ca. 1860-1985; bulk: 1925-1970
Guide to the Photograph Collection
This collection contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., author, reporter, United States senator, and ambassador, and includes loose photographs, scrapbooks, and photograph albums that depict his political career and family life.
Biographical Sketch
Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985) was a U.S. senator and diplomat, the son of poet George Cabot Lodge (1873-1909) and Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (d. 1960), as well as the grandson of U.S. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924). He graduated from Harvard in 1924 and worked as a journalist until 1932. In 1926, Lodge married Emily Sears (b. 1905), and the couple had two sons: George Cabot Lodge (b. 1927) and Henry Sears Lodge (b. 1930). The Lodge family made their home in Beverly, Mass.
Lodge began his political career in 1932 with his election as a Republican state representative in Massachusetts. He was re-elected in 1934 and was subsequently elected to the U.S. Senate in 1936. Through much of his early political career, Lodge also participated actively in military maneuvers and training, and in 1942, he took a temporary leave of absence from the Senate to serve in World War II with American tank units in Libya. He was re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 1942, but resigned in 1944 to serve with the U.S. Army in Europe. After his war service, Lodge was elected once again to the Senate in 1946. In 1952, he managed Dwight D. Eisenhower's successful presidential campaign but lost his own re-election to the Senate to John F. Kennedy.
In 1953, President Eisenhower appointed Lodge ambassador to the United Nations. He served in that position until 1960, when he joined Richard Nixon's presidential campaign as his running mate for vice president. The pair lost to the Kennedy/Johnson ticket, and Lodge briefly retired from politics to serve as the Director General of the Atlantic Institute. In 1963, however, President Kennedy appointed Lodge ambassador to Vietnam, a position he kept until his resignation in 1964, in part due to Emily Sears Lodge's ill health. In 1965, President Johnson asked Lodge to return to Vietnam as ambassador, and he did so, serving in that position until 1967, after which he served as ambassador to Germany in 1968-1969. In 1969, Lodge headed the U.S. delegation to the unsuccessful Paris Peace Talks with Vietnam. From 1969 to 1977, he served occasionally as an envoy to the Vatican for Presidents Nixon and Ford.
Henry Cabot Lodge's siblings were actor and politician John Davis Lodge (1903-1985) and Helena Lodge (b. 1905), who married Edouard de Streel.
Collection Description
The Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photograph collection contains 4,230 photographs in 13 boxes, 2 oversize boxes, and 39 volumes collected by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and his wife Emily Sears Lodge. These photographs span the years ca. 1860-1985, most dating from 1925-1970, and consist of loose photos and photographs arranged in volumes.
Most of the photographs in this collection depict Lodge's life and work from his early career as a reporter to his retirement from politics in the 1970s. Both the loose photographs and the photographs in volumes depict his activities during his terms as Massachusetts state and U.S. senator; his military service and training during the 1940s, including his involvement in World War II; his own political campaigns from 1932-1960, as well as his work for the Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidential campaign in 1952; his services as United States ambassador to the United Nations and also as United States ambassador to Vietnam and Germany; and his various public appearances, award ceremonies, and speaking engagements unrelated to government business. Most of these photographs were taken by various news and/or government photographers and were collected by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge over the course of his lifetime.
In addition, the loose photographs in this collection also contain many formal and informal portraits of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. as both a child and an adult, as well as various Lodge family members and friends and Lodge's political colleagues. There are also a number of views of places of importance to Lodge's life and photographs of his travels to Labrador in 1920, around the world with Emily Sears Lodge in 1928-1929, and to Africa with Emily in 1961.
Photographers represented in this collection include Leo Rosenthal of New York, N.Y., various photographers for Life magazine and other news organizations, the United Nations, the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and many others. Many of the photographers are unidentified.
This collection contains black-and-white and color photographs, as well as some film negatives.
Acquisition Information
The Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs were removed from the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers, a gift from Lodge to the Massachusetts Historical Society in Feb. 1978.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Loose photographs
This series contains loose photographs not collected in photograph albums and is divided into 12 sections: Portraits; Views; Travel photographs; Military service; Campaign photographs; Senate photographs; United Nations photographs; Vietnam photographs; Germany photographs; Television appearances; Speaking engagements, awards, and events; and Miscellaneous.
A. Portraits, ca. 1860-1978
Arranged alphabetically into two groups: Individual portraits and Group portraits.
See also Oversize portraits, Photos. #184.2300-2346.
Individual portraits
Adams, Evelyn Davis (1853-1926), ca. 1900-1905.
Photographer unknown.Allen, Terry de la Mesa (1888-1969), Mar. 1945.
Photographer unknown.Inscription on photo: "My best to you, Cabot, Terry Allen 'Chief Timberwolf.'"
Bigelow, Chandler, ca. 1944-1945.
Photographer unknown.Bigelow, William Sturgis (1850-1926), 1883.
Taken by Stillford & Anderson (Yokohama, Japan).Inscription on photograph: "Combien je regrette/ Mon bras [illegible]/ Ma jambe bien faite/ Et le temps perdu!/ (And I didn't even know I was good-looking!)"
Blake, Joseph (1739-1818), undated.
Photographer unknown.Photograph of a portrait painting; original artist unknown.Bratcher, Horace N. (Marine guard at Lodge family home in Saigon), ca. 1965.
Photographer unknown.See also letter from Bratcher to Lodge referring to these photos in Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers, Carton 36.
See also Photo. #184.168.
Cabot, George (1751-1823), undated.
Original artist unknown.Photomechanical reproduction of an engraving of a pastel drawing.Chase, Clarence D., ca. 1885-1890.
Photographer unknown.Crittenberger, William Dale (1890-1980), ca. 1939.
Photographer unknown.Cutler, Robert C. (1895-1974), 1940.
Photographer unknown.Inscription on photograph: "Henry Cabot Lodge Jr from his friend Robert Cutler."
C[ ], Jules, ca. 1902.
Taken by Rivoue.Name illegible. Inscription in French on photograph.
Davis, Bancroft, ca. 1870-1880.
Photographer unknown.Davis, Charles Henry (1807-1877), undated.
Copy of photograph originally taken by Underwood & Underwood (Washington, D.C.).Davis, Hasbrouck (1827-1870), ca. 1861-1865.
Copy of photograph originally taken by Underwood & Underwood (Washington, D.C.).Davis, John (1787-1854), undated.
Photographer unknown.Photograph of portrait painting; original artist Streel, Helena Lodge (b. 1905), ca. 1907-1978.
Various photographers.Dewey, George (1837-1917), 1902.
Taken by George Grantham Bain (New York, N.Y.).Emile, G[ ], ca. 1912-1917.
Photographer illegible.Photo-postcard.Evans, Robert Dunlingston (1846-1912), undated.
Taken by C. M. Gilbert (Washington, D.C.).Freeman, Constant (1757-1816), undated.
Photographer unknown.Photograph of a portrait painting; original artist unknown.Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore (1817-1885), undated.
Copy of photograph originally taken by Underwood & Underwood (Washington, D.C.).Gardner, Constance Davis Lodge (b. 1871) in Egyptian costume, ca. 1891.
Photographer unknown.Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason (1865-1940), undated.
Taken by J. E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.).Harvey, George, undated.
Taken by Underwood and Underwood (New York, N.Y.).Knott, F. J., ca. 1942.
Photographer unknown.Photocopies enclosed of letters to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. regarding F. J. Knott and this photograph.
Lodge, Emily Sears (b. 1905), ca. 1920-1940.
Various photographers.Lodge, Emily Sears (b. 1905), ca. 1960-1965.
Taken by Toni Frizell.Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909), ca. 1876-1877.
Taken by Allen & Rowell (Boston, Mass.).Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909), ca. 1893-1894.
Taken by Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.).Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909) during the Spanish-American War, ca. 1895.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924), ca. 1860-1868.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) at Harvard University, ca. 1868-1872.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge dressed as Lady Macbeth and other characters with members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924), ca. 1890-1923.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), undated.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1902-1919.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1920-1926.
Various photographers.Includes two film photonegatives of Photos. #184.97a-f.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), ca. 1927-1949.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), portraits for covers of Time magazine, 1951-1964.
Taken by Time photographers (unidentified).Photographs of magazine covers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1960.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1961.
Taken by Thomas Atkinson.Enclosed is letter from Atkinson to Lodge regarding photographs, with Lodge's response attached.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1962-1964.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1972-1977.
Various photographers.Lodge, John Davis (1903-1985), ca. 1943-1945.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, John Ellerton (1976-1942), undated.
Taken by William Charles Studios.Lodge, Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (d. 1960), ca. 1877-1900.
Various photographers.Lodge, Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (d. 1960), ca. 1916-1952.
Various photographers.Mills, Elijah Hunt (1776-1829), undated.
Original artist unknown.Photomechanical reproduction of artwork.Minh, Duong Van (b. 1916), ca. 1964.
Photographer unknown.Inscribed by Minh to Lodge.
There are no Photos. #149-153.
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919), 1885-1910.
Various photographers.Click here to view Photo. #184.157 of Theodore Roosevelt on horseback.
Stickney, Joseph Turnbull (1874-1904), ca. 1900.
Photographer unknown.Wood, Leonard (1860-1927), 1900.
Taken by [S. S.?] McClaire.Vito (George Cabot Lodge Jr.'s dog), undated.
Photographer unknown.Unidentified people, ca. 1880-1935.
Photographers unidentified.Group portraits
Association of Cuban Revolutionary Emigrés, posing with a photo of Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924), 1952.
Photographer unknown.Clipping enclosed regarding photograph.
Bigelow, Chandler and R. C. [Storey?] in military uniforms, ca. 1941-1945.
Photographer unknown.Bratcher, Horace N. and others at his 21st birthday in Saigon, ca. 1965.
Photographer unknown.See also letter from Bratcher to Lodge, ca. 1965, regarding photographs in Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers, Carton 36.
See also Photos. #184.6-7.
Cleveland Roosevelt Civil Service Reform Club of 1895 at Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass., 1896.
Taken by Newton Shultis.Originally stored with letter from Newton Shultis to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., 16 Feb. 1921, in Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers.
Finley, David and [Margey?], 1941.
Photographer unknown.Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore (1817-1885) and family, ca. 1885.
Photographer unknown.Gardner, Constance David Lodge (b. 1871) in Egyptian costume with George Cabot Lodge (1873-1909) superimposed, ca. 1891.
Photographer unknown.Double-exposure photograph.See also Photos. #184.27a-e.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) with Andrew P. Quigley, 1951.
Taken by W. R. FussellKennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) and Jacqueline Kennedy (b. 1929), ca. 1961-1963.
Photographer unknown.Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1917-1963) with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican, 2 July 1963.
Taken by Giordani, Fotografia Ponticifia (Rome, Italy).Film photonegative enclosed.
Lodge, Emily Sears (b. 1905) with Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) and others at an unidentified function, undated.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Emily Sears (b. 1905) and George Cabot Lodge (b. 1927), 1927.
Taken by Robb.Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909) with members of the DuBarry family and others on the steps of 1826 H Street NW, Washington, D.C., 10 Nov. 1889.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909) and Constance Davis Lodge Gardner (b. 1871), ca. 1895.
Taken by C. M. Gilbert (Washington, D.C.).Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909) and Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis Lodge (d. 1960), ca. 1900-1909.
Photographer unknown.Stereograph.Lodge, George Cabot (1873-1909) and Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis Lodge (d. 1960) with their children, ca. 1905.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, George Cabot (b. 1927) with bride and parents on wedding day, 1949.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with other students at Mr. Dixwell's school, Boston, Mass., ca. 1864.
Original photographer unknown.Copy photograph.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with President Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) and others in Bar Harbor, Me., Aug. 1889.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with Charles Warren Stoddard (1843-1909), William Sturgis Bigelow (1850-1926), and Algernon Coolidge at Tuckernuck Island, ca. 1895-1900.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with M. Murray Crane (1853-1920) and John D. Long (1838-1915) at Republican National Convention, Chicago, Ill., June 1904.
Taken by Ashton E. Hemphill.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)and William Howard Taft (1857-1930), 1909.
Taken by Frederic Bulkeley Hyde.Photo. #184.90 is a copy photograph.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with Louis A. Frothingham (1871-1928), J. P. Morgan (1867-1943), and others at Harvard University commencement, 1916.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) with family members, ca. 1909-1915.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) and the Associated Boards of Trade of Essex County, 13 Sep. 1916.
Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) and others at the Washington Arms Conference, State Dept., Washington, D.C., ca. 1921-1922.
Photographer unknown.Copy photograph.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) and Channing H. Cox (1879-1968), ca. 1921-1924.
Taken by Acme News Pictures, Inc. (New York, N.Y.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924) and President Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), ca. 1923.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) as a child, with family members, 1905-ca. 1913.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Helena Lodge de Streel and John Davis Lodge as children.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with others in France, ca. 1912-1914.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Lodge at M. Gory's school in Paris.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with others at Belle Isle Camp, N.H., 1919.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with others at the Middlesex School and Harvard University, ca. 1919-1923.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Lodge with the Middlesex School debating team and crew teams at both schools.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Helena Lodge (later de Streel), 1922.
Taken by Bachrach.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905), 1926-1976.
Various photographers.Includes wedding photographs.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905) with their family, 1937-1959.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Henry Sears Lodge, George Cabot Lodge (b. 1927), and George's wife and children.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905) with Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis Lodge (d. 1960), ca. 1952.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905) and Charles Poletti on ship "America," 1946.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905) with unidentified people, 1952-ca. 1960s.
Photographers unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) and others, ca. 1962-1963.
Taken by Leo Rosenthal.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of the Atlantic Institute Policy Committee, 1961.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) welcoming Gerald R. Ford (b. 1913) to Boston with Margaret M. Heckler (b. 1931), Leverett Saltonstall (1892-1979), and Francis W. Sargent (1915-1998), ca. 1972-1976.
Taken by the White House.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) in Boston, Mass., Mar. 1976.
Photographer unknown.See also Photos. #184.2344a-b.
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and [P.?] Hotchkis at Bohemian Grove, undated.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and with Henry Kissinger (b. 1923) and others en route to audience with Pope Paul VI, 5 Nov. 1974.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of the Knockers Club at the Annual Christmas Luncheon, 1970-1978.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and with John Davis Lodge (1902-1985), 7 Jan. 1947.
Taken by Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) awarding medal to Robert McNamara (b. 1916) and others, ca. 1969.
Taken by JET (Boston, Mass.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Richard Nixon (1913-1994) and others at the White House, 7 May 1970.
Taken by the White House.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Mrs. Arthur Robertson at Nahant Town Hall, Nahant, Mass., 13 Feb. 1974.
Taken by Walter Hoey.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and with Leverett Saltonstall (1892-1979), ca. 1946-1947.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Francis W. Sargent (1915-1998) and others at Republican Rally, 20 Oct. 1970.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Cyrus R. Vance (b. 1917), 9 Jan. 1963.
Taken by SFC Carlos Ruiz, U.S. Army Photographic Agency (Washington, D.C.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and unidentified others, undated and 1947-1974.
Various photographers.Lodge, Henry Sears (b. 1930) with Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis Lodge (d. 1960) and Nancy Kunhardt Lodge in sailboat, ca. 1950.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, John Ellerton (b. 1876) and Helena Lodge (later de Streel) (b. 1905), ca. 1910.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, John Ellerton (b. 1876) with Mary Lodge and Evelyn Davis Adams (1853-1926), undated.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, John Ellerton (b. 1876), Mary Lodge, and an unidentified man at the Lodge house, Nahant, Mass., ca. 1920.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (d. 1960) and Helen Hay (later Whitney) (1875-1944), undated and 1899.
Lodge, Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (d. 1960) with various family members, ca. 1906-1960.
Various photographers.Includes photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985), Mary Lodge, and Henry Cabot Lodge III.
McCawley, Charles Laurie and [General] Edwards in France, 1918.
Photographer unknown.Olav V, King of Norway (1903-1991) and Märtha, Crown Princess of Norway (1901-1954), 1939.
Photographer illegible.Letter enclosed regarding photograph from Royal Norwegian Legation to Emily Sears Lodge.
Unidentified people, undated.
Photographers unknown.B. Views, ca. 1880-1958
Arranged alphabetically by country.
This subseries contains photographic views of various places of importance to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., taken by various photographers.
Afghanistan: Camel on the Kyhber Pass, 1958.
Taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.Egypt: View of unidentified ruin, ca. 1908.
Taken by G. Lekegian & Co. (Cairo, Egypt).Photo-postcard.France: Paris - 55 Ave. Marceau, apartment building where Lodge family lived from 1912-1924, undated.
Photographer unknown.France: Saint-Brice - Edith Wharton's home and gardens, undated.
Photographer unknown.Photo-postcard.United States: Massachusetts - Amherst - Massachusetts Agricultural College, 1895.
Taken by Newton Shultis.Originally stored with letter from Newton Shultis to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., 16 Feb. 1921, in Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers. The photograph is inscribed on front and back by Shultis.
United States: Massachusetts - Lawrence - Court House, ca. 1886-1888.
Taken by Charles E. Lawrence.Inscription on back of photograph: "Court House at Lawrence Mass. where I testified in Rice Kidnapping case Feb'y. 12 - 1862."
United States: Massachusetts - Nahant - "East Point," Lodge family home, ca. 1880-1915.
Photographer unknown.See also Photo. #184.2347.
United States: Unidentified farm, ca. 1900.
Photographer unknown.C. Travel photographs, 1920-1961
This subseries contains photographs of travels taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. while not holding political office. Includes photos of Lodge's trip to Labrador in 1920 to join Dr. Wilfred Grenfell's medical expedition; of Vietnam and Nicaragua, among other places, during a "world tour" taken with Emily Sears Lodge from Dec. 1928-June 1929; and of various places in Africa, taken during his travels there with Emily in 1961. Photographers include Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge, among others.
Expedition to Labrador with Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, 1920.
Taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr."World Tour" with Emily Sears Lodge, Dec. 1928-June 1929.
Taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Photo Nadal (Saigon, Vietnam).Africa trip, 1961.
Taken by C. Zachary, Emily Sears Lodge, and unidentified photographers.D. Military service photographs, 1930-1960
This subseries contains photographs relating to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s service with the U.S. Army, taken by various photographers. Most of the photographs depict Lodge's military training and maneuvers from 1930-1942, as well as his service in Libya in 1942 and during World War II, ca. 1944-1945. There are also a number of other photographs relating to World War II, including views of the concentration camp at Dachau, Germany after its liberation in 1945. See also Oversize photographs, Photos. #184.2348-2366, and Vols. 3-5.
Maneuvers, 1930-1942.
Various photographers.Service in Libya, 1942.
Various photographers.Portraits of Henry Cabot Lodge (1902-1985) in military uniform, ca. 1944-1945.
Taken by Fabian Bachrach and an unidentified photographer.Service during World War II, undated.
Photographers unknown.Service during World War II, Feb. 1945.
Photographers unknown.Service during World War II, Mar.-Apr. 1945.
Taken by Allan G. Smith (U.S. Army Signal Corps) and unidentified photographers.Concentration camp at Dachau, 1945.
Photographer(s) unknown.Other World War II photographs, ca. 1943-1946.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and unidentified photographers.Veterans' celebration, 18 Aug. 1946.
Taken by Phillips Photos (Worcester, Mass.).Promotion to Major General, U.S. Army Reserves, May 1960.
Photographer(s) unknown.E. Campaign photographs, 1935-1960
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs relating to the political campaigns in which Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. was involved from 1935-1960, taken by various photographers. These campaigns include his own states and U.S. Senate campaigns in 1935-1936, 1946, and 1952; his involvement with Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidential campaign in 1952; and the Nixon-Lodge presidential campaign in 1960, among others. See also Oversize photographs, Photos. #184.2367-2377, and Vols. 2, 6, and 9.
Massachusetts state senate campaign, 1935-1936.
Taken by the Associated Press and an unidentified photographer.Wendell Wilkie presidential campaign, 1940.
Photographer unknown.U.S. Senate campaign, 1946.
Taken by Phillips Photos (Worcester, Mass.).U.S. Senate campaign, 1952 [undated].
Taken by the Boston Globe, Durland Photo Service (Everett, Mass.), George's Photo Service (Lowell, Mass.), Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), Joseph C. Runci, and unidentified photographers.U.S. Senate campaign, 5 Sep. 1952.
Taken by Robert H. Peters (East Holliston, Mass.).U.S. Senate campaign, 11 Oct. 1952.
Photographer unknown.Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential campaign, 1952 [undated].
Taken by Edward Clark for Life magazine and unidentified photographers.Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential campaign, Apr. 1952.
Taken by the United Press Association.Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential campaign, June-July 1952.
Taken by Peter Berkeley (Denver, Colo.), Edward Clark for Life magazine, Jack Jenkins (Chicago, Ill.), and the United Press Association.Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential campaign, Oct.-Nov. 1952.
Taken by Abbie Rowe and unidentified photographers.Nixon-Lodge campaign, 1960 [undated].
Taken by Toni Frissell (New York, N.Y.), Irving Overby (Orange, N.J.), Syd Stoen (Atlantic City, N.J.), and unidentified photographers.Nixon-Lodge campaign, Apr. 1960.
Taken by Rorlias News Photo (Washington, D.C.) and unidentified photographers.Nixon-Lodge campaign, Aug.-Oct. 1960.
Taken by the Associated Press, the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Joseph C. Runci, and unidentified photographers.F. Senate photographs, 1937-1951
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs relating to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s terms in the Massachusetts state and U.S. Senates from 1937-1951, taken by various photographers. There are an especially large number of photographs relating to the Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations in 1943, in which Lodge was a participant. See also Vols. 1-2 and 6-9.
Taken by Margaret Bourke White for Life magazine, the Associated Press, the Boston Globe, International News Photos, and unidentified photographers.1940-1943.
Taken by the Acme Newspictures, the U.S. Army Signal Corps, U.S. Navy, White (Boston, Mass.), and unidentified photographers.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Departure from Washington, D.C. and Presque Isle, Me., 25-26 July 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and unidentified photographers.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Photographs taken in transit from the United States, [26-28?] July 1943.
Taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Iceland, [28-30?] July 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Great Britain, 1-6 Aug. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Acme Newspictures, and unidentified photographers.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: North Africa, 7-11 Aug. 1943.
Photographer unknown.Photos. #184.716-749 were originally glued to album pages. They were removed from these pages in Nov. 2004 due to preservation concerns and are stored in the original order in which they appeared.
Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Sicily, Italy, July-Aug. 1943.
Taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Photos. #184.759-762 were taken by Lodge during his visit to Sicily, 11-13 Aug. 1943. Photos. #184.763-773 were taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps from 13-28 July 1943 and collected by Lodge during his visit.
Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Egypt, 14 Aug. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Air Force.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Basrah, Iraq, Aug. 1943.
Photographer(s) unknown.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Karachi, India, 22 Aug. 1943.
Photographer(s) unknown.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Kunming, China, 26-27 Aug. 1943.
Photographer(s) unknown.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Calcutta, India, [30 Aug.-3 Sep.?] 1943.
Photographer unknown.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Australia, 6-9 Sep. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and unidentified photographer(s).Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 9-10 Sep. 1943.
Taken by T4 Henry C. Manger, Pfc. James B. Watson, and the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Buna, Port Moresby, 10 Sep. 1943.
Taken by T4 Ernani D'Emidio and the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea, 11 Sep. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and unidentified photographers.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Kiriwina Island, Goodenough Island, Port Moresby, and unidentified, Papua New Guinea, 11-12 Sep. 1943.
Taken by Pvt. Joseph Herda, Pfc. James B. Watson, the U.S. Army Signal Corps, and unidentified photographers.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Australia, 14-15 Sep. 1943.
Taken by T4 Harold Hoffman.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: New Caledonia, 16 Sep. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Solomon Islands, 17-21 Sep. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Army Signal Corps and unidentified photographer(s).Includes photographs of Guadalcanal.
Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Espiritu Santo, [21-22?] Sep. 1943.
Photographer unknown.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Palmyra Atoll, Line Islands, [23?] Sep. 1943.
Taken by the First Defense Battalion, U.S. Army.Senatorial Committee world tour of U.S. military operations: Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii, 28 Sep. 1943.
Taken by the U.S. Navy.1947-1951.
Taken by Acme Newspictures, Reni Newsphoto Service, White (Boston, Mass.), and unidentified photographers.G. United Nations photographs, 1953-1961
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. in his office as United States ambassador to the United Nations, a position which he held from 1953-1961. The photographs were taken by United Nations photographer Leo Rosenthal of New York, N.Y., among many others. See also Oversize photographs, Photos. #184.2378-2388, Vols. 11-17 and 19, and Photos. #184.4069-4186.
Taken by Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), John Loengard and Walter Sanders for Life magazine, United Press International Inc. (New York, N.Y.), the New York Times, and unidentified photographers.1953 [undated].
Taken by Ira Rosenberg for the New York Herald Tribune; Warren Patriquin for the Boston Herald; the New York Times; Edward Ozern (New York, N.Y.); the United Nations; and unidentified photographers.Visit to Korea with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Aug. 1953 [undated].
Taken by the Seoul Daily News, the U.S. Marine Corps, and unidentified photographers.Visit to Korea with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, 5 Aug. 1953.
Taken by Pfc. Jim Bignac and J. Park for Life magazine.Visit to Korea with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, 6 Aug. 1953.
Taken by Pfc. Lou Cohen, Cpl. Richard Naug, and Pfc. Victor Richman.Visit to Korea with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, 7 Aug. 1953.
Taken by Sgt. Robitaille (304th Sig. Bn., U.S. Army).Visit to Korea with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, 7 Aug. 1953.
Taken by Cpl. Charles Ruiz (101st Sig. Bn., U.S. Army).Jan.-Mar. 1954.
Taken by Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), Thomas L. Williams, and the United Nations."Ambassador to the World" photographs, July 1954.
Taken by Jürgen Jacobsen (New York, N.Y.).Photographs taken for article on Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. as U.N. ambassador that was published nationally in Metro Group newspapers.
July 1954.
Taken by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.Aug.-Sep. 1954.
Taken by the United Nations and an unidentified photographer.1955.
Taken by International News Photos, the New York Times, and the United Nations.1956.
Taken by Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), the New York Times, and the United Nations.1957.
Taken by Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), Tommy Weber (New York, N.Y.), International News Photos, and the United Nations.1958.
Taken by George Rowen (New York, N.Y.), the Press Information Bureau (Government of India), United Press International, and the United Nations.1959.
Taken by Burt Glinn for Magnum Photos, Inc., Stan Wayman for Life magazine and unidentified photographers.Includes photographs of Nikita Khrushchev's visit to the United States.
Taken by the United Nations and unidentified photographers.H. Vietnam photographs, 1963-1967
Arranged chronologically.
Photographs taken of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Emily Sears Lodge, and events in Vietnam during Lodge's terms as U.S. ambassador there from 1963-1964 and 1965-1967. Includes photographs of Vietnam taken by Emily Sears Lodge, among other photographers. See also Oversize photographs, Photos. #184.2389-2395, and Vols. 24-30 and 33-36.
Taken by Jim Burke, Larry Burrows, and Francis Miller for Life magazine; James H. Pickerell; Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.); the Associated Press; the U.S. Navy; the USIS Press Section; and unidentified photographers.1963 [undated].
Taken by Larry Burrows for Life magazine, the Republic of Vietnam Directorate General of Information, and unidentified photographers.Jan.-Nov. 1963.
Taken by O. Gigli, Herbert K. Meyle (U.S. Department of State), Foto Italia, Reni Newsphoto Service, USIS Photo (Tokyo, Japan).1964 [undated].
Taken by the Republic of Vietnam Directorate General of Information and unidentified photographers.Jan. 1964.
Taken by the Republic of Vietnam Directorate General of Information and an unidentified photographer.Mar. 1964.
Taken by Wide World Photos and the Republic of Vietnam Directorate General of Information.Apr.-June 1964.
Taken by Wide World Photos and the Republic of Vietnam Directorate General of Information.[Apr.?] 1965.
Photographer unknown.July-Aug. 1965.
Taken by United Press International and JUSPAO Press Section.Visit to Danang and Qui Nonh, 13 Sep. 1965.
Taken by LCpl. Jim Hallis (U.S. Marine Corps) and the JUSPAO Press Section.Visit to unidentified Vietnamese village, 16 Sep. 1965.
Photographer(s) unknown.Nice Agreement, 23 Sep. 1965.
Taken by the JUSPAO Press Section.Oct.-Nov. 1965.
Taken by Sp5 Tribble (54th Sig. Bn., U.S. Army), the JUSPAO Press Section, and an unidentified photographer.1966 [undated].
Photographers unknown.Visit to Don Bosco orphanage at Go Vap: 1966 [undated].
Photographers unknown.Includes note from orphanage to Emily Sears Lodge regarding the photographs.
Feb.-Nov. 1966.
Taken by Larry Burrows for Life magazine, E. J. Burker PH2 (U.S. Navy), and unidentified photographers.Dec. 1966.
Taken by the U.S. Marine Corps and unidentified photographers.Jan. and Apr. 1967.
Photographers unknown.Photographs sent to Emily Sears Lodge by Simone Ngoc Bich, 1954-1963.
Photographers unknown.Includes calling cards originally enclosed with the photographs.
Emily Sears Lodge photographs: [Sep.?] 1964.
Taken by Emily Sears Lodge.Emily Sears Lodge photographs: Apr. 1965.
Taken by Emily Sears Lodge.I. Germany photographs, 1968-1969
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs taken during Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s service as ambassador to Germany from 1968-1969. Includes Lodge's Department of State official identification card from 1968. Photographers include Manfred Tischer and unidentified photographers. See also Oversize photographs, Photos. #184.2396-2491, and Vol. 38.
J. Television appearances, 1948-1967
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s television appearances on "Meet the Press" and other broadcasts from 1948-1967. Photographers include J. Peter Happel (New York, N.Y.), M. Norton, and Reni Photos (Washington, D.C.).
K. Speaking engagements, awards, and other events, 1952-1979
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at speaking engagements, award ceremonies, and other events that were not part of his official political activities from 1952-1979. The photographs were taken by various photographers, many unidentified.
Award ceremonies [unidentified], undated.
Photographers unknown.Salvation Army function [unidentified], undated.
Photographer unknown.Honorary degree ceremony at Université Laval, 1952.
Photographer unknown.Dedication of the Crittenberger School, Fort Knox, Tex., 16 Aug. 1952.
Taken by Capt. Arps.1953-1954.
Taken by Maurey Garber (New York, N.Y.) and an unidentified photographer.1958.
Taken by the U.S. Army.Sylvanus Thayer Award ceremony, 16 Mar. 1960.
Taken by the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.).1960.
Taken by the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and unidentified photographers.1961.
Taken by Sgt. (E-5) James G. Stover, Mort Friedman (U.S. Army Photographic Agency), and unidentified photographers.1962.
Taken by Brooks Elder, City News Bureau (Washington, D.C.), Pace Photography (Boston, Mass.).1963-1967.
Taken by Walter Doran, Sgt. John Hawley (U.S. Army Photographic Agency), M. Holmes, G. Silk, Syd Stoen (Atlantic Cuty, N.J.), FotoItalia, and unknown photographers..Includes photographs of Marshall Medal award ceremony, Association of the U.S. Army in Oct. 1967.
1970s [undated].
Photographer unknown.1970.
Photographers unknown.Includes photographs of Congressional Medal of Honor Society Award ceremony.
Taken by Walter J. Booze (U.S. Dept. of State) and Chase (Washington, D.C.).1972.
Taken by Consolidated News Pictures (Washington, D.C.) and unknown photographers.Includes photographs of Lodge at Alfalfa Club Dinner with George H. W. Bush.
Taken by Robert Bayard Severy and an unidentified photographer..1977.
Taken by JET, Photo Services of the Office of Public Service, City of Boston, and unidentified photographers.Includes photographs of the "Grand Bostonians" exhibit, May 1977.
Taken by Fay Photo Service, Inc. (Boston, Mass.) and unidentified photographer.Most of these photographs are of Lodge and Sen. Edward Kennedy at an Americans for SALT function.
L. Miscellaneous photographs, ca. 1970-1985
This subseries contains photographs of medals received during Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. during his service in World War II; a bowl presented and inscribed by Lodge in memory of William H. Bates; a photograph of a letter from Nikita Khrushchev to Lodge; and photographs of artwork. The photos were taken ca. 1970-1985.
II. Oversize loose photographs
This series contains oversize loose photographs not collected in photograph albums and is divided into two sections: Oversize portraits and Other oversize photographs.
A. Oversize portraits, 1920-1977
Arranged alphabetically into two groups: Individual portraits and Group portraits.
Brooke, Edward W. (b. 1919), ca. 1970s.
Taken by John C. Tlumaki (Beverly, Mass.).de Streel, Helena Lodge (b. 1905), 1925.
Taken by Phot. Caponier (Paris, France).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), undated.
Taken by Alfred Eisenstadt for Life magazine.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), undated.
Taken by Wide World Photo.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1928.
Taken by Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985), 1954-1963.
Taken by various photographers for Life magazine.Lodge, Mathilda Elizabeth Frelinghuysen Davis (1876-1960), ca. 1900-1905.
Taken by Schell (New York, N.Y.).Root, Elihu (1845-1937), 1908.
Taken by Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.).Groups
Carter, Jimmy (b. 1924) and others at the signing of the Panama Canal Treaties, 7 Sep. 1977.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), undated.
Taken by United Press Photos.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with the Harvard freshman crew team, ca. 1920.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of the Signet Society, Harvard University, 1923.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and others at the Outing and Reunion of the Essex Club at Centennial Grove, Essex, Mass., 29 July 1925.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and unidentified others on Caribbean cruise, Dec. 1933.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and others at the Harvard Class of 1924 Reunion Banquet, 19 June 1934.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with others at Mahatma Gandhi's funeral, 1948.
Taken by T. S. Satyan for Life magazine.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of Eisenhower's cabinet, 1954.
Taken by Abbie Row.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of Eisenhower's cabinet, ca. 1955.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Douglas MacArthur (1880-1894) and Dick Berlin, Apr. 1956.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of Eisenhower's cabinet, 10 May 1956.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with others at the L'Union Saint-Jean Baptiste d'Amérique banquet, Hartford, Conn., 3 May 1958.
Taken by Capitol Studio, Inc. (Hartford, Conn.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with grandchildren, ca. 1960.
Taken by Burt Glinn for Life magazine.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with Emily Sears Lodge (b. 1905) and family, 1960.
Taken by Burt Glinn for Life magazine.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Edward W. Brooke (b. 1919), ca. 1970s.
Taken by John C. Tlumaki (Beverley, Mass.).Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) with members of the George C. Marshall Research Foundation, 29 Oct. 1975.
Photographer unknown.Lodge, Henry Cabot (1902-1985) and Henry Kissinger (b. 1923), Mar. 1976.
Photographer unknown.See also Photo. #184.252a.
Lodge, Henry Sears (b. 1930) and George Cabot Lodge (b. 1927), 1942.
Taken by Bushmiller.B. Other oversize photographs, 1920-1969
Views: "East Point," Nahant, Mass., 1920.
Taken by Belcher.Military photographs, 1940-1943.
Taken by the Associated Press Wire Photo, the 14th U.S. Air Force, and unidentified photographers.Includes photographs of Lodge on maneuvers at Fort Knox, N.Y. in 1940; aerial photographs of the bombings of Hankow, China in 1942 and of France and Germany in 1943; and aerial photographs of Kweilin, China taken in Aug. 1943.
Campaign photographs, 1952-1960.
Taken by Toni Frissell (New York, N.Y.), Burt Glinn, Ted Polumbaum, Frank Ross, Al Struck, and the White House.Includes photographs of the Dwight D. Eisenhower presidential campaign in 1952 and the Nixon-Lodge presidential campaign in 1960.
United Nations photographs, 1953-1960.
Taken by the New York Times, various photographers for Life magazine, and unidentified photographers.Vietnam photographs, 1963-1966.
Taken by various photographers for Life magazine and unidentified photographers.Models of buildings in Buckeberg, Germany, ca. 1968-1969.
Photographer unknown.III. Photograph albums
Arranged chronologically.
Vols. 1-6, 8-16, 18-28, 31-32, and 36-38 were disbound in Dec. 2004 due to preservation concerns; the album pages are stored in boxes in the order in which they originally appeared in the albums. Some of these volumes are Oversize. Many of the photographs in these volumes are duplicates of loose photographs also found in this collection.
A. July 1925-May 1943
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. taken from July 1925-May 1943, during his years as a reporter and during his terms as Massachusetts state representative and his first term as U.S. senator. Photographers include Acme Newspictures, Inc., Harris & Ewing (Washington, D.C.), Underwood & Underwood (Washington, D.C.), the U.S. Navy, and many unidentified photographers. Includes tintype. Also includes photocopies of the original album pages before the photograph album was disbound.
B. 1932-1945
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., taken from 1932-1945, that mostly depict his activities and campaigns during his terms in office as Massachusetts state representative and U.S. senator. There are also some photographs of Lodge during his involvement with Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidential campaign of 1952. Photographers include various photographers for Life magazine, Acme Newspictures, Inc., Reni Photos, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the United Press Association, among many others. Also includes photocopies of the original album pages before the photograph album was disbound.
C. Military service photograph albums, ca. 1941-1945
Disbound volumes.Three disbound volumes contain photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. during his military training and maneuvers in the United States and his military service in World War II in France, Italy, and Germany. Photographers include the U.S. Army Second Armored Division, U.S. Army Pictorial Services, various photographers for the U.S. Army Signal Corps, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., and unidentified photographers. Vol. 4 includes postcards and memorabilia. Also includes photocopies of the original album pages before the photograph albums were disbound.
Military service, ca. 1941-1944.
Military service, 1944-1945.
Military service, 1944-1945.
D. Dec. 1945-July 1953
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s public appearances, meetings, and other events from Dec. 1945 to July 1953. Includes photographs of Lodge after his return from service in World War II, as U.S. senator, and also his involvement with Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidential campaign in 1952. Photographers include Acme Newspictures, Inc., Henry Dinan for Lynn Telegram News Photo, Egan Photo Service (Boston, Mass.), and various photographers for Life magazine, among other photographers. Also includes postcards and photocopies of the original album pages before the photograph albums were disbound.
E. Official visit of Senator Lodge with units of the French Armed Forces, Aug. 1951
This oversize volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. visiting the French Armed Forces at stations in Dijon, France and various places in Germany in August 1951. The photographer is unknown.
F. Gen. Jean M. de Lattre de Tassigny's visit to the United States, Sep. 1951
This disbound volume contains photographs of General Jean de Lattre de Tassigny's visit to the United States during Sep. 1951, where he met with General Willis Dale Crittenberger, French officials, and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., among others. Most of the photographs were taken by Capt. M. W. Arps of the U.S. Navy. Includes a photocopy of the original album cover before the volume was disbound and also an index to the volume.
G. Eisenhower campaign, 1952
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Dwight D. Eisenhower during Eisenhower's presidential campaign in 1952, which Lodge managed. Photographers include the Weirton Steel Co. (Weirton, W.Va.), United Press Association, and Edward Clark for Life magazine, among others; many of the photographers are unidentified.
H. Dedication of the Crittenberger School, Aug. 1952
This volume contains photographs from the dedication of the Crittenberger School in Fort Knox, Kentucky on 16 Aug. 1952, when Gen. William Dale Crittenberger renamed the former Fort Knox Independent School in memory of his son, Corp. Townsend Woodhull Crittenberger, an alumnus who had died during World War II. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. was a speaker at the ceremony. The photographer is unidentified.
I. United Nations photograph albums, 1952-1954
Disbound volumes (Vols. 12-13 are OVERSIZE).Three disbound volumes contain photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. during his service as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. Most of the photographs depict Lodge at meetings of the U.N. Photographers include the United Nations, Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), and various photographers for news media, among others.
United Nations, Oct. 1952-1 Sep. 1953.
United Nations, 16 Sep.-Dec. 1953.
United Nations, Jan.-Sep. 1954.
J. Dec. 1954-Dec. 1955
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at various functions, public appearances, and honorary degree ceremonies from Dec. 1954-Dec. 1955. There are also a number of a photos of Lodge in his post as United States ambassador to the United Nations. Emily Sears Lodge appears in many images. Photographers include Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), the U.S. Army, and the United Nations, among many others.
K. Jan. 1956-Jan. 1957
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at various functions, public appearances, and honorary degree ceremonies from Jan. 1956-Jan. 1957. There are also a number of a photos of Lodge in his post as United States ambassador to the United Nations and at events associated with the U.N. Emily Sears Lodge appears in many images. Photographers include Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.) and the New York Times, among others; many of the photographers are unidentified.
L. 1957-1958
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. in his post as United States ambassador to the United Nations from 1957-1958, as well as at various functions, TV appearances, honorary degree ceremonies, and public events associated with the U.N. Emily Sears Lodge appears in many images. Photographers include Leo Rosenthal (new York, N.Y.), the United Nations, and Bill Ray for Life magazine, among many others.
M. Visit to India, Feb. 1958
This volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s tour of the Tata Mills in Bombay, India in Feb. 1958, as part of his duties as United States ambassador to the United Nations, with V. K. Krishna Menon, Union Minister for Defense in India. The photographer is unknown.
N. America's Cup Races, Sep. 1958
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and others at the America's Cup Races in Newport, R.I. on 20 Sep. 1958, which Lodge watched from the deck of the U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Boat CG-95322. The volume was given to Lodge by the United States Coast Guard, and the original volume cover is stored with the photographs. The photographs were taken by an unidentified photographer with the United States Coast Guard.
O. 1959
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s activities during 1959, most of which depict his involvement as United States ambassador to the United Nations. There are also a number of photographs of Lodge at various functions and award ceremonies, as well as exterior and interior photographs of the United Nations building in New York. Photographers include Roarlias (Washington, D.C.), Leo Rosenthal (New York, N.Y.), Mac A. Shain, and the United Nations, among others. There are also three photographs taken by noted New York architectural photographer Richard Averill Smith of the interior of an unidentified building.
P. Founder's Day ceremonies at West Point, Mar. 1960
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge attending the Founder's Day ceremonies at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. in March 1960. The photos depict the Lodges with alumni, staff, and students at the school and also Lodge receiving the Sylvanus Thayer award from alumni. The photographs were taken by Mr. Murphy of the United States Military Academy. The original binder for the volume is stored with the photographs.
Q. U.S. Naval Academy graduation ceremonies, June 1960
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge attending graduation ceremonies at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. in June 1960. Lodge delivered the graduation address for the Academy. The photographs were taken by the U.S. Navy. The original binder for the album is stored with the photographs. Includes a letter to Lodge from Lieutenant A. D. Fall of the U.S. Naval Academy.
R. Visit to United States Army Infantry Center, Apr. 1961
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. during his visit to the United States Army Infantry Center at Fort Benning, Ga. on 6-7 April 1961. The photographs were taken by Sergeant Downs of the U.S. Army Signal Corps. The original binder for the album is stored with the photographs.
S. National Conference of Christians and Jews, Mar. 1962
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s visit to Wichita, Kansas in March 1962 to speak at the annual brotherhood banquet of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Includes photocopies of articles regarding his visit. The volume was compiled by the news staff of the Wichita Eagle and the Wichita Beagle, and all photographs were taken by the two newspapers.
T. Vietnam, Aug. 1963-1964
Disbound volumes (Vol. 27 is OVERSIZE).Four disbound volumes contain photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s first term as ambassador of Vietnam, 1963-1964. Subjects include Lodge's swearing-in ceremony in Aug. 1963; tours of troops in Vietnam and meetings with Ngô Ðình Diêm, Nguyên Khánh, Robert McNamara, and others; Emily Sears Lodge's involvement with charity work for schools in Vietnam; and photographs of the Lodges' departure from Vietnam in 1964, among other subjects. The photographs in Vol. 27 were collected by Emily Sears Lodge, and most are identified in her hand. Photographers in Vol. 24 include Herbert J. Meyle of the U.S. Dept. of State, the USIS Press Section, and Makoto Naito of USIS Photo Tokyo; photographers in Vols. 25-27 are unidentified. Some photographs in Vols. 25-27 are color.
Vietnam, Aug. 1963.
Vietnam, ca. 1963-1964.
Vietnam, ca. 1963-1964.
Vietnam, 1963-1964.
U. Lyndon Johnson photograph album, ca. 1963-1968
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs presented to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. by President Lyndon B. Johnson in recognition of Lodge's service as ambassador to Vietnam from 1963-1968. Most of the photographs depict Lodge and Johnson in Vietnam in 1966. There is also one portrait of Johnson that is autographed and dedicated in Johnson's hand to Lodge. The photographers in this volume are unidentified. The original cover to the disbound volume is stored with the photographs.
V. Nguyen Duong Don reception, Aug. 1964
This volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. at a reception in his honor given by Nguyen Duong Don, Vietnamese ambassador to Italy, in Aug. 1964. The volume was presented to Lodge by the ambassador after his visit. The photographers are unidentified.
W. Departure from Vietnam, June 1964
This volume contains photographs of the ceremonies preceding Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge's departure from Vietnam in June 1964, when he resigned his post as ambassador there for the first time. The photos depict the Lodges meeting with Foreign Minister Phan-Huy-Quat and Prime Minister Nguyên Khánh, among other subjects. There are some photographs missing from the volume, and the photographers are unidentified. The volume was presented to Lodge by the Vietnamese Minister of Information and is housed in an enameled wood case.
X. Splendid American Award ceremony, Oct. 1964
This volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. receiving the first Splendid American Award from the Thomas A. Dooley Foundation in Oct. 1964. The photographs depict Lodge at the Foundation's reception and ceremony in his honor, with author William J. Lederer, singer Peggy Lee, and Bounlieng Chounramany, governor of Sithandone Province in Laos, among others. The photographers are unidentified. The volume also contains programs, photocopies of letters and clippings, and other memorabilia presented to Lodge at the ceremony.
Y. Johnson Administration, ca. 1965-1968
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. working with president Lyndon B. Johnson and others at the White House during Johnson's administration, ca. 1965-1968. Most of the photographs appear to date from 1967, and all of the photographs were taken by official White House photographers.
Z. Visit to Angiang Province, Vietnam, Oct. 1965
This volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. visiting with officials, military staff, and others in the Angiang Province of Vietnam in Oct. 1965. The photos also depict Lodge visiting a factory and hospital. The photographer is unknown. Some loose photographs are stored with the volume, and a letter in Vietnamese addressed to Lodge is attached to the front page.
AA. 1966-1967
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge both at home and abroad in Vietnam in 1966-1967. The photographs depict Emily Sears Lodge at the Don Bosco-Govap orphanage in Saigon in July 1966 and again ca. 1967, as well as the Lodges' holiday celebrations with friends and family at home in Beverly, Mass. in Dec. 1966.
BB. Vietnam, 1967
This volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. in Vietnam in 1967. Most of the photographs were probably taken in Saigon and depict Lodge visiting and attending meetings with the mayor of Saigon. The photographer is unknown. The volume was a gift to Lodge, probably from the Saigon government, and is housed in an enameled wood case.
CC. Visit to Don Bosco Govap orphanage, Vietnam, 1967
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge visiting the Don Bosco-Govap orphanage in Saigon in 1967. The photographs were taken by orphanage staff and presented to the Lodges. The original volume binder is stored with the photographs.
DD. Lodge family photograph album, ca. 1967-1979
This disbound volume contains color snapshot photographs of the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. family at home in Beverly, Mass., ca. 1967-1979. The photographs depict the Lodges' children and grandchildren visiting the home and sailing; other subjects include the Lodges' pet bird and various awards and medals received by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. The photographs may have been taken by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.
EE. 1968-1971
This oversize disbound volume contains photographs relating to Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.'s political activities from 1968-1971. Most of the photographs depict Lodge's service as the United States ambassador to Germany from 1968-1969, including his meetings with Heinrich Lübke, president of the Federal Republic of Germany, and other politicians, as well as his public appearances as ambassador. The volume also contains photographs relating to Lodge's involvement with the Paris Peace Talks and also as an envoy to the Vatican for president Richard Nixon in 1971. Most of the photographs were taken by German photographers, including F. Grosse, Hans Kripgans, and Landesbildstelle Berlin, as well as USIS and Robert H. McNeill, among many others.
FF. Constitution Ball, Apr. 1970
This disbound volume contains photographs of Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. and Emily Sears Lodge at the Fifth Annual Constitution Ball, held on 18 Apr. 1970 at the Statler Hilton Hotel in Boston, Mass., an event held to raise money for the preservation of the U.S.S. Constitution. Lodge was a speaker at the event. The photographs were taken by the U.S. Navy.
IV. Additions to the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs
This series contains photographs that were added to the collection in Feb. 2005. All of the photographs were originally stored loose in envelopes between the pages of Oversize scrapbook #3 in Carton 67 of the Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. papers. They are arranged here in the order in which they were found in the scrapbook. Subjects include Lodge's visits to India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran in Feb. 1958 and to Africa to celebrate the independence of Cameroon and the inauguration of President Tubman as president of Liberia in Jan. 1960. These visits took place during his service as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. Photographers include U.S.I.S Iran, the Press Information Bureau of the Government of India, the U.S. Information Service (Karachi, Pakistan), U.S.I.S. Lahore, and the Haut-Commissariat de la République Française au Cameroun, Service de l'Information. as well as unidentified photographers.
Visit to Iran, Feb. 1958.
Taken by the U.S.I.S. Iran and unidentified photographers.Visit to India, Feb. 1958.
Taken by the Press Information Bureau of the Government of India and unidentified photographers.Visit to Abadan, Iran, Feb. 1958.
Photographer unknown.Visit to Pakistan, Feb. 1958.
Taken by the U.S. Information Service (Karachi, Pakistan), U.S.I.S. Lahore, and unidentified photographers.Visit to Douala, Cameroon, Jan. 1960.
Photographers unknown.Visit to Yaounde, Cameroon, 31 Dec. 1959-1 Jan. 1960.
Taken by the Haut-Commissariat de la République Française au Cameroun, Service de l'Information.Visit to Liberia, Jan. 1960.
Photographer(s) unknown.Preferred Citation
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. photographs, Photo. Coll. 184, Massachusetts Historical Society Photo Archives.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.