office.

Close XLIII. George W. Bush (1946- ; President: 2001-2009)

XLIV. Barack Obama (1961- ; President: 2009-2017)

The Massachusetts Historical Society holds two letters by Barack Obama in the Sylvia R. Gilman papers. Both letters were written during his presidency.

Close XLIV. Barack Obama (1961- ; President: 2009-2017)

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