Guide to the Collection
This collection consists of the papers of Unitarian minister and historian George E. Ellis, including correspondence; addresses, sermons, and lectures; research papers; diaries; records of the Harvard Church (Charlestown, Mass.); and other volumes and papers.
Biographical Sketch
George Edward Ellis was a Unitarian minister and historian from Boston, Mass. The son of David and Sarah (Rogers) Ellis, he graduated from Harvard in 1833 and from Harvard Theological School in 1836. After a tour of Europe in 1838-1839, he preached at various churches in the Boston area until his ordination as minister of Harvard Church in Charlestown, Mass. in 1840. He served there for nearly 30 years, resigning in 1869. From 1857 to 1863, he was Professor of Systematic Theology at the Harvard Divinity School. He wrote and lectured on American history and religion and served as editor of the Christian Register and the Christian Examiner. He was also a member of several historical societies, a Harvard overseer, and a trustee of the Massachusetts General Hospital. He served as vice president of the Massachusetts Historical Society from 1877 to 1885, and as president from 1885 until his death in 1894.
Ellis married Elizabeth Bruce Eager in 1840. They had one child, John Harvard Ellis (1841-1870), before she died in 1842. Ellis remarried in 1859 to Lucretia Goddard Gould (1831-1869).
Collection Description
This collection consists of the papers of Unitarian minister and historian George E. Ellis, including personal and professional correspondence; manuscript addresses, sermons, and lectures; miscellaneous papers related to his research on Quakers, Count Rumford, and other subjects; diaries, including European travel diaries, 1838-1839; pew and parish records of the Harvard Church, Charlestown, Mass.; account books; school notebooks; scrapbooks and inventories; and other volumes. Many of the papers relate to his education and professorship at Harvard, his years as minister of the Harvard Church, and his work with the Massachusetts Historical Society. The collection also contains a diary of Ellis's second wife Lucretia Goddard (Gould) Ellis; a genealogy of the Ellis and Rogers families by his son John H. Ellis; pew deeds of New South (Sixth) Church; and manuscript writings of minister George W. Webster of Wheeling, W.Va.
Acquisition Information
Bequest of George E. Ellis, 1895.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Loose papers, 1769-1897
A. Correspondence, 1773-1895
This subseries consists primarily of the correspondence of George E. Ellis, as well as some financial and other miscellaneous papers and printed matter. The subseries is arranged in two chronological sequences, 1773-1895 and 1812-1894 (the second was formerly a bound volume of tipped-in manuscripts), but both sequences contain letters by many of the same individuals. Correspondents include Charles Francis Adams, Jr.; Henry W. Bellows; Andrew Bigelow; Charles Deane; F. Gordon Dexter; George N. Eaton; Edward Everett; Frederick A. Farley; Nathaniel L. Frothingham; Octavius B. Frothingham; Ezra Stiles Gannett; Ellen M. Gifford; George S. Hale; Thomas W. Higginson; George Frisbie Hoar; Oliver Wendell Holmes; Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; John Jay; Levi Lincoln; Samuel K. Lothrop; George H. Moore; George R. Noyes; Samuel Osgood; John G. Palfrey; Theodore Parker; Francis Parkman; J. Parkman; George Putnam; Eliza Susan Quincy; Josiah Quincy; Chandler Robbins; Cornelia Van Rensselaer Thayer; George Ticknor; Henry W. Torrey; Charles W. Upham; James Walker; Robert C. Waterston; Justin Winsor; Robert C. Winthrop; Alexander Young; Edward J. Young; and many others.
Among the family members represented are George's wife Lucretia Goddard (Gould) Ellis, son John H. Ellis, daughter-in-law Grace Atkinson (Little) Ellis, brother Rufus Ellis, brothers-in-law Benjamin Apthorp Gould and Horace McMurtrie, sisters-in-law Mary Apthorp (Quincy) Gould and Louisa Goddard (Gould) McMurtrie, and niece Lucy. Included are many letters from Lucretia Ellis to Mrs. Eager, probably Eliza Eager, the mother of George Ellis's first wife, as well as letters from Eliza Eager to George. The disbound volume also contains deeds for pews in the New South Meeting House and requests for prayers.
The subseries also contains a box of index cards (Box 13A) listing most of Ellis's correspondents, arranged alphabetically. Each card describes a single letter. Researchers looking for correspondence of a specific individual may want to consult these cards to find the dates of letters.
Disbound volume (1 of 10), 1812-1841
Disbound volume (2 of 10), 1842-1849
Disbound volume (3 of 10), 1850-1857
Disbound volume (4 of 10), 1858-1863
Disbound volume (5 of 10), 1864-1868
Disbound volume (6 of 10), 1869-1872
Disbound volume (7 of 10), 1873-1878
Disbound volume (8 of 10), 1879-1882
Disbound volume (9 of 10), 1883-1888
Disbound volume (10 of 10), 1889-1894
This box includes a letter to Ellis from Helen Keller, 27 Apr. 1891. Click here to view this letter online.
Index cards, undated
B. Addresses, sermons, and lectures, 1836-1875
This subseries contains manuscript addresses, sermons, and lectures by Ellis. Many of the sermons include annotations on when and where they were delivered.
Addresses, 1836-1875, most undated
Sermons, 1839-1858
Sermons, 1856-1866
Sermons, 1866-1869
Sermons, undated, 1839-1868; lectures, undated
Lowell Lectures: "Evidences of Christianity," I-XII, [1864]
Lowell Lectures: "Provincial History of Massachusetts," I-XII, [1871]
C. Miscellaneous papers, 1769-1897
Correspondence on the Hutchinson papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1868-1873
These papers relate to a dispute over the ownership of the Thomas Hutchinson papers at the MHS, originally donated by Alden Bradford. The Massachusetts legislature argued that the papers were state property, and the MHS ultimately lost their case and returned the collection to the state.
"History of the Persecution of the Quakers in New England," a paper and notes, undated
Notes on parishioners of the Harvard Church, Charlestown, 1855-1874
George W. Webster writings, undated
Included are drafts of poetry and prose writings by George Washington Webster (1823-1872). A note by Ellis reads: "These manuscripts were sent to me, to keep in charge, by the Rev. G. W. Webster, once Unitarian minister of Wheeling, Va. A man of much, but erratic, genius. He had received my help for his Family. He was deranged."
Count Rumford papers, 1769-1854
These papers relate to Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1753-1814), and consist primarily of correspondence of his daughter Sarah Thompson, Countess Rumford (1774-1852). Included are a number of letters from her to James Fowle Baldwin (1782-1862). Ellis wrote the Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford (1871).
G. E. Ellis correspondence regarding Rumford, 1868-1897
Transcripts of records on Rumford, undated
II. Volumes, 1819-1895
A. Diaries, 1833-1894
This subseries contains the diaries of George E. Ellis, kept primarily at Charlestown and Boston, including 8 line-a-day diaries in printed almanacs, 1833-1842; a volume entitled "Original Thoughts &c," 1835-1869; 7 volumes documenting his trip to Europe, 1838-1839; and 25 pocket diaries, 1858-1894. The line-a-day diaries contain brief entries, primarily noting various churches where he preached each week, but also including some entries related to his Harvard education and lectures attended. The volume entitled "Original Thoughts" is partly a memoranda book with notes on his reading and religious reflections, 1835. Diary entries in that volume date from 1836 and 1839-1869 and describe his daily activities, news of family members, etc. Ellis's trip to Europe, 1838-1839, is covered in 7 volumes, including 5 diaries, one memoranda book, and one manuscript sightseeing guide entitled "Sketch of a Tour thro. Europe." The 5 travel diaries contain detailed descriptions of sights seen in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France. The 25 pocket diaries, 1858-1894, document Ellis's daily activities, social calls, news of family members, his writing work, and his participation in local organizations.
The subseries also contains one diary of Lucretia Goddard Gould before her marriage to Ellis, kept primarily in Roxbury and Boston, Mass. Entries describe Goddard and Gould family matters, social calls, lessons, her thoughts on sermons she heard, and her efforts at self-improvement. The volume also contains Latin exercises from Mr. Weisse's school, 1845, and miscellaneous memoranda.
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1833
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1836
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1837
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1838
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1839
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1840
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1841
Line-a-day diary in an almanac, 1842
"Original Thoughts &c," 1835-1869
"Sketch of a Tour thro. Europe," ca. 1838-1839
Memoranda book (trip to Europe), ca. 1838-1839
Diary of a trip to Europe (1 of 5), 5 May-13 July 1838
Available on microfilm, P-306.
Diary of a trip to Europe (2 of 5), 17 July-15 Sep. 1838
Available on microfilm, P-306.
Diary of a trip to Europe (3 of 5), 16 Sep.-3 Nov. 1838
Available on microfilm, P-306.
Diary of a trip to Europe (4 of 5), 4 Nov. 1838-9 Feb. 1839
Diary of a trip to Europe (5 of 5), 11 Feb.-15 Apr. 1839
Pocket diary, 1858-1859
Pocket diary, 1860-1867
Pocket diary, 1869-21 May 1870
Pocket diary, 22 May 1870-1871
Pocket diary, 1872-31 Mar. 1873
Pocket diary, 1 Apr. 1873-31 May 1875
Pocket diary, 1 June 1875-10 Sep. 1876
Pocket diary, 11 Sep. 1876-1877
Pocket diary, 1878
Pocket diary, 1879
Pocket diary, 1880
Pocket diary, 1881
Pocket diary, 1882
Pocket diary, 1883
Pocket diary, 1884
Pocket diary, 1885
Pocket diary, 1886
Pocket diary, 1887
Pocket diary, 1888
Pocket diary, 1889
Pocket diary, 1890
Pocket diary, 1891
Pocket diary, 1892
Pocket diary, 1893
Pocket diary, 1894
Diary of Lucretia Goddard Gould, 17 Aug. 1848-19 Apr. 1854, with gaps
B. Harvard Church volumes, 1840-1873
This subseries consists of volumes related to the Harvard Church in Charlestown, Mass., where Ellis preached from 1840 to 1869. Included are two lists of pew owners, records of the Ministry at Large, 16 small paperbound volumes documenting Ellis's visits to members of the parish, and an undated list of parish members with some annotations.
Pew owners list, 1840
Records of the Ministry at Large, Charlestown, 1846-1873
This volume contains meeting minutes and reports of the Harvard Church Ministry at Large. Nathaniel S. Folsom was appointed minister at large in 1846, and Oliver C. Everett succeeded him in 1850.
Pew owners list, 1850s?
Parish calls, to 1851
Parish calls, 1856
Parish calls, 1857
Parish calls, 1858-1859
Parish calls, 1860
Parish calls, 1861-1862
Parish calls, 1863
Parish calls, 1864
Parish calls, 1865
Parish calls, 1866
Parish calls, 1867
Parish calls, 1868
Parish calls, undated
Parish calls, undated
Parish calls, undated
Parish calls, undated
List of parish members, undated
C. Financial volumes, 1836-1894
"Accounts Receipts & Expenditures after leaving the Divinity School - Cambridge July 20, 1836," 1836-1857
Expenses and receipts on a trip to Europe, 1838-1839, with additional receipts, 1848-1850
"Charity Fund," list of gifts, 1840-1847
"Marriage Fees received in Charlestown by me," 1840-1869
Accounts of the Teachers' Library, 1841-1849
"Expenses of John Harvard Ellis," 1858-1869
Personal accounts, 1860-1869
Louisa Goddard (Gould) Ellis accounts, 1863-1870
Personal accounts, 1876-1886
Personal accounts, 1879-1894, with miscellaneous memoranda
D. School notebooks, 1830s-1860
"Common Place Book of English Literature &c.," ca. 1830s
Notes on religion, ca. 1830s
Notes on prophesy, ca. 1830s
"Elementa Arabica," notes on Arabic linguistics, ca. 1830s
"Communes Loci," notes on Dr. Ware's lectures, 1833
Theological common-place book, with printed index, 1833
Notes on philosophy and religion, 1834
Notebook for religion courses, ca. 1835
Notebook for religion courses, ca. 1835
"Observations on the Old Testament Scriptures," 1835
"Records of the Theological Class of 1836," 1836-1860
This volume contains records of meetings of class members after graduation, details of their ordinations, and printed matter.
E. Scrapbooks, 1819-1893
Harvard College scrapbook, including school bills, printed matter, and letters, 1819-1889
European scrapbook of letters, receipts, printed matter, 1838-1839
"Gatherings," scrapbook of clippings and letters on various subjects, including printed addresses and articles by Ellis, 1843-1892
Scrapbook of clippings on various subjects, including printed addresses and articles by Ellis, 1848-1867
Scrapbook on the John Harvard statue, including letters, clippings, printed material, and photographs of the statue, 1883-1893
F. Inventories, undated and 1895
"Catalogue of the Books in my Library," undated
Inventory of library (1 of 6), undated
Inventory of library (2 of 6), undated
Inventory of library (3 of 6), undated
Inventory of library (4 of 6), undated
Inventory of library (5 of 6), undated
Inventory of library (6 of 6), undated
Inventory of furniture, etc., 110 Marlboro St., 1895
Inventory of pictures, busts, etc., 110 Marlboro St., 1895
Inventory of silver, 110 Marlboro St., 1895
G. Printed volumes, 1844-1895
Memoir of Jared Sparks, LL.D., by George E. Ellis, 1869, with letters of Jared Sparks and others and a manuscript memorial by Ellis pasted in, 1844-1888
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, with Notices of His Daughter, by George E. Ellis, 1871, with letters, printed matter, and photographs bound in, 1870-1883
Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17th, 1776, by George E. Ellis, 1876, with letters and printed matter pasted in, 1876
Biographical and Historical Papers by George E. Ellis, 1880-1881 and undated [printed works bound into a volume]
Memoir of George E. Ellis, D.D., LL.D., by O. B. Frothingham, 1895 [page proofs glued into a scrapbook]
H. Miscellaneous volumes, 1830s-1870
"La Vie et Mort d'Olivier Cromwel Dernier Usurpateur," undated
This manuscript volume, written in French in an unidentified hand and bound in vellum, was purchased by Ellis from a dealer, ca. 1873.
Writings on Hebrew literature, undated
List of sermons, undated
List of sermons, undated
Index of sermons, undated
Transcriptions from Massachusetts records regarding Quakers, undated
List of Sunday School teachers and students at Dr. Young's Church, [1830s]
Included are Theodore Parker, Lydia Cabot, L. A. Ellis (probably George E. Ellis's sister Lucy), and George's first wife Elizabeth B. Eager.
"Remarks made on a visit to Europe," by Ezra Stiles Gannett, 1838 [draft]
Records of the Harvard Theological School, 1857-1863
This volume contains meeting minutes kept by Ellis during his tenure as Professor of Systematic Theology, as well as subjects of lectures and discussions.
Genealogical material, by John H. Ellis, 1862-1869
This volume of George E. Ellis's son John contains a genealogy of the Rogers family, a biography of Sarah (Rogers) Ellis, a copy of the will of David Ellis, and other material.
"Sketches of the Late Count Rumford," 1870
The full title reads: "Sketches of the Late Count Rumford; mostly of which not before published. This collection begun and finished in 1851 at Concord New Hampshire, by his Daughter. Copied at the request of Mr. Joseph B. Walker, by Emma G. Burgum the 5th February 1870." Included is a biography and copies of correspondence.
Preferred Citation
George E. Ellis papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.
Materials Removed from the Collection
Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Ellis family photographs (Photo. Coll. 500.43).