Guide to the Collection
This collection consists of the papers of editor and author John T. Morse, including correspondence from prominent scholars, writers, historians, and politicians about literary matters and scholarship, in particular the writing of biographies for the American Statesmen series, edited by Morse.
Biographical Sketch
John Torrey Morse (1840-1937) was a lawyer, editor, and author. He served as co-editor of the International Review and editor of the American Statesmen series.
Collection Description
This collection consists of the papers of John T. Morse, including correspondence from prominent scholars, writers, historians, and politicians about literary matters and scholarship, in particular the writing of biographies for the American Statesmen series. Correspondence with life-long friends and colleagues, including Henry Cabot Lodge (1850-1924) and Thomas S. Perry, contains references to politics, World War I, and personal matters. The collection also includes scrapbooks of Morse's magazine articles, reviews, and essays published in the Boston Daily Advertiser (1868-1877) and other publications. Additional correspondents include James F. Rhodes, Theodore Roosevelt, Charles F. Adams (1835-1915), Henry Adams, Carl Schurz, Moorfield Storey, Albert J. Beveridge, William R. Thayer, and Lord Charnwood (1864-1945), with single letters from Booker T. Washington, A. B. Hart, and Samuel E. Morison. (For a list of the major correspondents, see the index.)
Acquisition Information
Gift of Charlotte Morse (Dec. 1950, Jan. 1951) and Augustus Loring (Apr. 1968).
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Correspondence, 1859-1935
NOTE: See the Select Index of Major Correspondents for dates of letters by specific individuals.
II. Writings, 1857-1930
Loose articles and reviews, 1882-1930
Bound articles and reviews, 1857-1898
Scrapbook of articles, reviews, and essays by Morse published in the Boston Daily Advertiser and other publications, 1868-1871
Scrapbook of articles, reviews, and essays by Morse published in the Boston Daily Advertiser and other publications, as well as reviews of his work, 1872-1887
Select Index to Major Correspondents
Expand allListed below are the major correspondents represented in Series I of this collection, followed by the dates (and some subjects) of their correspondence. The column on the left indicates the box in which each particular item is located.
Adams, Charles Francis (1835-1915)
Letter (Kansas City) about making changes on Adams' manuscript, Wed. 15 [no month or year]
Letter (Lincoln, Mass.) about proof sheets and mutual friends, Sat. 4 Feb. [no year]
Letter (Boston) declining to write a biography of Daniel Webster, 6 May 1881
Letter (Boston) about writing an appendix on Adams' grandfather, 11 May 1881
Letter (Boston) sending galleys, 20 Oct. 1899
Letter (Boston) requesting a meeting, 30 Oct. 1899
Letter (Boston) about corrections and the publishers, 1 Dec. 1899
Letter (Boston) about responses to Adams' book on his father Charles Francis Adams, 8 May 1900
Letter (South Lincoln, Mass.) complimenting Morse on his ability to write biographical memoirs, in particular his recent one of Henry Lee, Sun. 9 [no month] 1906
Letter (Boston) about their portraits published in a recent catalog, 18 Oct. 1912
Adams, Henry (1838-1918)
Letter (Washington, D.C.) agreeing to write a biography for the American Statesmen series, 9 Apr. 1881
Letter (Washington, D.C.) with recommendations for writers of biographies for American Statesmen, 27 Apr. 1881
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about a writer for a biography of Daniel Webster and a "Congress of rejected members," 2 Mar. 1882
Letter (Beverly Farms, Mass.) asking to be released from his offer to write a biography of Aaron Burr, 6 Oct. 1882
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about getting a biographer for Patrick Henry and about Adams' book on John Randolph, 19 Nov. 1882
Letter (Beverly Farms, Mass.) about Adams' book on Aaron Burr, 26 Sep. 1883
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Frederic Bancroft and John Hay as possible authors of a biography of William Seward, 5 July 1890
Agassiz, Alexander (1835-1910)
25 Apr. 1905
Arnold, Isaac Newton (1815-1884)
3 Dec. 1883
10 Dec. 1883
Bancroft, Frederic (1860-1945)
30 Nov. 1889
23 Jan. 1890
31 Jan. 1890
20 Apr. 1912
Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah (1862-1927)
1 June 1922
21 Aug. 1924
14 Sep. 1924
21 Oct. 1924
11 Nov. 1924
30 Mar. 1925
23 June 1925
24 July 1925
20 Aug. 1925
30 Sep. 1925
5 Oct. 1925
13 Oct. 1925
21 Oct. 1925
15 Jan. 1926
2 Feb. 1926
26 May 1926
16 June 1926
14 July 1926
10 Aug. 1926
31 Aug. 1926
24 Sep. 1926
18 Oct. 1926
12 Nov. 1926
4 Jan. 1927
27 Jan. 1927
10 Feb. 1927
22 Mar. 1927
Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson, Baron (1864-1945)
26 Feb. 1918
28 Feb. 1918
3 Mar. 1918
9 June 1918
24 June 1918
Eliot, Charles William (1834-1926)
23 Mar. 1925
Emerson, Edward Waldo (1844-1930)
12 Aug. 1907
10 Jan. 1918
Fiske, John (1842-1901)
29 Sep. 1883
19 Nov. 1883
1 July 1884
23 Dec. 1884
Gilman, Daniel Coit (1831-1908)
6 Apr. 1881
13 Sep. 1893
19 Jan. 1898
Godkin, Edwin Lawrence (1831-1902)
Grant, Robert (1852-1940)
9 Nov. 1930
Hackett, Frank Warren (1841-1926)
1 Nov. 1910
Hart, Albert Bushnell (1854-1943)
31 Jan. 1895
Hay, John (1838-1905)
10 June 1890
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth (1823-1911)
13 Nov. 1895
2 May 1896
12 May 1896
20 June 1899
Hosmer, James Kendall (1834-1927)
27 Sep. 1885
18 Oct. 1885
22 Jan. 1887
13 May 1891
Jay, John (1817-1894)
25 Feb. 1889
Julian, George Washington (1817-1899)
12 Nov. 1889
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
Letter (Nahant) regretting that Lodge has been unable to work on the Daniel Webster volume due to the beginning of a new campaign, 29 June [no year]
Letter (Boston) about Lodge's book on Alexander Hamilton being ready for press, 16 Jan. 1882
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Lodge's biography of George Washington, 20 Feb. 1889
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about revisions of Lodge's biography of George Washington, 25 Feb. 1889
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about a letter from Houghton Mifflin regarding Lodge's book on George Washington and about personal news, 26 Feb. 1889
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about revisions of Lodge's book on George Washington, 6 May 1889
Postcard (Washington, D.C.) about proof corrections, 10 May 1889
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Morse's book on Abraham Lincoln, 29 Apr. 1893
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Morse's book on Abraham Lincoln, 3 May 1893
Letter (Washington, D.C.) suggesting Thomas Brackett Reed to write a biography of William R. H. Fessenden, 9 Sep. 1893
Letter (Washington, D.C.) wondering if Morse received a previous letter, 20 Sep. 1893
Letter complimenting Morse on his biography of Oliver Wendell Holmes, 21 May 1896
Letter (Nahant) about Lodge's comments regarding Morse's book on Oliver Wendell Holmes, 4 July 1896
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the proposal to establish a lectureship in government at Harvard in honor of E. L. Godkin, 24 Feb. 1903
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the proposal to establish a lectureship in government at Harvard in honor of E. L. Godkin and about recent presidential appointments, 28 Feb. 1903
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for his kind words in a previous letter, 8 July 1904
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for photographs and regarding the progress of the campaign, 24 Aug. 1904
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for his letter and a quote, 15 Sep. 1905
Letter (Nahant) asking for a donation for the state committee for the current campaign, 20 Oct. 1906
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for his compliments on a recent interview and regarding states' rights, 12 Feb. 1907
Letter (Boston) thanking Morse for trying to visit twice and for Morse's sympathy on the death of Lodge's sister Lillie Lodge James, 15 May 1908
Letter (Boston) thanking Morse for his care and thought after the death of Lodge's sister Lillie, 3 June 1908
Letter (Boston) thanking Morse for his sympathy at the death of Lodge's son George Cabot Lodge, 31 Aug. 1909
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for his support and regarding his recent re-election, 23 Jan. 1911
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about a personal favor done for Morse and about Lodge's article on the Burr/Hamilton feud, 6 Sep. 1911
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Roosevelt's proposed constitutional changes, the strike in Lawrence, and Lodge's recent speech in the Senate, 1 Mar. 1912
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Roosevelt, Wilson, and Taft as candidates and asking for a donation to maintain the Republican legislature in Massachusetts, 11 Oct. 1912
Letter (Nahant) about Massachusetts politics, 14 Oct. 1914
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about William H. Taft, other political news, and Charles F. Adams' recent book, 2 Mar. 1914
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the Mexican situation and John Lothrop Motley, 17 Mar. 1914
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Lodge's recent proposal for a bill to protect American ships from German capture, 28 Jan. 1915
Letter (Washington, D.C.) thanking Morse for his support in Lodge's work against Woodrow Wilson, 4 Jan. 1916
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the nomination of Louis D. Brandeis for the Supreme Court and nominations for president, 16 Feb. 1916
Letter (Nahant) asking for a subscription to the national committee in a bid to defeat Woodrow Wilson for president, 31 Aug. 1916
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about current political news and the upcoming election, 5 Sep. 1916
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about President Wilson and his handling of the war and politics, 9 Jan. 1917
Letter (Nahant) about personal reminiscences and sorrow over the loss of family members, 23 Oct. 1917
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about U.S. and world politics, 7 Feb. 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about politics, the president, and the Fuel Administration, 19 Feb. 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about land ownership in Nahant, 8 May 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the present military situation, 16 May 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the situation in Europe, 3 June 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about German propaganda, 15 June 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the religious aspects of the war and the domestic economy, 26 June 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about demands for a treaty with Germany and the domestic economy, 11 Sep. 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about an unconditional surrender vs. compromise peace to end the war, 14 Oct. 1918
Letter (Nahant) thanking Morse for his help and regarding politics, 31 Oct. 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the situation abroad and the League of Nations, 25 Dec. 1918
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the situation abroad and the League of Nations, 20 Feb. 1919
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the League of Nations and Italy, 2 May 1919
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the League of Nations, 7 June 1919
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Wilson and the League of Nations, 18 Aug. 1919
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about nominations for president and the League of Nations, 2 Dec. 1919
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the defeat of Woodrow Wilson's plan for the League of Nations, Lodge's health, and personal matters, 23 Mar. 1920
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the proper pronunciation and spelling of a word in Shakespeare's Hamlet, 5 Apr. 1920
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about the proper pronunciation and spelling of a word in Shakespeare's Hamlet and political news, 24 Apr. 1920
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about President Harding's appointments, Lodge taking himself out of the running for secretary of state, politics, and Charles Dickens, 26 Jan. 1921
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about George B. McClellan Harvey as ambassador to Great Britain and about President Harding, 7 Apr. 1921
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Joe Grew and his position in Denmark, 11 Apr. 1921
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Joe Grew, George B. McClellan Harvey, and England, 20 Apr. 1921
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about a position for Van Ingen, Germany, and England's indebtedness, 5 May 1921
Letter about Lodge's hopes for the conference and Boston politics, 5 Dec. 1921
Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (1856-1943)
26 Dec. 1932
Lowell, Edward Jackson (1845-1894)
19 July 1893
Lowell, John (1824-1897)
13 May 1896
McCall, Samuel Walker (1851-1923)
5 Oct. 1898
3 Dec. 1898
7 Jan. 1899
15 Jan. 1899
19 Jan. 1899
7 Dec. 1901
Mitchell, Silas Weir (1829-1914)
2 May 1896
Morison, Samuel Eliot (1887-1976)
8 Feb. 1935
Morse, John Torrey (1840-1937)
NOTE: Listed here are Morse's letters to Thomas Sergeant Perry only.
11 June 1914
22 June 1914
5 July 1914
8 July 1914
13 July 1914
16 July 1914
1 Aug. 1914
3 Aug. 1914
19 Aug. 1914
23 Aug. 1914
24 Aug. 1914
29 Aug. 1914
7 Sep. 1914
8 Sep. 1914
4 Oct. 1914
6 Oct. 1914
19 Oct. 1914
20 June 1915
15 July 1915
18 July 1915
21 July 1915
28 July 1915
30 July 1915
5 Aug. 1915
9 Aug. 1915
15 Aug. 1915
29 Aug. 1915
6 Sep. 1915
11 Sep. 1915
23 Sep. 1915
2 Oct. 1915
13 June 1916
2 July 1916
9 July 1916
17 July 1916
30 July 1916
6 Aug. 1916
13 Aug. 1916
15 Aug. 1916
27 Aug. 1916
2 Sep. 1916
5 Sep. 1916
14 Sep. 1916
18 Sep. 1916
24 Sep. 1916
3 Oct. 1916
9 Oct. 1916
14 Oct. 1916
16 Oct. 1916
20 Oct. 1916
18 June 1917
25 June 1917
8 July 1917 [2 letters]
12 July 1917
9 Aug. 1917
12 Aug. 1917
16 Aug. 1917
19 Aug. 1917
25 Aug. 1917
2 Sep. 1917
7 Sep. 1917
17 Sep. 1917
21 Sep. 1917
30 June 1918
21 July 1918
23 Aug. 1918
31 Aug. 1918
8 Sep. 1918
13 Sep. 1918
18 Sep. 1918
22 Sep. 1918
25 Sep. 1918
26 Sep. 1918
6 Oct. 1918
14 Oct. 1918
23 Nov. 1918
29 Dec. 1922
7 Jan. 1923
15 Jan. 1923
20 Jan. 1923
23 Jan. 1923
9 Feb. 1923
11 Feb. 1923
16 Feb. 1923
23 Feb. 1923
3 Mar. 1923
5 Mar. 1923
9 Mar. 1923
16 Aug. 1927
Page, Walter Hines (1855-1918)
23 Feb. 1898
Perry, Bliss (1860-1954)
13 Mar. 1930
Perry, Thomas Sergeant (1845-1928)
NOTE: Listed here are John Torrey Morse's letters to Perry only.
11 June 1914
22 June 1914
5 July 1914
8 July 1914
13 July 1914
16 July 1914
1 Aug. 1914
3 Aug. 1914
19 Aug. 1914
23 Aug. 1914
24 Aug. 1914
29 Aug. 1914
7 Sep. 1914
8 Sep. 1914
4 Oct. 1914
6 Oct. 1914
19 Oct. 1914
20 June 1915
15 July 1915
18 July 1915
21 July 1915
28 July 1915
30 July 1915
5 Aug. 1915
9 Aug. 1915
15 Aug. 1915
29 Aug. 1915
6 Sep. 1915
11 Sep. 1915
23 Sep. 1915
2 Oct. 1915
13 June 1916
2 July 1916
9 July 1916
17 July 1916
30 July 1916
6 Aug. 1916
13 Aug. 1916
15 Aug. 1916
27 Aug. 1916
2 Sep. 1916
5 Sep. 1916
14 Sep. 1916
18 Sep. 1916
24 Sep. 1916
3 Oct. 1916
9 Oct. 1916
14 Oct. 1916
16 Oct. 1916
20 Oct. 1916
18 June 1917
25 June 1917
8 July 1917 [2 letters]
12 July 1917
9 Aug. 1917
12 Aug. 1917
16 Aug. 1917
19 Aug. 1917
25 Aug. 1917
2 Sep. 1917
7 Sep. 1917
17 Sep. 1917
21 Sep. 1917
30 June 1918
21 July 1918
23 Aug. 1918
31 Aug. 1918
8 Sep. 1918
13 Sep. 1918
18 Sep. 1918
22 Sep. 1918
25 Sep. 1918
26 Sep. 1918
6 Oct. 1918
14 Oct. 1918
23 Nov. 1918
29 Dec. 1922
7 Jan. 1923
15 Jan. 1923
20 Jan. 1923
23 Jan. 1923
9 Feb. 1923
11 Feb. 1923
16 Feb. 1923
23 Feb. 1923
3 Mar. 1923
5 Mar. 1923
9 Mar. 1923
16 Aug. 1927
Pierce, Edward Lillie (1829-1897)
1 Nov. 1892
3 Nov. 1892
Rhodes, James Ford (1848-1927)
6 May 1893
21 May 1893
30 May 1893
17 Mar. 1903
16 Nov. 1904
5 Jan. 1907
21 June 1908
5 May 1909
10 May 1909
7 Nov. 1911
6 Jan. 1912
22 May 1912
20 Dec. 1914
26 May 1915
12 Feb. 1916
19 Feb. 1916
22 Mar. 1916
16 Apr. 1916
11 June 1916
12 Aug. 1916
21 Aug. 1916
14 Jan. 1917
1 Jan. 1918
25 Jan. 1918
31 Jan. 1918
2 Mar. 1918
29 Aug. 1918
30 Oct. 1918
2 Nov. 1918
5 Jan. 1919
5 Apr. 1919
10 Feb. 1920
25 June 1920
15 July 1920
21 July 1920
13 Nov. 1920
25 Nov. 1921
26 Dec. 1921
19 May 1922
15 July 1922
15 Mar. 1923
11 Aug. 1923
28 Oct. 1923
26 Nov. 1924
Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919)
Letter (Elkhorn Ranch, Medora, Dakota) about Roosevelt's work on the biography of Thomas Hart Benton, 7 July 1886
Letter (Elkhorn Ranch, Medora, Dakota) about Roosevelt's biography of Thomas Hart Benton being sent to the publisher, 9 Aug. 1886
Letter (Sagamore Hill) about criticisms of Roosevelt's previous works and his work on Gouverneur Morris, 29 May 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) asking if there will be biographies of John Jay and Benjamin Franklin in Morse's American Statesmen series, 7 June 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) about Roosevelt's work on Morris and with suggestions for biographies of American statesmen, including John Jay, 22 June 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) asking if there will be a biography of John Jay and, if not, offering to include a sketch in the biography of Gouverneur Morris, 28 June 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) explaining how John Jay will be treated in Roosevelt's biography of Gouverneur Morris, 10 July 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) about Roosevelt's completed biography of Gouverneur Morris, 11 Sep. 1887
Letter (Sagamore Hill) about Morse's corrections and revisions of Roosevelt's biography of Gouverneur Morris, 3 Nov. 1887
Letter (Medora, Dakota) about Morse's corrections and revisions of Roosevelt's biography of Gouverneur Morris, 28 Nov. 1887
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Roosevelt's visit to Henry Cabot Lodge and the preface for his book on Gouverneur Morris, 28 Jan. 1888
Letter (New York) about the galleys of Roosevelt's book on Gouverneur Morris, its preface, and the series as a whole, 2 Feb. 1888
Letter (New York) declining the opportunity to write a biography of Benjamin Franklin, 18 Mar. 1888
Letter (New York) encouraging Morse to include a biography of Benjamin Franklin in his series, 22 Mar. 1888
Letter (Washington, D.C.) about Whipple as a candidate for the Navy Department and about a preface for his biographies of Gouverneur Morris and Thomas Hart Benton, Jan. 1898
Schouler, James (1839-1920)
1 Nov. 1916
Schurz, Carl (1829-1906)
18 Mar. 1881
23 Aug. 1881
9 Jan. 1883
7 Jan. 1885
30 Apr. 1885
21 May 1885
28 Sep. 1885
11 Oct. 1885
17 Oct. 1885
29 Jan. 1886
29 June 1886
12 Aug. 1886
29 Aug. 1886
6 Oct. 1886
18 Oct. 1886
23 Oct. 1886
9 Nov. 1886
13 Nov. 1886
14 Nov. 1886
19 Nov. 1886
27 Dec. 1886
3 Jan. 1887
4 Jan. 1887
10 Jan. 1887
13 Jan. 1887
14 Jan. 1887
16 Jan. 1887
17 Jan. 1887
31 Jan. 1887
10 Feb. 1887
12 Feb. 1887
18 Feb. 1887
21 Feb. 1887
22 Feb. 1887
14 Mar. 1887
19 Apr. 1887
25 Apr. 1887
27 Apr. 1887
1 May 1887
12 May 1887
14 June 1888
3 July 1888
30 Sep. 1889
Sedgwick, Ellery (1872-1960)
26 Mar. 1913
31 Mar. 1913
15 Nov. 1920
Seward, Frederick William (1830-1915)
29 Dec. 1883
Shepard, Edward Morse (1850-1911)
2 Apr. 1887
5 Apr. 1887
18 July 1887
3 Oct. 1887
12 Nov. 1887
6 Dec. 1887
19 Dec. 1887
23 Jan. 1888
24 Jan. 1888
2 Apr. 1888
17 June 1888
Stanwood, Edward (1841-1923)
4 May 1893
Storey, Moorfield (1845-1929)
11 May 1899
27 Nov. 1899
9 Dec. 1899
12 Dec. 1899
8 Aug. 1900
11 Aug. 1900
18 Aug. 1900
11 Aug. 1905
Sumner, William Graham (1840-1910)
2 Aug. 1881
14 Mar. 1882
21 Mar. 1882
Tarbell, Ida Minerva (1857-1944)
13 Sep. 1896
Thayer, William Roscoe (1859-1923)
18 June 1905
16 July 1905
23 Aug. 1905
30 June 1911
8 July 1911
9 Oct. 1911
8 Jan. 1912
19 Aug. 1913
24 Sep. 1914
13 Apr. 1915
17 Dec. 1917
8 Nov. 1918
11 Nov. 1919
Tyler, Moses Coit (1835-1900)
22 Jan. 1886
23 Mar. 1887
Van Holst, Hermann (1841-1904)
8 Dec. 1881
Washington, Booker T. (1856-1915)
7 Dec. 1907
White, Richard Grant (1821-1885)
7 Dec. 1882
20 Sep. 1883
21 Oct. 1883
Preferred Citation
John Torrey Morse papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.