
Guide to the Microfilm Edition

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Representative digitized documents from this collection:

Restrictions on Access

Use of this collection is restricted. Select items are available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library, P-392.

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the papers of Robert Treat Paine, Massachusetts lawyer, politician, member of the First Continental Congress (1774), signer of the Declaration of Independence, and justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The collection also contains the papers of other family members, including Thomas Paine.

Biographical Sketches

Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine (1694-1757), a native of Barnstable, Mass., graduated from Harvard College in 1717. He worked as an itinerant preacher until, in 1719, he was ordained as the minister of Weymouth. In 1721, he married Eunice Treat of Boston, daughter of Rev. Samuel Treat of Eastham and granddaughter of Rev. Samuel Willard of the Old South Church, Boston. Paine left the ministry in 1734 and embarked on a career as a merchant in Boston, often suffering from the vagaries of trade in the 1740s. In 1754, he moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, but became ill and returned to Boston in 1756. He died the following year in Germantown at the home of his daughter Abigail Greenleaf.

Paine's surviving children were: Abigail (1725-1809), who married Joseph Greenleaf; Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814); and Eunice Paine (1733-1803), unmarried sister and frequent correspondent of Robert Treat Paine.

Robert Treat Paine

Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814), son of Thomas Paine (1694-1757), was born in Boston, attended the Boston Latin School, and graduated from Harvard College in 1749. For one year, he taught school in Lunenburg, Mass., then worked as a merchant in the southern trade, traveling to the Azores and Spain and on a whaling voyage to Greenland. In 1755, he served as chaplain for the Crown Point campaign. Paine returned to Boston in 1756 to continue his law studies, which he had begun informally two years earlier in Lancaster, Mass. He studied under Benjamin Prat and was admitted to the bar in 1757. Initially burdened with the settlement of his father's insolvent estate, Paine moved to Taunton in 1761, where he developed his legal practice, following the circuit of courts through Massachusetts and the province of Maine. He was appointed a justice of the peace in 1763, served in various local capacities, and was eventually elected to represent Taunton in the state legislature beginning in 1773.

Paine's involvement in provincial politics began in 1770, when the town of Boston asked him to assist in the prosecution of the Boston Massacre trials. A member of the Massachusetts delegation to the First Continental Congress in 1774, he served in Philadelphia as chairman of the ordnance committee and was among the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He represented Taunton in the three Provincial Congresses and returned to the state legislature in 1777, when he was chosen Speaker pro tempore. Elected attorney general that same year, Paine supervised the condemnation of Tory estates, prosecuted the insurgents of Shays' Rebellion, participated in the Commonwealth's Constitutional Convention, and served on the committee to revise the laws. In 1790, he was appointed an associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts and served on the bench until his retirement in 1804. He died in Boston in 1814, aged 80.

Paine was married to Sally Cobb of Taunton (1744-1816), sister of Gen. David Cobb. Their eight children were: Robert (1770-1798), Sally (1772-1823), Thomas (who, in 1801, changed his name to Robert Treat Paine, Jr.) (1773-1811), Charles (1775-1810), Henry (1777-1814), Mary (1780-1842), Maria Antoinette (1782-1842), and Lucretia (1785-1823).


For further information on Thomas Paine (1694-1757), see Sibley's Harvard Graduates, 6: 201-207.

For further information on Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814), see Sibley's Harvard Graduates, 12: 462-482.

Collection Description

This collection consists of the papers of Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814), Massachusetts lawyer, politician, member of the First Continental Congress (1774), signer of the Declaration of Independence, and justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Included are correspondence; account books (1751-1814); business and legal papers kept by Paine as a lawyer, attorney general, and judge; minutes of trials, including the Boston Massacre and Shays' Rebellion trials; and documents related to his work as a local and state politician. Earlier papers include his sea journals/logbooks (1750-1754) kept on trading voyages to Cape Hatteras and North Carolina, the Azores, and Cadiz, Spain, and on a whaling voyage off Greenland; diaries (1745-1814); and sermons given in Massachusetts and as chaplain on the Crown Point Expedition during the French and Indian War (1755).

The collection also contains the papers of other family members, a significant amount of Paine family correspondence, and legal and financial papers (including the estates of Robert Treat Paine and his father Thomas). Papers of family members include the annotated almanacs (1716-1750) and sermons (1724-1733) of Paine's father Thomas Paine (1694-1757); the diary (1785-1791) of Paine's son Robert Paine (1770-1798); and the astronomical observations (1833-1837) of Paine's grandson Robert Treat Paine (1803-1885). Other family members represented in the collection include Paine's sons Robert Treat Paine, Jr. (1773-1811) (originally Thomas Paine) and Charles Paine (1775-1810); grandson Charles Cushing Paine (1808-1874); and great-grandson Charles Jackson Paine (1833-1916). The collection also contains catalogs of private libraries and genealogical information. Among the many correspondents are Richard Cranch, Joseph Greenleaf, John Hancock, David Cobb, Shearjashub Bourne, and Elbridge Gerry.


A one-volume index to the Paine papers was prepared by Charles Cushing Paine, and many of the items in this collection were numbered in the upper right-hand corner. This index, located at the end of Reel 8 (Series I.N.), reflects an earlier arrangement of the collection and is now obsolete.

This revised microfilm edition supersedes all previous guides to the Robert Treat Paine papers, including the 1991 Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Robert Treat Paine Papers, microfilmed on Reel 1.

Acquisition Information

The first items in this collection, two manuscript sermons by Thomas Paine, were donated to the MHS on 12 April 1888 by Robert Treat Paine (1861-1943) from the estate of his late cousin Robert Treat Paine (1803-1885). The first major group of papers came from John B. Paine, Helen P. Kimball, Georgina P. Fisher, Mary A. Winsor, and Frank C. Paine in 1940. An addition containing printed material and more manuscripts was added in 1954. In 1972, an allegorical letter from Robert Treat Paine to Mr. and Mrs. George Leonard, Jr., dated 1 January 1760, was purchased by the MHS.

Restrictions on Access

Use of this collection is restricted. Select items are available as color digital facsimiles (see links below). Black and white microfilm is also available for use in the library, P-392.

Other Formats

Portions of this collection have been published as The Papers of Robert Treat Paine, edited by Stephen T. Riley and Edward W. Hanson (MHS Collections, vols. 87-89, 92). Digital editions of Vols. 1-4 are available at

Portions of Paine's legal notes are available as color digital facsimiles. See the Detailed Description of the Collection below for links to digital images.

Black and white digital images of this collection--produced from the microfilm edition--are available as part of History Vault: Revolutionary War and Early America, a digital resource from ProQuest. This resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS also provides access onsite to the Society's contributions to this resource; see a reference librarian for more information.

Digital facsimiles of the Robert Treat Paine logbooks are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Family papers, 1659-1916

A. Family correspondence, 1713-1854

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists of the incoming and outgoing correspondence of Paine family members, including Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814). For a chronological list of the items in this subseries, see the List of Family Correspondence or click on the links below.

Reel 1

Guide to the Microfilm Edition

Reel 1Box 1-2

Correspondence, 1713-1756

Reel 2Box 2

Correspondence, 1757-1765

Reel 3Box 3

Correspondence, 1766-1775

Reel 4Box 4-5

Correspondence, 1776-1784

Reel 5Box 5-6

Correspondence, 1785-1808

Reel 6Box 6

Correspondence, 1809-1854

Reel 6Box 6

Correspondence, undated (19th century)

Reel 6Case 1

Robert Treat Paine letterbook, 1751-1754 (unbound)

Reel 6Case 1

Robert Treat Paine letterbook, 1756-1765

B. Legal and financial papers, 1659-1867

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists of the legal and financial papers of all Paine family members except Thomas Paine (1694-1757) and Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814). Among the papers in this subseries are copies of family wills and deeds, including those of the Treat and Estabrook families (Rev. Benjamin Estabrook was the first husband of Robert Treat Paine's maternal grandmother), as well as receipts, powers of attorney, promissory notes, accounts, memoranda, bills, inventories, agreements, correspondence, and other papers. The subseries also contains Land Bank papers, 1739-1749, which consist of broadsides and supplements to the Boston Evening-Post.

Reel 7Box 9

Deed: Allumps and Haquontuses to John Endicot, John Winthrop, and Amos Richardson for land at Quinibaug, 28 Apr. 1659

Reel 7Box 9

Deed: Robin Hood, alias Rawmegon, Terrumpquine, Wesomonascoe, Sagamores of Scawque, and Abumhamen tribes, sell to Thomas Webber land on the westerly side of the Kennebeck River [copy] and memorandum by Charles Cushing Paine, 29 May 1660

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Receipt: To Bethiah Paine, Bethiah Paine, Jr., and Experience Hunt from Thomas Paine and Edmund Hawes, undated

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Deed: Indian deed to Mr. Wharten, land in Maine, 7 July 1684 [copy]

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Letters of administration to Abigail Estabrookes, widow of Rev. Benjamin Estabrookes, late of Cambridge, intestate, 2 Aug. 1697

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Deed: Rev. Joseph Estabrook of Concord to Abigail Estabrook, 20 Aug. 1697

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Deed: John Sunderland of Eastham to "my loving son" Samuel Treat, land in Boston, 30 Aug. 1700

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Power of attorney: Samuel Treat of Eastham appoints wife Abigail Treat, 14 May 1707

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Promissory note: [?] to Abigail Treat, 27 Jan. 1708

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Memorandum: Extract of deed of Thomas Sturgis of Barnstable to James Paine, land in York County, Me.,15 Mar. 1709 [2 items]

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Will: Extract of will and probate order on estate of Samuel Treat of Eastham, 6 Dec. 1716

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Power of attorney: Ebenezer Lewis and James Paine, both of Barnstable, appoint Thomas Paine of Weymouth, Jan. 1720

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Will: Thomas Paine of Truro, 6 Apr. 1720, proved 4 July 1721 [copy]

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Letters of administration to Abigail Treat of Boston on estate of her son Richard Estabrook, late of Boston, brasier, 2 Oct. 1721

Reel 7Box 9

Deed: Elizabeth Paine of Truro grants to Jonathan and Barnabas Paine, both of Truro, all the lands in Truro belonging to her late husband Thomas Paine, 1 Oct. 1726, annotated with rental account through 1742

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Accounts: Thomas Paine to Abigail Treat, 17 Oct. 1727-1 Dec. 1738

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Account: Division of estate of James Payne, late of Barnstable, 1 June 1729

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Account: Bethiah Paine, Bethiah Paine, Jr., Mary Hawes, Experience Hunt, and Thomas Paine on the estate of late James Paine, 28 Oct. 1729-1735

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Inventory: Estate of James Paine of Barnstable and division among his heirs, Oct. 1729

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Will: Abigail Treat of Boston, widow, dated 5 Dec. 1730

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Memorandum: Between Edmund and Mary Hawes and the other heirs of James Paine, late of Barnstable, 28 Sep. 1734

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Receipt: To Abigail Treat of Boston from Joshua Lassel of Windham, 28 Nov. 1734

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Deed: Samuel Hunt of Weymouth to Josiah Hunt of Weymouth, land for the use and benefit of his wife Experience Hunt, 17 Oct. 1738

Reel 7Box 9

Memorandum: Of an action of Abigail Treat, Thomas Paine, and Eunice his wife in Court of Common Pleas, Boston, Feb. 1738

Reel 7Box 9

Legal form of a printed deed with annotated notes on legal procedure, undated

Land Bank papers, 1739-1749

Reel 7Box 9

Broadside: In order to Redress the distressing Circumstances which the Trade of this Province is under for want of a Medium; other Methods having failed, it is proposed to set up a Bank of Credit on Land Security..., Boston, Nov. 1739

Reel 7Box 9

Broadside: Proclamation by Gov. Jonathan Belcher against notes circulated by John Colman, 17 July 1740

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Sheet: The Manufactory Scheme, extract from the Book of Records of the Manufactory Company, [4 Dec. 1740] [2 copies]

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Broadside: Blank writ of attachment against those who "published and are still engaged and interested in a Scheme for supplying a pretended Want of a Medium in Trade, by setting up a Bank on Land Security," 1742

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Broadsheet: Boston Evening-Post, listing partners in the Land Bank or Manufactory Scheme with "An Act in further Addition to and Explanation of the Act for the more speedy finishing of the Land Bank of Manufactory Scheme," 20 Aug. 1744

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Sheet: Supplement to the Boston Gazette or Weekly Journal, no. 1242, listing outstanding bills of the Manufactory Company, [27 Dec. 1745]

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Sheet: Supplement to the Boston Evening-Post, no. 543, listing outstanding bills of the Manufactory Company, [27 Dec. 1745]

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Sheet: Supplement to the Boston Evening-Post, no. 707, listing assessment against partners in the Manufactory Scheme, 27 Feb. 1749 [4 copies]

Reel 7Box 9

Will of Abigail Treat of Boston, dated 5 Mar. 1740, proved 9 Feb. 1746 [rough draft and copy]

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Answer to James Scott's proclamation about the mob, 1741

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Will extracts of Abigail Treat of Boston, dated 9 Jan. 1746 "& Prov'd & alow'd 9th January followg"

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Estate of Abigail Treat of Boston, appoints Eunice Paine as executrix, 9 Feb. 1746

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Bond: Samuel Hunt and Josiah Hunt, both of Weymouth, and Benjamin Hunt of Braintree, to Edward Hutchinson, Judge of Probate, for permission to sell land for the benefit of Experience Hunt, 21 Feb. 1746 [copy]

Reel 7Box 9

Administration certificate: Thomas Paine of Boston appointed administrator of estate of Abigail Treat, late of Boston

Reel 7Box 9

Promissory note: Eliz. Delohand [Dolhonde] to Joseph Greenleaf, Boston, 13 July 1747

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Elizabeth Paine received from Jonathan Paine and Barnabas Paine "by the hand of" Thomas Paine, 31 Jan. 1754

Reel 7Box 9

Deed: Joseph Greenleaf sells to Eunice Paine "One Equal half part of a Certain Distill-house Lands and houses & Utensills" in Boston, co-signed by Abigail Paine Greenleaf, 23 Sep. 1754

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Account: Joseph How's account with Eunice Paine, 24 Apr. 1755-18 Jan. 1760

Reel 7Box 9

Inventory: Estate of Samuel Hunt, late of Norton, 20 June 1755

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Deed: Abraham Turtelot of Glocester, R.I., sells to Eunice Paine of Weymouth "a certain tract of parcell of Land Laying in Glocester aforsaid," 22 Nov. 1757

Reel 7Box 9

Deed: Eunice Paine of Braintree sells to Robert Treat Paine land in Cornwall and Kent, Conn., 16 May 1763

Reel 7Box 9

Commission: Micajah Sawyer appointed a justice of the peace for Essex County, signed by Thomas Hutchinson, 15 Jan. 1772

Reel 7Box 9

Account: Eunice Paine boarding with Dr. Thomas Phipps, 26 June 1790-11 June 1791

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Account: Dr. Thomas Phipps for Eunice Paine's medications, 28 July 1790-18 Jan. 1792

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Account: Charles Paine to John Brooks, 17 Sep. 1795-15 July 1798

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Bills: Charles Paine to John S. Capt "for Tuition in the french language," 13 Oct. 1795-31 Mar. 1796

Reel 7Box 9

Receipts: Frederick Granger from Charles Paine, Boston, 8 July 1797, 13 Jan. [?]

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: George Girdler Smith received from Henry Paine for part of the ship Borneo, 23 Oct. 1799

Reel 7Box 9

Agreement: Between Henry Paine, John Gibaut, and George Girdler Smith for Paine's services as masters' assistant on a voyage aboard the Borneo, Boston, 23 Oct. 1799

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to John Warren for medical attendance, Apr. 1800-1 Jan. 1802

Reel 7Box 9

Bill: Charles Paine to Rufus Farnam, 11 June 1800

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Frederick Granger received from Charles Paine, Boston, 15 Oct. 1800

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Bill: Charles Paine to William Stackpole, 27 Aug. 1800-7 Feb. 1801

Reel 7Box 9

Bill: Samuel Williams to Charles Paine, 14 Aug. 1801

Reel 7Box 9

Bill: Charles Paine to Zephaniah Spurr for phaeton rental, Sep. 1801

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Charles Paine to Samuel Jepson, Jr. for a second-hand phaeton, 24 Oct. 1801

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Charles Paine to J. Wheelwright for one cask sherry wine, 5 Dec. 1801

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to John Warren for medical attendance, Jan. 1802-Jan. 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to West & Greenleaf, 17 July 1802-16 Aug. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to James Murphy for a pair of earrings, 30 Nov. 1802

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to John S. Capt & Co. for yard goods, 30 Dec. 1802

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to John Cornish, 12 Jan. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Gorham Parsons, 11 Mar. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Cornish & Dyer, 26 May 1803-5 Jan. 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: For six months of the New-England Repertory, signed John Park, 6 Jan. 1804

Reel 7Box 9

Memorandum: Agreement between Charles Paine and Samuel Hayden, bricklayer, 18 July 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to G. Graupner for repairing clarinets, 17 Sep. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Nathaniel Ireland for a chaise, 22 Oct. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to J. C. Dyer for earrings, 26 Oct. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Mrs. Payn to Elizabeth Harlow for "tuition of your Daughtr. 8 weekes," 7 Nov. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipts: Charles Paine to Whitmarsh & Hayden's contract, 9-23 Nov. 1803

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Dyer & Emory for ornament combs, 29 Mar. 1804

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to West & Greenleaf for Bible and memo book, 18 May-Oct. 1804

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Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Tucker & Thayer for lace shawl, 1 June 1804

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Receipted bill: Charles Paine to R & H Farnam for two pair silver tumblers, 12 July 1804

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine for one grey mare, 1 Oct. 1804

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Receipt: William Roberts received from Charles Paine for a pair of boots, 14 Oct. 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Thomas Whitmarsh on building contract, 26 Feb. 1805

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Receipted bill: Charles Paine to William Bell for plantings, Apr. 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to Tucker & Thayer for a pair of "Fashble. Jockey Boots," 27 May 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Charles Paine to John Park for subscription to the Repertory, 1 July 1805

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bills: Charles Paine to Samuel Willard for accommodations, Stafford Mineral Springs, 27 Aug. 1805-22 Aug. 1806

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Charles Paine to John Irving for plantings, 22-24 Apr. 1807

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Charles Paine to William Bell for plantings, 18 Mar. 1808

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bills: Charles Paine to Henry Raybould, tuition bills for Helen Maria Paine, 30 Aug. [1808?]-1 July 1809

Reel 7Box 9

Agreement: "To respond to Shubael Bell for the amt. of the Judgement which may be rendered in favor of John Stewart against Mary Thwing," co-signed by D. B. Ripley, Isaac Rand, Jr., and Sally Cobb Paine, Boston, 13 Dec. 1814

Reel 7Box 9

Letters of guardianship: Sarah Cushing Paine appointed guardian of son Charles C. Paine, 31 July 1815

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: A. B. to T. M. Sanderson, Philadelphia, addressed to Mary Paine, [Jan. 1822]

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Mary Paine to Ethan A. Greenwood for the unfinished portrait of her father taken by Edward Savage, Boston, 1 Jan. 1822

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: N. M. Hentz to Sarah Cushing Paine for French lessons for her son and daughter, Boston, 7 Mar. 1822

Reel 7Box 9

Receipt: Mary Paine to John Coles "For finishing the Portrait of her late Father," Boston, 13 Mar. 1823

Reel 7Box 9

Plan: Milk St., Boston, lot plan, surveyed by S. P. Fuller, 9 Aug. 1824

Reel 7Box 9

Receipted bill: Mrs. Paine to H. H. Barton for "1 Rocking Horse," 1 Jan. 1838

Reel 7Box 9

Notes and correspondence concerning the estate of Mary Paine Clap, 2-10 Jan. 1843

Reel 7Box 9

Decision: George B. Cary & ux & al. vs. Samuel Wilde, Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw, opinion on Mrs. Clap's will, Nov. 1843

Reel 7Box 9

Lease: Memorandum of an agreement between Charles C. Paine and Alexander J. Cruikshank, lease of farm at West Beach, Beverly Farms, 8 Oct. 1861

Reel 7Box 9

Divorce proceedings: Charles C. Paine vs. Frances Jackson Paine, filed in Indiana, 3 Mar. 1862, granted in Boston, 30 Apr. 1867

C. Miscellaneous family papers, 1721-1861

This subseries consists of miscellaneous papers of the Paine family, including items related to Harvard College and Boston Latin School, certificates, notices, clippings, and some legal documents.

Reel 7Box 10

Jonathan Sewall, two clipped signatures

Reel 7Box 10

Harvard College questions, class of 1747

Reel 7Box 10

Newspaper account of execution of Mrs. Bathsheba Spooner for the murder of her husband, 2 July 1778

Reel 7Box 10

Note on John Temple's pass as consul, 24 Aug. 1785

Reel 7Box 10

Manuscript copies of Paine family epitaphs

Reel 7Box 10

Inventory of household furnishings, unidentified

Reel 7Box 10

Promissory note of Eleazer Walker and Edward Walker, both of Taunton, in obligation to Paul Dudley of Boston, 21 July 1721

Reel 7Box 10

Deposition of John Robinson, 22 Sep. 1729

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate of authenticity of will of Benjamin Hallowell, late of Boston, signed by Foster Hutchinson, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 9 Aug. 1782

Reel 7Box 10

Latin translations by William C. Paine

Reel 7Box 10

Newspaper clipping offering portrait of Robert Treat Paine to the city of Boston, 15 June 1842

Reel 7Box 10

E. S. Dixwell, Boston Latin School, awards Latin prize, 1844 and 24 May 1845 [2 copies]

Reel 7Box 10

Newspaper clippings on Joint Committee of the Library, 4 Mar. 1852, and Convention of the Old Thirteen States, 5 July 1852

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate of admission, Harvard College, of William C. Paine, 22 July 1853

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate stating William C. Paine has complied with the law respecting admission to the senior class, Sep. 1853

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate of matriculation of William C. Paine, 16 Jan. 1854

Reel 7Box 10

Exhibition notice, W. C. Paine, "A Latin Oration," signed by James Walker, president, 21 Mar. 1852

Reel 7Box 10

Harvard College. Order of Performances for Exhibition, Tuesday, May 2, 1854 (Cambridge, Mass., 1854)

Reel 7Box 10

Commencement notice, W. C. Paine, "A Dissertation 'Inconceivable Magnitudes, Velocities and Distances,'" signed by James Walker, president, 22 June 1854

Reel 7Box 10

Harvard College. Order of Performances for Exhibition, Tuesday, May 1, 1855 (Cambridge, Mass., 1855)

Reel 7Box 10

Order of Exercises for Class Day, at Harvard College, 22 June 1855

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Order of Exercises for [Harvard] Commencement, [18 July 1855]

Reel 7Box 10

Order of Exercises at the Annual Exhibition of the Public Latin School, 13 July 1861

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate of admission, Harvard College, for Sumner Paine, signed by C. C. Felton, president, 16 July 1861

D. Charles Paine papers, 1789-1806

This subseries contains the papers of Charles Paine (1775-1810), son of Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814).

Reel 7Box 10

Latin oration, 1789

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate as Master Mason, St. John's Lodge, 15 Dec. 1806

E. Charles Cushing Paine papers, 1716-1900

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the papers of Charles Cushing Paine (1808-1874), son of Charles Paine (1775-1810). Among the papers in this subseries are Boston Latin School records; diplomas, certificates, and other papers from Harvard College; records of social engagements; legal notes; notes on family papers; correspondence; and a genealogy of the Paine family, including a transcription of the diary of Thomas Paine, 1 Jan. 1716-4 Feb. 1749.

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate by Elisha Ticknor concerning Latin recitation by Charles C. Paine and others, 5 Aug. 1817

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Fragment of list of examiners, 29 Aug. 1823

Reel 7Box 10

Performance at Public Latin School, Boston, Aug. 1823

Reel 7Box 10

Bond of obligation to Harvard College for the fees of Charles C. Paine, signed by Sarah Cushing Paine and William C. Aylwin, 26 Sep. 1823

Reel 7Box 10

Certificate of admission to freshman class, Harvard University, signed by John T. Kirkland, 24 Dec. 1823

Reel 7Box 10

College circular with Paine's class rankings, 21 Dec. 1825

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"A man speaks well in proportion as he has written much," performance at exhibition, Harvard, 3 July 1826

Reel 7Box 10

Diploma, Harvard University, bachelor's degree, 29 Aug. 1827

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List of social engagements, Fall 1828

Reel 7Box 10

Subscription to Quadrille Party, Exchange Coffee House, Boston, 31 Dec. 1829

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List of calls on New Year's Day, 1 Jan. 1830

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Ticket to Ladies' Fair, May 1830

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Diploma, Harvard University, master's degree, 25 Aug. 1830

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Sleighing party list, Feb. 1831

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Invitation to Ladies' Fancy Ball, 18 Mar. 1831

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List of social engagements, Summer 1831

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Tour to Virginia: itinerary and expenses, 13 Apr.-7 May 1840

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My Dear Children, by Charles C. Paine, with printed letter concerning his divorce [Indianapolis, 1861]

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Undated notes on the Robert Treat Paine papers

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Inventory of the silverware of Mary Paine Clap

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Miscellaneous notes on family papers

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Miscellaneous notes on legal precedents

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Manuscript genealogy of the Paine family, including transcription of diary of Thomas Paine, 1 Jan. 1716-4 Feb. 1749

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Genealogical correspondence from Josiah Paine, Henry D. Paine, and Lemuel C. Paine to Charles C. Paine and Charles J. Paine, 24 Oct. 1855-19 Dec. 1866

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Manuscript notes on Paine genealogy, including Joshua Paine to Mr. Paine, Eastham, 13 Feb. 1846, and Lemuel C. Paine to Charles C. Paine, Albion, N.Y., 24 Sep. 1860

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Ames Otis to Charles C. Paine, Yarmouth Port, 15 Jan. 1869

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Ernest Seton-Thompson to Mrs. Paine, N.Y., 3 Feb. 1900

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Notes on Bowdoin College vs. James T. Bowdoin, Mar. 1843

F. Charles Jackson Paine papers, 1849-1916

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the papers of Charles Jackson Paine (1833-1916), son of Charles Cushing Paine (1808-1874). Included are school papers from Boston Latin School and Harvard College, military commissions signed by Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, and other papers.

Reel 7Box 10

An Exercise in Declamation; in the form of a Debate on Capital Punishment, at the Boston Latin School, Public Saturday, March 3, 1849, including remarks by Charles J. Paine (Boston: Charles Spear, 1849), attached to Mass. Senate Bill no. 74, concerning commemorative monument of American Independence at Philadelphia, 14 Mar. 1854

Reel 7Box 10

Regulations relative to the admission of cadets in the Military Academy, Mar. 1851

Reel 7Box 10

Greek oration delivered at commencement, Harvard College, 11 July 1853

Reel 7Box 10

Commencement, Harvard College, certificate and order of exercises, 20 July 1853

Reel 7Box 10

Order of performances for exhibition, 18 Oct. 1853

Reel 7Box 10

Commission as General of Volunteers, U.S. Army, signed by Abraham Lincoln, 9 July 1864

Reel 7Box 10

Commission as Brevet Major-General, U.S. Army, signed by Andrew Johnson, 6 May 1865

Reel 7Box 10

Tribute from the New York Yacht Club, 21 Dec. 1916

G. Calling cards and silhouettes, undated

This subseries consists of two silhouettes of unidentified men and calling cards from Lady Temple, Mrs. King, Mrs. Deblois, Mrs. T. B. Adams, Miss Nicholson, Mrs. Robertson, Miss Thompson, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Gerry, Mrs. Few, Bartlett Paine, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. H. Hubbard, Mrs. Washington, and Mrs. Greene.

Reel 7Box 10

H. Copies of wills, 1707-1855

This subseries contains inventories, accounts, and copies of family wills in the handwriting of Charles Cushing Paine (1808-1874).

Reel 8Case 2

Will of Rev. Samuel Treat of Eastham, signed 6 Dec. 1716

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Will of Abigail Treat of Boston, signed 5 Mar. 1740, proved 9 Feb. 1746

Reel 8Case 2

Samuel Willard, administration, 1707

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Will of Thomas Paine of Boston, signed 23 Apr. 1752, proved 22 July 1757

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Will of Joseph Greenleaf of Boston, signed 15 Sep. 1809, proved 10 Dec. 1810

Reel 8Case 2

Will of Charles Cushing of Boston, signed 5 Nov. 1810, proved 19 Nov. 1810

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Will of Robert Treat Paine of Boston, with inventories and accounts, signed 11 May 1814, proved 16 May 1814

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Henry Paine, administration, 1815

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Inventory of Sally Cobb Paine, widow, 1816

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Inventory of Sally Paine, 1823

Reel 8Case 2

Inventory of Lucretia Paine, 1823

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Inventory and account of Charles Paine, 1810

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Inventory and account of Robert Treat Paine, Jr., 1811

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Will of Sally Cobb Paine, widow, signed 30 May 1816, proved 8 July 1816

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Will of Sally Paine of Boston, signed 14 Feb. 1820, proved 24 Mar. 1823

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Will of Lucretia Paine of Boston, signed 14 Sep. 1819, proved 22 Sep. 1823

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Will of Elisha Clap of Boston, signed 20 Nov. 1827

Reel 8Case 2

Will of Mary Clap of Boston, with inventory and accounts, signed 10 Aug. 1832

Reel 8Case 2

Notes on Robert Treat Paine's estate at corner of Milk and Federal Sts., Boston

Reel 8Case 2

Will of Lucy Cabot of Roxbury, signed 26 Feb. 1846, proved 5 Sep. 1848

Reel 8Case 2

Will of John Cabot of Boston, made 3 Feb. 1820, proved 17 Sep. 1821

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Will of Sarah C. Aylwin of Boston, signed 27 July 1848, proved 20 Nov. 1848

Reel 8Case 2

Will of William C. Aylwin of Boston, signed 17 Nov. 1848

Reel 8Case 2

Will of Charles Jackson of Boston, signed 18 Jan. 1855

I. Catalogs of books, 1752-1850

Arranged chronologically.

Reel 8Case 3

Unidentified catalog of books, one annotated with book prices and to whom sold, [before 1752] [2 copies]

Reel 8Case 3

Catalogus Librorum, catalog of books of Thomas Paine, [1752]

Reel 8Case 3

Account by Jotham Mavericke of books sold at public sale, 1752

Reel 8Case 3

Catalog of books belonging to Robert Treat Paine, Jan. 1768, new arranged 1805

Reel 8Case 3

Charles Cushing Paine's book catalog, Jan. 1850

J. Richard Cranch manuscript, undated

This subseries consists of a manuscript translation by Richard Cranch of "A Sermon on the Passions; by Monsr. James Saurin, Minister of the French Church at the Hague. Translated from the French."

Reel 8Case 5

K. Robert Paine diary, 1785-1791

This subseries consists of the diary of Robert Paine (1770-1798), son of Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814), kept from 1 July 1785-30 Nov. 1791 in Cambridge and Boston, Mass. Diary entries describe Paine's activities as a student at Harvard in the class of 1789, his apprenticeship in a Boston law office, social engagements, local and family news, and the weather.

Reel 8

L. Robert Treat Paine, Jr. writings, 1790-1811

This subseries consists of the poetry and other works of Robert Treat Paine, Jr. (1773-1811) (originally Thomas Paine), son of Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814). Included are both a manuscript draft and printed copy of Robert Treat Paine, Jr.'s poem "The Ruling Passion," 1797 (first printed at Manning and Loring), and a eulogy on the life of George Washington, 2 Jan. 1800.

Reel 8Case 4

The Invention of Letters: A Poem, written at the request of the President of Harvard University, and delivered, in Cambridge, on the day of annual Commencement, July 15, 1795, by Thomas Paine, 2nd ed. (Boston, 1795)

Reel 8Case 6

The Ruling Passion: An occasional Poem. Written by the appointment of the Society of the Phi Beta Kappa, and spoken, on their anniversary, in the Chapel of the University, Cambridge, July 20, 1797, by Thomas Paine (Boston, 1797)

Reel 8Case 4

The Inventory of Letters, a Poem, written at the request of the President of Harvard University, and delivered, in Cambridge, on the day of annual Commencement, July 15, 1795, by Thomas Paine (Boston, 1795) [2 copies]

Reel 8Case 4

An Oration, written at the request of the young men of Boston, and Delivered, July 17th, 1799, in commemoration of the dissolution of the Treaties, and consular convention, between France and the United States of America, by Thomas Paine (Boston, 1799)

Reel 8Case 4

An Eulogy on the Life of General George Washington, Who died at Mount Vernon, December 14th, 1799, in the 68th year of his age, Written At the request of the citizens of Newburyport, and delivered at the first Presbyterian Meeting-House in that town, January 2nd, 1800, by Thomas Paine (Newburyport, 1800)

Inscribed to Charles Paine from the author.

Reel 8Case 4

Spain. An Account of the Public Festival given by the citizens of Boston at the Exchange Coffee House, January 2, 1809, in honor of Spanish valour & Patriotism..., by Robert Treat Paine, Jr. (Boston, [1809])

Inscribed to Robert Treat Paine by the author of the sketch.

Reel 8Case 4

A Monody on the death of Lieut. General Sir John Moore. With notes, historical and political, by R. T. Paine, Jr. (Boston, 1811)

Inscribed to Robert Treat Paine by the author.

Reel 8Case 4

"An undevout astronomer is mad," Nov. 1790 [manuscript]

Reel 8Case 4

'Tributary Lines &c. &c." [manuscript]

Reel 8Case 4

"The nature & progress of Liberty" [manuscript]

Reel 8Case 4

"A Poem on Liberty" [manuscript]

Reel 8Case 4

"The Ruling Passion," 1797 [manuscript draft]

Reel 8Case 4

Note from John Pickens, apprentice at Manning and Loring

M. Robert Treat Paine (1803-1885) astronomical observations, 1833-1837

This subseries consists of the astronomical observations of Robert Treat Paine (1803-1885), son of Robert Treat Paine, Jr. (1773-1811). The 5 notebooks in this subseries are entitled: "Astronomical Observations for the determination of the Latitude and Longitude of places in Massachusetts," from the Boston State House and other public buildings throughout New England, 16 Mar. 1833-28 Dec. 1837.

Reel 8Case 7

N. Index to the Paine papers, undated

This subseries consists of an index to the Paine papers compiled by Charles Cushing Paine.

Reel 8Case 8

O. Thomas Paine papers, 1664-1761

This subseries consists of the diaries, almanacs, sermons, legal and financial records, and other papers of Thomas Paine (1694-1757), father of Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814).

Diaries and annotated almanacs, 1716-1750

1 volume containing 10 booklets

Arranged chronologically.

Diary entries describe wind, weather, and other meteorological events; Paine's studies at Harvard College, 1716-1717; his career as an itinerant minister and eventual ordination as minister of the First (Congregational) Church in Weymouth, Mass.; and his career as merchant in Boston after leaving Weymouth in 1734.

Reel 9Case 9

College performances of Thomas Paine: "Encomium Cereis" and "De Vanitate Terrestrium," 13 Jan.-2 Mar. 1716

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack...For the Year of the Christian Era, 1716, by Thomas Robie (Boston), with meteorological observations, historical notes, and added diary pages, 1716

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack...For the Year of the Christian Era, 1717, by Thomas Robie (Boston), with meteorological observations and added diary pages, 1717

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack...For the Year of the Christian Era, 1718, by Thomas Paine (Boston), with meteorological observations, a log of correspondence, and added diary pages, 1718

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack...For the Year of the Christian Era, 1719, by Thomas Paine (Boston), with meteorological observations, a log of correspondence, and added diary pages, 1719

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack...For the Year of the Christian Era, 1719, by Thomas Paine (Boston), 1719

Reel 9Case 9

Memorandum book with some diary entries, 1719-1720

Reel 9Case 9

An Almanack For the Year of our Lord, 1721, by Nathaniel Whittemore (Boston), with meteorological observations and added diary pages, 1721

Reel 9Case 9

An Astronomical Diary, or, An Almanack, For the Year of our Lord Christ, 1734, by Nathaniel Ames, Jr. (Boston), with interleaved diary pages, 1734

Reel 9Case 9

Memorandum book with some diary entries, 1750

Almanacs, 1664-1728

1 volume containing 9 booklets

Included are European almanacs collected by Thomas Paine and copies of almanacs published by him.

Reel 9Case 10

Fly. An Almanac for the year of our Lord God, 1664 (London) with manuscript notes, 1664

Reel 9Case 10

Unidentified French almanac, lacking title page, 1706

Reel 9Case 10

Leeds, 1714. The American almanack for the year of Christian account 1714, by Titan Leeds (Boston), 1713

Reel 9Case 10

An almanack for the year of our Lord, 1725, by Nathaniel Whittemore (Boston), with manuscript notes, 1725

Reel 9Case 10

The New-England diary, or, Almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1726, by a native of New-England [Nathan Bowen] (Boston), with manuscript notes, 1726

Reel 9Case 10

The New-England diary, or, Almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1727, by a native of New-England [Nathan Bowen] (Boston), with manuscript notes, 1727

Reel 9Case 10

The New-England diary, or, Almanack, for the year of our Lord Christ, 1728, by a native of New-England [Nathan Bowen] (Boston), with manuscript notes, 1728

Reel 9Case 10

Almanack for the year of our Lord 1724, by Nathaniel Whittemore (Boston), imperfect, 1723 or 1724

Reel 9Case 10

Catastrophe Mundi, by John Holwell (London), imperfect, 1682

Sermons, 1724-1733

1 volume containing 2 booklets

Included are attached pages of a later date with genealogical notes and a donation letter (Boston, 6 Apr. 1888) from Robert Treat Paine (1861-1943) giving these sermons to the Massachusetts Historical Society from the estate of his cousin Robert Treat Paine (1803-1885).

Reel 9Case 11

Sermon on Job 1:24 with letter from Thomas Paine to his mother Bethiah Thacher Paine, Weymouth, 2 Feb. 1724

Reel 9Case 11

Sermon "Pronounced to the Church & Congregation in the North Parish in Weyth. being called together for that Purpose and met in their Meeting House," 10 Dec. 1733

Legal and financial papers, 1715-1761

Arranged chronologically.

Included are papers from Thomas Paine's mercantile business and personal estate. Paine's deeds to family members, 1749, include his bequests of "all my Books," "my Negro Cato and all my household stuff..."

Note: For materials related to the settlement of Thomas Paine's estate after his death, see Series IV. Robert Treat Paine business, legal, and financial papers.

Reel 9Box 11

Memorandum: On sale of "my Scotland Land" [Scotland Parish, Windham, Conn.] to Joshua Lassel, undated

Reel 9Box 11

Manuscript form for promissory note to Thomas Paine, undated

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Receipt: Received of Joshua Lassel, undated

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Memorandum: Selectmen and committee for laying out land in Falmouth accompany Thomas Paine in taking possession of land, 4 June 1720

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Instructions of town of Weymouth to its representative, Capt. Joseph White, on creation of a new parish, 5 Nov. 1722

Reel 9Box 11

Indenture: Between Samuel Thaxter of Hingham and Thomas Paine concerning lands at the Eastward near Muscongus, 23 Nov. 1722

Reel 9Box 11

Indenture: Between Thomas Paine and John Cleverly of Braintree concerning lands at the Eastward near Muscongus, 29 July 1723

Reel 9Box 11

Power of attorney: Thomas Paine appoints John Cushing, Jr., 5 Mar. 1732

Reel 9Box 11

Town meeting votes: Precinct meetings in the North Precinct, Weymouth, 7 Dec. 1730 and 17 Aug. 1733 [copy]

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Thomas Paine received of John Cleverly, 13 Nov. 1733

Reel 9Box 11

Dismissal: Letter of dismissal for Thomas Paine from his pastorship at Weymouth and for him and Eunice Paine from church membership, 19 Mar. 1734

Reel 9Box 11

Town meeting votes: Weymouth, 6 May 1715-24 Mar. 1761

Reel 9Box 11

Town meeting votes: Precinct meetings in the North Precinct, Weymouth, 5 Aug. 1734-9 Mar. 1737

Reel 9Box 11

Legal notes by Thomas Paine, [1735?]

Reel 9Box 11

Memorandum: Unsigned promise not to take advantage of the Act of Limitation as regards debts owed to Thomas Paine

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Aaron Cleveland received of Thomas Paine for a bond of Joshua Lassel, 10 Jan. 1736

Reel 9Box 11

List: Unspecified dates and financial sums, 12 Jan. 1736-20 Sep. 1738

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Bond: Joshua Lassel of Windham, Conn., to Thomas Paine, 6 June 1737

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Account: Thomas Austin to Thomas Paine, 20 June 1737-4 Nov. 1743

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Obligation: Thomas Paine to his wife and her heirs for the sale of land at Windham, Conn., 20 Dec. 1737

Reel 9Box 11

Lease: John Maylem to Thomas Paine "all my Housing & Land in School Street Boston," 17 Oct. 1739

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Joshua Lassel to Thomas Paine, 22 Dec. 1739

Reel 9Box 11

Promissory note: Joshua Lassel of Windham, Conn., to Thomas Paine, 24 Dec. 1739

Reel 9Box 11

Memorandum: Agreement between Joshua Lassel and Thomas Paine, 24 Dec. 1739

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Stephen Greenleaf, 13 Apr. 1739-28 Oct. 1743

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to estate of Andrew Cunningham, 26 Oct. 1739-19 Nov. 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Elnathan Eldredg to a Judgment of Court, 30 Jan. 1740-24 July 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to William Davis, Mar. 1740-25 Jan. 1744

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Samuel Davis to Thomas Paine, 8 May 1740-19 Dec. 1744

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Samuel Davis, 8 May 1740-Oct. 1744

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Andrew Cunningham to Thomas Paine, 4 Aug. 1740-27 Apr. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Pelatiah Phinney of Bridgewater sells to Thomas Paine land at Bridgewater, 13 Feb. 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Joshua Lassel to Thomas Paine, Boston, 4 June 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Thomas Paine to Joshua Lassel, land in Windham, Conn., 4 June 1741 [draft]

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Promissory note: Elnathan Eldredg to Thomas Paine, 24 July 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Elnathan Eldredg sells to Thomas Paine land at Dartmouth, 27 July 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Writ of attachment: Thomas Paine vs. Elnathan Eldredg, 28 Sep. 1741

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to estate of Lawrence Delhonde for medical expenses, 1741-11 July 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Summonses in Land Bank case, Dec. 1742

Reel 9Box 11

Writ of execution: Thomas Paine vs. Elnathan Eldrid of Dartmouth, 1 May 1742

Reel 9Box 11

Release: Directors of the Manufactory Company to Thomas Paine in satisfaction of bills which Jacob Allen of Bridgewater received, 30 Sep. 1742

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Francis Whitmore, 15 Oct. 1743-29 May 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Francis Whitmore to Thomas Paine, 28 Nov. 1743-23 July 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Seth Willis by John Kinsley, 23 Dec. 1743

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to estate of Andrew Cunningham, 24 Feb. 1744-31 Aug. 1745

Reel 9Box 11

Summons: Thomas Cobb of Taunton in Thomas Paine vs. Cobb, 15 Mar. 1744

Reel 9Box 11

Payment order: Laurens Dolhonde to Thomas Paine to pay Silvester Gardiner, Boston, 6 Aug. 1743

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to John Tyng, 7 Mar. 1744-Sep. 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Cobb to Thomas Paine, 1 June 1744-1748

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Aaron Cleavland received of Joseph Greenleaf, a note of hand of Jonathan Cary to Thomas Paine, [after 2 June 1744]

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 17 Sep. 1744-4 Dec. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to John Baker "for work for the Brigeteen," Nov. 1745-1746

Reel 9Box 11

Insurance bond: For the ship Maryland sailing from Virginia or Maryland to London, insured by Benjamin Horrocks & Co. of London for the account of Thomas Paine, 21 Feb. 1746

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to Samuel Davis, June 1745-22 Aug. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Account: [Thomas Paine?] to [Capt. Cobb?], 9 Sep. 1745-June 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Laurens Dolhonde received of Thomas Paine, 22 Dec. 1745

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Edward Southworth sells to Thomas Paine land in Bridgewater, 15 June 1745

Reel 9Box 11

Account: John Baker, Jr. to Thomas Paine, 16 Sep. 1746-4 Dec. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to John Baker, Jr. for the iron work on building a ship, 1746-Sep. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Sylvester Gardiner to Thomas Paine, 12 Mar. 1746-25 Apr. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Order: Thomas Cobb on Daniel Owen, 5 July 1746

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to John Baker, Jr. for iron work for a sloop, Feb.-Mar. 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to the estate of William Owen, 18 Mar.-22 Nov. 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Silvester Gardiner, 26 Mar. 1747-30 Oct. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Dr. John Sprague, Apr. 1747-Oct. 1756

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine estate to John Baker for iron work for transport brig, July 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine estate to John Baker for a brig "built in the c[o]untry," Nov. 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to John Baker for iron work for the "brig Capt. Dupe Commander," Dec. 1747-Jan. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Joseph Roby to Thomas Paine, 10 Mar. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Payment order: Elizabeth Dolhonde to Thomas Paine for Jacob Parker, Boston, 18 Mar. 1747

Reel 9Box 11

Petition: Thomas Paine, as administrator de bonis non of Abigail Treat, to Gov. William Shirley, 7 Apr. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Jabez Hatch, 19 Apr. 1748-10 July 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of William Owen to Thomas Paine, 22 Apr. 1748-22 Apr. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Nathaniel Appleton to Thomas Paine, Boston, 25 Apr. 1748, including account of Thomas Paine to Nathaniel Appleton "To his Sons Boarding," 19 Apr.-8 July 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Caleb Parker to Thomas Paine, 24 May 1748-18 Jan. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Broadside: "An Act in further Addition to an Act, entitled; An Act for the more speedy finishing the Land-Bank or Manufactory Scheme," 25 May 1748 [2 copies]

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Caleb Parker, 6 June 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to John Baker "for Iron work for a Snow," 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Result of referee: Thomas Paine and Ann Maylem of Newport, R.I., 20 Aug. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Ann Maylem of Newport, R.I., as guardian to her children, to Thomas Paine, 20 Aug. 1748-10 Feb. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Nathaniel Appleton "To your Sons Boarding," 20 Aug. 1748-28 [?] 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Ann Maylem to Thomas Paine, Newport, R.I., 9 Sep. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Elizabeth Dolhonde to Thomas Paine, Boston, 29 Sep. 1748

Reel 9Box 11

Plan of Thomas Paine's furnace, [1749?]

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Petition: Thomas Paine, as administrator de bonis non of Abigail Treat, to Gov. William Shirley, 3 Jan. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Abigail Paine, and Eunice Paine, "my Negro Boy Cato and all my hosehold stuff," 9 Mar. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine to Joseph Roby & Son, 24 Mar.-18 May 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Promissory note: Thomas Paine to James Allen, 19 June 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 4 Dec. 1749-3 Sep. 1752

Reel 9Box 11

Bond: Thomas Paine to James Allen, 19 Dec. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Sampson Salter, 6 Nov. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, "all my Books, and such a part of my plate as he has in possession," 28 Nov. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Thomas Paine to Abigail Paine Greenleaf and Eunice Paine, "my Negro Cato and all my houshold stuff...and what Plate they each of them have in Posession," 28 Nov. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Bond: Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, 1 Dec. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Bond: Thomas Paine to Eunice Paine, 28 Nov. 1749

Reel 9Box 11

Inventory of sundry goods at Halifax, [175-?]

Reel 9Box 11

Account: For James Freeman, 5 Feb.-2 Mar. [175-?], and for Joseph Greenleaf, 25-26 Oct. [175-?]

Reel 9Box 11

Accounts: Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, [175-?] and 29 Dec. 1749-24 Jan. 1750

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Thomas Paine to Joshua Lassel, 10 Jan. 1750

Reel 9Box 11

Deed: Thomas Paine to Eunice Paine, land at Windham, Conn., 4 Dec. 1750

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 2 Apr. 1751-17 Apr. 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Pleas in abatement: James Allen vs. Thomas Paine (Benjamin Prat, attorney), Suffolk County Inferior Court, Oct. 1751

Reel 9Box 11

Answer to Thomas Paine of a plea of Paine vs. Allen, 4 Nov. 1751

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Elizabeth Paine received from Jonathan and Barnabas Paine of Truro, 9 Nov. 1751

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: For Elizabeth Paine by Thomas Paine of Truro, Boston, 9 Nov. 1751 [copy]

Reel 9Box 11

Promissory note: To Thomas Paine, 20 Dec. 1751 [unsigned]

On verso: voyage in sloop Hannah "to sundry Expences."

Reel 9Box 11

Nonfeasance: Judgment against Thomas Paine, 3 June 1752

Reel 9Box 11

Accounts, 24 Aug. [1752?]-27 Oct. 1752

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: For Elizabeth Paine from Jonathan Paine of Truro, 1 Nov. 1752 [copy]

Reel 9Box 11

Summons: Samuel Phillips of Easton in Thomas Paine vs. Phillips, 1 Nov. 1752

Used as cover of Robert Treat Paine account book, 20 June 1757-4 Mar. 1761 (Series IV. Robert Treat Paine business, legal, and financial papers).

Reel 9Box 11

Account: William Penniman to Thomas Paine, Braintree, 24 Mar. 1753-1 Feb. 1757

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 17 Apr. 1753-24 Sep. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine, 19-20 June 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Deposition: James Freeman testifying on business affairs of Thomas Paine, Halifax, 26 June 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Judgment: Humphrey Scammon vs. Thomas Paine, York County Sessions, July 1753 [copy]

Reel 9Box 11

Delivery order: Antoine Morin [signs as Morin le cadet] to deliver goods to Thomas Paine for M. Laborde, Louisbourg, 20 July 1753 [in French]

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Jean Laborde of Louisbourg to Thomas Paine, 23 July 1753 [in French]

Reel 9Box 11

Bills of lading: Goods of Eunice Paine shipped by Thomas Paine from Louisbourg, 25-28 July 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Acknowledgment of debts of Joshua Lassel of Kent, Conn., to Thomas Paine, Dec. 1753 [unsigned]

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to James Freeman, Dec. 1753-5 June 1756

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to James Freeman, Dec. 1753-13 Jan. 1759

Reel 9Box 11

Power of attorney: Thomas Paine appoints Thomas Seymour of Hartford, Conn., 1 Dec. 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Indemnification: Thomas Paine releases Joshua Lassell of Kent, Conn., 8 Dec. 1753 [unsigned copy]

Reel 9Box 11

Thomas Paine to Aaron Cleveland concerning Lassell debt, [8 Dec. 1753?]

Reel 9Box 11

Receipt: Thomas Paine to Joshua Lassel, 8 Dec. 1753

Reel 9Box 11

Payment order: Thomas Paine to Joshua Lassel, Canterbury, Conn., 11 Dec. 1753 [2 copies]

Reel 9Box 11

Power of attorney: Elizabeth Paine of Bellingham appoints Thomas Paine, 8 June 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Declaration: To the Justices of the Inferiour Court of Common Pleas for York County in Humphry Scammon of Kittery vs. Thomas Paine of Boston, Jan. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Writ of attachment: Scammon vs. Jeremiah Moulton, Jr. as agent of Thomas Paine, York County, 25 Sep. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Distillhouse account, 23 Sep. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of Thomas Paine Decesd. to Jos. Greenleaf, 26 Sep. 1754-7 Sep. 1755

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Thomas Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 28 Sep. 1754

Reel 9Box 11

Account: James Freeman's account with Thomas Paine, Mar. 1755-10 Jan. 1757

Reel 9Box 11

Account: James Freeman to Thomas Paine, Mar. 1755-4 Mar. 1757

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Deed: Thomas Paine to daughter Eunice Paine, a house and lot in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 17 Feb. 1756

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Recognizance: Humphrey Scammon of Kittery vs. Thomas Paine, York County, 6 Apr. 1756

Reel 9Box 11

Judgment: Thomas Paine vs. Humphrey Scammon, 6 Apr. 1756

Reel 9Box 11

Account: Estate of James Freeman to estate of Thomas Paine, Mar. 1757-7 May 1758

Reel 9Box 11

Inventory of goods left in care of James Freeman at Halifax by Thomas Paine, 1756

Reel 9Box 11

Inventory of linen, [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

List of personal items, [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

List of "Things remaining unsold," [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

Invoice of Sundreys sent to Mr. Chambers, 10 Nov. [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

List of household furnishings, [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

Memorandum "of things not accounted for by Mr. James Freeman," [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

Account of "Sales of Sundreys the Property of Mr. Payne by order of Mr. Jas. Freeman," [1757?]

Reel 9Box 11

Account of "Sundrys sold by James Freeman for Thos. Paine as appears by his Pocket Mm. Book," 4 Mar.-21 May 1757

Reel 9Box 11

Appointment: Ephraim Spooner, David Jones, Jr., and Nathaniel Pratt of Abington to apprize real estate of Thomas Paine in Plymouth County, 13 Oct. 1758

Reel 9Box 11

Appointment: Nathaniel Hamilton, Moses Godfrey, and Joshua Godfrey of Chatham to apprize real estate of Thomas Paine in Barnstable County, 13 Oct. 1758

Reel 9Box 11

Appointment: Benjamin Lincoln, Jr., John Thaxter, and Francis Barker of Hingham to apprize real estate of Thomas Paine in Suffolk County, 13 Oct. 1758

Miscellaneous, 1715

Reel 10Case 12

Memorandum book with notes on Thomas Paine's legal studies, coinage of nations, list of kings of England

Reel 10Case 13

Manuscript copy of Charles Morton's Compendium Physicae, 1715

II. Robert Treat Paine diaries and journals, 1745-1814

This series consists of the diaries and sea journals of Robert Treat Paine, kept from 25 Mar. 1745 to 8 May 1814. Diary entries describe Paine's daily activities, including his education at Harvard; his theological and legal studies; his career as a lawyer in Taunton, Mass.; his role as prosecuting attorney in the Boston Massacre trial; his participation in the Continental Congress in 1774 and 1776; his career as attorney general of Massachusetts, 1777-1796; and his role as judge on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, 1796-1804. Also included are Paine's sea journals/logbooks describing his travels between 1750 and 1754, including trading missions from Boston to North Carolina; Fayal, Azores; Cadiz, Spain; and a whaling voyage to Greenland. Entries note weather and general sailing conditions.

A. Diaries, 1745-1814

Reel 10Case 14

Diary (shorthand), 1745-1750, 1755-1756 and bracography

Diaries, 1746-1756

1 volume containing 9 notebooks
Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 2, 15 Apr. 1746-25 Mar. 1747

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 3, 26 Mar. 1747-25 Mar. 1748

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 4, 26 Apr. 1748-26 Mar. 1749

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 5, 27 Mar. 1749-28 Mar. 1750

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 6, 28 Mar. 1750-25 Mar. 1751

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 7, 26 Mar. 1751-15 May 1752

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, Vol. 8, 16 May 1752-15 Sep. 1753

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, 16 Sep. 1753-4 Apr. 1755

Reel 10Case 15

Journal, 5 Apr. 1755-7 May 1756

Reel 10Enclosure 16

Loose page for 2 Dec. 1749-4 Feb. 1750 [draft]

Reel 10Case 17

Diary, [8?] May 1756-31 Dec. 1759

Note: The upper left corner of this notebook has been damaged and is largely missing.

Reel 10Case 17

Diary, 1 Jan. 1760-31 Aug. 1767

Reel 10Case 18

Diary, 1 Sep. 1767-24 Apr. 1775

Reel 10Case 18

Diary, 24 Apr. 1775-2 Apr. 1785

Reel 10Case 20

Diary, 1 Jan. 1785-8 May 1814

B. Sea journals, 1751-1754

Digital facsimiles of the Robert Treat Paine logbooks are available on Life at Sea, a digital publication of Adam Matthew Digital, Inc. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. The MHS makes this resource available onsite; see a reference librarian for more information.

Reel 11Case 21

"Journal of a Voyage from Cape Cod towards Davis's Streights in Sloop Seaflower" with sketches, 6 May-25 Aug. 1754

Reel 11Case 21

"Journal of a Voyage in the Sloop Success (Annuente Providentia) from Cape Cape Hatteras" with occasional sketches, 6 Feb. 1751-30 Jan. 1754

Included in this journal are trips from Boston to North Carolina, 6-14 Feb. 1751; North Carolina to Boston, 26 June-3 July 1751; Boston to Philadelphia in the brigantine Charming Polly, 7-15 Sep. 1751; Boston to North Carolina in the sloop Hannah, 17-27 May 1753; Ocacoe Inlet, N.C., to Fayal in the Hannah, 10 Aug.-14 Sep. 1753; Fayal to Cadiz in the Hannah, 25 Sep.-11 Oct. 1753; and Cadiz to Boston in the Hannah, 5 Dec. 1753-30 Jan. 1754.

Reel 11Case 21

"Journal of a Voyage from Martha's Vineyard towards North Carolina" aboard the brigantine Primrose, 9-25 Feb. 1752, return aboard the sloop Ranger, 11-26 Nov. 1752

III. Robert Treat Paine sermons, 1749-1755

1 volume

This bulk of this series consists of sermons delivered by Robert Treat Paine in 1755 in Massachusetts and as chaplain on the Crown Point Expedition during the French and Indian War.

Reel 11Volume 22

Robert Treat Paine's confession of faith, 1749

Reel 11Volume 22

Leviticus 19:30, Shirley, 15 Feb. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Proverbs 18:10, Shirley, 23 Feb. 1755, and Camp Lake George, 5 Oct. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Romans 6:22, Shirley, 23 Feb. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Proverbs 23:7, Shirley, 2 Mar. 1755, and Camp Lake George, 12 Oct. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

2 Corinthians 5:15, Shirley, 2 Mar. 1755, and Camp Lake George, 16 Nov. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Psalms 97:1, Shirley, 9 Mar. 1755, and for Mr. Harrington, 7 Sep. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

1 Corinthians 7:31, Shirley, 9 Mar. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Psalms 51:6, Shirley, 23 Mar. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

1 Corinthians 1:1, Shirley, 23 Mar. 1755, and Camp Lake George at funeral of Col. Willard, 26 Oct. 1758

Reel 11Volume 22

Acts 17:11

Reel 11Volume 22

Joshua 23:8 and 23:10

Reel 11Volume 22

2 Timothy 2:19

Reel 11Volume 22

Acts 17:30

Reel 11Volume 22

Ecclesiastes 3:8

Reel 11Volume 22

Psalms 145:18, Camp Lake George, 28 Sep. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

1 Corinthians 1:31, Camp Lake George, 5 Oct. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Isaiah 6:1-7, Camp Lake George, 9 Nov. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Ecclesiastes 3:8, Camp Lake George, 16 Nov. 1755

Reel 11Volume 22

Matthew 10:28

Reel 11Volume 22

Unidentified sermon notes

IV. Robert Treat Paine business, legal, and financial papers, 1677-1814Digital Content

This series consists of papers created and acquired by Robert Treat Paine in his merchant business, legal practice, and personal transactions. Included are account books, cash books, writs, powers of attorney, records of court sessions, rulings, deeds, and mortgages. This series also contains papers related to the Boston Massacre trial, Tyng vs. Gardiner (Kennebeck Purchase), Banister vs. Copley, and the settlement of the estates of Thomas Paine and Robert Treat Paine.

Note: Loose items from the notes, account books, bank books, and cash books (Reel 11) have been removed and microfilmed chronologically with the loose papers on Reel 15. Loose items from the minutes of trials and law cases (Reel 13 and 14) have been microfilmed at the end of Reel 16.

A. Volumes, 1677-1814Digital Content

Financial volumes, 1751-1814

Notes, loans, etc., 1759-1805

1 volume containing 2 notebooks
Reel 11

Notes due to Robert Treat Paine, Jan. 1781, with annotation on resolution, 1759-1785

Reel 11

Memorandum book of notes, loans, bank stock, and all securities, 1793-1805

Notes, accounts, and bank books, 1762-1814

1 volume containing 7 notebooks
Reel 11

List of notes of hand belonging to Robert Treat Paine, Nov. 1762

Reel 11

Notes, Jan. 1766

Reel 11

Memorandum book, 20 Oct. 1770-Mar. 1773

Reel 11

Memorandum book of notes, loans, bank stock, and all securities, 1812

Reel 11

Union Bank deposit book, 9 Nov. 1801-27 June 1814

Reel 11

Boston Bank deposit book, 5 Mar. 1807-22 Aug. 1814

Reel 11

United States Bank deposit book, 4 Jan. 1802-23 Sep. 1811

Reel 11Case 24

"Ledger A," personal and business account ledger with index, 1751-1773

Reel 11Case 25

Account book, 20 June 1757-4 Mar. 1761

Covered with a summons to Samuel Phillips of Easton in Thomas Paine vs. Phillips, 1 Nov. 1752 (Series I.N. Thomas Paine papers).

Reel 11Case 25

Account book, Sep. 1761-26 May 1771

Reel 11Case 26

Cash book, 1 Jan. 1762-31 Dec. 1767

Reel 11Case 27

Cash book, 18 Jan. 1768-18 Apr. 1775

Reel 11Case 28

Cash book, 2 Jan. 1786-31 Dec. 1797

Includes letter from Pres. John Adams accepting an invitation from Robert Treat Paine and his wife to visit their son's chamber at Harvard commencement, used by Robert Treat Paine for calculations.

Reel 12Case 29

Cash book, 11 Sep. 1797-9 July 1803

Reel 12Case 29

Cash book, 1 Jan. 1798-31 Dec. 1803

Reel 12Case 29

Cash book, 1 Jan. 1804-6 May 1814

Reel 12Case 30

Account book, 14 Mar. 1808-6 May 1814

Legal volumes, 1677-1789Digital Content

Minutes of law cases, Superior Court, Court of General Sessions, and Court of Common Pleas, 1760-1774Digital Content

Reel 12Box 13Folder 1Digital Content

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Minutes of trials and law cases, Superior Court, Court of General Sessions, and Court of Common Pleas, 1777-1782Digital Content

Reel 13Case 31Enclosure 1Digital Content

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Minutes of trials and law cases, Superior Court, Court of General Sessions, and Court of Common Pleas, 1783-1788Digital Content

There is no enclosure 1 in this case.

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Notes and letters on Boston Massacre trial, 1770-1771

"Law notes & other papers of R.T.P. at the trial of the Soldiers & of Capt. Preston, for the affair of March 5, 1770."

Reel 14Case 33

Robert Treat Paine's closing summation

Reel 14Case 33

William Molineux to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Mar. 1770

Reel 14Case 33

Notes on testimony, [29 Nov. 1770]

Reel 14Case 33

Samuel Fayerweather to Robert Treat Paine, Narraganset, 8 Dec. 1770

Reel 14Case 33

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, 16 Dec. 1770

Reel 14Case 33

Sampson S. Blowers to Robert Treat Paine, 30 Dec. 1770

Reel 14Case 33

Peter Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, Middleborough, 3 Jan. 1771

Reel 14Case 33

Robert Treat Paine to [?], Taunton, 7 Jan. 1771

Reel 14

Law notebook containing abstracts from legal texts and miscellaneous law notes, arranged by topic

Reel 14

Notes from volume 2 of William Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England

Reel 14

Notes on "The Husbands right to his wife's Estate. Statutes made in 1784 & 1789"

Tyng vs. Gardiner papers (Kennebeck Purchase), 1677-1786

Reel 14Case 36

A Patent for Plymouth in New-England. To which is annexed, Extracts from the Records of that Colony, &c. &c. (Boston, 1751) [annotated]

Reel 14Case 36

Manuscript notes on Tyng vs. Gardiner, including extracts from meetings of the Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase, 13 Feb. 1749-14 Nov. 1764

Reel 14Case 36

Jonathan Tyng's will, 1722

Reel 14Case 36

Mary Tyng of Dunstable's will, made 12 Dec. 1700

Reel 14Case 36

Edward Tyng, Sr. of Boston's will, made 25 Aug. 1677

Reel 14Case 36

Special verdict in Tyng vs. Gardiner, Falmouth Superior Court, undated

Reel 14Case 36

Depositions: Jonathan Fox of Woburn, 28 June 1780, William Brattle of Cambridge, 23 May 1770, and John Alford Tyng, 13 Apr. 1770

Reel 14Case 36

Summons: To Samuel Gardner of Boston in Tyng vs. Gardiner, 3 July 1777

Reel 14Case 36

Extracts from Suffolk and Middlesex court records relating to Edward Tyng, Sr.'s estate

Reel 14Case 36

Notes on the case by Robert Treat Paine

Reel 14Case 36

Tyng vs. Gardner "on a special verdict"

Reel 14Case 36

A Patent for Plymouth in New-England. To which is annexed, Extracts from the Records of that Colony, &c. &c. (Boston, 1751) [annotated] [2 additional copies]

Reel 14Case 36

A short narrative of the claim, title and right of the heirs of the Honourable Samuel Allen, Esq. deceased, to the Province of New Hampshire in New England: transmitted from a gentlewoman in London, to her friend in New England (Boston, 1728)

Reel 14Case 36

Extracts from Governor Bradford's manuscript History of Plimouth Plantation, by Thomas Prince, 30 May 1765 [manuscript copy attested by Rev. Joseph Sewall]

Reel 14Case 36

Statement of the Kennebeck Claims (Boston, 1786)

Reel 14Case 36

An Answer to The Remarks of the Plymouth Company, or (as they call themselves) the Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late Colony of New-Plymouth, published by Virtue of their Vote of 31st of January last... (Boston, 1753)

B. Loose papers, 1750-1814

Items removed from volumes, 1751-1814

Arranged chronologically.

Reel 15

Items removed from notes, account books, and bank books, 1751-1814 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from cash book, 1768-1775 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from memorandum book, 20 Oct. 1770-Mar. 1773 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from notes due to Robert Treat Paine, Jan. 1781 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from memorandum book of notes, loans, bank stock, and all securities, 1793-1805 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from memorandum book of notes, loans, bank stock, and all securities, 1812 (Reel 11)

Reel 15

Items removed from bank deposit books, 9 Nov. 1801-22 Aug. 1814 (Reel 11)

Other financial and legal papers, 1750-1814

Arranged chronologically.

Reel 15

Miscellaneous financial and legal papers, undated

Includes draft of House of Representatives address to governor respecting impeachment of Peter Oliver.

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, Boston, 2 Feb. 1750

Reel 15

Agreement: Between James Allen, Joseph Palmer, and Robert Treat Paine on hiring of sloop Success for trading venture, 28 Jan. 1750 [2 copies]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, 28 Jan. 1750-21 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Portledge bill: For voyage of sloop Success to North Carolina and return to Boston, 28 Jan. 1751

Reel 15

Invoice of cargo, cabin stores, &c., on sloop Success, 1 Feb. 1751

Reel 15

Manuscript map of Beacon Island and Gales Island, undated

On verso of address sheet to Henry Snoad.

Reel 15

Sailing orders: To Robert Treat Paine as commander of sloop Success from James Allen, Joseph Palmer, and Robert Treat Paine, 2 Feb. 1751

Reel 15

Merchandise list, [1751]

Reel 15

Account: Joseph Palmer & Co. to Robert Treat Paine, 1751-1753

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Abraham Duncan, 15 Apr.-19 May 1751

Reel 15

Receipt: Joseph Greenleaf received of Robert Treat Paine, 27 July 1751

Reel 15

Receipt: Joseph Palmer received of Robert Treat Paine, 10 Aug. 1751

Reel 15

Account: Various accounts relating to N.C. voyage, [1752?]

Reel 15

List: Debts and supplies, [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Mrs. Pender, [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: List of expenses, [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: Cash account of Robert Treat Paine, [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: List of supplies, 1752

Reel 15

Account: Debts left in Carolina, 1752

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to voyage to North Carolina, 6 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Account: Voyage to Carolina

On verso: payment order, Robert Treat Paine to Edward Salter, 2 Nov. 1752.

Reel 15

Payment order: James Allen to Robert Treat Paine for payment to Joseph Palmer, 9 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Receipt: Joseph Palmer received of James Allen and Robert Treat Paine, 22 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Receipt: Joseph Palmer received of Robert Treat Paine, 22 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Account: Tallies include "In the Treasury, Plate, In Carolina," [1752?]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, 24 Jan. 1752-19 Mar. 1753

Reel 15

Invoice: "Sundry Merchandize Ship'd on Board the Briganteen Primrose," consigned to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Jan. 1752

Reel 15

Receipt: Stephen Brown received of Robert Treat Paine, Bath, 13 Apr. 1752

Reel 15

Account: William Jesper to Robert Treat Paine, 25 Apr. 1752

Reel 15

List of debts, Bath, 13 May 1752

Reel 15

Receipt: [Robert Treat Paine?] to Nathaniel Richardson, Bath, 4 June 1752 [fragment]

Reel 15

Account: Voyage in sloop Hannah to Carolina and Fayal, 1 Sep.-27 Oct. 1752

Reel 15

Account: Samuel Downe to voyage, 8 Dec. 1752-6 Nov. 1753

Reel 15

Receipt: William Fisher received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Dec. 1752

Reel 15

Account: Samuel Downes to Robert Treat Paine, 19 Dec. 1752

Reel 15

Account: [?] Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Dec. 1752 [fragment]

Reel 15

Accounts of voyage to North Carolina, 1752

Reel 15

Memorandum of clothes, etc., 1753

Reel 15

Writ of review: Paine vs. Rendal, Jan. 1753

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, 8 May 1753

Reel 15

Receipt: James Downe receives of Robert Treat Paine, 9 May 1753

Reel 15

List: Men belonging to the sloop Hannah (Robert Treat Paine, master), 14 May 1753

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Freeman & Leddel, 16 May 1753

Reel 15

Portledge bill: Sloop Hannah on voyage to N.C. and the Western Islands, 3-8 May 1753

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Blount, Edenton, N.C., 23 July 1753

Reel 15

Memorandum relating to voyage to Fayal, 30 Aug. 1753

Reel 15

Charterparty of affreightment: Solomon Davis of Boston, owner of brigantine Betty (Duncan Ingraham, master), and Henry Leddell of Boston, merchant, 7 Aug. 1753

Reel 15

Account: Josiah Stevens to James Otis, Sep. 1753-Sep. 1764

Reel 15

Invoice: Domingo de Souza to Robert Treat Paine, Fayal, 20 Sep. 1753

Reel 15

Account: Port charges in Fayal of sloop Hannah, [30 Sep.?] 1753 [in Portuguese]

Reel 15

Customs document issued by Don Francisco Antonio de Villasota, administrator general, 17 Oct. 1753 [in Spanish]

Reel 15

Permits to export salt from Cadiz issued by Don Juan Manuel Barrera to Robert Treat Paine [2 permits] and Thomas Dixey, 17 Nov. 1753 [in Spanish]

Reel 15

Sailing permit: Issued to Robert Treat Paine by the prefects of Cadiz, 28 Nov. 1753

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Kemp Pickern & Co., 3 Dec. 1753

Reel 15

Account: Of Stores, &c., voyage to Cadiz, [Dec.? 1753]

Reel 15

Receipt: Thomas Bourk received for rigging, Cadiz, 2 Dec. 1753

Reel 15

Invoice: Sundry goods bought in Cadiz, [13 Dec.?] 1753

Reel 15

Account: Sales sundry, [1754]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, 1754

Reel 15

Account: Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, 1754

Reel 15

Account: Stephen Young to sloop Hannah, 1754 [2 accounts]

Reel 15

Account: Sloop Hannah to Robert Treat Paine, 1754

Includes portledge bill for sloop Hannah.

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, Feb.-3 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Beriah Higgins received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Feb. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Stephen Young received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Feb. 1754

Reel 15

Order: James Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Mar. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Isaac Freeman and Henry Leddel, Boston, 30 Mar. 1754

Reel 15

Charterparty for sloop Seaflower, 8 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Capt. William Patten bought of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Apr. 1754 [2 accounts]

Reel 15

Memorandum of stores for whaling voyage, [15?] Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine bought of Joseph Greenleaf, Boston, 15 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine bought of Joshua Henshaw, Boston, 15 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Customs declaration: For sloop Seaflower, 15 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Nathaniel Gorham received of Robert Treat Paine, Charlestown, 18 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Jonathan Sawyer received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Adventurers in sloop Seaflower to M. Bourn, Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Smith, [20?] Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Receipted bill: James Pitts sold to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Benjamin Brandon, "his Adventure in Sloop Seaflower," to Robert Treat Paine, 20 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Robert Treat Paine received of Eleazer Atwood, Eastham, 27 Apr. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Voyage whaling in sloop Seaflower, 15 Apr.-15 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Voyage whaling in sloop Seaflower, May-Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Agreement: Whaling voyage, 4 May 1754 [draft and signed copies]

Reel 15

Memorandum: Certifying hire of boat for whaling voyage, Eastham, 1 May 1754

Reel 15

Tallies of oil, [Sep.?] 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to John Meeker, 6 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Receipted bill: John Erving bought of Melatiah Bourn & Co., Boston, 11 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Beriah Higgins received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Jonathan Young received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Jonathan Young & Co. to Robert Treat Paine, 12 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan Young & Co., 12 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Benjamin Henderson and Jonathan Sawyer received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: Benjamin Brandon received of Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Cost tallies for vessel, men, shares, and boats, [Sep. 1754]

Reel 15

Account: Benjamin Brandon to Robert Treat Paine, 15 Sep. 1754 [2 copies]

Reel 15

Account: Meletiah Bourn to Robert Treat Paine, 15 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Voyage to Greenland in sloop Seaflower, [15 Sep.?] 1754

Reel 15

Account: Owners of sloop Seaflower to Robert Treat Paine, 18 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Voyage to Greenland to Robert Treat Paine, [19 Sep.?] 1754

Reel 15

Account: Voyage in sloop Seaflower to Robert Treat Paine, [Sep. 1754]

Reel 15

Account: Whaling voyage to Robert Treat Paine, 19 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Melatiah Bourn, Boston, 24 Sep. 1754

Reel 15

Bill of lading: Robert Treat Paine shipped goods aboard the sloop Sharp Pen to Halifax, N.S., under Calvin Gay, 2 Oct. 1754

Reel 15

Bill of lading: Robert Treat Paine shipped goods aboard the schooner Providence to Halifax, N.S., under John Homer, 7 Nov. 1754

Reel 15

Receipt: John Sweetser, Jr. received to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Nov. 1754

Reel 15

Cover sheet: "Papers relating to the Table Expences of Colo. Willard's Regiment on the first Expedition against Crown Point, 1755"

Reel 15

Accounts and promissory notes, 1755

Reel 15

List of household utensils

Reel 15

Bill: Mr. Taylor bought of William Pattin, Boston, 10 Sep. 1755

Reel 15

Account: Money supplied by Col. Willard, Col. Hazeltine, Maj. Gage, J. Calef, W. Taylor, and Col. Whitcomb

With two tally sheets for same.

Reel 15

Account: Col. Samuel Willard

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Benjamin Brandon, 15 Sep. 1755-Jan. 1756

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, 1754-22 Jan. 1755

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, 15 Apr. 1754-24 Jan. 1755

Reel 15

Account: Mrs. Elizabeth Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, 15 Sep. 1754-Feb. 1755

Reel 15

Chaplain's commission: Appointing Robert Treat Paine, signed by Spencer Phips, 8 Aug. 1755

Reel 15

Account: James Allen to Robert Treat Paine, [1756?]

Reel 15

Land grant: Grant to Charles Apthorp of Boston of lot no. 7 of Kennebeck Proprietors, 14 Jan. 1756 [copy]

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Abel Willard, Mar. 1756

Reel 15

Account: Humphry Scammon vs. Thomas Pain, York County Inferiour Court, Apr. 1756

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Joseph Greenleaf of Abington appoints Robert Treat Paine, 8 Sep. 1757

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Daniel Etter of Philadelphia, Pa., appoints Peter Etter of Germantown near Boston, 3 Sep. 1757

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Eleazer Hayward of Bellingham appoints Robert Treat Paine, 29 [?] 1757

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Kneeland of Boston and Timothy Green of New London, Conn., appoint Robert Treat Paine, 29 Mar. 1758

Reel 15

Receipt: Robert Treat Paine to Cotton Tufts for "visits Medicines & attendance to Mr. Thos. Paine late of German Town," 18 Sep. 1756-3 May 1757

Reel 15

Receipt: Woodbridge Brown to Joseph Greenleaf, Abington, Apr. 1758

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Scot, "Accot. Sales of Guns," 11 Sep. 1758-8 June 1759

Reel 15

Power of attorney: James Halsey of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 13 Sep. 1758

Reel 15

Deed: Phineas Parker of Boston sells to Robert Treat Paine half interest in Boston land, 11 Jan. 1759

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine entry fees, Feb. 1759

Reel 15

Bond: Phineas Parker of Boston to Robert Treat Paine, 31 Mar. 1759

Reel 15

Will: Robert Treat Paine, dated 15 May 1759

Reel 15

Memorandum of court costs, York Court, June 1759

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine to Nathl. Ridgway, July 1759

Reel 15

Promissory notes and receipt, 18 Aug. 1759-31 Mar. 1760

Reel 15

Order: Robert Treat Paine allowed to sell real estate of Thomas Paine towards payment of his debts, 21 Aug. 1759

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Eleazer Hayward of Bellingham, Suffolk County, appoints Robert Treat Paine, 21 Aug. 1759

Reel 15

Account: Dr. Wheeler's cash, 8 Aug. 1760-28 May 1771

Reel 15

Deed: Robert Treat Paine in settlement of Thomas Paine's estate sells to John Moffat of Boston land in Maine, 14 Feb. 1760

Reel 15

Account: Mr. Pain, 20 Feb. 1760

Reel 15

Deed: John Moffat of Boston sells to Robert Treat Paine land in Maine, 21 Feb. 1760

Reel 15

Account: Mr. Pain's account, by Moses Deshon, 5 Mar. 1760

Reel 15

Account: Mr. Pain's account, 26 Mar. 1760

Reel 15

Petition to settle accounts of estate of Thomas Paine, signed by Thomas Hutchinson as judge of probate, 9 May 1760

Includes list of creditors of the estate of Thomas Paine, 18 Jan. 1760, and list of creditors' receipts.

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Edwards of Woburn appoints Robert Treat Paine, 26 May 1760

Reel 15

Account: Joseph How to Robert Treat Paine, 5 July 1760-5 June 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: William Grafton of Swanzey appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Dec. 1760

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Jabez Eddy, Jr. of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, [8?] Sep. 1761

Reel 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine notes on court costs, Jan. 1762-June 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Cole of Middleborough appoints Robert Treat Paine, 26 Mar. 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Ratcliffe Hellon of Taunton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 1 Apr. 1761, substituted for Samuel Quincy of Boston, 3 Apr. 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Daniel Calfe of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 3 Apr. 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Hiller of Rochester appoints Robert Treat Paine, 6 Apr. 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Elkanah Church, Jr. of Plymouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 4 May 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Abiel Cooke of Little Compton, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 15 May 1761

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Robert Fish of Warwick, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 8 Sep. 1761

Reel 15

Deed: Edmund Hawes and wife to Edmund Hawes, Jr. and heirs, with Edmund, Jr. paying portions to Bethiah Hinkley and James Paine Freeman, [Dec. 1761?] [draft]

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Hall, 2d, of Raynham appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Mar. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: William Healy, Jr. of Rehoboth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 4 May 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Judah Crowell of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 18 May 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Sylvanus Drew of Scituate, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 24 [?] 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: James Green of Providence, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 4 June 1762

Reel 15

Summons: Nathaniel Richardson of Boston to Inferiour Court of Bristol County in Ebenezer Brintnel of Norton vs. Richardson, 5 July 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Ratcliff Hellon of Taunton appoints Molley Gilbert of Freetown, 8 July 1762

Reel 15

Payment order: Samuel Valentine to Henry Quincy, Freetown, 2 Aug. 1762

Reel 15

Payment order: Samuel Valentine to Henry Quincy, Freetown, 3 Aug. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Jonathan Hobby of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 21 Aug. 1762

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Robert Treat Paine, Joseph Greenleaf of Abington and his wife Abigail, and Eunice Paine vs. Deliverance Eldred of Dartmouth, as administratrix of estate of Elnathan Eldred, 19 Aug. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Hulet of Scituate, R.I., appoints Silas Downer of Providence, R.I., 15 Sep. 1762, Robert Treat Paine substituted, 6 Nov. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Napthali Hart and Isaac Hart of Newport, R.I., and Samuel Hart of New York, N.Y., and Abraham Hart of London, England, appoint Robert Treat Paine, 9 Sep. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Bannister of Middletown, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Sep. 1762

Reel 15

Promissory note: Jael Hathway to James Otis, 13 Oct. 1762, and receipt, 5 Dec. 1764

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Thomas Maycomber of Taunton vs. The proprietors of the Common & Undivided Lands in Taunton old Township, 18 Nov. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Ebenezer Dimock of Falmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 8 Dec. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Cobb of Attleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Dec. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Waite Feild of Providence, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 23 Dec. 1762

Reel 15

Power of attorney: David Cunningham of Worcester appoints Robert Treat Paine, 23 Dec. 1762

Reel 15

Promissory note: Thomas Cobb to Nathaniel Wheelwright, Boston, 28 Dec 1762 [receipt]

Reel 15

Account: Joshua Cambell as administrator of estate of Samuel Hunt of Norton, [1763]

Reel 15

Account: John Lambert, [23 Mar. 1763]

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Cavender of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 14 June 1763

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Drinkwater of Dighton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 13 Aug. 1763

Reel 15

List of writs unpaid, Sep. 1763-Dec. 1772

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Hallowel of Middleborough appoints Robert Treat Paine, 12 Sep. 1763

Reel 15

Writ of execution: David Cunningham of Worcester vs. John Lambert of Taunton, 8 Nov. 1763

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Denny of Georgetown (Lincoln County) appoints Robert Treat Paine, 12 Nov. 1763

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Cobb of Attleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 19 Dec. 1763

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Belknap of Johnston, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 31 Dec. 1763

Reel 15

Writ of execution: James Sabin of Providence, R.I. vs. Philip Wheeler of Rehoboth, 7 Jan. 1764

Reel 15

Memorandum: Miscellaneous tallies for costs and debts, beginning 12 June 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Cobb of Taunton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 11 Feb. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Gould, Jr. of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 7 Mar. 1764

Reel 15

Deposition: Unsigned statement on "Defrauding the Town [of Scituate] of six shillings," with notes by Robert Treat Paine, [Apr. 1764]

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Anna Evenon of Stoughton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 19 Apr. 1764

Reel 15

Summons: Miner Sprague of Taunton to Inferiour Court of Common Pleas at Barnstable in Gideon Gray of Yarmouth vs. Sprague, 7 May 1764

Reel 15

Bill: Charles Ward Apthorp to Thomas Cobb, 28 May 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Gould, Jr. of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 18 July 1764

Filed with power of attorney: Thomas Brown of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Aug. 1765.

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Joseph Blake of Hingham vs. Joshua Seekens of Taunton, 26 July 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Ichabod Comstock of Smithfield, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 15 Aug. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: William Brown of Dighton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 27 Aug. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Zachariah Austen of Dighton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 29 May 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Briggs of Dighton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 28 May 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: William Hill of Swanzy appoints Robert Treat Paine, 11 June 1764

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Isaac Anthony of Portsmouth, R.I. vs. Robert Sherman of Swansey, 30 Aug. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Nathan Hallowel of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 8 Sep. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Richard Gifford of Tiverton, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 10 Sep. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Nathan Drake, David Gay, and William Miriam of Stoughton appoint Robert Treat Paine, 11 Sep. 1764

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Josiah Drew of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 10 Sep. 1764

Reel 15

Summons: John Hening of Boston to "Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holden at Taunton" in Thomas Cobb of Attleborough vs. Hening, 21 Jan. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Oliver Cooke of Tiverton, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 15 Mar. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Gilbert Deblois of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Apr. 1765

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Gilbert Deblois of Boston vs. Jonathan Hill of Swanzy and Elisha Eddy of Swanzy, 22 Apr. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: James Edminster, Jr. of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 11 May 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Crabtree of Rehoboth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Nathan Hallowell of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Summons: Ebenezer Spooner of Middleborough to Inferiour Court of Common Pleas at Taunton in Robert Treat Paine of Taunton vs. Spooner, 2 Aug. 1765 [2 copies]

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Brown of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Aug. 1765

Attached to power of attorney: John Gould, Jr. of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 18 July 1764.

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Gould and Robert Gould, both of Boston, appoint Robert Treat Paine, 9 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Job Eddy of Swanzey appoints Robert Treat Paine, 19 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Jonathan Davel of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine of Taunton vs. Ebenezer Spooner of Middleborough and Thomas Spooner of Plymouth, 2 Aug. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Daniel Hunt of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 17 Sep. 1765

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Thomas Cobb of Attleborough vs. Jacob Harvey of Mendon, 19 Sep. 1765

Reel 15

Bill: Ebenezer Goldthwaite, Suffolk County clerk, to Robert Treat Paine, Oct. 1765

Reel 15

"Extract from the Judgment of his Majesty in Council on a Cause John Freebody Originally Appelts. Jahleel Brenton & other Assignees of Jos. Whipple Esqr. Respondts. for the recovery of 520 acres of Land &c.," [Oct. 1765]

Reel 15

Writ of execution: John Gould, Robert Gould, and John Gould, Jr., all of Boston vs. Richard Godfrey of Taunton, 7 Oct. 1765

Reel 15

Promissory note: Royall Lawton to Samuel White, 17 Oct. 1765

Reel 15

Writ of execution: James Otis of Scituate vs. Jonathan Briant of Freetown, 30 Oct. 1765

Reel 15

Deed: Deliverence Eldridge of Dartmouth deeds to Robert Treat Paine "peices of Land & meadow all lying in sd. Dartmouth," 29 Oct. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Gray of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 19 Nov. 1765

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Gray of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 19 Nov. 1765

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Joseph Blake of Hingham vs. John Seekell of Taunton, 1 Feb. 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Mary Bartlet of Dighton vs. Jeremiah Fisher of Dighton, 17 Apr. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Hervey of Taunton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 7 Apr. 1766

Reel 15

Promissory note: Royall Lawton to Samuel White, 23 Apr. 1766

Reel 15

Promissory note: Royall Lawton to William Brown, 23 Apr. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: James Alger of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 May 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: John Perry, Jr. of Swanzy vs. Moses Buffington of Swanzy, 10 June 1766

Reel 15

Promissory note: James Edminster to Joseph Atwood, 26 May 1766

Reel 15

Account: Robert Gould in account with William Taylor, Boston, signed 21 Sep. 1769

Account begins July 1766.

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Tirrel Gilmore of Raynham appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 July 1766

Reel 15

Promissory note: David Briggs to Sylvester Richmond, Jr., Dighton, 14 July 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Joseph Greenleaf of Abington and wife Abigail and Eunice Paine of Braintree appoint Robert Treat Paine, 14 July 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Benjamin Davis and Edward Davis, both of Boston, appoint Robert Treat Paine, 21 July 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Ephraim Burr of Easton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 28 July 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Job Smith of Taunton vs. William Wetherbe of Attleborough, 30 July 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Job Smith of Taunton vs. Noah Brown of Attleborough, 30 July 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Josiah Cornish of Taunton vs. William Presbury of Taunton, 2 Aug. 1766

With attached account.

Reel 15

Promissory note: Ephraim Tisdale to John Tisdale, 5 Aug. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Mary Edson of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 18 Aug. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Reuben Delano of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 16 Sep. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Timothy Howland of Dartmouth appoints Daniel Hathway of Dartmouth, 17 Sep. 1766, substituted for Robert Treat Paine, 18 Nov. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: John Hobart of Pembrook appoints Joseph Greenleaf of Abington, 18 Sep. 1766

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Ephraim Burr of Easton vs. Jeremiah Fisher of Dighton, 19 Sep. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Solomon Ames of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 2 Oct. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Hezekiah Hooper of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 16 Oct. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Solomon Finney of Greenwich, Conn., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 18 Oct. 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Hezekiah Hooper of Bridgewater vs. Lemuel Lyon of Stoughtonham, 20 Oct. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: William Holden of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 6 Nov. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Jonathan Briant of Dighton vs. Josiah Cornish of Taunton, 12 Nov. 1766

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Joseph Leonard of Bridgewater vs. Elijah Hall of Raynham, 24 Nov. 1766

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Thomas Darling, Jr. of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 9 Dec. 1766

Reel 15

State of the case Forman vs. Baylies, notes by James Otis, [Apr. 1767]

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Clothier Hathaway of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 23 Jan. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: [?] vs. Thomas Gilbert of Berkley, 3 Feb. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Stephen Webster of Berkley vs. John Williams of Taunton, 9 Feb. 1767

With attached account.

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Thomas Hutchinson, Jr. of Boston vs. Josiah Cornish of Taunton, 11 Feb. 1767, receipt by Robert Treat Paine, 11 July 1767

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Caleb Eddy of Norton, 20 July 1767

With attached account.

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Sarah Rumriel of Newport, R.I. vs. James Mason of Swanzey and Mary his wife, 27 July 1767

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Jonathan Holloway of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 4 Apr. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Richard Godfrey of Taunton vs. Samuel Williams of Taunton, 20 Apr. 1767

Reel 15

Promissory note: Ezekiel Smith, debt to Samuel Whitmarsh, 18 Apr. 1767

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Robert Gibbs of Providence, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 24 Apr. 1767

Reel 15

Promissory note: Isaac Lincoln [Linkon] to Noah Wiswall, 7 May 1767

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Samuel Fayerweather of South Kingston, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 27 June 1767

Reel 15

Summons: To Elkanah Elmes of Middleborough in Thomas Brownell of Portsmouth, R.I. vs. Elmes, 30 June 1767

On verso: case list, Plymouth Common Pleas, Dec. 1773-Apr. 1774.

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Joseph Gifford of Portsmouth, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 July 1767

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: Daniel Russell of Newport, R.I. vs. James Mason of Swanzy and Mary his wife, 27 July 1767

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Isaac Hathaway of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1767

Reel 15

Promissory note: Joseph White, debt to Simeon White, 21 Sep. 1767

Reel 15

Power of attorney: Lydia Berrey of Harwich appoints Robert Treat Paine, 29 Sep. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Simeon Perry of Dighton vs. Josiah Cornish of Taunton, 19 Oct. 1767, receipt by Robert Treat Paine, 30 Jan. 1768

Reel 15

Writ of attachment: James Otis of Barnstable vs. James Sabin of Rehoboth, 2 Nov. 1767

Reel 15

Writ of execution: Robert Treat Paine vs. Israel Cummings of Swansey, 6 Nov. 1767

Reel 15

Summons: To Nathan Brewster of Duxborough in William Bennit of Marshfield vs. Brewster, 10 Nov. 1767

On verso: list of writs to Barnstable and Plymouth courts, Apr. 1768.

Reel 16

Bill: Robinson vs. Cummings, Bristol Common Pleas, 16 Jan.-Aug. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Rufus Whitmarsh of Dighton vs. James Child of Barnstable, 26 Jan. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: David Whitmarsh and Rufus Whitmarsh, both of Dighton vs. Jonathan Burt of Norton, 28 Jan. 1768

Reel 16

Power of attorney: William Dawes of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Feb. 1768

Reel 16

List of writs to Barnstable and Plymouth courts, Apr. 1768

On verso: summons to Nathan Brewster of Duxborough in William Bennit of Marshfield vs. Brewster, 10 Nov. 1767.

Reel 16

Promissory note: David Briggs to Lemuel Crane, 20 Apr. 1768

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Noah Allen of Dartmouth vs. Robert Treat Paine, 28 Apr. 1768

Reel 16

Promissory note: Robart Miller to Philip Hathaway, 27 Apr. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Thomas Cobb of Taunton vs. Ebenezer Stephens of Taunton, 15 June 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: George Leonard, 3d, of Norton vs. John Thing of Norton, 30 July 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathaway of Freetown vs. Samuel Hallowel of Middleborough, 28 July 1768

With attached account.

Reel 16

Summons: To William Wood of East Greenwich, R.I., in Robert Treat Paine vs. Wood, 3 Aug. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. William Wood of East Greenwich, R.I., 13 Aug. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of execution: James Otis of Barnstable vs. John King of Raynham, 7 Sep. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Ruth Carr, widow, and Robert Carr, both of Warren, R.I., executors of the will of Caleb Carr, late of Warren vs. Samuel Ingols, Jr. of Rehoboth, 3 Oct. 1768

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Thomas Robinson of Newport, R.I. vs. Charles Church of Freetown, 31 Oct. 1768

With attached account.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Thomas Robinson of Newport, R.I. vs. Charles Church of Freetown, Samuel Spooner, Joseph Borden, and Andrew [Riche?] of Freetown, 31 Oct. 1768

With attached account.

Reel 16

Promissory note: Joseph French to Job Williams, 29 Nov. 1768

Reel 16

Promissory note: Elisabeth Linkon to Daniel Leonard, 29 Dec. 1768

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Josiah Draper of Attleborough appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Feb. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: John Hill of Brookfield appoints Robert Treat Paine, 25 Feb. 1769

Reel 16

Promissory note: Daniel Hathaway to Theophilus Clark, 27 Feb. 1769

Reel 16

Account: Ebenezer Tolman, 24 Feb. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Mathew Cummings of Taunton vs. Nathaniel White of Taunton, 5 Mar. 1769

Reel 16

Summons: To Zachariah Gurney of Bridgewater in Edmund Soper of Braintree vs. Gurney, 18 Mar. 1769

On verso: power of attorney: Zachariah Gurney appoints Robert Treat Paine, 13 Apr. 1769.

Reel 16

Deed: Thomas Gray of Boston sells to Robert Treat Paine house and land in Taunton, 24 Mar. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Gideon Gardner of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 24 [?] 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Levi White of Norton, 28 Mar. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Thomas Gilbert, Jr. of Berkley appoints Robert Treat Paine, 29 Mar. 1769

Reel 16

Summons: To Robert Luther of Swansey in James Waldron of Dighton vs. Luther, 30 Mar. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jabez Haskell of Taunton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 1 Apr. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Abiel Ellis and Elnathan Ellis, both of Sandwich, appoint Robert Treat Paine, 3 Apr. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: John Hill of Brookfield appoints Robert Treat Paine, [after May 1769]

Reel 16

Summons: To Nehemiah Allen of Middleboro, agent and trustee of Elkanah Elmes, in John Hill of Brookfield vs. Allen, 8 May 1769

Reel 16

Promissory note: Ephraim Cole to John Porter, 10 May 1769

Reel 16

Promissory note: David Briggs, Jr. to John Babbit, 1 June 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: James Edminster, Jr. of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 6 July 1769

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Nathan Angel of Providence, R.I. vs. Job Pain of Freetown, 8 July 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Silas Clark of Swanzy appoints Robert Treat Paine, 10 July 1769

Reel 16

Summons: To Corey Durfee and Gideon Hathway of Freetown in Moses Nichols of Berkley vs. Durfee and Hathway, 10 July 1769

On verso: case list, "cases to settle," Mar. 1771, Taunton Court, June 1771.

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Joseph Hathaway, 2d, of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 12 July 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Silas Clark of Swanzy vs. Jeremy Fisher of Dighton, 15 July 1769

Reel 16

Summons: To Thomas Gilbert of Berkley, trustee of William Gyles, in Thomas White, 2d, of Freetown vs. Gilbert, 21 July 1769

Reel 16

Account: Daniel Lincoln, 2d, account against John Porter, filed 21 July 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Jonathan Bryant of Dighton, 31 July 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Mehetable Harrison of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 31 July 1769

Reel 16

Promissory note: Robert Pigsley to George Ware, Dighton, 30 July 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Titus Hosmer of Middletown, Conn., as executor to Joseph Hooper, appoints Hezekiah Hooper of Bridgewater, 5 Aug. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Elkanah Elmes of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Peleg Bryant of Scituate appoints Robert Treat Paine, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 16

List of fees received, 15 Aug.-9 Dec. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Job Chase of Middleborough vs. Samuel Hallowell of Middleborough, 16 Aug. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Edward Blanchard of Boston vs. Jonathan Hill of Swansey, 24 Oct. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Nathan Angel of Providence, R.I. vs. Ebenezer Talbot of Dighton, 29 Aug. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Henry Laughton, Benjamin Faneuil, and Bossenger Foster, all of Boston vs. Robert Gould of Boston, 22 Sep. 1769

With attached account of Robert Gould with the estate of James Griffin, deceased.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Henry Laughton, Benjamin Faneuil, and Bossenger Foster vs. John Crandon of Dartmouth, agent and trustee of Robert Gould, 28 Sep. 1769

With attached account of Robert Gould with the estate of James Griffin, deceased.

Reel 16

Case lists [notebook]: Plymouth Common Pleas, Plymouth Superior, Barnstable Superior, Bristol Common Pleas, Bristol Superior, 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Mathew Robinson of South Kingston, R.I. vs. Benjamin Weaver of Swanzy, 14 Nov. 1769

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Nathan Angel of Providence, R.I. vs. Jeremiah Fisher of Dighton, 18 Nov. 1769

Reel 16

Deed: Thomas Cobb of Taunton sells to Robert Treat Paine a parcel of land in Taunton, 18 Dec. 1769

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Richard Borden of Tiverton, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 25 Dec. 1769

Reel 16

Deed: Robert Treat Paine and John McWhorter of Taunton exchange pieces of land in Taunton, [177-?] [incomplete draft of deed]

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Superior Court, 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Nathan Angel of Providence, R.I. vs. Benjamin Grenall of Freetown, 17 Feb. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Job Howland of Dartmouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 21 Feb. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. John Freelove of Freetown, 10 Mar. 1770

Reel 16

Summons: To John Freelove of Freetown in Robert Treat Paine vs. Freelove, 10 Mar. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Job Richmond of Middleborough, 12 Mar. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Levi Leach of Bridgewater vs. Ebenezer Redding of Berkley, 14 Mar. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Richard Godfrey, Simeon Williams, Henry Hodges, Richard Cobb, and James Leonard, as selectmen of Taunton, appoint Robert Treat Paine and Daniel Leonard, both of Taunton, in an action brought by the selectmen of Middleborough, 6 Apr. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Samuel Hoskins of Middleborough, 7 Apr. 1770

With attached account.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Mehetabel Harison of Freetown vs. Benjamin Mason of Freetown, 7 Apr. 1770

Reel 16

Promissory note: John Adam to Thomas Gray of Boston, administrator on the estate of his brother Benjamin Gray, late of Boston, 27 Apr. 1770 [copy]

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Richard Holland of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 10 May 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Samuel Downe of Boston appoints Robert Treat Paine, 12 June 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: James Edminster, Jr. of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 2 June 1770

Reel 16

Deed: Deliverance Eldridge of Dartmouth delivers to Robert Treat Paine land in Dartmouth in fulfillment of mortgage (29 Oct. 1765), 8 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Charles Read of Berkley vs. William Robinson of Swanzy, 12 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jonathan Davel of Tiverton, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Thomas Hutchinson of Boston vs. Noah Hall of Raynham, 21 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Edward Blanchard of Boston vs. Elisha Eddy of Swanzy, 21 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Foster Hutchinson of Boston vs. Noah Hall of Raynham, 21 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Ebenezer Bradish of Cambridge vs. Seth Williams, Jr. of Taunton, 28 Aug. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: William Gyles of Newport, R.I., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 1 Sep. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Joshua Hathaway of Freetown appoints Robert Treat Paine, 11 Sep. 1770

Reel 16

Case list: Bristol Superior Court, Oct. 1770

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Common Pleas, Oct. 1770, Plymouth Inferior Court, Dec. 1770

On verso: unidentified deed fragment.

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Jane Brown of Providence, R.I., Robert Brown of South Kingston, R.I., and Matthew Robinson of South Kingston, surviving executors of John Brown of Newport, R.I. vs. James Edmester, Jr. of Freetown, 3 Oct. 1770

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Noah Hall of Raynham appoints Robert Treat Paine, 17 Dec. 1770

Reel 16

Summons: To Thomas Willis of Eaton in Solomon Ripley of Bridgwater vs. Willis, 29 Jan. 1771

On verso: case list, Plymouth Court, Apr. 1771.

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Thomas Downe of Boston vs. Job Macumber of Taunton, 30 Jan. 1771

Reel 16

Summons: To Barzillai Hammond of Rochester in Robert Treat Paine vs. Hammond, 8 Feb. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Barzillai Hammond of Rochester, 8 Feb. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Thomas Willis of Easton vs. Thomas Gilbert of Berkley, 22 Feb. 1771

Reel 16

Case list: "Cases to settle," Mar. 1771, Taunton Court, June 1771

On verso: summons to Corey Durfee and Gideon Hathway of Freetown in Moses Nichols of Berkley vs. Durfee and Hathway, 10 July 1769.

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Daniel Hathway of Dartmouth vs. Robert Treat Paine, 12 Mar. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Edward Shove of Dighton vs. Ichabod Packard of Oakham, 22 Mar. 1771

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Court, Apr. 1771

On verso: summons to Thomas Willis of Eaton in Solomon Ripley of Bridgwater vs. Willis, 29 Jan. 1771.

Reel 16

Mortgage: Thomas Gilbert of Freetown mortgages land there to Robert Treat Paine, 25 Apr. 1771

Reel 16

Case lists: Plymouth Superior Court, May 1771-1772, Barnstable Superior Court, May 1771

Reel 16

Notes on July 1771 session, Freeman vs. Child, Falmouth Superior Court

Reel 16

Summons: To Ezekiel Thayer of Petersham in Robert Treat Paine vs. Thayer, 12 Aug. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Ezekiel Thayer of Petersham, 12 Aug. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Aaron Lopez of Newport, R.I. vs. Abial Peirce of Middleborough, 23 Aug. 1771

With attached account.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Abial Peirce of Middleborough, 23 Aug. 1771

Reel 16

Summons: To James Strobridge of Middleborough in John McPherson of Dartmouth vs. Strobridge, 26 Apr. 1771

Declaration of case on verso.

Reel 16

Special verdict: Samuel Waldo vs. M. Pearson, undated

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Edward Shove and Asa Shove, both of Dighton vs. Jesse Teague of Swanzy, 26 Aug. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of execution: William Halloway, Jr. of Taunton vs. estate of John Austin, late of Dighton, 4 Sep. 1771

Reel 16

Promissory note: Robert Miller to Philip Hathway, 9 Sep. 1771

Reel 16

Case lists: Plymouth, Oct.-Dec. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Philemon Dunham of Norton, 20 Nov. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Josiah Dean of Raynham vs. Ammi Chase of Freetown, 3 Dec. 1771

Reel 16

Promissory note: Elijah Brown to Joseph French, 22 Dec. 1771

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Jabez Bowen of Providence, R.I. vs. John Harvey of Taunton, 23 Dec. 1771

Banister vs. Copley papers, 1709-1770

Reel 16

Notes on Banister vs. Henderson, Superior Court, Mar. 1765

Reel 16

Notes on Banister vs. Copley

Reel 16

State of the case: Banister vs. Copley

Reel 16

Will: Thomas Banister of Boston, signed 25 Jan. 1709, probated 20 Aug. 1709

Reel 16

State of the case: Banister vs. Henderson

Reel 16

State of the case: Banister vs. Cuningham

Reel 16

Special verdict: Banister vs. Henderson, Aug. 1764

Reel 16

Banister vs. Fenno, Jan. 1770

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. D. R., [Feb. 1772?]

Reel 16

Summons: To Samuel Chase of Swanzy in Robert Treat Paine vs. Chase, 17 Feb. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Samuel Chase of Swanzy, 17 Feb. 1772

With attached account.

Reel 16

Deed: Simeon Tisdale sells to Robert Treat Paine land in Taunton, co-signed by Zilpha Tisdale, 21 Feb. 1772

Reel 16

Case list: Taunton Court, Mar. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Samuel Nightingale, Jr. of Providence, R.I. vs. Jonathan Walker of Dighton, 16 Mar. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Nathan Angel of Providence, R.I. vs. Job Macumber of Taunton, 23 Mar. 1772

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Common Pleas, Apr. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Peter Pitts, Jr. of Dighton vs. Simon Burr, 2d, of Rehoboth, 6 Apr. 1772

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jeremiah Holmes of Plymouth appoints Robert Treat Paine, 17 Apr. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. George Mills of Norton, 22 Aug. 1772

Reel 16

Special verdict: Abraham Colden vs. Benjamin Stockbridge, May 1772 [damaged]

Reel 16

Special verdict: Jacobs vs. Tillage, Plymouth Court, May 1772

Reel 16

Case list: Taunton court, June 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Hezekiah Cole, Jr. of Swanzy, 2 June 1772

With attached account.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: James Hart of Taunton vs. Moses Freeman of Middleton, Conn., 6 June 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Holloway, Jr. of Taunton vs. Cephas Briggs of Dighton, 26 June 1772

Reel 16

Writ of execution: Jonathan Porter of Middleborough vs. Abner Williams of Taunton, 22 July 1772

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Sarah Eddy of Norton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 21 Aug. 1772

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: William Rhodes, Jr. of Cranston, R.I. vs. Benjamin Shores of Taunton, 22 Aug. 1772

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Common Pleas, Dec. 1772, Bristol Common Pleas, Dec. 1772

Reel 16

Memorandum of "Persons to write to," 1773

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Creditors of insolvent estate of Capt. Edward Emerson of Portsmouth, N.H., appoints [?], action incomplete, 7 Jan. 1773

Reel 16

Receipt: James Otis received of Thomas Cobb, 29 Jan. 1773 [2 copies]

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Abner Rickerson of Dartmouth, 11 Feb. 1773

With attached account.

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jonathan Hayden of Bridgewater appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Feb. 1773

Reel 16

Case list: Taunton Court, Mar. 1773 [2 lists]

Reel 16

Deed: William McKinstry of Taunton sells to Robert Treat Paine a pew in Taunton meeting house, 20 Mar. 1773

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Aaron Lopez of Newport, R.I. vs. Thomas Gilbert of Freetown, 22 Mar. 1773

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Josias Callander of Taunton vs. Ebenezer Winslow of Swanzy, 30 Apr. 1773

With attached account.

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Lucas Wilson of Rehoboth, 24 May 1773

Reel 16

Case list: Bristol Court, June-Sep. 1773

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Ebenezer Medbury of Rehoboth, 9 Aug. 1773

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Robert Treat Paine vs. Lucas Wilson of Rehoboth, 9 Aug. 1773

Reel 16

Summons: To Lucas Wilson of Rehoboth in Robert Treat Paine vs. Wilson, 9 Aug. 1773

Reel 16

Summons to Samuel Pearse of Plymouth in Francis Adams of Kingston vs. Pearse, 14 Aug. 1773

On verso: case list, Taunton Court, Dec. 1773-Mar. 1774.

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Seth Hathaway of Taunton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 20 Aug. 1773

Reel 16

Writ of attachment: Aaron Lopez of Newport, R.I. vs. Thomas Gilbert of Freetown, 28 Aug. 1773

Reel 16

Case list: Bristol Superior Court, Oct. 1773-Sep. [1774?]

Reel 16

Case list: Taunton Court, Dec. 1773-Mar. 1774

On verso: summons to Samuel Pearse of Plymouth in Francis Adams of Kingston vs. Pearse, 14 Aug. 1773.

Reel 16

Case list: Plymouth Common Pleas, Dec. 1773-Apr. 1774

On verso: summons to Elkanah Elmes of Middleborough in Thomas Brownell of Portsmouth, R.I. vs. Elmes, 30 June 1767.

Reel 16

Summons: To John Winslow of Rochester in William Tallman of Dartmouth vs. Winslow, 13 Jan. 1774

On verso: case list: writs to Plymouth Common Pleas, Apr. 1774.

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Isaac Hathaway of Middleboro appoints Robert Treat Paine, 16 Mar. 1774

Reel 16

Case list: Writs to Plymouth Common Pleas, Apr. 1774

On verso: summons to John Winslow of Rochester in William Tallman of Dartmouth vs. Winslow, 13 Jan. 1774.

Reel 16

Certificate of administration: Robert Treat Paine as administrator on estate of William McKinstry of Taunton, 29 Apr. 1777

Reel 16

Account: Bristol County General Sessions, June 1777

Reel 16

Promissory note: David Cobb of Taunton to Robert Treat Paine, 10 June 1777

Reel 16

Power of attorney: John Farrow of Dighton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 1 July 1777

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Noah Hall of Raynham appoints Robert Treat Paine, 24 June 1778

Reel 16

Will: Thomas Cobb of Taunton, signed Sep. 1778 [copy]

Reel 16

Memorandum: Bristol County General Sessions in Gideon Hoxse of Dartmouth vs. Thomas G. Scranton, attorney to William Milward of Dartmouth, with Robert Treat Paine and George Leonard as sureties, 10 Sep. 1778

Reel 16

Case list: Taunton Court, Dec. 1778-Mar. 1779

Reel 16

Deed: Eliphaz Harlow of Taunton and Pheobe Harlow, his wife, sell to Robert Treat Paine land in Taunton, 22 Mar. 1779

Reel 16

Deed: Pheobe Tisdale of Taunton sells to Robert Treat Paine land in Taunton, 22 Mar. 1779

Reel 16

Lease: William Reed of Freetown rents the Gilbert farm in Freetown from Robert Treat Paine, 24 May 1779

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jeremiah Brown of Cheraw, Craven County, S.C., appoints Robert Treat Paine, 14 Mar. 1780

Reel 16

Special verdict: Abridgement, Harraden & Gridley, [Nov. 1780?]

Reel 16

Receipt: Eben Titus from Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 June 1781

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Samuel Goodwin of Pownalborough appoints Robert Treat Paine and Levi Lincoln, 30 June 1781

Reel 16

Invoice: John Merchant, Copenhagen, account of Robert Treat Paine, 2 Nov. 1781

Reel 16

Account: Sigourney Ingraham & Bromfield, account of Robert Treat Paine, 11 Feb.-1 July 1982

Reel 16

Deed: Robert Treat Paine sells to Ziba Eaton of Middleborough land in Middleborough, 15 Mar. 1782 [copy]

Reel 16

Certificate: Robert Treat Paine declines to act as co-executor of estate of Thomas Cobb of Taunton, 26 Mar. 1781

Reel 16

Deed: Phoebe Tisdale of Taunton sells to Robert Treat Paine land in Taunton, 18 Mar. 1782

Reel 16

Account, [1783?]

Reel 16

Invoice: Articles shipped by I. Allen on brigantine Union, 4 Mar. 1783

Reel 16

Will: Hannah Cobb of Taunton, widow, signed 26 May 1783 [copy]

Reel 16

Prices current of imports, Amsterdam, Duncan Ingraham, 25 July 1783

Reel 16

Case list: Suffolk Supreme Judicial Court, Aug. 1783

Reel 16

Power of attorney: Jacob Davis of Charlton appoints Robert Treat Paine, 24 May 1784

Reel 16

Lease: Leonard Vassal Borland of Boston leases to Robert Treat Paine house on Milk Street, Boston, 1 Apr. 1784

Reel 16

Receipt: Aaron Whitney receives from Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 July 1784

Reel 16

Promissory note: Robert Treat Paine to William Foster, 18 Apr. 1785

With receipts by Foster on verso.

Reel 16

Deed of release: Jeremiah Clark, Jr. of Hampton, Conn., releases Robert Treat Paine, Joseph and Abigail Paine Greenleaf, and Eunice Paine on responsibilities for back taxes on land in Windham, Conn., 5 Nov. 1788

Reel 16

Deed: Noah Hall of Raynham sells land in Raynham to Robert Treat Paine, 5 Nov. 1788

Attached: memorandum of a judgment obtained by Robert Treat Paine against Noah Hall, 25 Aug. 1788.

Reel 16

Mortgage: William Read of Freetown mortgages land in Freetown to Robert Treat Paine, 2 Feb. 1791

Reel 16

Receipts: Thomas Phipps receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 13 Jan.-17 Sep. 1791

Reel 16

Deed: Robert Treat Paine sells to Samuel Fales of Taunton one right in the reversion of dower of Phoebe Tisdale, 10 Feb. 1792

Reel 16

Receipts: Esther Moseley receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 26 Feb.-31 Mar. 1792

Reel 16

Receipt: Thomas Phipps receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 12 May 1792

Reel 16

Receipt: Thomas Moseley receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 2 June 1792

Reel 16

Receipts: Esther Moseley receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 8 June 1792-4 July 1793

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 19 Oct. 1793-26 May 1794

Reel 16

Account: Ebenezer Larkin's account with estate of "Thamis" Greenleaf, 21 June 1794

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 9 Dec. 1794-2 Feb. 1796

Reel 16

Account: Robert Treat Paine with Hans Gram for copying music, Boston, 23 Feb. 1796

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 1 Mar.-20 June 1796

Reel 16

Account: Robert Treat Paine with William Cock, 23 June 1796

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 15 Aug. 1796-23 May 1797

Reel 16

Account: Jonathan Cobb and David Cobb as executors of estate of Thomas Cobb of Taunton, 27 May 1797, second account undated

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 26 Feb. 1796-26 Mar. 1798

Reel 16

Account: Robert Treat Paine with Robert Gardner for books, 29 Mar. 1798

Reel 16

Receipts: Abigail Kent receives from Robert Treat Paine for Eunice Paine's board, 21 May 1798-24 Dec. 1802

Reel 16

Petition for division of real estate in estate of Thomas Cobb of Taunton, 15-23 Mar. 1802

Reel 16

Division of real estate in estate of Thomas Cobb of Taunton, 24 Mar. 1802

Reel 16

Plot map of Robert Treat Paine land, 16 Nov. 1805

Reel 16

Depositions and questions: Robert Treat Paine for John Singleton Copley in John Banister vs. Ephraim Fenno from 1769, [1810?]

Reel 16

Bank drafts on United States Bank, Boston, 20-27 Feb. 1810

Reel 16

Will: Robert Treat Paine, signed 11 May 1814, proved 16 May 1814

Reel 16

Items removed from minutes of trials and law cases, 1777-1782 (Reel 13)

Reel 16

Items removed from minutes of trials and law cases, 1783-1788 (Reel 14)

V. Robert Treat Paine political and judicial papers, 1758-1807Digital Content

This series consists of documents created and acquired by Robert Treat Paine during his public service at the town, county, state, and national levels, including his years as justice of the peace, attorney general, justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, and delegate to the Continental Congress. This series also contains Paine's political writings, local and county committee reports, papers related to Shays' Rebellion and absentees, minutes of trials and law cases, and petitions to the legislature for compensation as attorney general.

A. U.S. Congress circular on muskets, 6 Dec. 1775

Written in Robert Treat Paine's hand, annotated.

Reel 17Case 37 (XT)

B. Rhode Island Expedition papers, 1777-1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Paul Revere to Joseph Palmer, Boston, 3 Dec. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Papers respecting "Enquiry into the Causes of the Failure of the Expedition against Rhode Island," signed by the commissioners R. T. Paine, Oliver Ellsworth, Henry Marchant

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Table of contents

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Journal of proceedings

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Payment order, signed by the commissioners, 14 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Commissioners to Henry Laurens, president of Congress, Providence, 13 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Commissioners to Egbert Benson, Providence, 13 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Payment order, signed by the Commissioners, 27 Mar. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Proceedings at a council of general officers, Providence, 26 Jan. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders from Col. William Peck to Col. Palmer, undated

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Deposition: Capt. William Todd, Boston, 12 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Extract of a letter from George Washington to Gen. Joseph Spencer, 6 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

George Washington to Gen. Spencer, headquarters, Morristown, 11 Mar. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

John Hancock to Rhode Island Assembly, Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1778 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders, Tiverton, 10-12 Oct. 1777 [copies]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

After general orders, Tiverton, 12 Oct. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders, headquarters, 14 Oct. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders, Tiverton, 15 Oct. 1777 [copy]

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After general orders, Tiverton, 15 Oct. 1777 [copy]

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General orders, Tiverton, 16 Oct. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

After general orders, Tiverton, 16 Oct. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders, Tiverton, 17-29 Oct. 1777 [copies]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General orders, Providence, 29 Sep. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Questions proposed to Brig. Gen. Joseph Palmer

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Responses by Joseph Palmer, Providence, 24 Mar. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Deposition by Joseph Palmer, Germantown, 13 Feb. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Joseph Palmer to Gen. Joseph Spencer, Taunton, 29 Sep. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Joseph Palmer to Col. Henry Sherburne, Tiverton, 24 Oct. 1777 [copy]

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Joseph P. Palmer, deposition on service, Germantown, 14 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Joseph Palmer to commissioners, Providence, 25 Mar. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Brig. Gen. J. Douglas, Providence, 11 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Brig. Gen. Solomon Lovell, undated

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Brig. Gen. Ezekiel Cornell, Providence, 9 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

General Cornell's orders, 10-26 Oct. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Returns of Gen. Cornell's brigade, Tiverton, 8-29 Oct. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Col. Henry Sherburne, Providence, 25 Mar. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Col. Thomas Crafts, Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Col. Robert Elliott, Providence, 9 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Return of ordnance and stores at Tiverton, 12 Oct.-23 Dec. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Stores returned into the laboratory no. 2 from Tiverton after the expedition against Newport, undated

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Return of ordnance and stores belonging to Capt. Joshua Sayer, 6 Nov. 1777, Capt. Gideon Westcott, 15 Nov. 1777, Capt. Thomas Carlisle, 12 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Return of ordinance of warlike stores under the command of Capt. Jno. Garzie, 30 Nov. 1777

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Daniel Tillinghast, agent for R.I., 10 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of George Williams

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of William Peck

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Peter Phillips

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Joseph Lawrence, barracks master

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Jonathan Arnold, director of the hospital, state of R.I.

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Walter Spooner

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Joseph Brown, merchant of Providence, 9 Feb. 1778

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Caleb Gardner

Reel 17Oversize Box 1

Examination of Thomas Durfee of Freetown, Mar. 1778

C. Minutes of criminal trials, attorney general, Supreme Judicial Court, 1780-1789Digital Content

Note: Loose items from this volume have been removed and microfilmed on Reel 18.

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D. Shays' Rebellion papers, 1786-1788

Reel 17Box 14

Hampshire grand jury papers, [Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Names of persons in Northampton, Worthington, Springfield, Ashfield, and Cummington (to be noticed), [Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

List of the prisoners confined in the gaol at Northampton, 10 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Recognizances, [Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Benjamin Tupper to Col. Murray, 17-19 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

William Lyman to the commissioners, Northampton, 12 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Benjamin Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, 13 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

B. Oliver to Col. Murray, Chester, 16 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

List of grand jurors, Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Questions to be asked Colo. Hall concerning Longmeadow insurgents

Reel 17Box 14

Rioters at Springfield, 20 May 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Information respecting Longmeadow rebels

Reel 17Box 14

Interrogation of Alpheas Collon, Northampton, 10 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

List of names not to be noticed by the grand jury, Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Information respecting Longmeadow insurgents

Reel 17Box 14

Interrogation of Benjamin Banter, Longmeadow, 5 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Witnesses sworn before the grand jury, Great Barrington, Mar. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Return of the prisoners now in confinement in the gaol in Northampton in the county of Hampshire, 9 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Capt. Joseph Miller of Ludlow respecting John Wheeler, together with testimony of Noah Warriner of Wilbraham, Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Information: Ware rebels

Reel 17Box 14

Black list, county of Hampshire

Reel 17Box 14

John Child to Robert Treat Paine, Holden, 30 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Jonathan Ward to Robert Treat Paine, Southborough, 23 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Governor's order for release of Josiah Whitney, 5 Apr. 1787 [copy]

Copy by John Avery, with added note by James Bowdoin.

Reel 17Box 14

Governor's order to release Josiah Walker on bail, 1 Mar. 1787

Copy by John Avery, including James Bowdoin to Levi Lincoln, Boston, 2 Mar. 1787, and Levi Lincoln to [Robert Treat Paine?], Worcester, 9 Mar. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

List of the witnesses sworn before the grand jury and at Supreme Judicial Court, Middlesex, respecting the insurgents, May 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Gershom Chapin of Uxbridge and Jonathan Adams of Northbridge against Col. Luke Drury, [26?] Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Joshua Randall, [25?] Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Rufus Putnam to Robert Treat Paine, [25? Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Solomon Stow to Robert Treat Paine, Grafton, 24 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Complaint vs. Abel Marshall of Holden, 24 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Capt. Bacon, [25? Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Account of Paxton insurgents and witnesses

Reel 17Box 14

List of persons recognized by G. Wheeler Esq. [to appear at the Supreme Judicial Court], Oakham, 23 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Isaiah Brown to Robert Treat Paine, concerning Holden insurgents, [24? Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Petition to the town of Holden, signed by Ruggles Spooner, Worcester, 7 Dec. 1786

Reel 17Box 14

List of witnesses vs. Holden insurgents vs. Chenery Willson Broad Marshall Bartlet & How

Reel 17Box 14

Oakham: Evidence respecting the late rebellion

Reel 17Box 14

List of persons belonging to Oakham

Reel 17Box 14

Dudley Riot evidences, [20? Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Hiram Newhall to Robert Treat Paine, 26 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Witnesses proper to be summoned in the case of John Denson

Reel 17Box 14

Information vs. Artemas Dryden &c.

Reel 17Box 14

Information vs. Dryden and Harrington

Reel 17Box 14

Dr. Hill's confession

Reel 17Box 14

Witnesses against Jacob Chamberlain

Reel 17Box 14

Edward Rawson of Shrewsbury examination, 19 Feb. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Evidences against Edmund Bemas, [26? Apr. 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Moses Twiss, David Goodel, and Asa Wheelock, [15 Feb.? 1787]

Reel 17Box 14

Relation of Capt. Richard Dresser, 19 Feb. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Information on Genl. Whitney

Reel 17Box 14

Samuel Crosby to Robert Treat Paine, Winchendon, 23 Apr. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

List of evidences for Brookfield insurgents

Reel 17Box 14

Insurgents of Brookfield and witnesses

Reel 17Box 14

Insurgents' evidences, 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Summons: Against Luke Day of West Springfield for treason and rebellion, 7 Jan. 1788

Reel 17Box 14

Witnesses proper to be summoned in the case of Mr. Curtiss with respect to his praying with the Shays men

Reel 17Box 14

John Child to grand inquest for the body of the county of Worcester now setting, 30 Apr. 1787

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Reel 17Box 14

Testimony of Levi Flagg, 5 Mar. 1787

Reel 17Box 14

Witnesses against Shrewsbury insurgents

Reel 17Box 14

List of witnesses examined at Northampton, Apr. 1787

E. Charges to grand juries, 1790-1803

Reel 17Case 39

F. Other political and judicial papers, 1758-1807

Arranged chronologically.

Reel 18Box 15

Items removed from minutes of criminal trials, 1780-1789 (Reel 17)

Reel 18Box 15

Fragments of receipt, account, and writ of attachment, undated

Reel 18Box 15

Account: Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, Bristol Sessions, undated

Reel 18Box 15

Narrative of proceedings in General Court on appointment of delegate to Congress, 1774

Reel 18Box 15

Reproof for newspaper slander as freedom of the press, undated

Reel 18Box 15

History of the Boston Port Bill, undated

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment by the General Court of Thomas Hutchinson, William Brattle, John Choate, John Tyng, and Benjamin Prat as commissioners to proposed meeting of New England colonies, together with instructions, 24 Jan. 1758 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

Minutes of the proceedings of commissioners from the governments of Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut in consequence of the powers and instructions given by the respective governments, 8 Feb. 1758 [copy]

Reel 18Oversize Box 5

Return of the men enlisted and impressed for His Majesty's service in the intended expedition against Canada, Apr. 1758

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Joseph Briggs, Jr. of Taunton vs. Jacob Staple, Jr. of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 3 Dec. 1764 [6 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Answer of the justices of the peace of Bristol County to complaints against them: Address to Governor Bernard and council, [27 May 1765]

Reel 18Box 15

Examination of John Ingham, clothier, late of Pennsylvania, Bristol Sessions, 7 June 1765

Reel 18Box 15

Judgment in Gilbert Deblois of Boston vs. Ratcliffe Hellon of Taunton, 18 Oct 1765 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

Certificate, signed by Governor William Shirley, Bahama Islands, New Providence, that no stamps or stamp officer had arrived in that province, 31 Jan. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Jones of Taunton vs. Seth Traffern, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Jones of Taunton vs. Ezra Briggs of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1766

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Crosman of Taunton vs. Nathaniel Knap, 2d, of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Joseph Atwood of Berkley vs. Bernice Crane of Berkley, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 3 Mar. 1766 [3 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Crosman of Taunton vs. Abiel Cole of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 17 Mar. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Crosman of Taunton vs. William Ashley of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 29 Mar. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Royal Lawton of Taunton vs. Nathaniel White of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 18 Apr. 1766

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Nathaniel White of Taunton in Royal Lawton of Taunton vs. White, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 18 Apr. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Crooke of Newport, R.I. vs. Edmund Leonard of Raynham, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 23 Apr. 1766 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: John McWhorter of Taunton vs. Gilford Hathaway of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 29 Apr. 1766

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Crosman vs. Ashley, 5 May 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Opinion by Jeremiah Gridley and Edmund Trowbridge in a debt case, 3 July 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment of Robert Treat Paine, John Adam, and George Williams, all of Taunton, as trustees of estate of Ratcliffe Hellon, late of Taunton, signed by Thomas Hutchinson, 10 July 1766

Reel 18Box 15

List of the justices in attendance at court, Aug. 1766-May 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Royall Lawton of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 Aug. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Jonathan Harvey of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 Aug. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Royall Lawton of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 Aug. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in White vs. Lawton, 25 Aug. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Lawton, 25 Aug. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Elijah Jones of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Sep. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. James Waldron of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Sep. 1766

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Elkanah French of Rehoboth vs. Ephraim Tisdale of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Richard Wastcoat of Dighton vs. Robert Fish of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Richard Wastcoat of Dighton vs. George Ware of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in French vs. Tisdale, 6 Mar. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Case notes by Robert Auchmuty, [1 Apr. 1767]

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Porter vs. White, 17 Apr. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. William Johnson of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 22 Apr. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Nathaniel Jackson vs. William Ashley of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 23 Apr. 1767 [severe damage]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Simmons Paine of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 22 Apr. 1767

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. James Edminster, Jr. of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 22 Apr. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Edminster, 4 May 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Robert Crossman of Taunton vs. Paul DeCosta of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 11 May 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of execution: Samuel White of Taunton vs. George Codding of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 11 May 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Williams vs. French, 22 May 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of execution: Abiel Atwood, Jr. of Berkley vs. Elijah Briggs of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 May 1767 [3 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Nathaniel Snell of Taunton vs. Ebenezer Stephens of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 5 June 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Nathan Eddy of Middleborough vs. Nathaniel Gilmore of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 June 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Richmond, Jr. of Dighton vs. David Briggs of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 22 June 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Nathan Eddy of Middleboro vs. Nathaniel Gilmore of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 June 1767 [4 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Richmond, Jr. of Dighton vs. David Luther of Swanzy, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 June 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Richmond vs. Briggs, 29 June 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Eddy vs. Gilmore, 11 July 1767 [4 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Ebenezer Wood, Jr. of Middleborough vs. Abiel Holloway of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 July 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Thomas Cobb of Taunton vs. Daniel Whitmarsh of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, [27?] July 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Cobb vs. Whitmarsh, 17 Aug. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Benjamin Read of Dartmouth in Isaac Hathaway of Freetown vs. Read, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 3 Aug. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Isaac Hathaway of Freetown vs. Benjamin Read of Dartmouth, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 3 Aug. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: John Lambert of Taunton vs. Philip King of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 Aug. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Power of attorney: Jonathan Hill of Swanzy appoints James Mason, Swanzy, 9 Sep. 1767

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Benjamin Frish of Swansey, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Nov. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Seth Alden, Jr. of Bridgewater vs. Charles Finney of Easton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Apr. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Seth Alden, Jr. of Bridgewater vs. Charles Finney of Easton, 27 Apr. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Richmond, Jr. of Dighton vs. Jonathan Hill of Swanzy, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 17 June 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William McKinstry of Taunton vs. Samuel Howard of Rehoboth, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 9 July 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Isaac Gould of Attleborough, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 12 July 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Isaac Linkon of Rehoboth, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 12 July 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Lucas Wilson of Rehoboth, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 12 July 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Ephraim Tisdale of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 July 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. James Brown, 2d, of Swansey, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 16 July 1768

Reel 18Box 15

List of the members of the convention held at consequence of Gov Barnard's dissolving the Genl. Court, [22 Sep. 1768]

Reel 18Box 15

Report of committee considering alterations to the court house, Bristol County, Nov. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Alanson Cummings of Swansey, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 19 Dec. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Susannah Tisdale of Taunton vs. Abiel Smith of Raynham, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 21 Dec. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Solomon Snow of Raynham, 21 Dec. 1768

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Dan Tew of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 Dec. 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. Nicholas Webster of Berkley, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 Dec. 1768

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Samuel White of Taunton vs. George Eliot of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 28 Dec. 1768

Papers related to absentees, 1777-1790

Reel 18Box 15

Absentees in the county of Berkshire, undated

Reel 18Box 15

Summary of Robert Treat Paine's work in libeling absentee estates, [after 1790]

Reel 18Box 15

Estates confiscated in the county of Middlesex, undated

Reel 18Box 15

Summary of number of libels on absentee estates continued for trial on and after 1 Jan. 1783

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Narrative of proceedings for compensation for confiscating the estate of refugees

Pieced together by Charles C. Paine from scraps of paper in the handwriting of Robert Treat Paine.

Reel 18Box 15

Account of administration on absentee estates, 16 May 1777-2 July 1779

Reel 18Box 15

Notes on estates of William Brattle, John Borland, David Phips, Elisha Jones, Charles Russell, and Isaac Royal, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: State vs. Nathan Bowen, Mar. 1779 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

List of absentees, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

List of absentees in York County, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

When did the following persons leave Boston and where did they go to, [1779?]

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List of absentees in Plymouth County, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

List of absentees in Cumberland County, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

Memorandum of the information filed against the estate of absentees lying in the county of Worcester, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

Notebook of cases before Suffolk Common Pleas, Middlesex Common Pleas, Bristol Common Pleas, Barnstable Common Pleas, Dec. 1779-Apr. 1782

Includes lists of absentee estates in Hampshire, Lincoln, Cumberland, Essex, Berkshire, Plymouth, and York counties.

Reel 18Box 15

Certificate: 20 libels in Suffolk Common Pleas prosecuted by Robert Treat Paine, Jan 1783-Apr. 1784

Reel 18Box 15

General Court resolve directing Robert Treat Paine as attorney general to commence action against Zebedee Sprout as agent on the estates of Peter Oliver and Peter Oliver, Jr., 2 July 1783

Reel 18Box 15

List of absentee estates libeled by Robert Treat Paine as attorney general, Ipswich Common Pleas, Apr. 1781-Apr. 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Sylvester Richmond, 2d, of Dighton vs. Samuel Waldron of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 Jan. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Thomas Cobb of Taunton vs. Jedediah Wilbore, Jr. of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Mathew Cummings of Taunton vs. John Cooper of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Jedediah Wilbore, Jr. of Taunton vs. John Trow of Norton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 Feb. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: George Ware of Dighton vs. Robert Pigsley of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 25 Feb. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Ware vs. Piglsey, 10 Mar. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Lemuel Lyon of Stoughton vs. Thomas Butter of Easton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 27 Mar. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Daniel Leonard of Taunton vs. Joseph Linken, 2d, of Norton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 29 Mar. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To James Andrews of Taunton in Thomas Cobb of Taunton, as administrator of the estate of Thomas Cobb, Jr. vs. Andrews, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 Mar. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Thomas Cobb of Taunton vs. James Andrews of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 Mar. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Elijah Gary of Taunton in Eliphaz Harlow of Taunton vs. Gary, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 1 Apr. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Eliphaz Harlow of Taunton vs. Elijah Gary of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 1 Apr. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: John Porter of Taunton vs. Simeon White of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 8 Apr. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Lyons vs. Butter, 17 Apr. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Leonard vs. Porter, 1 May 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Job Williams of Taunton vs. Joseph French of Berkley, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 9 May 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Noah Wiswall of Norton vs. Isaac Linkon of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 10 May 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Wiswall vs. Linken, 22 May 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Abigail Burt of Berkley vs. James Waldron of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 12 June 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: John Porter of Taunton vs. Ephraim Cole of Swanzy, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 23 June 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Robert Caldwell, William McEllory, Charles Barstow, Elijah Dean, Thomas Cushman, Gershom Holmes, Stephen Macumber, Jr., Edward Harvey, and Seth Williams, Jr., all of Taunton, as witnesses in John Porter of Taunton vs. Daniel Linkon, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 22 July 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To James Waldron of Dighton in Abigail Burt of Berkley vs. Waldron, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 12 July 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Abijah Wilbore of Raynham vs. Levi White of Norton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 July 1769

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Levi White of Norton in Abijah Wilbore of Raynham vs. White, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 13 July 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Porter vs. Cole, 3 July 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: John Porter of Taunton vs. Daniel Linkon, 2d, of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 July 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: Thomas Gilbert of Berkley, as agent and trustee for William Gyles, in Thomas White vs. William Gyles, 21 July 1769

Judgment by Robert Treat Paine on verso.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment, 31 July 1769 [fragment]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. David Briggs of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Moses Campbell of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. David Briggs of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. James Codding of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Daniel Hathaway of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Jedediah Wilbore, Jr. of Taunton vs. Seth Linkon of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. Ebenezer Philips of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: William Brown of Dighton vs. William Leonard of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 2 Aug. 1769

With attached account.

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Campbell, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Ruben Winslow of Dartmouth as witness in Brown vs. Hathaway, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Elijah Mayo of Dartmouth as witness in Brown vs. Hathaway, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 11 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Briggs, 14 Aug. 1769 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Hathaway, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Brown vs. Leonard, 14 Aug. 1769

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To Mary Redman of Stoughton in Nehemiah Liscombe of Taunton vs. Redman, 5 Feb. 1770

On verso: case list for May court.

Reel 18Box 15

Summons: To William Restrey of Taunton in Benjamin Crossman of Taunton vs. Restrey, 12 May 1770

On verso: case list for Taunton court, Sep. 1770.

Reel 18Box 15

Case notes: Waterman vs. Gillings, Plymouth Common Pleas, July 1770

On verso: epitaph for Mrs. Elizabeth Pool.

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of inhabitants of Taunton to General Court regarding destruction of alewives, [Oct. 1770?] [Robert Treat Paine draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Case notes: Bowers vs. White, Taunton court, Dec. 1770

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment by Taunton town meeting of a committee to petition the General Court respecting the taking of alewives and other fish by seining in Taunton Great River, 9 July 1770

Committee: Robert Treat Paine, George Godfrey, and Daniel Leonard.

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Jonathan Walker in Josiah Richmond of Taunton vs. Walker, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 20 Mar. 1771 [badly damaged]

With enclosed promissory note to pay Josiah Richmond, 10 Sep. 1770.

Reel 18Box 15

Judgment fees and costs in Aaron Lopez vs. Israel Barney, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, Oct. 1771

Reel 18Box 15

Unidentified list of cases, [1772?]

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: County of Bristol to Robert Treat Paine, 3 Feb. 1772-20 Sep. 1773

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathaway of Freetown vs. Nathan Mirick of Berkley, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathway of Freetown vs. Robert Miller of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathway of Freetown vs. Edward Winslow of Berkley, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 4 Feb. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Joseph French of Berkley vs. Elijah Briggs of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 10 Feb. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in French vs. Briggs, 10 Mar. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in French vs. Miller, 10 Mar. 1772 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathway of Freetown vs. Silas Seekins of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 10 Mar. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Philip Hathway of Freetown vs. Robert Miller of Freetown, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 10 Mar. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Promissory note: Oliver Simmons, Jr. to Zephaniah Linkon, 30 Mar. 1772 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Zephaniah Linkon of Taunton vs. Oliver Simmons, Jr. of Dighton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 7 May 1772 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Court costs: Robert Treat Paine to Bristol County in Linkon vs. Simmons, 16 May 1772

Reel 18Box 15

List of cases, Common Pleas, Bristol County, Sep. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Thomas Cobb of Taunton vs. John Harvey of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 23 Nov. 1772

Reel 18Box 15

Drafts of resolves and notes concerning the letters of Thomas Hutchinson and proposed impeachment of Peter Oliver, [1773]

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Jacob Tilson of Middleborough vs. Elijah Shaw of Taunton, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 18 Mar. 1773

Reel 18Box 15

Writ of attachment: Joseph Redding of Middleborough vs. David Braley of Dartmouth, Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace, 26 July 1773

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment of committee by Taunton town meeting to consider Boston resolves, Virginia Burgesses' proceedings, pamphlets sent from Boston, etc., 28 Aug. 1773

Reel 18Box 15

Report on behalf of the town of Taunton in approbation of resolves of Boston in Nov. 1772, [28? Aug. 1773]

Reel 18Box 15

Report of Privy Council, London, in regard to affairs in Massachusetts, 1 Sep. 1773 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolves of town of Plymouth against actions in Boston, 13 Dec. 1773

Reel 18Box 15

Address of Peter Oliver to the House of Representatives, Middleborough, 3 Feb. 1774

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine on the power of removal, Judge Peter Oliver, [Mar. 1774]

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of address of House of Representatives to governor respecting impeachment of Peter Oliver as chief justice, [9 June] 1774

Reel 18Box 15

Minutes of debates in Congress, [1774]

Reel 18Box 15

List of members of Congress, [Aug.? 1774]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine on "Massachusentensis," [1775?] [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine on want of gunpowder, [1775?] [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine on report of resolves for muskets, [1775?]

Reel 18Box 15

French gunpowder formula, [1775?] [in French]

Reel 18Box 15

Most advisable plan to be observed with regard to the late conquest of the passes on Lake Champlain, Bernard Romans, 27 May 1775

Reel 18Box 15

Minutes of the ordnance taken from the ministerial troops at the several northern posts, 1 May-13 Nov. 1775

Reel 18Box 15

Return of artillery at Ticonderoga, Crown Point, etc., 2 Dec. 1775

Reel 18Box 15

Inventory of cannon, mortars, etc., brought from Ticonderoga, 10 Dec. 1775

Reel 18Box 15

List of stores and cannon at Crown Point, [23 Dec. 1775?]

In Henry Knox's handwriting.

Reel 18Box 15

Payroll of travel and attendance, justices of Bristol County, Dec. 1775-Sep. 1778

Reel 18Box 15

Contract between Joseph Simmons and William Henry of Lancaster, Pa., and committee of Congress about the manufacture of muskets, [1776?] [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Proposal for improving artillery, both for sea and land service, [1776?]

Extracts in Robert Treat Paine's handwriting of material by John Muller, 21 Jan. 1767.

Reel 18Box 15

Notes concerning two cannon made at Boston, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

"The Exercise of a Field piece of four pounds ball worked by eight men," [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Table of ratios of velocities of shot issuing from different lengths of cannon charged with different quantities of powder, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

For the domestic manufacture of salt petre, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Circular of the committee respecting manufacture of salt petre, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

General dimensions of Howitzers, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Extracts from John Muller's Treatise of Artillery, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Manufacture of salt petre, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of Congress respecting Navy deserters, [1776?] [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Extracts from mathematical tracts of the late Benjamin Robins on the force of gunpowder, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

List of guns on board each rate ship in the British Navy, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Notes on the production of salt petre from various texts, [1776?]

Reel 18Box 15

Extract from John Entick's General History of the Late War on fortifications at Cherbourg

Reel 18Box 15

Extract from J. Wright's History of the War on Frederick the Great

Reel 18Box 15

Testimony relating to the expedition into Canada

Committee: Robert R. Livingston, Robert Treat Paine, and John Langdon.

Reel 18Box 15

General Court resolve empowering delegates to the Continental Congress, 18 Jan. 1776

Reel 18Box 15

Plan of a 32 pr. of modern construction (Bernard Romans, engineer) done at the desire of Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 3 Feb. 1776 [schematic drawing]

Reel 18Box 15

Contract between Joseph Simons and William Henry of Lancaster, Pa., on one part, and Robert Treat Paine, James Wilson, Samuel Huntington, Francis Lightfoot Lee, and Lewis Morris, a committee appointed by Congress, on the other part, for the manufacture of muskets and bayonets, [9? Mar. 1776]

Reel 18Box 15

Contract between Ebenezer Cowell of Trenton, N.J., gunsmith, and Robert Treat Paine, James Wilson, Samuel Huntington, Francis Lightfoot Lee, and Lewis Morris, a committee of Congress, 9 Mar. 1776

Reel 18Box 15

Promissory note: Ebenezer Cowell of Trenton, N.J., to Robert Treat Paine, James Wilson, Samuel Huntington, Francis Lightfoot Lee, and Lewis Morris, a committee of Congress, for value received, Philadelphia, 9 Mar. 1776

Reel 18Box 15

Congressional resolve appointing committee to provide for wounded or disabled, 20 June 1776

Committee: Robert Treat Paine, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Lyman Hall, William Ellery, and Francis Lewis.

Reel 18Box 15

Receipt: Anthony Mosengeil received of Robert Treat Paine for the committee of Congress to promote the manufacturing of sulphur, Philadelphia, 28 June 1776

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment of William Tilton as coroner in Dukes County, Mass., counter-signed by councillors, 8 Nov. 1776 [fragment]

Reel 18Box 15

Extract from Congressional minutes directing cannon committee, 26 Nov. 1776

Reel 18Box 15

Petition to General Court by Samuel Tufts, collector of excise and impost, and Michael Hodge, Naval officer for Newburyport, [1777?]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine as attorney general to Gen. Horatio Gates, informing him of witnesses on board a cartel, [1777?]

Reel 18Box 15

Draught of a 6 pd. cannon [1777] [schematic drawing]

Reel 18Box 15

Account of business transacted by the Supreme Judicial Court, July 1777-Jan. 1783

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: Daniel Bucklin, commander of the private sloop of war Montgomery, to the Continental Congress, 24 June 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment: Robert Treat Paine as justice of the peace and of the quorum for Bristol County, 21 July 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Case list: Supreme Judicial Court, Aug. 1777-Nov. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Account book for cases heard by Supreme Judicial Court, Aug. 1777-Oct. 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Notification by Robert Treat Paine as attorney general to Nathan Cushing, judge of the Maritime Court, concerning British-made manufactures, 11 Aug. 1777

On verso: extract of resolve impounding British or Irish manufactures, 6 Apr. 1776.

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of town of Taunton to General Court concerning drawing in bills of credit, 24 Nov. 1777

Appended: list of "Remonstrances from these towns dwell on the vile oppression & avarice of monopolists &c."

Reel 18Box 15

Committee appointed to collect "the several objections set forth in the Remonstrances &c." and prepare an answer, 24 Nov. 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Petition and remonstrance: Town of Hardwick to the General Court concerning drawing in bills of credit, 24 Nov. 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment of delegation to the Continental Congress, 4 Dec. 1777 [copy]

Delegates: John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry, Francis Dana, and James Lovell.

Reel 18Box 15

Petition and remonstrance: Town of Bellingham to the General Court concerning drawing in bills of credit, 8 Dec. 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Appointment of commissioners to investigate failure of Rhode Island Expedition, 12 Dec. 1777 [2 copies]

Commissioners: Gen. William Whipple, Robert Treat Paine, Egbert Benson, Oliver Ellsworth, and Henry Marchant.

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of address of the General Court to the people on the act to restrain the circulation of the state currency, 12-15 Dec. 1777

Reel 18Box 15

Draft by Robert Treat Paine of a resolve of the General Court for expelling Edward Bacon, representative from Barnstable, on account of his being a Tory, [1778?]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolves of the General Court in consequence of address from Congress to the people, [1778?]

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of address of the convention at New Haven on regulation of prices, [Jan. 1778] [2 drafts]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of the General Court appointing Thomas Cushing, Robert Treat Paine, and Col. Elisha Porter as representatives to the convention at New Haven, 13 Jan. 1778

Reel 18Box 15

Account: Preportion of lead flints and gun locks, Taunton, [14 Feb. 1778]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve that a committee be appointed to estimate number of cannon needed for defense, [10 Mar. 1778]

Robert Treat Paine on committee.

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of House of Representatives empowering president of council to sign instructions to delegates to New Haven convention, 11 Mar. 1778 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

Unidentified index of names cross-referenced to page numbers, [1779?]

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of memorandum concerning a Groton constable, 1779

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of address of General Court to people in aid of address of Congress on the currency, [1779]

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of form to justices of the Common Pleas of Middlesex County on absentees, 1779

Reel 18Box 15

Draft of form to justices of the Common Pleas of Suffolk County on absentees, 1779 [2 drafts]

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of the House of Representatives, 9 Jan. 1779

Reel 18Box 15

Deposition of John Greenough concerning the taking of the ship Somerset, Boston, 25 Jan. 1779

Reel 18Box 15

Broadside: Resolve of the House of Representatives calling for election of representatives to a state convention on a new constitution, 20 Feb. 1779 [2 copies]

Reel 18Box 15

Order of the council to Robert Treat Paine as attorney general to file a libel for the condemnation of goods of Timothy Folger, signed by Samuel Adams as secretary, 22 July 1779 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine as attorney general, [178-?]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine as attorney general to "The honble. Judges," [178-?]

Reel 18Box 15

Order to sheriffs of Suffolk County for notification in State vs. Edward Foster, 14 Feb. 1780

Reel 18Box 15

Vote of New Haven convention for a committee to consider adjourning, 25 Feb. 1780

Robert Treat Paine on committee.

Reel 18Box 15

Transport permit, signed by James Pattison, commandant of New York, 23 June 1780

Reel 18Box 15

House of Representatives resolve concerning committee to revise the laws, 29 Nov. 1780

Robert Treat Paine on committee.

Reel 18Box 15

Arrangement of the business assigned the members of the committee for revising the laws, [1781]

Reel 18Box 15

Notes on revising laws

Reel 18Box 15

Acts prepared by James Bowdoin, 1781

Reel 18Box 15

"A Division of the Laws," committing items to members, [1781]

Reel 18Box 15

House resolve instructing committee to prepare a bill regulating taverns and drunkenness, 20 June 1781

Reel 18Box 15

House order concerning committee to revise laws, concerning maritime courts, endorsed by James Bowdoin, 28 June 1781

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of Congress "on a Report of a Committee appointed to prepare a recommendation to the States to enact Laws for punishing infractions of the Laws of Nations," 23 Nov. 1781

Reel 18Box 15

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine concerning "the Resolution of the General Courts respecting Mr. John Temple," Boston, 23 Nov. 1781

With accompanying file on Temple.

Reel 18Box 15

List of actions, Court of Common Pleas, Cumberland County, [Mar.?] 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Bills drawn by J. Sullivan, 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Resolve of Congress concerning legal captures on water and condemnations, 2 Jan. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

House vote requesting report of committee to revise laws, 24 Jan. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Senate order to notify committee for revising the laws of a second reading on bills reported by them, 25 Jan. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

List of libels, Berkshire County, Feb. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Committee on seizure and condemnation of British-made goods requests leave to report to General Court, 1 Feb. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Council orders secretary to furnish Robert Treat Paine as attorney general with papers relative to Capt. Timothy Folger, endorsed by John Hancock, 21 Feb. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Council orders Nantucket naval officer, endorsed by John Hancock, 26 Feb. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Petition to judges at Northampton, 19 Apr. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Committee appointed to consider letters from Gen. Washington, Mr. Livingston, and Mr. Morris requests leave to report, 17 Apr. 1782

Reel 18Box 15

Act for the due observance of the Lord's Day, [Oct.? 1782] [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine petition to General Court for compensation for services as attorney general, Feb. 1783 [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Monopoly of sugar in Boston in 1777, 5 July 1783

Reel 18Box 15

Subscription list to present "Judges of the Supreme Judicial Court, such a Dress, as they shall think properly pertains to their office," 4 Oct. 1783

Signed by Perez Morton, Theophilus Parsons, Benjamin Lincoln, James Hughes, Jonathan Mason, Jr., Rufus G. Amory, Ebenezer Bradish, Jr., William Hunt, Royall Tyler, Fisher Ames, Edward H. Robbins, Israel Keith, Rufus King, William Fisk, John Lowell, B. G. Amory, J. Gardiner, B. Hichbourne, William Tudor, Thomas Dawes, Jr., James Sullivan, Nathaniel Paine, Christopher Gore, John Sprague, Levi Lincoln, and Jonathan Fay.

Reel 18Box 15

Address to governor declining commission as a justice of the Supreme Court, 16 Feb. 1784 [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

House order to return papers to James Bowdoin, 7 June 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Senate order instructing report of committee to revise laws, 2 July 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Boston town vote establishing committee to review by-laws, 17 Aug. 1784

Committee: Robert Treat Paine, John Lowell, James Sullivan, Benjamin Hitchburne, and Ezekiel Price.

Reel 18Box 15

House order to committee for revising the laws concerning absentees, 5 Nov. 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Samuel Henshaw to Robert Treat Paine as attorney general, Impost Excise Office, Suffolk County, 24 Nov. 1784

Reel 18Box 15

Note adding Tristram Dalton to a Senate committee, signed by Samuel Adams, 1 Feb. 1785

Reel 18Box 15

Senate order to create a committee to revise legislation concerning Negroes and mulattoes, 11 Mar. 1785

Reel 18Box 15

Council minutes abstract concerning committee "respecting two pirates apprehended at Machias," 21 July 1785

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine to Governor Bowdoin and council regarding piracy charge, 22 July 1785 [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

List of libels, Oct. 1785-Oct. 1786

On verso of dinner invitation from governor to Robert Treat Paine, undated.

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine account with James Lassel, Oct. 1785

Reel 18Box 15

Receipt: Bullerman's cause, [1786?]

Reel 18Box 15

Complaint against a number guilty of a riot, Bristol County, 13 June 1786

Reel 18Box 15

List of actions, Falmouth Supreme Judicial Court, June 1786

Reel 18Box 15

Notice to justices of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Court of Common Pleas concerning closure of Concord court house, Job Shattuck, 12 Sep. 1786 [copy]

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: Robert Treat Paine to General Court concerning complaints about grants to the attorney general, Oct. 1786

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: George Brock to governor, 2 Nov. 1786

Enclosed with George Brock to [Joseph Greenleaf?], Boston Jail, 2 Nov. 1786.

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: "Orina" to judges, attorney general, sheriff, and clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court, 24 May 1787

With attached note from "Orina" to Daniel Shays, Luke Day, Adam Wheeler, and Ely Persons: "I approve, and greatfully accept the Service you have done to your country..."

Reel 18Box 15

Treasurer's report to the attorney general, Boston, 7 Aug. 1787

Reel 18Box 15

General Court order to committee to revise laws to prepare a bill, 18 June 1788

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: Robert Treat Paine to General Court, Jan. 1789 [draft]

On verso of dinner invitation from Thomas Brattle to Robert Treat Paine, 30 Oct. 1788.

Reel 18Box 15

Notes on Slave Act, [179-?]

On verso of Robert Treat Paine to Elisha Porter, [179-?].

Reel 18Box 15

Commission of Robert Treat Paine as a justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, signed by John Hancock, 22 Jan. 1790

Reel 18Box 15

Judgment by Robert Treat Paine in case of Quintin Dick vs. Christopher Gore, Suffolk Sessions, Supreme Judicial Court, Feb. 1790

With draft of same.

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of Robert Treat Paine to General Court for supplement to allowance as attorney general for libeling of absentee estates, 26 May 1790

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of Robert Treat Paine to General Court for supplement to allowance as attorney general for libeling of absentee estates, 26 May 1790

Second draft including totals of libels issued by county.

Reel 18Box 15

Decision: Supreme Judicial Court, Ipswich, in case of Thomas McDonough, British consul, June 1791

Reel 18Box 15

General Court order to committee revising the laws to complete their business, 1 June 1791

Reel 18Box 15

Petition: Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court to General Court about living expenses, Feb. 1795 and Feb. 1797

Reel 18Box 15

Eulogy on death of George Washington, [Dec. 1799]

On verso of Dr. Warren's invitation to Robert Treat Paine, 5 Dec. 1799.

Reel 18Box 15

Robert Treat Paine on civil law, [1801?] [draft]

On verso of invitation to the Concert Hall, 17 Dec. 1801.

Reel 18Box 15

Report of committee on Robert Treat Paine's petition for recompense for his services as attorney general in 1783, concurred in House and Senate, 22 June 1803

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of Robert Treat Paine for further compensation for services as attorney general, Jan. 1804 [draft]

Reel 18Box 15

Conclusion of the report of Turner Thayer & Austin, a committee of the House (9 Feb. 1783), Mar. 1804

Reel 18Box 15

Petition of Robert Treat Paine for further compensation for services as attorney general, [Feb. 1805?]-28 May 1807

Reel 18Box 15

Statement on fee allowance relative to report of Cotton Tufts, 20 May 1805

VI. Newspapers, 1726-1808

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of annotated newspaper clippings mounted in a scrapbook.

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 1

The London Gazette, 7 Mar. 1726

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 1

The Boston Weekly News-Letter, 25 Nov.-2 Dec. 1736

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 2

The Boston Evening-Post, 17 Aug. 1761

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 2

The Boston-Gazette and Country Journal, 9 Nov. 1767

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 3

The Boston-Gazette and Country Journal, 23 Nov. 1767

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 3

The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston Post-Boy and the Advertiser, 25 Feb. 1771

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 4

The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser (Boston), 16 Oct. 1777

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 4

[Fragment of Boston newspaper, Aug. 1764]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 5

Broadsheet: Proceedings of his Majesty's Privy-Council on the Address of the Assembly of Massachusetts to remove his Governor and Lieutenant-Governor... [Boston, 1774]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 6

The Connecticut Journal and the New-Haven Post-Boy, 2 Aug. 1775

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 6

The Pennsylvania Evening Post, 6 Apr. 1776

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 7

[Newspaper fragment, July 1776]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 8

[Newspaper fragment, July 1776]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 8

[Fragment of Boston Gazette, 28 July 1777]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 9

The Continental Journal, and Weekly Advertiser, 28 Jan. 1779

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 9

The New-York Journal and the General Advertiser (Poughkeepsie), 8 Feb. 1779

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 10

Gazette de la Martinique, 22 July 1779

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 11

The Independent Chronicle and the Universal Advertiser (Boston), 26 July 1781 and 14 Dec. 1781

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 12

The Continental Journal, and Weekly Advertiser (Boston), 3 Jan. 1782

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 12

The Massachusetts Herald: Or, Worcester Journal, 13 Sep. 1783

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 13

The Independent Chronicle, and the Universal Advertiser, 11 Mar. 1784

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 14

The Massachusetts Centinel, 14 May 1785

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 14

Columbian Centinel, Extra, 12 May 1792

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 15

"Reflections on Monroe's view," by Scipio, no. 1-3, clippings from The Gazette of the United States & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 16

"Reflections on Monroe's view," by Scipio, no. 5-8, clippings from The Gazette of the United States & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 17

"Reflections on Monroe's view," by Scipio, no. 11-12, clippings from The Gazette of the United States & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 17

[Fragment] annotated "Mr. Jefferson's Letter to Mazzei republished 30 Dec. 1797"

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 18

[Fragment from Gazette of the United States & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser] annotated "Fenno...Remarks on the 4th Sepr. & the Fr. constiton. anr. piece on democracy," 5-6 Feb. 1798

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 19

Massachusetts Mercury (Boston) annotated "Ellsworths opinion on Br Debts N.C., 1795," 13 June 1797

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 20

The Virginia Gazette, &c. Extraordinary (Richmond, Va.), 27 Nov. 1798

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 21

The Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser (Richmond, Va.), 27 Nov. 1798

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 22

[Fragment from Boston Gazette, 6 Nov. 1800]

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 22

[Unidentified fragment] annotated "plain case statut at Boston...abt. Election of presidt.," 24 Dec. 1800

Reel 19Oversize Box 2Page 23

Independent Chronicle (Boston), 4 Jan. 1808

VII. Maps, 1755-1805

This series contains manuscript maps by Robert Treat Paine of the expedition to Lake George in 1755, as well as lot plans of later pieces of Paine property.

Reel 19

Joseph Heath manuscript map of Sagadohock River from mouth to Fort George

Reel 19Oversize Box 3

Plan of Lake George, 13 Oct. 1755

Reel 19

Fragment of printed map, Chesapeake Bay to Canada

Reel 19

[Plan of routes?], [1755?]

Reel 19

Plan of route from Dedham to Lancaster, 30 Jan. 1755

Reel 19

Plan of route from Worcester to Boston, [1755?]

Reel 19

Plan of Fort Edward, [1755?]

Reel 19

Plan of Fort William Henry, 1755

Reel 19

Plan of route from Lancaster to Albany, 1755

Reel 19

True copy of a plan taken with the Baron de Dieskeau, general of the French Army at Lake George, 8 Sep. 1755

Reel 19

Plan of Lake George and fort, 13 Oct. 1755

Reel 19

Plan of the encampment at Lake George, 13 Oct. 1755

Reel 19

Plan of house lot on Milk Street, Boston, "made after exchange with Joseph Shed," 5 Apr. 1805, attached to "Plan of the Estate of the late Judge Paine at the corner of Milk and Federal Streets"

Reel 19

Unidentified survey and building plan

VIII. Miscellaneous Robert Treat Paine papers, 1728-1811

This series contains school writings and other miscellaneous papers of Robert Treat Paine. Among the school papers are essays, compositions, translations, drawings, manuscript copies of books and poetry, and notes. The series also contains doodles dating from Paine's service as an usher at the Boston Latin School, 1750, including the earliest known signature of John Hancock.

Reel 19Case 40

Rules of Latin syntax, Mar. 1743

Reel 19Case 41

Latin compositions, 1745-1749

Reel 19Case 42

Translations of Cicero orations, 1747

Reel 19Case 43

Essays presented to the Phinphilenici Club at Harvard, 1748

Reel 19Case 44

Laws of Harvard College (1734) copied by Robert Treat Paine and signed by Edward Holyoke, Henricus Flynt, Belcher Hancock, and Josephus Mayhew, 1746

Reel 19Case 45

Copies of poems by Edward Ward: "The Wealthy Shopkeeper or Charitable Citizen" and "A Journey to H-- or a Visit paid the D--" [parts I and II]

Reel 19Case 46

"The Life and Miracles of the Virgin St. Rosalia being the production of the Master Fryar John of St. Bernard's of the third Order of our holy Father St. Francis. Translated from the Spanish by Robert Treat Paine," 1754

Reel 19

Drawing of clock mechanism, undated

Reel 19

"An english conference upon the comparative advantages, which have resulted to mankind from the Mariner's compass, Gunpowder, & the Art of Printing"

Reel 19

Various mathematical drawings and calculations, one on verso of note from John Thomas to Robert Treat Paine requesting him to fix Col. Warren's clock, undated

Reel 19

Poem: "O more than your mate did they but know..."

Reel 19

"A New Song on Masonry"

Reel 19

Abstract from Book of Heraldry on Paine coat-of-arms

Reel 19

"A Magic Circle of Circles" by Thomas Cobb

Reel 19

"Remarks on perfidy & allusion to addresses to one of his Daughters" on verso of undated [1810?] dinner invitation from Francis Dana

Reel 19

"Short-Writing. The most easy, exact & lineal & speady Method that has ever yet been Obtained or taught. Compos'd by Theophilus Metcalf, author & professor of said Art, afterwards carefully revis'd Inlarg'd & improv'd by E. H. The 35th edition newly Corrected...Copy'd by R. T. Paine," 22 Mar. 1745

Reel 19

Sample of short-writing by Robert Treat Paine, 1748

Reel 19

Bracography [key to Robert Treat Paine's shorthand code]

Reel 19

Note: "Hold fast, mistaken Man...," undated

Reel 19

Epigramma on verso of Latin exercise, [174-?]

Reel 19

Reading notes on the Encyclopedia

Reel 19

Reading notes on Watson's Chemistry

Reel 19

Reading notes on Batavia illustrata, or a view of the policy & commerce of the United Provinces, particularly Holland, by Onslow Burrish (London), 1728

Reel 19

Poem: "Bug Barrett transform'd into a brand bottle" and reply, [1745-1746?]

Reel 19

Robert Treat Paine's singing book, begun 7 Feb. 1748

Reel 19

Poem: "A Crambo at Friendship Hall," [175-?]

Reel 19

Allegory: "Musidora a blooming Nymph...," [175-?]

Reel 19

"On Life, An Allegory," [175-?]

Reel 19

"Reflections on Life," [175-?] [draft of preceding item]

Reel 19

"To l'Vertue on human Uncertainty"

Reel 19

"To l'Vertue on the Death of her sister"

Reel 19

"The Virgin's Catechism," [175-?]

Reel 19

"A Song of Bacchus & Apollo," Maidstone Point, N.C., 5 Mar. 1752

Reel 19

Hocce Librum Roberto Treat Paine attinet Ex dono Antonii Emanuelis de Sylva apud Fayal Sacerdotis reverendi Mense Septembris Annoq: Domini 1753

Reel 19

Exercise in Spanish

Reel 19

"A Versification of a Letter to a young Lady," [1755?]

Reel 19

Allegory on a comet, Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, [1755?] [in code]

Reel 19

Prayer at a wedding, Lancaster, 12 Feb. 1755

Reel 19

Description of a ball, 20 Sep. 1756

Reel 19

"On the Death of Mr. Nathl. Smibert," Nov. 1756

Reel 19

Dialogue: Bob, Tasso, and Pannick, before 10 Mar. 1757

Reel 19

Poem: "Is Harvard burnt?" by Samuel Quincy, after 24 Jan. 1764

Reel 19

Notes from Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, [1770]

Reel 19

Epitaph for Mrs. Elizabeth Pool of Taunton, 1770

Reel 19

"Shubael Bell acrostic," [18-?]

Reel 19

Reading notes on Mrs. M. Warren's History of the American Revolution, 1805

Reel 19

Obituary notice of Nathaniel Balch, [1807?]

Reel 19

Comments on a review by Lucius Manlius Sargent of an address by Charles Paine before the Massachusetts Charitable Society, 1808

Reel 19

Reading notes on Quarterly Review, Oct.-Dec. 1811

Reel 19

Mathematical drawings, calculations, and notes, 1750

Included are drawings and calculations mostly on the verso of Latin exercises and notes from the period when Robert Treat Paine served as usher at the Boston Latin School. Among the items are: John Hancock, Latin exercise (Hancock's earliest known signature); William Browne, Latin translation; Abia Holbrook, note to excuse lateness of bearers, 22 May 1750; Cord Cordis, note to excuse lateness of son, 26 Apr. 1750; John Gardiner, Latin exercise; George Erving, Latin exercise; and Calculatio Machinae pedibus Motae.

List of Family Correspondence

This list contains all of the letters in Series I.A. (Family correspondence). Items are arranged chronologically.

Correspondence, 1713-1756

Reel 1

Mary of the Angels to "Cosin," a copy of a letter from Quebec to a woman in Boston, 12 June 1713

Reel 1

"Petitions intercepted," to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Boston, and from the ministers, church wardens, and vestry of the Church of England in Boston N.E. to the queen, 8 Dec. 1713

Reel 1

William Ashhurst to the king, copy of John Clarke, secretary to the Company for Propagating the Gospel in New England, etc., "abt. coll. Burgiss," London, 14 Feb. 1715

Reel 1

W. Worcester to Marquis of Wharton, Lord Privy Seal, copy "abt. coll. Burgiss," Wortlebury, 1 Mar. 1715

Reel 1

Joseph Gee to "Dear Cuz," Boston, 1 Aug. 1718

Reel 1

James Paine to Thomas Paine, Barnstable, 22 Feb. 1725

Reel 1

Rev. Samuel Willard to Thomas Paine, Port Royall, 3 June 1725

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Samuel Cobb, Weymouth, 22 Mar. 1726

Reel 1

Samuel Cobb to Thomas Paine, Falmouth, 21 Apr. 1726

Reel 1

Rev. Joseph Green to Thomas Paine, Barnstable, 28 Apr. 1726

Reel 1

John Bass, Edward Waldon, and John Waldon to Thomas Paine and Mr. Boadwain [James Bowdoin], Windham, Conn., 25 Sep. 1733

Reel 1

Thomas Paine on leaving the church at Weymouth, Boston, 27 Mar. 1735

Reel 1

Rev. Samuel Willard to Thomas Paine, Biddeford, 16 Aug. 1736

Reel 1

Rev. Samuel Willard to Thomas Paine, Biddeford, 10 Jan. 1737

Reel 1

Elnathan Eldredge to Thomas Paine, [Jan. 1739]

Reel 1

Capt. Samuel Row to Capt. Jefferies Hazzel, copy of letter on Lassel's estate, Boston, 15 Jan. 1738

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 14 May 1739 [copy] and 2 June 1739

Reel 1

Rev. Samuel Willard to Thomas Paine, Biddeford, 29 Sep. 1739

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 10 Oct. 1739 and 20 Oct. 1739

Reel 1

John Maylem to [Thomas Paine?], Newport, R.I., 20 Feb. 1740

Reel 1

Elnathan Eldridg to Thomas Paine, Dartmouth, 8 Nov. 1740

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 27 Feb. 1741 and 23 Mar. 1741

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 23 Mar. 1741 [copy] and 8 May 1741

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 4 Apr. 1741 [copy]

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 10 July 1741 [copy] and 25 July 1741

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 25 July 1741 [copy] and 4 Sep. 1741

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Elkanah Leonard, 3 Aug. 1741

Reel 1

John Maylem to Thomas Paine, Newport, R.I., 2 Sep. 1741

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to John Maylem, Boston, 22 Sep. 1741 [copy]

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to John Maylem, Boston, 29 Sep. 1741 [copy]

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to John Maylem, Boston, 5 Oct. 1741 [copy]

Reel 1

Elnathan Eldridg to Thomas Paine, Dartmouth, 2 Nov. 1741

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 3 Nov. 1741 [copy] and 12 Apr. 1742

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Samuel Storke, Boston, 6 Jan. 1741 [copy]

Reel 1

Elnathan Eldridg to Thomas Paine, Nantucket, 22 Apr. 1742

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 24 July 1742 [copy] and 9 Aug. 1742

Reel 1

Samuel Storke to Thomas Paine, London, 18 Apr. 1743 [copy] and 27 Aug. 1743

Reel 1

George Leonard to Thomas Paine, Norton, 5 Sep. 1745

Reel 1

Thomas Cobb to Thomas Paine, Boston, 9 Sep. 1745

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Cambridge, 27 Apr. 1746

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 May 1746

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, 10 May 1746

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Cambridge, 11 May 1746

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 June 1746

Reel 1

Rev. Nathaniel Appleton to Thomas Paine, Cambridge, 4 July 1746

Reel 1

Elizabeth Hunt to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 29 July 1746

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Oct. 1746

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Nov. 1746

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Jan. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Feb. 1747

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 Mar. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Mar. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, [May?] 1747

Reel 1

Ezekiel Dodge ["Philomathia"] to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 5 May 1747

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 9 May 1747

Reel 1

Ezekiel Dodge to Robert Treat Paine, Shrewsbury, 8 June 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 June 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 June 1747

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, with poem enclosed, 19 June 1747

Reel 1

Abijah Thurston to Robert Treat Paine, [July?] [1747?]

Reel 1

Abijah Thurston to Robert Treat Paine, Wrentham, 19 Aug. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Sep. 1747

Reel 1

Ezekiel Dodge to Robert Treat Paine, Harvard College, 27 Oct. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Nov. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Nov. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Dec. 1747

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Feb. 1748

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Cambridge, 20 Mar. 1748

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Mar. 1748

Reel 1

Abijah Thurston to Robert Treat Paine, H. College, 18 June 1748

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, H. College, 21 June 1748

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Cambridge, 5 Oct. 1748

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Nov. 1748

Reel 1

Ezekiel Dodge to Robert Treat Paine, B--h, 15 Jan. 1748

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Jan. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, [22 Jan. 1749]

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Feb. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Feb. [1749]

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Feb. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Framingham, 21 Feb. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Mar. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Mar. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Mar. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Apr. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, May 1749

Reel 1

Ann Maylem to Thomas Paine, Newport, R.I., 13 May 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine and Eunice Paine, [12 June 1749]

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 June [1749]

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 July 1749

Reel 1

Israel Cheever to Robert Treat Paine, Wrentham, 27 July 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 12 Aug. 1749

Reel 1

Gideon Richardson to Robert Treat Paine, Sudbury, 28 Aug. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Abigail Paine, Lunenburg, 23 Sep. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton-school-room, 25 Sep. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Sep. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Oct. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 6 Oct. 1749

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Oct. 1749 [and copy]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lunenburg, 30 Oct. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 4 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lunenburg, 12 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Lunenburg, 12 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, Lunenburg, 25 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lunenburg, 26 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Nov. 1749 [and copy]

Reel 1

Mary Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Nov. 1749

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Dec. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 18 Dec. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lunenburg, 24 Dec. 1749

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Dec. 1749

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Dec. 1749

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss Bayley, [175-?] [in code]

Reel 1

"A Lady of 14" to "Dear Aunt," [175-?]

Reel 1

William Downe, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Jan. 1750

Reel 1

Charles Mathews to Henry Alexander, letter of introduction, 2 Jan. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 31 Jan. 1750

Reel 1

William Downe, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, 31 Jan. 1750

Reel 1

William Downe, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Lunenburg, Feb. 1750

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lunenburg, 16 Feb. 1750

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Bromswick [Brunswick, N.C.], 19 Feb. 1749

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Feb. 1749

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 24 Feb. 1750

Reel 1

William Downe to Robert Treat Paine, [Lunenburg], 2 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Groton, 3 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Samuel Hunt to Robert Treat Paine, Lunenburg, 12 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Mar. 1749

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

Jeremiah Finney to Robert Treat Paine, Wrentham, 26 Mar. 1750

Reel 1

William Tidmarsh and Andrew Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, [Apr. 1750]

Reel 1

Joshua Greene to Robert Treat Paine, 18 Apr. 1750

Reel 1

Gideon Richardson to Robert Treat Paine, Sudbury, 24 Apr. 1750

Reel 1

John Lovejoy to Robert Treat Paine, Lunenburg, 29 Apr. 1750

Reel 1

Cotton Tufts to Robert Treat Paine, Cohasset [at Hingham], 21 May 1750

Reel 1

William Downe, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Lunenburg, 13 June 1750

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Westborough, 21 June 1750

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Westboro, 19 July 1750

Reel 1

Gideon Richardson to Robert Treat Paine, Sudbury, 10 Aug. 1750

Reel 1

Samuel Haven to Robert Treat Paine, Westboro, 21 Aug. 1750

Reel 1

Gideon Richardson to Robert Treat Paine, Sudbury, 14 Oct. 1750

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 9 Dec. 1750

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 26 Aug. 1751

Reel 1

John Thacher to Thomas Paine, Barnstable, Oct. 1751

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Weyman, Philadelphia, 21 Nov. 1751

Reel 1

[?] to Mr. Rea, [1752?]

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 9 Mar. 1752

Reel 1

Henry Snoad to Robert Treat Paine, Maidstone Point, N.C., 18 Mar. 1752

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Braintree, 27 Mar. 1752

Reel 1

Henry Snoad to Robert Treat Paine, Maidstone Point, N.C., 22 Apr. 1752

Reel 1

William Fisher to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 4 July 1752

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph and Abigail Paine Greenleaf and Eunice Paine, N.C., 20 July 1752

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 July 1752

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 July 1752

Reel 1

Samuel Downe to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 July 1752

Reel 1

John Hardee to Charles Pringle, delivery order for Robert Treat Paine, Mount Pleasant, 19 Aug. 1752

Reel 1

John Simpson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Bath, N.C., 20 Aug. 1752

Reel 1

John Simpson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Ocacoe Inlet, N.C., 12 Nov. 1752

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Mrs. [C. B. E.?], 1753

Reel 1

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 5 Jan. 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 17 Jan. 1753

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 31 Jan. 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss M. M. "on her dressing in cloths," [Apr.-May?] [1753?]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss M. M. "on Friendship," Apr. 1753

Reel 1

Edward Salter to Robert Treat Paine, Mt. Pleasant, N.C., 10 Apr. 1753

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 1 May 1753

Reel 1

Henry Leddel to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 May 1753

Reel 1

Samuel Downe to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 May 1753

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Germantown, 30 June 1753

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 11 July 1753

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 17 July 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, N.C., 22 July 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Edenton, N.C., 22 July 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Fayal, Azores, 18 Sep. 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Hyromima Sebastiana de Asiz, Fayal, Azores, 20 Sep. 1753

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Fayal, Azores, 21 Sep. 1753

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Barnabas Paine and the executors of Mr. Jonathan Paine, Boston, 3 Oct. 1753

Reel 1

Kemp Pickern & Co. to Robert Treat Paine, Cadiz, 21 Nov. 1753

Reel 1

Barnabas Paine to Thomas Paine, Truro, 3 Dec. 1753

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Joshua Tassel, Canterbury, Conn., 8 Dec. 1753

Reel 1

Aaron Cleaveland to Thomas Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 24 Jan. 1754

Reel 1

Aaron Cleaveland to Thomas Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 26 Feb. 1754

Reel 1

Aaron Cleaveland to Thomas Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 11 Apr. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Billingate [Wellfleet], 2 May 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Billinsgate, 3 May 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss H. D., "a Dream," Eastham, 5 May 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 2 Oct. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 4 Oct. 1754

Reel 1

[?] to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, [12 Oct. 1754]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 13 Oct. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, "Allegorical on the SpermaCeti Works," Boston, 15 Oct. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 19 Oct. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, "Allegorical of his Person," Boston, Nov. 1754

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 1 Nov. 1754

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 5 Nov. 1754

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 7 Nov. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, [23 Nov.] 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 19 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 10 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, allegorical, Boston, 11 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 11 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Theodora Dyer "on a Nunnery," 16 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 16 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, allegorical, Boston, 25 Dec. 1754

With another, Boston, 13 Jan. 1755.

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 26 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 28 Dec. 1754

Reel 1

Dr. G. to Richard Cranch and Samuel Quincy, 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 5 Jan. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 13 Jan. 1755

See same, 25 Dec. 1754.

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 16 Jan. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 12 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 6 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 12 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 15 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 17 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Feb. 1755

Reel 1

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 14 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Abigail Paine Greenleaf, Lancaster, 17 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Timothy Harrington to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 24 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 24 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Timothy Harrington, Lancaster, [after 24 Mar. 1755]

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Mar. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Elizabeth Marshall Eliot, Boston, 9 Apr. 1755

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 13 Apr. 1755

Reel 1

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Apr. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Apr. 1755

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Friendship Hall, [Apr. 1755]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Quincy, Confusion City, [6 May 1755]

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Friendship Hall, [after 6 May] 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to [?], "For a friend to his Mistress," 3 May 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to [?], "For a friend taking leave of his Mistress," 5 May 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 9 May 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 May 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to George Leonard, "Allegory of a Journey," [June?] [1755?]

Reel 1

Gawen Browne to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 June 1755

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 6 June 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to George Leonard, "Allegorical Discription of a Journey," Boston, 10 June 1755

Reel 1

Edward Flint to Robert Treat Paine, Albany, N.Y., 16 June 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 19 June 1755

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, 27 June 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 July 1755

Reel 1

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 July 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Quincy, Lancaster, 5 July 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 July 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 19 July 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 27 July 1755

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Thomas Paine, Germantown, 4 Aug. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to George Leonard, Lancaster, 7 Aug. 1755

Reel 1

Edward Flint to Robert Treat Paine, Camp at Fort Nicholson, South End of the Carrying Place, 29 Aug. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Aug. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Quincy, Lancaster, Sep. 1755 [copy]

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Joseph Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

John Mellen to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 26 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Abel Will verso of Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, 29 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Edward Flint to Robert Treat Paine, Fort Edward, 18 Oct. 1755

Reel 1

Levi Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 28 Oct. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to [?], Camp Lake George, Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 9 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph and Abigail Paine Greenleaf and Eunice Paine, Camp Lake George, 10 of Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, 29 Sep. 1755

Reel 1

Edward Flint to Robert Treat Paine, Fort Edward, 18 Oct. 1755

Reel 1

Levi Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 28 Oct. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to [?], Camp Lake George, Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 9 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph and Abigail Paine Greenleaf and Eunice Paine, Camp Lake George, 10 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

Sylvanus Conant to Robert Treat Paine, Albany, 21 Nov. 1755

Reel 1

"Reasons why tis not thought adviseable to proceed this fall agt. Crown Point or Ticonderogo," [25 Nov.?] 1755

Reel 1

Richard Aspham to Thomas Paine, [1756?]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss A. L., [1756?] [in code]

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Miss A. L., Boston, 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine, Boston, 2 Jan. 1756

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Thomas Paine, Boston, 5 Jan. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 11 Jan. 1756

Reel 1

Joseph Cushing to Abel Willard, Boston, 12 Jan. 1756

Answers to legal questions by Robert Treat Paine on verso.

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Eunice Paine, Halifax, 2 Feb. 1756

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Feb. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 7 Mar. 1756

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Ebenezer Prout, Boston, 8 Mar. 1756

Reel 1

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Mar. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 5 Apr. 1756

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Apr. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Lancaster, 17 Apr. 1756

Reel 1

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Apr. 1755

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Apr. 1756

Reel 1

Samuel Danforth to [Col. Richard Gridley], Cambridge, 17 May 1756

Reel 1

Thomas Hubbard to Col. Richard Gridley, Boston, 24 May 1756

Reel 1

Col. Richard Gridley to Hannah Deming Gridley, Albany, 31 May 1756 [extract]

Reel 1

Thomas Hubbard to Col. Richard Gridley, Boston, 9 June 1756

Reel 1

Thomas Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Joseph and Abigail Paine Greenleaf, and Eunice Paine, Halifax, 26 June 1756

Reel 1

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 23 July 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, 2 Aug. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, [Halifax], 7 Aug. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, 20 Aug. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, 27 Aug. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to George Leonard, Boston, [27] Aug. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, [Sep.?] 1756

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 13 Sep. 1756

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Sep. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 1 Oct. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, 12 Oct. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to [Richard Cranch?], 4 Nov. 1756

Reel 1

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 12 Nov. 1756

Reel 1

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 6 Dec. 1756

Reel 1

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 9 Dec. 1756

Reel 1

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 10 Dec. 1756

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 13 Dec. 1756

Reel 1

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, 20 Dec. 1756

Reel 1

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 28 Dec. 1756

Correspondence, 1757-1765

Reel 2

Oliver Wendell to Robert Treat Paine, [1757]

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Hingham, [1757]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Lavinia," Jan. 1757

Reel 2

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 27 Jan. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 7 Feb. 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 26 Feb. 1757

Reel 2

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 26 Feb. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, 3 Mar. [1757?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 5 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Abigail Paine Greenleaf, Weymouth, 5 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 1 [Mar.?] 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 7 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 9 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 12 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 14 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 16 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 28 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Aaron Cleaveland to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 26 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Levi Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 28 Mar. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 1 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

John Dyar to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 1 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 4 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 9 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, 12 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 17 Apr. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, 20 [Apr.?] 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 4 May 1757

Reel 2

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 7 May 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to [?], extract from a letter on being sworn to the bar, [13 May 1757]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Sally," Boston, 17 June 1757

Mock letter to a lady; letter from one sister to another; attached letter in code on reverse of note from Abia Holbrook, 1 May 1750.

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 17 June 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 4 July 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 10 July 1757

Reel 2

John Calef to Robert Treat Paine, Ipswich, 11 July 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 19 July 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 18 July 1757

Reel 2

John Calef to Robert Treat Paine, Ipswich, 19 July 1757

Reel 2

John Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 27 July 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, "Old Maids quarters," 3 Sep. 1757

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Sep. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 30 Sep. 1757

Reel 2

"Your Friend" to Robert Treat Paine, [Oct.?] [1757?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Madam," Oct. [1757]

Reel 2

"A Lady" to Robert Treat Paine, [Oct.?] [1757?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Mrs. Lavinia," [Oct.?] [1757?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 18 Oct. 1757

Reel 2

James Brenton to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 23 Oct. 1757

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to James Brenton, 26 Oct. 1757

Reel 2

Lavinia to Robert Treat Paine, after Oct. 1757

Reel 2

Ezekiel Barker to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 18 Nov. 1757

Reel 2

Nathaniel Clap to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 28 Nov. 1757

Reel 2

James Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 3 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

John Kingman to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 8 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

John Faunce to Robert Treat Paine, 8 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

Seth Thayer to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 9 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 26 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

John Calef to Robert Treat Paine, Ipswich, 26 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 27 Dec. 1757

Reel 2

"Jemima" to Robert Treat Paine, 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Ethelinda," [1758?]

Reel 2

Experience Paine Hunt to Robert Treat Paine, Norton, 5 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

John Kingman to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 5 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 15 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 15 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 19 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 25 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

John Kingman to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 29 Jan. 1758

Postscript by Akerman Petingell.

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 29 Jan. 1758

Reel 2

Shepard Fisk to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 1 Feb. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 19 Feb. 1758

Reel 2

"Stella LipeSalve" to Robert Treat Paine, Mar. 1758

Response in code by Robert Treat Paine, Apr. 1758.

Reel 2

Shepard Fisk to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 6 Mar. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 8 Mar. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 13 Mar. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Barker to Robert Treat Paine, Hanover, 18 Mar. 1758

Reel 2

John Dyar to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 21 Mar. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Elizabeth Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 1 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Rebecca Hubbard Blanchard, "to Madm. B. on the Death of her husband," 12 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 10 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 15 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 16 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Levi Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 17 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 25 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Ann Fox to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 26 Apr. 1758

Reel 2

Parker Morss to Robert Treat Paine, Woodstock, Conn., May 1758

Reel 2

Samuel Bates to Robert Treat Paine, Hingham, 8 May 1758

Reel 2

Aaron Cleaveland to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 22 May 1758

Reel 2

Solomon Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 30 May 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 7 June 1758

Reel 2

Jonathan Kenny to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 10 June 1758

Reel 2

Samuel Cornish to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 11 June 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 12 June 1758

Reel 2

Elizabeth Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 12 June 1758

Reel 2

John Burbidge to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 12 June 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 20 June 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 30 June 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 5 July 1758

Reel 2

John Hurd to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 6 July 1758

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 17 July 1758

Reel 2

John Burbidge to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 19 July 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 28 July 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, [4?] Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Ebenezer Backus to Robert Treat Paine, Norwich, Conn., 9 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 19 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Eliphalet Dyer to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 22 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Elizabeth Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 24 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Jonathan Blanchard to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 28 Aug. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 5 Sep. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 12 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 13 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

William Sylvester to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 18 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 23 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

Jeremiah Moulton, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, York, 25 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 28 Oct. 1758

Reel 2

Enoch Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 1 Nov. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 11 Nov. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to "Lavinia" [Mary Fletcher], 21 Nov. 1758 [in code]

Reel 2

Eliphalet Dyer to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 25 Nov. 1758

Reel 2

Edmund Jackson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 27 Nov. 1758

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Weymouth, 30 Nov. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 1 Dec. 1758

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 1 Dec. 1758

Reel 2

Benjamin Church to Robert Treat Paine, London, England, 3 Dec. 1758

Reel 2

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 7 Dec. 1758

Reel 2

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 18 Dec. 1758

Enclosure: affidavit: Robert Shilston and Elijah Hayden "acnoledg to have Inlisted as Batoe men under Captn. Geo. Willmot in his Majsteys Service," 15 Apr. 1758.

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 28 Dec. 1758

Reel 2

Phineas Nevers to Robert Treat Paine, 1759

Reel 2

Thomas Josselyn to Robert Treat Paine, Hanover, 29 Jan. 1759

Reel 2

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 4 Feb. 1759

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 24 Feb. 1759

Reel 2

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown in Braintree, 2 Apr. 1759

Reel 2

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 10 Apr. 1759

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 22 Apr. 1759

Reel 2

Joseph Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Hanover, 28 Apr. 1759

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 6 May 1759

Reel 2

Eliphalet Dyer to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 8 May 1759

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 6 July 1759

Reel 2

John Browne to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 21 July 1759

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 2 Aug. 1759

Reel 2

James Monk to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 1 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Malachy Salter to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 8 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Malachy Salter to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 12 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Edmund Hawes, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 17 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Jacob Hathaway to Robert Treat Paine, [Suffield, Conn.?], 20 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 21 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Elizabeth Poole to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 24 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

John Burbidge to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 29 Sep. 1759

Reel 2

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 15 Nov. 1759

Reel 2

Ephraim Bowen to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, 30 Nov. 1759

Reel 2

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 30 Nov. 1759

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 1 Dec. 1759

Reel 2

John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 6 Dec. 1759

Reel 2

Timothy Larrabe to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 18 Dec. 1759

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 23 Dec. 1759

Reel 2

Jonathan Kinney to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 27 Dec. 1759

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Anna White, letter of expostulation and reproof, [176-?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to [Mary Fletcher?], [176-?] [draft and fair copy]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to l'Vertue, [176-?] [in code]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Neddy, [176-?]

Reel 2

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, [176-?]

Reel 2

Bethiah Danforth to Robert Treat Paine, [176-?]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to George and Experience Leonard, 1 Jan. 1760 [draft and fair copy]

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 14 Jan. 1759[1760]

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 23 Jan. 1760

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to [Timothy Fales?], 12 Feb. 1760

Reel 2

Nathaniel Clap to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 6 Mar. 1760

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Antonio Emanuel de Sylva, Boston, 7 Mar. 1760

Reel 2

Elizabeth Poole to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 16 Mar. 1760

Reel 2

Eliphalet Dyer to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 5 Apr. 1760

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 7 Apr. 1760

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Abel Willard, Boston, 14 Apr. 1760

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 29 Apr. 1760

Reel 2

James Brenton to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 4 May 1760

Reel 2

Kenelm Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Harwich, 12 May 1760

Reel 2

John Dyar to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 4 June 1760

Reel 2

Lavinia to Robert Treat Paine, July 1760

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to Lavinia, in code.

Reel 2

Richard Codman to Robert Treat Paine, Charlestown, 16 Sep. 1760

Reel 2

Richard Codman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 21 Nov. 1760

Reel 2

Jeremiah Condy to Robert Treat Paine, London, 11 Dec. 1760

Reel 2

William Torrey to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Dec. 1760

Reel 2

Edmund Jackson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 29 Dec. 1760

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 13 Jan. 1761

Reel 2

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 14 Jan. 1761

Reel 2

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 27 Jan. 1761

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 27 Jan. 1761

Reel 2

James Brenton to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 5 Feb. 1761

Reel 2

Edmund Jackson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 7 Feb. 1761

Reel 2

William Crossing to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 19 Feb. 1761

Reel 2

Henry Tucker, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 10 Mar. 1761

Reel 2

Kenelm Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Harwich, 16 June 1761

Reel 2

James Brenton to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 1 July 1761

Reel 2

Joseph Nichols to Robert Treat Paine, Nantucket, 15 July 1761

Reel 2

Eliphalet Dyer to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 28 July 1761

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 Aug. 1761

Reel 2

Ebenezer Rumrill to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 10 Aug. 1761

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Aug. 1761

Reel 2

John Dyar to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 25 Aug. 1761

Reel 2

Robert Caldwell to Robert Treat Paine, Lochwinnioch, 6 Sep. 1761

Reel 2

Cornelius Crocker to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 4 Nov. 1761

Reel 2

Elisha Phillips to Robert Treat Paine, Marshfield, 4 Dec. 1761

Reel 2

William Belcher to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Dec. 1761

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Jan. 1762

Reel 2

Nathan Tisdale to Robert Treat Paine, Lebanon, Conn., 21 Jan. 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Jan. 1762

Reel 2

James Halsey to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Feb. 1762

Reel 2

Nathan Tisdale to Robert Treat Paine, Lebanon, Conn., 10 Feb. 1762

Reel 2

Jonathan Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, Charlestown, 11 Feb. 1762

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan Sewall, Taunton, 17 Feb. 1762

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Feb. 1762

Reel 2

Nathaniel Ray Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Marshfield, 6 Apr. 1762

Reel 2

Seth Crane to Robert Treat Paine, Apr. 1762

Reel 2

John Timmins to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Apr. 1762

Reel 2

John Timmins to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 May 1762

Reel 2

Edmund Hawes, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 17 May 1762

Reel 2

James Putnam to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 24 May 1762

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, June 1762

Reel 2

Ebenezer Rumrill to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, 12 June 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 June 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 June 1762

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 5 July 1762

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Timothy Paine, Taunton, 24 July 1762

Reel 2

Rachel Wormley to Robert Treat Paine, 31 July 1762

Reel 2

Mary Ward to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 5 Aug. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Aug. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Aug. 1762

Reel 2

Aaron Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Aug. 1762

Reel 2

Simeon Potter to Robert Treat Paine, Bristol, 28 Aug. 1762

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Rev. Joseph Palmer, Taunton, Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Sep. 1762

Attached to Henry Quincy to Robert Crosman, Boston, 8 Sep. 1762.

Reel 2

John Shaw to Robert Treat Paine, Raynham, Sep. 1762

Reel 2

John Bannister to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 9 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Benjamin Kent to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Rachel Wormley to Robert Treat Paine, Eastham, 19 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Silvanus Drew to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 23 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 30 Sep. 1762

Reel 2

Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 4 Oct. 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Oct. 1762

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 7 Oct. 1762

Reel 2

Nathaniel Richardson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 Oct. 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Nov. 1762

Reel 2

Napthali Hart & Co. to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 23 Nov. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Nov. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Nov. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Nov. 1762

Reel 2

Nathan Simmons, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 3 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

James Putnam to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 10 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

Edward Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 13 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

Nathan Simmons, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Freetown, 21 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Dec. 1762

Reel 2

Ratcliffe Hellon to Robert Treat Paine, Monday morning, 1763

Reel 2

James Putnam to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 8 Jan. 1763

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Jan. 1763

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Jan. 1763

Reel 2

Edmund Jackson, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 5 Feb. 1763

Postscript: Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine.

Reel 2

John Bartlett to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 6 Jan. 1763

Reel 2

James Jackson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Feb. 1763

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Feb. 1763

Reel 2

William Hill to Robert Treat Paine, Brunswick, 26 Feb. 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Boston, 25 Feb. 1763

Reel 2

John Lambert to Henry Quincy, Taunton, 14 Mar. 1763

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Mar. 1763

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 21 Mar. 1763

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Mar. 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Taunton, 25 Mar. 1763

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, 5 Apr. 1763

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 16 May 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Ephraim Keith, Taunton, 28 May 1763

Reel 2

John Aplin to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 30 May 1763

Reel 2

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 May 1763

Reel 2

Ephraim Keith, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, "in Secessu longo," 2 June 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Taunton, 13 June 1763

Reel 2

James Putnam to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 24 June 1763

Reel 2

Abel Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 12 July 1763

Reel 2

Gideon Freeborn to Robert Treat Paine, Warwick, R.I., 28 July 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Ellen Hobart, 3 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Abigail Otis, 3 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 3 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Ellen Hobart, [after 3 Aug. 1763]

Reel 2

Edward Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 11 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Oxenbridge Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Aaron Lopez to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 29 Aug. 1763

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Plymouth, 6 Oct. 1763

Reel 2

James Honyman to Robert Treat Paine, 11 Oct. 1763

Reel 2

James Hovey to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 13 Oct. 1763

Reel 2

Foster Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Oct. 1763

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Nov. 1763

Reel 2

Rachel Wormley to Robert Treat Paine, Wellfleet, 3 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

Oxenbridge Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

John Bartlett to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 14 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

John Foster to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 16 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Dec. 1763

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 1 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

Jeremiah Condy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

John Foster to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 10 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

Sylvanus Conant to Robert Treat Paine, Middleboro, 18 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

Daniel Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, the Banks of Namasket, 20 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 16 Feb. 1764

Reel 2

Oxenbridge Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Feb. 1764

Reel 2

James Honyman to Robert Treat Paine, 2 Mar. 1764

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 Mar. 1764

Reel 2

Rachel Wormley to Robert Treat Paine, Wellfleet, 17 Mar. 1764

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Apr. 1764

Reel 2

Malachy Salter to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 27 Apr. 1764

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Edes & Gill, 7 May 1764

Reel 2

William McKinstry to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 May 1764

Reel 2

William McKinstry to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 June 1764

Reel 2

Jonathan Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, Charlestown, 8 June 1764

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 June 1764

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 14 Jan. 1764

Reel 2

William Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 June 1764

Reel 2

Joseph Tisdale to Robert Treat Paine, 23 June 1764

Reel 2

Oxenbridge Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Milton, 6 Sep. 1764

Reel 2

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Sep. 1764

Reel 2

Joshua Hathway to Robert Treat Paine, Freetown, 18 Sep. 1764

Reel 2

John Foster to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 25 Sep. 1764

Reel 2

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 1 Oct. 1764

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Oct. 1764

Reel 2

James Hovey to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 22 Oct. 1764

Reel 2

James Otis, Sr. to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 23 Oct. 1764

Reel 2

Thomas Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Oct. 1764

Reel 2

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Nov. 1764

Reel 2

James Otis, Sr. to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 20 Nov. 1764

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Swanzey, 26 Nov. 1764

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Dec. 1764

Reel 2

James Otis, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, [1765?]

Reel 2

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Jan. 1765

Reel 2

Peter Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, Middleboro, 18 Jan. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, 18 Jan. 1765

With postscript by Henry Laughton.

Reel 2

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Samuel White to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Edward Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Samuel White to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

John Banister to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 27 Feb. 1765

Reel 2

Joseph Blake to Robert Treat Paine, Hingham, 5 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Edward Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 6 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Mar. 1765

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 3 Apr. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Rev. Caleb Upham, Barnstable, 5 Apr. 1765

Reel 2

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Apr. 1765

Reel 2

Thomas Cranston to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 22 Apr. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 May 1765

Reel 2

Jonathan Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, [13 May 1765]

Reel 2

Barnabas Paine to Robert Treat Paine and Kenelm Winslow, Truro, 14 May 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 May 1765

Reel 2

Samuel White to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 May 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, 5 June 1765

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan Ingham, Taunton, 12 June 1765

Reel 2

Robert Treat Paine to David Hall, Taunton, 12 June 1765

Reel 2

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 June 1765

Reel 2

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 July 1765

Reel 2

Mary Nicholson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 July 1765

Reel 2

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 29 July 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Aug. 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Aug. 1765

Reel 2

Elisha Tobey to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 19 Aug. 1765

Reel 2

James Honyman to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 4 Sep. 1765

Reel 2

Nathaniel Ray Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 10 Sep. 1765

Reel 2

Daniel Farnham to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Sep. 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Sep. 1765

Reel 2

Jonathan Sewall to John Adams, Charlestown, 5 Oct. 1765

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 25 Oct. 1765

Reel 2

Richard Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 26 Oct. 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Oct. 1765 [#1]

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Oct. 1765 [#2]

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Nov. 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Nov. 1765

Reel 2

Reuben Folger to Robert Treat Paine, Nantucket, 26 Nov. 1765

Reel 2

Robert Crooke to Ratcliffe Hellon, Newport, R.I., 3 Dec. 1765

Reel 2

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Dec. 1765

Reel 2

Henry Marchant to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 24 Dec. 1765

Correspondence, 1766-1775

Reel 3

Joseph Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 10 Jan. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Jan. 1766

Reel 3

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, 13 Mar. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Mar. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Mar. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Mar. 1766

Reel 3

Peter Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Attleboro, 4 Apr. 1766

Reel 3

Edward Payne to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 Apr. 1766

Reel 3

Thomas Clapp to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 29 Apr. 1766

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Quincy, 6 May 1766

Reel 3

Thomas Smith to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 4 May 1766

Reel 3

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 May 1766

Reel 3

Edmund Williams to Robert Treat Paine, Raynham, 9 June 1766

Reel 3

Ratcliffe Hellon to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, [after 10 July 1766]

Reel 3

William Molineux to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 July 1766

Reel 3

James Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 8 Aug. 1766

Reel 3

James Otis, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, 14 Aug. 1766

Reel 3

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Aug. 1766

Reel 3

Robert Gould to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Sep. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 Oct. 1766

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Oct. 1766

Reel 3

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 18 Nov. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Nov. 1766

Reel 3

Thomas Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Milton, 29 Nov. 1766

Reel 3

Samuel White to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Dec. 1766

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Turtle & Dove, 28 Nov. 1766

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 8 Dec. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Dec. 1766

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Dec. 1766

Reel 3

Benjamin Davis to Robert Treat Paine, Dighton, [1767?]

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Taunton, 5 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to John Lathrop, Taunton, 19 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

John Lathrop to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

John and Jonathan Amory to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

Foster Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Jan. 1767

Reel 3

Roland Cotton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Feb. 1767

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Taunton, 25 Feb. 1767

Reel 3

Apollos Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Feb. 1767

Reel 3

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, 26 Feb. 1767

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Apollos Leonard, 2 Mar. 1767

Reel 3

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Mar. 1767

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Andover, 13 Mar. 1767

Reel 3

Daniel Hathway to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 16 Mar. 1767

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Mar. 1767

Reel 3

James Athearn to Robert Treat Paine, Martha's Vineyard, 27 Apr. 1767

Reel 3

William Coffin, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 May 1767

Reel 3

Benjamin Bangs to Robert Treat Paine, Harwich, 11 May 1767

Reel 3

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 May 1767

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to [?], Taunton, 18 May 1767

Reel 3

Jonathan Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 May 1767

Reel 3

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 May 1767

Reel 3

Thomas Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Milton, 3 June 1767

Reel 3

Benjamin and Edward Davis to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 June 1767

Reel 3

Apollos Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 15 June 1767

Reel 3

Benjamin and Edward Davis to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 June 1767

Reel 3

Edward Blanchard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 June 1767

Reel 3

Ezra Taylor to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 July 1767

Reel 3

Daniel Hathway to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 10 July 1767

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 23 July 1767

Reel 3

Benjamin and Edward Davis to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Aug. 1767

Reel 3

Edmund Quincy, 3d, to Robert Treat Paine, Stoughtonham, 4 Aug. 1767

Reel 3

Robert Gibbs to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 12 Sep. 1767

Reel 3

Andrew Oliver, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 17 Sep. 1767

Reel 3

Henry Marchant to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 22 Sep. 1767

Reel 3

William Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Freetown, 26 Oct. 1767

Reel 3

Edward Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 30 Oct. 1767

Reel 3

Andrew Oliver, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 3 Nov. 1767

Reel 3

Henry Lloyd to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Dec. 1767

Reel 3

John Merrett to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 15 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, 17 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

William Read to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 18 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

James Keith to Robert Treat Paine, 23 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

Nathaniel Fisher to Robert Treat Paine, Dighton, 26 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Jan. 1768

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to James Putnam, 1 Feb. 1768

Reel 3

Thomas Torrey to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 9 Feb. 1768

Reel 3

Henry Marchant to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 10 Feb. 1768

Reel 3

Samuel Fayerweather to Robert Treat Paine, Narragansett, 16 Feb. 1768

Reel 3

James Otis, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Mar. 1768

Reel 3

Andrew Oliver, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 21 Mar. 1768

Reel 3

Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Mar. 1768

Reel 3

Elisha Hutchinson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Apr. 1768

Reel 3

Robert Auchmuty to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Apr. 1768

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Apr. 1768

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 16 Apr. 1768

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Apr. 1768

Reel 3

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 30 June 1768

Reel 3

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Aug. 1768

Reel 3

John Merrett to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 27 Sep. 1768

Reel 3

William Molineux to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Oct. 1768

Reel 3

Thomas Robinson to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 4 Nov. 1768

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Nov. 1768

Reel 3

Oliver Arnold to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, 28 Nov. 1768

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 5 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

Henry Laughton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Dec. 1768

Reel 3

Samuel Sprague to Robert Treat Paine, Rockn., 10 Jan. 1769

Reel 3

Thomas Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Feb. 1769

Reel 3

Benjamin and Edward Davis to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Feb. 1769

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 9 Mar. 1769

Reel 3

John Borland to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 23 Mar. 1769

Reel 3

Ezra Richmond to Robert Treat Paine, 29 Mar. 1769

Reel 3

Benjamin Bangs to Robert Treat Paine, Harwich, 4 Apr. 1769

Reel 3

Elnathan Eldridge to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Apr. 1769

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Apr. 1769

Reel 3

Edward Blanchard to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 May 1769

Reel 3

James Otis, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 June 1769

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Huntington, Boston, 7 June 1769

Reel 3

Falstaff to Robert Treat Paine, Gad's Hill, 7 June 1769

Reel 3

John and Jonathan Amory to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 June 1769

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, 21 July 1769

Reel 3

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 Aug. 1769

Reel 3

Henry Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Aug. 1769

Reel 3

Samuel Fayerweather to Robert Treat Paine, Sep. 1769

Reel 3

William Taylor to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Sep. 1769

Reel 3

Gregory Townsend to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Sep. 1769

Reel 3

John Gould to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Sep. 1769

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Abington, 3 Oct. 1769

Reel 3

Robert Gould to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Oct. 1769

Reel 3

Thomas Shearman to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 11 Oct. 1769

Postscript: Benjamin Akin to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Feb. 1769.

Reel 3

Henry Laughton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Oct. 1769

Reel 3

Samuel Chase to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

Henry Laughton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

Ann Maylem to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 22 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

John Gould to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

Edmund Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

Daniel Howard to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 25 Nov. 1769

Reel 3

Joseph Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 1 Dec. 1769

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 6 Dec. 1769

Reel 3

John Singleton Copley to Robert Treat Paine, [1770?]

Reel 3

Joseph Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 10 Jan. 1770 and 12 Feb. 1770

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Eliot, Boston, 12 Jan. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, London, 31 Jan. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Huntington to Robert Treat Paine, Norwich, Conn., 9 Feb. 1770

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Mar. 1770

Reel 3

John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, 1 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Miss F., [1 Mar. 1770]

Reel 3

Edward Thurston, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 5 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

John Freebody, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Freebody to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 5 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

William Molineux to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Freebody to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 9 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

Mathew Robinson to Robert Treat Paine, South Kingston, R.I., 13 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

Gilbert Deblois to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Mar. 1770

Reel 3

John Sprague to Robert Treat Paine, 9 Apr. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Dexter to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 17 Apr. 1770

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, 17 Apr. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 1 May 1770

Reel 3

Daniel Hathway to Robert Treat Paine, Dartmouth, 7 May 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Fayerweather to Robert Treat Paine, South Kingston, R.I., 11 May 1770

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 May 1770

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Eunice Paine, Plymouth, 17 May 1770

Reel 3

David Lowell to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 July 1770

Reel 3

John Cotton to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 20 July 1770

Reel 3

William Phillips to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Aug. 1770

Reel 3

Abigail Tailor to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 5 Sep. 1770

Reel 3

Henry Laughton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Sep. 1770

Reel 3

Thomas Rumreill to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 26 Sep. 1770

Reel 3

Charles Stockbridge to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 1 Oct. 1770

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Oct. 1770

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 Oct. 1770

Reel 3

William Cooper to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Nov. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Fayerweather to Robert Treat Paine, Narragansett, 8 Dec. 1770

Reel 3

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, 16 Dec. 1770

Reel 3

Sampson Blowers to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Dec. 1770

Reel 3

Peter Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, Middleboro, 3 Jan. 1771

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Sampson S. Blowers, Taunton, 7 Jan. 1771

Reel 3

Gregory Townsend to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Feb. 1771

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Mar. 1771

Reel 3

Timothy Kenny to Robert Treat Paine, Stoughton, 11 Mar. 1771

Reel 3

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Mar. 1771

Reel 3

Grizzell Apthorp to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Mar. 1771

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Mr. Fales, Apr. 1771

Reel 3

Gregory Townsend to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Apr. 1771

Reel 3

William Brattle to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 22 Apr. 1771

Reel 3

Thomas Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 May 1771

Reel 3

Sylvester Gardiner to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 June 1771

Reel 3

Pelham Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 10 June 1771

Reel 3

Ephraim Keith, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 5 July 1771

Reel 3

Paul Mumford and Rachel Maylem to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 6 July 1771

Reel 3

Josiah Brackett to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 July 1771

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Sep. 1771

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Sep. 1771

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Oct. 1771

Reel 3

Joseph Tyler to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Oct. 1771

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 5 Oct. 1771

Reel 3

Henry Pelham to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Oct. 1771

Reel 3

Samuel Fitch to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Nov. 1771

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 4 Dec. 1771

Reel 3

James Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 12 Feb. 1772

Reel 3

John Singleton Copley to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Feb. 1772

Reel 3

John Singleton Copley to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Feb. 1772

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Mar. 1772

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 28 Mar. 1772

Reel 3

Josiah Brackett to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, Apr. 1772

Reel 3

Samuel Quincy to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Apr. 1772

Reel 3

Peter Mumford to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 7 May 1772

Reel 3

James Flagg to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 May 1772

Reel 3

Joseph Tillinghast to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 2 June 1772

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 July 1772

Reel 3

James Flagg to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 Aug. 1772

Reel 3

Edmund Trowbridge to Robert Treat Paine, 6 Aug. 1772

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 20 Aug. 1772

Reel 3

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 26 Oct. 1772

Reel 3

Thomas Fletcher to Robert Treat Paine, 13 Jan. 1773

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 18 Jan. 1773

Reel 3

Edmund Hawes to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 23 Feb. 1773

Reel 3

Sampson S. Blowers to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Mar. 1773

Reel 3

Edmund Hawes to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 12 Apr. 1773

Reel 3

Francis Rotch to Robert Treat Paine, Bedford, 26 Apr. 1773

Reel 3

Pelham Winslow to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 2 Aug. 1773

Reel 3

John Borland to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 10 Sep. 1773

Encloses part of will of Francis Borland.

Reel 3

William Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Nov. 1773

Reel 3

Thomas Apthorp to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Nov. 1773

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Stevenson, [1774?]

Reel 3

Joseph Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 26 Jan. 1774

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 11 Feb. 1774

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 28 Feb. 1774

Reel 3

John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Apr. 1774

Reel 3

Benjamin Kent to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 14 Apr. 1774

Reel 3

Melatiah Bourn to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Apr. 1774

Reel 3

William Pynchon to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 28 May 1774

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Newton, 6 June 1774

Reel 3

Sampson Stoddard to Robert Treat Paine, Chelmsford, 6 June 1774

Reel 3

John Weston to Robert Treat Paine, Middleboro, 14 June 1774

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 June 1774

Reel 3

Perez Morton to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 July 1774

Reel 3

Otho Robicheaux to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 12 July 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 July 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Aug. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Benjamin Kent to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Sep. 1774

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Benjamin Kent to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 24 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 28 Oct. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Nov. 1774

Reel 3

Benjamin Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 23 Nov. 1774

Reel 3

Benjamin Akin to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Nov. 1774

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 1 Dec. 1774

Reel 3

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Dec. 1774

Reel 3

Stephen Collins to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 14 Jan. 1775

Reel 3

Robert Treat Paine to Stephen Collins, Taunton, 26 Feb. 1775

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 20 Mar. 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 4 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 9 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 9 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Roxbury, 17 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

William Baylies to Robert Treat Paine, Dighton, 22 Apr. 1775

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 9 May 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 11 May 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 May 1775

Reel 3

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 May 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 May 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 21 May 1775

Reel 3

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 21 May 1775

Reel 3

Alexander McDougal to Robert Treat Paine, New York, 5 June 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 11 June 1775

Reel 3

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, July 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 July 1775

Reel 3

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 July 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 15 July 1775

Reel 3

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 July 1775

Reel 3

Benjamin Harrison to Gen. George Washington, Philadelphia, 21 July 1775 [copy]

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 21 July 1775

Reel 3

John Adams to Abigail Adams, Philadelphia, 24 July 1775 [copy]

Reel 3

John Adams to James Warren, Philadelphia, 24 July 1775 [copy]

Reel 3

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Haverhill, 25 July 1775

Reel 3

James Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 7 Aug. 1775

Reel 3

Perez Morton to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber in Watertown, 12 Aug. 1775

Reel 3

Apollos Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 22 Aug. 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 Sep. 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 1 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 3 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

William Whiting to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 6 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Thomas Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 15 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 17 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Perez Morton to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, Watertown, 28 Oct. 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 1 Nov. 1775

Reel 3

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Nov. 1775

Reel 3

Joseph Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 12 Nov. 1775

Reel 3

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 19 Nov. 1775

Reel 3

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 19 Dec. 1775

Reel 3

Robert R. Livingston to Robert Treat Paine and John Langdon, Clare Mount, N.Y., 19 Dec. 1775

Correspondence, 1776-1784

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to John Beale Bordley, Queen Ann's Co., Md., [1776?]

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to James Warren, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Hawley, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to the Massachusetts Council, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 21 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 22 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 22 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Perez Morton to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, 22 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Philip Schuyler to Robert Treat Paine, Albany, N.Y., 24 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 24 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 31 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Robert R. Livingston, Philadelphia, 26 Jan. 1776

Reel 4

Moses Gill to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 7 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Bristol, 11 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 13 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 17 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to John Hancock, Watertown, 24 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 26 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Robert R. Livingston to Robert Treat Paine, Clare Mount, N.Y., 26 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 26 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 29 Feb. 1776

Reel 4

Robert R. Livingston to Robert Treat Paine, Clare Mount, N.Y., 6 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Abraham Hunt, Philadelphia, 9 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Benjamin Yard, Philadelphia, 9 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Abraham Hunt to Robert Treat Paine, Trenton, N.J., 12 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 18 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Francis Lewis to William Livingston, N.Y., 20 Mar. 1776

Enclosed in William Livingston to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Dec. 1776.

Reel 4

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Mar. 1776

Reel 4

William Livingston to Robert Treat Paine, Elizabeth Town, N.J., 27 Dec. 1776

Encloses Francis Lewis to William Livingston, 20 Mar. 1776.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine, circular to encourage the making of Salt petre, Philadelphia, 4 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

William Whiting to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 10 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Council and House of Representative of Mass., Philadelphia, 15 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Owen Biddle to Robert Treat Paine, 20 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 22 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Paine Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Apr. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1 May 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 May 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 May 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 May 1776

Reel 4

Mark Bird to Robert Treat Paine, Reading, Pa., 18 May 1776

Reel 4

Francis Lewis to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 20 May 1776

With enclosure.

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 May 1776

Reel 4

Daniel Joy to Robert Treat Paine for the "Honble. Committe of Congress for Cannon, Reading," Pa., 22 May 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 May 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Knox, Philadelphia, 31 May 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 4 June 1776

Reel 4

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, Haverhill, 2 June 1776

Reel 4

Anthony Mosengeil to Robert Treat Paine, Rariton Smelting House, 6 June 1776

Reel 4

Charles Thomson, Jr., extract from the minutes in Congress, 7 June 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to John Griffiths and Samuel Patrick, Philadelphia, 8 June 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 June 1776

Reel 4

John Griffiths to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 10 June 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 10 June 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 June 1776

Reel 4

Isaac Foster, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 14 June 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 June 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 June 1776

Reel 4

Anthony Mosengeil to Robert Treat Paine, Rariton Smelting House, 18 June 1776

Reel 4

Samuel Patrick to Robert Treat Paine, Orange Furnace, 20 June 1776

Reel 4

John Griffiths to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 22 June 1776

Reel 4

John Griffiths to Robert Treat Paine, 22 June 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 24 June 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 29 June 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 13 July 1776

Reel 4

Joshua Howell to Robert Treat Paine, 5 July 1776

Reel 4

Anthony Mosengeil to Robert Treat Paine, New Brunswick, N.J., 5 July 1776

Reel 4

Joshua Green to Robert Treat Paine, Westfield, 8 July 1776

Reel 4

Joshua Howell to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 10 July 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 July 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 July 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 July 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 July 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 19 July 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 July 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Knox, Philadelphia, 27 July 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 29 July 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 30 July 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 2 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 3 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Ezekiel Price to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

George Howard to Robert Treat Paine and William Floyd, New Brunswick, N.J., 9 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 18 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Daniel and Samuel Hughes to Robert Treat Paine, Antietam Furnace, Md., 19 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Anthony Mosengeil to Robert Treat Paine, New Brunswick, N.J., 21 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Knox, Philadelphia, 22 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel and Daniel Hughes, Philadelphia, 24 Aug. 1776

On verso is same, Oct. 1776.

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 26 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

James Byers to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 28 Aug. 1776

Reel 4

Anthony Mosengeil to Robert Treat Paine, Princeton, N.J., 1 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Johnson, Sr., to Robert Treat Paine, Annapolis, Md., 10 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Daniel Joy to Robert Treat Paine, Reading Furnace, Pa., 10 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Samuel Phillips, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 11 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Peter Grubb, Philadelphia, 18 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Col. Curtis Grubb, Philadelphia, 20 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Gov. Jonathan Trumbull of Conn., Philadelphia, 20 Sep. 1776

With same, 25 Oct. 1776.

Reel 4

Daniel Joy to Robert Treat Paine, Warwick-Furnace, 24 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, Mount Washington, 25 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 26 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Clement Biddle to Robert Treat Paine, Camp at Fort Constitution, 26 Sep. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel and Daniel Hughes, Antietam Furnace, Md., Oct. 1776

On verso of same, 24 Aug. 1776.

Reel 4

William Henry to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, Pa., 1 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Richard Stockton to Robert Treat Paine, Morven, 1 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Lemuel Cox to Robert Treat Paine, Exeter, N.H., 8 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Morgan Busteed to Thomas Johnson, Cornwall Furnace, 8 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Gov. Jonathan Trumbull of Conn. to Robert Treat Paine, New Haven, Conn., 15 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Daniel Joy to Robert Treat Paine, Reading Furnace, Pa., 15 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 21 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Gov. Jonathan Trumbull of Conn., Philadelphia, 25 Oct. 1776

Filed with same, 20 Sep. 1776.

Reel 4

Samuel A. Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 Oct. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to James Byers, Philadelphia, 3 Nov. 1776

With same, 22 Nov. 1776.

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Daniel and Samuel Hughes to Robert Treat Paine, Stephen Hopkins, Samuel Chase, and William Whipple [Cannon Committee], Antietam, Md., 12 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Joshua Porter to Robert Treat Paine, Salisbury, [Conn.?], 12 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Hugh Orr to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 14 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Joseph Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 14 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Benjamin Kent to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Thomas Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Daniel and Samuel Hughes, Philadelphia, 20 Nov. 1776

With same, 7 Dec. 1776.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to James Byers, Philadelphia, 22 Nov. 1776

With same, 3 Nov. 1776.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to [?] "as to a purchase of copper," Philadelphia, 22 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Gov. Nicholas Cooke of R.I. to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 25 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Daniel and Samuel Hughes to Robert Treat Paine, Antietam Furnace, Md., 25 Nov. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel and Robert Purviance, letter of credit for agent of Mass. Bay, Philadelphia, 5 Dec. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to David Cobb, Philadelphia, 6 Dec. 1776

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Daniel and Samuel Hughes, Philadelphia, 7 Dec. 1776

With same, 20 Nov. 1776.

Reel 4

Enos Dean to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1777

Reel 4

John Avery to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, 2 Jan. 1777

Enclosure: committee report, 2 Jan. 1777.

Reel 4

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 5 Jan. 1777

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, Baltimore, 13 Jan. 1777

Reel 4

John Brown and Thomas Greene to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 7 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 Jan. 1777

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, Baltimore, 9 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

Capt. John Grannis, et al., to Robert Treat Paine, on board the ship Warren, 11 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, Baltimore, 14 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, in Congress, 7 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, Baltimore, 16 Feb. 1777

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to William Baylies, Taunton, 3 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

William Baylies to Robert Treat Paine, Dighton, 6 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

Richard Gridley to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

John Wilcocks to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 13 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

Ephraim Keith, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 14 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

Owen Biddle to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 29 Mar. 1777

Reel 4

John Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 25 Apr. 1777

Reel 4

John Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 3 May 1777

Reel 4

James Byers to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 7 May 1777

With account.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to [?], "Negroes shipped on board Armed brige. Freedom," 8 May 1777

Reel 4

Mary Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 May 1777

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 May 1777

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan Cobb, Boston, 29 May 1777

Reel 4

Benjamin Church, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston Gaol, 2 July 1777

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 July 1777

Reel 4

Joseph Nourse to Robert Treat Paine, War Office, 8 Aug. 1777

With copy of Congress resolve, 23 July 1777.

Reel 4

Nicholas Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 24 Aug. 1777

Reel 4

Nicholas Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 1 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Nicholas Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 8 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Nourse, 8 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Roger Sherman to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, Conn., 9 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Samuel Huntington to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, Conn., 10 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Levi Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 21 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Newton, 22 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

James Lovell to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 24 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 28 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Solomon Alden to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Sep. 1777

Reel 4

James Lovell to Robert Treat Paine, York, Pa., 3 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

George Washington to a member of Congress, copy of extracts, 5 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Samuel Huntington to Robert Treat Paine, Norwich, Conn., 6 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Elias Hasket Derby to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 10 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Meshech Weare to Robert Treat Paine, Exeter, N.H., 11 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

William Wetmore to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 20 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, 22 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, 23 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, York Town, Pa., 29 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Joshua Green to Robert Treat Paine, Westfield, 30 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Oct. 1777

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 Nov. 1777

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 Nov. 1777

Reel 4

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Portsmouth, N.H., 17 Nov. 1777

Reel 4

Joseph Nourse to Robert Treat Paine, War Office, 29 Nov. 1777

Reel 4

Henry Laurens to Robert Treat Paine, York Town, Pa., 15 Dec. 1777

Reel 4

Archibald Campbell to Robert Treat Paine, Concord, 18 Dec. 1777

Enclosures: Heman Allen to Col. Archibald Campbell, Salisbury, 31 Oct. 1777; Elias Boudinot to Heman Allen, Camp Pennsylvania, 30 Sep. 1777.

Reel 4

John Hinkley & Co. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Dec. 1777

Reel 4

Abigail Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, [25] Dec. 1777

Reel 4

William Whipple to Robert Treat Paine, Portsmouth, 5 Jan. 1778

Undated Robert Treat Paine response on verso.

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 7 Jan. 1778

Reel 4

John Avery to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, 9 Jan. 1778

Reel 4

Joseph Wheeler, Jonathan Ward, and Joseph Allen, Committee of the Court, to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 9 Jan. 1778

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Elbridge Gerry, New Haven, 26 Jan. 1778

Reel 4

Oliver Ellsworth to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, 29 Jan. 1778

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Titus Hosmer, Providence, Feb. 1778

Reel 4

John Amory to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 12 Feb. 1778

Reel 4

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 14 Feb. 1778

Reel 4

George Godfrey to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 Feb. 1778

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 18 Feb. 1778

Reel 4

Roger Sherman to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, Conn., 27 Feb. 1778

Reel 4

Jeremiah Powell to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, Boston, 10 Mar. 1778

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 18 Mar. 1778

Reel 4

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, York, Pa., 27 Mar. 1778

Enclosure: Charles Thomson, in Congress, 27 Mar. 1778, with resolve.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Elbridge Gerry, Providence, R.I., 27 Mar. 1778

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Laurens, Providence, 27 Mar. 1778

Reel 4

Samuel Phillips Savage to Robert Treat Paine, War Office, 10 Apr. 1778

Reel 4

Ephraim Bowen to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, 16 May 1778

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to George Phillips, Scituate, 24 May 1778

Reel 4

Elbridge Gerry to Robert Treat Paine, York Town, Pa., 25 May 1778

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 28 May 1778

Reel 4

Stephen Minot to Robert Treat Paine, Marlborough, 24 June 1778

Reel 4

Enoch Freeman to the justices of the Superior Court, Falmouth, 18 Aug. 1778

Reel 4

[J. H. Man?] to Robert Treat Paine, Machias, 19 Aug. 1778

Reel 4

John Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Aug. 1778

Reel 4

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 Sep. 1778

Reel 4

Henry Marchant to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 19 Sep. 1778

Reel 4

Moses Gill to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Sep. 1778

Reel 4

Jonathan Payson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Sep. 1778

Reel 4

John Adams to Robert Treat Paine, Passy, France, 8 Dec. 1778

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Dec. 1778

Reel 4

James Lovell to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 Jan. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, [1?] Feb. 1779

Reel 4

George Godfrey to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Feb. 1779

Reel 4

George Godfrey to Honorable Council and House of Representatives, Taunton, 8 Feb. 1779 [memorial]

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 Feb. 1779

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 18 Feb. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 26 Feb. 1779

Reel 4

John Browne to Robert Treat Paine, War Office, 9 Mar. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 27 Mar. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Mar. 1779

Reel 4

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 2 Apr. 1779

Reel 4

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 27 May 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 4 June 1779

Reel 4

Warwick Palfrey to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 9 July 1779

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Robert Luscombe, 21 Aug. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Sep. 1779

Reel 4

Gov. Jonathan Trumbull to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, Conn., 20 Oct. 1779

Reel 4

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 26 Oct. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 29 Nov. 1779

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Jan. 1780

Reel 4

George Godfrey to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 Jan. 1780

Reel 4

Charles Thomson to Robert Treat Paine, 22 Jan. 1780

Reel 4

Richard Henry Lee to Robert Treat Paine, Chantilly, Va., 22 Jan. 1780

Reel 4

Josiah Nye to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 29 Jan. 1780

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 27 Feb. 1780

Reel 4

William Hunt to Robert Treat Paine, Watertown, 28 Feb. 1780

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Mar. 1780

Reel 4

William Stearns to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 3 Apr. 1780

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Apr. 1780

Reel 4

William Stearns to Robert Treat Paine, Concord, 13 Apr. 1780

Reel 4

Jonathan Dwight to Robert Treat Paine, Springfield, 3 May 1780

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to George Godfrey, Boston, 14 July 1780

Reel 4

Joshua Brackett to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Sep. 1780

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Oct. 1780

Reel 4

Eleazer Porter to Robert Treat Paine, Hadley, 20 Nov. 1780

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 24 Jan. 1781

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Caleb Strong, Taunton, 5 Feb. 1781

Reel 4

Thomas Robie to Rev. Isaac Story about the status of his property, plans for eventual return, Halifax, N.S., 8 Feb. 1781

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 27 Feb. 1781

Reel 4

William Baylies to Robert Treat Paine, Dighton, 5 Mar. 1781

Reel 4

Benjamin Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 23 Apr. 1781

Reel 4

James Bowdoin to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 May 1781

With undated Edmund Trowbridge to James Bowdoin.

Reel 4

Samuel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 9 June 1781

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 25 June 1781

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Tisdale's Shop, 25 June 1781

Reel 4

Committee for Sale of Absentees Estate to Robert Treat Paine, North-Yarmouth, 4 July 1781

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Aug. 1781

Reel 4

John Merchant to Robert Treat Paine, Copenhagen, 24 Aug. 1781

Reel 4

Thomas Child to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 28 Aug. 1781

Reel 4

Ebenezer Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Roxbury, 6 Sep. 1781

Reel 4

Paul Mumford to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 8 Apr. 1781

Reel 4

Theophilus Bradbury to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 9 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Freeman, Boston, 15 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

Theophilus Parsons to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 18 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters Near York, Va., 28 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Oct. 1781

Reel 4

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Nov. 1781

Reel 4

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 19 Nov. 1781

Reel 4

Moses Brown to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, 19 Nov. 1781

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 24 Nov. 1781

Reel 4

Samuel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 3 Dec. 1781

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 14 Dec. 1781

Reel 4

Duncan Ingraham, Jr. and Henry Bromfield, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Amsterdam, 25 Dec. 1781

Reel 4

Increase Sumner to Robert Treat Paine, [1782?]

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 5 Jan. 1782

Reel 4

John Hanson to Gov. John Hancock of Mass., circular letter on seizure and condemnation of British manufactures within their jurisdiction, Philadelphia, 6 Jan. 1782

Reel 4

John Avery to James Bowdoin, 22 Jan. 1782

Reel 4

Nicholas Pike to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 27 Jan. 1782

Reel 4

Ingraham & Bromfield to Robert Treat Paine, Amsterdam, 11 Feb. 1782

With same, 1 July 1782.

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to [?], Boston, 16 Feb. 1782

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Theodore Sedgwick, Boston, 18 Feb. 1782

Reel 4

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 20 Mar. 1782

Reel 4

John Hancock to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Mar. 1782

Enclosure: John Hanson to Gov. John Hancock of Mass., Philadelphia, 1 Mar. 1782.

Reel 4

Moses Gill to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 May 1782

Reel 4

Nathaniel Glover to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 15 May 1782

Reel 4

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 25 May 1782

Reel 4

Benjamin Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 9 June 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Newburgh, N.Y., 19 June 1782

Reel 4

Joshua Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 June 1782

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Joshua Thomas, Boston, 24 June 1782

Reel 4

Jonathan Bowman to Robert Treat Paine, Pownalboro, 28 June 1782

Reel 4

Ingraham & Bromfield to Robert Treat Paine, Amsterdam, 1 July 1782

With same, 11 Feb. 1782.

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Newburgh, N.Y., 8 July 1782

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 July 1782

Reel 4

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 1 Aug. 1782

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Brig. Nathaniel Freeman, Boston, 27 Aug. 1782

with same, 29 Aug. 1782.

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Newburgh, N.Y., 28 Aug. 1782

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Brig. Nathaniel Freeman, Boston, 29 Aug. 1782

With same, 27 Aug. 1782.

Reel 4

Stephen Hall to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 2 Sep. 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Verplank's Point, N.Y., 4 Sep. 1782

Reel 4

Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan Bowman, Boston, 7 Sep. 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Verplank's Point, N.Y., 10 Sep. 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Verplank's Point, N.Y., 25 Sep. 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Headquarters, Verplank's Point, N.Y., 2 Oct. 1782

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 10 Oct. 1782

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 12 Oct. 1782

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 14 Oct. 1782 [2 copies]

Reel 4

Nicholas Pike to Robert Treat Paine, Nov. 1782

Reel 4

Jonathan Bowman to Robert Treat Paine, Pownalboro, 1 Nov. 1782

Reel 4

Samuel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 11 Nov. 1782

Reel 4

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 20 Nov. 1782

Reel 4

William Prescott to Robert Treat Paine, Pepperrell, 16 Dec. 1782

Reel 4

Timothy Frost to Robert Treat Paine, York, 12 Jan. 1783

Reel 4

Samuel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Falmouth, 22 Jan. 1783

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 31 Jan. 1783

Reel 4

Joseph Allen, Nathan Baldwin, and Isaiah Thomas, Committee of Correspondence of Worcester, to John Hancock, Worcester, 21 Feb. 1783

Reel 4

William Lithgow, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 1 Mar. 1783

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 4 Mar. 1783 [#1]

Reel 4

Jeremiah Allen to Robert Treat Paine, Nantes, France, 4 Mar. 1783 [#2]

Reel 4

Christopher Banister to "the good People of the Town of [?]," Williamsburgh, 4 Mar. 1783

Reel 4

Jonathan Bowman to Robert Treat Paine, Pownalboro, 7 Mar. 1783 [enclosure]

Reel 4

George Spooner to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 12 Mar. 1783

Reel 4

Andrew Oliver to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 18 Mar. 1783

Reel 4

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Apr. 1783

Reel 4

Duncan Ingraham, Jr. and Henry Bromfield, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Amsterdam, 20 June 1783

Reel 4

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay to R. R. Livingston, Passy, France, 18 July 1783 [copy of extracts]

With same, 10 Sep. 1783.

Reel 4

Henry Knox to Robert Treat Paine, West Point, 22 Aug. 1783

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1 Sep. 1783

Reel 4

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay to [Elias Boudinot], President of Congress, Passy, France, 10 Sep. 1783 [copy of extracts]

With same, 18 July 1783.

Reel 4

[?], Tuesday afternoon [1784?]

Reel 4

James Lovell to Robert Treat Paine, [1784?]

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Canterbury, Conn., 3 Feb. 1784

Attached to copy of promissory note of John Dyar to Robert Treat Paine, 18 June 1765.

Reel 4

Samuel Osgood to Robert Treat Paine, Annapolis, Md., 14 Feb. 1784

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 Mar. 1784

Reel 4

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 Apr. 1784

Reel 4

Oliver Ellsworth to Robert Treat Paine, Windsor, Conn., 4 May 1784

Reel 4

James Bowdoin to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 July 1784

Reel 4

Roger Huntington to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 11 Oct. 1784

Reel 4

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, [1?] Nov. 1784

Sends House order dated 1 Nov. 1784.

Reel 4

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 3 Dec. 1784

Reel 4

Roger Huntington to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 13 Dec. 1784

Correspondence, 1785-1808

Reel 5

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 7 Jan. 1785

Encloses "Extracts from Doctr. Brownrigg."

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 7 Feb. 1785

Reel 5

Theophilus Bradbury to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 12 Mar. 1785

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 15 Mar. 1785

Reel 5

Thomas Legate to Robert Treat Paine, Leominster, 18 Apr. 1785

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Apr. 1785

Reel 5

Theophilus Bradbury to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 26 Apr. 1785

Reel 5

Joseph Russell to Robert Treat Paine, May 1785

Reel 5

Nathaniel Appleton to Robert Treat Paine, 30 May 1785

Reel 5

William Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, Lancaster, 3 July 1785

Reel 5

John Sullivan to Robert Treat Paine, Durham, N.H., 23 Aug. 1785

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Aug. 1785

Reel 5

Jared Ingersoll to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 3 Nov. 1785

Reel 5

[George Brock] "Attleborough" to Messrs. Adams and Nourse, [1786?]

Reel 5

Harrison G. Otis to [Robert Treat Paine?], Boston, 14 Jan. 1786

Reel 5

Samuel Henshaw to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Jan. 1786

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Moses Brown, Boston, 13 Feb. 1786

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 Feb. 1786

Reel 5

Michael Hodge and Samuel Tufts to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 18 Feb. 1786

On verso: Robert Treat Paine's response, Boston, 13 Mar. 1786.

Reel 5

Nicholas Baylies to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Feb. 1786

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine. 27 Feb. 1786

Reel 5

Tristram Dalton to Robert Treat Paine, 1 Mar. 1786

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Michael Hodge and Samuel Tufts, Boston, 13 Mar. 1786

On verso: Michael Hodge and Samuel Tufts to Robert Treat Paine, 18 Feb. 1786.

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 18 Mar. 1786

Reel 5

Joseph Palmer to Robert Treat Paine, Germantown, 1 Apr. 1786

Reel 5

Fisher Ames to Robert Treat Paine, Dedham, 5 Apr. 1786

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 6 May 1786

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 29 May 1786

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 19 June 1786

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to John Bean, Boston, 10 July 1786

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Aug. 1786

Reel 5

Zephaniah Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Rainham, 1 Sep. 1786

Reel 5

William Whiting to Theodore Sedgwick, Great Barrington, 13 Sep. 1786

Reel 5

George Brock to [Joseph Greenleaf?], Boston Jail, 2 Nov. 1786

Encloses petition to George Brock to Gov. Bowdoin of Massachusetts.

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Dec. 1786

Reel 5

Daniel Newcomb to Robert Treat Paine, Keene, N.H., 25 Dec. 1786

Reel 5

J. Bourn Rose to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Dec. 1786

Reel 5

Samuel Henshaw to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 17 Jan. 1787

Reel 5

John Rogers, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Leominster, 18 Jan. 1787

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 Feb. 1787

Reel 5

Maj. Gen. John Brooks to the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, Mar. [1787?]

Reel 5

Gov. James Bowdoin of Mass. to the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, 8 Mar. 1787

Reel 5

John Avery to Robert Treat Paine, Council Chamber, Boston, 14 Mar. 1787

Reel 5

William Whiting to Robert Treat Paine, Great Barrington, 19 Mar. 1787

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 31 Mar. 1787

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 11 Apr. 1787

Reel 5

Benjamin Lincoln to the justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, Northampton, 19 Apr. 1787

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Apr. 1787

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 11 June 1787

Reel 5

Samuel Henshaw to Robert Treat Paine, Northampton, 2 Aug. 1787

Reel 5

David Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1 Sep. 1787

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Sep. 1787

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Cranch, Boston, 16 Nov. 1787

Reel 5

Jared Ingersoll to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 30 Dec. 1787

Reel 5

John Choate to Robert Treat Paine, 4 Mar. 1788

Reel 5

William Hull to Robert Treat Paine, Newton, 6 Mar. 1788

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Caleb Strong, Boston, 18 May 1788

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Aug. 1788

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 5 Aug. 1788

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 5 Aug. 1788

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Sep. 1788

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Sep. 1788

Reel 5

Thomas Brattle to Robert Treat Paine, [Cambridge], 30 Oct. 1788

On verso of Senate and House petition to Robert Treat Paine, Jan. 1789, in Series V. Robert Treat Paine political and judicial papers.

Reel 5

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Roxbury, 24 Feb. 1789

Reel 5

John Avery to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Mar. 1789

Reel 5

Joseph Otis to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 19 Mar. 1789

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 22 Mar. 1789

Reel 5

Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Treat Paine, 23 Mar. 1789

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 11 May 1789

Reel 5

Hugh Orr to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 18 May 1789

Reel 5

Timothy Bigelow to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 25 May 1789

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, June 1789

On verso of account settled with James Lassel, Oct. 1785, in Series V. Robert Treat Paine political and judicial papers.

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 June 1789

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Aug. 1789

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Barnstable, 19 Aug. 1789

Reel 5

Joseph Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, 26 Aug. 1789

Reel 5

Eunice Paine to John Tozer, 28 Aug. 1789

Reel 5

Dudley Atkins to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 31 Aug. 1789

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Sep. 1789

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 5 Sep. 1789

Reel 5

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Dec. 1789

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 24 Dec. 1789

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Elisha Porter, [179-?]

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, [179-?]

Reel 5

Thomas Dawes, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, 1790

Reel 5

Nathaniel Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 15 Jan. 1790

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 8 Feb. 1790

Reel 5

Benjamin Lincoln to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 10 July 1790

Reel 5

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 26 Feb. 1790

Reel 5

Nicholas Eveleigh to Robert Treat Paine, Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, 16 Apr. 1790 [#l, #2]

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Nicholas Eveleigh, Boston, 8 May 1790

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Nicholas Eveleigh, Boston, 26 May 1790

Reel 5

Nicholas Eveleigh to Robert Treat Paine, Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, 1 June 1790

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 2 June 1790

Reel 5

Samuel Gray to Robert Treat Paine, Windham, Conn., 17 June 1790

Reel 5

John H. Bartlet to Robert Treat Paine, Kittery, 25 June 1790

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 12 Aug. 1790

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 6 Sep. 1790

Reel 5

Robert Breck to Robert Treat Paine, Northampton, 18 Nov. 1790

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Hollis Hall, Cambridge, 29 Dec. 1790

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, [Feb.?] 1791

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 5 Feb. 1791

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 9 Feb. 1791

Reel 5

James Bowdoin to Robert Treat Paine, 12 Apr. 1791

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 17 May 1791

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 20 May 1791

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, 30 May 1791

Reel 5

Increase Sumner to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 June 1791

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 20 June 1791

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 June 1791

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 June 1791

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 21 Aug. 1791

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine and Sally Cobb Paine, Boston, 19 Sep. 1791

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, 27 Oct. 1791

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Harvard College, Nov. 1791

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Sally Cobb Paine, Cambridge, 25 Nov. 1791

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 12 Nov. 1791

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, 17 Nov. 1791

Reel 5

Joseph Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 18 Nov. 1791 [enclosure]

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, 25 Nov. 1791

Reel 5

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Braintree, 2 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

John Barrett to Robert Treat Paine, Northfield, 22 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

Ephraim Spooner to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 26 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 28 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

Eunice Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Dorchester, 29 Dec. 1791

Reel 5

John and Abigail Adams to Robert Treat Paine and Sally Cobb Paine, [1792]

Reel 5

Samuel Emery to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 4 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Zedekiah Sanger to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 8 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Isaac Lothrop to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 9 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Samuel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Portland, 18 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Jan. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 Feb. 1792

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 27 Feb. 1792

Reel 5

Samuel Lyman to Robert Treat Paine, Springfield, 12 Mar. 1792

Reel 5

Zedekiah Sanger to Robert Treat Paine, Bridgewater, 15 Mar. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 19 Mar. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Mar. 1792

Reel 5

William Channing to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 26 Mar. 1792

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 4 Apr. 1792

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 19 Apr. 1792

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 14 May 1792 [2 letters]

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 May 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 7 June 1792

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 June 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

William Charming to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 10 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

David Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, York, 13 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

John Forbes to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 20 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

James Tisdale to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

George Brinley to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 28 Aug. 1792

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Newtown, 6 Sep. 1792

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Sep. 1792

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Newtown, 18 Sep. 1792

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Sep. 1792

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Sally Paine, Boston, Oct. 1792

Reel 5

George Brinley to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 9 Oct. 1792

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Oct. 1792

Reel 5

Theophilus Parsons to Francis Dana, Boston, 17 Oct. 1792

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Portsmouth, 29 Oct. 1792

Reel 5

John Barrett to Robert Treat Paine, Northfield, 30 Oct. 1792

Reel 5

George Brinley to Robert Treat Paine, Halifax, N.S., 10 Dec. 1792

Reel 5

Theophilus Parsons to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 21 Dec. 1792

Reel 5

Joshua Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 27 Dec. 1792

Reel 5

William Channing to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, 20 Dec. 1792

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 9 Jan. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 26 Jan. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 29 Jan. 1793

Reel 5

David Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, York, 9 Feb. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 11 Feb. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 16 Feb. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 19 Feb. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 27 Feb. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 1 Mar. 1793

Reel 5

Daniel Newcomb to Robert Treat Paine, Keene, N.H., 7 Mar. 1793

Reel 5

Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Russell, 16 Mar. 1793

Reel 5

N. Tillinghast & Son to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 20 May 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 June 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 June 1793

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 17 June 1793

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 June 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 June 1793

Reel 5

Daniel Newcomb to Robert Treat Paine, Keene, N.H., 26 June 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 5 Aug. 1793

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Sep. 1793

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Sep. 1793

Reel 5

Lucretia Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 Sep. 1793

Reel 5

Levi Shephard to Robert Treat Paine, Springfield, 26 Sep. 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 15 Nov. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 9 Dec. 1793

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 Dec. 1793

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 1 Jan. 1794

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 28 Jan. 1794

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Windsor, Conn., 3 Feb. 1794

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 4 Feb. 1794

Reel 5

Daniel Newcomb to Robert Treat Paine, Keene, N.H., 5 Feb. 1794

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 17 Feb. 1794

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 22 Feb. 1794

Reel 5

S. Shapleigh to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 18 Mar. 1794

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 12 Apr. 1794

Reel 5

James Neale to Robert Treat Paine, York, 25 June 1794

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 26 June 1794

Reel 5

Mary Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 6 Aug. 1794

Reel 5

Jonathan Burr to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 6 Aug. 1794

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Paine (1773-1811), 12 Aug. 1794

Reel 5

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 18 Aug. 1794

Reel 5

Joshua Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 8 Sep. 1794

Reel 5

Jonathan Burr to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 9 Sep. 1794

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, Nov. 1794

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Neale, Boston, Dec. 1794

Reel 5

Increase Sumner to Robert Treat Paine, 2 Dec. 1794

Reel 5

Rev. John Prince to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 22 Jan. 1795

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 18 Feb. 1795

Reel 5

Shearjashub Bourne to Robert Treat Paine, Philadelphia, 25 Feb. 1795

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 6 Apr. 1795

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, May 1795

Reel 5

James Sullivan to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 10 May 1795

Reel 5

Joseph North to Robert Treat Paine, 11 May 1795

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Sep. 1795

Reel 5

Samuel Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, Marblehead, 1 Dec. 1795

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 14 Mar. 1796

Reel 5

Nicholas Tillinghast to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 30 Mar. 1796

Reel 5

Gideon Hawley to Robert Treat Paine, Mashpee, 13 May 1796

Reel 5

Samuel Eliot to Robert Treat Paine, 11 June 1796

Reel 5

Harrison Gray Otis to Charles Paine, 17 June 1796

Enclosure: partnership proposal.

Reel 5

Nathaniel F. Fosdick to Robert Treat Paine, Portland, 23 June 1796

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Ipswich, 24 June 1796

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 5 July 1796

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Alexandria, Va., 27 July 1796

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Francis Dana, Boston, 26 July 1796

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 22 Aug. 1796

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Newport, R.I., 7 Nov. 1796

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 Nov. 1796

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Savannah, Ga., 24 Nov. 1796

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 13 Feb. 1797

Enclosure: statement of case of estate of Samuel Gilbert, absentee.

Reel 5

Dr. Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, 3 Apr. 1797

Reel 5

Parker Hopkinson to Charles Paine, Portsmouth, 7 May 1797

Reel 5

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 5 June 1797

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 7 July 1797

Reel 5

Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 17 July 1797

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 1 Aug. 1797

Reel 5

David L. Barnes to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 20 Dec. 1797

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 28 Mar. 1798

Reel 5

Robert Paine (1770-1798) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 June 1798

Reel 5

David L Barnes to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 13 Aug. 1798

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 30 Aug. 1798

Reel 5

Robert Breck to Robert Treat Paine, Northampton, 23 Sep. 1798

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 25 Sep. 1798

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 27 Sep. 1798

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, 25 Feb. 1799

Reel 5

Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 19 Mar. 1799

Reel 5

William Cushing to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 12 Apr. 1799

Reel 5

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 5 May 1799

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 July 1799

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 19 Sep. 1799

Reel 5

Thomas Means to Charles Paine, Amherst, N.H., 30 Sep. 1799

Reel 5

Daniel Dewey to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 4 Oct. 1799

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 21 Oct. 1799

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 22 Oct. 1799

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Charles Paine, Gloucester, 27 Oct. 1799

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 2 Dec. 1799

Reel 5

Dr. John Warren to Robert Treat Paine, 5 Dec. 1799

On verso: remarks respecting Washington by Robert Treat Paine.

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Funchal, Madeira, 29 Dec. 1799

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Funchal, Madeira, 30 Dec. 1799

Reel 5

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 6 Jan. 1800

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 19 Jan. 1800

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Dana, Boston, 3 Feb. 1800

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Cape of Good Hope, 29 Mar. 1800

Reel 5

Mary Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 21 June 1800

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 June 1800

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Madras, India, July 1800

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Aug. 1800

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Theophilus Bradbury, 14 Aug. 1800

Reel 5

Theophilus Bradbury to Robert Treat Paine, Newburyport, 15 Aug. 1800

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 13 Sep. 1800

Reel 5

Loammi Baldwin to Robert Treat Paine, Woburn, 28 Jan. 1801

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 15 Jan. 1801

Reel 5

Apollos B. Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Mar. 1801

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 7 Mar. 1801

Reel 5

Nicholas Tillinghast to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 16 Mar. 1801

Reel 5

Apollos B. Leonard to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Mar. 1801

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Mar. 1801

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Oliver Fiske, Boston, 12 July 1801

Reel 5

Charles Howse to Robert Treat Paine, London, 8 Aug. 1801

Reel 5

Joshua Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 11 Aug. 1801

Reel 5

Francis Dana to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 28 Aug. 1801

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 24 Sep. 1801

Reel 5

John Gibaut to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 30 Nov. 1801

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Paine, 24 Dec. 1801

Reel 5

John Willard to Robert Treat Paine, Stafford, Conn., 30 Dec. 1801

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 3 Mar. 1802

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Calcutta, India, 2 Apr. 1802

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 18 Apr. 1802

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Calcutta, India, 3 May 1802

Reel 5

Sally Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 9 May 1802

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 21 June 1802

Reel 5

Barnard B. Macanulty to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 12 July 1802

Reel 5

John Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Plymouth, 19 July 1802

Reel 5

Sally Cobb Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 16 Sep. 1802

Reel 5

Thomas Paine (1773-1811) to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 30 Sep. 1802

Reel 5

Ebenezer Mattoon to Robert Treat Paine, Amherst, 27 Oct. 1802

Reel 5

Ralph Bennet Forbes to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 17 Nov. 1802

Reel 5

Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 17 Dec. 1802

Reel 5

Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 11 Jan. 1803

Reel 5

Azariah Egleston to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 25 Jan. 1803

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 31 Jan. 1803

Reel 5

Richard Cranch to Robert Treat Paine, Quincy, 12 Feb. 1803

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Azariah Egleston, 14 Feb. 1803

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Jonathan B. Cobb, Boston, 16 Feb. [Mar.?] 1803

Reel 5

Thomas Dawes, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 8 Mar. 1803

Reel 5

Edward H. Robbins to Thomas Dawes, Jr., Boston, 7 Mar. 1803

Reel 5

Jonathan B. Cobb to Henry Paine, Taunton, 7 Mar. 1803

Reel 5

Harrison Gray Otis to [Thomas Dawes, Jr.?], [7 Mar.?] 1803

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 15 Mar. 1803

Reel 5

Jonathan B. Cobb to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 21 May 1803

Reel 5

George Thacher to Robert Treat Paine, Biddeford, 31 July 1803

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to George Thacher, Boston, 5 Aug. 1803

Reel 5

Daniel Davis to Robert Treat Paine, 17 Nov. 1803

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to James Williams, Aug. 1805, 23 Dec. 1805.

Reel 5

Oliver Fiske to Robert Treat Paine, Worcester, 19 Dec. 1803

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Calcutta, 23 Dec. 1803

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Calcutta, 25 Dec. 1803

Reel 5

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Calcutta, 31 Jan. 1804

Reel 5

Nathaniel Freeman to Robert Treat Paine, Sandwich, 1 Feb. 1804

Reel 5

Joseph North to Robert Treat Paine, Augusta, Me., 26 Apr. 1804

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Perez Morton, 5 June 1804 [draft]

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 22 June 1804

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 9 July 1804

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, 2 July 1804

Reel 5

James Madison to Robert Treat Paine, Department of State, 30 Oct. 1804

Reel 5

James Williams to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Dec. 1804

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to James Williams, Boston, 9 Jan. 1805.

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Williams, Boston, 9 Jan. 1805

On verso of James Williams to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 10 Dec. 1804.

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 26 Apr. 1805

Reel 5

Thomas Welch, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 12 June 1805

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Welch, Jr., 13 June 1805

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to [James Williams?], Boston, Aug. 1805

Reel 5

Seth Padelford to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 23 Sep. 1805

Reel 5

Mr. Allen to Robert Treat Paine, [July?] 1805

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Williams, Boston, 23 Dec. 1805

Reel 5

Rev. William Emerson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Feb. 1806

Reel 5

Rev. William Emerson to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 4 Feb. 1806

Reel 5

James Sullivan to Robert Treat Paine, 8 Feb. 1806

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 17 Feb. 1806

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 25 Feb. 1806

Reel 5

John S. Capt to Charles Paine, Boston, 12 Apr. 1806

Reel 5

Andrew Allen, Jr. to Charles Paine, Boston, 16 Apr. 1806

Reel 5

John Thomas to Robert Treat Paine, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 4 Nov. 1806

Reel 5

Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 24 Feb. 1807

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to Dr. John Warren, 2 Mar. 1807, and Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, 4 Mar. 1807.

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Dr. John Warren, 2 Mar. 1807

On verso of Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, 24 Feb. 1807.

Reel 5

Dr. John Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 3 Mar. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, Boston, 4 Mar. 1807

On verso of Samuel Fales to Robert Treat Paine, 24 Feb. 1807.

Reel 5

James Sproat to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 7 Mar. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, Boston, 27 Mar. 1807

Reel 5

Dr. John Warren to Robert Treat Paine, 4 Aug. 1807

Reel 5

James Sproat to Robert Treat Paine, Taunton, 8 Aug. 1807

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, 2 Sep. 1807.

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Portland, Me., 19 Aug. 1807

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Gardner, near Hallowell, Me., 27 Aug. 1807

Reel 5

Charles Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Wiscasset, Me., 30 Aug. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, Boston, 2 Sep. 1807

On verso of James Sproat to Robert Treat Paine, 8 Aug. 1807.

Reel 5

Alden Bradford to Robert Treat Paine, 5 Sep. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Alden Bradford, [after 5 Sep. 1807]

Reel 5

Mary Paine to Sally Cobb Paine, West Springfield, 9 Sep. 1807

Reel 5

Azariah Egleston to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 20 Sep. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, Boston, 13 Oct. 1807

Reel 5

Alden Bradford to Robert Treat Paine, 31 Oct. 1807

Enclosure: extracts from docket for Court of Common Pleas for Lincoln Co.

Reel 5

Ebenezer Mattoon to Robert Treat Paine, Amherst, 9 Nov. 1807

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to James Sproat, Boston, 16 Nov. 1807

Reel 5

Justin Ely, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, West Springfield, 2 Dec. 1807

Reel 5

Justin Ely, Jr. to Robert Treat Paine, West Springfield, 25 Jan. 1808

Reel 5

Dr. John Warren to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, Feb. 1808

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Justin Ely, Jr., 1 Feb. 1808

Reel 5

William Winthrop to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 5 Feb. 1808

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Theodore Sedgwick, Boston, 8 Feb. 1808

Reel 5

William Bigelow to Robert Treat Paine, Cambridge, 17 Feb. 1808

Enclosure: extract from Court of Common Pleas, Middlesex Co.

Reel 5

Ichabod Tucker to Robert Treat Paine, Salem, 18 Feb. 1808

Reel 5

Rev. William Emerson to Robert Treat Paine, 1 Mar. 1808

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to William Winthrop, Boston, 11 July 1808 [rough draft and fair copy]

Reel 5

Joseph Greenleaf (1792-1871) to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 29 Sep. 1808

Reel 5

Joseph Greenleaf (1792-1871) to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 30 Sep. 1808

Reel 5

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 7 Oct. 1808

Reel 5

Robert Treat Paine to Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf, Boston, 13 Oct. 1808

Reel 5

Ebenezer Mattoon to Robert Treat Paine, Amherst, 18 Oct. 1808

Reel 5

Azariah Egleston to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 31 Oct. 1808

Reel 5

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 16 Nov. 1808

Reel 5

Samuel Gilbert to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 2 Dec. 1808

Correspondence, 1809-1854

Reel 6

Katherine Greenleaf Rhoades to Robert Treat Paine, [31 Jan.?] 1809

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Katherine Greenleaf Rhoades, [Feb.?] 1809

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Larkin, 7 Mar. 1809 [rough draft and fair copy]

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf, 11 Mar. 1809

Reel 6

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 31 Mar. 1809

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to Ann Greenleaf, Boston, 1 July 1809.

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph North, 2 May 1809 [rough draft and fair copy, "Respected Madam"]

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf, Boston, 1 July 1809

On verso of Mrs. Ann Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 31 Mar. 1809.

Reel 6

Mary Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Hartford, Conn., 31 Aug. 1809

Reel 6

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Brookfield, 8 Sep. 1809

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Mary Paine, Boston, 18 Sep. 1809

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Mary Paine, Boston, 7 Oct. 1809

Reel 6

Charles Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Barnstable, 28 Oct. 1809

Reel 6

Mary Antoinetta Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 8 Nov. 1809

Reel 6

Azariah Egleston to Robert Treat Paine, Lenox, 11 Nov. 1809

Reel 6

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 28 Dec. 1809

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to Mrs. Ann Greenleaf, Boston, 16 Mar. 1810.

Reel 6

Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Treat Paine, [1810?]

On verso of testimony relating to Banister vs. Fenno, 1805-1815, in Series IV. Robert Treat Paine business, legal, and financial papers.

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Robert T. Paine, Jr. (1773-1811), 24 Feb. 1810

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf, Boston, 16 Mar. 1810

On verso of Mrs. Ann Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 28 Dec. 1809.

Reel 6

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 29 Mar. 1810

On verso: Robert Treat Paine to Mrs. Ann Greenleaf, Boston, 14 June 1810.

Reel 6

H. North to Robert Treat Paine, Augusta, Me., Apr. [1810]

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf, Boston, 14 June 1810

On verso of Mrs. Ann Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 29 Mar. 1810.

Reel 6

Ann Quackenbos Greenleaf to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 10 July 1810

Reel 6

David Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, York, 27 July 1810

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to David Sewall, Boston, 17 Aug. 1810

Reel 6

David Sewall to Robert Treat Paine, York, 21 Aug. 1810

Reel 6

Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Treat Paine, 25 Aug. 1810

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Harrison Gray Otis, [after 25 Aug. 1810]

Reel 6

Harrison Gray Otis to Robert Treat Paine, 19 Sep. 1810

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Harrison Gray Otis, [after 19 Sep. 1810]

Reel 6

Elkanah Bishop to Robert Treat Paine, Stockbridge, 30 Jan. 1811

Reel 6

David Leonard Barnes to Robert Treat Paine, Providence, R.I., 13 Mar. 1811

Reel 6

Henry Paine to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 20 Mar. 1811

Reel 6

David Leonard Barnes to Robert Treat Paine, Scituate, 27 Apr. 1811

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Sally Lyman, 30 Sep. 1811

Reel 6

Thomas Dawes to Robert Treat Paine, Boston, 23 Nov. 1811

Reel 6

Thomas O. Selfridge to Robert Treat Paine, [Dec. 1811?]

Reel 6

Thomas Dawes to Robert Treat Paine, 23 Aug. 1812

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to niece, Boston, Sep. [1812?]

Reel 6

Fr. Adr. van der Kemp to Robert Treat Paine, Olden Barneveld, N.Y., 26 Sep. 1812

Reel 6

Joseph Greenleaf (1792-1871) to Robert Treat Paine, N.Y., 16 May 1814

Reel 6

William F. Otis to Harriet A. Paine, 28 Feb. 1815

Reel 6

Lucy L. Paine to aunt, Medford, 4 Feb. 1819

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 8 Dec. [1820s?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, [1820s?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, [1820s?]

Reel 6

Elisha Clap to Alden Bradford, Boston, 24 Oct. 1820

Encloses biographical sketch of Robert Treat Paine.

Reel 6

Charles Cushing Paine to Lewis Ashmun, Boston, 1821

Reel 6

Alden Bradford to Mary Paine, 14 Nov. 1821

Reel 6

Alden Bradford to Mary Paine, Dec. 1821

Reel 6

Elisha Clap to Edward Savage, 26 Dec. 1821

Reel 6

Alden Bradford to Mary Paine, 1822

Reel 6

Mary Paine to Oliver Fiske, Boston, [Dec. 1822]

Reel 6

Mary Paine to Alden Bradford, [Dec. 1822]

Reel 6

Alden Bradford to Mary Paine, Boston, 2 Dec. 1822

Reel 6

Sarah Paine Aylwin and Helen M. (Paine) Cary to Mary Paine and Lucretia Paine, [1823]

Reel 6

Mary Paine to her nieces, 25 Sep. 1823

Reel 6

William C. Aylwin to Charles Paine, [1824?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, [1824-1827?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, 18 Aug. 1824

Reel 6

Lucy Lyman Paine to Mary Paine, Waltham, 19 July 1824

Reel 6

Lt. Gov. and Miss Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 27 Aug. [1826-1832]

Reel 6

Miss Blake to Charles C. Paine, 8 Mar. 1826

Reel 6

Thomas K. Davis to Charles C. Paine, [1827?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 2 Aug. [1828]

Reel 6

George W. Pratt to Charles C. Paine, Autumn 1828

Reel 6

Robert Charles Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 12 May 1829

Reel 6

Mrs. Charles Lyman to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 25 June 1829

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, [July 1829]

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Sep. 1829

Reel 6

J. B. Joy to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 8 Sep. 1829

Reel 6

Frances Maria Heard to Charles C. Paine, 1829

Reel 6

Miss Greene to Charles C. Paine, 9 Oct. 1829

Reel 6

Mrs. Warren to Charles C. Paine, 28 Nov. 1829

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Thanksgiving Day, 1829

Reel 6

Frances Maria Heard to Charles C. Paine, Winter 1829-1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to [Charles C. Paine?], [Nov.-Dec. 1829]

Reel 6

Misses Parker to Charles C. Paine, Boston, [Winter 1829-1830]

Reel 6

Tom L. to [Charles C. Paine?], [28 Dec. 1829?]

Reel 6

Mrs. S. L. Gardner to Charles C. Paine, [Winter 1829-1830]

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 31 Dec. 1829

Reel 6

Thomas Kemper Davis to Charles C. Paine, 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Mrs. William Appleton to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 7 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Thomas P. Cushing to [Charles C. Paine?], Boston, 16 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Anna C. Lowell to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 21 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Anna C. Jackson to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 1 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Misses Dehon to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 22 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

Miss Pickering to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 30 Jan. 1830

Reel 6

George Gardner to Charles C. Paine, Boston, Feb. 1830

Reel 6

Anna Quincy to Charles C. Paine, Boston, Feb. 1830

Reel 6

H. Cushing to Charles C. Paine, Howland, Me., 26 Feb. 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 23 Mar. 1830

Reel 6

Robert Charles Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 24 Mar. 1830

Reel 6

Robert Charles Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 25 Mar. 1830

Reel 6

Robert Charles Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 26 Mar. 1830

Reel 6

S. E. Dwight to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 2 Mar. 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Spring 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Spring 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Spring 1830

Reel 6

Miss Bradbury to Charles C. Paine, Spring 1830

Reel 6

[J. B. Q.?] to Charles C. Paine, Spring 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 19 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

[A. F. Welles?] to Charles C. Paine, Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Frances Maria Heard to Charles C. Paine, 2 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 8 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Misses Dehon to Charles C. Paine, 10 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Mrs. Amory to Charles C. Paine, 15 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Miss H. G. Otis to Charles C. Paine, 24 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 30 Apr. 1830

Reel 6

William Sullivan to Charles C. Paine, 1 May 1830

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Helen Paine Cary, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 2 [?] 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 27 May 1830

Reel 6

J. B. Joy to Charles C. Paine, June 1830

Reel 6

Miss Austin to Charles C. Paine, 2 June 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 9 June 1830

Reel 6

Frances Maria Heard to Charles C. Paine, 12 June 1830

Reel 6

George B. Cary to Charles C. Paine, 8 July 1830

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 22 July 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Autumn 1830

On verso: diary notes by Charles C. Paine, 24 June-11 Oct. 1830.

Reel 6

J. B. Joy to Charles C. Paine, 17 Sep. 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 20 Sep. 1830

Reel 6

E. Pickering, as secretary of Private Debating Society, to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 11 Oct. 1830

Reel 6

William S. Schuyler to Charles C. Paine, 21 Oct. 1830

Reel 6

Edward Clarke to Charles C. Paine, 5 Oct. 1830

Reel 6

D. A. Meier to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 18 Nov. 1830

Reel 6

D. A. Meier to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 20 Nov. 1830

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to D. A. Meier, Boston, 20 Nov. 1830 and 22 Nov. 1830

Reel 6

D. A. Meier to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 23 Nov. 1830

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 20 Dec. 1830

Reel 6

Fanny Cabot Jackson to Charles C. Paine, 24 Dec. 1830

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Dec. 1830

Reel 6

Sarah Paine Aylwin to Charles C. Paine, 23 Dec. 1830

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine, list of social engagements, Winter 1830-1831

Reel 6

J. B. Joy to Charles C. Paine, 1 Jan. 1831

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to D. A. Meier, Boston, 6 Apr. 1831

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, May 1831

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 1 July 1831

Reel 6

Benjamin Pollard to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 1 July 1831

Reel 6

Mrs. J. Appleton to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 4 July [1831?]

Reel 6

Mr. Inches to Charles C. Paine, 11 July 1831

Reel 6

Lt. Gov. and Miss Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, 14 July 1831

Reel 6

J. S. Amory to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 18 Aug. 1831

Reel 6

Mary Paine Clap to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 17 Aug. 1831

Reel 6

Miss Lawrence to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 19 Aug. 1831

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Nahant, 23 Aug. 1831

Reel 6

W. C. Aylwin to Charles C. Paine, 25 Aug. 1831

Reel 6

Mary Paine Clap to Charles C. Paine, Boston, Sep. 1831

Reel 6

Mary Paine Clap to Charles C. Paine, Boston, [1831?]

Reel 6

Helen Paine Cary to Charles C. Paine, 1831

Reel 6

Mr. Dwight to Charles C. Paine, 26 Sep. 1831

Reel 6

Messrs. Bassett, Tudor, Wolcott, and Joy to Charles C. Paine, 22 Sep. 1831

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 1831

Reel 6

J. Tuckerman to Charles C. Paine, 24 Jan. 1832

Reel 6

Charles Jackson to Charles C. Paine, 10 Feb. 1832

Reel 6

Charles R. Lowell to Charles C. Paine, 3 Feb. 1832

Reel 6

D. A. Meier to Charles C. Paine, 8 Feb. 1832

Reel 6

George Ticknor to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 30 Mar. 1832

Reel 6

George Gardner to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 19 Apr. 1832

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to D. A. Meier, Boston, 8 Sep. 1831

Reel 6

Charles R. Lowell to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 19 June 1832

Reel 6

S. McCleary to Charles C. Paine, Oct. 1832

Reel 6

John Lowell, Jr. to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 15 Oct. 1832

Reel 6

F. W. P. Greenwood to Charles C. Paine, 24 Oct. 1832

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 28 Oct. 1832

Reel 6

Arnold Francis Welles to Charles C. Paine, 29 Oct. 1832

Reel 6

Grenville T. Winthrop to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 14 Dec. 1832

Reel 6

Frances Heard Winthrop to Fanny Jackson Paine, Boston, 22 Dec. 1832

Reel 6

Daniel Webster to William C. Aylwin, Washington, 2 Jan. 1833

Reel 6

H. Robinson to Charles C. Paine, Matanzas, [Cuba], 23 Feb. 1833

Reel 6

N. L. Frothingham to Charles C. Paine, [1 May 1833]

Reel 6

Joseph Greenleaf to Mary Paine Clap, N.Y., 1 June 1833

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, Nahant, 21 July 1833

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 27 Aug. 1834

Reel 6

Charles Aylwin to Charles C. Paine, Scituate, 26 July 1835

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, 23 Aug. 1835

Reel 6

Benjamin Apthorp Gould to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 7 June 1836

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, 13 June 1836

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, Sep. 1836

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, [1838?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 1 Jan. 1838

Reel 6

Robert T. S. Lowell to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 5 Mar. 1839

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, [11 July 1841]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, 3 Nov. 1841

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Sarah Cushing Paine, Boston, 1 July 1842

Reel 6

Theodore A. Mayhew to Charles C. Paine, Edgartown, 28 May 1844

Reel 6

E. S. Dixwell to Charles C. Paine, Latin School, Boston, 28 Oct. 1844

Reel 6

Theodore Parker to Charles C. Paine, Boston, 21 Dec. 1848

Reel 6

[?] to Fanny Jackson Paine, [ca. 1850]

Reel 6

Mrs. F. J. to Fanny Jackson Paine, [ca. 1850]

Reel 6

Caleb Cushing to Charles C. Paine, Washington, 27 Apr. 1853

Reel 6

Charles Jackson to Charles C. Paine, 15 Sep. 1853

Reel 6

Benjamin Peirce to Caleb Cushing, Harvard College, 20 Dec. 1853

Reel 6

J. D. Kurtz to Charles C. Paine, 25 Jan. 1854

Reel 6

Joseph Swing to Charles C. Paine, Cambridge, 8 Feb. 1854

Reel 6

Charles Jackson to Charles C. Paine, 20 Feb. 1854

Reel 6

Samuel Hurd Walley to Charles C. Paine, Washington, 1 Mar. 1854

Correspondence, undated (19th century)

Reel 6

Edward A. Graves, calling card, undated

Reel 6

Harriet A. Paine, calling card, undated

Reel 6

H. A. Paine, calling card, undated

Reel 6

Mrs. T. Dwight to Charles C. Paine, 14 Mar. [18-?]

Reel 6

E. S. Dixwell to Charles C. Paine, 26 Mar. [18-?]

Reel 6

N. L. Frothingham to Charles C. Paine, 3 Nov. [18-?]

Reel 6

Charles C. Paine to Grenville T. Winthrop, 6/7 June [18-?]

Reel 6

Mrs. Grant to Charles C. Paine, undated

Reel 6

Mrs. G. W. Lyman to Charles C. Paine, 27 May [18-?]

Reel 6

Mrs. N. Appleton to Charles C. Paine, 21 May [18-?]

Reel 6

Mrs. J. C. Gray to Charles C. Paine, 18 May [18-?]

Reel 6

Mrs. J. Appleton to Charles C. Paine, 12 Apr. [18-?]

Reel 6

Mrs. J. L. Gardner to Charles C. Paine, 20 Aug. [18-?]

Reel 6

Mary Paine Clap to Charles C. Paine, 13 Dec. [18-?]

Reel 6

Mary Paine Clap to Charles C. Paine, 13 Mar. [18-?]

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, 19 July [18-?]

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine, Monday, undated

Reel 6

Sarah Cushing Paine to Charles C. Paine [5 undated letters]

Reel 6

Tom [?] to Charles C. Paine, 3 May [18-?]

Reel 6

Helen Paine Cary to Charles C. Paine, 5 July [18-?]

Reel 6

Susan and Hannah P. Aylwin to Sarah Cushing Paine, undated

Reel 6

Helen Paine Cary to Charles C. Paine, Tuesday, undated

Reel 6

Susan and Hannah P. Aylwin to Sarah Cushing Paine, Sunday evening, undated

Reel 6

Sarah Paine Aylwin to Charles C. Paine [2 undated letters]

Reel 6

Lucy Lyman Paine to Misses Paine, undated

Robert Treat Paine letterbook, 1751-1754 (unbound)

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, Joseph Palmer, and Richard Cranch, Newburn in Nuce River, N.C., 1 Mar. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, Joseph Palmer, and Richard Cranch, Newburn in Nuce River, N.C., 12 Mar. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Snoad, Boston, 29 July 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 13 Aug. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer and Richard Cranch, Philadelphia, 23 Sep. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, Philadelphia, 23 Sep. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer and Richard Cranch, Philadelphia, 26 Sep. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Allen, Philadelphia, 1 Nov. 1751

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 8 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 8 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Abraham Sheppard, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 9 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Balch, Bath Town, N.C., 9 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Francis Keeps, Bath Town, N.C., 12 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Snoad, Bath Town, N.C., 20 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 26 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 26 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, Bath Town, N.C., 26 Mar. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Abraham Sheppard, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 2 Apr. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 15 Apr. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, Bath Town, N.C., 15 Apr. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 15 Apr. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 18 Apr. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 16 May 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., 16 May 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, Bath Town, N.C., 16 May 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Rev. Edward Holyoke, President of Harvard College, Bath Town, N.C., 26 May 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Greenleaf, [Bath Town], N.C., 26 May 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Darrall and Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 1 June 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Downe, Bath Town, N.C., 1 June 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., Bath Town, N.C., June 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Jeremiah Vail, Bath Town, N.C., 15 July 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Downes, Bath Town, N.C., 20 July 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Fisher, Jr., [Bath Town], N.C., 20 July 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, [Bath Town], N.C., 20 July 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Snoad, Bath Town, N.C., 3 Nov. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Edward Salter, Bath Town, N.C., 2 Nov. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Edward Salter, Ocacoe Bar, 11 Nov. 1752

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Thomas Smith, Boston, 25 Mar. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Stephen Wooley, Boston, 25 Mar. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Dr. Walley Chauncey, Boston, 7 Mar. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Jeremiah Vail, Boston, 7 May 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Edward Salter, Boston, 7 May 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Palmer, Boston, 15 May 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Solomon Davis, N.C., 30 May 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Leddel, Edenton, N.C., 23 July 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Leddel, Bacon Island Road, N.C., 8 Aug. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Leddel, Fayal, 16 Sep. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Isaac Freeman and Henry Leddel, Fayal, 18 Sep. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Isaac Freeman and Henry Leddel, Cadiz, 18 Nov. 1753

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Messrs. Kemp and Parker, Boston, 26 Feb. 1754

Robert Treat Paine letterbook, 1756-1765

In some cases, this letterbook contains a notation that a letter was written, but no copy of the letter itself. These notations are not included in this list.

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyre, Boston, 21 Dec. 1756

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 24 Jan. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Grey, Boston, 2 Feb. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Aaron Cleaveland, Boston, 17 Mar. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Eleazer Fairbanks, Boston, 17 Mar. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyre, Boston, 17 Mar. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 28 Mar./9 Apr. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyar, Boston, 9 Apr. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joseph Blanchard, 13 May 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyre, Boston, 16 May 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 3 June 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Job Randall, Boston, 3 June 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 16 July 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Enoch Freeman, Boston, 23 July 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joshua Freeman, Boston, 27 Aug. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Mrs. Ann Fox, Boston, 26 Aug. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 30 Aug. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 4 Oct. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Rutherford, Boston, 13 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Wheatly, Boston, Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Comsin, Boston, 18 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Noah Wiswal, Boston, 19 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Hunt, Boston, 19 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Shepard Fisk, Boston, 23 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Freeman, Boston, 26 Dec. 1757

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. William Peakes, Boston, 5 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Caleb Barker, Boston, 3 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Joshua Bangs, Boston, 5 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Shepard Fisk, Boston, 13 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. John Comsin, Boston, 20 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Joseph Greenleaf to Richard Thomas Witter, Boston, 4 Jan. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to William Stoddard, 3 Apr. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Solomon Otis, Boston, 11 Apr. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Freeman, Boston, 18 May 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, Boston, 19 May 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Hurd, Boston, 18 May 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Freeman, Boston, 10 July 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, Boston, 10 July 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Hurd, Boston, 10 July 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Gawen Brown, Boston, 14 Aug. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Eliphalet Dyar, Boston, 28 Aug. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Ichabod Jones, Boston, Aug. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Freeman, Boston, 11 Sep. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Nathaniel Hamilton, Moses Godfrey, and Joshua Godfrey, Boston, 13 Oct. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Wheatly, Boston, 5 Dec. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyar, Boston, 20 Dec. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, Boston, 8 Jan. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Freeman, Boston, 8 Jan. 1759 [letter in undeciphered code]

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Col. John Dyar, Boston, 10 Apr. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Eliphalet Dyar, Boston, 10 Apr. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to executor or administrator of James Rutherfurd's estate, Boston, 27 Apr. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, Boston, 29 June 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, 20 Aug. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Malachi Salter, Boston, 23 Oct. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Ferguson, Boston, 23 Oct. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Pool, Boston, 24 Oct. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Benjamin Leigh, Boston, 24 Oct. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Boston, 8 Nov. 1758

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Grey, Boston, 6 Dec. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Ezra Taylor, Boston, 24 Dec. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to George Ruggles, Boston, 24 Dec. 1759

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Boston, 17 Feb. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Aaron Hubbard, 24 Mar. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Benjamin Leigh, Boston, 15 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Henry Ferguson, Boston, 14 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Eliphalet Dyar, Boston, 14 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Dyar, Boston, 14 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to John Burbidge, Boston, 14 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Boston, 24 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Malachi Salter, Boston, 25 Apr. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Grey, Boston, 14 Aug. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Boston, 19 Aug. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Codman, Boston, 17 Sep. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Benjamin Leigh, Boston, 1 Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Power of attorney: Robert Treat Paine appoints James Brenton, Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Brenton, Boston, 1 Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elizabeth Pool, Boston, 3 Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Malachi Salter, Boston, 3 Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Brenton, Boston, 4 Nov. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Codman, Boston, 2 Dec. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Benjamin Johnson, Boston, 22 Dec. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Eliphalet Dyar, Boston, 24 Dec. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Samuel Grey, Boston, 24 Dec. 1760

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Renold Mervin, Boston, 14 Jan. 1761

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to James Brenton, Boston, 3 Mar. 1761

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Boston, 3 Apr. 1761

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Kenelm Winslow, Taunton, July 1761

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Capt. Simeon Potter, Taunton, 6 Aug. 1761

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Rachel Wormley, Taunton, 26 Aug. 1762

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Deliverance Eldridge, Taunton, 21 Mar. 1763

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Smith, Taunton, 3 Apr. 1763

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Smith, Taunton, 30 May 1764

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Elisha Tobey, Taunton, 4 June 1765

Reel 6

Robert Treat Paine to Richard Smith, Taunton, 13 Sep. 1765

Preferred Citation

Robert Treat Paine papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

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Bourne, Shearjashub, 1746-1806.
Cobb, David, 1748-1830.
Cranch, Richard, 1726-1811.
Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814.
Hancock, John, 1737-1793.
Paine family.
Paine, Robert, 1770-1798.
Paine, Robert Treat, 1773-1811.
Paine, Robert Treat, 1803-1885.
Paine, Thomas, 1694-1757.
Palmer, Joseph, 1716-1788.


Massachusetts. Attorney General's Office.
Massachusetts. Supreme Judicial Court.
United States. Continental Congress (1774)
United States. Declaration of Independence.


Account books--1751-1814.
Boston Massacre, 1770.
Crown Point Expedition, 1755.
Estates (Law)
Private libraries.
Massachusetts--Politics and government--1775-1865.
Merchant marine.
Ocean travel.
Shays' Rebellion, 1786-1787.
United States--Politics and government--1775-1783.
Voyages and travels.