ca. 1860-1880s

Guide to the Photograph Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of carte de visite photographs of unidentified sitters by American and foreign photographers and photograph studios.

Collection Description

Carte de visite portraits of unidentified sitters by American and foreign photographers and photograph studios. Among the Massachusetts photographers and studios represented in the collection are Allen & Rowell, James Wallace Black, Frederic Lay, and John A. Whipple, among many others. Photographs include individual and group portraits of men, women, and children. There is also a small number of cartes de visite of unidentified sitters by unknown photographers.

Acquisition Information

This collection was created from individual gifts and removals from manuscript collections.


The photographs in this collection are arranged alphabetically by photographer or photograph studio. The collection will continue to grow as new photographs are added. New photographs will be listed under the name of the photographer or studio in the Detailed Description of the Collection below, but numbered with the next number in the sequence and filed at the end of the collection.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Box 1#237.01


Kilburn Adams, Franklin, Mass. Active 1883-1887.

Box 1#237.02

A. G. Alexander

Abel G. Alexander, 6 Winter St., Boston, Mass. Active 1872-1876.

Box 1#237.03

Alexander & Greydon

Daniel G. Alexander & William Greydon, Woburn, Mass. Active 1868.

Box 1#237.04-237.05


Edward L. Allen, Boston, Mass. Active 1851-1899.

Box 1#237.06-.16

Allen & Rowell

Edward L. Allen & Frank Rowell, 25 Winter St., Boston, Mass. Active 1874-1892.

Box 1#237.17-.18

Alman & Co.

Louis Alman, 172 Fifth Ave., New York, NY. Active 1880s-1890s.

Box 1#237.19-.20

M. Alophe

Menut Alexander Alophe, 35 Boulevard des Capuchins, Paris, France. Active 1856-1873.

Box 1#237.21


William E. Balch, 493 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1875-1876.

Box 1#237.22

J. Bamberger

Joseph Bamberger, Junghofstrasse 24, Frankfurt.

Box 1#237.23-.24

O. F. Baxter

Oliver F. Baxter, Boston, Mass. Active 1865-1879.

Box 1#237.25

H. Besson

Box 1#237.26-.38

J. W. Black

James Wallace Black, Boston, Mass. Active 1852-1901.

Box 1#237.39-.40

Black & Batchelder

James Wallace Black & Perez Mann Batchelder, 173 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1860-1862.

Box 1#237.41-.42


Mathew B. Brady, Broadway & Tenth St., New York, NY. Active 1860-1869.

Box 1#237.43


Hyde Park, Mass.

Box 1#237.44

W. T. Bowers

Wilder T. Bowers, 204 Market St., Lynn, Mass. Active 1867-1869.

Box 1#237.45

H. Buchholz

Herman Bucholz, Springfield, Mass. Active 1869-1889.

Box 1#237.46


David T. Burrell, 390 Main St., Brockton, Mass. Active 1874-1881.

Box 1#237.47

Burrell's Branch Studio

David T. Burrell, C. T. Collier, operator. Bridgewater, Mass. Active 1876-1877.

Box 1#237.48-.50

Bushby & Hart

Asa Bushby & Samuel S. Hart, 71 Broad St., Lynn, Mass. Active 1871-1876.

Box 1#237.51

T. P. Collins

Thomas P. Collins, Westfield, Mass. Active 1852-1871.

Box 1#237.52

L. W. Cook

Lemuel Wallace Cook, manager of Warren Photographic Studios. 145 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Active 1872-1875.

Box 1#237.53

Critcherson & Storer

Critcherson & Storer, Bellevue Ave., Newport, R.I. Active 1860s-1870s.

Box 1#237.54

L. De Laetre

L. De Laetre, Rue des Douze Chambres, no. 15, Ghent, Belgium.

Box 1#237.55-.57

E. S. Dunshee

Edward S. Dunshee, 3 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Active 1868.

Box 1#237.58

Robert Eich

Robert Eich, Pragerstrasse 38, Dresden.

Box 1#237.59


Ferret, Rue Gioffredo, Nice, France.

Box 1#237.60

C. D. Fredricks

Charles Deforest Fredricks, 587 Broadway, New York, NY. Active 1850s-1860s.

Box 1#237.61

M. & W. Garrett

Maurice & Warren Garrett, Wilmington, Delaware. Active 1870s-1880s.

Box 1#237.62

Jean Geiser

Jean Geiser, 7 Rue Bab-Azoun, Algeria. Active 1860s-.

Box 1#237.63

W. H. Getchell

William H. Getchell, 375 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1866-1872.

Box 1#237.64

Glover & Stevens

Glover & Stevens, Marlboro, Mass.

Box 1#237.65


Warren A. Gray 214 1/2 Essex St., Salem, Mass. Active 1884-1887.

Box 1#237.66

J. Gurney & Son

Jeremiah Gurney & Son, 707 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Active 1858-1870s.

Box 1#237.67-.69

L. H. Hale

Luther H. Hale, 293 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1862-1864.

Box 1#237.70

Hanns Hanfstaengl

Hanns Hanfstaengl, Dresden. Active 1860s-1870s.

Box 1#237.71-.72

G. A. Harwood

George A. Harwood, 115 Main St., Fitchburg, Mass. Active 1871.

Box 1#237.73-.74


William Hussey, 556 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1862-1868.

Box 1#237.75-.76

A. Ken

Alexandre Ken, Boulevard Montmartre 10, Paris, France. Active 1858-1868.

Box 1#237.77

Charles Knight

Charles Knight, High St., Newport, Isle of Wight. Active 1875-1898.

Box 1#237.78

W. Kurtz

William Kurtz, Madison Square, 23rd St., New York, NY. Active 1870s-1880s.

Box 1#237.79

William H. Lane

William H. Lane, 4 How St., Haverhill, Mass. Active 1865.

Box 1#237.80-.81


Frank Lawrence, 188 Main St./352 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Active 1865-1883.

Box 1#237.82-.85

F. L. Lay

Frederic L. Lay, 31 Winter St./36 Winter St., Boston, Mass. Active 1861-1867.

Box 1#237.86-.88

Ancienne Maison de G. LeGray & Cie.

M. Fontaine, successor to G. LeGray, 35 Blvd. des Capucines, Paris, France. Active 1870s.

Box 1#237.78

W. Kurtz

William Kurtz, Madison Square, 23rd St., New York, NY. Active 1870s-1880s.

Box 1#237.89-.90

Le Jeune

Augustin Aime Joseph Le Jeune, 22 rue de Choiseul/350 Rue St. Honore, Paris, France. Active 1866- 1870s.

Box 1#237.91-.92


Sergei Luvovich Levitsky, 22 rue de Choiseul, Paris, France. Active 1859-1864.

Box 1#237.93

Litho-Photographic Institute

Litho-Photographic Institute, 492 New Oxford St., London. Active 1870s.

Box 1#237.94

G. H. Loomis

Grove Hinman Loomis, 7 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Active 1861-1873.

Box 1#237.95-.103

Marshall & Co.

Augustus Marshall, 90 Studio Building, Boston, Mass. Active 1863-1867.

Box 1#237.104


George W. Miller, 58 Main St., Charlestown, Mass. Active 1864.

Box 1#237.105

Molleson's Specialty

P. Molleson, 241 Fulton St. Brooklyn, NY. Active 1860s.

Box 1#237.106

Fotografia Artistica Montabone

Carlo Marcozzi, Piazza Durini, Milan, Italy. Active 1878.

Box 1#237.107

Moore Brothers

Chauncey L. & Hiram Charles Moore, Opposite Court Square, Springfield, Mass. Active 1866-1878.

Box 1#237.108


Jose Maria Mora, 707 Broadway, New York, NY. Active 1870-1893.

Box 1#237.109


James Notman, 99 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Active 1879-1891.

Box 1#237.110


[Emile] Ordinaire, Dinard, France. Active 1877.

Box 1#237.111-.113


George Penabert, Passage du Havre 36 & 38, Paris. Active 1870s-1900.

Box 1#237.114-.115


Williams O. Perkins, 23 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. Active 1878-1883.

Box 1#237.116

J. L. Potter

James L. Potter, 142 Essex St., Lawrence, Mass. Active 1867.

Box 1#237.117

Prescott & Gage

Prescott & Gage, 368 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Active 1860s-1875.

Box 1#237.118

E. E. Reed

Edgar E. Reed, Depot, Frankin, Mass. Active 1890.

Box 1#237.119-120


Frank Russell, Essex St., Lawrence, Mass. Active 1868-1896.

Box 1#237.121

J. C. Schaarwachter

Julius Cornelius Schaarwachter, Friedrichstr. 190, Berlin, Germany. Active 1872-1886.

Box 1#237.122


Chandler Seaver, Jr., West Newton, Mass. Active 1879-1896.

Box 1#237.123-.28

Silsbee, Case & Co.

George M. Silsbee & John G. Case, 299 1/2 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1858-1862.

Box 1#237.129

B. F. Smith & Son

Benjamin F. Smith, Middle St., Portland, Maine. Active 1869-ca. 1871.

Box 1#237.130-.131

Mrs. C.A.N. Smith

Mrs. C. A. N. Smith, 840 Broadway,New York, N.Y. Active 1890s.

Box 1#237.132

F. W. Smith

Frederick Wheaton Smith, 43 Winter St., Boston, Mass. Active 1876-1883.

Box 1#237.133-.135

A. Sonrel

Antoine Sonrel, 46 School St./ 121 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1863-1874.

Box 1#237.136

John P. Soule

John Payson Soule, 199 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1862-1875.

Box 1#237.137-.138

Southworth & Hawes

Albert S. Southworth & Josiah J. Hawes, 19 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Active 1857-1861.

Box 1#237.139

B. Sprague

Barton Sprague, 22 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. Active 1866-1873.

Box 1#237.140-.141

Steinberger & Bauer

Steinberger & Bauer, Junghofstrasse, no. 10, Frankfurt, Germany. Active 1870s.

Box 1#237.142

D. B. Taylor

D. B. Taylor, 3 Pond's Block, Greenfield, Mass. Active 1864-1867.

Box 1#237.143

S. A. Thomas

Samuel A. Thomas, 717 6th Ave., New York, NY. Active 1867-1873.

Box 1#237.144


Joseph Tourtin, Rue Louis-le-Grand, 32, Paris. Active 1870s.

Box 1#237.145

Turner, Jas. W.

James W. Turner, 47 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. Active 1860-1881.

Box 1#237.146

D. B. Vickery

Dexter B. Vickery, Haverhill, Mass. Active 1869-1891.

Box 1#237.147

G. K. Warren

George Kendall Warren, Post Office Block, Cambridgeport, Mass. Active 1863-1885.

Box 1#237.148

F. Weisbrod

F. Weisbrod, 70 Bleichstrasse, 70, Frankfurt. Active 1860s-1870s.

Box 1#237.149-.162


John Adams Whipple, Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1860-1874.

Box 1#237.163-.164

B. Whiting

Benjamin Whiting, 16 Main St., Plymouth, Mass. Active ca. 1860-1870.

Box 1#237.165

O. H. Willard

Oliver H. Willard, 1628 Market St., Philadelphia, Penn. Active 1860s.

Box 1#237.166-.167

C. H. Williamson

Charles H. Williamson, 245 Fulton St., Brooklyn, NY. Active 1860s-1870.

Box 1#237.168-.171

S. Wing

Simon Wing, Washington St., Boston, Mass. Active 1862-1898.

Box 1#237.172

S. Webster Wyman

S. Webster Wyman, Woburn, Mass. Active 1860-1869.

Box 1#237.173-.197

Unidentified photographers

Preferred Citation

Unidentified carte de visite portraits by known photographers, Photo. Coll. 237, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Black, James Wallace, 1825-1896, photographer.
Lay, Frederic L., photographer.
Whipple, John Adams, 1822-1891, photographer.


Allen & Rowell (Boston, Mass.), photographers.


Cartes de visite.