ca. 1863-1865
Guide to the Photograph Collection
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
This album contains 43 carte-de-visite photographs collected by Capt. Richard Henry Lee Jewett of members of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the first Black regiment raised in the North during the Civil War.
Emilio, Luis F. A Brave Black Regiment: The History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863-1865. Boston: Boston Book Co., 1891.
Collection Description
This album contains 43 carte-de-visite photographs collected by Capt. Richard Henry Lee Jewett of members of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, the first Black regiment raised in the North during the Civil War. Subjects depicted include Jewett, Col. Robert Gould Shaw, Edward N. Hallowell, and several African African members of the regiment, among others. There are also several photographs of Fort Sumter (Charleston, S.C.), Fort Pulaski (Ga.), and the regiment's military offices at Hilton Head, S.C., as well as one portrait of Frederick Douglass, whose sons served with the 54th, and several portraits of officers belonging to other regiments, including the 35th United States Colored Troops. The collection contains cartes de visite and one tintype photograph, and all were taken ca. 1863-1865. Photographers include James Wallace Black and John Adams Whipple of Boston, Mass., as well as H. C. Foster of Charleston, S.C., among many others.
Acquisition Information
Gift of F. F. Jewett, Mar. 1932.
The photographs in this collection are arranged in the order in which they appear in the album.
Restrictions on Access
Use of the originals is restricted. This collection is available as color digital facsimiles (see links below).
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand all"Sally Port at Fort Sumter from inside. Feb 1865."
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C."Fort Pulaski, Ga."
Taken by H. P. Moore, Concord, N.H.Shaw, Robert Gould. Colonel.
Taken by Whipple, 96 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Col Shaw."
Hallowell, Edward Needles. Lieutenant Colonel
Taken by Whipple, 96 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Lieut-Col. Hallowell."
Harper, John W. Corporal.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "JW Harper, 1st Corporal. Co. K 54th Reg."
Appleton, John M. W. Major.
Taken by A. Sonrel, 46 School Street, Boston.Caption: "Major Appleton."
Pope, George. Major.
Taken by Case & Getchell, 299½ Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Major Pope."
Bridges, Watson W. Captain.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Capt. Bridges."
Simpkins, William H. Captain.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Capt Simpkins Killed at Wagner."
Russel, Cabot Jackson. Captain.
Taken by Whipple, 96 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Capt Russell Killed at Wagner."
Jones, Edward L. Captain.
Taken by J. W. Black, 173 Washington Street, Boston.Capt Jones
Emilio, Luis F. Captain
Taken by D. W. Bowdoin, Downing Block, Salem.Caption: "Capt Emilis"
Douglass, Frederick.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Unknown."
Appleton, Thomas L. Captain.
Taken by Fisher Bro's, 113 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Capt Appleton."
Howard, Willard. Captain.
Taken by S. Masury, 289 Washington Street, Boston.Reed, Lewis. Lieutenant.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Charleston, S.C.Caption: "Lieut Reed."
Ritchie, John. Quartermaster.
Taken by J. W. Black, 173 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Q.M. Ritchie."
Bridgham, Charles B. Assistant Surgeon.
Taken by G. H. Loomis, 7 Tremont Row, Boston.Caption: Lieut Reed."
Emerson, Edward B. Captain.
Taken by Dewey's Gallery, 47 North Street, Pittsfield, Mass.Caption: "Capt Emerson."
Bridgham, Thomas S. Lieutenant.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C.Caption: "Lieut Bridgham."
Duren, Charles M. Lieutenant.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Lieut Duran."
Photograph missing.
Caption: "Lt. Chas. Jewett."
Littlefield, Henry W. Lieutenant.
Taken by S. Masury, 289 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Lieut Littlefield."
Tomlinson, Ezekial G. Lieutenant.
Taken by Turner's, 808 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.Caption: "Lieut Tomlinson."
Pease, Giles M. Assistant Surgeon.
Taken by Clifford & Shapleigh, 18½ Winter Street, Boston.Caption: "Dr Pease."
Nutt, William. Lieutenant-Colonel.
Taken by G. W. Beal, Post Office Building, No. Main Street, Natick.Caption: "Lieut-Col Nutt."
Ellsworth, Thomas F. Captain.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C.Batchelder, Holland N. First Lieutenant.
Taken by Sam. A. Cooley, Beaufort, S.C.Hooper, Henry N. Lieutenant-Colonel.
Taken by J. W. Black, 173 Washington St., Boston.Caption: "Lieut-Col Hooper."
Stevenson, Thomas G. Brigadier General.
Taken by J. W. Black, 163 & 173 Washington St., Boston.Caption: "Brig Genl. Stevenson."
Ames, William. Lieutenant-Colonel.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Col. Ames 3d R. I. Arty."
Jewett, Richard Henry Lee. Captain.
Photographer unknown.Caption: "Capt Jewett."
Russel, Cabot Jackson. Captain.
Taken by Whipple, 96 Washington Street, Boston.Caption: "Capt Russell Killed at Wagner."
Edwards, George. Captain.
Taken by G. T. Lape, Chatham St., N.Y.Caption: "Capt Edwards New York Engineer."
Bennett, Augustus G. Lieutenant-Colonel.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C.Caption: "Lieut Col Bennett."
McKay, George F. Captain.
Photographer unknown.Stonehouse, Henry V. Captain.
Photographer unknown.Moore, Miles. Private. Musician.
Photographer unknown.Harper, John W. Corporal.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C.Caption: "Corporal Harper."
Bush, James W. Sergeant.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C.Monroe, Henry A. Musician.
Photographer unknown.Palmer, Joseph A. Sergeant.
Taken by H. C. Foster, Morris Island, S.C."Genl. Fosters Head Qrs. Hilton Head, S. C."
Photographer unknown."Provost Marshalls Office Hilton Head, S.C. "
Photographer unknown.Preferred Citation
54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment carte de visite album, Photo. Coll. 103, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.