1807-2018; bulk: 1817-1922

Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Abbot family papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection contains the papers of the Abbot family. The bulk of the material is from Joseph Hale Abbot and William Fitzhale Abbot. Included are letters, personal and professional papers, financial records, diaries, news clippings, writings, poetry, student work, autographs, genealogical research, and family history.

Biographical Sketches

Joseph Hale Abbot (1802-1873) was born 25 September 1802 on Abbot Hill in Wilton, New Hampshire, to Ezra Abbot (1771-1847) and Rebekah Hale Abbot (1781-1860). He was first educated by Rev. Thomas Beede at Wilton before completing his college preparation in 1818 at Drummer Academy in Byfield, Massachusetts, where his uncle Abiel Abbot (1765-1859) was preceptor. He then attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, graduating in 1822. He next spent a year at Harvard College as a graduate student. For the next three years, he taught at private schools in Beverly and Watertown, Massachusetts. From 1825 to 1827, Hale, as he was known, was a librarian and instructor of Latin, Spanish, French, and geometry at Bowdoin. This was followed by six years (1827-1833) as a professor of modern languages, mathematics, natural philosophy, and chemistry at Phillips Exeter Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, where his relative Benjamin Abbot (1762-1849) was principal. Abbot opened his own private School for Young Ladies in Boston, which operated from 1833 to 1859. After his school's closure, he spent the next 10 years providing scientific definitions to Joseph Emerson Worcester's dictionary. During this time, he was also principal at Beverly High School (1861-1867) and later a private instructor (1867-1872) in Boston. Throughout his career, Abbot gave many lectures on various scientific subjects and published scientific articles. The last 15 years of his life were spent working on an English grammar book.

He married Frances "Fanny" Ellingwood Larcom (1807-1883), daughter of Henry Larcom (1777-1862) and Fanny Ellingwood Larcom (1780-1847), 13 May 1830. Hale and Fanny had seven children, six of whom survived to adulthood: Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927), Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927), Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1903), Emily Frances Abbot (1839-1899), Edward Stanley Abbot (1841-1863), and William Fitzhale Abbot (1853-1922). Joseph Hale Abbot died 7 April 1873 in Cambridge at the home of his daughter.

William Fitzhale Abbot (1853-1922) was born 27 April 1853 to Joseph Hale Abbot and Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot in Boston. Abbot spent his childhood in Beverly, where he first attended school, then Cambridge Latin School (1868-1870), and finally Harvard College (1870-1874). While a student, he was a member of Pi Eta and Phi Beta Kappa. After his graduation, he worked for two years at Noble and Greenough School, then in Boston (1874-1876), then as a private instructor for a year (1876), as an assistant principal at the Indianapolis Classical High School (1877-1880), and then Worcester High School, where he later became the head of the Classical Department (1880-1922). His other professional interests included membership in the American Philological Association, Classical Association, National Education Association, Harvard Teachers' Association, Worcester Teachers' Association, and Public Education Association, as well as others. He was also a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Sons of the Revolution, and Worcester Historical Society, among numerous other organizations that pertained to his personal interests. Abbot had a keen interest in family history and genealogy and produced a number of works about his family branches.

William Fitzhale Abbot married Caroline Ward Sewall (1860-1939), daughter of Edmund Quincy Sewall (1828-1908) and Louise Kilham Lovett Sewall (1831-1906) of Wilmington, Delaware. Her brother was Theodore Lovett Sewall (1853-1895), with whom Abbot was principal at the Indianapolis Classical High School. Other siblings include Edmund Devereux Sewall (1855-1923), Samuel Lovett Sewall (1862-1938), Frederick Farley Sewall (1867-1906), and Louise Lovell Sewall Chapman (1871-1947). William and Caroline had five children: Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960), Hale Wellington Abbot (1885-1964), Larcom Abbot (1885-1885), Miriam Abbot (1890-1990), and Theodore Sewall Abbot (1897-1992). William Fitzhale Abbot died 21 April 1922 in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Note: See Appendix 1 for a genealogy of the Abbot family, Appendix 2 for a genealogy of the Dane and Ellingwood families, and Appendix 3 for a genealogy of the Hale and Everett families.

Collection Description

The Abbot family papers consist of 10 record cartons and 2 document boxes of manuscripts, printed material, and 66 manuscript volumes. They document the Abbot family and their extended families mainly from 1817 to 1922. The bulk of the material pertains to Joseph Hale Abbot and William Fitzhale Abbot.

Joseph Hale Abbot's papers consist of correspondence, personal and professional papers, and biographical material written mostly after his death. Correspondence (1817-1873) covers Joseph's time as a student at Bowdoin College in Maine, his career as an educator, and his varied scientific interests. Correspondents include his family, extended family, classmates, former students, fellow educators, acquaintances, and peers in the scientific community. His personal papers (1816-1873) contain material from his student years at Bowdoin, writings, diary entries, testimonials on his opinion about the use of ether, and material relating to his family life. His professional papers (1817-1871) contain material pertaining to his Young Ladies' School and teaching positions at Bowdoin College, Philips Exeter Academy, and Harvard College; his work on Worcester's dictionary; membership in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and articles, speeches, lectures, and miscellaneous work by Abbot on a variety of topics.

William Fitzhale Abbot's papers consist of correspondence, personal and professional papers, and 55 volumes of diaries. Correspondence (1857-1921) includes letters between William and various Abbot family members, friends, students, and colleagues. His personal papers (1865-1925) relate to his time at Harvard College, mainly as a student, as well as his school years at Cambridge High School. Other material includes writings, a lecture given by Abbot, and biographical material from before and after his death. His professional papers (1870-1923) cover his teaching positions at Indianapolis Classical High School and Worcester Classical High School. It also includes his resume, recommendations by his peers, material relating to his involvement in the Classical Association of New England and the National Education Association, and course outlines. His diaries (1866-1922) cover his life as a student, teacher, courting, and life with his family. Some diaries are shared with his wife Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot. They also include inserts of correspondence, printed material, and ephemera that pertain to his daily life and events.

Other Abbot family members represented in the collection include Frances "Fanny" Ellingwood Larcom Abbot and Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot. Their papers consist of correspondence with other Abbots and extended family, as well as personal papers, including their own writings and miscellaneous material. The collection also has some material for various other Abbot family members, including the Jacob Abbot (1803-1879) family, the Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927) family, the Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927) family, the Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899) family, Miriam Abbot Holmes (1890-1990), the Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1933) family, the Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960) family, Theodore Sewall Abbot (1897-1992), the Stanley Harris Abbot (1863-1935) family, and the Hale Wellington Abbot (1885-1964) family, among others. Also included in the family papers is a collection of autographs from the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The Abbot family papers also contain genealogical research and family history compiled by various Abbot family members, with the bulk done by William Fitzhale Abbot. Research traces the family tree to George Abbot (1615-1681), the first Abbot to arrive in America. The material also traces other early ancestors, including the Barker, Bragg, Fiske, Chandler, and Larcom families, and covers early settlement areas of Andover and Beverly in Massachusetts, and Wilton, New Hampshire.

As noted by Historic Beverly (PDF), which holds additional family papers, much of the material has some staining after it was submerged in mud following Hurricane Agnes in 1972.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Quincy Sewall Abbot, December 2020.

Restrictions on Access

The Abbot family papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Joseph Hale Abbot papers, 1816-1873

This series contains Joseph Hale Abbot's correspondence, personal and professional papers, and biographical material compiled after his death.

A. Correspondence, 1817-1970

Joseph Hale Abbot's correspondence consists of letters between Abbot and various family members, former classmates mainly from Bowdoin College, extended family, and numerous friends, acquaintances, former students, inquiries to attend his school, and peers in the religious, education, and science fields. Of interest is a letter from Dr. James Thacher of Plymouth asking Abbot for a scab so he can create a vaccine for kinepox (1820). Professional correspondence discusses the pneumatic paradox, electromagnetism, Latin and Greek, and numerous other topics.

Other correspondents include William Allen, John Stocker Coffin Knowlton, Benjamin Hale, George Cobb Wilde, Edward Lasell, Charles Grafton Page, Thomas Sherwin, David Wood Gorham, John James Dixwell, John Frost, John Dudley Philbrick, Carl Ritter, Samuel Atkins Eliot, Joseph Lovering, Benjamin Eddy Cotting, Andrew Preston Peabody, Charles Toppan Thayer, Epes Sargent Dixwell, George Ripley, Francis Alger, Josiah Parsons Coole, Jr., Phebe Ann Coffin Hanaford, Clarence John Blake, John Bernard Swett Jackson, Benjamin Apthorp Gould, Jr., Jared Sparks, Samuel Kirkland Lothrop, Denison Olmsted, and Jacob Bigelow.

Family, 1817-1873

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 1Folder 1-4SH 1AMM

Abbot family, 1817-1863, undated

Carton 1Folder 5-7SH 1AMM

Rebekah Hale Abbot (1781-1860), 1817-1860

Carton 1Folder 8-9SH 1AMM

Dorcas Abbot Bishop (1804-1833), 1817-1833

Carton 1Folder 10-14SH 1AMM

Ezra Abbot (1772-1847), 1818-1846

Carton 1Folder 15SH 1AMM

Abiel Abbot (1765-1859), 1819-1846

Carton 1Folder 16-18SH 1AMM

Rebekah Abbot Knight (1800-1882), 1820-1873

Carton 1Folder 19-22SH 1AMM

Ezra Abbot (1805-1876), 1823-1870, undated

Carton 1Folder 23SH 1AMM

Emily Abbot (1810-1835), 1825-1835

Carton 1Folder 24SH 1AMM

Jacob Abbott (1803-1879), 1825-1847

Carton 1Folder 25SH 1AMM

Abiel Abbot (1770-1828), 1825-1827

Carton 1Folder 26SH 1AMM

Benjamin Abbot (1762-1849), 1826-1827

Carton 1Folder 27-29SH 1AMM

Abiel Abbot (1808-1896), 1826-1834

Carton 1Folder 30SH 1AMM

Samuel Abbot (1786-1839), 1827-1838

Carton 1Folder 31SH 1AMM

Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot (1807-1883), 1830, 1858-1872

Carton 1Folder 32SH 1AMM

Harriet Abbot Abbot (1814-1886), 1830-1831, 1873

Carton 1Folder 33SH 1AMM

Harris Abbot (1812-1884), 1831-1863

Carton 1Folder 34SH 1AMM

Nelson Abbot (1816-1890), 1831-1873

Carton 1Folder 35SH 1AMM

Anne Wales Abbot (1808-1908), 1833-1873

Carton 1Folder 36SH 1AMM

Catharine Abbot Abbot (1808-1891), 1837, undated

Carton 1Folder 37SH 1AMM

Abiel Abbot Livermore (1811-1892), 1845-1850

Carton 1Folder 38SH 1AMM

George Jacob Abbot (1812-1879), 1845, undated

Carton 1Folder 39SH 1AMM

Abby Anne Abbot Rockwood (1818-1912), 1848, 1871

Carton 1Folder 40SH 1AMM

John Hale Abbot (1825-1905), 1852

Carton 1Folder 41SH 1AMM

Ezra Abbot (1819-1884), 1855, 1865

Carton 1Folder 42-46SH 1AMM

William Fitzhale Abbot (1853-1922), 1856-1872

Carton 1Folder 47SH 1AMM

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899), 1858

Carton 1Folder 48SH 1AMM

Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927), 1858

Carton 1Folder 49SH 1AMM

Joseph Abbot (1809-1967), 1862

Classmates, 1822-1872

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 1Folder 50SH 1AMM


Carton 1Folder 51-54SH 1AMM

John Appleton (1804-1891), 1822-1825, 1872

Carton 1Folder 55-56SH 1AMM

Timothy Walker Stone (1805-1826), 1822-1825

Carton 1Folder 57SH 1AMM

William Smyth (1797-1868), 1843

Carton 1Folder 58SH 1AMM

Jabez Cushman Woodman (1804-1869), 1864, 1868

Personal and professional, 1820-1873

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 1Folder 59-66SH 1AMM


Carton 1Folder 67SH 1AMM

Parker Cleaveland (1780-1858), 1820-1843

Carton 1Folder 68SH 1AMM

Warren Burton (1800-1866), 1824-1863

Carton 1Folder 69SH 1AMM

Francis Bowen (1811-1890), 1829, 1854, 1856

Carton 1Folder 70-71SH 1AMM

Dorothea Dix (1802-1887), 1834-1839, undated

Folder 71 consists of transcripts.

Carton 1Folder 72SH 1AMM

William Ellery Channing (1780-1842), 1834, undated

Carton 1Folder 73SH 1AMM

Gideon French Thayer (1793-1864), 1839, 1845

Carton 1Folder 74SH 1AMM

Benjamin Silliman, Jr. (1816-1885), 1840-1845

Carton 1Folder 75SH 1AMM

James Pollard Espy (1785-1860), 1842-1844

Carton 1Folder 76SH 1AMM

Benjamin Silliman, Sr. (1779-1864), 1843

Carton 1Folder 77SH 1AMM

Horace Mann (1796-1859), 1846, 1849

Carton 1Folder 78SH 1AMM

Cora Lyman Shaw (1828-1922), ca. 1847

Carton 1Folder 79SH 1AMM

William Francis Channing (1820-1901), 1848, 1857

Carton 1Folder 80SH 1AMM

Charles Thomas Jackson (1805-1880), 1849-1854

Includes a carte de visite of Jackson.

Carton 1Folder 81SH 1AMM

George Barrell Emerson (1797-1881), 1850-1867

Carton 1Folder 82SH 1AMM

Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909), 1851-1856, 1868

Carton 1Folder 83SH 1AMM

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (1809-1894), 1852

Carton 1Folder 84SH 1AMM

Edward Everett (1794-1865), 1852, 1857

Carton 1Folder 85SH 1AMM

John Amory Lowell (1798-1881), 1854

Carton 1Folder 86SH 1AMM

John Carter (1819-1879), 1859-1860

Carton 1Folder 87SH 1AMM

William Abbott Everett (1828-1912), 1862

Carton 1Folder 88SH 1AMM

Thomas Bulfinch (1896-1867), 1867

Carton 1Folder 89SH 1AMM

John Gorham Palfrey (1796-1881), undated

Carton 1Folder 90SH 1AMM

Sarah Preston Everett Hale (1796-1866), undated

Carton 1Folder 91SH 1AMM

Alexander Hill Everett (1792-1847), undated

Carton 1Folder 92SH 1AMM

Miscellaneous transcripts from 1818-1846, undated

B. Personal papers, 1816-1906

Arranged chronologically.

Material in this subseries consists of poetry, a testimonial to L. S. Webster's ability as a chirography instructor, and a memorial to Dr. Martin Gay by Abbot. Bowdoin College materials include schoolwork on the projection of the solar eclipse in September 1811, articles about his time at Bowdoin written for The Academe under the pseudonym Impeleyer Geyter, excerpts from letters, and correspondence between Abbot's son William Fitzhale Abbot and the school librarian George Thomas Little. Other material includes excerpts that likely came from a diary, conduct reports by Abbot for his children, and his opinions on the use of ether for medical purposes.

Carton 2Folder 1SH 1AML

Writings, 1816-1850

Carton 2Folder 2SH 1AML

Bowdoin College, 1820-1906

Carton 2Folder 3SH 1AML

Possible diary excerpts from 1828-1834 [manuscript copy], undated

Carton 2Folder 4SH 1AML

Family life, undated

Carton 2Folder 5SH 1AML

Ether controversy, 1848-1868

Carton 2Folder 6Vol. 1SH 1AML

Household account book, 1862-1873

C. Professional papers, 1817-1871

Arranged chronologically in two groups.

The professional papers of Joseph Hale Abbot consist of material pertaining to his Young Ladies' School, including printed material, financial records, student lists, recollections by former students, and composition work by students C. D. Smith, Anna M. Renouf, Helen E. Renouf, Caroline Healey Dall, Susan Hale, Mary R. Sleeper, Fanny L. Barrett, S. C. Lord, Emily Abbot, Ednah D. Littlehale, Kate Gordon, and Helen Torry. Other material includes notes, articles, and records of pay disputes for his work on Worcester's dictionary; printed material and meeting announcements for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and catalogs, letters, and other papers from his years as a teacher at Bowdoin College, Philips Exeter Academy, and Harvard College. Also included are articles, speeches, lectures, and miscellaneous work by Abbot on a variety of topics.

Carton 2Folder 7SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures, 1817-1824, undated

Carton 2Folder 8Vol. 2SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—Lecture on heat at Exeter Lyceum, 1831

Carton 2Folder 9SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—"An Attempt to Determine by Experimental Research the True Theory of the Pneumatic Paradox," American Journal of Science and Arts, excerpt reprint, 1840

Carton 2Folder 10SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—"A Description of Several New Electro-Magnetic and Magneto-Electric Instruments and Experiments," American Journal of Science and Arts, No. 1, Vol. 40, ca. 1840

Carton 2Folder 11SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—"Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. II, May 1848-May 1852," 1852

Carton 2Folder 12SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—Spanish translation of State Bank of Hartford v. Republic of Mexico, 1869

Carton 2Folder 13SH 1AML

Articles, speeches, and lectures—"Preliminary Remarks to the Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem," undated

Carton 2Folder 14SH 1AML

Bowdoin College, 1820-1830

Carton 2Folder 15SH 1AML

Watertown Private School financials, 1823

Carton 2Folder 16Vol. 3SH 1AML

Mathematic workbook, ca. 1825

Carton 2Folder 17Vol. 4SH 1AML

Philips Exeter Academy, 1833, 1871

Carton 2Folder 18SH 1AML

Letters of recommendation from 1833-1865 [copies], undated

Carton 2Folder 19SH 1AML

Young Ladies' School—Financials and pupil lists, 1834-1853

Carton 2Folder 20SH 1AML

Young Ladies' School—Composition assignments, 1835-1868, undated

Carton 2Folder 21SH 1AML

Young Ladies' School—Miscellaneous, 1837-1868, undated

Carton 2Folder 22SH 1AML

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1838-1864

Carton 2Folder 23SH 1AML

Harvard University, 1841-1843, 1858

Carton 2Folder 24SH 1AML

Worcester's dictionary, 1859-1860, undated

D. Biographical material, 1858-ca. 1970

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains biographical sketches of Joseph Hale Abbot, as well as some other Abbots, and memorials and obituaries. Also in this series is a letter by Fanny Larcom Abbot Wells recalling Abbot's relationship with his wife Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot.

Carton 2Folder 25-26SH 1AML

Bowdoin College biographical sketches, 1858, 1882

Carton 2Folder 27SH 1AML

Memorials to Joseph Hale Abbot, 1873-1894

Carton 2Folder 28-29SH 1AML

Original biography by William Fitzhale Abbot, ca. 1890

Carton 2Folder 30SH 1AML

Miscellaneous, 1945, undated

Carton 2Folder 31-32SH 1AML

Updated biography, ca. 1970

Carton 2Folder 33Vol. 5SH 1AML

"Joseph Hale Abbot and His Ancestors," by William Fitzhale Abbot, undated

Carton 2Folder 34SH 1AML

"Joseph Hale Abbot and His Ancestors," by William Fitzhale Abbot, undated

II. Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot papers, 1828-1882

This series contains the correspondence and personal papers of Fanny Ellingwood Larcom Abbot. They include letters between Fanny and various Abbot family members and autobiographical material consisting of excerpts from diary entries and recollections about her childhood.

A. Correspondence, 1828-1882

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 2Folder 35SH 1AML

Dorcas Abbot Bishop (1804-1833), 1828-1833

Carton 2Folder 36SH 1AML

Emily Abbot (1810-1835), 1833

Carton 2Folder 37SH 1AML

Rebekah Hale Abbot (1781-1860), 1834-1858

Carton 2Folder 38SH 1AML

Rebekah Abbot Knight (1800-1882), 1834-1850

Carton 2Folder 39SH 1AML

Abbot family, 1835-1854

Carton 2Folder 40SH 1AML

Sarah Jane Abbot (1821-1857), 1837-1859

Carton 2Folder 41SH 1AML

Abigail Dane Bunten Twiss (1831-1919), 1859, 1861, 1882

Carton 2Folder 42SH 1AML

Abiel Abbot (1808-1896), 1861, 1873

Carton 2Folder 43-44SH 1AML

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899), 1861-1862

Carton 2Folder 45SH 1AML

Abigail Dane Whipple Bunten (1790-1879), 1866-1875, undated

Carton 2Folder 46SH 1AML

Joseph Hale Abbot (1802-1873), 1870-1871

B. Personal papers, 1858-1872

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 2Folder 47SH 1AML

Autobiographical material, 1858-1872

Carton 2Folder 48SH 1AML

"Uncle Remus," attributed to Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot, undated

III. William Fitzhale Abbot papers, 1857-1925

This series contains William Fitzhale Abbot's correspondence, personal and professional papers, and diaries.

A. Correspondence, 1857-1921

Correspondence of William Fitzhale Abbot includes letters between Abbot and various family members, friends, and professional associates. Letters from Abbot's wife Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot include loose excerpts from her diary and drawings from their children. Professional correspondence mostly pertains to employment.

Personal, 1857-1920

Arranged mostly chronologically.

Carton 3SH 1AMQ

Frances Ellingwood Larcom Abbot, 1860-1883

Carton 4Folder 1-5SH 1AMN

Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1903), 1857-1903

Carton 4Folder 6SH 1AMN

Anne Wales Abbot (1808-1908), 1858, 1890-1899

Carton 4Folder 7SH 1AMN

Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927), 1860, 1869

Carton 4Folder 8-23SH 1AMN

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899), 1862-1899

Carton 4Folder 24SH 1AMN

Rebekah Abbot Knight (1800-1882), 1866-1880

Carton 4Folder 25SH 1AMN

Ezra Abbot (1819-1884), 1878

Carton 4Folder 26-27SH 1AMN

Engagement, April-September 1879

Carton 4Folder 28SH 1AMN

Henry Ellingwood Abbot (1871-1881), 1879, 1881

Includes a letter from a cousin in Wilton, New Hampshire, detailing the death of Henry Ellingwood Abbot.

Carton 4Folder 29-31SH 1AMN

Theodore Lovett Sewall (1853-1895), 1880-1895

Carton 4Folder 32SH 1AMN

Edmund Devereux Sewall (1855-1923), 1882-1912

Carton 4Folder 33SH 1AMN

Philip Stanley Abbot (1867-1896), 1885-1894, undated

Carton 4Folder 34SH 1AMN

Abiel Abbot Vaughan (1839-1907), 1886, 1896, 1906

Carton 4Folder 35SH 1AMN

Ethel Vaughan (1867-1923), 1886, 1896, 1906

Carton 4Folder 36-56SH 1AMN

Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot (1860-1939), 1886-1920

Carton 4Folder 57SH 1AMN

Mary Alvina Dodge Parsons (1839-1912), 1893, undated

Carton 4Folder 58SH 1AMN

Henry Eben Burnham (1834-1917), 1902

Carton 4Folder 59SH 1AMN

Theodore Sewall Abbot (1897-1992), 1904

Carton 4Folder 60SH 1AMN

Abby Ann Abbot Rockwood (1818-1912), 1908

Carton 4Folder 61SH 1AMN

Oliver Richmond Cook (1863-1942), 1910

Carton 4Folder 62SH 1AMN

Edmund Hale Abbot (1881-1966), 1912-1914

Carton 4Folder 63SH 1AMN

Abigail Dane Bunten Twiss (1831-1919), 1916

Carton 4Folder 64SH 1AMN

Envelopes, 1833-1913, undated

Professional, 1874-1921

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 5Folder 1-3SH 14XW T


Carton 5Folder 4SH 14XW T

Augustus Whitting, 1874, 1876

Carton 5Folder 5SH 14XW T

William Reynolds Dimmock (1835-1878), 1874, 1876

Carton 5Folder 6SH 14XW T

George Washington Copp Noble (1836-1919), 1874-1879

Carton 5Folder 7SH 14XW T

Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909), 1876

Carton 5Folder 8SH 14XW T

Frank H. Harvey, 1879

Carton 5Folder 9-17SH 14XW T

Students, 1879-1921, undated

Carton 5Folder 18SH 14XW T

Worcester High School, 1880-1899

Carton 5Folder 19SH 14XW T

Proctor Academy (Andover, New Hampshire), 1880-1881

Carton 5Folder 20SH 14XW T

Higher School for Boys (Chicago, Illinois), 1881-1882

Carton 5Folder 21-23SH 14XW T

Evans Woolen, 1881-1916

Carton 5Folder 24SH 14XW T

Mary E. Washburn, 1889-1899

Carton 5Folder 25SH 14XW T

Smith Academy, Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri), 1890

Carton 5Folder 26SH 14XW T

Harry Howard Hill, 1893-1897

Carton 5Folder 27SH 14XW T

Edward Henry Warren, 1895, 1904-1905

Carton 5Folder 28SH 14XW T

Allyn and Bacon Publishers, 1898-1899

Carton 5Folder 29SH 14XW T

Archibald Livingston Hodges, 1898

Carton 5Folder 30SH 14XW T

Packer Collegiate Institute (Brooklyn, New York), 1899

Carton 5Folder 31SH 14XW T

Henry Goddard Leach, 1900

Carton 5Folder 32SH 14XW T

Margaret C. Waites, 1901, 1905

Carton 5Folder 33SH 14XW T

Alfred Butler, 1907-1913

Carton 5Folder 34SH 14XW T

Grace Hadley, 1909-1910

Carton 5Folder 35SH 14XW T

John Green Wight, 1913

Contains a photograph of a house called the Gables in Clinton, New York.

B. Personal papers, 1865-1925

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the personal papers of William Fitzhale Abbot. Harvard College material consists of class catalogs, requirements and electives, class standings, reports, editions of The Magenta, Class Day programs, some student work, and miscellaneous ephemera and printed material. Material pertaining to Cambridge High School consists of report cards and programs for the school's annual exhibition (1870). Other material includes an excerpt from Fanny Ellingwood Larcom Abbot's diary regarding her feelings for her son William, a childhood composition (ca. 1853), and a later speech on the Puritans (1889).

Carton 5Folder 36-38SH 14XW T

Harvard College, 1865-1884

Carton 5Folder 39SH 14XW T

Cambridge High School, 1869-1870

Carton 5Folder 40Vol. 6SH 14XW T

Financial records, 1876-1911

Carton 5Folder 41SH 14XW T

1882-1884, undated

Carton 5Folder 42Vol. 7SH 14XW T

Writings, 1889, undated

Carton 5Folder 43-44SH 14XW T

Obituaries and memorials, 1922-1925

Carton 5Folder 45SH 14XW T

Biographical material, undated

C. Professional papers, 1870-1923

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the professional papers of William Fitzhale Abbot. They include letters of recommendations, material pertaining to his former places of employment, and course outlines used by him as a teacher. Also included is material from professional associations he was affiliated with.

Carton 5Folder 46SH 14XW T

Resume and letters of recommendation, 1870, 1876, 1897

Carton 5Folder 47SH 14XW T

Indianapolis Classical School, 1876, 1878, 1886

Carton 5Folder 48SH 14XW T

Worcester Classical High School, 1893, 1922-1923

Carton 5Folder 49SH 14XW T

Classical Association of New England, 1907-1921

Carton 5Folder 50SH 14XW T

"Natural and Artificial Stimuli in Teaching Latin," speech for the National Education Association, July 1910

Carton 5Folder 51-53SH 14XW T

Latin and Greek courses, undated

D. Volumes, 1855-1922

The volumes of William Fitzhale Abbot mainly consist of diaries, some of which are shared with his wife Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot. The diaries also contain loose inserted material, such as printed material, newspaper clippings, correspondence, ephemera, and other miscellaneous items. Reminiscences contain biographical entries begun by Fanny Ellingwood Larcom Abbot and later added to by William Fitzhale Abbot.

Diaries, 1866-1922

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 6Folder 1Vol. 7SH 14Y1 %

1 July-14 October 1866

Carton 6Folder 2Vol. 8SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 3Vol. 9SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 4Vol. 10SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 5Vol. 11SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 6Vol. 12SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 7Vol. 13SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 8Vol. 14SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 9Vol. 15SH 14Y1 %

27 April 1871-28 November 1878

Carton 6Folder 10Vol. 16SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 10Vol. 17SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 11Vol. 18SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 12Vol. 19SH 14Y1 %

Travel diary for New Hampshire, June-July 1873

Carton 6Folder 13Vol. 20SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 14SH 14Y1 %

Loose items removed, 1874

Carton 6Folder 15Vol. 21SH 14Y1 %

14 November 1878-25 October 1903

Carton 6Folder 16Vol. 22SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 17Vol. 23SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 18Vol. 24SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 19Vol. 25SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 20Vol. 26SH 14Y1 %


Carton 6Folder 21Vol. 27SH 14Y1 %


Carton 7Folder 1Vol. 28SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 2Vol. 29SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 3Vol. 30SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 4Vol. 31SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 5Vol. 32SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 6Vol. 33SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 7Vol. 34SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 8Vol. 35SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 9Vol. 36SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 10Vol. 37SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 11Vol. 38SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 12Vol. 39SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 13Vol. 40SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 14Vol. 41SH 1BC6


Carton 7Folder 15Vol. 42SH 1BC6


Carton 8Folder 1Vol. 43SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 2Vol. 44SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 3Vol. 45SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 4Vol. 46SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 5Vol. 47SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 6Vol. 48SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 7Vol. 49SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 8Vol. 50SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 9Vol. 51SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 10Vol. 52SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 11Vol. 53SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 12Vol. 54SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 13Vol. 55SH 1AMR


Carton 8Folder 14Vol. 56SH 1AMR


Box 1Folder 1Vol. 57SH 1BD7


Box 1Folder 2Vol. 58SH 1BD7


Box 1Folder 3Vol. 59SH 1BD7


Box 1Folder 4Vol. 60SH 1BD7


Box 2Folder 1Vol. 61SH 1BD8


Box 2Folder 2Vol. 62SH 1BD8


Reminiscences, 1855-1856, 1871, undated

This volume was begun by Fanny Ellingwood Larcom Abbot to record the early years of William's life. He later added his own entries.

Box 2Folder 3Vol. 63SH 1BD8

IV. Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot papers, 1876-1939

This series contains the papers of Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot. Correspondence consists of letters from various Abbot family members, including Philip Stanley Abbot and Sarah Otis Ernst Abbot. Correspondents from the Sewall family include Samuel Lovett Sewall, Louise Lovett Sewall Chapman, and others. The personal papers of Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot consist of material from her time as a student at St. Paul High School (St. Paul, Minnesota), biographical material, poetry, and an article entitled "Mother's Duties to Children, Physical, Mental and Moral, or The Limit of Natural Devotion" for The Woman's Record, Vol. II, No. 23, October 1890 (St. Paul).

A. Correspondence, 1879-1924

Arranged chronologically.

Condolences were written to Caroline on the death of her husband William Fitzhale Abbot.

Carton 9Folder 1-22SH 1AMP

William Fitzhale Abbot, 1879-1918

Carton 9Folder 23SH 1AMP

Abbot family, 1882-1916, undated

Carton 9Folder 24SH 1AMP

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899), 1883, 1896

Carton 9Folder 25SH 1AMP

Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1903), 1883, 1896

Carton 9Folder 26SH 1AMP

Sewall family, 1886, 1891, 1903

Carton 9Folder 27SH 1AMP

Theodore Lovett Sewall (1853-1895), 1887, undated

Carton 9Folder 28SH 1AMP

Edmund Quincy Sewall (1828-1908), 1890-1906

Carton 9Folder 29SH 1AMP

Louise Kilham Lovett Sewall (1831-1906), 1890-1891, undated

Carton 9Folder 30SH 1AMP

Personal, 1897, 1904, undated

Contains two letters (1897, 1904) from the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute signed by Booker T. Washington.

Carton 9Folder 31SH 1AMP

Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960), 1898, 1906

Carton 9Folder 32-33SH 1AMP

Edmund Devereux Sewall (1855-1923), 1902-1906

Carton 9Folder 34SH 1AMP

Condolences from family, 1922-1923

Carton 9Folder 35-39SH 1AMP

Condolences from friends and acquaintances, 1922-1924

B. Personal papers, 1876-1939

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 9Folder 40SH 1AMP

Miscellaneous, 1876, 1939

Carton 9Folder 41SH 1AMP

Writings, 1890, undated

V. Abbot family papers, 1807-2018

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains papers of various Abbot family members and their descendants. Miscellaneous Abbot family material includes an Abiel Abbot (1765-1859) letter to his brother Ezra (1772-1847), Jacob Abbot (1768-1834) correspondence, a copy of a diary excerpt of Edward Stanley Abbot (1841-1863), and the will of Sarah Jane Abbot (1821-1857).

Autographs include William Channing Gannett, Hugh McCulloch, Henry Augustus Wise, Andrew Atkinson Humphreys, Chester Warren Bulfinch, Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, George Barrell Emerson, Alexander Hamilton Vinton, James Thomas Fields, Franklin Haven, William Henry Rideing, and Charles Christopher Byrne.

Carton 9Folder 42-43SH 1AMP

Miscellaneous Abbot family members, 1807-2014

Carton 9Folder 44SH 1AMP

Jacob Abbot (1803-1879) family papers, 1829, 1907

Carton 9Folder 45-47SH 1AMP

Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927) family papers, 1852-2006, undated

Carton 9Folder 48Vol. 64SH 1AMP

Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927) family papers—"Fall and Redemption," Summit Tales: Early Adventures in the Canadian Rockies, Graeme Pole (Altitude Publishing: 2005)

Carton 9Folder 49SH 1AMP

Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927) family papers, 1855, undated

Carton 9Folder 50-51SH 1AMP

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899) family papers, 1862-2006

Carton 9Folder 52Vol. 65SH 1AMP

Emily Frances Abbot Vaughan (1839-1899) family papers—Composition book, 1862

Carton 10Folder 1-5SH 1BD9

Miriam Abbot Holmes (1890-1990) papers, 1891-1990

Carton 10Folder 6Vol. 66SH 1BD9

Miriam Abbot Holmes (1890-1990) papers—Baby book by Caroline Ward Sewall Abbot, 1891-1901

Carton 10Folder 7SH 1BD9

Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1903) family papers, 1908, undated

Carton 10Folder 8-10SH 1BD9

Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960) family papers, 1922-2013, undated

Carton 10Folder 11SH 1BD9

Theodore Sewall Abbot (1897-1992) correspondence, 1922, 1982-1983

Carton 10Folder 12SH 1BD9

Stanley Harris Abbot (1863-1935) family papers, 1935-2018

Carton 10Folder 13SH 1BD9

Hale Wellington Abbot (1885-1964) family papers, 1977-1981

Carton 10Folder 14SH 1BD9

Autographs, undated

VI. Genealogy and family history, 1887-2009

The series contains genealogical material and family history research done by various members of the Abbot family.

Carton 10Folder 15SH 1BD9

George Abbot (1615-1681) and his descendants, 1887, 2000-2002, undated

Carton 10Folder 16SH 1BD9

Joseph Hale Abbot and his ancestors and descendants, undated

Carton 10Folder 17SH 1BD9

Barker family, 1887, 2000

Carton 10Folder 18SH 1BD9

Bragg-Fiske family, undated

Carton 10Folder 19SH 1BD9

Chandler family, 2004

Carton 10Folder 20SH 1BD9

Larcom family, undated

Carton 10Folder 21SH 1BD9

Abbot family houses featured in "A Group of Early Colonial Houses at Andover, Mass.," in The Massachusetts Magazine, Vol. V, No. I, January 1912

Carton 10Folder 22SH 1BD9

Cemetery records, 1998, undated

Carton 10Folder 23SH 1BD9

Military service, undated

Carton 10Folder 24SH 1BD9

Phillips Academy (Andover, Massachusetts), 2004

Carton 10Folder 25-26SH 1BD9

Research and notes, 1899, 2000-2009

Appendix 1: Abbot Family Genealogy

This genealogy includes some relevant Abbot family members represented in this collection.

1. John Abbot (1735-1818)

son of John Abbot (1704-1793) and Phebe Fiske Abbot (1712-1802)

m. Abigail Abbot (1733-1807)

1. Abiel Abbot (1771-1828)

m. Eunice Wales (1773-1832)

1. Emily Abbot (1799-1904)

m. Stevens Everett (1797-1833)

1. Mary Susan Everett (1832-1871)

m. Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927)

2. Anne Wales Abbot (1808-1908)

2. Abiel Abbot (1741-1809)

son of John Abbot (1704-1793) and Phebe Fiske Abbot (1712-1802)

m. Dorcas Abbott (1744-1829)

1. Abiel Abbot (1765-1859)

m. Elizabeth Abbot (1766-1853)

2. Jacob Abbot (1768-1834)

m. Catherine Thayer (1779-1843)

1. George Jacob Abbot (1812-1879)

m. Ann Taylor Gilman Emery (1815-1861)

3. Benjamin Abbot (1770-1823)

m. Phebe Abbot (1771-1857)

4. Ezra Abbot (1772-1847)

m. Rebekah Hale (1781-1860) (see Hale family)

1. Rebecca Abbot (1800-1882)

m. Isaac Knight

2. Joseph Hale Abbot (1802-1873)

m. Frances "Fanny" Ellingwood Larcom (1807-1883)

1. Henry Larcom Abbot (1831-1927)

m. Mary Susan Everett (1832-1871)

1. Frederic Vaughan Abbot (1858-1928)

2. Marion Stanley Abbot (1864-1955)

3. Elinor Everett Abbot (1867-1950)

4. Henry Ellingwood Abbot (1871-1881)

2. Edwin Hale Abbot (1834-1927)

m. first Mary Clark Carter (1836-1860)

m. second Martha Trask Steele (1839-1932)

1. Philip Stanley Abbot (1867-1896)

2. Edwin Hale Abbot, Jr. (1881-1966)

3. Constance, adopted

3. Francis Ellingwood Abbot (1836-1903)

m. Katharine Fearing Loring (1839-1893)

1. Everett Vergnies Abbot (1862-1925)

2. Edward Stanley Abbot (1863-1957)

3. Fanny Larcom Abbot (1872-1964)

m. Ralph Gent Wells (1879-1958)

4. Emily Frances Abbot (1839-1899)

m. Abiel Abbot Vaughan (1839-1907)

1. Ethel Vaughan (1867-1923)

2. Stanley Vaughan (1870-1872)

5. Edward Stanley Abbot (1841-1863)

6. William Fitzhale Abbot (1853-1922)

m. Caroline Ward Sewall (1860-1939)

1. Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960)

m. Melinda Wheeler Rockwood (1884-1960)

Persis Lovejoy Abbot (1921-2014)

2. Hale Wellington Abbot (1885-1964)

m. first Lillian Norris

m. second Mary Ethel Browning O'Donnell (1893-1958)

Larcom Wayne Abbot (1920-1981

Hale Stanley Abbot (1928-1977)

3. Larcom Abbot (1885-1885)

4. Miriam Abbot (1890-1990)

m. Francis S. Holmes

5. Theodore Sewall Abbot (1897-1992)

m. Alice Eleanor Howell (1902-1996)

Quincy Sewall Abbot (1932-2023)

3. Dorcas Abbot (1804-1833)

m. Ebenezer Bishop (1798-1827)

4. Ezra Abbot (1805-1876)

m. Sarah Hooker (1824-1905)

5. Abiel Abbot (1808-1896)

6. Emily Abbot (1810-1835)

7. Harris Abbot (1812-1884)

m. Caroline Anne Greeley (1836-1911)

1. Stanley Harris Abbot (1863-1935)

m. Mary Kimball (1868-1921)

1. Charles Mack Abbot (1905-1970)

m. Jennie Maria Knight (1906-2003)

1. Elinor Abbot (1938-2020)

8. Harriet Abbot (1814-1886)

m. Hermon Abbot (1814-1878)

9. Nelson Abbot (1816-1890)

m. Hannah Holt Pevey (1821-1891)

10. Abby Ann Abbot (1818-1857)

m. Lubim Burton Rockwood (1816-1872)

William Emerson Rockwood (1854-1899)

m. Persis Abbot Lovejoy (1858-1913)

Melinda Wheeler Rockwood (1884-1965)

m. Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960)

11. Sarah Jane Abbot (1821-1857)

12. John Hale Abbot (1825-1905)

5. Dorcas Abbot (1774-1847)

m. Eliphalet Putnam (1766-1826)

6. son (1776-1776)

7. Samuel Abbot (1777-1782)

8. Abigail Abbot (1779-1812)

m. Jonathan Livermore (1770-1845)

1. Abiel Abbot Livermore (1811-1892)

9. Persis Abbot (1781-1859)

m. Henry Lovejoy (1781-1863)

Henry Lovejoy (1804-1887)

m. Melinda Crosby Wheeler (1817-1883)

Persis Abbot Lovejoy (1858-1913)

m. William Emerson Rockwood (1854-1899)

Melinda Wheeler Rockwood (1884-1965)

m. Edmund Quincy Abbot (1884-1960)

10. Rhoda Abbot (1784-1853)

m. Ephraim Peabody (1776-1853)

11. Samuel Abbot (1786-1839)

12. Phebe Abbot (1788-1825)

m. Ezra Abbot (1785-1871)

Ezra Abbot (1819-1884)

m. Emily Everett (1829-1888)

Appendix 2: Dane-Ellingwood Families Genealogy

This genealogy includes relevant Dane-Ellingwood family members represented in this collection.

Daniel Dane (ca. 1716-1768)

m. Abigail Burnham (1717-1799)

1. Abigail Dane (1740-1829)

m. Samuel Patch (1738-1807)

2. Lydia Dane (1742-1845)

m. Thomas Appleton (1740-1830)

3. Daniel Dane (1743-1819)

m. Sarah Goodhue (1747-1832)

4. Samuel Dane (1745-1777)

m. Hannah Ellinwood/Ellingwood (1749-1777)

Elizabeth Dane (1772-1861)

m. Andrew Dodge (1771-1828)

Nathan Dane Dodge, Sr. (1808-1890)

m. Sarah Perkins Shepherd (1804-1881)

Mary Alvina Dodge (1839-1912)

m. Ebenezer Parsons (1832-1909)

5. John Dane (1748-1829)

m. Jemima Fellows (1750-1827)

6. Sarah Dane (1751-1821)

m. Ebenezer Ellinwood

7. Nathan Dane (1752-1835)

m. Mary "Polly" Brown (1750-1840)

8. Molly Dane (1758-1839)

m. first William Ellingwood

m. second Thomas Whipple

1. Mary Ellingwood

2. Fanny Ellingwood (1780-1847)

m. Henry Larcom (1777-1862)

1. Frances "Fanny" Ellingwood Larcom (1807-1883)

m. Joseph Hale Abbot (1802-1873)

3. Betsey Whipple (1788-1873)

m. Ezekiel Ryder (1785-1861)

4. Abigail Whipple (1790-1879)

m. John Bunten (1783-1859)

1. Abigail Dane Bunten (1831-1919)

m. Andrew N. Twiss (1827-1891)

5. Anna Dane Whipple (1793-1847)

m. Bradford Burnham (1787-1866)

1. Henry Larcom Burnham (1814-1893)

m. Maria A. Bailey (1820-1893)

1. Henry Eben Burnham (1834-1917)

6. Sarah Whipple (1795-1827)

m. Richard Merrill

7. William Ellingwood Whipple (1797-1861)

Appendix 3: Hale-Everett Families Genealogy

This genealogy includes some relevant Hale-Everett family members represented in this collection.

Richard Hale (1717-1802)

m. first Elizabeth Strong

m. second Abigail Cobb Adams

1. Samuel Hale (1747-1826)

2. John Hale (1748-1802)

m. Sarah Adams

3. Joseph Hale (1750-1784)

m. Rebecca Harris

1. Rebekah Hale (1781-1860)

m. Ezra Abbot (1771-1847)

4. Elizabeth Hale (1751-1813)

m. first Samuel Rose

m. second John Taylor

5. Enoch Hale (1753-1863)

m. Octavia Throop

1. Nathan Hale (1784-1863)

m. Sarah Preston Everett (1796-1866)

Sarah Preston Everett Hale's brothers were Alexander Hill Everett (1792-1847) and Edward Everett (1794-1865)

1. Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)

6. Nathan Hale (1755-1776)

7. Billey Hale (1757-1785)

m. Hannah Barker

8. Richard Hale (1757-1793)

m. Mary Wright

9. David Hale (1761-1822)

m. Lydia Austin

10. Joanna Hale (1764-1838)

m. Nathan Howard

Preferred Citation

Abbot family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Abbot family--Genealogy.
Abbot, Jos. Hale (Joseph Hale), 1802-1873.
Abbot, William F. (William Fitzhale), 1853-1922.
Abbot, Frances Ellingwood Larcom, 1807-1883.
Abbot, Caroline Ward Sewall, 1860-1939.
Abbot, Ezra, 1771-1847.
Abbot, Rebekah Hale, 1781-1860.
Cleaveland, Parker, 1780-1858.
Burton, Warren, 1800-1866.
Dix, Dorothea Lynde, 1802-1887.
Silliman, Benjamin, 1816-1885.
Espy, James P. (James Pollard), 1785-1860.
Jackson, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), 1805-1880.
Emerson, George B. (George Barrell), 1797-1881.
Hale, Sarah Preston Everett, 1796-1866.
Appleton, John, 1804-1891.
Smyth, William, 1797-1868.
Lasell, Edward, 1809-1852.
Page, Charles Grafton, 1812-1868.
Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879.
Sherwin, Thomas, 1799-1869.
Alger, Francis, 1807-1863.


Harvard University.
Cambridge Latin School.
Phillips Exeter Academy.
Bowdoin College.
Indianapolis Classical High School.
Worcester Classical High School.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Education--United States--History.
Private schools--Massachusetts--Boston.
Lectures and lecturing.
Arithmetic--Early works to 1900.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.
Family history--1900-1949.
Family history--1950-1999.
Family history--2000-.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Abbot family photographs (Photo. Coll. 416).

Artwork by Dorcas Abbot Bishop (1804-1833) has been removed to the MHS Art and Artifacts collection.

The following printed materials have been removed and cataloged separately:

Abbot, Elinor, Our Company Increases Apace (SIL International, 2007)

Abbot, Elinor, Transformations: The Reconstruction of Social Hierarchy in Early Colonial Andover, Massachusetts (UMI Dissertation Information Service, 1990)