Guide to the Collection
Restrictions on Access
The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. The collection is available on microfilm (P-466) for use by researchers.
This collection consists of 391 autograph letters and signatures kept by Agnes C. Storer of Newport, R.I., including autographs of scientists, numismatists, and literary and political figures.
Biographical Sketch
Agnes Caroline Storer (1874-1943) was the daughter of Dr. Horatio Robinson Storer (1830-1922).
Collection Description
This collection consists of 391 autograph letters and signatures kept by Agnes C. Storer of Newport, R.I., including autographs of scientists, numismatists, and literary and political figures. Some of the autograph letters were received by her father Dr. Horatio R. Storer. Correspondents include Charles Francis Adams, Henry Adams, Louis Agassiz, Alexander Graham Bell, Grover Cleveland, Edward Everett, Francis Parkman, and Josiah Quincy, among others.
Most items are individually described in the MHS manuscript catalog.
The collection is arranged alphabetically.
Restrictions on Access
The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. The collection is available on microfilm (P-466) for use by researchers.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allBrooks Adams (1848-1927)
Letter to Mr. Tebbets, Vendome, 3 Oct. 1893
Charles Francis Adams (1835-1915)
Letter to Henry Rogers Dalton (1839-1914) declining an invitation to attend a ceremony on the Spanish-American War, 28 Apr. 1902
Letter to Rev. D. M. Wilson, Boston, 4 Mar. 1908
Letter to [ ], undated
Henry Brooks Adams (1838-1918)
Letter to [Malcolm Storer], [Washington, D.C.], 10 Mar. 1914
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)
Dinner invitation to Rev. Dr. Morse, 20 Feb. [1822?]
Printed form completed in manuscript, not signed.Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz (1822-1907)
Letter to Friends of Radcliffe College, Cambridge, 25 Dec. 1902
Printed notice, signed.Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz (1807-1873)
Letter to Dr. D. H. Storer, Cambridge, 20 Feb. [n.d.]
Letter to [ ], 21 Feb. 1847
Letter to [David] H. Storer, Cambridge, 19 Feb. 1850
Letter to [David H.] Storer, Cambridge, 19 Feb. 1854
Letter to [David] H. Storer, Cambridge, 23 Feb. 1854
Letter to [David H.] Storer, Nahant, 25 Sep. 1867
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
Check to Louisa May Alcott from Ticknor & Fields, Second National Bank of Boston, 13 June 1867, signed on verso by Louisa M. Alcott and George Heywood, Pres.
Rasmus Bjorn Anderson (1846-1936)
Letter to [Editor], Madison, Wis., 17 Mar. 1882
E[lisha] Benj[amin] Andrews (1844-1917)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Samuel Appleton (1766-1853)
Letter to Bellamy Storer, Boston, 20 Sep. 1828
Samuel Turell Armstrong (1784-1850)
Letter to Messrs. Howe & Deforest, Boston, 8 May 1813
Sir Edwin Arnold (1832-1904)
Letter to [ ], Daily Telegraph Office, [London], undated
Spencer Fullerton Baird (1823-1887)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Newport, R.I., 8 Oct. 1880
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Washington, D.C., 19 May 1882
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Woods Hole, Mass., 23 Aug. 1883
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Woods Hole, Mass., 10 July 1886
George Bancroft (1800-1891)
Letter to George S. Hale, 17 Apr. 1882
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Newport, R.I., 13 July 1889
Hubert Howe Bancroft (1832-1918)
Letter to Dr. Storer, San Francisco, 28 Feb. 1890
Evelyn Baring, First Earl of Cromer (1841-1917)
Letter to Professor Osler, [London], 23 Sep. 1910
Typed, signed.Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891)
Letter to William Winter, New York, 19 Apr. 1871
Clara Barton (1821-1912)
Letter to E. H. Shannon, Washington, D.C., 14 Oct. 1868
Thomas Francis Bayard (1828-1898)
Letter to Arthur W. Austin, 8 May 1878
Catharine Esther Beecher (1800-1878)
Letter to the Friends of Education, Albany, 31 May 1847
Clifford Whittingham Beers (1876-1943)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Belgrade Lakes, Me., 2 Aug. 1922
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
Letter to Dr. H. R. Storer, Washington, D.C., 30 Mar. 1915
Typed, signed.Bjonstjern Bjornson
Cutslip autograph, undated
James Gillespie Blaine (1830-1893)
Letter to Francis S. Thacher, Washington, D.C., 7 Oct. 1881
Certificate, Washington, D.C., 30 Apr. 1892
[Raphael Anatole Emile] Blanchard (1857-1919)
Letter to [Horatio R. Storer], [Paris], 10 Dec. 1898
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Woods Hole, [Mass.], 24 Aug. 1907
[Ferdinand] Bocher (1832-1902)
Letter to [ ] Storer, Cambridge, 27 Mar. 1887
A. Boeckhardt
Notes, Tharand, 1856
Letter to Frank H. Storer, Tharand, 8 Mar. 1857
Charles Joseph Bonaparte (1851-1921)
Letter to Robert Treat Paine, Baltimore, 19 May 1893
Dictated, typed, signed.George Sewall Boutwell (1818-1905)
Letter to Mrs. Thesta Dana, Boston, 29 Mar. 1898
Alden Bradford (1765-1843)
Commission to Laban Lincoln as ensign in the 4th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 5th Division of Militia, signed by Alden Bradford, 23 May 1816
Victor David Brenner (1871-1924)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, New York, 4 Feb. 1909
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, New York, 22 Dec. 1909
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, New York, 21 July 1911
James Carson Brevoort (1818-1887)
Letter to [ ], Brooklyn, 24 May 1862
[Sir David] Brewster (1781-1868)
Letter to S. C. Hall, St. Andrews, [Scotland], 2 Nov. 1850
H. Breymann
Brief note in French with autograph, undated
George Nixon Briggs (1796-1861)
Letter to [ ], Washington, 14 Feb. 1842
John Bright (1884-1948)
Cutslip autograph, 26 July 1887
William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925)
Letter to Mr. Storer, en route, 15 Dec. [n.d.]
William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)
Letter to Sarah W. Haydoth, Mar. 1864
James Bryce, Viscount Bryce (1838-1922)
Letter to Mr. McDermott, British Embassy, 14 Sep. 1909
James Buchanan (1791-1868)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Aaron Burr (1765-1836)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Letter to E. Griswold, New York, 14 June 1815
Draft of letter, unsigned.Thaddeus Burr
Letter to John Hancock, Fairfield, 29 Dec. 1788
John Burroughs (1837-1921)
Letter to [ ], New Year wishes, 10 Jan. 1891
Lord Bury
Letter to [ ], wishes, 1866
Benjamin Franklin Butler (1818-1893)
Letter to George S. Hale, Boston, 18 Jan. 1883
Nicholas Murray Butler (1862-1947)
Letter to [ ], "very truly yours," undated
Nahum Capen (1804-1886)
Letter to Senator John Davis (1787-1854), 27 June 1846, with Davis' response to Capen, 27 June 1846, and note from Robert Charles Winthrop (1809-1894), 29 June 1846
Jane Carlyle
Letter to [ ], "ever truly yours," undated
Letter to [ ] about arrival to Norwood, undated
Thomas Carlyle
Cutslip autograph, undated
James Coolidge Carter (1827-1905)
Letter to [Mr. Heule?], [New York], 54 Wall St., 15 Oct. [n.d.]
Letter to [ ] Storer, Cambridgeport, 6 June 1879
Charles Carwel of Carwelton (1737-1832)
Letter to W. S. (senator from Maryland, 1789-1791), undated
Count Cavour
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Robert] Chambers (1802-1871)
Letter to [ ], Edinburgh, 25 Apr. 1834
[William] Chambers (1800-1883)
Letter to [ ], Edinburgh, 11 Jan. 1833
William Eaton Chandler
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Washington, D.C., 13 May 1890
Salmon P. Chase (1808-1873)
Letter to Bellamy Storer, Mansfield, [Ohio], 28 Sep. 1867
Francis James Child (1825-1896)
Letter to W. S. Child, Cambridge, 8 July 1880
James Hodges Choate (1832-1917)
Letter to Matilda Brownell, Stockbridge, Mass., 27 Oct. 1913
Rufus Choate (1799-1859)
Letter to Col. Tallcot, Boston, 10 Sep. 1845
Randolph S. Churchill
Cutslip autograph, undated
Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Thank you note to [ ], 21 Nov. 1901
Anna Huidekoper Clarke (1814-1897)
Letter to Mr. Thatcher, Jamaica Plain, Mass., 18 Jan. 1894
James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888)
Letter to Mr. Bowen, Jamaica Plain, [Mass.], 19 Oct. 1875
Letter to [ ], Jamaica Plain, Mass., 1 May 1886
Richard Henry Clarke (1827-1911)
Letter to [Agnes] C. Storer, New York, 14 Nov. 1902
Henry Clay (1777-1852)
Letter to William Fitzhugh, undated
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Stephen] Grover Cleveland (1837-1908)
Letter to George S. Hale, Princeton, N.J., 13 June 1897
Annual dinner of the Reform Club, 24 Apr. 1897
DeWitt Clinton (1769-1828)
Letter to Joshua Forman, Albany, 14 Apr. 1824
[Arthur Hugh] Clough (1819-1861)
Letter to [ ], 20 June 1848
Daniel Florence Cohalan (b. 1867)
Letter to Dr. [ ], Newport, 17 July 1917
Thomas Jefferson Coolidge (1831-1920)
Letter to Mr. Storer, 13 Apr. 1915
Letter to Mr. Storer, 26 Oct. 1915
Letter to Mr. Storer, 20 Dec. 1915
Letter to Mr. Storer, 6 Dec. 1916
Hiram Corson (1828-1911)
Letter to Helen Fairchild Smith, Ithaca, N.Y., 26 Oct. 1896
George Bruce Cortelyou (1862-1940)
Letter to Malcolm Storer, Washington, D.C., 4 Nov. 1901
Thomas Corwin (1794-1865)
Letter to [ ], [New York], 30 Sep. 1852
Charles Cramer (naturalist)
Letter to [ ], [St. Petersburg], 2/12 July 1847
Letter to Horatio B. Storer, [St. Petersburg], 1/13 July 1847
Letter to D. Humphrey Storer, St. Petersburg, 11 July 1847
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, St. Petersburg, 11/12 July 1847
Francis Marion Crawford (1854-1909)
Letter to [ ], New York, 20 Dec. 1892
Caleb Cushing (1800-1879)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Thomas Cushing (1725-1788)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Theodore Ledyard Cuyler (1822-1909)
Letter to Helen [ ], Brooklyn, 11 Oct. 1900
Jefferson Davis (1808-1889)
Cutslip autograph, undated
John Davis (1787-1854)
Letter to [ ], 17 Nov. 1848
John William Dawson (1820-1899)
Cutslip autograph, 11 Sep. 1890
Aubrey Thomas deVere (1814-1902)
Letter to [ ], [London], 14 June [n.d.]
Alphonse de Witte (b. 1857)
Letter to [Miss Storer], [Brussels], undated
John Adams Dix (1798-1879)
Letter to [Gov. Seymour], Fort Monroe, [Va.], 25 Apr. 1863
Austin Dobson
Cutslip autograph, undated
Elijah Winchester Donald (1848-1904)
Letter to [Mr. Hill], [Boston], 28 Jan. 1902
Edward Dowden (1843-1913)
Letter to Mr. McDermot, Dublin, 6 Jan. 1905
Henry Drummond
Cutslip autograph, undated
Timothy Dwight (1828-1916)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Letter to Miss Garrett, New Haven, declining an invitation, 15 Nov. 1890
Not signed.Charles William Eliot (1834-1926)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Cambridge, 4 May 1885
George Edward Ellis (1814-1894)
Letter to [ ], Newport, 6 Sep. 1885
George Barrell Emerson (1797-1881)
Letter to Mr. Storer, 3 Pemberton Square, 29 July 1865
William Endicott
Cutslip autograph, undated
[ ] Ernst
Letter to [ ], Vienna, 23 Aug. 1907
Adolph Ernst (1832-1899)
Letter to Prof. E. H. Storer, Caracas, 4 Feb. 1888
William Eustis (1753-1825)
Letter to [ ], War Department, undated
Sir John Evans (1823-1908)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Hemel Hempstead, Herts., 25 Jan. 1904
William Maxwell Evarts (1818-1901)
Envelope to Mr. Bellamy Storer, undated
Edward Everett (1794-1865)
Letter to Joseph L. Stackpole, 29 Oct. 1830
Letter to [ ], Cambridge, announcing an exhibition on 17 Oct. 1848, 12 July 1848
Letter to R. B. Storer, Cambridge, 3 Mar. 1849
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Cambridge, 30 June 1851
Michael Faraday
Cutslip autograph, undated
Charles Feinhold
Letter to Lella [ ], 25 May 1898
Cornelius Conway Felton (1807-1862)
Letter to Ebenezer Bailey, Cambridge, 23 Sep. 1831
Samuel Fessenden (1784-1869)
Letter to Lot Myrick Morrill, Portland, [Me.], 4 Feb. 1859
William Pitt Fessenden (1806-1869)
Letter to Mr. [Fletcher], Portland, [Me.], 17 Mar. 1859
Millard Fillmore (1800-1874)
Letter to Hon. A. Hunt, Washington, 25 Oct. 1850
John Huston Finley (1863-1940)
Letter to Helen Smith, Princeton, N.J., 13 Nov. 1900
[Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von] Fischer (1782-1854)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, St. Petersburg, 21 July 1847
Hamilton Fish (1808-1893)
Letter to Bellamy Storer, 25 Oct. 1870
Sydney George Fisher (1856-1927)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, 328 Chestnut Street, 30 Dec. 1897
[John Fiske] (1842-1901)
Postcard to John Codman Ropes, Cambridge, 5 Oct. 1877
Signed in Greek.John Murray Forbes (1771-1831)
Letter to Thomas Aspinwall, Buenos Aires, 6 Oct. 1821
Rev. Abiel Foster (1735-1806)
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Jessie Benton] Fremont (1824-1902)
Letter to [ ], Nahant, undated
Daniel Chester French (1850-1931)
Letter to Mr. Henshaw, Washington, D.C., 4 Apr. [1877?]
William Frye (1831-1911)
Letter to Samuel Adams Drake, 26 Feb. 1890
Alvan Fuller (1878-1958)
Letter to Malcolm Storer, 15 Sep. 1927
Melville Weston Fuller (1833-1910)
Letter to George S. Hale, Sorrento, [Me.], 20 Aug. 1894
Richard Garnett (1835-1906)
Letter to Mr. [Andrew?], British Museum, 2 Feb. 1889
Henry George (1862-1916)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Elbridge Thomas Gerry (1837-1927)
Envelope addressed to Colonel Henry Sherburne, 9 Mar. 1913
Daniel Cott Gilman (1831-1908)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Taylor Gilman (1753-1828)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Sir Edmund William Gosse (1849-1928)
Letter to Agnes Repplier, London, 9 Nov. 1891
Benjamin Apthorp Gould (1824-1896)
Letter to Edward [ ], Cambridge, 21 Jan. 1892
L. A. Grant
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Ottawa, Ontario, 12 Nov. 1917
Frederic Thomas Greenhalge (1842-1896)
Letter to Mr. Hale, State House, Boston, 7 Mar. 1894
Charles John Guthrie, Lord Guthrie (1894-1920)
Letter to Dr. Storer, Edinburgh, 10 Aug. 1899
Richard Burdon Haldane, Viscount Haldane (1856-1928)
Letter to Prof. [Ostler?], War Office, Whitehall, [London], 16 June 1911
Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
Letter to [cousin], Roxbury, Mass., 20 May 1897
Typed and signed.Letter to Directors of the Orphan's Asylum, Roxbury, Mass., 12 Dec. 1902
Eugene Hale (1836-1918)
Note to George S. Hale, 2 Jan. 1889
Letter to Eloise [ ], 2 July 1889
Letter to Samuel Adams Drake, 26 Feb. 1890
John Parker Hale (1806-1873)
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Walter Blackburn] Harte (1867-1898)
Letter to Malcolm Storer, East Aurora, N.Y., 9 Apr. 1896
[Moses] Harvey (1820-1905)
Letter fragment to [ ], undated
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, St. John's, Newfoundland, 23 Aug. 1892
John Hay (1838-1905)
Letter to Miss Field, 11 Jan. 1886
Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893)
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Hermann] Hellriegel (1831-1895)
Letter to [ ], Bernburg, [Germany], 30 July 1883
Charles George Herbermann (1840-1916)
Letter to Agnes C. Storer, New York, 4 Dec. 1902
[John Frederick William] Herschel (1792-1871)
Letter to Rev. D. [Lendener?], 28 July [n.d.]
[George] D. Hersey
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Providence, 12 Dec. 1891
A. Heurst
Cutslip autograph, undated
Karl Wilhelm Hiersemann (1854-1928)
Letter to Prof. S. Oettinger, Leipzig, 29 Mar. 1894
Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1823-1911)
Postcard to W. O. Henshaw, [Cambridge], 6 July 1884
Thomas Hill (1818-1891)
Letter to D. Humphreys Storer, Cambridge, 8 July [1888] [possibly 1868]
Letter to Mr. Guild, Portland, 9 Apr. 1877
Richmond Pearson Hobson (1870-1937)
Letter to Edwin Wiley, Washington, D.C., 12 Oct. 1909
Typed, signed.John Edwards Holbrook (1794-1871)
Letter to Dr. [ ], [1865?]
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)
Letter to Mrs. [David H.] Storer, 8 Montgomery Place, 30 Mar. [1854?]
Letter to [David H.] Storer, 20 Charles Street, 9 Jan. 1864
Letter to [Dr. Storer], 164 Charles Street, 20 Nov. 1866
Letter to [David H.] Storer, 164 Charles Street, 30 Dec. 1867
Letter to [Horatio R. Storer], 296 Beacon Street, 21 Jan. 1871
Letter to [David H.] Storer, 296 Beacon Street, 18 June [1875?]
Letter to Dr. Storer, 296 Beacon Street, 1 Sep. 1875
Letter to Mr. Hale, 296 Beacon Street, 8 Jan. [1880?]
Letter to Dr. Storer, 23 Oct. 1885
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935)
Letter to J. C. Ropes, Boston, accepting an invitation, 26 Nov. 1890
No signature.W. Holmes
Cutslip autograph, letter fragment, undated
Eben Norton Horsford (1818-1893)
Letter to Dr. Storer, Cambridge, 6 Nov. 1886
[Harriet Goodhue] Hosmer (1830-1908)
Letter to [Charles E. Norton], Newport, 5 Aug. [n.d.]
Samuel Gridley Howe (1801-1876)
Letter to Miss B[ ], S. Boston, undated
Letter to George S. Hale, Boston, 6 Nov. 1874
Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)
Letter to Dr. Storer, East Aurora, N.Y., 25 July [1905?]
Thomas Hughes (1822-1896)
Letter to Lord Selborne, Athenaeum Club, [London], 17 July 1876
Alex Humboldt
Letter to Mr. Pitais, undated
Letter in French, undated
Letter in French, 1826
David Humphreys (1752-1818)
Letter to Woodbury Storer, Boston, 19 Mar. 1811
Theodore W. Hunt (1844-1930)
Letter to Professor [ ], Princeton Univ., 1 Jan. 1898
Archer Milton Huntington (1870-1955)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, 15 West 81st Street, N.Y., 20 Jan. 1919
James Otis Huntington (1854-1935)
Letter to [brother], West Park, N.Y., 17 Aug. 1904
William DeWitt Hyde (1858-1917)
Letter to Abbey M. Storer, Brunswick, Me., 27 June 1893
Samuel Delucenna Ingham (1779-1860)
Letter to Archibald Campbell, Treasury Dept., [Washington, D.C.], 14 July 1830
John Kells Ingram (1823-1907)
Letter to [George] McDermott, Dublin, 3 Feb. 1900
Letter to George McDermott, Dublin, 3 Nov. 1902
William Irvine
Check to John Wilmer, 23 Nov. 1808
William James (1842-1910)
Cutslip autograph, undated
William Jardine, Seventh Baronet (1800-1874)
Letter fragment to [David H. Storer], Jardine Hall, Locksley, [England], 10 Oct. 1855
Signature missing.John Jay (1880-1941)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Jean Jusserand (b. 1932)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Washington, [D.C.], 23 May 1911
George F. Kobs
Cutslip autograph, undated
Donis Kosswith
Cutslip autograph, undated
Henry Labouchere
Letter to Rev. George McDermott, undated
Arthur Lamas (b. 1874)
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Lisbonne, 6 Dec. 1908
Daniel Scott Lamont (1851-1905)
Letter to Mr. Secretary, 19 Apr. [n.d.]
Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
Letter to [Agnes] Repplier, St. Andrews, [Scotland], 11 Dec. [1890?]
Adams Laurans (1724-1792)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Sir Wilfred Laurier (1841-1919)
Letter to Charles [ ], Ottawa, 23 Jan. 1918
[Ivan Pavlovich] Lazarewitch [or Lazarevich] (1829-1902)
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Kiev, 15 Mar. 1893
W. E. H. Lecky
Cutslip autograph, undated
[Adolph] Lieben
Cutslip autograph, undated
Letter to [ ], Vienna, 6 Feb. 1888
Samuel Livermore (1732-1803)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924)
Letter to Dr. Horatio R. Storer, 2 Jan. 1904
Letter to Dr. Horatio R. Storer, 29 May 1913
Letter to Dr. Horatio R. Storer, 21 Mar. 1919
Letter to Miss Storer, 23 June 1919
Letter to Malcolm Storer, [Washington, D.C.], 30 Nov. 1920
Letter to A[gnes] C. Storer, Boston, acknowledging gift to the Massachusetts Historical Society, 28 Nov. 1922, signed by Henry Cabot Lodge
Printed form completed in manuscript.Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge (1851-1940)
Letter to E. C. Steinmetz, Birmingham, [England], 14 June 1906
[William Loehr?] (b. 1889)
Letter to [ ], Vienna, [21 Jan.] 1914
John Davis Long (1838-1915)
Letter to George S. Hale, Washington, [D.C.], 23 Mar. 1897
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)
Envelope, undated
Cutslip autograph, undated
Letter to [David H. Storer], Bowdoin College, [Brunswick, Me.], 11 Aug. 1831
Letter to Mr. Read, 14 Jan. 1869
Benson John Lossing (1813-1891)
Letter to J. C. Derby, Dover Plains, N.Y., 27 Mar. 1884
Seth Low (1850-1916)
Letter to Capt. F. E. Chadwick, New York, 16 May 1902
Typed, signed.Abbott Lawrence Lowell (1856-1943)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Cambridge, 25 June 1920
Typed, signed.James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Letter to [ ], undated
[ ] Lullisan (1740-1795)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Sir Charles Lyell, First Baronet (1797-1875)
Letter to Kingsley, 93 Harley Street, [London], 27 Jan. 1874
William Gibbs McAdoo (1863-1941)
Letter to Edwin Wiley, Washington, [D.C.], 7 Mar. 1916
Typed, signed.Samuel Sidney McClure (b. 1857)
Letter to Malcolm Storer, New York, 17 May 1899
Typed, signed.Thomas McKean
Letter to Mr. Fisher, 27 June 1763
Richard Cockburn McLaurin (1870-1920)
Letter to F. H. Storer, M.I.T., 29 Mar. 1911
Typed, signed.Seumus MacManus (1869-1960)
Letter to Miss Storer, 25 Nov. 1912
Cutslip autograph, letter fragment, undated
Cutslip autograph, undated
Wayne MacVeagh (1833-1917)
Letter to Miss Child, 24 May 1890
James Madison (1751-1836)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Horace Mann (1796-1859)
Letter to Dr. P. M. Brewer, Concord, 21 Sep. 1845
Jules Marcou (1824-1898)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Cambridge, Mass., 20 Aug. 1896
Luther Rawson Marsh (1813-1902)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, New York, 15 Mar. 1882
Jeremiah Mason (1768-1848)
Letter to John Hancock, Portsmouth, 3 Apr. 1800
Giuseppe Mazzini
Cutslip autograph, undated
Thomas Meade (geologist)
Letter to I. P. B. Storer, Chatley Lodge, near Bath, [England], 10 Apr. 1819
George Von Lengerke Meyer (1858-1918)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Navy Dept., Washington, [D.C.], 29 Mar. 1909
Typed, signed.Wilfred Meynell (1852-1948)
Letter to Mrs. Whitely, [London], undated
Letter to [ ] [Orosz?], London, 16 Mar. 1908
James Monroe (1758-1831)
Cutslip autograph on parchment
Letter to Committee of Public Safety, 28 July 1795
Draft of letter, not signed.Luigi Monti (1830-1914)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, 107 East 45th Street, 14 Nov. 1892
John Morley (1840-1923)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Marcus Morton (1784-1864)
Letter to [son], Taunton, 18 Feb. 1860
Achille Murat (1801-1847)
Letter to Col. Aspinwall, London, 1 Nov. 1832
Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, First Baronet (1792-1871)
Letter to Lady Stanley, [London], 26 Mar. 1868
Sir James Augustus Henry Murray (1837-1915)
Postcard to George S. Hale, [Great Britain], postmarked 4 Apr. 1895
John George Nicolay (1832-1901)
Letter to the Adjutant General, Executive Mansion, Washington, [D.C.], 29 May 1862
Eliphalet Nott (1773-1866)
Letter to Dora Woolsey, Union College, 2 May 1857
Seaghan O'Boylan
Letter to Mrs. Whitely, House of Commons Library, [London], 5 July 1901
Daniel O'Connell (1775-1847)
Signature, Richmond Bridewell, 3 Sep. 1844, with signatures of John O'Connell (1810-1858) and Richard Barrett
Richard Olney (1835-1917)
Letter to Abner [ ], the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, undated
Letter to Agnes C. Storer, 31 Aug. [n.d.]
[T. L. O'Shaughnessy]
Letter to [Paulist], the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, undated
John Gorham Palfrey (1796-1881)
Letter to George Livermore, 28 Aug. [n.d.]
Palmerston (1784-1865)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Francis Parkman (1823-1893)
Letter to [ ], 50 Chestnut St., 21 Mar. 1871
Letter to Mr. Ropes, 50 Chestnut St., 6 Dec. 1889
Richard Parnell (1810-1882)
Letter to Dr. Storer, Summerfield House, [Leith?], 13 Mar. 1854
James Parton (1822-1891)
Letter to Mr. Clark, New York, 12 Feb. 1867
Elizabeth Palmer Peabody (1804-1894)
Letter to Miss Booth, 13 & 15 [Laigh?] Street, Monday 15 [1880?]
Narh[ ] Peabody (1748-1823)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Robert Peel
Letter to Captain Wormreley, undated
James Mills Peirce (1834-1906)
Letter to Prof. F. H. Storer, Cambridge, Mass., 2 Nov. 1887
Ion Perdicaris (b. ca. 1840)
Letter to Admiral [F. E.] Chadwick, Winter Harbor, Me., 5 Aug. 1905
Andrew James Peters (1872-1938)
Letter to Mr. Storer, 2 Apr. 1887
John Pierpont (1785-1866)
Letter to Moses Grant, Boston, 2 Apr. 1829
Josiah Quincy (1772-1864)
Letter to Samuel G. Drake, Boston, 10 Sep. 1852
Alexander Ramsay (b. 1822)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Letter to [ ] Bailey, [Terwyn?], 3 Dec. 1873
Abraham Redwood (1709-1788)
Signature on bill of exchange, North Providence, R.I., 8 May 1776
Walter Reed (1851-1902)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, War Dept., Washington, D.C., 20 Sep. 1897
Agnes Repplier (1855-1950)
Letter to Miss Storer, 4015 Locust Street, 29 Jan. 1893
James G. Riaure
Letter to Malcolm Storer, 4 Feb. 1890
W[illiam] C[abell] Rives (1792-1868)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Rene Francois Auguste Rodin (1840-1917)
Letter to [ ], undated
Romain Rolland (1866-1944)
Letter to [ ], Hotel Schonegg, Spiez, [Switzerland], 30 June 1911
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
Cutslip autograph, undated
John Codman Ropes (1836-1899)
Letter to Dr. Storer, Boston, 10 Nov. 1880
Letter to Agnes C. Storer, 1 Jan. 1888
Letter to Agnes [ ], Boston, 2 Jan. 1895
Letter to Dr. Storer, Boston, 1 June 1896
William Michael Rossetti (1829-1919)
Letter to B. W. Austin, London, 5 July 1891
Josiah Royce (1855-1916)
Letter to Charles A. Brackett, Cambridge, undated
Richard Rush (1780-1859)
Letter to Isaac Franks, Treasury Dept., 1 May 1812
John Ruskin
Envelope addressed to Rev. Dr. Magoon, 24 Market Street, New York, undated
[S. Sauveur]
Letter to Miss Gilmore with Christmas wishes, undated
Minot Judson Savage (1841-1918)
Letter to Mr. Burke, Boston, 18 Dec. 1893
Jacob Gould Schurman (1854-1942)
Letter to Helen F. Smith, Ithaca, N.Y., 30 Nov. 1889
Carl Schurz (1829-1906)
Cutslip autograph, undated
William Henry Seward (1801-1862)
Signature on passport of Abby M. Storer, Washington, D.C., 24 May 1867
Cutslip autograph, undated
Gerrit Smith (1797-1874)
Letter to Daniel H. Fitzhugh, [Pelerton?], 14 Mar. 1840
Gerrit Smith (1823-1910)
Letter to [ ], Isle of Wight, 3 June [n.d.]
Hamilton Smith (1840-1900)
Letter to Bellamy Storer, 25 Oct. 1870
Samuel Francis Smith (1808-1895)
Autograph, 21 Oct. 1895
Jared Sparks (1789-1866)
Letter to George Livermore, Cambridge, 30 Mar. 1852
[Edward Henry Stanley], Fifteenth Earl of Derby (1826-1893)
Letter to Prof. Conway, Derby House, [London], 11 Feb. 1886
John Austin Stevens (1827-1910)
Letter to Agnes C. Storer, Newport, 25 Sep. 1902
Dugald Stewart (1800-1858)
Cutslip autograph, 8 Aug. 1809
[Thomas] Grainger Stewart (1837-1900)
Letter to [Horatio R. Storer], Edinburgh, 12 June 1893
Bellamy Storer (1847-1922)
Letter to Agnes [C. Storer], Madrid, undated
Francis Humphreys Storer (1832-1914)
Letter to Mr. Merrill, undated
[Woodbury] Storer
Letter to W. D. Sohier, Portland, [Me.], 30 June 1831
Edward Clark Streeter (b. 1874)
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Boston, 15 Apr. 1920
Typed, signed.James Sullivan (1744-1808)
Letter to Robert Smith, Boston, 13 Aug. 1808
Charles Sumner (1811-1874)
Cutslip autograph from an envelope addressed to John R. Brewer, postmarked Boston, 22 Nov. [ca. 1855]
Letter to [Abraham Lincoln], Senate Chamber, 28 May 1862
William Howard Taft (1857-1930)
Letter to Joseph B. Warner, War Dept., Washington, [D.C.], 2 June 1904
Typed, signed.Frank William Taussig (1859-1930)
Letter to [ ], Cambridge, Mass., 29 Mar. 1887
Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)
Letter to William Winter, Gotha, [Germany], 11 July 1874
E. F. Teschemacker
Letter to Messrs. Maclean Maris & Co., 1 Highburn Park North, 7 May 1857
William Thompson (of Belfast) (1805-1852)
Letter to D. H. Storer, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 13 Oct. 1850
[William Marcus?] Thompson (1857-1907)
Letter to [ ] Ewing, Athenaeum Club, [London], 15 July 1879
Sir Edward Thornton (1817-1906)
Letter to George A. Otis, British Legation, Washington, [D.C.], 25 May 1870
Algar Labouchere Thorold (1866-1936)
Letter to Miss Vernon, 51 Via del Carato, undated
George Ticknor (1791-1871)
Letter to Thomas M. Jones, London, 19 June [1815]
Samuel Jones Tildon (1814-1886)
Cutslip autograph, 12 Feb. 1878
Joseph Meridith Toner (1825-1896)
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, Washington, D.C., 16 Oct. 1895
Henry Warren Torrey (1814-1893)
Letter to Dr. Storer, Cambridge, 18 July 1882
Judah Touro (1775-1854)
Letter to John Hancock, New Orleans, 7 Dec. 1809
Jonathan Trumbull (1740-1809)
Letter to Andrew Kingsbury, Lebanon, [Conn.], 12 Nov. 1798
Sir Charles Tupper, First Baronet (1821-1915)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Ottawa, 14 Nov. 1870
Job Roberts Tyson (1803-1858)
Notice to H. Storer, Philadelphia, of a meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 17 Oct. 1833
Printed form completed in manuscript, signed.William Cawthorne Unwin (1838-1933)
Letter to [ ], Kensington, 9 May 1895
Martin Van Buren (1782-1862)
Envelope to [ ], 2 Dec. [n.d.]
Queen Victoria
Cutslip autograph, undated
Francis Amasa Walker (1840-1897)
Letter to George S. Hale, Boston, 9 May 1883
James Walker (1794-1874)
Letter to [David] H. Storer, Cambridge, 18 Sep. 1854
John Wanamaker (1838-1922)
Letter to Miss M. E. Garrett, 13 Nov. 1890
[Wilfred Philip] Ward (1856-1916)
Postcard to Miss Storer, New York, 23 Nov. [n.d.]
Hamilton Ware
Letter to Bellamy Storer, 25 Oct. 1870
Oliver Warner (1818-1885)
Signature on appointment of William I. Bowditch as justice of the peace, Boston, 27 Apr. 1861
C[laude] C[arlos] Washburn (1883-1926)
Envelope addressed to William Gelmare, 16 Mar. [n.d.]
Emory Washburn (1800-1877)
Letter to [editor], Cambridge, 27 Jan. 1863
Booker Taliaferro Washington (1856-1915)
Letter to Stopford W. Brooke, Tuskegee, Ala., 10 Oct. 1897
Margaret J. Murray Washington (1865-1925)
Letter to Miss Storer, Tuskegee, Ala., 27 Feb. 1905
Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
Cutslip autograph, undated
John Wingate Weeks (1860-1926)
Letter to Henry Cabot Lodge, War Dept., Washington, [D.C.], 29 Mar. 1921
Typed, signed.Joshua Wentworth (1742-1809)
Cutslip autograph, undated
Charles West (1816-1898)
Letter to [Horatio R.] Storer, [St. Armpole Street?], 25 Feb. 1878
George Peabody Wetmore (1846-1921)
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, Washington, D.C., 19 Feb. 1908
Typed, signed.Ariel W. White
Letter to Mrs. Hale, undated
John [Greenleaf] Whittier (1807-1892)
Brief note, undated
John Wilson (1785-1854)
Letter to Robert [Southez?], undated
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
Letter to Francis Fisher Kane, Philadelphia, Penn., 25 Jan. 1911
Justin Winsor (1831-1897)
Letter to George S. Hale, Cambridge, Mass., 10 June 1882
William Winter (1836-1917)
Manuscript poem, initialed, 1857
Manuscript poem, signed, Cambridge, Apr. 1859
John Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley (1826-1902)
Letter to Lord Kinnaird, India Office, 12 Feb. 1886
S[ ]. Wolten (1738-1816)
Cutslip autograph, undated
William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
Letter to Mr. Graham, 8 July 1848
William Yarrell (1784-1856)
Letter to David H. Storer, 6 Ryder Street, [St. James?], 5 May 1854
Letter to Horatio R. Storer, 6 Ryder Street, [St. James?], 3 Nov. 1854
Abraham Yates (1724-1796)
Letter to [ ], Albany, 7 Aug. 1793
Seven unidentified letters
One unsigned letter, Nahant, 3 Aug. 1854
Preferred Citation
Agnes Caroline Storer autograph collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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