
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Wesselhoeft-Hoffmann family papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection contains papers of the Wesselhoeft and Hoffmann families of Massachusetts and California, primarily those of actress Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann and her daughter, writer Eleanor Hoffmann. It includes correspondence, personal and professional papers, diaries, genealogical records, family histories, and biographical material.

Biographical Sketches

(Eliza) Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann (1871-1968) was born on 17 May 1871 in Heidelberg, Germany, the daughter of Walter Wesselhoeft and Mary Sarah Fraser Wesselhoeft. She grew up in Cambridge and attended Radcliffe College. On 23 June 1894, she married Ralph Hoffmann (1870-1932), a noted ornithologist, and the couple moved from St. Louis, Mo. to Santa Barbara, where Ralph became the director of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and Gertrude became active in civic and cultural affairs. Their children were Eleanor Hoffmann (1895-1990), Walter W. Hoffmann (1897-1977), and Gertrude "Trudy" Hoffmann Bliss (1904-2008). Upon her husband's death in 1932, Gertrude went to Hollywood and established a career in films, lecturing, and television, including a regular role as Mrs. Odetts in the television series "My Little Margie." Her most well-known film was Alfred Hitchcock's Foreign Correspondent. She was a successful public speaker at women's luncheons and clubs, with stories of her movie career and "crashing Hollywood" in her sixties. She retired in 1957 at the age of 86 and died on 12 Feb. 1968 at age 97 in Santa Barbara.

Eleanor Hoffmann (1895-1990) was born in Belmont, Mass. on 21 Dec. 1895, the daughter of Ralph Hoffmann and Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann. After attending boarding school in Germany, she graduated from Radcliffe College with an A.B. in German Literature and History in 1917. She worked in farming in Vermont, as a landscape designer in North Carolina, and taught biology and Latin at Hampton Institute in Virginia, before studying art in Paris in 1924. She spent much of the rest of her life traveling and writing about Europe, the Caribbean, Africa, and in particular Morocco, where she became a merchant of Moroccan rugs and artwork to help finance her travels. She was the author of numerous children's articles and seventeen books, notably Mischief in Fez (1941), as well as many adult travel and culture articles and books including Realm of the Evening Star: A History of Morocco and the Lands of the Moors (1965). Although suffering from debilitating arthritis, she continued to travel in later life. She died in Santa Barbara on 20 Dec. 1990.


Williams, Caroline H. Lives in Letters: A New England Family, 1870-2000. [United States]: Caroline H. Williams, 2015.

Collection Description

The Wesselhoeft-Hoffmann family papers consist of ten cartons, one document box, and one oversize box of manuscripts and printed material spanning the years 1826 to 2016. The collection has been divided into seven series: Family correspondence; Wesselhoeft family papers; Hoffmann family papers; Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann papers; Eleanor Hoffmann papers; Walter Wesselhoeft Hoffmann papers; and Gertrude Hoffmann Bliss papers. Materials in the collection consist of family, personal, and professional correspondence; personal and professional papers; writings; diaries; genealogical records; family histories; and biographical material.

The collection primarily consists of the papers of actress Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann and her daughter, writer Eleanor Hoffmann. Gertrude's papers reflect her work as a television and motion picture actress and public speaker who began her career in her sixties; her life in Santa Barbara and Hollywood; and her travels throughout the United States, Germany, and England. The papers of Eleanor Hoffmann, including her family correspondence, document her extensive travels to Europe, Morocco, Mexico, Egypt, Polynesia, the Caribbean, and other destinations throughout her lifetime; and her career as an author of travel books and juvenile literature.

A small amount of papers are those of Eleanor Hoffmann's siblings. Walter Wesselhoeft Hoffmann's papers are reflective of his career as a career foreign service officer with postings in Costa Rica, New Zealand, Honduras, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Brazil, Germany, Columbia, and England from 1931 to 1957; and his confinement during the siege of Hong Kong by Japan in 1941. The papers of Gertrude Hoffmann Bliss illustrate her life in England as the wife of British musician and composer, Sir Arthur Bliss.

Earlier papers of the Wesselhoeft and Hoffmann families largely consist of biographical material and secondary sources, including material related to the families' German ancestors and the careers of William, Robert, Conrad, and Walter Wesselhoeft as homeopathic physicians in Massachusetts and Vermont. Of note are two original letters from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to printer Johann Carl Wesselhoeft and the 1886 diary of Mary Fraser Wesselhoeft and her husband, Walter Wesselhoeft, describing their trip to England and Mary's accidental death from an ether overdose. In addition to those of Mary and Walter's daughter Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann, the collection also includes the papers of their children Ferdinanda Wesselhoeft Reed, Mary "Polly" Fraser Wesselhoeft, Amy Wesselhoeft von Erdberg, Eleanor Wesselhoeft, Robert Alexander Wesselhoeft, and Conrad Wesselhoeft, as well as some of their descendants.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Caroline Hoffmann Williams, 2016-2018, and of Conrad Wesselhoeft, 2017.

Restrictions on Access

The Wesselhoeft-Hoffmann family papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

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II. Wesselhoeft family papers, 1821-2016

This series contains papers and biographical material related to Boston homeopathic physician Walter Wesselhoeft; his first wife Mary Sarah Fraser Wesselhoeft; and their children Ferdinanda Wesselhoeft Reed, Mary "Polly" Fraser Wesselhoeft, Amy Wesselhoeft von Erdberg, Robert Alexander Wesselhoeft, and Conrad Wesselhoeft. (For the papers of Walter's daughter, Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann, see Series III.) Early family papers contain original manuscripts and biographical material related to Walter's grandfather Johann Carl Wesselhoeft; his father Robert Wesselhoeft; his uncle William Wesselhoeft; and his siblings Conrad Wesselhoeft and Selma Wesselhoeft.

Papers include correspondence, reminiscences, essays, speeches, financial papers, sketchbooks, obituaries, memorials, and biographical sketches.

Close II. Wesselhoeft family papers, 1821-2016

IV. Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann papers, 1894-1968

The papers of Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann include personal correspondence; professional papers related to her acting, musical, and public speaking career; various writings, including scripts of her women's club talks about her Hollywood experiences; diaries chronicling her children's childhood milestones, everyday activities, and travels throughout Germany, the United States, and England; printed material primarily related to her acting career; and biographical material.

Close IV. Gertrude Wesselhoeft Hoffmann papers, 1894-1968

V. Eleanor Hoffmann papers, 1903-2013

The papers of Eleanor Hoffmann consist of personal correspondence, largely pertaining to her writing and foreign travel; correspondence, contracts, and copyright records related to her adult and juvenile publications; legal records; published and unpublished works; diaries and notebooks that chronicle Eleanor's extensive travel, including to New York, San Francisco, Mexico, Morocco, Egypt, Europe, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and Polynesia; printed material related to her writings and travels; and biographical material. Much of Eleanor's travel and subsequent writing focused on Morocco and North Africa.

Close V. Eleanor Hoffmann papers, 1903-2013

Preferred Citation

Wesselhoeft-Hoffmann family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Bliss, Arthur, 1891-1975.
Bliss, Gertrude Hoffmann, 1904-2008.
Erdberg, Amy Wesselhoeft von, 1876-1972.
Fraser family.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832.
Hoffmann, Eleanor, 1895-1990.
Hoffmann family.
Hoffmann, Gertrude W., 1871-1968.
Hoffmann, Walter Wesselhoeft, 1897-1977.
Wesselhoeft, Conrad, 1884-1962.
Wesselhoeft, Eleanor, 1877-1945.
Wesselhoeft family.
Wesselhoeft, Mary Fraser, 1840-1886.
Wesselhoeft, Mary Fraser, 1873-1971.
Wesselhoeft, Robert Alexander, 1882-1970.
Wesselhoeft, Walter, 1839-1920.
Williams, Caroline (Caroline H.).


United States. Consular Service.


Actors--United States.
Authors, American--20th century.
Authorship--Juvenile literature.
Egypt--Description and travel.
England--Description and travel.
England--Social life and customs.
Europe--Description and travel.
Family history, 1850-1899.
Family history, 1900-1949.
Family history, 1950-1999.
Family reunions.
Germany--Description and travel.
Germany--Social life and customs.
Homeopathic physicians.
Hong Kong (China)--History--Siege, 1941.
Literary manuscripts.
Morocco--Description and travel.
Polynesia--Description and travel.
Santa Barbara (Calif.)--Social life and customs.
Voyages and travels--Diaries.
Women authors.
Women travelers.
Women's diaries.
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Wesselhoeft-Hoffmann family photographs (Photo. Coll. 363).

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