
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. Photocopies of these items are available for use by researchers.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of autographs and other items collected by Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee, including autograph letters sent and received by politicians, lawyers, writers, and artists; print images; drawings; cutslip autographs; and fabric samples.

Collection Description

This autograph collection, kept by Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee, the wife of George Gardner Lee, includes autograph letters sent and received by politicians, lawyers, writers, and artists; print images; drawings; autographs; and fabric samples. Among the individuals represented in the collection are Abigail Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, William Cullen Bryant, Lord Byron, Thomas Carlyle, William Ellery Channing, James Fenimore Cooper, Erasmus Darwin, Charles Dickens, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Washington Irving, Thomas Jefferson, the Marquis de Lafayette, King Louis Philippe of France, John Marshall, Harriet Martineau, Napoleon I, Philip John Schuyler, Sir Walter Scott, Alexis de Tocqueville, George Washington, Martha Washington, Daniel Webster, William Wordsworth, and many others. Also included are typescript transcriptions of some letters. The collection was originally compiled as a scrapbook, but the scrapbook has been disbound and arranged in alphabetical order, as indicated in the Detailed Description of the Collection below.


This autograph collection was originally compiled by Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee as a scrapbook. Because the items in the scrapbook did not appear to be arranged in any particular order and because many of the items had already been removed for conservation treatment, the scrapbook was disbound and the papers arranged in alphabetical order for use by researchers. To see the items listed in original page number order, see the appendix.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Georgina P. Howland, Mary A. Winsor, Virginia L. Paine, and Louise F. Paine, Oct. 1957. Removed from the Robert Treat Paine papers (Ms. N-641).

Restrictions on Access

The original autographs in this collection have been removed to Special Collections. Photocopies of these items are available for use by researchers.

Detailed Description of the Collection

Expand all
Box 1Folder 1

Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 1

Abigail Adams (1744-1818)

Letter to John Thaxter, 19 Aug. 1778 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 1

Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886)

Signed envelope, undated

Box 1Folder 1

Hannah Adams (1755-1831)

Letter to "Rev. Sir," 24 Mar. 1806 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 1

John Adams (1735-1826)

Letter to Hannah Adams, 10 Mar. 1791 (with typed transcript)

Letter to Dr. [Benjamin] Waterhouse, 2 Feb. 1813 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 1

John Quincy Adams (1767-1848)

Printed article: "Criticism upon Mrs. Caudle's Lectures," signed by John Quincy Adams, undated

Letter to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, 1 Dec. 1830 (with typed transcript)

Letter to Daniel Webster, 22 Apr. 1832 (with typed transcript)

Poem, 3 Nov. 1840 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 1

Washington Allston (1779-1843)

Letter to Mrs. George Lee, 6 Sep. 1838

Box 1Folder 1

Fisher Ames (1758-1808)

Engraving of Fisher Ames, undated

Letter to George Richards Minot, 14 May 1789

Box 1Folder 1

Sarah Austin (1793-1867)

Letter to Mrs. Worsley, undated

Box 1Folder 2

Joanna Baillie (1762-1851)

Letter to [Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee], 16 Nov. [1844]

Box 1Folder 2

Mary Balmanno (1802-1875)

Sketch of two children, undated

Box 1Folder 2

Robert Balmanno (1780-1861)

Letter to Mrs. H. F. Lee, 19 Jan. 1842

Box 1Folder 2

Nicholas Vansittart, Lord Bexley (1766-1851)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 26 Sep. 1846

Box 1Folder 2

Jacob Bigelow (1786-1879)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 5 Aug. 1829

Box 1Folder 2

Erick Bollmann (1769-1821)

Letter about Alexander Hamilton, 23 Nov. 1794

Box 1Folder 2

Sir John Bowring (1792-1872)

Letter to Rev. Carpenter, 22 May 1826

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 27 Aug. [1861]

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 7 Nov. [1865]

Box 1Folder 3

John Gardiner Calkins Brainard (1796-1828)

Poem, undated

Box 1Folder 3

Fredrika Bremer (1801-1865)

Envelope addressed to Mrs. H. T. Lee, undated

Letter to Mrs. H. T. Lee, 14 Mar. 1855

Letter to Mrs. H. T. Lee, [2] Oct.1855

Box 1Folder 3

Baron Henry Brougham (1778-1868)

Letter to Professor De Morgan, undated

Box 1Folder 3

J[oshua] Bryant

Drawing, undated

Box 1Folder 3

William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Envelope addressed to Mrs. George Lee, 15 Apr. [1861]

Poem: "The Stream of Life," 15 Apr. 1861

Box 1Folder 3

Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron, Lady Byron (1792-1860)

Letter to Mrs. Carpenter, 12 June [no year]

Box 1Folder 3

George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron (1788-1824)

Strands of hair, undated

NOTE: This item has been removed to the MHS Artifacts Collection.

Fragment of handwriting, with note on verso by Sir John Bowring, undated

Box 1Folder 4

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

Letter to "Madam," 13 Nov. 1844

Box 1Folder 4

Lant Carpenter (1780-1840)

Engraving of Lant Carpenter, 1841

Fragment of handwriting, Aug. 1844

Box 1Folder 4

William Ellery Channing (1780-1842)

Letter to Mrs. G. G. Lee, 3 Feb. [no year]

Box 1Folder 4

Jean Jacques Chenevière (1783-1871)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 17 June 1846

Box 1Folder 4

Jean-Louis-Anne-Madeleine Lefebvre de Cheverus (1768-1836)

Engraving of Bishop John Cheverus and printed notice about statue, undated

Letter to Thomas Walley, 22 Dec. 1815

Letter to Mrs. Cruger, 8 May 1829

Box 1Folder 4

Angelica Schuyler Church (1756-1815)

Letter to Mrs. Cruger, undated

Box 1Folder 4

Thomas Clarkson (1760-1846)

Letter to Josiah Wedgwood, 3 Mar. 1792

Box 1Folder 4

James Cochran

Letter to Mrs. Lee, with copies of letters from Lafayette and Washington to Dr. John Cochran, 9 Dec. 1833

Box 1Folder 4

James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)

Letter to "My dear Sir," 2 Sep. 1831

Engraving of James Fenimore Cooper, 1833

Box 1Folder 4

John William Cunningham (1780-1861)

Letter to Miss Adams, 25 Oct. 1816

Box 1Folder 5

Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

Letter to "Dear Sir," 26 Nov. 1791

Box 1Folder 5

Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829)

Letter to [Josiah Wedgwood], Nov. 1808

Box 1Folder 5

Thomas Dick (1774-1857)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 5

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

Letter to Lewis Gaylord Clark, 2 Mar. 1842

Box 1Folder 5

Maria Edgeworth (1767-1849)

Engraving of Maria Edgeworth, undated

Autograph, Mar. 1840

Box 1Folder 5

Desiderius Erasmus (d. 1536)

Engraving of Desiderius Erasmus, undated

Box 1Folder 6

Mrs. Faneuil

Piece of Mrs. Faneuil's dress, undated

Box 1Folder 6

Ralph Farnham (1756-1861)

Photograph of Ralph Farnham, 1860

Printed booklet: "A Biographical Sketch of the Life of Ralph Farnham," 1860

Autograph, 1860

Box 1Folder 6

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Letter on behalf of two workers, 2 June 1755

Box 1Folder 6

Elizabeth Gurney Fry (1780-1845)

Note, 1841

Box 1Folder 6

Henry Fuseli (1741-1825)

Letter to Robert Balmanno, 22 May 1820

Box 1Folder 7

John Galt (1779-1839)

Letter to Messrs. Clark & Edson, 24 Oct. 1837

Box 1Folder 7

H[annah] F[lagg] G[ould] (1789-1865)

Poem: "An Imitation of Byron," undated

Box 1Folder 7

Catharine Macaulay Graham (1731-1791)

Cutslip autograph, Mar. 1791

Box 1Folder 7

Anna Maria Fielding Hall (1800-1881)

Letter to Willis Gaylord Clarke, 28 Dec. 1831

Box 1Folder 7

Fitz-Greene Halleck (1790-1867)

Translation of Victor Hugo, undated

Box 1Folder 7

Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804)

Letter to Angelica Church, 6 Dec. 1787

Letter to Angelica Church, 25 June [1796]

Engraving of Alexander Hamilton, 1835

Box 1Folder 7

Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton (1757-1854)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 2 Apr. 1841

Box 1Folder 7

John Hancock (1737-1793)

Engraving of John Hancock, undated

Letter from the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress to John Bradford, signed by John Hancock, Robert Morris, Francis Hopkinson, George Read, Richard Henry Lee, Josiah Bartlett, William Ellery, and George Walton, 18 Oct. 1776 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 7

Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans (1793-1835)

Poem: "The Breeze from Land," with note on verso from Andrews Norton to Mrs. George Lee, 24 Aug. 1843

Box 1Folder 7

Mary Botham Howitt (1799-1888)

Letter to Mrs. George Lee, 2 Dec. 1846

Box 1Folder 7

William Howitt (1792-1879)

Autograph, 25 Sep. 1846

Box 1Folder 8

Washington Irving (1783-1859)

Letter to Henry Cary, undated

Engraving of Washington Irving, 1833

Box 1Folder 8

Anna Jameson (1794-1860)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, [1839]

Letter to "My dear Madam," [1844]

Box 1Folder 8

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)

Engraving of Thomas Jefferson, undated

Letter to Mrs. Church, 27 July 1788 (with typed transcript)

Letter to Mrs. Church, 21 Jan. 1800 (with typed transcript)

Box 1Folder 8

Lord Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850)

Cutslip autograph, 29 Sep. 1844

Box 1Folder 9

Caroline Matilda Kirkland (1801-1864)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 9

Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834)

Letter to [Miss] Church, 8 Oct. 1797

Letter to Mrs. Cruger, 15 Dec. 1825

Box 1Folder 9

Madame [Maria Anna Eliza Birch] de Lamartine (1795-1863)

Fragment of handwriting, undated

Letter to "Madame," [1844]

Box 1Folder 9

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802-1838)

Letter to Lewis Gaylord Clark, undated

Box 1Folder 9

E[liza] B[uckminster] Lee (1794-1864)

Letter to Mrs. George G. Lee, undated

Box 1Folder 9

Hugh Swinton Legaré (1797-1843)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 9

Louis Philippe, King of the French (1773-1850)

Autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 9

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852)

Letter to Mrs. Carpenter, undated

Box 1Folder 9

Elizabeth Rich Lyttelton, Lady Lyttelton (1716-1795)

Piece of the dress worn by Lady Lyttelton at the coronation of George III, 1760, with copy on verso of the poem: "Monady on Lady Lyttelton," by her husband George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton

Box 1Folder 9

Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron Lytton (1803-1873)

Engraving of Edward Bulwer Lytton, "the author of Pelham," undated

Box 1Folder 10

John Marshall (1755-1835)

Letter to James K. Marshall, 26 July 1832

Box 1Folder 10

Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)

Letter to Mrs. Lee, undated

Box 1Folder 10

Theobald Mathew (1790-1856)

Autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 10

General Montgomery

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 10

Hannah More (1745-1833)

Letter to Hannah Adams, 15 June 1818

Box 1Folder 10

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Piece of drapery taken from Napoleon's bed at St. Helena, 1837

Box 1Folder 11

Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850)

Envelope addressed to J. F. Ledsam, Sep. 1849

Box 1Folder 11

Mrs. Pratt

Note to Mrs. Lee, on envelope, undated

Box 1Folder 11

Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723-1792)

Letter to Mr. Wedgwood, 5 Dec. 1787

Box 1Folder 11

Samuel Rogers (1763-1855)

Engraving of Samuel Rogers, "the author of The Pleasures of Memory," undated

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 19 Aug. [no year]

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 8 Sep. 1844

Box 1Folder 11

Catherine Schuyler (1734-1803)

Piece of Mrs. Schuyler's dress and the covering of General Moreau's chairs, undated

Box 1Folder 11

Philip John Schuyler (1733-1804)

Engraving of Philip John Schuyler, undated

Letter to Mrs. Schuyler, 30 July 1795

Box 1Folder 11

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)

Engraving of Sir Walter Scott, undated

Letter to Joanna Baillie, 10 Dec. 1813

Box 1Folder 11

Edward Shippen, Jr. (1729-1806)

Cutslip autograph, undated

Box 1Folder 11

Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi (1773-1842)

Letter to Monsieur Chenevière, 1 May 1834

Box 1Folder 11

Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)

Printed quotation about Plymouth Rock, undated

Letter to [Mr. Mercier], 3 June [1843]

Box 1Folder 12

George Washington (1732-1799)

Engraving of George Washington, undated

Engraving of a medal presented to George Washington, undated

Letter to Philip Schuyler, 16 Mar. 1782

Printed article: "Ancient Relic from Virginia," 24 Sep. 1864

Box 1Folder 12

Martha Washington (1731-1802)

Engraving of Martha Washington, undated

Piece of the first curtains of George Washington and the petticoat of Martha Washington, undated

Letter to Mrs. Hamilton, 7 July 1790

Box 1Folder 12

Daniel Webster (1782-1852)

Letter to Mrs. H. Lee, 23 Apr. 1832

Letter to Mrs. Lee, 31 Oct. 1842

Box 1Folder 12

[Marianne Caton Wellesley], Lady Wellesley (1788-1853)

Letter to Mrs. Carey, 18 Aug. [no year]

Box 1Folder 12

Henry Kirke White (1785-1806)

Fragment of handwriting, 1802

Box 1Folder 12

Michael Wigglesworth (1631-1705)

Copy of the epitaph of Michael Wigglesworth, with inscription on verso by Wigglesworth, 1650

Copy of a letter to Sibyll Avery, with fragment of the original, 23 Mar. 1691

Box 1Folder 12

William Wilberforce (1759-1833)

Letter to "Sir," undated

Box 1Folder 12

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841)

Letter to Mr. Cary, [29] Apr. [1834]

Box 1Folder 12

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

Envelope addressed to Miss Martineau, 24 July 1846

Box 1Folder 13

Miscellaneous items

Included are two copies of an unidentified portrait, a piece of muslin made from the leaves of a Manila pineapple tree, two unidentified autographs, facsimiles of the handwriting of the royal family of France, and the original scrapbook pages with annotations related to some of the items in the collection.

Appendix: Original Order of Scrapbook Pages

Expand all
Page 1

Poem: "An Imitation of Byron," by H[annah] F[lagg] G[ould]

Page 2

Printed article: "Criticism Upon Mrs. Caudle's Lectures," signed by John Quincy Adams

Page 3

Copy of unidentified portrait (same as page 4)

Page 4

Copy of unidentified portrait (same as page 3)

Page 5.1

Engraving of George Washington

Page 5.2

Printed article: "Ancient Relic from Virginia," 24 Sep. 1864

Page 6

Letter from George Washington to Philip Schuyler, 16 Mar. 1782

Page 7

Engraving of a medal presented to George Washington

Page 8

Engraving of Martha Washington

Page 9

Letter from Martha Washington to Mrs. Hamilton, 7 July 1790

Page 10

Piece of the first curtains of George Washington and the petticoat of Martha Washington

Page 11

Engraving of Philip John Schuyler

Page 12-13

Letter from Philip John Schuyler to Mrs. Schuyler, 30 July 1795

Page 14

Piece of Mrs. Schuyler's dress and the covering of General Moreau's chairs

Page 15

Drawing by J[oshua] Bryant

Page 16

Piece of Mrs. Faneuil's dress

Page 17-18

Letter from the Marquis de Lafayette to [Miss] Church, 8 Oct. 1797

Page 19-20

Letter from the Marquis de Lafayette to Mrs. Cruger, 15 Dec. 1825

Page 21

Piece of muslin made from the leaves of a Manila pineapple tree

Page 22

{no page 22}

Page 23-25

Letter from Erick Bollmann about Alexander Hamilton, 23 Nov. 1794

Page 26

Engraving of Alexander Hamilton, 1835

Page 27

Letter from Alexander Hamilton to Angelica Church, 25 June [1796]

Page 28-29

Letter from Alexander Hamilton to Angelica Church, 6 Dec. 1787

Page 30

Letter from John Adams to Dr. [Benjamin] Waterhouse, 2 Feb. 1813

Page 31-32

Letter from Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton to Mrs. Lee, 2 Apr. 1841

Page 33-34

Letter from the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress to John Bradford, signed by John Hancock, Robert Morris, Francis Hopkinson, George Read, Richard Henry Lee, Josiah Bartlett, William Ellery, and George Walton, 18 Oct. 1776

Page 35

Engraving of John Hancock

Page 36-37

Letter from Hannah More to Hannah Adams, 15 June 1818

Page 38

Engraving of Desiderius Erasmus

Page 39

Engraving of Edward Bulwer Lytton, "the author of Pelham"

Page 40

Letter from Fredrika Bremer to Mrs. H. T. Lee, [2] Oct.1855

Page 41-42

Letter from Fredrika Bremer to Mrs. H. T. Lee, 14 Mar. 1855

Page 43

Letter from E[liza] B[uckminster] Lee to Mrs. George G. Lee

Page 44

Engraving of Thomas Jefferson

Page 45-46

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. Church, 27 July 1788

Page 47

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. Church, 21 Jan. 1800

Page 48-49

Letter from Angelica Schuyler Church to Mrs. Cruger

Page 50

Letter from Benjamin Franklin on behalf of two workers, 2 June 1755

Page 50.2

Cutslip autograph of Edward Shippen, Jr.

Page 51

Cutslip autograph of General Montgomery

Page 52-53

Letter from Daniel Webster to Mrs. Lee, 31 Oct. 1842

Page 54-57

Letter from Daniel Webster to Mrs. H. Lee, 23 Apr. 1832, enclosing letter from John Quincy Adams to Daniel Webster, 22 Apr. 1832 (page 55-56)

Page 55-56

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Daniel Webster, 22 Apr. 1832

Page 58-59

Letter from John Quincy Adams to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, 1 Dec. 1830

Page 60

Poem by John Quincy Adams, 3 Nov. 1840

Page 61 1/2

Letter from Bishop John Cheverus to Mrs. Cruger, 8 May 1829

Page 61.1

Engraving of Bishop John Cheverus

Page 61.2

Printed notice about statue of Bishop John Cheverus

Page 62-63

Letter from Bishop John Cheverus to Thomas Walley, 22 Dec. 1815

Page 64-65

Letter from John Adams to Hannah Adams, 10 Mar. 1791

Page 66-67

Letter from Abigail Adams to John Thaxter, 19 Aug. 1778

Page 68

Letter from Hannah Adams to "Rev. Sir," 24 Mar. 1806

Page 69-70

Letter from Robert Balmanno to Mrs. H. F. Lee, 19 Jan. 1842

Page 71-72

Letter from John William Cunningham to Miss Adams, 25 Oct. 1816

Page 73

Engraving of Fisher Ames

Page 74

Letter from Fisher Ames to George Richards Minot, 14 May 1789

Page 75

Letter from Anna Jameson to Mrs. Lee, [1839]

Page 76-77

Letter from Harriet Martineau to Mrs. Lee

Page 78-79

Letter from Mary Botham Howitt to Mrs. George Lee, 2 Dec. 1846

Page 80-81

Piece of the dress worn by Lady Lyttelton at the coronation of George III, 1760, with copy of the poem: "Monady on Lady Lyttelton," by her husband George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton

Page 82

Engraving of Maria Edgeworth

Page 83.1

Autograph of Maria Edgeworth, Mar. 1840

Page 83.2

Autograph of Theobald Mathew

Page 84-85

Letter from John Marshall to James K. Marshall, 26 July 1832

Page 86

Translation of Victor Hugo by Fitz-Greene Halleck

Page 87

Envelope signed by Charles Francis Adams

Page 88

Poem by John Gardiner Calkins Brainard

Page 89-90

Letter from William Wilberforce to "Sir"

Page 91

Letter from Sir Humphry Davy to "My dear Sir," Nov. [no year]

Page 92

Letter from Sir Joshua Reynolds to Mr. Wedgwood, 5 Dec. 1787

Page 93.1

Envelope addressed to Mrs. George Lee by William Cullen Bryant, 15 Apr. [1861]

Page 93.2

Poem: "The Stream of Life," by William Cullen Bryant, 15 Apr. 1861

Page 94

Letter from Erasmus Darwin to "Dear Sir," 26 Nov. 1791

Page 95-96

Letter from John Galt to Messrs. Clark & Edson, 24 Oct. 1837

Page 97-98

Letter from James Cochran to Mrs. Lee, with copies of letters from Lafayette and Washington to Dr. John Cochran, 9 Dec. 1833

Page 99-100

Letter from Baron Henry Brougham to Professor De Morgan

Page 101.1

Letter from Letitia Elizabeth Landon to Lewis Gaylord Clark

Page 101.2

Cutslip autograph of Rudolph Ackermann

Page 101.3

Cutslip autograph of Thomas Dick

Page 102-103

Letter from Anna Maria Fielding Hall to Willis Gaylord Clarke, 28 Dec. 1831

Page 104

Fragment of handwriting by Henry Kirke White, 1802

Page 105-106

Letter from Thomas Clarkson to Josiah Wedgwood, 3 Mar. 1792

Page 107

Note from Elizabeth Gurney Fry, 1841

Page 108

Letter from Lord Bexley to Mrs. Lee, 26 Sep. 1846

Page 109-110

Letter from Lady Wellesley to Mrs. Carey, 18 Aug. [no year]

Page 111

Envelope addressed to J. F. Ledsam by Sir Robert Peel, Sep. 1849

Page 112

Envelope addressed to Miss Martineau by William Wordsworth, 24 July 1846

Page 112.1

Envelope addressed to Mrs. H. T. Lee by Fredrika Bremer

Page 113

Sketch of two children by Mary Balmanno

Page 114

Engraving of Washington Irving, 1833

Page 115-116.1

Letter from Washington Irving to Henry Cary

Page 116.2

Unidentified cutslip autograph

Page 116.3

Cutslip autograph of William Cullen Bryant

Page 116.4

Cutslip autograph of Caroline Matilda Kirkland

Page 116.5

Cutslip autograph of Hugh Swinton Legaré

Page 117

Envelope addressed to Mrs. H. T. Lee by unidentified person

Page 118

Piece of drapery taken from Napoleon's bed at St. Helena, 1837

Page 119-120

Letter from Sir David Wilkie to Mr. Cary, [29] Apr. [1834]

Page 121

Strands of Lord Byron's hair

Page 122

Letter from Sir John Bowring to Mrs. Lee, 27 Aug. [1861], enclosing strands of Lord Byron's hair (page 121) and fragment of Lord Byron's handwriting (page 122.1)

Page 122.1

Fragment of Lord Byron's handwriting

Page 123-124

Poem: "The Breeze from Land," by Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans, with note from Andrews Norton to Mrs. George Lee, 24 Aug. 1843

Page 125

Engraving of Sir Walter Scott

Page 126

Letter from Sir Walter Scott to Joanna Baillie, 10 Dec. 1813

Page 127-128

Letter from Charles Dickens to Lewis Gaylord Clark, 2 Mar. 1842

Page 129-130

Letter from Lady Byron to Mrs. Carpenter, 12 June [no year]

Page 131

Letter from Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace, to Mrs. Carpenter

Page 132

Engraving of Lant Carpenter, 1841

Page 133

Fragment of handwriting of Lant Carpenter, Aug. 1844

Page 134

Engraving of James Fenimore Cooper, 1833

Page 135

Letter from James Fenimore Cooper to "My dear Sir," 2 Sep. 1831

Page 136-137

Letter from Henry Fuseli to Robert Balmanno, 22 May 1820

Page 138

Letter from Sir John Bowring to Mrs. Lee, 7 Nov. [1865]

Page 139-140

Letter from Washington Allston to Mrs. George Lee, 6 Sep. 1838

Page 141

Letter from Sarah Austin to Mrs. Worsley

Page 142

Letter from Thomas Carlyle to "Madam," 13 Nov. 1844

Page 143-144

Letter from Joanna Baillie to "My dear Madam," 16 Nov. [1844]

Page 144 1/2-144 3/4

Letter from Anna Jameson to "My dear Madam," [1844]

Page 145

Engraving of Samuel Rogers, "the author of The Pleasures of Memory"

Page 146-147

Letter from Samuel Rogers to Mrs. Lee, 8 Sep. 1844

Page 148-149

Letter from Samuel Rogers to Mrs. Lee, 19 Aug. [no year]

Page 150.1

Facsimiles of the handwriting of the royal family of France

Page 150.2

Cutslip autograph of Napoleon I

Page 151

Cutslip autograph of Catharine Macaulay Graham, Mar. 1791

Page 151.1

Printed quotation about Plymouth Rock by Alexis de Tocqueville

Page 152

Letter from Alexis de Tocqueville to [Mr. Mercier], 3 June [1843]

Page 153-154

Letter from Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi to Monsieur Chenevière, 1 May 1834

Page 155-156

Letter from Jean Jacques Chenevière to Mrs. Lee, 17 June 1846

Page 157

Note from Mrs. Pratt to Mrs. Lee, on envelope

Page 158

Cutslip autograph of Lord Francis Jeffrey, 29 Sep. 1844

Page 159-160

Letter from the Madame de Lamartine to "Madame," [1844]

Page 161

Fragment of Madame de Lamartine's handwriting

Page 162

Autograph of William Howitt, 25 Sep. 1846

Page 163

Autograph of King Louis Philippe

Page 164-165

Letter from Jacob Bigelow to Mrs. Lee, 5 Aug. 1829

Page 166-167

Letter from William Ellery Channing to Mrs. G. G. Lee, 3 Feb. [no year]

Page 168

Photograph of Ralph Farnham, 1860

Page 169

Printed booklet: "A Biographical Sketch of the Life of Ralph Farnham," 1860

Page 170

Letter from Sir John Bowring to Rev. Carpenter, 22 May 1826

Page 171

Autograph of Ralph Farnham, 1860

Page 172-175

Copy of a letter from Michael Wigglesworth to Sibyll Avery, with fragment of the original, 23 Mar. 1691

Page 175

Copy of the epitaph of Michael Wigglesworth, with inscription on verso by Wigglesworth, 1650

Preferred Citation

Hannah Farnham Sawyer Lee autograph collection, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848.
Church, Angelica Schuyler, 1756-1815.
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-1802
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870.
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.
Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804.
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler, 1757-1854.
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826.
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834
Schuyler, Philip John, 1733-1804.
Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832.
Washington, George, 1732-1799.
Washington, Martha, 1731-1802.
Waterhouse, Benjamin, 1754-1846.
Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852.


Politicians' spouses.
Souvenirs (Keepsakes).
Textile fabrics--Sample book.
United States--Politics and government--To 1775.
United States--Politics and government--18th century.
United States--Politics and government--19th century.

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