Guide to the Microfilm Edition
This collection consists of the correspondence, letterbooks, notebooks, scrapbooks, detailed personal journals, and other papers of Caroline Wells Healey Dall, a 19th-century reformer and essayist.
Biographical Sketch
Caroline Wells Healey Dall (1822-1912) was a leading 19th-century reformer and essayist. A feminist and Unitarian Church liberal, Dall played a significant role in the antislavery movement and the drive for women's suffrage and was a founder of the American Social Science Association. A publicist and literary scholar, Dall produced a variety of works including Woman's Right to Labor (1860), Woman's Rights Under the Law (1861), and The College, the Market, and the Court (1867), all significant feminist tracts; Historical Pictures Retouched (1859), Barbara Frietchie (1892), and other notable historical writings; the Patty Gray children's stories (1869); and Alongside (1900), a personal memoir of Dall's early years. She also published a number of additional books and a score of articles, columns, and reviews in the Springfield Republican, the Cambridge Tribune, the Nation, and other periodicals.
Collection Description
The Caroline Wells Healey Dall papers consist of 24 boxes of loose manuscripts and 81 volumes of letterbooks, notebooks, scrapbooks, and detailed personal journals of Caroline Dall. The collection details Dall's long life and varied career from her early days in antebellum Boston to her years of prominence as a literary and reform figure in both Boston and Washington, D.C. Among the areas well covered are: Dall's involvement in Unitarian affairs as a Sunday School teacher, charity worker, and lay preacher; her attraction to Transcendentalism and thoughts on Margaret Fuller; her difficult marriage to missionary Charles Henry Appleton Dall (1816-1886); her work with the Anti-Slavery Society and the Underground Railroad; her pioneering efforts on behalf of women's rights and often stormy relationships with other feminist leaders; her promotion of social science; her intellectual development as a writer, lecturer, and teacher; and her considerable literary output despite later years of physical pain and suffering.
The collection also contains a wealth of material on 19th-century religion, literature, and social, political, and educational reform. Nearly every major 19th-century figure of consequence is represented in the correspondence. Among the Dall correspondents are: Louisa May Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, James Freeman Clarke, Frances F. (Mrs. Grover) Cleveland, William Lloyd Garrison, Edward Everett Hale, William H. Herndon, George Frisbie Hoar, Theodore Parker, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Wendell Phillips, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Charles Sumner. In addition, the Dall papers contain a significant number of letters of Dall's son, William H. Dall (1845-1927), a noted American naturalist.
Included in this guide is an index listing the names of all correspondents in Boxes 1-22, as well as the names of select individuals and subjects of historical significance in those boxes.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Caroline H. Dall, 1899-1917.
Other Formats
Digital facsimiles of the Caroline Wells Healey Dall papers are available on Nineteenth Century Collections Online: Religion, Spirituality, Reform and Society, a digital publication of Gale/Cengage. This digital resource is available at subscribing libraries; speak to your local librarian to determine if your library has access. This publication is not available in the MHS library.
Extracts of Caroline Wells Healey Dall's journals have been published as Daughter of Boston: The Extraordinary Diary of a Nineteenth-Century Woman, edited by Helen R. Deese (Boston: Beacon Press, 2005). Transcriptions of Dall's journals from 1838 to 1855 have been published in Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society (vol. 90) as Selected Journals of Caroline Healey Dall, also edited by Helen R. Deese (Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2006).
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Loose papers, 1811-1917
For a list of all correspondents in Boxes 1-22, as well as the names of select individuals and subjects of historical significance, see the index below.
A. Clara Baldwin journals, 1811-1813
Journal, 13 Nov. 1811-6 Feb. 1813
Personal journal of Clara Baldwin describing her travels in Paris with her uncle Joel Barlow; Napoleon and his new bride, Marie Louise.
Journal, 1811
Journal of Clara Baldwin describing her journey from Cherbourg to Draville, France.
B. Correspondence, 1834-1917
This subseries consists primarily of incoming correspondence, but also contains some Dall letters, autobiographical notes, and Dall's reflections on some of her correspondents.
June 1834-Dec. 1841
Correspondence from Eliza Strickland, Charles Lowell, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Caroline W. Healey, Thomas Suffield, C. G. Loring, T. R. Gould, S. F. Haven, Eliza Hastings, Theodore Parker, and others. Subjects include the religious beliefs and experiences of young Caroline and her role as a Sunday School teacher in Boston.
Jan.-July 1842
Correspondence from Caroline W. Healey, Theodore Parker, S. F. Haven, R. C. Waterston, Horace Mann, Henry Doane, George B. Emerson, and others. Subjects include the death of Caroline's younger brother, the business failure of her father, and her hunt for a school teaching job. Also includes a mention of historian George Bancroft at an American Antiquarian Society meeting, Haven to Healey, 9 June 1842.
Aug.-Oct. 1842
Correspondence from George Choate, Mrs. Abbott Lawrence, Alonzo Hill, Charles D. Cleveland, A. B. Cleveland, S. F. Haven, Cyrus A. Bartol, Caroline W. Healey, Theodore Parker, and others. Subjects include Caroline's employment at Miss English's School for Young Ladies in Georgetown, D.C., and her teaching of free blacks.
Oct.-Dec. 1842
Correspondence from Elizabeth H. Bartol, Caroline W. Healey, Mrs. Abbott Lawrence, Theodore Parker, Mrs. C. R. Lowell, Agnes Strickland, and others. Subjects include Caroline's school experiences in Georgetown and her growing antislavery feeling.
Jan.-Feb. 1843
Correspondence from Caroline W. Healey, Erastus Brooks, R. C. Waterston, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Charles Lowell, C. G. Loring, and others. Subjects include Caroline's school experiences and antislavery and Charles H. A. Dall's courtship of her.
Mar.-May 1843
Correspondence from Caroline W. Healey, Thomas Suffield, Mark Healey, Theodore Parker, E. H. Appleton, and Susan D. Houghton. Subjects include Boston social life (the engagement of Horace Mann and Mary Tyler Peabody), Unitarianism, and Charles H. A. Dall's courtship of Caroline.
June-Dec. 1843
Correspondence from John W. Anderson, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Caroline W. Healey, Samuel F. Haven, M. L. Davis, Margaret D. Cranch, George B. Emerson, Ezra S. Gannett, Erastus Brooks, and others. Subjects include Caroline's return to Boston and Charles H. A. Dall's courtship of her.
Jan.-Dec. 1844
Correspondence from R. C. Waterston, Caroline W. Healey, Erastus Brooks, Margaret D. Brooks, Ann B. Tracy, Charles Lowell, Theodore Parker, Elizabeth H. Bartol, and John T. Sargent. Subjects include the courtship and marriage of Charles H. A. Dall and Caroline W. Healey, Unitarian church affairs, and abolitionism (Charles Turner Torrey).
16 Mar. 1843-22 Mar. 1844
Correspondence from Caroline W. Healey to Charles H. A. Dall. Subjects include Georgetown experiences, courtship, and marriage. Most of the contents of this folder are fragments of letters and some of the "unsuitable parts unnecessarily preserved" have been crossed out by Caroline Dall.
Jan.-Dec. 1845
Correspondence from Daniel P. Parker, Caroline Dall, Theodore Parker, George H. Kuhn, Elizabeth H. Bartol, R. C. Waterston, M. D. Brooks, and M. A. Brown. Subjects include the beliefs and activities of Theodore Parker, Rev. Dall's illness, the Dalls' move to Boston, and the birth of the first Dall child, William Healey.
Jan.-Sep. 1846
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Hatty T. Ward, Louisa Simes, M. D. Brooks, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Daniel P. Parker, F. D. Huntington, Theodore Parker, Mary Bartol, Elizabeth Prichard, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters, Unitarian affairs, Charles H. A. Dall's ministry-at-large in Portsmouth, N.H., the Portsmouth Anti-Slavery Society, and Caroline Dall's intention to write for Maria W. Chapman's antislavery Liberty Bell.
Oct. 1846-June 1847
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Theodore Parker, S. F. Haven, Elizabeth Prichard, M. D. Brooks, James Kennard, Jr., and others. Subjects include the writings and activities of Theodore Parker, George Bancroft, Unitarian affairs, and family matters.
Aug.-Dec. 1847
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Elizabeth P. Spalding, Annie M. Kennard, George B. Emerson, M. D. Brooks, and Louisa Simes. Subjects include the work of the Unitarian Ladies Social Benevolent Society of Needham, Mass., and the death of Dall friend James Kennard, Jr.
Jan.-Dec. 1848
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Cyrus A. Bartol, Elizabeth P. Spalding, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Elizabeth H. Bartol, M. D. Brooks, F. D. Huntington, Anna C. Lowell, and Theodore Parker. Subjects include Theodore Parker, antislavery, and church and social matters.
Jan.-Mar. 1849
Correspondence from Cyrus A. Bartol, Daniel P. Parker, George B. Emerson, S. F. Haven, Theodore Parker, Caroline Dall, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Martha A. Spelman, Anna C. Lowell, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Elizabeth P. Spalding, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's Essays and Sketches, journalistic activities, and social matters.
Apr.-Nov. 1849
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Wendell Phillips, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Louisa Simes, Charles H. A. Dall, and others. Subjects include antislavery, women's rights, and the birth of a Dall daughter, Sarah Keene.
Jan.-Dec. 1850
Correspondence from Elizabeth P. Spalding, Harriet Farley, Anna C. Lowell, Lizzie M. Coggeshall, Mary P. Lyman, Caroline Dall, Catharine E. Beecher, F. D. Huntington, Delia S. Bacon, Charles H. A. Dall, Cyrus A. Bartol, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, antislavery, Delia Bacon, women's rights, and Dall family matters. Caroline Dall letters to William Lloyd Garrison, 24 May and 2 June 1850, discuss the antislavery and religious reform movements and tactics in detail.
Jan.-June 1851
Correspondence from Elizabeth P. Spalding, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Delia S. Bacon, Edmund Quincy, Harriet B. Harris, Charles H. A. Dall, Henry I. Bowditch, Paulina Wright Davis, Ira Gould, S. F. Haven, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, her efforts on behalf of a freedom seeker, and Healey and Dall family matters.
July-Sep. 1851
Correspondence from Caroline Foster Healey, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Edmund Quincy, Anna L. Blake, Paulina Wright Davis, S. W. Cheney, and others. Subjects include Healey and Dall family matters and Caroline Dall's journalistic activities.
Oct.-Dec. 1851
Correspondence from George W. Healey, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Caroline Dall, Ednah D. Littlehale, Theodore Parker, Emily Healey, Caroline Foster Healey, Edmund Quincy, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters, social life, women's education, Caroline Dall's journalistic activities (Liberty Bell), and thoughts on marriage.
Jan.-Sep. 1852
Correspondence from Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Mary S. G. Nichols, Samuel May, Jr., R. R. Lowell, Anna I. L. Parsons, Cyrus A. Bartol, Charles H. A. Dall, F. D. Huntington, M. D. Brooks, Susanna Moodie, S. W. Cheney, and others. Subjects include freedom seekers in Canada, Dall family matters, and Boston and Washington social life.
Oct.-Dec. 1852
Correspondence from Anna I. L. Parsons, J. Hamilton Couper, Ednah D. Littlehale, Caroline Dall, Paulina Wright Davis, Theodore Parker, Sarah H. Foster, Susanna Moodie, Cyrus A. Bartol, Charles H. A. Dall, George Putnam, and others. Subjects include the death of Daniel Webster and Theodore Parker's sermon concerning him, the beginnings of a women's journal (edited by Paulina Wright Davis), soliciting funds for a new Unitarian church in Toronto, and Dall family matters.
Jan.-May 1853
Correspondence from Paulina Wright Davis, Charles A. Brigham, Sarah H. Foster, George Putnam, J. H. Allen, James Houghton, John Weiss, F. D. Huntington, George Choate, George W. Burnap, Susanna Moodie, Samuel F. Haven, Samuel Osgood, G. W. Hosmer, Lucy Stone, and others. Subjects include the solicitation of funds for the Toronto church and the launching of the women's journal Una.
June-Dec. 1853
Correspondence from Paulina Wright Davis, Dorcas S. Murdoch, James Martineau, Sarah H. Foster, James Freeman Clarke, Susan B. Anthony, George Putnam, W. H. Channing, James Whyte, Anna I. L. Parsons, Susanna Moodie, Dorothea Dix, and others. Subjects include antislavery and women's rights conclaves, Caroline Dall's contributions to Una, and Unitarian affairs.
Jan.-July 1854
Correspondence from Thomas Wentworth Higginson, G. W. Hosmer, Samuel May, Jr., Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Charles Sumner, S. H. Gay, W. H. Channing, Susanna Moodie, Charles H. A. Dall, S. E. Sewall, Paulina Wright Davis, M. C. Shannon, Elizabeth P. Spalding, Katie Moodie, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's assisting of freedom seekers, women's rights, the Dalls' move from Toronto to Boston, other family matters, and Unitarian affairs. Sumner's letter, 18 Mar. 1854, thanks Dall for her encouragement in his lonely antislavery fight.
Aug.-Dec. 1854
Correspondence from Katie Moodie, Susanna Moodie, Paulina Wright Davis, Caroline Dall, Amelia Bloomer, Charles Sumner, W. B. Greene, and others. Subjects include literary matters, Caroline Dall's assistant editorship of Una, and women's rights.
Jan.-June 1855
Correspondence from S. C. Hewitt, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Edward Everett Hale, George W. Healey, Anna C. Lowell, John Patton, Elizabeth Peabody, A. B. Fuller, Lucy Stone, Daniel Wilson, Jones Very, Paulina Wright Davis, Susanna Moodie, Anna I. L. Parsons, and others. Subjects include an attempt to get Caroline Dall's translation of George Sand's Spiridion published, editing Una in Boston, Margaret Fuller's writings and other literary matters, and Charles H. A. Dall's decision to go to India.
July-Oct. 1855
Correspondence from S. H. Gay, M. D. Brooks, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Frederic H. Hedge, Joseph L. Stevens, Jr., Lucretia Mott, Louisa Hall, Paulina Wright Davis, Caroline Foster Healey, Theodore Parker, Caroline Dall, S. C. Hewitt, Sallie Holley, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall as lecturer, editing and running Una, the women's rights convention in Boston, and family matters.
Nov.-Dec. 1855
Correspondence from Joseph L. Stevens, Jr., Anne Whitney, Caroline Foster Healey, Paulina Wright Davis, F. D. Huntington, Anna I. L. Parsons, Caroline Dall, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Susanna Moodie, Nathaniel T. Allen, Edward Everett Hale, John Patton, A. P. Peabody, Thomas J. Mumford, and others. Subjects include the demise of Una.
Jan.-Dec. 1856
Correspondence from Nathaniel Hall, Samuel J. May, Paulina Wright Davis, George Ripley, Charlotte L. Hill, Charles Lowell, Cyrus A. Bartol, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Caroline Dall, A. P. Peabody, Theodore Parker, Susanna Moodie, Eliza T. Clapp, Anne Whitney, Mary B. Birdsall, John Patton, Ednah D. Cheney, C. C. Shackford, and others. Subjects include Spiridion, the demise of Una, and Caroline Dall's difficult existence without her husband.
Feb.-Dec. 1857
Correspondence from Ephraim Nute, Sallie Holley, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Patton, W. F. Channing, Marie E. Zakrzewska, Anne Whitney, Samuel May, Jr., Dail, Maria Weston Chapman, James Freeman Clarke, Eliza Scudder, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, William Hincks, Jr., Bithia A. Hincks, Theodore Parker, Wendell Phillips, E. A. Lukens, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret S. Senkler, Simon Brown, and others. Subjects include journalistic activities, lecturing, young William H. Dall and Gerrit Smith, and employment for formerly enslaved people. Emerson's letter to Dall, 10 Dec. 1857, discusses Delia Bacon and her work.
Jan.-June 1858
Correspondence from E. A. Lukens, Caroline Dall, James Freeman Clarke, Theodore Parker, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Lucy Stone, H. W. Sewall, Anna I. L. Parsons, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities and lectures, her "egotism" (Clarke to Dall, 25 Jan. 1858), and women's rights legislation in Massachusetts.
July-Dec. 1858
Correspondence from C. M. Severance, H. W. Sewall, James Freeman Clarke, John L. Russell, A. B. Fuller, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Anne Whitney, Caroline Dall, Mary A. Porcher, Harriet H. Sparhawk, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's lectures and writings on women's rights, publishing the poetry of Anne Whitney, and church affairs.
Jan.-June 1859
Correspondence from W. F. Channing, Bessie R. Parkes, Caroline Dall, Theodore Parker, W. T. Clarke, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Sallie Holley, Nathaniel Hall, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Susan B. Anthony, Wendell Phillips, Sarah B. Shaw, James Freeman Clarke, John T. Sargent, and others. Subjects include the troubled affairs of William F. Channing, Theodore Parker's illness and departure from Boston, Horace Mann and women's rights, Caroline Dall's lectures, and the establishment of a women's organization in Massachusetts. Included are some notes by Caroline Dall on the Massachusetts organization and her list of resolutions passed at the New York Convention of Women, May 1859.
July-Dec. 1859
Correspondence from Sarah Barnard, David Barnard, Sallie Holley, Samuel F. Haven, S. A. Clarke, Bessie R. Parkes, Nathaniel Hall, S. E. Sewall, George William Curtis, John Patton, A. P. Peabody, Edward H. Clarke, Henry James, Abby Alcott, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Eliza T. Clapp, and others. Subjects include the troubled affairs of the Barnard family, Caroline Dall's lectures and journalistic activities, and differences of opinion within the women's rights movement.
Jan. 1860
Correspondence from George William Curtis, A. P. Peabody, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Samuel J. May, Abby May Alcott, Caroline Dall, Bessie R. Parkes, A. B. Fuller, Charlotte Hill, Luther R. Marsh, Harriet Lupton, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's Woman's Right to Labor, journalistic activities, and prison reform.
Feb.-Mar. 1860
Correspondence from Samuel J. May, Charlotte Hill, Caroline Dall, William C. Russel, Helen M. Rood, M. D. Conway, Leonard Bacon, William D. O'Connor, William H. Herndon, James Freeman Clarke, Eliza Scudder, E. A. Lukens, Henry Giles, Caroline Foster Healey, and others. Subjects include the writings of Caroline Dall, opposition to women's rights, and Dall and Healey family matters.
Apr.-July 1860
Correspondence from Sallie Holley, Edward Everett Hale, Anne Whitney, W. E. Hosmer, Daniel Wilson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Mary L. Booth, John T. Sargent, Emma Hardinge, Samuel J. May, James A. Dix, John Patton, Samuel F. Haven, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Wendell Phillips, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities and research on women's history, the women's rights movement, the death of Theodore Parker, and Charles H. A. Dall's activities in India.
Sep.-Oct. 1860
Correspondence from S. F. Haven, Josephine C. Shaw, Edward H. Clarke, Henry I. Bowditch, Cyrus A. Bartol, O. B. Frothingham, George William Curtis, A. B. Fuller, Catharine Putnam, Anna Gardner, Charles Lowell, Maria E. Zakrzewska, W. E. Hosmer, C. C. Shackford, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's Historical Pictures Retouched and Woman's Right to Labor.
Nov.-Dec. 1860
Correspondence from David A. Wasson, Charles Sumner, Caroline Dall, Samuel J. May, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, E. A. Lukens, Julia Davis, E. C. Whipple, William D. O'Connor, S. E. Sewall, G. W. Curtis, Emily Johnstone, C. M. Severance, Charlotte L. Hill, Maria Weston Chapman, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, her differences with Elizabeth Cady Stanton on divorce, other women's matters, and Historical Pictures Retouched. Caroline Dall to Charles H. A. Dall, 10 Nov. 1860, discusses her diphtheria and the state of the Dall family.
Jan.-May 1861
Correspondence from C. C. Shackford, Anna I. L. Parsons, William D. O'Connor, Catharine Putnam, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Caroline Dall, Mary L. Booth, Juliette Dillon, F. B. Sanborn, William H. Herndon, Harriet B. Hicks, Charles K. Whipple, Charlotte L. Hill, Mary Carpenter, Mary E. Parkman, P. D. Moore, William Mountford, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's A Practical Illustration of Woman's Right to Labor and Woman's Rights Under the Law, her effort to get a loan in order to publish, the Civil War and Elizabeth P. Peabody's petition for peace, a Boston Home for Outcast Women, and other reform efforts.
June-Sep. 1861
Correspondence from Emma Hardinge, Sallie Holley, Elizabeth Malleson, Sarah Dall, N. M. Barnes, Bessie Parkes, Sarah E. Draper, B. Ernest Wainwright, John Patton, Anita E. Tyng, G. W. Curtis, Samuel F. Haven, Mary E. Parkman, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, Dall family matters, women's rights, and other reform efforts.
Oct.-Dec. 1861
Correspondence from Lydia D. Parker, C. J. Bowen, James M. Stone, Mary L. Booth, Sallie Holley, Anne Whitney, M. C. Zakrzewska, Emma Hardinge, J. M. Manning, Frederick H. Hedge, Henry W. Brown, Phineas E. Gay, Mary E. Parkman, Henry Giles, G. W. Curtis, Cyrus A. Bartol, S. E. Sewall, W. T. Clarke, Samuel J. May, William H. Herndon, S. F. Haven, Edward H. Clarke, T. J. Mumford, O. B. Frothingham, Jane F. Russell, F. B. Sanborn, James T. Fields, and others. Subjects include the letters of Theodore Parker, Caroline Dall's Woman's Rights Under the Law, Mary L. Booth on the Civil War, the formation of a Boston committee to push for emancipation of enslaved people, and Dall family matters. Herndon's letter to Dall, 10 Nov. 1861, is critical of Lincoln's modest position on emancipation.
Jan.-Apr. 1862
Correspondence from Thomas Wentworth Higginson, O. B. Frothingham, John Stuart Mill, William H. Herndon, Edward Peacock, Charles D. Cleveland, Sallie Holley, David A. Wasson, Emma Rogers, Samuel F. Haven, Daniel Wilson, William Dall, Harriet B. Hicks, Mary Mann, Sarah Lewin, and others. Subjects include Charles H. A. Dall's failure to return to his family, women's rights, and emancipation. The letter from John Stuart Mill to Dall, 15 Jan. 1862, discusses his wife, and Herndon's letter to Dall, 28 Jan. 1862, expresses his opinion of Mrs. Lincoln.
May-Aug. 1862
Correspondence from E. B. Swank, Caroline Copland, Daniel Wilson, Alida C. Avery, Caroline F. Putnam, William H. Dall, Sarah Clarke, Mary C. Shaw, L. D. Parker, Robert Collyer, Harriet F. Stevens, Lucy Goddard, Anna E. Dickinson, Sophia Thoreau, C. D. Cleveland, James T. Fields, James Freeman Clarke, Ezra S. Gannett, Virginia Perry, and others. Subjects include Antioch College, William H. Dall and Dall family matters, the Civil War as seen from Canada, women's rights, and the death of Henry David Thoreau.
Sep.-Dec. 1862
Correspondence from Anna E. Dickinson, Daniel Wilson, Alida C. Avery, John Patton, L. M. Brown, O. B. Frothingham, C. G. Ames, Sallie Holley, Charles W. Slack, Elizabeth M. Powell, Edward Peacock, S. E. Sewall, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings on women's rights and Lincoln, emancipation, black colonization, and the Civil War.
Jan.-May 1863
Correspondence from Samuel F. Haven, Robert Collyer, C. G. Ames, Lucy E. Sewall, Edward Peacock, Daniel Wilson, Ednah D. Cheney, W. T. Clarke, Abby B. Francis, W. H. Channing, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall and the women's rights movement; reform movements in Great Britain; various views of the Civil War from Canada, Great Britain, and America; William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, and other political and military leaders; and Mrs. Stanton's view of Lincoln.
June-July 1863
Correspondence from C. G. Ames, Sallie Holley, J. F. R. Firth, Fanny B. Ames, John W. Appleton, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's illness, the Civil War, and the formation of a black regiment. The letter from Appleton, 18 July 1863, describes the battle of Fort Wagner in which the correspondent was wounded. There is also a rough sketch of a map of the battle area.
Aug.-Dec. 1863
Correspondence from John Patton, Lizzie Winthrop, Elizabeth P. Peabody, William H. Dall, Lydia R. Stowe, Caroline S. Haven, Robert Collyer, Sarah P. Healey, Lucy E. Shepard, James Freeman Clarke, C. G. Ames, Louisa Hall, Samuel D. Bell, J. F. R. Firth, S. C. Putnam, Josephine Shaw, A. S. W. Farley, Elizabeth H. Bartol, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters, Caroline Dall's illness, and William H. Dall's service as a volunteer defending the Watertown Arsenal.
Jan.-Feb. 1864
Correspondence from Daniel Wilson, Wendell Phillips, Sarah P. Healey, Laura W. Johnson, Edward Peacock, Anne Whitney, Lucy Peacock, S. E. Sewall, Sallie Holley, M. J. H. Bigelow, E. F. Tudor, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters, Caroline Dall's writings on women's rights, and British reform movements and politics.
Mar.-May 1864
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, G. W. Hosmer, Susan B. Anthony, Sallie Holley, Eliza H. Garret, Robert Collyer, James T. Fields, J. H. Allen, Phebe B. Dean, Sarah Pugh, F. George Shaw, and others. Subjects include Charles H. A. Dall's activities in Calcutta, Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, and the antislavery movement.
June-Aug. 1864
Correspondence from S. H. Gay, William D. Kelley, Annie Fields, C. G. Loring, Cornelia Loring, Lucy Peacock, Edward Peacock, Sallie Holley, Sarah A. Clarke, F. B. Sanborn, Rose Hawthorne, T. J. Mumford, Anne Whitney, Daniel Wilson, Ednah D. Cheney, J. W. Foster, and others. Subjects include Republican politics and the renomination of Abraham Lincoln, British politics and war sympathies, the death of Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Caroline Dall's journalistic activities.
Sep.-Oct. 1864
Correspondence from J. H. Allen, B. W. M. Kim, Lucretia Crocker, May Alcott, Charles D. Cleveland, Maria Cary, F. H. Hedge, Mary C. Vaughan, James Freeman Clarke, Daniel Wilson, Abby Alcott, Elizabeth H. Bartol, F. George Shaw, M. B. Hall, John W. M. Appleton, Maria Weston Chapman, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, religious matters, Caroline Dall's sartorial concerns, and the writings of the Alcotts.
Nov.-Dec. 1864
Correspondence from Mary C. Vaughan, Caroline Dall, J. H. Stephenson, Julia Ward Howe, A. P. Peabody, Anne Whitney, Robert Collyer, T. J. Mumford, George Thompson, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall articles on American manufacturing and free labor, religious matters, and Dall family matters. Dall letter to Charles H. A. Dall, 8 Nov. 1864, discusses the state of the family.
Jan.-Feb. 1865
Correspondence from Cornelia Loring, William H. Dall, Henry James, May Alcott, Rosa E. Hartwell, Anne Whitney, F. H. Hedge, Hattie Wilson, Marie E. Zakrzewska, Lucy P. Hedge, Caroline Dall, L. W. Brown, Oliver Johnson, Charles Eliot Norton, Caroline F. Hedge, Anne M. Mumford, George Thompson, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's articles promoting American manufactured goods, Dall family matters, the novel Moods by Louisa May Alcott, Garrison's call for dissolution of the Anti-Slavery Society, and the state of the antislavery movement.
Mar.-Apr. 1865
Correspondence from George Ticknor, Sarah B. Shaw, Caroline Dall, Franklin Haven, Edward Peacock, Lucy Peacock, Mary A. Livermore, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters, genealogy of the Healey and Rogers families, the end of the Civil War, and the assassination of Lincoln. Dall letter to her husband, 23 Mar. 1865, discusses the state of family affairs and the need for money.
May-June 1865
Correspondence from Samuel F. Haven, Robert Collyer, Horatio Stebbins, Henry James, Hannah E. Stevenson, Daniel Wilson, James Freeman Clarke, William H. Herndon, Cornelia Loring, Amelia L. Holmes, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, the New England Freedmen's Aid Society, and the death of Lincoln. Herndon expressed his grief over Lincoln in letters to Dall, 26 May and 23 June 1865.
July-Oct. 1865
Correspondence from Lucy Peacock, Abby Alcott, Lizzie Merriam, Edward Peacock, Eliza H. Garret, Daniel Wilson, W. D. Whitney, William Samuel Johnson, Wendell P. Garrison, Charles Lanman, F. B. Sanborn, Caroline Dall, A. P. Peabody, Mary E. Parkman, Wendell Phillips, Mary B. Garret, F. H. Hedge, A. B. Lincoln, and others. Subjects include the beginning career of William H. Dall and other family matters, Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, Unitarian affairs, the American Social Science Association, and women's rights.
Nov.-Dec. 1865
Correspondence from Emory Washburn, F. H. Hedge, Robert Collyer, May Alcott, William R. Alger, Jerusha Peacock, C. G. Ames, Thomas Hill, M. R. James, Sarah A. Clarke, J. M. Darrah, Susan B. Anthony, Wendell Phillips, Mary E. Parkman, Annie Fields, Meta Gaskell, M. D. Conway, S. Burger Stearns, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, President Andrew Johnson, the drive for constitutional amendments preventing disfranchisement of blacks and bringing about women's suffrage, Soldier's Aid Societies, Robert Gould Shaw, and Caroline Dall's journalistic activities.
Jan.-Feb. 1866
Correspondence from William H. Herndon, Daniel Wilson, Julia Ward Howe, Hattie E. Waterman, J. G. Palfrey, Wendell P. Garrison, C. G. Ames, George Walker, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Horatio R. Storer, William V. Wells, C. M. Severance, Susan B. Anthony, Wendell Phillips, Edward Peacock, Fanny B. Ames, Sarah B. Shaw, Lucretia Crocker, and others. Subjects include women's rights and Reconstruction and the American Association for the Promotion of Social Science.
Mar.-May 1866
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Maurice O'Connell, C. G. Ames, M. E. Zakrzewska, S. C. Clarke, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Fanny B. Ames, Henry C. Leonard, Sallie Holley, Susan B. Anthony, Sarah B. Shaw, Edward S. Bunker, M. L. Hall, Lucretia Crocker, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's activities in the American Social Science Association and the women's rights movement and her lectures on the Old Testament.
June-Aug. 1866
Correspondence from Sarah A. Clarke, Daniel Wilson, James Henry Wiggin, Fanny B. Ames, Horatio R. Storer, Caroline Foster Healey, Mark Healey, Mary Bartol, E. A. Snell, and others. Subjects include Clarke genealogy, Healey family matters, and Caroline Dall's Bible Story Told for Children.
Sep. 1866
Correspondence from Susan B. Anthony, Amos Otis, William H. Herndon, S. C. Clarke, L. M. Sargent, L. S. Ham, C. A. Staples, F. H. Hedge, George W. Healey, H. W. Bellows, Samuel Eliot, Augusta Barnard, Robert Collyer, A. G. Weld, and others. Subjects include religious affairs, Herndon's life of Lincoln, Caroline Dall's proposed western lecture tour, Healey family matters, and William H. Dall.
Oct.-Dec. 1866
Correspondence from J. K. Hosmer, D. A. Wasson, Kate N. Daggett, Susan B. Anthony, Samuel J. May, William H. Herndon, J. T. Fields, Rebecca B. Spring, G. W. Hosmer, Caroline Foster Healey, Anna C. Brackett, Elizabeth Murray, Samuel Eliot, Charles F. Dunbar, John A. Andrew, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's lecture tour, women as preachers of the Gospel, and Abraham Lincoln as recalled by Herndon and Andrew.
Jan. 1867
Correspondence from William H. Herndon, J. T. Fields, John E. Clarke, Sarah Clarke, Fanny M. Gay, H. W. Lyman, Mary E. Chapin, Daniel Wilson, G. R. Noyes, Edward Everett Hale, Isaac M. Wise, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Francis Tiffany, George W. Healey, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's The College, The Market, and the Court, Healey family matters, and Antioch College.
Feb. 1867
Correspondence from Lucy P. Hedge, Edward Atkinson, J. Vila Blake, William J. Potter, Ticknor & Fields, James T. Fields, J. L. Sanborn, James Freeman Clarke, William T. Davis, George William Curtis, M. E. Zakrzewska, Francis Ellingwood Abbot, Mary L. Booth, Wendell Phillips, Charles F. Dunbar, Samuel Eliot, O. B. Frothingham, S. C. Clarke, Gerrit Smith, Anna E. Dickinson, William H. Herndon, Kate N. Daggett, F. B. Sanborn, Fanny R. Edmunds, and others. Subjects include Dall's The College, the Market, and the Court, the publishing business, Radical Republican politics, Herndon's lectures on Lincoln, and the American Social Science Association.
Mar.-Apr. 1867
Correspondence from Emily Williams, Eliza S. Turner, Martha L. B. Goddard, Mary Grew, Ann F. Greeley, G. W. Hosmer, Matilda Goddard, Susan B. Anthony, Anna C. Brackett, Mary B. Garret, B. A. Gould, Harriet W. Hall, John E. Clarke, J. Vila Blake, L. W. Ham, F. H. Hedge, H. L. C. Pierpont, C. M. Severance, Jerusha H. Peacock, S. L. Kilborn, Elizabeth H. Bartol, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, the American Equal Rights Association, and Antioch College.
May-June 1867
Correspondence from J. Vila Blake, L. P. Hedge, Elizabeth M. F. Denton, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, G. W. Hosmer, George William Curtis, Olympia Brown, E. F. Tudor, John F. Moors, Cyrus A. Bartol, Anna Parsons, Martha L. B. Goddard, Maria Mitchell, Sarah Clarke, Edward Everett Hale, Daniel Wilson, W. T. Clarke, Lizzie Merriam, Elizabeth Murray, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's The College, the Market, and the Court.
July-Aug. 1867
Correspondence from George William Curtis, Charles G. Loring, Sarah A. Clarke, J. H. Allen, Anna E. Dickinson, Rufus P. Stebbins, Lucretia Mott, Virginia Penny, Mary Carpenter, Anna I. L. Parsons, Edward Peacock, Margaret S. Bennett, J. K. Hosmer, L. S. Ham, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, religious matters, women's rights, and women in medicine.
July-Aug. 1867
Correspondence from Cornelia Loring, E. G. Mumford, Augusta L. Conant, John Greenleaf Whittier, Alice L. Bunker, M. I. Power, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Worcester, C. F. Putnam, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, child rearing, and religious matters. The Emerson letter, 27 Sep. 1867, acknowledges receipt of Dall's The College, the Market, and the Court.
Oct. 1867
Correspondence from Julia Archibald Holmes, John Worcester, J. H. Allen, George C. Shattuck, D. F. Lincoln, John G. Gorham, A. L. Bunker, Samuel Eliot, J. T. Hewes, Sarah Platt, F. B. Sanborn, H. W. Lyman, Daniel Wilson, M. E. Zakrzewska, Cornelia Loring, Amos Otis, Virginia Penny, Louise Chandler Moulton, and others. Subjects include marriage and child bearing, child rearing, the American Social Science Association, and women in medical school.
Nov. 1867
Correspondence from Maria Mitchell, Lucy E. Sewall, Josephine Jarvis, J. H. Allen, D. F. Lincoln, Sarah C. Clarke, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles F. Dunbar, C. A. Staples, S. E. Sewall, Almira Lyman, O. M. Kelley, Olivia Frelove Stevens, John E. Clarke, Samuel Eliot, A. M. Powell, Abby W. May, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings on women, women in medicine, social life in Milwaukee, Lincoln and Anne Rutledge, agricultural labor, and women's suffrage.
Dec. 1867
Correspondence from Cornelia W. Butler, Elizabeth B. Stoddard, Ednah D. Cheney, J. Vila Blake, Alida C. Avery, P. G. Blanchard, Edwin A. Studwell, John E. Clarke, Alice L. Bunker, John F. W. Ware, William J. Potter, Lizzie Merriam, and others. Subjects include Freedmen's Aid and Caroline Dall's journalistic activities (articles on the works of Christian K. J. Bunsen).
Jan.-Feb. 1868
Correspondence from Charles G. Loring, John Worcester, L. R. Elmes, Amelia H. Mitchell, Marie E. Zakrzewska, J. H. Allen, Charles C. Spalding, Martha L. B. Goddard, Thomas J. Durant, J. L. Hatch, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Wendell Phillips, Therese Kohler, William H. Herndon, Frederick Frothingham, William Lloyd Garrison, Charles Eliot Norton, G. P. Putnam, M. L. Holbrook, J. B. Harrison, D'Arcy W. Thompson, Alida C. Avery, Samuel Longfellow, O. B. Frothingham, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and others. Subjects include the schooling of black children, the education of Willie Elmes, and Caroline Dall's journalistic and lecturing activities. Letter from Garrison, 3 Feb. 1868, discusses a dispute with Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton over their association with George Francis Train.
Mar. 1868
Correspondence from Laura L. Browne, L. E. Sewall, Thomas J. Durant, John T. Sargent, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Louis Prang, J. W. Chadwick, A. C. Rogers, Mary Walker, Agnes Kemp, John D. Philbrick, Samuel F. Haven, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's Bunsen articles and other writings, a sketch of Dall for "Representative Women of the Nineteenth Century" and other writings, and women's educational opportunities.
Apr.-May 1868
Correspondence from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Alice L. Bunker, Ann F. Greeley, Samuel Eliot, John Greenleaf Whittier, Jerusha H. Peacock, Samuel F. Haven, Benjamin W. Putnam, Edward Atkinson, Elizabeth A. Livermore, J. H. Allen, and others. Subjects include Dall's Bunsen articles, the American Social Science Association, women's rights, and mathematical calculations on the Earth's revolution.
June-July 1868
Correspondence from James K. Hosmer, Mary E. Nutting, Elizabeth B. Stoddard, Abby H. Patton, E. N. Gardner, Mary Walker, Robert Collyer, S. H. Austin, A. E. Tyng, M. J. Cragin, M. E. Joslyn Gage, D. A. Goddard, Edmund Kell, J. H. Allen, James Freeman Clarke, Caroline Foster Healey, Lucretia P. Hale, Nathaniel T. Allen, M. B. Shackford, Lucy E. Sewall, John Weiss, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, women's rights, Healey family matters, Charles H. A. Dall's work in India, and other religious matters.
Aug.-Oct. 1868
Correspondence from Kate N. Daggett, Edward H. Clarke, E. N. Gardner, J. H. Allen, John Weiss, D. A. Goddard, James M. Barnard, S. H. Guyet, Robert Collyer, Horatio R. Storer, Frederick H. Wines, Thomas Whitridge, J. Vila Blake, Henry B. Blackwell, E. C. Wines, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, John Weiss and religious matters, and the American Social Science Association and women.
Nov.-Dec. 1868
Correspondence from A. E. Tyng, Mary E. Whitaker, Edward Hitchcock, William Lloyd Garrison, L. H. Stone, Caroline Dall, H. L. Wayland, William P. Tomlinson, Samuel Eliot, George H. Young, E. N. Gardner, Margaret Woods Lawrence, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, her trip on behalf of the freedmen's educational movement (Garrison letters, 13 Nov. 1868), and the American Social Science Association.
Jan.-Feb. 1869
Correspondence from Sarah B. Shaw, J. S. Griffing, D. A. Goddard, John F. W. Ware, William P. Tomlinson, Arthur Sumner, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Z. R. Brockway, E. H. Botume, Thomas J. Durant, Caroline Dall, S. E. Sewall, C. Maurice Wines, Frederick H. Wines, Lizzie Tremain, Zina Fay Peirce, M. E. Zakrzewska, and others. Subjects include freedmen's education in South Carolina, Dall family matters, publication of Caroline Dall's writings, and medical affairs. Caroline Dall to Charles H. A. Dall, 21 Jan. 1869, asks the missionary when he plans to return home.
Mar. 1869
Correspondence from Eliza F. Shepard, Horatio R. Storer, M. E. Zakrzewska, William P. Tomlinson, M. A. Walker, Thomas W. Atkinson, H. W. Lyman, T. J. Mumford, Lucy Stone, F. D. Huntington, Anna Parsons, and others. Subjects include the New England Hospital for Women and Children, Caroline Dall's writings on medical matters, and the women's rights movements.
Apr.-July 1869
Correspondence from William P. Tomlinson, John Weiss, E. N. Gardner, Charles K. Whipple, T. J. Mumford, D. A. Goddard, John W. M. Appleton, Oliver Stearns, Annie G. Clarke, Isaac Ames, D'Arcy W. Thompson, S. G. Bulfinch, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings on reform, science, and other matters; women's rights and state legislation; and Charles Bulfinch.
Aug.-Sep. 1869
Correspondence from William P. Tomlinson, Marshall P. Wilder, Charles W. Eliot, R. C. Waterston, E. B. Greene, D. R. Hewitt, E. L. Wolcott, Oliver Stearns, W. G. Cranch, Miranda H. Barnes, Edward Hitchcock, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, the women's rights movement and reform publications, and women and education (Harvard).
Oct.-Dec. 1869
Correspondence from D. R. Hewitt, Emory Washburn, D. A. Goddard, E. B. Greene, Mary R. Peabody, Ella L. Wolcott, James Freeman Clarke, George William Curtis, I. T. Talbot, W. H. Channing, William F. J. Ware, S. G. Bulfinch, James Redpath, Theodore Gill, H. E. Lunt, J. H. Allen, Edward Everett Hale, John Weiss, Cornelia Loring, E. N. Gardner, Charles Lowell, Caroline F. Hedge, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's illness, her book Patty Gray's Journey, and Charles Lowell in Europe.
Jan.-July 1870
Correspondence from John F. J. Ware, Emma B. Cobb, E. B. Greene, W. G. Cranch, W. H. Channing, Charles K. Whipple, M. A. Livermore, James Freeman Clarke, William P. Tomlinson, Daniel Wilson, H. E. Lunt, John Bacon, William J. Potter, Eliza Susan Quincy, James Redpath, William Stimpson, D. F. Lincoln, Martha L. B. Goddard, Abby W. May, Ella L. Wolcott, Agnes Kemp, W. O. Moseley, Laura Curtis Bullard, Thomas J. Durant, Robert Collyer, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's illness, Patty Gray and other writings, a state women's suffrage convention, the women's rights movement, reform publications, William H. Dall's Alaska and Its Resources, teaching the New Testament, the Free Religious Union and other religious matters, Dall's photograph among other woman "Champions of Freedom," and the American Social Science Association. On Clarke's letter, 20 Jan. 1870, Dall notes the correspondent's imprudence and forgetfulness.
Aug.-Dec. 1870
Correspondence from John C. Lincoln, Mary E. Parkman, Anna C. Lowell, L. W. Brown, G. P. Putnam, Annette Hutchinson, Amos Otis, Clarence J. Blake, S. C. Beane, George Derby, E. C. Wines, Jerusha H. Peacock, Augusta Seeger, E. M. Goodspeed, A. M. Goodspeed, D. G. Francis, Daniel Wilson, Adelaide Dole, Charles G. Ames, Spencer F. Baird, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's Patty Gray, her journalistic activities and genealogical explorations, prison reform, and William Dall's Alaska and Its Resources.
Jan.-May 1871
Correspondence from Caroline C. Darling, J. Otis Williams, James Russell Lowell, O. B. Frothingham, Daniel Wilson, William H. Ward, A. M. Goodspeed, Augusta Seeger, Jerusha H. Peacock, James M. Barnard, George Derby, Martha L. B. Goddard, Alida C. Avery, Helen M. Holyoke, William J. Potter, E. S. Quincy, and others. Subjects include literary matters and the Free Religious Association. Letter from J. R. Lowell, 17 Feb. 1871, discusses writing, English usage, and the woman question.
June-Aug. 1871
Correspondence from Emily Shaw Forman, Fanny Cheseboro, Ella L. Wolcott, H. E. Lunt, Charles C. Perkins, Edward Wigglesworth, Jr., Lucy H. Balch, Mary H. C. Baird, Francis H. Brown, Jerusha H. Peacock, Myra S. McClure, Clarence J. Blake, and others. Subjects include Patty Gray, medical matters, and the women's rights movement.
Sep.-Nov. 1871
Correspondence from Fannie Hincks, Hattie Hicks, John J. Bell, Thomas K. Beecher, George William Curtis, Nathaniel Hall, Helen McG. Noyes, Daniel Wilson, Alida C. Avery, J. Vila Blake, J. N. Hallock, Nathaniel T. Allen, William H. Baldwin, Robert Collyer, Henry W. Foote, Ann B. Earle, Mary H. C. Baird, Edward Newhall, Eliza Susan Quincy, Anita E. Tyng, and others. Subjects include family matters and the West Newton English and Classical School.
Dec. 1871
Correspondence from Isa E. Gray, Martha W. Winkley, Edward H. Clarke, Spencer F. Baird, George MacDonald, Mary H. C. Baird, Anne Whitney, and others. Subjects include William H. Dall's appointment to the United States Coast Survey and the American Social Science Association.
Jan.-June 1872
Correspondence from Alida C. Avery, Henry James, Robert Collyer, Martha L. B. Goddard, A. P. Peabody, Anna M. Campbell, E. S. Homans, Cornelia Loring, Cyrus A. Bartol, Elizabeth L. Bullard, John H. Blake, S. E. Sewall, James Freeman Clarke, A. W. Stevens, Sarah C. Woolsey, W. D. Whiting, E. S. Quincy, John J. Bell, Rufus Ellis, John Cranch, John F. W. Ware, Jerusha H. Peacock, John W. M. Appleton, W. S. Robinson, George H. Palmer, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's journalistic and literary activities, her daughter's marriage, genealogical explorations, the history of crystal balls, the women's rights movement past and present (Dall dispute with Julia Ward Howe), and feminism and politics.
Apr.-Aug. 1872
Correspondence from Sarah B. Shaw, Augusta Barnard, Alice Rich, John S. Hart, Agnes Chamberlain, E. S. Homans, A. A. Allen, H. E. Lunt, Olivia Dabney, Jerusha H. Peacock, E. H. Clarke, H. B. Hicks, Eliza S. Quincy, Isa E. Gray, Katharine J. Prince, Edward Maitland, Caroline Dall, Helen McG. Noyes, Anna L. Savage, Edmund Kell, and others. Subjects include Patty Gray, the work of Edward Maitland, and personal matters.
Sep.-Dec. 1872
Correspondence from Anna C. Lowell, Robert C. Winthrop, James M. Barnard, Alice Rich, Louisa MacDonald, Anna L. Savage, John S. Blatchford, Augusta Barnard, Mary Chamberlain, Emily W. Appleton, Sarah B. Shaw, A. W. Stevens, Celia Burleigh, Frederic A. Hinckley, Samuel F. Haven, T. C. Amory, Lydia Caldwell, William H. Herndon, and others. Subjects include reading of the Bible in public schools, the American Social Science Association, Mary Chamberlain in India, genealogical explorations, and Herndon's Lincoln.
Jan. 1873
Correspondence from Theodore H. Tyndale, Mary H. C. Baird, A. A. McA. Tyng, Charlotte A. Hedge, Anita E. Tyng, Edward Maitland, John T. Sargent, E. Wigglesworth, Jr., William H. Herndon, Pollie R. Hollingsworth, D. A. Wasson, S. E. Sewall, Marie E. Zakrzewska, and others. Subjects include women's rights and education, Dall's study of Abraham Lincoln, and her genealogical explorations.
Feb. 1873
Correspondence from Anne Whitney, M. E. Zakrzewska, James M. Barnard, Pollie R. Hollingsworth, D. A. Wasson, Charles Sumner, Adeline D. T. Whitney, Henry Wheatland, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William H. Towne, Mary Chamberlain, Edward Maitland, Augusta Barnard, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, health in public schools, the Essex Institute, Sumner's last term in the Senate, and Mary Chamberlain and Charles H. A. Dall in India.
Mar. 1873
Correspondence from John F. W. Ware, Clarence J. Blake, William H. Herndon, D. F. Lincoln, C. C. Tiffany, Edmund Kell, Henry W. Foote, Rufus Ellis, A. W. Stevens, William S. Appleton, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, the issue of sex work and "licentious" behavior, and Herndon's lectures on Lincoln.
Apr. 1873
Correspondence from John F. W. Ware, D. A. Wasson, F. D. Huntington, W. G. Eliot, Wendell Phillips, Adeline D. Whitney, William Parsons, Kathleen Blackburn, Charles C. Perkins, Emma P. Wood, John S. Clarke, Julia Ward Howe, J. B. Thayer, John Greenleaf Whittier, Rufus Ellis, Lydia D. Parker, Helen McG. Noyes, Mary H. Graves, J. Vila Blake, James M. Barnard, and others. Subjects include a view of America from Germany, "free love," Dall's writings and lectures, Charles Sumner, a biography of Theodore Parker, and the Women's Liberal Christian Mission.
May-June 1873
Correspondence from F. D. Huntington, Benjamin Prince, S. F. Haven, Phillips Brooks, Thomas Dwight, Jr., E. W. Clarke, Henry H. Selby Hale, W. G. Eliot, A. Adeline Manning, Mary Chamberlain, Helen Hunt, Louisa Whitney, S. K. Lothrop, Edward Wigglesworth, Jr., Kate Gannett Wells, Henry Wheatland, William H. Herndon, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, H. W. Preston, Thomas L. Marshall, George H. Felt, Emma P. Wood, Anna L. Savage, and others. Subjects include Dall's genealogical explorations, Dall family affairs, Alfred University, Mary Chamberlain and Charles H. A. Dall in India, paleontology and evolution, and other educational and publishing matters.
July-Sep. 1873
Correspondence from Anna C. L. Waterston, Caroline Dall, Jennie Firth, Mary Chamberlain, Edmund Kell, Robert C. Winthrop, E. S. Quincy, L. E. Beckwith, T. H. Tyndale, Anna C. Lowell, A. W. Stevens, George B. Butler, Thomas L. Marshall, Elizabeth H. Bartol, G. S. Hillard, and others. Subjects include Dall's genealogical explorations, Dall family matters, and Mary Chamberlain in India. Dall poem, "Landscape from Boston to Augusta (Me.)," 13 July 1873.
Oct. 1873
Correspondence from E. R. Pierce, Edward Maitland, John Greenleaf Whittier, Rose Hollingsworth, William Dean Howells, Anita E. Tyng, Lydia D. Parker, F. B. Sanborn, Thomas L. Marshall, William S. Appleton, Anna L. Savage, and others. Subjects include the writings of Edward, Maitland, Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, and the American Social Science Association.
Nov. 1873
Correspondence from A. W. Stevens, Daniel Wilson, Alida C. Avery, Helen Hunt, William R. Ware, Samuel Eliot, D. A. Goddard, Charles Deane, Henry C. Badger, H. W. Preston, Anita E. Tyng, E. L. Bullard, William G. Babcock, Edward Maitland, Maria Mitchell, and others. Subjects include a Florence Nightingale visit to Boston, women and gymnastics at Vassar, Caroline Dall's journalistic activities, and literary matters.
Dec. 1873
Correspondence from Alida C. Avery, E. R. Humphreys, Anna C. Brackett, Robert C. Winthrop, William R. Ware, F. D. Huntington, Ada S. Badger, William S. Appleton, Jerusha Harris, Edward H. Clarke, W. D. Whiting, Thomas K. Beecher, Anna C. Lowell, Charles F. Dunbar, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, Dall as a grandmother, James Freeman Clarke's "Sex and Education," and genealogical explorations.
Jan.-Feb. 1874
Correspondence from Anna C. Brackett, Daniel Wilson, J. Vila Blake, S. L. M. Barlow, A. T. Perkins, Augusta Barnard, Charles Deane, Charles W. Squires, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Lemuel G. Olmstead, Susan H. Bourne, William N. Berkley, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Robert S. Morison, John F. W. Ware, Marion McG. Noyes, Florence Lees, and others. Subjects include the writings of William H. Dall, James Freeman Clarke, Daniel Wilson, and Charles H. A. Dall and other literary matters; genealogical explorations; and Dall as grandmother.
Mar.-Apr. 1874
Correspondence from William H. Herndon, William F. Channing, Henry Wilson, S. H. Bourne, W. L. Felt, A. W. Stevens, Mary Jane Quincy, Helen McG. Noyes, F. B. Sanborn, Florence Lees, and others. Subjects include Dall's research on Lincoln, genealogical explorations, publication of William Ellery Channing letters, women's suffrage in Rhode Island, Healey family matters, Josiah Quincy, Jr.'s program to aid those of moderate means, the history of the Anthony Burns affair, and the American Social Science Association.
May-July 1874
Correspondence from A. A. Allen, Anna C. Brackett, Lucy P. Hedge, John W. Field, William F. Channing, John J. Bell, S. H. Bourne, A. W. Stevens, Anna L. Savage, J. E. Dall, Eliza W. Field, F. B. Sanborn, Charles K. Wills, C. P. Cranch, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, T. H. Tyndale, W. T. Clarke, Thomas L. Marshall, Elizabeth Gay, Anna Parsons, Frances A. Smith, and others. Subjects include Alfred University, William Ellery Channing correspondence, genealogical explorations, Dall family matters, and the American Social Science Association.
Aug.-Sep. 1874
Correspondence from Eliza S. Quincy, Elizabeth Gay, William F. Channing, John D. Symonds, John S. Hart, Julius Ferrette, Harriet B. Johnson, Daniel F. Goddard, F. B. Sanborn, William H. Herndon, Anna L. Savage, Henry Edwards, Thomas K. Beecher, J. Vila Blake, Wendell Phillips, W. T. Clarke, and others. Subjects include the Quincy family, Channing correspondence, genealogical explorations, the American Social Science Association, the Independent Congregational Church of Elmira, N.Y., and Henry Ward Beecher.
Oct. 1874
Correspondence from Louisa L. Ware, A. P. Putnam, Isaac W. Arnold, William F. Channing, Mary Palfrey, J. Vila Blake, Edward Maitland, William H. Clarke, H. H. Furness, James Freeman Clarke, Julius Ferrette, Helen McG. Noyes, and others. Subjects include Germany, Abraham Lincoln, Dall literary activities, and John Stuart Mill.
Nov.-Dec. 1874
Correspondence from Charles Hoadly, Lewis H. Steiner, Charles F. Bradford, Richard Watson Gilder, F. B. Sanborn, John S. Hart, G. P. Lathrop, Lilian Clarke, Samuel Eliot, Anita E. Tyng, Charles C. Perkins, Anna C. L. Waterston, Charles G. Loring, J. R. Buchanan, A. P. Putnam, Harriet W. Preston, Emily M. Eliot, George William Curtis, Lucy H. Baird, Grace Channing, A. W. Stevens, John F. W. Ware, Thomas L. Marshall, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities and historical explorations, the reduction of the Republican Congressional majority, Henry Ward Beecher, the American Social Science Association, women in medicine, and the sale of Charles Sumner's pictures.
Jan.-Mar. 1875
Correspondence from Celia Burleigh, Jeannie Channing, Daniel P. Noyes, William F. Channing, Henry H. Barber, William H. Herndon, Sallie Holley, W. H. Casey, J. Vila Blake, F. B. Sanborn, Kate L. Youmans, Einnrich Rein, M. Lowell Putnam, John S. Hart, John R. Savage, Emma Rogers, W. C. Gannett, Anita E. Tyng, W. T. Clarke, and others.
Apr. 1875
Correspondence from Martha L. B. Goddard, Kate L. Youmans, Anne Whitney, Harriet W. Preston, Anna Parsons, Rose Terry Cooke, Rufus Ellis, Charles Deane, Lewis H. Steiner, John S. Hart, Daniel Wilson, J. Vila Blake, J. Parker Norris, Emma P. Wood, Henry James, Jr., Anna Cabot Lodge, Daniel P. Noyes, and others. Subjects include Dall's Romance of the Association, a Boston portrait of Shakespeare, and Healey genealogy.
May-June 1875
Correspondence from J. Parker Norris, F. W. Putnam, Julia P. Dabney, Francis H. Blake, William C. Russel, W. Pembroke Fetridge, H. B. Johnson, Lewis H. Steiner, Mrs. H. V. Cheney, Elizabeth H. Bartol, T. H. Tyndale, S. R. Thompson, George W. Allan, Helen Hunt, C. A. Comstock, John S. Blatchford, Henry James, Jr., F. B. Sanborn, Alice Rich, M. J. Charming, Isaac S. Whitman, Mary Putnam Jacobi, W. R. Ware, Wendell Phillips, Charles F. Dunbar, and others. Subjects include Shakespeare portraits, Dall's Romance of the Association and its reviews, women's education, and the American Social Science Association.
July-Aug. 1875
Correspondence from Helen McG. Noyes, J. Parker Norris, George William Curtis, A. P. Peabody, Lewis H. Steiner, Olivia Dabney, A. W. Stevens, Lydia Caldwell, Lucy H. Baird, Robert Treat Paine, J. W. Healey, S. F. Haven, A. W. May, John F. W. Ware, Eliza S. Quincy, William Munroe, H. H. Furness, K. L. Youmans, E. E. Law, Daniel Wilson, H. B. Johnson, Robert Collyer, Helen McG. Noyes, W. W. Morison, A. A. Allen, and others. Subjects include Dall's Romance of the Association, Healey family history, Charles H. A. Dall's return, and genealogical explorations.
Sep. 1875
Correspondence from John J. Bell, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., Elizabeth A. Wadsworth, D. A. Putnam, Sarah K. Munro, Edward Capen, E. L. Bullard, Mary A. Bean, Isaac Ames, J. Parker Norris, Anna L. Savage, F. D. Huntington, James L. Whitney, A. A. Allen, Susan O. Richardson, and others. Subjects include genealogical explorations, Dall family matters, financial losses, Dall's Romance of the Association, and her attempts to obtain employment at the Boston Public Library and Alfred University.
Oct.-Nov. 1875
Correspondence from W. R. Ware, F. H. Turner, H. H. Barber, Ralph Waldo Emerson, W. T. Clarke, Caroline Dall, Helen McG. Noyes, Sallie Holley, Daniel Wilson, J. Parker Norris, Samuel Eliot, D. A. Wasson, Louisa May Alcott, H. H. Furness, S. H. Bourne, Olivia Dabney, John Greenleaf Whittier, T. C. Amory, R. E. Apthorp, Adie Wadsworth, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities, Dall family matters, distribution of Romance of the Association, and the writings of Daniel Wilson and Louisa May Alcott. Alcott letter, 10 Nov. 1875, discusses her attitude toward critics.
Dec. 1875
Correspondence from G. A. Snelling, Mary Darling, A. P. Putnam, E. H. Derby, E. P. Larkin, Abby M. Storer, Alice Rich, E. L. Felt, T. H. Tyndale, D. F. Lincoln, Mark Sheppard, J. M. L. Babcock, John Fiske, Richard Briggs, Henry H. Barber, Daniel P. Noyes, Franklin Haven, Anna C. Lowell, and others. Subjects include Romance of the Association, Dall and Healey family matters, women and gymnastics, and Louisa May Alcott's Eight Cousins.
Jan. 1876
Correspondence from D. E. Ware, William Hayes Ward, E. A. Beatty, Hattie Tolman, Anna L. Savage, Anna H. Clarke, A. M. Storer, J. M. L. Babcock, W. H. Casey, Eliza S. Quincy, Mark Sheppard, H. M. Alden, O. H. Marshall, Clarence J. Blake, Sallie Holley, F. B. Sanborn, E. L. Felt, Francis J. Garrison, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters (moving from Boston), the American Social Science Association, the death of Samuel Gridley Howe and Mrs. William Lloyd Garrison, Alcott's Eight Cousins, and Dall's journalistic activities and genealogical explorations.
Feb.-Mar. 1876
Correspondence from George R. Babcock, C. C. Shackford, Charles J. Brockway, David Gray, Josephine E. Butler, H. H. Barber, J. M. L. Babcock, H. M. Alden, A. P. Putnam, F. B. Sanborn, W. G. Eliot, Rush R. Shippen, John George Milburn, William Lincoln, Edward H. Magill, H. H. Furness, Emily Healey, E. S. Turner, and others. Subjects include Dall's literary research and writings and the American Social Science Association.
Apr.-June 1876
Correspondence from Martha K. Clarke, Emily W. Healey, Sarah K. Dall, Anna L. Savage, M. L. Hall, Anna C. Lowell, B. W. Kennon, A. W. Stevens, Kate L. Youmans, Louisa Carey, S. H. Bourne, Clarence J. Blake, Georgiana B. Kirby, Kate Barnard, Harry W. Foote, Eliza S. Quincy, Abbott Lawrence, Helen Paulding, J. P. Gladstone, Anna E. Barnard, F. B. Sanborn, Henry Porter Andrews, D. F. Lincoln, Francis J. Garrison, J. M. L. Babcock, John Fretwell, Jr., Caroline Henry, and others. Subjects include Healey and Dall family matters, labor and immigration, Dall's journalistic activities, Boston social life, the American Social Science Association, genealogical explorations, and Mary Chamberlain in India.
July 1876
Correspondence from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Charles C. Perkins, Edward Wigglesworth, E. H. Cleveland, W. H. Casey, Susan B. Anthony, Henry W. Foote, John Bigelow, Thomas J. Durant, Katharine J. Prince, Sarah K. Dall, John J. Latting, and others. Subjects include a women's Declaration of Independence, 1876, Dall's journalistic activities ("Centennial Posie"), and Dall family matters.
Aug.-Sep. 1876
Correspondence from Edward Maitland, Caroline Henry, Susan B. Anthony, Daniel Wilson, Thomas J. Durant, Agnes B. Poor, H. E. Scudder, Lucy Balch, Kate Barnard, Emily M. Eliot, Lucy H. Baird, Elizabeth L. Felt, Harriet Addison, Alice Hastings, Sallie Holley, Mary Chamberlain, Edward Maitland, Ann Atkinson, John H. Blake, Frederick L. Gay, and others. Subjects include the history of the women's rights movement, genealogical explorations, Dall's "Centennial Posie," Mary Chamberlain in India, the writings of Edward Maitland, and Dall family matters.
Oct.-Nov. 1876
Correspondence from J. M. L. Babcock, John Fiske, J. Parker Norris, John M. Newton, Charles F. Bradford, C. N. Healey, F. W. Healey, William F. Channing, Charles T. Savage, Jennie Firth, E. H. Botume, Mary A. Sprague, Susan B. Anthony, Caroline Henry, and others. Subjects include Dall's "Centennial Posie" and other writings, Healey and Dall family matters (death of Mark Healey), genealogical explorations, and the history of the women's rights movement.
Dec. 1876
Correspondence from Eliza Quincy, Clarence J. Blake, Joseph H. Noyes, John M. Newton, Anna Ticknor, J. R. Savage, E. A. Livermore, Henry Burroughs, Caroline Henry, C. T. Savage, Emily W. Eliot, Adelaide F. Dole, Sarah P. Beck, E. L. Felt, E. A. Beatty, John W. M. Appleton, and others. Subjects include Healey and Dall family matters, genealogical explorations, and Dall journalistic activities.
Jan. 1877
Correspondence from James Freeman Clarke, Charlotte Hedge, D. A. Wasson, Mark Sheppard, James F. Boyd, Lydia Caldwell, William Lloyd Garrison, George W. Cutter, L. E. P. Aspinwall, Edmund Quincy, C. G. Loring, Hannah Stevenson, W. M. Prichard, Emily Thompson, Jennie R. Waterbury, J. Vila Blake, Lucy Symonds, Eliza S. Quincy, C. T. Savage, Mary Casey, A. A. Allen, Adelaide S. Dole, Harriet Hicks, F. W. Putnam, Sarah E. Hunt, Louisa Whitney, Charles W. Eliot, and others. Subjects include Dall's research on Lincoln, Dall family matters, Phebe Hanaford's Women of the Century, Boston social life (marriage of Henry P. Quincy and Mary Adams), religious affairs, Dall's writings, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and genealogical explorations.
Feb. 1877
Correspondence from Emma F. Ware, Louisa Smith, E. W. Barstow, Alice H. Cunningham, W. H. Prince, Edward H. Clarke, Lucy B. Keyes, Sarah Lowell Blake, Caroline Henry, James Freeman Clarke, Patrick Tracy Jackson, Jr., D. L. Milliken, and others. Subjects include Dall's Egypt's Place in History and other writings, genealogical explorations, and Dall family matters.
Mar. 1877
Correspondence from L. G. Ware, Lucy B. Keyes, Caroline Henry, Olivia Dabney, Mary Dall, Mark Sheppard, Emma Ware, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sarah B. Shaw, Alice Cunningham, C. G. Loring, John J. Bell, John Fretwell, Jr., Mary Chamberlain, Mary L. Hall, F. W. Putnam, Louisa Whitney, Helen McG. Noyes, Lucy Abbot, William Lloyd Garrison, A. A. Allen, T. G. Appleton, Gamaliel Bradford, Lucy P. Hedge, Daniel Wilson, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities, lectures and photographs, Unitarian activities in India, and Alfred University.
Apr. 1877
Correspondence from William F. Channing, John W. Candler, Sally M. Simmons, Edward H. Clarke, Edward Maitland, E. L. Bullard, C. G. Loring, C. T. Savage, Anna Parsons, and others. Subjects include William F. Channing on Puritan New England, genealogical explorations, and literary matters.
May 1877
Correspondence from J. Vila Blake, Ellen T. Emerson, E. H. Hoar, Anna Parsons, Caroline Henry, E. A. L. Botume, Dora Weston, Adelaide Manning, Lewis H. Steiner, E. A. Foster, E. L. Felt, Sarah B. Wister, F. B. Sanborn, T. H. Morison, and others. Subjects include religious affairs, Dall's centennial letters and journalistic activities, Healey genealogy, Boston social life (the death of Edmund Quincy), and the American Social Science Association.
June 1877
Correspondence from F. H. Hedge, Caroline Henry, Mary Chamberlain, Lois R. Frothingham, Edward H. Greenleaf, F. B. Sanborn, W. H. Casey, I. T. Talbot, S. E. Hall, James Freeman Clarke, W. H. Channing, W. P. Garrison, Elizabeth Hoar, Henry C. Lay, Josephine E. Butler, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Russell N. Bellows, Helen McG. Noyes, Gideon M. Mansfield, Dorcas Murdoch, William H. Dall, and others. Subjects include religious affairs, Mary Chamberlain in India, the American Social Science Association, Dall's writings and views of the North and South, and the travels of William H. Dall.
July 1877
Correspondence from Robert C. Winthrop, S. K. Dall, Olivia Dabney, Eliza Foster, Mary Quincy, E. F. Ware, Samuel Johnson, J. Vila Blake, Alice H. Ware, Lucy B. Keyes, William H. Dall, Mary C. Deane, H. H. Dall, D. E. Ware, Atherton Hicks, Sarah Munro, John M. Newton, Caroline Dall, and others. Subjects include genealogical explorations, Dall's centennial letters, Edmund Quincy, William H. Dall in Kalamazoo, and the railroad strike of 1877. Contains Dall's handwritten paper on sex work and vice for the First International Congress of the British, Continental, and General Federation, Geneva, Sep. 1877.
Aug.-Sep. 1877
Correspondence from Anna L. Savage, D. A. Goddard, William H. Dall, Florence M. Cushing, W. H. Channing, Thomas Whitridge, Helen L. Henry, Thomas L. Marshall, Alice H. Ware, F. B. Sanborn, H. H. Dall, and others. Subjects include William H. Dall's career and other Dall family matters, genealogical explorations, and the American Social Science Association.
Oct.-Nov. 1877
Correspondence from Louisa May Alcott, L. D. Parker, S. K. Dall, Mary E. Sheppard, W. H. Kennard, E. H. Hoar, Kate Moodie, M. A. Clarke, Florence Hoar, Emily H. Stowe, John B. Chapin, F. B. Sanborn, W. H. Channing, E. H. Cleveland, Helen L. Henry, F. D. Huntington, Gamaliel Bradford, Elizabeth H. Bartol, C. A. Comstock, and others. Subjects include the American Social Science Association, Alcott on the "hard world" of Boston, Dall family matters (a third grandson), literary affairs, Dall's journalistic activities, and Unitarianism in India and America. Alcott's letter, 11 Oct. 1877, contains some handwritten notes by Dall.
Dec. 1877
Correspondence from James O. Putnam, E. H. Cleveland, Charles S. Hoyt, E. L. Pierce, R. E. Apthorp, Kate Hamilton, F. B. Sanborn, Lewis H. Steiner, Louisa Hall, A. A. Allen, Mary E. Sheppard, Anne F. Miller, W. H. Kennard, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Mary Chamberlain, Louise Oakey, Frederick Frothingham, Sarah K. Dall, Dorcas Murdoch, Lucy B. Keyes, Alice Rich, M. A. Clarke, Mary Casey, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities, the American Social Science Association, genealogical explorations (Barbara Frietchie), Alfred University, Boston social life, the Unitarian Mission in India, and Dall family matters.
Jan. 1878
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Frederick Frothingham, W. H. Latimer, Charlotte Hedge, Josephine E. Butler, Fanny Healey, Katie Moodie, C. A. Comstock, George T. Garrison, A. E. Tyng, C. G. Ames, M. A. Clarke, Sarah K. Dall, S. M. Munro, Washington Gladden, Mary E. Sheppard, Mary Chamberlain, and others. Subjects include religious affairs; the American Social Science Association; the British, Continental, and General Federation; Boston social life; Dall's journalistic activities; Mary Chamberlain in India; and women in medical associations.
Feb. 1878
Correspondence from A. E. Tyng, Katie M. Vickers, Annie Crawford, William H. Dall, A. P. Putnam, Clarence J. Blake, E. H. Cleveland, Harriet B. Hicks, Nelly O'Connor, M. A. Clarke, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Thomas L. Marshall, J. Vila Blake, F. B. Sanborn, D. A. Goddard, William H. Herndon, and others. Subjects include women in the Massachusetts Medical Society; William H. Dall in Washington; Dall's centennial letters and other writings; the British, Continental, and General Federation; various religious scripture; the American Social Science Association; and Lincoln biography.
Mar. 1878
Correspondence from Daniel Wilson, Mary E. Sheppard, Frederick Frothingham, F. B. Sanborn, Clarence J. Blake, Alice Rich, W. H. Kennard, Eliza S. Quincy, M. A. Clarke, and others. Subjects include Wilson's Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh, Rutherford B. Hayes and the silver issue, the American Social Science Association, Thomas A. Edison and the phonograph, and genealogical explorations.
Apr. 1878
Correspondence from Clare Gantt, William Lloyd Garrison, Maria Weston Chapman, Josua Lindahl, E. A. Livermore, Constance Bolton, Emma Brockway, George H. Felt, Harriet B. Hicks, James Freeman Clarke, A. E. Tyng, Helen Whitridge, James W. Thompson, Spencer F. Baird, R. E. Apthorp, Lewis H. Steiner, J. Parker Norris, Maria Mitchell, Sarah E. Hunt, Washington Gladden, F. B. Sanborn, Annie Crawford, and others. Subjects include a proposed Dall trip to Britain, Dall's journalistic activities (Barbara Frietchie), portraits of Shakespeare, and the American Social Science Association.
May-June 1878
Correspondence from M. A. Clarke, Henrietta C. Ellery, E. L. Goodwin, Helen McG. Noyes, Mary Appleton, Lucy H. Baird, D. F. Lincoln, Charlotte Hedge, B. W. Porter, H. M. Harlow, E. L. Bullard, John H. Blake, Anna E. Putnam, Augusta Barnard, H. S. Ware, S. K. Dall, J. Vila Blake, Charles H. A. Dall, Susan B. Anthony, and others. Subjects include Boston social life (Mass. Governor Alexander Rice, religious controversies), women in the Massachusetts Medical Society, genealogical explorations, Dall's journalistic activities, Vassar College, and the National Woman Suffrage Association meeting, 1878.
July 1878
Correspondence from Mary A. Fairfax, Mary Appleton, Ida F. Kenyon, Mabel Appleton, Marcus Baker, A. P. Putnam, F. H. Hedge, Jr., Annie Crawford, Rufus King, J. P. Dodd, Lizzie Merriam, and others. Subjects include Dall and an honorary degree from Alfred, genealogical explorations, and acquiring living space in Washington.
Aug.-Sep. 1878
Correspondence from Marcus Baker, Josiah Munro, Mark Sheppard, E. A. Livermore, J. Vila Blake, Nelly O'Connor, William H. Dall, Lucy Balch, Mary Appleton, S. M. Munro, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Lucy P. Hedge, Mary Stewart, E. A. Wadsworth, Annie Crawford, S. F. Haven, Thomas J. Durant, Alanson Bigelow, Mary Casey, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters (death of Saidie's youngest son and the work of William H. Dall), Alfred University, housing in Washington, Unitarians in India, and Boston social life.
Oct.-Nov. 1878
Correspondence from Sarah K. Munro, W. M. Prichard, Ellen Emerson, Daniel Wilson, John M. Hart, Mary H. C. Baird, Louise McLaughlin, R. E. Apthorp, D. E. Ware, Alice Rich, Alanson Bigelow, Caroline Dall, and others. Subjects include Dall's honorary degree from Alfred University and Dall writings and notes on religion.
Dec. 1878
Correspondence from Anna L. Savage, Helen Ware, Daniel Wilson, Helen Jackson, R. E. Apthorp, Louise McLaughlin, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, S. A. Clarke, Clarence J. Blake, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Sophia Townsend, M. A. Clarke, Francis Wayland, D. F. Lincoln, Rachel Bodley, Louisa Whitney, H. N. Holland, M. S. Knight, John Appleton, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities, Boston social life (Alexander Graham Bell, the engagement of T. W. Higginson), and Charles H. A. Dall in India.
Jan. 1879
Correspondence from S. A. Clarke, Anna L. Savage, F. B. Sanborn, Susan P. P. Spalding, John E. Marshall, W. L. Nicholson, Nettie Whitney, Rush R. Shippen, John Ward Dean, M. C. Sparks, E. N. Horsford, Kate N. Daggett, Annie Crawford, Louise McLaughlin, D. G. Gilman, R. E. Apthorp, and others. Subjects include the American Social Science Association, Johns Hopkins University, Dall family matters, Unitarian affairs, genealogical explorations, and Dall's journalistic activities.
Apr.-May 1879
Correspondence from W. H. Kennard, F. W. Putnam, H. H. Barber, Stephen Salisbury, Jr., Mary Casey, J. H. Blake, E. L. Bullard, D. F. Lincoln, S. E. Hall, Wendell P. Garrison, R. B. Gleason, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities, Johns Hopkins University, and the death of W. L. Garrison.
June-July 1879
Correspondence from S. A. Clarke, F. W. Putnam, Lucy Balch, Fanny Garrison Villard, William H. Dall, Alice Rich, Francis Hall, Sarah K. Munro, Mary Casey, Robert Collyer, Rush R. Shippen, James L. Whitney, E. H. Hoar, William F. Channing, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, Garrison's death, Dall family matters (William H. Dall's courtship), a Charles H. A. Dall portrait, and William Ellery Channing and the antislavery issue.
Aug.-Sep. 1879
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Anna C. Lowell, Nettie Whitney, Lucy Balch, Margaret Howitt, Sara Andrews Spencer, E. A. Smith, Emma P. Wood, Frederick Peterson, F. W. Putnam, Rachel Bodley, Kate Hamilton, Louise McLaughlin, W. W. Evans, and others. Subjects include the American Social Science Association general meeting, Saratoga, N.Y.; Dall family matters; the National Woman Suffrage Association; Dall's journalistic activities; Ralph Waldo Emerson in Concord; Boston social life; and Peruvian artifacts.
Oct.-Nov. 1879
Correspondence from Edward A. Spring, W. W. Evans, F. W. Putnam, William Silsbee, John S. Barrow, Louisa Whitney, David Clapp, Francis J. Garrison, Louise McLaughlin, W. H. Savage, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, E. B. Willson, Elizabeth H. Bartol, E. A. Wadsworth, John H. Blake, A. T. Perkins, Charlotte Hedge, H. M. Alden, John R. Savage, Nettie Whitney, Anna L. Savage, Louise Wilkeson, W. C. Gannett, Josephine E. Butler, Augustine Caldwell, and others. Subjects include Dall's journalistic activities (article on Garrison, response to Francis Parkman on women's suffrage) and the British, Continental, and General Federation Triennial Congress, Genoa, 1880.
Dec. 1879
Correspondence from S. F. Clarke, L. B. Merriam, E. A. Smith, Louise McLaughlin, Lucretia Crocker, Arthur M. Knapp, Nettie Whitney, Theodore F. Dwight, Helen McG. Noyes, Emily M. Eliot, David Gray, Rush R. Shippen, Josiah Munro, W. H. Savage, F. B. Sanborn, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall's writings, Parkman's articles on women's suffrage, women's rights legislation before the Congress, Boston social life (the death of Mary Parkman), Dall family matters, Unitarian foreign missions, and the American Social Science Association.
Jan. 1880
Correspondence from Henry H. Barber, F. B. Sanborn, Rush R. Shippen, Howard Brown, William F. Channing, Belva A. Lockwood, E. A. Fuertes, and others. Subjects include Dall writings, the American Social Science Association, C. H. A. Dall and the India mission, and women's rights legislation.
Feb.-Mar. 1880
Correspondence from Alexander Wadsworth, Sarah A. Clarke, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Abba G. Woolson, Caroline Chase Moulton, Louisa Hall, Annie Crawford, Helen McG. Noyes, Anita E. Tyng, J. C. Croly, John C. Learned, S. K. Savage, A. C. L. Waterston, John H. Blake, Oliver Johnson, Robert Collyer, John Cranch, F. B. Sanborn, and others. Subjects include Dall finances, women in medicine (A. E. Tyng), Dall historical research, Washington social life, artistic matters, William F. Channing and the telephone, Garrison and the antislavery crusade, and the American Social Science Association.
Apr.-July 1880
Correspondence from Elizabeth H. Bartol, Emeline R. Weld Kennan, J. Parker Norris, Clay MacCauley, Sarah A. Clarke, Frederic H. Hedge, C. A. Comstock, S. O. Gleason, Mary Stroud, Anna L. Savage, William F. Channing, Anita E. Tyng, Edith King Davis, Edward A. Spring, Mary K. Stevens, and others. Subjects include religious matters, Boston social life, and William Healey Dall at the Unites States National Museum.
Aug.-Dec. 1880
Correspondence from Fidelia H. Taylor, Augusta Barnard, William H. Dall, R. L. Dugdale, E. A. Smith, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Nelly O'Connor, Edward Everett Hale, C. M. Severance, J. Vila Blake, F. B. Sanborn, W. B. Austin, T. L. Eliot, Georgiana B. Kirby, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (My First Holiday), Unitarian affairs, and the American Social Science Association.
Jan. 1881
Correspondence from Elizabeth H. Bartol, Joseph R. Cooksey, Richard Briggs, George Vasey, C. P. Dixon, Sarah Healey, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Alanson Bigelow, Josephine S. Lowell, J. H. Allen, Georgiana B. Kirby, F. H. Hedge, Helen Lennebacker, Alice Stewart, Anna L. Savage, Sarah F. Clarke, Z. R. Brockway, and others. Subjects include botanical affairs, literary matters, the deaths of Lydia Maria Child and Lucretia Mott, Dall journalistic activities, and New York prisons.
Feb.-Mar. 1881
Correspondence from Anita E. Tyng, Florence Hoar, Helen Hunt Jackson, A. B. Francis, Ellen Bonaparte, Lucy M. Solger, Mary Hall, Anna C. Lowell, Cora H. Clarke, M. A. Clarke, Harriet H. Robinson, D. E. Ware, F. H. Hedge, Edith K. Davis, Rush R. Shippen, and others. Subjects include a Sewall-Zakrzewska feud, literary matters, history of the women's rights movement, and the resignation of F. H. Hedge from the Harvard Divinity faculty.
Apr.-July 1881
Correspondence from M. N. Atkinson, C. A. Cutter, E. H. Hoar, Thomas Gaffield, Lewis H. Steiner, Agnes Pauline Otis, Ellen A. Martin, F. D. Huntington, Gabrielle Greeley, Charlotte Mulligan, M. A. Clarke, William H. Dall, Augusta Barnard, and others. Subjects include literary matters, Boston social life, Unitarian affairs, the women's suffrage movement, the social science movement, and Dall family matters.
Aug.-Sep. 1881
Correspondence from Helen Magill, Edward A. Spring, A. W. Stevens, Gabrielle Greeley, Josephine S. Lowell, F. B. Sanborn, Caroline Dall, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Samuel Bowles, Z. R. Brockway, F. D. Huntington, and others. Subjects include literary matters, Korea, Dall journalistic activities, Boston prisons, and prison reform.
Oct. 1881
Correspondence from M. A. Clarke, William H. Herndon, E. S. Walker, Virginia D. Robie, Mary Claflin, B. F. Underwood, Edward A. Spring, and others. Subjects include the death of James A. Garfield, life and culture in Leipzig, Herndon and Lincoln, and Dall writings (My First Holiday, article on oriental religions).
Nov. 1881
Correspondence from E. S. Diman, Charles Lanman, Rutherford B. Hayes, Stephen Salisbury, Jr., Florence Finch, John H. Blake, Anna L. Savage, F. H. Hedge, S. E. Sewall, Edward S. Hoar, E. H. Hoar, Helen McG. Noyes, E. B. Elliott, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Horace S. Chandler, C. A. Comstock, D. P. Noyes, A. W. Stevens, Ruth A. Hoar, Howard M. Jenkins, J. R. Savage, R. E. Apthorp, Daniel Wilson, Louisa Whitney, and others. Subjects include My First Holiday, the Chinese question in California, Dall journalistic activities, western railroads, and the American Antiquarian Society. Letter from former President Hayes, 5 Nov. 1881, thanks Dall for her letter complimenting his article on the Garfield assassination.
Dec. 1881
Correspondence from Edward Farquhar, Alanson Bigelow, Alice Rich, Harriet H. Robinson, J. H. Allen, Stephen Salisbury, Jr., Charles H. A. Dall, F. H. Hedge, H. P. Chandler, Calvin S. Locke, Mary Bartol, R. G. White, and others. Subjects include My First Holiday, the American Social Science Association, and the American Antiquarian Society. The C. H. A. Dall letter to his wife from Baltimore, 19 Dec. 1881, discusses the Dalls' impending Christmas.
Jan.-Feb. 1882
Correspondence from Josiah Munro, Charles E. Pascoe, Theodore F. Dwight, Mary C. Gantt, S. K. Savage, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, B. F. Underwood, A. A. Chevaillier, Samuel Bowles, Justin Winsor, Alida C. Avery, James A. Dall, Mary Stroud, E. M. Gallaudet, Annie Crawford, Henry James, Jr., Edward A. Spring, John V. Apthorp, Elizabeth H. Bartol, W. J. Potter, Sarah A. Clarke, D. P. Noyes, M. L. Griffith, and others. Subjects include My First Holiday, Dall journalistic activities, and the death of R. E. Apthorp.
Mar.-Apr. 1882
Correspondence from George William Curtis, Theodore F. Dwight, S. E. Sewall, Frederick Frothingham, John H. Ricketson, Mary Stroud, J. H. Allen, Daniel Wilson, Rachel Bodley, Alice Longfellow, and others. Subjects include My First Holiday, abolitionist remembrances, literary matters, and Longfellow genealogy.
May-June 1882
Correspondence from S. F. Clarke, Helen McG. Noyes, H. M. Knowlton, H. H. Robinson, J. T. Sims, Samuel Bowles, Harriet N. Holland, Katie Wild, F. H. Hedge, Augusta Barnard, E. S. Walker, Anne-Mary M. Kidder, Mary H. C. Baird, Edward Maitland, Anna C. Lowell, and others. Subjects include Clara Barton, My First Holiday, the women's suffrage movement, marital rights, C. H. A. Dall's declining health, literary matters, and the difficulties of life in government service.
July-Oct. 1882
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, Harriet N. Holland, Mary C. Gantt, Clara Barton, C. K. Dillaway, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Annie Crawford, Martha A. Clarke, Sarah K. Munro, E. D. Cheney, and others. Subjects include My First Holiday, care of the insane, literary matters, Clara Barton at Saratoga, Japan, and family matters.
Nov.-Dec. 1882
Correspondence from Charles E. Briggs, Marcus Baker, James Freeman Clarke, Edward L. Pierce, L. H. Stone, Annie Crawford, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Louisa Carpenter, S. F. Clarke, H. H. Barber, Jane L. Gray, Sarah Crapo, Alanson Bigelow, Samuel Bowles, John Cranch, Josephine S. Lowell, William Everett, S. E. Sewall, Clara Chipman Newton, Rachel Bodley, Louise Wilkeson, William P. Kuhn, Harriet N. Holland, M. A. Clarke, and others. Subjects include the habits of Charles Sumner, Egyptology, William Everett and Ben Butler, the Woman's Medical College, literary matters, and Unitarian affairs.
Jan. 1883
Correspondence from Davies Wilson, Sarah K. Bolton, Harriet B. Hicks, Thomas T. Gantt, Josephine S. Lowell, Alexander Wadsworth, Rachel Bodley, F. D. Huntington, Louisa A. Gregory, A. C. Fletcher, Abby B. Francis, E. D. Cheney, Bessie Bigelow, Richard D. Ware, H. M. Simmons, Frances H. Blake, Harriet N. Holland, Elizabeth H. Bartol, C. A. Hedge, Caroline Dall, and others. Subjects include Charles Sumner, Dorothea Dix, the American Social Science Association, and national aid to education. Included is Dall's undated "instructions to trustees" concerning women in professorships.
Feb. 1883
Correspondence from Belle A. Johnston, R. M. Kelley, Henry James, Jr., M. A. Clarke, Edward S. Hoar, Anna Williams, E. D. Cheney, John H. Blake, Caroline S. Sellstedt, A. C. Fletcher, Alfred J. Gustin, Alice Longfellow, Clara Barton, Augustus Lowell, Davies Wilson, John A. Warder, Barbara Bodichon, R. H. Pratt, Henry L. Fry, and others. Subjects include Boston social life, Emerson's death and Concord, the Woman's Rights Convention of 1860, and the lectures of George Kennan.
Feb. 1883
Correspondence from Josiah P. Quincy, Lilian Clarke, John H. Blake, H. H. Barber, Anna B. Fogg, R. H. Pratt, Alanson Bigelow, D. E. Ware, Alice M. Rice, Mary Channing Saunders, Lucy B. Keyes, F. A. Walker, William Lincoln, Howard M. Jenkins, and others. Subjects include a Quincy family journal and autograph, glass manufacture, family affairs, literary matters ("Famous Women Series"), the women's suffrage movement, women and Army and Navy promotions, and Dall journalistic activities.
Apr.-May 1883
Correspondence from Maria Mott Davis, J. A. Richardson, H. H. Barber, Sarah Crapo, Clarendon Harris, M. A. Clarke, Alanson Bigelow, F. H. Hedge, Emma Rogers, Mary Bartol, Nathan B. Goodnow, George Kennan, Cyrus A. Bartol, John J. Bell, Annie Crawford, Samuel Bowles, Sarah R. May, Wendell Phillips, Ellen T. Emerson, E. B. Lyman, E. F. Strickland, Eliza S. Turner, and others. Subjects include a memoir of Lucretia Mott, Dall journalistic activities, women's suffrage and Massachusetts politics, Dorothea Dix, literary matters, and the death of Emerson.
June-Aug. 1883
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, F. B. Sanborn, Edward Maitland, Sarah Crapo, James Dana, Annie Crawford, Frances W. Haven, George F. Hoar, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Marcus Baker, Elizabeth G. May, Josiah P. Quincy, John H. Blake, Anne Whitney, Helen Paulding, C. H. A. Dall, Maria Weston Chapman, and others. Subjects include a C. H. A. Dall-Joseph Cook controversy, the American Social Science Association, Dix genealogy, family matters, and the Quincy family.
Sep.-Oct. 1883
Correspondence from Tilly E. Stevenson, Lucretia Crocker, Samuel Bowles, William F. Charming, Helen Bigelow Merriam, Francis A. Walker, Lydia Caldwell, Alice M. Rice, Annie Crawford, Mary Howard, F. B. Sanborn, S. F. Clarke, and others. Subjects include the Omaha people, literary matters, explorations of James Stevenson, Dall journalistic activities, William Ellery Channing, Garrison and antislavery, Anandibai Joshee, a Sanborn-Phillips argument, Ben Butler's impending defeat, and Dante studies.
Nov. 1883
Correspondence from Anandibai Joshee, Caroline Dall, Annie Crawford, Sarah Crapo, Rachel Bodley, Samuel H. Scudder, Horatio Hale, Samuel Eliot, Martha A. Clarke, and others. Subjects include the life and education of Dr. Joshee, Dall vs. Science on the effects of the consumption of oleo-margarine and soap, women and medical education, Ben Butler's defeat, and Boston social life.
Dec. 1883
Correspondence from Moses King, Brooke Hereford, Mary Olmsted Clarke, Annie Crawford, Edward Everett Hale, Sarah K. Munro, Helen Tomkins, Edward Farquhar, Augusta Barnard, Josiah Munro, Abby P. Quincy, Josiah P. Quincy, E. M. Plummer, and others. Subjects include family matters at Christmas, Dall journalistic activities, the Quincy family, and Boston social life.
Jan. 1884
Correspondence from Mary Bartol, Mary C. Wadsworth, Francis J. Garrison, A. C. Fletcher, S. J. Cunningham, Anna Loring, Augusta Barnard, John H. Blake, M. A. Clarke, Martha P. Lowe, C. A. Comstock, A. P. Putnam, J. C. Croly, Sarah F. Clarke, Susan B. Anthony, Augustine Pollok, Josiah P. Quincy, and others. Subjects include Native Americans in Nebraska, Dall finances, Matthew Arnold, Emerson and other intellectual matters, and the women's suffrage movement.
Feb.-Mar. 1884
Correspondence from Martha P. Lowe, Sarah Crapo, Sarah F. Clarke, Annie Crawford, J. H. Allen, Anandibai Joshee, Francis J. Garrison, Mabel G. Bell, James Dana, H. S. Ware, Charlotte Hedge, John H. Blake, Lucy Baird, M. E. Hale, Adeline Treadwell, Dorothea Dix, Augusta Barnard, Bail Hall Chamberlain, George B. Loring, Horace P. Chandler, Susan B. Anthony, Emeline Kennan, Anne Whitney, Sarah E. Hunt, John W. Field, Abby Quincy, and others. Subjects include family matters, Anandibai Joshee in America, affairs in India, Dall writings ("Sordello," memoir of George Foster), Governor John D. Long of Massachusetts, Japan, and the death of Wendell Phillips.
Apr.-May 1884
Correspondence from Annie Crawford, W. H. Kennard, John Murdoch, Sarah F. Clarke, Clare Gantt, Mary Stroud, Mary Bartol, Olivia Dabney, John Crawford, M. A. Winchester, S. J. Cunningham, Frances Blake, Tilly E. Stevenson, Mary F. Lowe, John W. Field, Sarah E. Hunt, M. A. Clarke, and others. Subjects include Unitarianism, Buffalo social life, literary matters, and Boston social life (Phillips memorial, George Fuller's death).
June-July 1884
Correspondence from A. P. Peabody, Harriet B. Hicks, William Lincoln, G. H. Hosmer, William H. Dall, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Abby Quincy, Alice M. Rice, Ellen Day Hale, H. I. Bowditch, Mary S. P. Guild, John H. Blake, Helen Magill, Sarah F. Clarke, Sallie B. Ray, Charles F. Dunbar, Alice Fletcher, Edward Farquhar, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, Dall family matters, James G. Blaine's nomination for President, the Dante Society, literary matters (Higginson's life of Margaret Fuller), Foster genealogy, and Charles F. Dunbar at Harvard.
Aug.-Oct. 1884
Correspondence from Samuel Bowles, Nettie Dall, Mary Otis, Anna C. Brackett, E. P. Noyes, A. C. Fletcher, Edward Farquhar, Sarah Crapo, Eben Francis, Helen McG. Noyes, Abby Quincy, M. E. Tillinghast, Anna C. L. Waterston, Harriet M. R. White, W. H. Kennard, Mary Bartol, Dorcas Murdoch, Elleridge G. Cutler, May L. Sheldon, J. Vila Blake, S. F. Clarke, William H. Dall, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, the travels of Mr. and Mrs. James Stephenson, Washington social life, James Freeman Clarke and Blaine, and Cleveland and the presidential campaign.
Nov. 1884
Correspondence from Ellen M. Hawes, Fannie Healey, Edward Farquhar, Ossian Ray, A. H. Clarke, J. M. Slocum, Augusta Barnard, Mary L. Booth, Henrietta Wise, Sarah P. Healey, J. Parker Norris, Elleridge G. Cutler, May L. Sheldon, Annie W. Savage, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters, the death of Louisa Hall, and the election of Grover Cleveland.
Dec. 1884
Correspondence from M. A. Clarke, F. H. Hedge, Francis J. Garrison, J. Parker Norris, C. P. Cranch, S. F. Clarke, Anandibai Joshee, Helen McG. Noyes, Mary L. Booth, Barnet Phillips, Abby W. Stephens, Louisa Frothingham, John Fiske, and others. Subjects include Grover Cleveland, Boston social life, Julian Hawthorne's Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife and Margaret Fuller, Thomas Wentworth Higginson's resignation from the Woman's Journal, and the lectures of John Fiske. Sarah Clarke's letter, 23 Dec. 1884, contains some Dall notes on Margaret Fuller.
Jan. 1885
Correspondence from Mary H. C. Baird, Martha H. Brooks, Alice M. Rice, Sarah F. Clarke, Sarah K. Munro, A. C. Fletcher, W. P. Garrison, Helen McG. Noyes, Oliver Johnson, Annie Crawford, Edward Maitland, Susan B. Anthony, John Ward Dean, Mary L. Booth, Anne Whitney, John W. Field, Anandibai Joshee, C. P. Cranch, Anna C. Lowell, Theodore Wynkoop, and others. Subjects include Native American affairs, Dall's writings (Sordello, memoir of Rebecca Clarke), the women's suffrage movement, Dall journalistic activities, and William H. Channing. Sarah Clarke's letter, 11 Jan. 1885, contains some Dall notes.
Feb. 1885
Correspondence from Edward Everett Hale, Alice C. Fletcher, John H. Blake, E. H. Hickey, B. M. Channing, Rebecca W. Walker, F. T. Fuller, Henry W. Foote, William P. Kuhn, Emily Thompson, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Sordello), the Fuller family, politics, and Boston social life (Henry James's Bostonians).
Mar. 1885
Correspondence from C. H. A. Dall, Fannie Healey, Abby Quincy, Sarah F. Clarke, Julia Schayer, Alice Blanchard, C. H. Wild, Mary L. Booth, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, A. L. Frothingham, Jr., F. Dykes Campbell, D. E. Ware, Samuel Bowles, Annie Crawford, Sarah K. Munro, Charlotte Hedge, Amelia Williams, A. C. Brackett, and others. Subjects include the writings of C. H. A. Dall, literary matters, Dall journalistic activities ("The Sword and the Pen"), James A. Garfield, women's suffrage, family matters, and the Hawthorne-Fuller affair.
Apr. 1885
Correspondence from B. M. Charming, Alice C. Fletcher, Edwin M. Bacon, J. Parker Norris, Sarah P. Healey, Charles Deane, J. W. Powell, Edward Wigglesworth, John Ward Dean, Sarah Crapo, Alice Blanchard, Anna C. Lowell, and others. Subjects include Canadian politics, Native American education, women's suffrage, Dall's writings (My First Holiday), and literary matters.
May-July 1885
Correspondence from W. P. Garrison, Helen McG. Noyes, Ellen Endicott, Alice C. Fletcher, J. C. Croly, Rebecca W. Walker, Mary Bartol, James Freeman Clarke, J. Vila Blake, Josiah P. Quincy, Nettie Dall, Emeline Kennan, William H. Dall, F. H. Hedge, Anandibai Joshee, Sarah A. Scull, William P. Kuhn, Samuel May, C. G. Ames, Elizabeth White Wadsworth, and others. Subjects include Dall's study of Shakespeare, Rebecca Walker in Europe, pensioning of women nurses, C. H. A. Dall's and Sarah Munro's illnesses, family matters, and the Charleston, S.C., Woman's Exchange.
Aug.-Oct. 1885
Correspondence from Anna H. Clarke, Annie Crawford, James Berry Bensel, F. B. Sanborn, Anne Whitney, Charlotte Bridge, Helen Tomkins, E. R. Champlin, Rush R. Shippen, Sarah Crapo, Anna C. Lowell, A. C. Fletcher, and others. Subjects include the death of Maria Weston Chapman, C. H. A. Dall in India, Dall writings, and the American Social Science Association.
Nov.-Dec. 1885
Correspondence from E. R. Champlin, Augustine Caldwell, Annie Crawford, Horatio Stebbins, Edith K. Davis, Edward Wigglesworth, Mary R. Kuhn, A. P. Peabody, Daniel Wilson, W. P. Garrison, John H. Heywood, Blanche Channing, Annie Crawford, Rebecca W. Walker, Julia Frothingham, Abby Quincy, E. L. Bullard, Mary Bartol, Augusta Barnard, Mary Logan, Sarah F. Clarke, T. J. Barnardo, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (What We Really Know About Shakespeare), C. H. A. Dall and the India mission, Grover Cleveland's appointments, and Dr. Barnardo's Homes for Destitute Children, London.
Jan.-Feb. 1886
Correspondence from Lucy Balch, Henry S. Austin, W. P. Garrison, Annie Crawford, John W. Field, Augusta Barnard, Gabrielle Greeley, and others. Subjects include family matters and Dall writings (Sordello).
Mar.-Apr. 1886
Correspondence from John W. Chadwick, Caroline Dall, Sarah K. Munro, William S. Harvey, Blanche M. Channing, Rachel Bodley, Caroline Cranch, Helen McG. Noyes, F. B. Sanborn, Annie Crawford, M. A. Livermore, Sarah F. Clarke, E. R. Champlin, M. A. Clarke, Anandibai Joshee, and others. Subjects include literary matters, Dall finances, What We Really Know About Shakespeare, William H. Channing letters, Sordello, national aid to education, and Anandibai Joshee in America.
May-July 1886
Correspondence from Helen Douglass, A. E. Wadsworth, S. A. Clarke, E. R. Champlin, Rachel Bodley, Ella Moore, Annie Crawford, Charles Eliot Norton, Elisabeth W. Perry, Augusta Barnard, Anandibai Joshee, Theodore Wynkoop, William H. Dall, D. P. Noyes, S. J. Cunningham, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Romance of the Association), biographical information, matters of art, Anandibai Joshee in America, and family matters.
Aug.-Nov. 1886
Correspondence from Nettie Dall, Elizabeth Whitney, J. H. Allen, Caroline Dall, Mary Bartol, F. B. Sanborn, William H. Dall, Alice C. Fletcher, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Lucy Balch, Sarah F. Clarke, J. G. Walker, Tilly Stevenson, Adelaide Stanton Dole, Agnes Crane, and others. Subjects include family matters (the death of C. H. A. Dall, his will, effects), the American Social Science Association, Japan, and Boston and Cambridge social life.
Dec. 1886
Correspondence from Ann I. T. Parsons, C. P. Cranch, Annie Crawford, Mary Bartol, Adelaide S. Dole, S. E. Sewall, Susan B. Anthony, Julia Schayer, A. W. Stevens, William H. Dunbar, M. A. Henry, Georgiana B. Kirby, Sarah Crapo, Laura E. Gilmore, and others. Subjects include the death of Erastus Brooks, C. H. A. Dall, women's suffrage, What We Really Know About Shakespeare, and literary matters.
Jan.-Mar. 1887
Correspondence from Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Anna C. L. Waterston, Louisa Frothingham, Rachel Bodley, Augusta Barnard, M. A. Clarke, Anne M. Chalmers, Ella Moore, M. C. Gantt, Sarah Crapo, Annie Crawford, James Stevenson, Rebecca W. Walker, Julia Frothingham, S. C. Becker, Alice C. Fletcher, Elizabeth Dexter, Howard Edwards, Caroline Dall, Nettie Dall, William M. Prichard, Susie Walker, S. P. Langley, Agnes Davis, and others. Subjects include Boston social life, Dall writings (My First Holiday), and the search for information on C. H. A. Dall's mission in India. A copy of a Dall letter can be found written on the back of that from Howard Edwards, 9 Mar. 1887.
Apr.-June 1887
Correspondence from S. F. Clarke, Lilian Clarke, Caroline Dall, Mary Otis, Susan M. Edmunds, Francis A. Walker, Mary Bartol, Henry F. Waters, F. B. Sanborn, S. E. Sewall, William H. Dall, John Healey Childe, F. D. Huntington, Annie Crawford, W. P. Garrison, Alice C. Fletcher, George F. Hoar, Sara A. Underwood, and others. Subjects include genealogical explorations, seduction as a crime, seeking material on the Dall India mission, seeking a teaching position for William H. Dall, and the Joshees of India.
July-Aug. 1887
Correspondence from Richard Hodgson, Harriet Hyatt, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Grindall Reynolds, Julia Frothingham, Sarah K. Munro, Howard Brown, Rebecca W. Walker, Rose Lamb, J. H. Allen, Helen Tomkins, Caroline Dall, Agnes Crane, Nettie W. Dall, William H. Dall, and others. Subjects include Shakespeare, the Unitarian mission in India, and family matters.
Sep.-Nov. 1887
Correspondence from Mary H. C. Baird, Alice C. Fletcher, Austin Dall, William H. Dall, F. B. Sanborn, Mary F. Lowe, J. C. Croly, Sarah F. Clarke, Louisa Wolcott Knowlton, Thomas Meehan, Alfred Allen, Caroline Dall, Mary Howard, Ella Moore, Sanderson Smith, and others. Subjects include a remembrance of C. H. A. Dall, Native American affairs, and biographical sketches of Washington's literary women.
Dec. 1887
Correspondence from Adelaide L. Wadsworth, E. J. Thompson, John G. Nicolay, E. P. Noyes, Annie Crawford, Samuel Bowles, Caroline Dall, Della Hyatt, Sarah F. Clarke, Julia Schayer, Sarah Crapo, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities and social affairs.
Jan. 1888
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, Charles G. Ames, F. H. Hedge, Julia Schayer, Alpheus Hyatt, S. J. Cunningham, Elizabeth Whitney, William D. Kelley, Anna Loring, D. G. Gilman, Susan B. Anthony, Rachel Bodley, J. C. Croly, and others. Subjects include a reminiscence of Lincoln, the Unitarian mission in India, Dall's work on a Joshee biography, and Dall-Anthony-Stanton differences.
Feb. 1888
Correspondence from Kate Foote, Rachel Bodley, Edward H. Greenleaf, Richard Hodgson, E. H. Hoar, H. W. Blackford, Daniel Wilson, W. W. Rice, James Stevenson, Pundita Sarasvati Ramabai, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elizabeth W. Tuckerman, Gerald S. Hayward, J. C. Croly, Anne Whitney, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Thomas Niles, Della Hyatt, and others. Subjects include Dall diary notes on James Freeman Clarke, Dall's Life of Dr. Anandibai Joshee, Japan, and literary matters.
Mar. 1888
Correspondence from John J. Bell, Kate Foote, Mary Howard, M. A. Clarke, Adelaide S. Dole, Alice Longfellow, Edith A. Hawley, Pundita Sarasvati Ramabai, Sarah F. Clarke, E. H. Hoar, Elizabeth W. Bishop, and others. Subjects include Boston social life, Dall writings, the travels of Ramabai, and women's rights.
Apr.-May 1888
Correspondence from S. J. Cunningham, Sarah F. Clarke, F. B. Sanborn, Agnes Crane, Julia Schayer, Katharine L. Lawrence, Helen McG. Noyes, T. E. Carpenter, Helen Douglass, W. P. Garrison, S. A. Underwood, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Pundita Sarasvati Ramabai, Charlotte A. Hedge, Rachel Bodley, Duncan Smith, Azariah Smith, and others. Subjects include Dall's Life of Dr. Anandibai Joshee.
June 1888
Correspondence from Agnes Crane, Anna C. L. Waterston, Grindall Reynolds, Sarah F. Clarke, Charles G. Ames, Helen McG. Noyes, S. J. Cunningham, Atherton Noyes, D. E. Ware, Mary Bartol, William H. Dall, George W. Bond, and others. Subjects include Dall's Life of Dr. Anandibai Joshee, the deaths of Rachel Bodley and James Freeman Clarke, and family matters.
July 1888
Correspondence from Mary P. Elkinson, George W. Fox, Josephine S. Lowell, William H. Dall, Sarah F. Clarke, Grindall Reynolds, Caroline Dall, Sarah P. Healey, May Cole Baker, Emeline Kennan, Lizzie Merriam, Edward Farquhar, W. P. Garrison, Nettie W. Dall, C. A. Comstock, Sarah Crapo, D. E. Ware, J. H. Allen, and others. Subjects include Rachel Bodley, C. H. A. Dall's mission in India, Anandibai Joshee, and family matters.
Aug.-Oct. 1888
Correspondence from Elizabeth W. Tuckerman, William H. Dall, Anna H. Clarke, Helen L. Fairchild, J. H. Allen, Sarah Crapo, Sarah K. Munro, Sarah F. Clarke, Samuel Bowles, William S. Barnes, Anna Gardner, Frederick J. Kingsbury, Nettie W. Dall, Elisabeth R. Lyman, George N. Whipple, D. E. Ware, H. E. Lunt, E. W. Lewis, H. P. Spofford, Agnes Crane, and others. Subjects include Rachel Bodley and Anandibai Joshee, the scientific activities of William H. Dall, Dall writings (Sordello), Maria Weston Chapman and the antislavery movement, and family matters.
Nov.-Dec. 1888
Correspondence from S. P. Langley, William H. Dall, J. W. Andrews, Adelaide S. Dole, S. E. Sewall, H. N. Gardiner, Sarah F. Clarke, A. E. Tyng, James K. Hosmer, F. B. Sanborn, Theodore F. Dwight, H. B. Barrow, Josiah Munro, Thomas Niles, Anne Whitney, and others. Subjects include literary matters, a woman's right to make a will, the defeat of Grover Cleveland, the politics of the tariff, and Dall writings (Sordello).
Jan. 1889
Correspondence from John H. Heywood, Samuel May, M. A. Clarke, Sarah K. Munro, Charles G. Ames, C. W. Moulton, John L. Carroll, Anna H. Clarke, S. P. Langley, Elizabeth H. Bartol, James Stevenson, J. H. Allen, Samuel G. Ward, and others. Subjects include the deaths of S. E. Sewall and Abby W. May, Boston social life, Dall's poetry, family matters, and remembrances of Rachel Bodley and James Freeman Clarke.
Feb.-Mar. 1889
Correspondence from Richard Hodgson, J. H. Allen, F. B. Ames, John J. Bell, Sarah F. Clarke, Charlotte A. Hedge, Elizabeth W. Tuckerman, Mabel G. Bell, John H. Heywood, Atherton Noyes, Annie Crawford, Joseph Foster, Emma H. Palmer, E. H. Hoar, Anna C. Lowell, Emily M. Wadsworth, Anne W. Wright, George S. Boutwell, and others. Subjects include family matters, Boston social life, the history of the C. H. A. Dall mission, a post-election lament for President and Mrs. Cleveland, Foster genealogy, the work of Ramabai, and the death of Mary L. Booth. Dall notes discussing a number of correspondents are found on their letters.
Apr.-May 1889
Correspondence from Francis Tiffany, David Hutcheson, George B. Loring, Mary Otis, Alice C. Fletcher, H. N. Gardiner, Helen Fairchild, J. H. Allen, Ellen M. O' Connor, Sarah F. Clarke, Charles Eliot Norton, and others. Subjects include Dorothea Dix, the India mission, and the Dante Society.
June-July 1889
Correspondence from Annie Crawford, H. L. Fairchild, Franklin Carter, F. B. Sanborn, M. A. Jordan, Sarah F. Clarke, Gardiner G. Hubbard, Emeline Kennan, John H. Heywood, Helen McG. Noyes, J. C. Croly, C. C. Shackford, William H. Dall, Edward H. Greenleaf, Mary Otis, Anne M. Macy, W. P. Garrison, Abby Quincy, James D. Butler, Elizabeth C. L. Browne, and others. Subjects include Theodore Roosevelt as Civil Service Commissioner, the American Social Science Association, J. C. Croly and the journal The Woman's Century, Dall journalistic activities, literary matters, family finances, and the scientific activities of William H. Dall.
Aug.-Oct. 1889
Correspondence from M. A. Jordan, H. N. Gardiner, Sarah F. Clarke, J. W. Andrews, Joseph May, Mary Bartol, Anna H. Clarke, Julia Frothingham, Margaret Whitney, James R. Gilmore, H. P. Spofford, Ernest Baker, C. M. Dodd, Addie Graham, Clara B. Colby, Elizabeth W. Tuckerman, Helen L. Fairchild, Matilda Goddard, Caroline Dall, W. P. Garrison, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities; the Native American mission; educational matters (Smith College); a Dall biography in the New Encyclopedia of American Biography; Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, and national politics; and Dall family finances.
Nov.-Dec. 1889
Correspondence from W. P. Garrison, Helen L. Fairchild, T. L. Marshall, Susan Upham, Annie Crawford, H. N. Gardiner, C. V. Riley, Charles Eliot Norton, Jane Alexander, Adelaide S. Dole, Alice C. Fletcher, Sarah F. Clarke, Elizabeth Schonberg Ward, Edward Farquhar, Abby Quincy, Mary Stroud, Sarah F. Clarke, C. P. Cranch, Ellen Endicott, and others. Subjects include the history of reform movements, Dall journalistic activities, household insects, Shakespeare and Dante, Native American affairs, and letters of James Freeman Clarke.
Jan. 1890
Correspondence from H. N. Gardiner, Lucy Balch, Abby W. Stephens, Sarah F. Clarke, John F. Andrew, William C. Winslow, Ada Ware, M. A. Jordan, David Hutcheson, Gardiner G. Hubbard, W. S. Kennedy, Kate Foote, George W. Fox, Charlotte A. Hedge, J. H. Allen, Edward H. Greenleaf, H. L. Fairchild, Augusta Barnard, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Annie Crawford, and others. Subjects include influenza in Boston, educational matters, literary matters (a biography of Whittier), Washington politics and social life, Boston social life, and Annie Crawford in Europe.
Feb. 1890
Correspondence from M. A. Jordan, D. W. Fisher, H. L. Fairchild, Theodore C. Williams, Susan B. Anthony, William F. Channing, Emma C. Bascom, Thomas Niles, Lilian F. Clarke, Sarah F. Clarke, Jane Alexander, Sybil Wilson, and others. Subjects include Smith College and social reforms, Hanover (Ind.) College, the Unitarian Japanese mission, the women's suffrage movement, Harold Channing seeking a scientific job, genealogical explorations, Dall writings (sketch of Maria Mitchell), and interpretations of the Bible.
Mar.-May 1890
Correspondence from Ellen T. Emerson, W. H. Appleton, W. S. Kennedy, Ellen Endicott, C. M. Dodd, Mary Garfield, Ella Moore, Emily A. Fifield, A. A. Allen, Thomas Niles, Kate Foote, Sarah F. Clarke, Mary E. Walsh, M. A. Clarke, Anna L. Dawes, George H. Elliot, Anna C. Lowell, William H. Dall, and others. Subjects include Dall's Life of Dr. Anandibai Joshee; doings of the Concord, Mass., community; educational matters (Swarthmore, Alfred); home buying; publishing matters; and William H. Dall's scientific activities.
June-July 1890
Correspondence from William H. Dall, T. O. Hague, William C. Winslow, George N. Whipple, Charles S. Fairchild, Mary Howard, Susan E. P. Forbes, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Susan G. Walker, Marion Noyes, Sarah B. Earle, Atherton Noyes, Sarah F. Clarke, Barbara Bodichon, William H. Herndon, Eliza White, David Hutcheson, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters, Ramabai's use of the typewriter in India, B. H. Chamberlain on Japan, family matters, Lodge's defeat for Harvard Overseer, Smithsonian politics, Herndon on the legitimacy of Lincoln's birth, and literary matters. Includes notes by Dall on the decline of Sarah Clarke, 9 July 1890, and on Herndon's failure to deal with the question of Lincoln's illegitimacy, 21 July 1890.
Aug.-Oct. 1890
Correspondence from M. A. Jordan, Abby Quincy, Elizabeth Merriam, Sarah F. Clarke, William H. Dall, C. C. Everett, E. E. P. Holland, E. H. Magill, William James, H. L. Fairchild, Theodore Wynkoop, and others. Subjects include William H. Dall in the West, the death of F. H. Hedge, family matters, and the building of a library in Georgia.
Nov. 1890
Correspondence from Lilian F. Clarke, Alice West, John J. Bell, Sarah F. Clarke, Willis Munro, E. P. Noyes, A. P. Peabody, H. H. Allen, E. C. L. Browne, Henry R. Stedman, Frances F. Cleveland, H. N. Holland, Abby Quincy, C. C. Everett, Jeannie Channing, Florence Durkee, and others. Subjects include family matters (the death of Caroline Dall's sister Marianne), a memorial of F. H. Hedge, and the Democratic electoral victory of 1890. Mrs. Cleveland's letter, 18 Nov. 1890, refers to the latter.
Dec. 1890
Correspondence from M. A. Jordan, H. N. Gardiner, Willis Munro, W. O. Atwater, H. N. Holland, G. B. Goode, Ellen Endicott, O. B. Frothingham, Frederick Stanhope Hill, Grace Dodd, H. C. Brazier, Charlotte M. Harris, Margaret E. White, Mary M. Salter, George W. Cooke, John W. Morison, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Rebecca W. Walker, Sarah F. Clarke, and others. Subjects include literary matters (Emily Dickinson), the Democrats and the silver issue, Dall journalistic activities, Marianne Healey, Dorothea Dix, Sordello, and Sarah Clarke's library project.
Jan.-Feb. 1891
Correspondence from Thomas R. Slicer, Catherine Harris, Sarah P. Healey, Annie Crawford, Francis J. Garrison, Anne Whitney, Mary W. Whitney, C. P. Cranch, Caroline Dall, H. L. Fairchild, Alice C. Fletcher, E. B. Willson, Russell Carpenter, and others. Subjects include Dorothea Dix, antislavery, and women's rights history.
Mar.-Apr. 1891
Correspondence from Susan G. Walker, E. W. Tuckerman, Grace Dodd, F. B. Sanborn, Clarence J. Blake, Daniel Wilson, John Ward Dean, E. P. Noyes, M. L. Hall, Alice C. Fletcher, J. H. Allen, H. N. Gardiner, Frederick Stanhope Hill, Alice Rice, G. P. Putnam, Alexander H. Ladd, Caroline Dall, H. L. Fairchild, Robert Collyer, Mary Otis, M. A. Jordan, W. T. Harris, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, genealogical explorations, the death of George Bancroft, publishing matters, James Freeman Clarke, and Lucy Stone. Dall copied the J. H. Allen letter, 13 Apr. 1891, and appended some notes on Clarke and Stone.
May-June 1891
Correspondence from Sarah A. Pembroke, H. S. Ware, Mary Peabody, Charlotte A. Hedge, Emily M. Wadsworth, E. W. Healey, H. N. Gardiner, Abby Quincy, E. B. Willson, Ruth A. Hoar, Mary Otis, William H. Dall, Marion Noyes, D. E. Ware, Grace Dodd, Ellen A. Stone, E. P. Noyes, Caroline Dall, and others. Subjects include educational matters (Smith), the activities of William H. Dall, and family finances.
Aug.-Oct. 1891
Correspondence from Anne Whitney, William H. Dall, J. H. Allen, Theodore Wynkoop, Charlotte A. Hedge, Alice Rich, Augusta Barnard, Atherton Noyes, Ellen A. Stone, E. A. Whipple, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Sarah K. Dall, Rebecca W. Walker, Eliza S. Pumpelly, Edward H. Greenleaf, Annie Crawford, Helen L. Fairchild, Isabel Somerset, Louisa D. Atkinson, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, Augusta Barnard in Europe, and the death of Mary Otis.
Nov.-Dec. 1891
Correspondence from Alice N. Parker, Frederick B. Mott, Sallie B. Loring, Florence Bascom, M. V. E. Cabell, Emily D. Proctor, E. B. Willson, Elizabeth W. Wadsworth, Sarah F. Clarke, Sarah K. Munro, Emily M. Wadsworth, Lucy M. Solger, C. H. Cordner, Charlotte A. Hedge, George H. Foster, Theodore Wynkoop, G. N. Putnam, Frederick Stanhope Hill, L. G. Sellstedt, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (difficulties with Poet-Lore, articles in the Cambridge Tribune), blacks and Sarah Clarke's library, Buffalo social life (the wedding of Elizabeth Wadsworth), Grover Cleveland and national politics, and family matters.
Jan.-Feb. 1892
Correspondence from Charles W. Story, Josiah Munro, Anna Loring, Sally P. Loring, Charles Eliot Norton, Sarah F. Clarke, Anna C. Lowell, Martha B. Shackford, William H. Dall, Mary Peabody, Edward H. Greenleaf, Frederick Stanhope Hill, J. H. Worthington, H. L. Fairchild, Maria Hayes, John Rand, Alexander Kent, F. D. Huntington, Daniel Wilson, Anne Whitney, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Edward Peacock, and others. Subjects include family matters, Dall writings (on James Russell Lowell), and Democratic politics.
Mar. 1892
Correspondence from Anna H. Clarke, Elizabeth F. Nichols, Elizabeth L. Browne, Henry Matson, Alice C. Fletcher, Jane Meade Welch, Thomas Niles, Cornelia Stone, William Sellstedt, C. M. Bridge, Grace Litchfield, C. C. Buel, Edward H. Greenleaf, M. J. Channing, H. N. Gardiner, Mary C. Hale, Frank H. Bigelow, A. G. Riddle, Sophie E. Howard, H. L. Fairchild, and others. Subjects include an Adams manuscript, Dall writings (on Charles G. Finney, Barbara Frietchie, the Channing family), educational matters (Smith), and Democratic politics.
Apr. 1892
Correspondence from Jane Meade Welch, E. A. Fay, Virginia R. Laws, Sarah F. Clarke, Augusta Barnard, F. H. Blake, C. W. Moulton, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Florence Bascom, Edward H. Greenleaf, J. T. Sunderland, John W. Chadwick, and others. Subjects include Henry Adams on his grandfather's "nervous affection of the eye," Sarah Clarke's library, Boston social life, a biographical sketch of Dall for Women of the Century, Unitarianism in India, and Emily Dickinson.
May 1892
Correspondence from Helen Douglass, S. P. Langley, Samuel C. Clarke, E. B. Willson, Lucy H. Baird, Nettie Dall, M. P. Norcross, Sophie Howard, Daniel Wilson, and others. Subjects include Frederick Douglass, Dall writings, Emily Dickinson, and family matters.
June-Aug. 1892
Correspondence from Edward H. Greenleaf, James A. Dall, William T. Harris, Edward Farquhar, Florence Spofford, D. E. Ware, Grindall Reynolds, E. D. Hardy, William Erving, Sybil Wilson, H. L. Fairchild, Charles S. Fairchild, Anne Whitney, Sarah F. Clarke, F. B. Sanborn, Caroline Dall, Willis Munro, Augusta Barnard, Sophie Howard, Thomas Niles, Moncure D. Conway, Adelaide D. Stanton, and others. Subjects include the politics of James G. Blaine, Dall family finances, Unitarianism, Cleveland's nomination, the Clarke library, the American Social Science Association, Dall writings (Barbara Frietchie), and Moncure Conway's writings on Thomas Paine.
Sep.-Oct. 1892
Correspondence from Henry L. Dawes, Charlotte A. Hedge, Samuel May, F. B. Sanborn, Edward H. Hall, M. E. Sheppard, Augusta Barnard, Sarah K. Munro, W. P. Garrison, Goldwin Smith, M. A. Jordan, H. E. Scudder, Anna Shaw Curtis, H. L. Fairchild, H. N. Gardiner, Alexander Wadsworth, C. C. Everett, and others. Subjects include the public service of Henry L. Dawes, the death of Sir Daniel Wilson, family matters, Smith College, Emily Dickinson, the American Social Science Association, Democratic politics, family finances, Jane Addams, Hull House, and the Smith College settlement.
Nov. 1892
Correspondence from Mary Quincy, M. A. Jordan, Charles Eliot Norton, Eliza H. Lord, Mary Harrison McKee, Edwin D. Mead, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, J. L. Milligan, H. L. Fairchild, Alice C. Fletcher, F. D. Huntington, Annie Crawford, Azariah Smith, Sarah F. Clarke, Lilian F. Clarke, Augustus C. Hamlin, Ellen T. Emerson, and others. Subjects include Dall's Barbara Frietchie, women's education (Brown and Pembroke), Sir Daniel Wilson, the Baltimore Prison Congress, Grover Cleveland's second election, and the death of Lydia J. (Mrs. Ralph Waldo) Emerson.
Dec. 1892
Correspondence from Atherton Noyes, M. A. Jordan, G. P. Putnam, Ellen Endicott, W. J. Youmans, H. N. Gardiner, Grace D. Litchfield, E. B. Johnstone, Thesta D. Dana, Anne Whitney, Ruth A. Hoar, Samuel C. Clarke, Caroline Dall, H. L. Fairchild, Mary Quincy, Sarah F. Clarke, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities and Barbara Frietchie. Contains a note from Dall, 23 Dec. 1892, discussing the "misconceptions" of Frances H. Blake and F. H. Hedge concerning her writing.
Jan.-Feb. 1893
Correspondence from Margaret Whitney, Sarah Goode, Sophie E. Howard, Jean M. Jackson, Agnes Crane, Charlotte A. Hedge, Sarah F. Clarke, A. E. Tyng, M. A. Jordan, S. L. Chaney, H. N. Gardiner, S. G. Ward, E. P. Noyes, John W. Cabot, Edward H. Hall, Edward H. Greenleaf, Alpheus Hyatt, Grace Bowen, and others. Subjects include Cleveland's election, the death of Phillips Brooks, Sarah Clarke's library, the problems of the American currency, and Barbara Frietchie.
Mar.-Apr. 1893
Correspondence from Mary Quincy, H. N. Gardiner, Maria L. Sanford, Jane M. Slocum, Edward Farquhar, C. M. Dodd, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Sarah F. Clarke, C. A. Robinson, Emily J. Wilkins, Mary Peabody, E. H. Botume, Sarah S. C. Angell, Florence Bascom, Alice A. Gray, Kate Foote, Thomas Niles, J. A. Turner, H. F. Quincy, A. A. Allen, Agnes Crane, and others. Subjects include Barbara Frietchie and other literary matters, genealogical explorations, women's exhibits at the Columbian Exhibition in Chicago, the British parliamentary debate on Irish Home Rule, Sarah Clarke's library, and Dall's election to various professional societies.
May-July 1893
Correspondence from H. N. Gardiner, Elisabeth R. Lyman, J. Vila Blake, Mary Olmsted Clarke, William H. Dall, Caroline F. Blatchford, Sarah F. Clarke, E. D. Cheney, Julia G. Durkee, Angelo Hall, and Anna Cabot Lodge. Subjects include literary matters, Dall journalistic activities ("Story of an Old House," sketch of A. B. Alcott), Louisa Hall, and family matters.
Aug.-Sep. 1893
Correspondence from Edward H. Greenleaf, Rebecca Davis Tolman, George N. Whipple, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Henry L. Dawes, Edward Farquhar, Caroline Dall, A. A. Allen, Augusta Barnard, Theodore Wynkoop, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Marion McG. Noyes, George Fisher, Frederick Stanhope Hill, G. P. Putnam, Nettie Dall, C. W. Moulton, Sarah F. Clarke, Angelo Hall, and others. Subjects include family matters (Dall in Vermont), Henry L. Dawes in retirement, the national financial crisis, literary matters, Dall journalistic activities, Anandibai Joshee, and Louisa Hall.
Oct. 1893
Correspondence from Edwin D. Mead, Sarah F. Clarke, Caroline Dall, Thomas R. Slicer, D. F. Lincoln, Mary Howard, Angelo Hall, and others. Subjects include Dall in Women of the Century, a tribute to Dr. Joshee, and the history of the Underground Railroad. Includes four Caroline Dall letters.
Nov.-Dec. 1893
Correspondence from Enoch Pratt, Sarah F. Clarke, William C. Lane, Thomas Niles, Ella Moore, Sybil Wilson, Henry R. Stedman, Rush R. Shippen, Moses Cook, D. E. Ware, Edward Cowles, S. D. Gallaudet, Z. R. Brockway, Sarah B. Shaw, H. L. Fairchild, Katharine L. Ward, Sarah K. Munro, William W. Crapo, E. B. Willson, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Margaret Whitney, and others. Subjects include the opening of the Sarah Freeman Clarke Library in Marietta, Ga., Buddha and the Aryans, Grover Cleveland and his enemies, the death of Sarah Crapo, literary matters, and Dall family affairs.
Jan. 1894
Correspondence from Caroline Nelson Russell, Josiah Munro, Helen Douglass, Elizabeth Wadsworth Williams, Theodore Wynkoop, Mariane T. Storey, E. D. Cheney, Nettie Dall, Atherton Noyes, A. A. Allen, Mary S. Bigelow, M. A. Jordan, Willis Munro, Agnes Crane, D. E. Ware, and others. Subjects include family affairs (financial difficulties), Frederick Douglass, the deaths of Elizabeth P. Peabody and Susan Channing, literary matters, and an invitation to call on Emily Dickinson in Amherst.
Feb. 1894
Correspondence from Z. R. Brockway, Jane Meade Welch, Theodore Wynkoop, Julia Durkee, Basil Hall Chamberlain, C. W. Moulton, Annie Crawford, A. A. Allen, Willis Munro, Atherton Noyes, Alice C. Fletcher, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Edward H. Greenleaf, Lucy G. Morse, and others. Subjects include the New York State Reformatory; Theodore Wynkoop in India; Japan; Women of the Century, vol. 2; Willis Munro and Boston social life; a St. Gaudens Adams monument; Dall journalistic activities; and educational matters (a life of President Allen of Alfred).
Mar.-May 1894
Correspondence from Annie Crawford, Agnes Crane, Sophia Ripley Thayer, A. A. Allen, Samuel May, Nettie Dall, F. J. Garrison, Samuel Bowles, Sarah F. Clarke, Elizabeth C. Agassiz, Lucy M. Solger, Frances F. Cleveland, S. J. Barrows, Isaac MacBride Sterrett, C. V. Riley, T. C. Mendenhall, E. S. Dawes, Charles S. Walcott, G. H. Putnam, F. E. Cabot, Clare Gantt, and others. Subjects include the resignation of Gladstone and British politics, literary matters, the memoirs of E. D. Cheney, Dall writings ("Story of an Old House," on transcendentalism), Harvard politics in the U. S. Coast and Geologic Survey, and real estate concerns.
June-Aug. 1894
Correspondence from Annie Crawford, Basil Hall Chamberlain, William H. Dall, Helen Paulding, Zelia Nuttall, Josiah Munro, Edward Farquhar, Edward H. Greenleaf, Sarah F. Clarke, Caroline Dall, H. E. Scudder, Charlotte A. Hedge, E. B. Willson, D. E. Ware, Elizabeth B. Curtis, Thomas R. Slicer, J. W. Chadwick, S. A. Mendenhall, J. Everett Brady, Theodore Wynkoop, Anna H. Clarke, and others. Subjects include Chamberlain in Japan; Helen Paulding's dismissal from the War Department; American economic difficulties; Dall research, writings, and lectures (the conversations of Margaret Fuller, New England transcendentalism); Susan B. Anthony and the Populist Party; T. C. Mendenhall as president of Worcester Polytechnic Institute; and a remembrance of C. H. A. Dall in India.
Sep.-Oct. 1894
Correspondence from D. E. Ware, Josephine S. Lowell, M. J. Nutting, Mary Putnam Jacobi, Charles C. Whitney, Adeline May, Helen B. Merriam, Isaac MacBride Sterrett, Sarah F. Clarke, E. H. Clement, S. P. Langley, J. H. Eccleston, Edward Farquhar, and others. Subjects include the Elmira Reformatory, real estate concerns, and Dall writings (on New England transcendentalism).
Nov. 1894
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Sarah F. Clarke, Isaac MacBride Sterrett, Annie Crawford, Sarah K. Munro, Alice C. Fletcher, Morton W. Sloan, Augusta Barnard, Grace D. Litchfield, Elizabeth H. Bartol, James K. Hosmer, Edwin D. Mead, Basil Hall Chamberlain, George Batchelor, C. H. Howard, and others. Subjects include the Elmira Reformatory, Sarah Clarke's library, Buffalo social life, Dall journalistic activities (article on Lucy Larcom and John Greenleaf Whittier), and James K. Hosmer's How Thankful Was Bewitched.
Dec. 1894
Correspondence from Francis Wayland, E. H. Clement, Frederick E. Goodrich, Agnes Crane, Augusta Barnard, John Bascom, F. B. Whitney, Julina Hall, Amy E. Blanchard, H. B. Frissell, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Sarah F. Clarke, Ruth A. Hoar, S. E. Hall, John Fiske, Florence Martin, C. W. Moulton, James J. Dana, Josiah Munro, Margaret Whitney, Adeline May, G. B. Goode, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities (Boston Evening Transcript), poetry, and other literary matters.
Jan. 1895
Correspondence from Frederick E. Goodrich, Julia Durkee, Ruth A. Hoar, Grace Litchfield, Annie Tolman Smith, Alice C. Fletcher, Azariah Smith, Merrill E. Gates, Sarah K. Munro, Caroline S. Morgan, Gertrude M. Hubbard, Sarah B. Shaw, Samuel Bowles, George H. Putnam, Florence B. Dillingham, W. Howard White, Eliza Howe, and others. Subjects include genealogical explorations, publishing matters, remembrances of Margaret Fuller, Dall journalistic activities, and the Calhoun Colored School in Alabama.
Feb. 1895
Correspondence from Sarah F. Clarke, Margaret Whitney, F. B. Sanborn, Francis Wayland, Grace Litchfield, A. A. Eliot, Elisabeth R. Lyman, W. M. Prichard, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities (Larcom-Whittier), Dallis Margaret and Her Friends, and Boston social life.
Mar. 1895
Correspondence from Sarah F. Clarke, D. E. Ware, Alice Rice, C. M. Dodd, Helen Douglass, Mary Howard, Elizabeth H. Bartol, W. M. Prichard, Samuel May, A. A. Allen, Sarah K. Bolton, Edward Farquhar, Nathaniel Seaver, Caroline Dall, A. A. Brooks, and others. Subjects include the death of Frederick Douglass, Dall's continuing illness, Dall writings (Romance of the Association), and a volume commemorating the 85th birthday of Samuel May. Contains Dall's contribution to the above volume, 26 Mar. 1895, recalling her own and May's antislavery days with Garrison, Phillips, Quincy, and John Brown.
Apr. 1895
Correspondence from Sarah Spalding, Sarah K. Bolton, Alice C. Fletcher, Frederick Stanhope Hill, Mary Hall, Lucy H. Balch, Frances F. Cleveland, George H. Putnam, E. D. Cheney, B. A. Gould, Frances E. Foote, Sarah F. Clarke, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, women's suffrage history, Dall's Margaret and Her Friends, and other literary matters.
May 1895
Correspondence from F. D. Huntington, S. P. Langley, Nettie Dall, Adeline May, Samuel May, Charlotte Porter, Isabella G. King, Frances F. Cleveland, William H. Dall, Margaret Whitney, H. N. Gardiner, Edward Farquhar, and others. Subjects include Unitarian affairs, Dall lectures, William H. Dall in the West, free silver sentiment, Margaret and Her Friends, and other literary matters.
June 1895
Correspondence from Fanny L. Macdaniel, Annie Crawford, William H. Dall, Nettie Dall, Charles D. Munro, Elsie Davidson, Adeline May, Walter Channing, Frederick Stanhope Hill, Clarence J. Blake, and others. Subjects include William H. Dall in Alaska, family affairs, Dall journalistic activities, and publishing matters.
July 1895
Correspondence from Mary Bartol, Grace Litchfield, William H. Dall, D. E. Ware, Marion McG. Noyes, Atherton Noyes, Clarence J. Blake, Augusta Barnard, Anne Whitney, Walter Channing, and others. Subjects include William H. Dall in Alaska, Atherton Noyes in Europe, Clarence J. Blake, and publishing matters.
Aug. 1895
Correspondence from Ellen T. Emerson, Anna H. Clarke, Anne Whitney, Augusta Barnard, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Elisabeth R. Lyman, William W. Crape, William H. Dall, Clarence J. Blake, Edward Farquhar, A. W. Stevens, Lydia Caldwell, Sarah B. Shaw, Sarah A. Gove, and others. Subjects include Dall's Margaret and Her Friends and other writings and William H. Dall at sea. Ellen Emerson's letter, 29 Aug. 1895, contains some Dall comments on the correspondent.
Sep. 1895
Correspondence from E. W. Tuckerman, E. J. Wheeler, Annie Crawford, C. M. Dodd, A. W. Stevens, William H. Dall, and Mary Lowe Dickinson. Subjects include a national conference of reformers, publishing problems, and a proposed reunion of women's suffrage pioneers on the 80th birthday of Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
Oct. 1895
Correspondence from Annie Crawford, Clara Louise Burnham, Adeline May, Z. R. Brockway, Christopher R. Eliot, Ruth A. Hoar, H. N. Langton, D. E. Ware, A. W. Stevens, Anna Schmidt, Sarah B. Shaw, Augusta Barnard, Sarah F. Clarke, Ellen T. Emerson, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Walter Channing, George H. Putnam, Samuel Bowles, Elizabeth Bartol, Emily D. Proctor, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, Margaret and Her Friends, family affairs, and other literary matters.
Nov. 1895
Correspondence from Frances F. Cleveland, F. E. Cabot, F. L. Macdaniel, Edward Farquhar, W. P. Garrison, Agnes Crane, George Bartol, A. W. Stevens, Azariah Smith, W. M. Prichard, Sarah F. Clarke, William W. Crapo, Dorcas Murdoch, Clara L. Burnham, Annie Crawford, Caroline Dall, Sarah S. Scull, H. L. Fairchild, George N. Whipple, Zelia Nuttall, Atherton Noyes, Marion McG. Noyes, Felix Adler, Nettie Dall, Alexander Wadsworth, Mary L. Dickinson, and others. Subjects include Margaret and Her Friends, women as voters, Dall journalistic activities, genealogical explorations, literary matters, and biographical information on Clara L. Burnham. Also contains 5 pages of Dall autobiographical notes, 18 Nov. 1895.
Dec. 1895
Correspondence from Edward Everett Hale, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Elisa W. Barstow, A. W. Stevens, C. M. Dodd, G. G. Hubbard, Julia Durkee, Sarah F. Clarke, Clara L. Burnham, Dorcas Murdoch, Florence Bascom, Nettie Dall, Ruth A. Hoar, Florence Martin, and others. Subjects include a literary project of Edward Everett Hale, Foster and Healey family history, Margaret and Her Friends, a Stevens article on Dall, and Cleveland's Venezuelan message.
Jan. 1896
Correspondence from A. A. Eliot, Jessie P. H. Noyes, A. W. Stevens, Sarah F. Clarke, Anne L. Woodbury, Theodore Roosevelt, Grace Litchfield, Samuel Bowles, Rebecca W. Walker, John W. Chadwick, Andrew Washburn, A. A. Allen, Basil Hall Chamberlain, C. M. Bridges, and others. Subjects include Margaret and Her Friends and Andrew Washburn's work in Richmond. Roosevelt's two-sentence note, 9 Jan. 1896, discusses patriotism and foreign affairs.
Feb. 1896
Correspondence from Thomas Gaffield, E. D. Cheney, Sarah Swan, Lucy M. Solger, Anne Whitney, Augusta Barnard, John W. Chadwick, Grace Litchfield, A. W. Stevens, Annis Lee Wister, A. A. Allen, Alice C. Fletcher, F. A. Wellbrook, and others. Subjects include Margaret and Her Friends.
Mar.-Apr. 1896
Correspondence from Albert Matthews, Kate W. Hamilton, Harriet R. Hyatt, J. K. Hosmer, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Walter Channing, Caroline Dall, Atherton Noyes, Sarah S. Fuller, George Frisbie Hoar, Alice Rice, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, lectures and writings on Abraham Lincoln, and John Addington Symonds. Contains some Dall notes on her 1866 lectures on Lincoln and a discussion of why she did not complete her life of Lincoln, 9 Apr. 1896.
May-June 1896
Correspondence from Justin Morrill, Della Hyatt, Sarah F. Clarke, Annie Crawford, D. E. Ware, Henry R. Stedman, Rebecca W. Walker, William H. Dall, Margaret Whitney, Adeline May, Caroline Dall, Sophia E. Lee, Samuel A. Green, Elsie Davidson, Elisabeth R. Lyman, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (What We Really Know About Shakespeare), the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, artistic matters, family affairs, and Dall papers and the Massachusetts Historical Society. Also contains Dall notes on her birthday, 22 June 1896.
July 1896
Correspondence from Francis Wayland, F. E. Cabot, Sarah F. Clarke, William H. Dall, Caroline Dall, Alexander Wadsworth, E. D. Cheney, C. G. Ames, Edward Everett Hale, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Helen Paulding, F. D. Huntington, Edward Farquhar, Christopher R. Eliot, and others. Subjects include real estate matters, William H. Dall's activities, the Democratic Convention in Chicago, Dall gifts to the Massachusetts Historical Society, the death of William E. Russell, and the drift in national affairs.
Aug.-Sep. 1896
Correspondence from Emily M. Wadsworth, Marion McG. Noyes, John R. Morley, Sarah F. Clarke, Elizabeth Blackwell, William H. Dall, Sarah K. Munro, F. D. Huntington, Samuel May, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Lydia Caldwell, Peter Parker, Ruth A. Hoar, Francis Tiffany, F. B. Sanborn, Theodore Wynkoop, Edward Farquhar, and others. Subjects include Healey family history, women and the study of medicine, family matters, associates of Samuel May, antislavery history, F. B. Sanborn and the American Social Science Association, and Theodore Wynkoop in India.
Oct. 1896
Correspondence from Walter Channing, Francis B. Sears, Edward Farquhar, Emily M. Wadsworth, William H. Dail, R. E. C. Stearns, Lydia Caldwell, Augusta Barnard, S. P. Langley, Margaret Whitney, Samuel A. Green, Caroline Dall, Frances F. Cleveland, Mabel Baker, and George H. Putnam. Subjects include a Dall visit to Whittier's birthplace, Dall writings (Transcendentalism in New England), and Lincoln materials given by Dall to the Massachusetts Historical Society, 24 Oct. 1896. Her letter to Samuel A. Green, 25 Oct. 1896, discusses them further.
Nov. 1896
Correspondence from George H. Putnam, F. D. Huntington, Samuel May, Samuel Bowles, M. E. Pancoast, Eleanor S. Rogers, Frances F. Cleveland, J. T. Sunderland, Edward Farquhar, H. L. Fairchild, Samuel C. Clarke, Ruth A. Hoar, Sarah A. Gove, Sarah B. Shaw, Matilda Goddard, Mary Casey, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Sarah K. Munro, Anna H. Clarke, Caroline Dall, Samuel Eliot, and others. Subjects include Margaret and Her Friends, Dall attacks on William Jennings Bryan and his supporters and other journalistic activities, Grover Cleveland and the Nation, the death of Sarah F. Clarke, the election of William McKinley, former Interior Secretary Jacob Thompson, Unitarian affairs, Boston social life, and abolitionist history. The Dall-May correspondence discusses their colleagues in the antislavery movement.
Dec. 1896
Correspondence from L. O. Howard, Frances F. Cleveland, George H. Putnam, E. H. Hoar, Mabel G. Bell, Willis Munro, F. B. Sanborn, Mabel Boyd, Augustus Lowell, Elizabeth H. Bartol, C. C. Everett, Samuel May, Mary Bigelow, Benjamin Curtis, Florence Bascom, Matilda Goddard, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Mary M. Barclay, Josiah Munro, Augusta Barnard, Gertrude Bell, and others. Subjects include literary matters, Willis Munro at Harvard, the American Social Science Association, Sanborn and Bryan, the background of George Santayana, and the death of Sarah F. Clarke.
Jan. 1897
Correspondence from Elizabeth Blackwell, Mary A. Ogden, Florence Bascom, S. P. Langley, Mabel G. Bell, W. T. Harris, Helen B. Offley, Mary Channing-Saunders, Howard N. Brown, A. W. Stevens, F. J. Garrison, Mary B. Fay, Sarah S. Fuller, and others. Subjects include Dall lectures on transcendentalism and other matters, journalistic activities, the death of Jeannie Channing, antislavery history (Liberty Bell), and Willis Munro's view of women's suffrage.
Feb. 1897
Correspondence from William C. Winslow, Sarah S. Fuller, Walter Channing, Henry W. Foote, A. W. Stevens, Anne L. Woodbury, S. P. Langley, Alice Rich, Cornelia Kirby Brown, Caroline M. Brooke, Rebecca W. Walker, Ellen M. Kent, Sarah K. Munro, Lilian F. Clarke, and others. Subjects include the Egypt Exploration Fund, Dall lectures, Boston social life, publishing matters (Harvard University Press), and the death of Samuel Clarke.
Mar. 1897
Correspondence from Willis Munro, Eva Clarke, Edward Everett Hale, Sarah K. Munro, Sarah Harris, Della Hyatt, C. M. Dodd, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Alexander Wadsworth, A. W. Stevens, Matilda Goddard, Emily Hastings, George H. Putnam, Sarah B. Shaw, and others. Subjects include the death of Samuel Clarke, the Lowell family, the Munros in Bermuda, Dall lectures on transcendentalism, journalistic activities (articles on Mrs. Grover Cleveland), Edward Everett Hale's research, Boston social life, and Unitarian history.
Apr. 1897
Correspondence from Della Hyatt, Mary Bigelow, Ruth Baldwin, Clarence J. Blake, Richard D. Ware, C. G. Ames, Alice W. M. Moore, S. B. Stewart, Charlotte Hedge, E. H. Hall, Alice M. Dickey, Emma Rogers, L. E. Cummings, William M. Prichard, A. R. Spofford, Augusta Barnard, Mabel Barrows, William W. Crapo, Anna Myers, Eva Clarke, and others. Subjects include the death of D. E. Ware and Dall's Transcendentalism in New England.
May-June 1897
Correspondence from John Gorham Palfrey, Robert Grosvenor Valentine, George H. Putnam, Charles C. Whitney, F. D. Huntington, Frances F. Cleveland, Ellen T. Emerson, Alice Thomas, H. L. Fairchild, Edward Farquhar, Lilian F. Clarke, Sarah S. Storer, W. M. Prichard, E. Bradford Leavitt, Ella Moore, Grace Litchfield, E. W. Healey, Mary B. White, Dorcas Murdoch, and others. Subjects include Transcendentalism in New England, publishing matters, and Dall finances.
July-Aug. 1897
Correspondence from Edward Farquhar, Ellen Bulfinch, Eliza W. Bell, S. P. Healey, Matilda Goddard, Rebecca W. Walker, S. E. Cram, A. W. Stevens, John Ward Dean, Caroline Dall, William H. Dall, E. P. Noyes, Sarah Spalding, Grace Litchfield, F. E. Cabot, Augusta Barnard, and others. Subjects include the state of American politics, Transcendentalism in New England, the Todd-Dickinson slander case, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and Dall family matters. Contains a list of Dall's published works and a list of potential publications to be derived from her papers, 19 July 1897.
Sep.-Oct. 1897
Correspondence from Mary A. Walton, Cornelia Kirby Brown, Kate M. Bromwell, Nettie Dall, Matilda Goddard, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Annie Crawford, Susan W. Farwell, Isabella G. King, Florence Bascom, Elizabeth Blackwell, Willis Munro, E. H. Hoar, Lois L. Howe, and others. Subjects include the Robert Gould Shaw Memorial, family matters, Boston social life, and Willis Munro's view of the Cuban situation.
Nov.-Dec. 1897
Correspondence from Matilda Goddard, Katharine L. Ward, Mary Bigelow, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Emma C. Bascom, Juliette S. Stebbins, Georgina Lowell Putnam, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Emma Rogers, Thomas Gaffield, Sarah Spalding, Frances F. Cleveland, W. I. Fletcher, Alice Rice, F. B. Sanborn, Augusta Barnard, Ellen Farquhar, Dorcas Murdoch, H. L. Fairchild, Grace Litchfield, Alice W. M. Moore, and others. Subjects include Louis Kossuth, Japan, a discussion of Dall by a friend, Dall writings and journalistic activities, and the history of the Clarke School.
Jan.-Feb. 1898
Correspondence from Mabel G. Bell, Matilda Goddard, Caroline M. Brooke, Martha Summerhayes, John D. Long, George F. Hoar, Samuel May, Annie Crawford, Adeline May, George H. Putnam, John Ward Dean, John Fiske, H. Snowden Ward, Edward T. Potter, Helen Merriman, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Katharine Ward, Frances F. Cleveland, Clara B. Colby, Caroline Dall, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, and others. Subjects include bureaucratic politicking in Washington (Library of Congress), Dall journalistic activities, literary matters (Elbert Hubbard), the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy and other Shakespearian concerns, and the death of Alexander Wadsworth. Includes Dall notes on the Putnam letter, 16 Jan. 1898, and her recollections of "pioneer work" for the women's cause in a letter to the Conference of the American Woman Suffrage Association, 18 Feb. 1898.
Mar.-Apr. 1898
Correspondence from Cornelia L. Coyle, George W. Fox, Mary Bigelow, Edward Farquhar, William H. Dall, Azariah Smith, Helen S. Goodell, Clay MacCauley, Basil Hall Chamberlain, J. M. Barnard, Elise Richards, Lizzie P. Ordway, Grace Litchfield, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Mary W. Whitney, Mabel G. Bell, F. A. Hutchins, Elisabeth R. Lyman, E. Bradford Leavitt, and others. Subjects include the Farquhar family, Dall's teaching of literature, journalistic activities, the Todd-Dickinson slander case, Christian Science, and Boston social life.
May-June 1898
Correspondence from Katharine L. Ward, Adelaide W. Peckham, Ella Moore, William H. Dall, Justin Morrill, Martha W. Dall, J. C. Smith, Caroline Dall, Frances L. Turnbull, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Samuel A. Green, M. C. Wadsworth, Frank Shaw, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, A. W. Stevens, Oliver Wadsworth, Lucy G. Wadsworth, Georgina Lowell Putnam, Kate Foote Coe, Edward Everett Hale, Ellen Bulfinch, John W. Chadwick, Herbert Putnam, Charles Whitney Dall, Edith M. Adams, Edward Farquhar, H. P. Spofford, Alice Rice, Rebecca W. Walker, Willis Munro, Emily Smith, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Della Hyatt, Frederick Stanhope Hill, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Sordello, Transcendentalism in New England) and journalistic activities, Whitney Dall and a college education, Dall and Foster genealogy, and temperance.
July-Aug. 1898
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, E. E. P. Holland, Nettie Dall, Ellen O'Connor Calder, William H. Dall, Anna L. Knapp, Mary B. White, Elsie Davidson, Catharine Ramsdell Moses, Charles Whitney Dall, Lucy Wadsworth, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Edward Farquhar, Blanche French, Grace Litchfield, Marion McG. Noyes, J. P. Sheafe, and others. Subjects include the National Education Association meeting, Spanish-American difficulties, and other political developments.
Sep.-Oct. 1898
Correspondence from Edward Farquhar, Frank H. Bigelow, Mary Bigelow, Kate Foote Coe, Walter Hines Page, Mary C. Wadsworth, Caroline M. Brooke, Nettie Dall, E. H. Hall, Sarah K. Munro, E. A. Whipple, Eliza Bell, Georgina Lowell Putnam, Sarah Kingsbury, Katharine Summerhayes, E. H. Magill, Ruth A. Hoar, Julia Schayer, and others. Subjects include opium, literature, and family matters (the illness of Willis Munro).
Nov. 1898
Correspondence from Cornelia L. Coyle, Edward Farquhar, Kate Foote Coe, Lucy H. Baird, George W. Cooke, Paul Leicester Ford, F. B. Sanborn, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Kate Reynolds Hayden, Matilda Goddard, Charles Eliot Norton, Ainsworth R. Spofford, Mollie Jones, Oliver F. Wadsworth, Helen S. Goodell, Ruth A. Hoar, Clarence J. Blake, S. P. Langley, Mary Bigelow, Emily W. Healey, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Romance of the Association), Boston social life, and the Mabel Loomis Todd-Lavinia Dickinson slander case.
Dec. 1898
Correspondence from Clarence J. Blake, Samuel Bowles, Georgina Lowell Putnam, Emily M. Wadsworth, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Paul L. Ford, John J. Thomas, Kate Foote Coe, Della Hyatt, M. E. Raymond, Abby G. Porter, William T. Harris, Alice Rice, Elizabeth Cheever Osborne, Florence Bascom, E. A. Whipple, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Alexander Wadsworth memorial, Turner memorials, Romance of the Association).
Jan.-Mar. 1899
Correspondence from Edward Everett Hale, L. O. Howard, Harriet Randolph Hyatt, J. W. Preston, Georgina Lowell Putnam, S. P. Langley, Frederick Stanhope Hill, Emily Wadsworth, Josiah Munro, Andrew Carnegie, Bailey Willis, Frances W. Haven, Cornelia Coyle, Leah N. Wellington, C. L. Miller, Elizabeth B. Griffin, Adeline May, Mary C. Morrison, Augusta Barnard, F. J. Garrison, George Frisbie Hoar, Herbert Putnam, Kate Foote Coe, Elisabeth R. Lyman, and others. Subjects include a sculpture of Dall, genealogical explorations, journalistic activities, Dall in the National Cyclopedia of American Biography, the illness of Samuel May, a John A. Andrew memorial volume, and Boston social life.
Apr.-June 1899
Correspondence from Mary Chandler Hale, Roger Wolcott, W. F. Warren, Elizabeth Jenkins, Henrietta Wolcott, Caroline Dall, F. J. Garrison, John W. Chadwick, Della Hyatt, E. A. Whipple, and others. Subjects include the art of Barbara Bodichon, Transcendentalism in New England, literary matters (Hale, McClellan, Hay, Nicolay), and Dall journalistic activities. Dall-Chadwick letters, 18, 26 June 1899, discuss Chadwick's A Life for Liberty on Sallie Holley and Caroline Putnam.
July-Aug. 1899
Correspondence from Clarence J. Blake, Edward Farquhar, Theodore Wynkoop, S. K. Munro, Augusta Barnard, F. J. Garrison, Lucy B. Willson, Frederick S. Root, Mary R. Stearns, Cornelia L. Coyle, Elizabeth G. May, Matilda Goddard, W. P. Garrison, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Alice Rice, Elizabeth Blackwell, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Rebecca W. Walker, Grace Litchfield, and others. Subjects include India, family matters (the illness of Willis Munro), a biography of John A. Andrew, the politics of discrimination in the American Social Science Association, Dall's omission from the history of the Underground Railroad, and Boston social life.
Sep.-Nov. 1899
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, F. S. Root, Rufus Leighton, Sarah K. Munro, Edward Farquhar, Anna Knapp, Elsie Davidson, Sarah Spalding, G. B. Chase, W. P. Garrison, George Frisbie Hoar, Mary Walton, William G. Brown, Mary Howard, Annie Fields, Margaret Whitney, Lizzie Lovejoy Bancroft, Sarah K. Munro, Basil Hall Chamberlain, J. Vila Blake, G. H. Putnam, Grace Litchfield, Caroline Dall, and others. Subjects include the American Social Science Association (Dall's resignation), Theodore and Lydia Parker, family matters, genealogical explorations, literary matters (F. B. Sanborn), the Quincys and Waterstons, Dall writings (Transcendentalism in New England, Wadsworth memorial), and Dall materials given to the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Dec. 1899
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Henrietta Bolton, Helen Paulding, E. H. Hoar, Samuel A. Green, Lizzie Lovejoy Bancroft, F. B. Sanborn, H. L. Fairchild, Sarah Spalding, Kate Foote Coe, Clarence J. Blake, Sarah A. Gore, Dorcas Murdoch, Augusta Barnard, Mary Casey, Josiah Munro, A. P. Weeks, Alpheus Hyatt, Mary C. Wadsworth, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities (Girls' Friendly Magazine), the death of Samuel May, Dall papers given to the Massachusetts Historical Society, and family finances.
Jan.-Feb. 1900
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Horatio Stebbins, Fannie P. Thomas, Robert Collyer, Herbert Putnam, Helen R. Tindale, Thomas R. Slicer, Eugene Murray-Aaron, Maude Stanton Western, Harriet L. Whipple, G. H. Putnam, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Paul R. Frothingham, Edward Farquhar, Hattie D. Healey, Mary L. Dyer, and others. Subject include Susan B. Anthony's 80th birthday, copyright law, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, the African heritage of Frederick Douglass, the thought of John Ruskin, literary matters, and Dall writings (Barbara Frietchie). Also includes some Dall reminiscences "To the Essex Conference," 12 Feb. 1900.
Mar. 1900
Correspondence from E. H. Jenkins, F. J. Garrison, E. A. Spring, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Amelia M. Watson, Julia Schayer, Martha B. Shackford, Z. R. Brockway, Ruth A. Hoar, Mary Imlay Taylor, Elizabeth Blackwell, George Frisbie Hoar, Mary Howard, and others. Subjects include a poem of Willis Munro, Japan, literary matters, Dall writings (on Henry Ward Beecher), and the death of Alice Rice.
Apr.-May 1900
Correspondence from Susan B. Anthony, Mabel G. Bell, E. W. Tuckerman, Elizabeth Blackwell, Mary L. Dyer, Martha B. Shackford, Ruth A. Hoar, Georgina Putnam, John Ward Dean, Sarah Spalding, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Elisabeth R. Lyman, George Whipple, Frances W. Haven, Azariah Smith, Charles N. Healey, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Nettie Dall, S. E. P. Forbes, Hattie D. Healey, and others. Subjects include the activities of Susan B. Anthony, writings of Elizabeth Blackwell, Dall writings (Alongside), Stonewall Jackson and Joseph Hooker, Japan, literary matters (Thackeray letters), and family matters.
June-July 1900
Correspondence from Basil Hall Chamberlain, Alice Rich, Samuel A. Eliot, Ellen Endicott, C. G. Ames, Ruth A. Hoar, Mary Imlay Taylor, Edward Farquhar, Henry H. Edes, Marcus H. Dall, William H. Dall, Harriet P. Spofford, Elizabeth L. Cary, Nettie Dail, E. W. Tuckerman, James Grant Wilson, Clarence J. Blake, and others. Subjects include Japan, Alongside, Unitarian affairs, literary matters, Dall's birthday, and the Sedgwick family.
Aug.-Sep. 1900
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Ruth A. Hoar, Alida C. Avery, Harriet Hyatt, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Agnes Crane, Mary A. Dall, F. H. Stone, Henry Greenleaf Pearson, Clarence J. Blake, Harriet P. Spofford, Emily M. Wadsworth, H. N. Gardiner, Josiah Munro, M. A. Jordan, Katharine L. Ward, Basil Hall Chamberlain, and others. Subjects include Alongside and other Dall writings, literary matters (Pearson's biography of John A. Andrew), and Japan.
Oct. 1900
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, John Ward Dean, Charles Whitney Dall, Kate Foote Coe, Frances F. Cleveland, Emily M. Eliot, Harriet P. Spofford, James M. Barnard, Robert Allen, Sarah K. Munro, Ruth A. Hoar, Kate Moseley, and others. Subjects include Alongside, the Grover Cleveland family, and Dall family matters.
Nov. 1900
Correspondence from Mary Stearns, Clarence J. Blake, Harriet P. Spofford, Adelaide F. Ware, A. P. Weeks, Agnes Crane, H. E. Scudder, John W. Chadwick, H. E. Tisdale, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Atherton Noyes, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters (Sarah Munro's operation), literary affairs, Alongside and other writings, McKinley's re-election, genealogical explorations, Joseph Chamberlain and British politics, and Japan-Russia tensions.
Dec. 1900
Correspondence from Abby W. Stephens, Emily D. Proctor, George Frisbie Hoar, Ruth A. Hoar, Atherton Noyes, Alice C. Fletcher, Elisabeth R. Lyman, F. H. Stone, G. H. Putnam, Grace Litchfield, Dorcus Murdock, E. W. Tuckerman, Emily M. Wadsworth, Mary Bartol, Mary Howard, A. P. Weeks, Blanche C. French, and others. Subjects include Alongside and other writings (on Thomas Gaffield) and Boston social life (the death of Gov. Roger Wolcott).
Jan.-Feb. 1901
Correspondence from Geraldine Birkheimer, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Frances H. Stone, Lucy Balch, Lucy H. Baird, F. B. Sanborn, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Charles Whitney Dall, E. W. Tuckerman, Mary Bartol, George Frisbie Hoar, Josiah Munro, Mary Howard, Martha B. Shackford, Frederick Stanley Root, and others. Subjects include family matters, Theodore Parker, the American Social Science Association Washington Convention, and the Rufus Putnam house. F. B. Sanborn's letter, 19 Jan. 1901, discusses a number of subjects from the Vanderbilts to John Brown.
Mar.-Apr. 1901
Correspondence from Samuel Bowles, Anne Whitney, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Frances H. Stone, Sarah E. Hall, Charles Whitney Dall, H. L. Fairchild, Mary M. Barclay, F. D. Huntington, Alice B. Gould, Lucy Balch, A. A. Allen, Martha B. Shackford, M. M. Cox, William H. Buckler, Frances F. Cleveland, Kate Foote Coe, and others. Subjects include Alongside and other Dall writings, Booker T. Washington, literary matters, a college education, and the Grover Clevelands.
May-June 1901
Correspondence from Kate Foote Coe, Robert Stearns, Annie Crawford, Willis Munro, Elizabeth H. Bartol, W. T. Harris, F. H. Stone, Alice B. Gould, Clarence J. Blake, D. F. Lincoln, William H. Dall, Lucy B. Willson, Alice Rich, Ruth A. Hoar, Atherton Noyes, Sarah K. Munro, Eva Clarke, George H. Ellis, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Alongside, Gaffield memoir), literary matters, and family affairs (the law career of Willis Munro and Charles Whitney Dall at Harvard).
July 1901
Correspondence from Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Caroline Nelson Russell, F. B. Sanborn, William H. Dall, Sarah K. Munro, S. K. Robbins, William Austin Dall, Edward Farquhar, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Nettie Dall, Harriet P. Spofford, Lucy H. Balch, and others. Subjects include literary matters (Sanborn's Emerson, Charles Francis Adams), Booker T. Washington, and Democratic Party politics.
Aug. 1901
Correspondence from E. H. Jenkins, S. P. Langley, Alice Rich, S. P. Healey, Anne Whitney, Mary Bigelow, Ella Moore, Lucy H. Baird, Augusta Barnard, Nettie Dall, Grace Litchfield, Abby W. Stephens, Elizabeth Foster, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Cornelia L. Coyle, Mary Olmsted Clarke, Helen Paulding, Charles Whitney Dall, Edward Farquhar, Wendell P. Garrison, Lucy H. Balch, Ruth A. Hoar, Sarah K. Munro, George W. Cooke, Rebecca W. Walker, A. P. Weeks, and others. Subjects include family matters (the death of Caroline's grandson William, Dall finances), Charles Sumner, civil service reform, Cornelia Coyle in Europe, the papers of Horace Mann and E. P. Peabody, a history of Unitarianism, and other literary matters.
Sep. 1901
Correspondence from Frances F. Cleveland, Sarah K. Munro, Ann Williams Ciocca, Wendell P. Garrison, M. M. Cox, Mary Howard, Elizabeth H. Bartol, H. E. Lunt, William H. Dall, Charles C. Whitney, Charles F. Dole, Nettie Dall, Katharine L. Ward, Clarence J. Blake, Mary L. Hall, and others. Subjects include family matters and Dall writings (on grandson William).
Oct. 1901
Correspondence from Katharine L. Ward, Dorcas Murdoch, Alice Rich, Laurens Maynard, May Austin, F. H. Stone, Marion Dall, Charles C. Whitney, Samuel A. Eliot, E. H. Blashfield, Sarah K. Munro, Lucy H. Balch, Mary Imlay Taylor, Ann W. Ciocca, E. H. Jenkins, George Cortelyou (for Theodore Roosevelt), C. G. Ames, and others. Subjects include publishing matters, the death of William and other family affairs, Unitarianism, Massachusetts legal history, and Dall writings (Alongside). The Cortelyou note thanks Dall for her expression of support for the president, 25 Oct. 1901.
Nov. 1901
Correspondence from Ann W. Ciocca, E. D. Cheney, Frances W. Haven, Adeline May, E. C. Messer, Emily Rathbun, Lucy H. Balch, H. E. Scudder, Willis Munro, H. P. Spofford, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Nettie Dall, Mary Mason Wynkoop, and others. Subjects include the Parsons family, Boston social life, literary matters, and Willis Munro in New York City reform politics.
Dec. 1901
Correspondence from William F. Abbot, Blanche C. French, Mary Stroud, Josephine S. Lowell, Carrie Chapman Catt, George Frisbie Hoar, John W. Chadwick, C. G. Ames, Caroline Dall, G. H. Putnam, Azariah Smith, Mary M. Barclay, Barton O. Aylesworth, Eva Clarke, Charles C. Whitney, George N. Whipple, Mary L. Smith, Elizabeth Powell Bond, Augusta Barnard, Anne L. Woodbury, Charles Whitney Dall, Ella A. Thompson, Elizabeth Bellows, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Marion Dall, and others. Subjects include Joseph Hale Abbot, Dall writings and journalistic activities, the women's suffrage movement, literary matters (works on the abolitionists), publishing affairs, and Willis Munro in politics. Also includes a copy of a Dall letter to Carrie Chapman Catt, 16 Dec. 1901, which assesses Dall's contributions to women's rights and those of her contemporaries (Susan B. Anthony, Julia Ward Howe).
Jan. 1902
Correspondence from Ella A. Thompson, Elizabeth P. Bond, George Frisbie Hoar, Charles Whitney Dall, Francis J. Garrison, Sarah K. Munro, Mary J. Stroud, John W. Chadwick, Carrie Chapman Catt, Willis Munro, Lucy L. Balch, W. T. Harris, Josiah Munro, John Cunningham, Adeline May, Wendell P. Garrison, Frederick S. Root, Alice Rich, Elisabeth R. Lyman, G. H. Putman, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Alongside, memoir of William Dall), the deaths of Fannie Healey and H. E. Scudder, abolitionist history (Maria Weston Chapman), the women's rights movement, Unitarianism, the American Social Science Association, and literary matters.
Feb. 1902
Correspondence from Carrie Chapman Catt, Helen M. Judd, John W. Chadwick, Charles Whitney Dall, Mary C. Wadsworth, John D. Long, William C. Winslow, George L. Raymond, Mary Stroud, Mary M. Barclay, S. P. Langley, Alice Rich, Maria Love, and others. Subjects include John W. Chadwick's work on William Ellery Channing and family matters. Carrie Chapman Catt's letter to Dall, 3 Feb. 1902, on the International Woman Suffrage Convention contains some Dall notations on her place in women's history.
Mar. 1902
Correspondence from Julia M. Moseley, E. H. Jenkins, Willis Munro, Frances B. Hamlin, Charles Whitney Dall, Francis J. Garrison, Ruth A. Hoar, Mary M. Barclay, Josephine S. Lowell, John W. Chadwick, C. G. Ames, Elizabeth Blackwell, Fanny H. Stone, Emma B. Messer, Elizabeth P. Bond, Ann W. Ciocca, Anne Whitney, and others. Subjects include family matters (Charles Whitney Dall at Harvard), publishing, genealogical explorations, Alongside, the writings of Elizabeth Blackwell, Chadwick on Channing, and Anne Ciocca's recollections of Anne D. Williams.
Apr.-May 1902
Correspondence from F. E. Cabot, J. F. Dustan, Ruth A. Hoar, Grace Litchfield, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Charles C. Whitney, Anne Whitney, Charles Whitney Dall, G. H. Putnam, Caroline Dall, E. W. Tuckerman, Frederick S. Root, Josephine S. Lowell, Elisabeth R. Lyman, John W. Chadwick, and others. Subjects include family matters (Whitney Dall at Harvard), the U.S. Army in the Philippines, and Dall journalistic activities.
June 1902
Correspondence from Charles Whitney Dall, Edward Farquhar, William H. Dall, William L. Putnam, C. A. Hedge, Ruth A. Hoar, Adeline May, Clarence J. Blake, Mary Bigelow, Susan B. Anthony, Mary W. M. Farquhar, Elizabeth H. Bartol, and others. Subjects include family matters (Whitney Dall at Harvard, family finances) and the marriage of Edward Farquhar. Contains a copy of William H. Dall's letter to his mother on her 80th birthday, 20 June 1902.
July-Aug. 1902
Correspondence from William L. Putnam, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Kate Bromwell, William H. Dall, Charlotte A. Hedge, J. F. Dustan, H. P. Spofford, and others. Subjects include Healey family finances and the family history of Basil Hall Chamberlain.
Sep. 1902
Correspondence from Kate Foote Coe, Samuel Bowles, Marcus H. Dall, Elizabeth H. Bartol, William H. Dall, Sarah K. Munro, Nettie Dall, Alice G. Healey, Ruth A. Hoar, William W. Crapo, Charles Whitney Dall, Elisabeth R. Lyman, and others. Subjects include family matters, Governor Dummer Academy, and Dall writings (Memorial to Charles Henry Appleton Dall).
Oct. 1902
Correspondence from Mary Livermore Smith, George Frisbie Hoar, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Lucy H. Balch, Wendell P. Garrison, Charlotte A. Hedge, Florence Bascom, J. F. Dustan, Francis J. Garrison, S. P. Healey, Gertrude M. Hubbard, Samuel Bowles, Edward Everett Hale, and others. Subjects include Dall's Memorial and other writings and book notices.
Nov. 1902
Correspondence from F. D. Huntington, Clarence J. Blake, Francis J. Garrison, A. E. Harris, A. P. Weeks, E. H. Hall, Anne Whitney, William C. Winslow, Thomas Todd, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Susan B. Anthony, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elizabeth Agassiz, and others. Subjects include Dall's Memorial, literary matters, the history of the women's rights movement, and the Egypt Exploration Fund. Includes a copy of a proof of the annual address of Sir John Evans, president of the Egypt Exploration Fund, 7 Feb. 1902.
Dec. 1902
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, John W. Chadwick, Lucy H. Balch, C. G. Ames, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Julia A. Sprague, E. W. Tuckerman, H. N. Gardiner, George S. Boutwell, Eleanor S. Rogers, George Batchelor, H. L. Fairchild, Clarence J. Blake, Frances F. Cleveland, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Charles E. St. John, and others. Subjects include Chadwick's William Ellery Channing, Dall writings (Memorial), Japan, Nathaniel P. Banks, Christmas in New York, the Grover Clevelands, and literary and publishing matters.
Jan.-Feb. 1903
Correspondence from John W. Chadwick, George Williams Grant, Lilian Whiting, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Mary M. Barclay, Lucy H. Balch, Elizabeth Blackwell, Atherton Noyes, Julia A. Sprague, Lucy E. Phelps, Josephine S. Lowell, Lydia D. Wellington, E. D. Cheney, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Caroline Dall, Ellen Shaw Barlow, Vincent Y. Bowditch, Augusta Barnard, Abby W. Stephens, Grace Litchfield, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Alongside, Memorial, The Story of a Boston Family), Sarah Shaw's death, publishing the works of Elizabeth Blackwell, and other literary matters.
Mar. 1903
Correspondence from Fanny Holmes, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Charles Whitney Dall, Mary C. Crawford, S. P. Langley, C. G. Ames, Emma B. Messer, Kate Foote Coe, Samuel Bowles, E. W. Tuckerman, George Sheldon, W. O. Clarke, Helen L. Reed, Blanche French, John W. Chadwick, Samuel A. Eliot, George W. Cooke, Emma Rogers, Mary K. Stevens, and others. Subjects include Eliza Wharton, Dall writings (The Story of a Boston Family, Transcendentalism in New England), and Barnard genealogy.
Apr.-May 1903
Correspondence from Mary S. Clarke, Alice Ellis, Alice Healey, John W. Chadwick, Fanny Holmes, S. P. Langley, Caroline Dall, Polly R. Hollingsworth, Sarah R. Allen, George Patten, Mabel Bell, H. P. Spofford, Mary Howard, Susan E. P. Forbes, Mary Williams Dawson, W. C. Gannett, Jane Gray, Susan B. Anthony, Abby W. Stephens, Emily M. Wadsworth, Henrietta Wolcott, Anna T. Myers, Elizabeth H. Bartol, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters, Chadwick's William Ellery Channing, Dall writings (The Story of a Boston Family, Alongside), and literary matters.
June 1903
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, John W. Chadwick, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Clarence J. Blake, C. G. Ames, Elizabeth J. Miller, Grace Litchfield, William H. Dall, Kate Foote Coe, Edward Farquhar, Lucy H. Balch, Augusta Barnard, and others. Subjects include genealogical explorations and Dall writings (Memorial).
July 1903
Correspondence from Fanny Holmes, Elizabeth Tudor, Samuel Bowles, Frances F. Cleveland, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Marcus H. Dall, Anne Whitney, Grace Litchfield, Clarence J. Blake, William H. Dall, Alice Healey, Benjamin Curtis, Samuel F. Hughes, George A. Gordon, Elizabeth J. Miller, and others. Subjects include the disappearance of William S. Whitwell III, the Grover Clevelands, Dall writings ("Lady Rose's Daughter"), Dall and Healey family matters, literary matters (Pearson's life of Gov. Andrew), and genealogical and other research.
Aug. 1903
Correspondence from Marcus H. Dall, Emily F. Pope, Helen M. Judd, William H. Dall, Nettie Dall, Clarence J. Blake, Augusta Barnard, Fanny Holmes, Elizabeth J. Miller, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Erving Winslow, Edward Farquhar, Ruth A. Hoar, Samuel Bowles, Lucy H. Balch, Ella Moore, George Frisbie Hoar, Ellen T. Emerson, and others. Subjects include family matters, The National Progress Magazine, Isabella Bishop, the New England Anti-Imperialist League, and the 100th anniversary of Emerson's birth. George F. Hoar's letter, 31 Aug. 1903, expresses his hopes for America's future.
Sep.-Oct. 1903
Correspondence from Elisabeth R. Lyman, Paul Revere Frothingham, W. C. Gannett, Thomas Todd, Caroline Dall, William H. Dall, Ruth A. Hoar, Augusta Barnard, Vincent Y. Bowditch, F. D. Huntington, C. G. Ames, A. C. Nason, Sarah K. Munro, Alice Rich, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Grace Litchfield, Florence Howe Hall, Charles E. St. John, George H. Ellis, Edward Farquhar, Cornelia Coyle, and others. Subjects include Dall writings ("Of Lady Rose's Daughter," Nazareth, Alongside), Frothingham's book on Channing, and Washington social life. Dall's note on her son's letter, 26 Oct. 1903, discusses the political and literary views of the Dalls.
Nov. 1903
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, C. G. Ames, Charles Whitney Dall, F. D. Huntington, Paul Revere Frothingham, E. S. Thurston, S. P. Langley, Charles E. St. John, Flora L. Close, Ruth A. Hoar, H. H. Furness, Samuel Bowles, Kate Foote Coe, W. W. Fenn, Della Hyatt, Mary C. Wadsworth, Annis Lee Wister, John W. Chadwick, Helen M. Judd, Basil Hall Chamberlain, H. L. Fairchild, Elliot H. Goodwin, Katharine L. Ward, Charles Eliot Norton, Charles M. Rice, and others. Subjects include family matters (Charles Whitney Dall at Harvard), Dall writings (Nazareth, "Of Lady Rose's Daughter"), and Japan.
Dec. 1903
Correspondence from Mary M. Barclay, Ann W. Ciocca, Sarah K. Munro, Augusta Barnard, Helen M. Judd, Emma C. Bascom, Emily Antoinette Smith, Annis Lee Wister, Fanny Holmes, Susan B. Anthony, Francis J. Garrison, Katharine Lee Ward, George K. Clarke, Charles E. St. Johns, D. F. Lincoln, A. R. Spofford, William S. Barnes, Emily Thompson, Kate Foote Coe, E. M. Gallaudet, Emma Rogers, Julia Kain, Maria N. Murdock, Frances F. Cleveland, Edward Farquhar, Mary Howard, A. P. Weeks, Emily M. Wadsworth, and others. Subjects include literary matters (George F. Hoar's autobiography), Dall writings ("Of Lady Rose's Daughter," Nazareth), family matters, women's rights history, Margaret Fuller, and the death of Ruth A. Hoar.
Jan. 1904
Correspondence from Emily Thompson, Eva Clarke, Katharine L. Ward, Lucy H. Balch, Frances W. Haven, Frances F. Cleveland, T. R. Sullivan, H. L. Fairchild, Lilian Freeman Clarke, Charles Whitney Dall, Ella Moore, William H. Dall, and others. Subjects include the death of Ruth A. Hoar and family matters (Whitney Dall at Harvard).
Feb. 1904
Correspondence from Clarence J. Blake, Emma Rogers, Grace D. Litchfield, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Fanny Holmes, H. L. Fairchild, H. N. Gardiner, Elisabeth R. Lyman, George Frisbie Hoar, Helen M. Judd, Mary A. Jordan, Anita Newcomb McGee, Susan B. Anthony, Charles Whitney Dall, Mary R. Peabody, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Simon Newcomb, and others. Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, writings (Nazareth), the family of Senator Hoar, Spanish-American War nurses, the National American Woman Suffrage Association, astronomy, and Japan.
Mar. 1904
Correspondence from Lydia D. Wellington, Willis Munro, Grace Litchfield, Annie Jewett, William L. Garrison, E. D. Cheney, William W. Crapo, Charles Whitney Dall, Charlotte R. Smith, Julia Whitney, H. E. Lunt, Margaret D. B. Willis, Mary Howard, and others. Subjects include Nazareth and family matters (the death of Charles C. Whitney).
Apr. 1904
Correspondence from H. E. Lunt, Sarah B. Balch, Marie Tison-Smith, Cornelia L. Coyle, Ella Moore, Nettie Dall, Lucy H. Balch, Frances F. Cleveland, Sara Wiley Drummond, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Anne Whitney, Julia W. Hosmer, Sarah K. Munro, Mary Spottiswoode Buchanan, Elizabeth W. Burnap, A. R. Hussey, Christopher R. Eliot, Francis J. Garrison, Robert Shaw Oliver, and others. Subjects include Tom Watson's attacks on Frederick Douglass, the Grover Clevelands, Nazareth, family matters, and Dall writings (on Samuel Eliot).
May 1904
Correspondence from E. W. Tuckerman, H. L. Fairchild, Robert S. Oliver, Frances Healey, Henry Greenleaf Pearson, Annie M. Macy, Gertrude M. Hubbard, Nettie Dall, William H. Dall, Elizabeth Shaw Oliver, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Sarah D. Healey, A. R. Hussey, Mary Howard, Sarah K. Munro, Lucy H. Balch, Rachel B. Gleason, Basil Hall Chamberlain, and others. Subjects include the Oliver family, Pearson's biography of Gov. Andrew, family matters, and the Elizabeth P. Peabody Memorial.
June 1904
Correspondence from F. B. Sanborn, Grace Litchfield, George Frisbie Hoar, Charles E. St. John, Marcus H. Dall, Charles Whitney Dall, Katharine L. Ward, E. E. P. Holland, Emily Hale, H. H. Furness, F. E. Cabot, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Nazareth, Fog Bells). The Hoar letter, 15 June 1904, discusses the senator's reading habits.
July-Aug. 1904
Correspondence from William W. Crapo, H. P. Spofford, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Ida M. Gale, Lucy H. Balch, William H. Dall, Lydia Caldwell, Adeline May, E. D. Cheney, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Marion McG. Noyes, Marcus H. Dall, Clarence J. Blake, Henry H. Andrew, Caroline Dall, Samuel Bowles, Henry Greenleaf Pearson, Nettie Dall, Louise Howland, C. A. Hedge, Cora Stewart, Mary Howard, Anne Whitney, Rockwood Hoar, Edward Farquhar, W. L. Garrison, William H. Dall, Kate M. Bromwell, and others. Subjects include Dall historical and literary research ("The Christ of the Andes"), Pearson's life of Andrew, portraits of George Washington, genealogy of the Frisbie family, and Dall family matters.
Sep.-Oct. 1904
Correspondence from Lucy H. Balch, Elisabeth R. Lyman, D. F. Lincoln, Henry G. Chapman, Harriet Ware, Hannah Huntington, Frances W. Haven, Augusta Barnard, Mary R. Peabody, Edward Farquhar, Marcus H. Dall, Agnes Crane, Josiah Munro, Malcolm Green, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Francis J. Garrison, Charles E. St. John, Agnes Long, Rockwood Hoar, Samuel C. Beane, Erving Winslow, and others. Subjects include the death of and tributes to George Frisbie Hoar, Good Government, family matters (Dall's will), Dall writings (Fog Bells, "The Christ of the Andes"), and Dall participation in the American peace movement.
Nov. 1904
Correspondence from Ellen T. Emerson, Christopher R. Eliot, W. W. Fenn, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Clarence J. Blake, Sarah K. Munro, Katharine L. Ward, Charles Whitney Dall, Samuel C. Beane, E. E. P. Holland, Frances F. Cleveland, Elliot H. Goodwin, William H. Dall, C. G. Ames, F. B. Sanborn, H. F. Spofford, Marian Russell, Lilian Freeman Clarke, George N. Whipple, Josiah Munro, and others. Subjects include Nazareth, Alongside, and other Dall writings; the National Civil Service Reform League; and family matters. F. B. Sanborn's letter, 24 Nov. 1904, discusses Boston city and national politics, religion, art, Boston social life (the Channing-Minot wedding), and E. D. Cheney.
Dec. 1904
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, Basil Hall Chamberlain, G. H. Putnam, William W. Crapo, Helen M. Judd, Rush R. Shippen, A. R. Spofford, Eva Clarke, Susan B. Anthony, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Alice C. Fletcher, Mary C. Wadsworth, Mary Howard, E. W. Tuckerman, and others. Subjects include the Russo-Japanese War, literary matters, the death of John W. Chadwick, women's suffrage, Washington portraits, Dall writings (Fog Bells, "The Christ of the Andes"), and family affairs. Susan B. Anthony's letter, 13 Dec. 1904, contains a strong statement on the women's suffrage question.
Jan.-Feb. 1905
Correspondence from Elisabeth R. Lyman, Clarence J. Blake, Samuel Bowles, G. H. Putnam, Lucy H. Balch, Edward Everett Hale, Sarah K. Munro, Ruth S. Baldwin, E. E. P. Holland, Charlotte A. Hedge, Edward H. Hall, Frances F. Cleveland, Robert G. Valentine, Cyrus Adler, Thomas Todd, Sara Wiley Drummond, Marian Russell, and others. Subjects include Spanish America, Dall writings (Nazareth, Fog Bells, "The Christ of the Andes"), the Putnam and Thomas Todd publishing businesses, family matters (Sarah K. Dall in Georgia), questions on Greek usage, and Chilean foreign policy. Hale's letter, 13 Jan. 1905, discusses a Henry Cabot Lodge address before the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Mar.-Apr. 1905
Correspondence from H. P. Spofford, Charles W. Needham, H. E. Lunt, Edward A. Spring, E. E. P. Holland, M. E. Pancoast, Samuel Bowles, Lucy H. Balch, M. C. Wadsworth, Cornelia Coyle, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Kate Foote Coe, G. H. Putnam, Lydia Caldwell, Thomas Todd, Ellen T. Emerson, C. G. Ames, Grace Litchfield, W. C. Gannett, Alexander J. Bowser, Susan B. Anthony, William W. Crapo, Sara A. Pryor, and others. Subjects include the Spring family, the death of George S. Boutwell, and Dall writings (on Margaret Fuller, "The Christ of the Andes," Fog Bells).
May-June 1905
Correspondence from Helen Goodell, Samuel C. Beane, W. W. Goodwin, Edward S. Burgess, Mary C. Wadsworth, H. P. Spofford, Alexander J. Bowser, Cornelia Coyle, Josiah Munro, Kate Foote Coe, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Francis G. Peabody, Frances W. Haven, J. R. Bromwell, Grace Litchfield, William H. Dall, F. W. Putnam, Nettie Dall, Alice Rich, Abby W. Stephens, Marcus H. Dall, A. P. Weeks, Georgina L. Putnam, Katharine L. Ward, and others. Subjects include the Russo-Japanese War, family matters, Dall's 83rd birthday, and Dall writings (Nazareth, Fog Bells).
July 1905
Correspondence from J. R. Bromwell, John Bascom, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Susan D. Messinger, Marian Russell, Thomas Todd, J. W. Andrews, Nettie Dall, Samuel Bowles, Lydia Caldwell, William H. Dall, Sarah Healey, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Josiah Munro, Charles Whitney Dall, H. P. Spofford, and others. Subjects include Fog Bells, family matters (Whitney Dall's Harvard commencement), and William Howard Taft in Japan.
Aug. 1905
Correspondence from Helen Murdock, Samuel B. Stewart, Elizabeth A. Johnson, Susie D. Messinger, Clare Addison, Josiah Munro, Cornelia L. Coyle, J. R. Bromwell, Martha Robbins, H. P. Spofford, and others. Subjects include Fog Bells and Nazareth and a child's view of Theodore Roosevelt.
Sep.-Oct. 1905
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, W. P. Garrison, Atherton Noyes, Maud H. Elliott, Anne Whitney, Frances W. Haven, C. G. Ames, Helen M. Judd, Lucy H. Balch, Cornelia L. Coyle, Marcus H. Dall, A. P. Weeks, Sarah Healey, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Marian Russell, R. R. Wright, and others. Subjects include the death of Josephine S. Lowell and Dall finances.
Nov.-Dec. 1905
Correspondence from Helen M. Judd, Emily R. Andrews, Grace Litchfield, Kate Foote Coe, Julia W. Hosmer, Lucy H. Balch, Annie F. Healey, Nettie Dall, Frances W. Haven, Estelle A. Maxcy, Mary L. Dunlap, Adeline May, Marian Russell, C. H. Howard, J. Flora Tilton, Clarence J. Blake, Francis J. Garrison, Josiah Munro, Sarah K. Munro, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Frances F. Cleveland, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Emma Rogers, George C. Healey, and others. Subjects include Julia Hosmer in Hawaii; Newburyport, Mass., social life; Boston social life; and Ferris Greenslet's life of James Russell Lowell.
Jan.-Feb. 1906
Correspondence from Marian Russell, Francis S. Hamlin, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Edith Grinnell, Florence Bascom, Andrew D. White, Sarah Healey, Frances F. Cleveland, Augusta Barnard, A. R. Spofford, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Anne Whitney, Samuel C. Beane, Nettie Dall, Z. R. Brockway, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Sarah K. Munro, Grace Litchfield, Charles Whitney Dall, Marcus Dall, and others. Subjects include Boston social life, the Grover Clevelands, literary matters (Herndon's Lincoln), and family matters.
Mar. 1906
Correspondence from Charles Eliot Norton, Lucy H. Balch, Jessie Duncan Childe, Charles T. Preston, Sara Wiley Drummond, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Cyrus Adler, Wendell P. Garrison, Nettie Dall, H. M. Knowlton, Grace Litchfield, Edward Everett Hale, Cornelia Coyle, Emily M. Morison, Lucy H. Baird, and others. Subjects include the wedding of Alice Roosevelt and Nicholas Longworth and the death of S. P. Langley.
Apr. 1906
Correspondence from Cornelia Coyle, H. L. Fairchild, Francis J. Garrison, Grace Litchfield, A. R. Spofford, Fanny Holmes, Lucy H. Balch, Francis C. Williams, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Marian Russell, Charlotte A. Hedge, Cornelia Seward Allen, Lucy Young, Ellen Farquhar, Emma M. Gillett, Abby Jaquith, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Willis Munro, Marion B. Bogardus, and others. Subjects include a monument to women in Paris, Dall writings (a tribute to S. P. Langley), Boston social life, and family matters.
May 1906
Correspondence from Adeline May, Lucy H. Balch, Helen M. Judd, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Mary Langley Herrick, W. T. Harris, Grace Litchfield, E. R. Elliot, Julia Hosmer, Augusta Barnard, and others. Subjects include family matters (Dall's final move to Buffalo). Contains some bills for groceries and other necessities paid by Dall.
June 1906
Correspondence from William W. Crapo, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Marcus H. Dall, Grace Litchfield, E. W. Tuckerman, Francis J. Garrison, Sara Wiley Drummond, W. H. Prescott, Ulysses G. B. Pierce, Lilian Freeman Clarke, Lucy H. Balch, Curtis Guild, Jr., Mary Austin Aldrich, Frances W. Haven, Mary C. Wadsworth, Ella Moore, Annie Crawford, Charles Whitney Dall, Katharine L. Ward, Ellen Farquhar, and others. Subjects include Caroline Dall in Buffalo, writings (tribute to Langley), and family matters. The letter from the Massachusetts Governor Guild, 14 June 1906, thanks Dall for her support of his decision not to commute the death sentence of convicted murderer Charles L. Tucker.
July 1906
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, Marian Russell, Annie Crawford, Adele Gleason, Fanny Holmes, Edith Davidson Harris, F. E. Cabot, Lee Peterson, Charles Eliot Norton, Anne Whitney, and others. Subjects include the talents of the sons of Henry Cabot Lodge, real estate matters, and George Frisbie Hoar.
Aug. 1906
Correspondence from Georgina L. Putnam, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Eleanor S. Rogers, Grace Litchfield, Charles Connor, A. R. Spofford, Frances W. Haven, Elisabeth R. Lyman, William H. Dall, Richard Rathbun, Lucy H. Balch, Emily M. Wadsworth, Adelia Gates, and others. Subjects include Sedgwick genealogy and Dall family matters.
Sep.-Oct. 1906
Correspondence from Augusta Barnard, Spencer Aldrich, Richard Rathbun, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Anne Whitney, Z. R. Brockway, Sophia E. Lee, Lucy H. Balch, Lucy Wadsworth, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Henry Van Dyke, Carl Kelsey, Samuel Bowles, and others. Subjects include the protection of game, Dall and Healey family matters, Boston social life, and the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Includes various receipts.
Nov. 1906
Correspondence from C. G. Ames, Samuel Bowles, Lucy H. Balch, Frances W. Haven, Sarah K. Munro, Sarah Healey, Charlotte A. Hedge, Edith Davidson Harris, Marian Russell, Charles Eliot Norton, Harriet H. Mayer, Charles Whitney Dall, and others. Subjects include Charles Emerson Hoar, the death of Rockwood Hoar, the activities of Lucy Stone, and the works of Dante. Various receipts.
Dec. 1906
Correspondence from Richard Rathbun, Sarah Balch, Frances F. Cleveland, E. E. P. Holland, Estelle A. Maxcy, A. P. Weeks, Lucy Bell, Isaac Franklin Russell, and others. Subjects include the Grover Clevelands and the American Social Science Association journal.
Jan.-Feb. 1907
Correspondence from Fay E. Pierce, Caroline Dall, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Mary Howard, Helen Murdoch, Eliza H. Lord, Adelaide E. Wadsworth, Grace Litchfield, Edward Everett Hale, George W. Fox, F. E. Cabot, Charles D. Walcott, Lucy H. Balch, Marian Russell, A. D. Mayo, Florence L. Pierce, Florence P. Spofford, C. G. Ames, David Hutcheson, Agnes M. Chamberlain, Sarah K. Munro, A. P. Weeks, and others. Subjects include Dall's view of English language usage, spelling and modern education, Boston social life, Charles D. Walcott as secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, New York municipal bonds, and Dall family and financial matters.
Mar.-Apr. 1907
Correspondence from Basil Hall Chamberlain, Lucy H. Balch, Kate Foote Coe, Florence L. Pierce, Fay E. Pierce, Charles Whitney Dall, David Hutcheson, A. R. Spofford, Georgina L. Putnam, Mary Howard, Helen Morton, Samuel A. Eliot, Sarah K. Munro, Kate Gannett Wells, E. E. P. Holland, Mary C. Wadsworth, Cornelia Coyle, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Charlotte A. Hedge, A. P. Weeks, Grace Litchfield, Edward Everett Hale, C. G. Ames, Lilian Freeman Clarke, and others. Subjects include family matters (Caroline Dall's will and the plans of Whitney Dall), Dall writings (on Charles Lowell), Boston social life, and Ellen Emerson.
May-June 1907
Correspondence from Marcus H. Dall, Elizabeth H. Jenkins, Helen E. Goodell, Louisa L. Sanborn, Arthur W. Wright, Kate Foote Coe, Maria W. Gaffield, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Lilian Freeman Clarke, Nettie Dall, Emily M. Wadsworth, Willis Munro, William H. Dall, Charles Whitney Dall, Grace Litchfield, Caroline Dall, Ellen Farquhar, and others. Subjects include family matters, Dall writings (on Charles Lowell, Patty Gray), Boston social life (Julia Ward Howe at 88, the death of Elizabeth Agassiz), Dall's failing eyesight, and Washington social life.
July 1907
Correspondence from William H. Dall, Emily M. Wadsworth, G. Subba Ran, Caroline Dall, Sarah K. Munro, Lilian Freeman Clarke, Annie Crawford, George N. Whipple, Fanny Holmes, Grace Litchfield, Marcus H. Dall, Frances F. Cleveland, and others. Subjects include the Unitarian mission in India, Dall's new home in Chevy Chase, Md., Sarah Munro in Paris, literary matters (Annie Crawford and William James's Pragmatism), and the illness of Grover Cleveland. Dall's letters to her son, 8, 20, 27 July 1907, discuss her existence at Chevy Chase.
Aug. 1907
Correspondence from G. Subba Ran, Sarah K. Munro, Caroline Dall, Grace Litchfield, Richard Rathbun, Florence L. Pierce, Frances H. Stone, Samuel Bowles, Nettie Dall, Elisabeth R. Lyman, and others. Subjects include Dall books for India, Dall in Chevy Chase and other family matters, Dall writings, and Boston social life.
Sep. 1907
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, Nettie Dall, Samuel Bowles, Edward Everett Hale, Lucy H. Balch, Frances F. Cleveland, Elisabeth R. Lyman, H. E. Lunt, Basil Hall Chamberlain, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Nazareth), her staying in Chevy Chase, Grover Cleveland, Boston social life, literary matters (William James's Pragmatism), Japan and Korea, and Unitarian affairs.
Oct. 1907
Correspondence from A. P. Weeks, Samuel Bowles, H. E. Lunt, Georgina L. Putnam, Kate Foote Coe, Charles W. Wendte, Clarence J. Blake, Marian Bogardus, Emily Hale, Theodore Wynkoop, Mary Howard, Mary Stearns, Eleanor S. Rogers, Emily M. Wadsworth, Basil Hall Chamberlain, and others. Subjects include family finances, the character of William Howard Taft, and the art of Augustus St. Gaudens. The Wendte letter, 7 Oct. 1907, recalls W. H. Taft in Cincinnati.
Nov. 1907
Correspondence from Samuel Bowles, Mary Howard, Robert Lincoln O'Brien, Lucy H. Balch, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elisabeth R. Lyman, George Batchelor, Grace Litchfield, Sarah K. Munro, Thomas Todd, A. P. Weeks, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (letters and reviews), her loss of sight in one eye, and family matters (the marriage of Willis Munro).
Dec. 1907
Correspondence from Sarah K. Munro, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Herbert E. Lombard, Frances W. Haven, Elisabeth R. Lyman, L. P. Jacks, Lucy H. Balch, Samuel A. Eliot, Francis J. Garrison, Frances F. Cleveland, E. E. P. Holland, Charles Eliot Norton, A. P. Weeks, Martha G. Woodward, Aileen Bell, H. E. Lunt, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Fog Bells, on Pierce's Soul of the Bible), Boston social life, King's Chapel and Harvard Divinity School, Grover Cleveland's illness, the aging of Charles Eliot Norton, and Willis Munro's wedding ball.
Jan.-Feb. 1908
Correspondence from Basil Hall Chamberlain, Mary Louise Dunbar, Frances W. Haven, W. W. Goodwin, Charlotte A. Hedge, Lucy H. Balch, Kate Foote Coe, Cornelia Coyle, Frances F. Cleveland, Isabel Gordon Curtis, A. R. Spofford, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Lucy G. Wadsworth, H. E. Lombard, Samuel Bowles, C. K. Bolton, Lizzie P. Ordway, C. H. Cordner, Marcus H. Dall, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (on Whittier) and family matters.
Mar.-Apr. 1908
Correspondence from Edward Everett Hale, Adelia Bauer, Elizabeth H. Bartol, H. E. Lunt, Walter F. Greenman, Elizabeth C. Osborn, Samuel C. Beane, Mary Louise Dunbar, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Sarah K. Munro, Kate Paulding Emerson, Lucy H. Balch, Grace Litchfield, C. K. Bolton, Emily Dutton Proctor, A. P. Weeks, Mary L. Hall, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (Sordello), Beane's ministry in Lawrence, Mass., and the death of Franklin Haven.
May 1908
Correspondence from Adelia Bauer, Edward Everett Hale, J. W. McIntyre, Marcus H. Dall, Basil Hall Chamberlain, M. H. Little, Eva Clarke, Annie Jewett, E. E. P. Holland, Marcus H. Dall, Lucy H. Balch, Samuel Bowles, Willard Perrin Fuller, and others. Subjects include the death of John Murray Brown, president of Little, Brown; Marcus Dall at Harvard; Chamberlain's visit with the president; Dall writings (on Whittier); and the Fuller family genealogy.
June-July 1908
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Florence L. Pierce, Annie Jewett, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Helen Paulding, Clarence J. Blake, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Alice Eastwood, Augusta Barnard, Nettie Dall, C. G. Addison, George W. Fox, Cornelia F. Wolcott, and others. Subjects include the family of T. W. Higginson, Dall's physical condition, and presidential politics (Bryan, Taft, Roosevelt). Notes on Dall's medical examination, 1 July 1908.
Aug. 1908
Correspondence from Frances Healey, Louise Nason Plumer, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Frances F. Cleveland, Hattie Healey, William H. Dall, Florence L. Pierce, H. E. Lunt, Emma Endicott Mareau, O. F. Wadsworth, Gertrude M. Hubbard, Sarah Healey, Marcus H. Dall, Mary Stearns, Grace Litchfield, and others. Subjects include Healey and Dall family matters, the death of Grover Cleveland, A. R. Spofford, and Dall writings (on Margaret Fuller).
Sep.-Oct. 1908
Correspondence from Grace Litchfield, Florence L. Pierce, Lucy H. Balch, Sarah K. Munro, Joseph W. Symonds, Samuel Bowles, Marian Russell, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Cornelia Coyle, Florence P. Spofford, Thomas Todd, Frances Healey, C. G. Ames, Willis Munro, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Kate Foote Coe, and others. Subjects include family matters, Symonds family genealogy, and Dall writings (on Whittier).
Nov.-Dec. 1908
Correspondence from Marian Russell, Frances Healey, Caroline H. Gray, Marcus H. Dall, Mary E. Bigelow, C. G. Ames, Sophia E. Lee, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Lucy H. Balch, Edward Everett Hale, Frances Healey, Emily M. Wadsworth, E. E. P. Holland, Frances F. Cleveland, D. F. Lincoln, and others. Subjects include the Taft-Bryan presidential race, the death of Charles Eliot Norton, the retirement of Harvard President Charles W. Eliot, and Dall and Healey family matters.
Jan.-Feb. 1909
Correspondence from E. E. P. Holland, Cornelia Coyle, Laura N. Mann, Clara B. Colby, Henry P. Goddard, Charles Whitney Dall, Caroline Dall, Francis J. Garrison, Nettie Dall, Lucy H. Balch, and others. Subjects include the death of Ellen Emerson and sketches of women suffragists in the Woman's Tribune. Contains Dall's recollections of her dealings with the medical profession through the years, 22 Jan. 1909, and a newspaper proof of a Dall reminiscence on Catharine Beecher and Delia Bacon, 26 Feb. 1909.
Mar.-Apr. 1909
Correspondence from Agnes Crane, Susan A. Bacon, Emma C. Bascom, Lucy H. Balch, John Bascom, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Basil Hall Chamberlain, H. E. Lunt, Sarah K. Munro, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Charles Whitney Dall, C. G. Ames, Helen Morton, Christopher R. Eliot, A. W. Stevens, and others. Subjects include Delia Bacon, Dall writings (on Beecher and Bacon), a Cleveland memorial meeting in New York City (William Howard Taft, Lyman Abbott, Charles Evans Hughes), Herndon and Lincoln, and Dall family matters.
May-June 1909
Correspondence from Samuel R. Phillips, Lucy H. Balch, Laurence Hayward, Martha P. Lunt, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Adeline May, Grace Litchfield, Charles Whitney Dall, Marcus H. Dall, Christopher R. Eliot, C. G. Ames, Sarah K. Munro, Bradford Leavitt, and others. Subjects include literary matters (F. B. Sanborn's Recollections), the death of Edward Everett Hale, and Marcus Dall at Harvard.
July-Aug. 1909
Correspondence from Willis Munro, Marcus H. Dall, Kate M. Gordon, Francis G. Peabody, George W. Fox, Charles Whitney Dall, Lucy H. Balch, C. G. Ames, William H. Dall, Agnes Crane, Gertrude M. Hubbard, F. B. Sanborn, E. E. P. Holland, Fanny B. Ames, Marion D. Connor, Grace Litchfield, Francis J. Garrison, and others. Subjects include the American Woman Suffrage Association Convention, Dall family matters, and Francis J. Garrison and his circle.
Sep.-Oct. 1909
Correspondence from E. E. P. Holland, Marcus H. Dall, Cornelia L. Coyle, Lilian Freeman Clarke, Kate Foote Coe, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Francis J. Garrison, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Marcus H. Dall, Charles Whitney Dall, Charlotte A. Hedge, and others. Subjects include Cornelia Coyle in Germany, the tariff, and Dall writings (on Beecher and Bacon).
Nov.-Dec. 1909
Correspondence from C. G. Ames, Mary Howard, Frances Healey, Grace Litchfield, Sarah K. Munro, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Charles Whitney Dall, Charlotte A. Hedge, Charles E. St. John, Marcus H. Dall, Herbert Putnam, Agnes Crane, G. H. Putnam, Charles W. Wendte, Josiah Munro, Lucy H. Balch, Willis Munro, E. E. P. Holland, and others. Subjects include Catharine Putnam, Unitarian affairs, family matters, Dall writings (Nazareth), the Civil Service Reform League, and literary matters.
Jan.-Mar. 1910
Correspondence from Clarence J. Blake, Clara Fish, Rebecca W. Walker, Eliza W. Barnes, Julia Rain, Aileen Bell, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Grace Litchfield, Marcus H. Dall, Mary E. Bigelow, Fanny B. Ames, Charles W. Wendte, Sarah K. Munro, William C. Lane, Annie Crawford, O. F. Wadsworth, Isaac Clark, and others. Subjects include Dall writings (on Shakespeare and Margaret Fuller), Charlotte Hastings Whipple, and family matters.
Apr.-June 1910
Correspondence from Elizabeth H. Bartol, Fanny B. Ames, Charles Whitney Dall, Lucy H. Balch, Grace Litchfield, Grace Hubbard Bell, William H. Dall, Charles W. Wendte, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Mary E. Bigelow, E. F. Hathaway, Florence L. Pierce, Sarah C. Comstock, Josiah Munro, H. E. Lunt, Sarah K. Munro, Hugh Pierce, Willis Munro, Nettie Dall, Aileen Bell, Marcus H. Dall, and others. Subjects include Dall family matters (Caroline Dall's return to Boston), the 100th anniversary of Theodore Parker's birth, Mrs. Philip Marquand of Newburyport, and Willis Munro as Assistant U. S. Attorney in D.C.
July-Aug. 1910
Correspondence from Mary E. Bigelow, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Grace Litchfield, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Martha P. Lunt, Sarah K. Munro, Caroline Dall, Anna P. Lowell, Samuel A. Green, Lucy H. Balch, Cornelia L. Coyle, Florence T. Baxter, Mary B. Fay, Francis J. Garrison, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Aileen Bell, and others. Subjects include the death of Supreme Court Chief Justice Melville Fuller, Japan, Dall papers and the Massachusetts Historical Society, family matters, and literary matters (the work of Grace Litchfield).
Sep.-Nov. 1910
Correspondence from A. P. Weeks, O. F. Wadsworth, Mary E. Bigelow, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Nettie Dall, Marcus H. Dall, Grace Hubbard Bell, Charles Whitney Dall, Basil Hall Chamberlain, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Mary Howard, Louisa Hedge, O. B. Sears, Sarah K. Munro, George O. Holbrooke, Lucy H. Balch, and others. Subjects include Dall as a crusader for "right living," family matters (Whitney Dall's engagement, the travels of William H. Dall), Japan, Mary Bigelow in Italy and Spain, Dall and Smith College, and the death of Hannah E. Lunt.
Dec. 1910
Correspondence from Charlotte A. Hedge, Fanny B. Ames, Elisabeth R. Lyman, Marcus H. Dall, Samuel C. Beane, D. F. Lincoln, Lucy H. Balch, Willis Munro, Frances F. Cleveland, George H. Ellis, and others. Subjects include the death of H. E. Lunt, Dall writings (Barbara Frietchie), and a gift from Mrs. Cleveland.
Correspondence from Caroline Dall, Rebecca Warren Brown, M. L. Hall, Marian Russell, Sybil Wilson, Goldwin Smith, H. H. Furness, and others. Subjects include Dall and the Ladies' Club, Dall's gifts to the Massachusetts Historical Society, the wedding of Marian Bell and David Fairchild, Buckminster Warren, and the deaths of Elizabeth Agassiz and Daniel Wilson. Also contains Dall's remarks at the opening of the Clinical Hall of the Women's Medical Hospital and newspaper clippings of the obituary of John Mason Crafts, 1917.
C. Typescripts, 1842-1885
This subseries contains typewritten copies of a number of Dall letters, portions of Dall's personal journals, and other papers, as well as some handwritten items. Boxes 23 and 24 consist of partial transcripts of Volumes J17-31 of the Dall journals.
Letters, 1858-1861
Typewritten copies of letters from Caroline Dall to William Lloyd Garrison, Mark Healey, William F. Channing, Theodore Parker, E. P. Peabody, Anne Whitney, W. D. O'Connor, Thomas Whitridge, and others. Subjects include women's rights, Dall family finances, the troubles of William F. Channing, the death of William H. Prescott, reviewers, women as patriots, religious debate, the long absence of C. H. A. Dall and the Dall children, and the loss of Willie Putnam in the Civil War.
Letters, 1863-1865
Typewritten copies of letters from Caroline Dall to S. H. Winkle, James Freeman Clarke, Samuel J. May, Caroline Foster Healey, Sarah K. Dall, and others. Subjects include C. H. A. Dall's India mission, family finances, the Economical League's drive on behalf of American manufactures, the assassination of Lincoln, Dall in upstate New York, and an effort by Bostonians to set up a horticultural school for the employment of abandoned women.
Journal notes and letters, 1866-1869
Typewritten copies of journal notes and letters from Caroline Dall to Charles Sumner, E. P. Peabody, H. R. Storer, S. W. Bush, Susan B. Anthony, M. L. Hall, J. H. Allen, James Freeman Clarke, Samuel E. Sewall, T. J. Mumford, Rowland Connor, Austin Dall, and others. Subjects include a constitutional amendment for universal women's suffrage, abortion, the Ladies Club, James Freeman Clarke, the women's rights movement (C. M. Severance, Julia Ward Howe), Dall as a minister of the Gospel, the Radical Club, women in medicine, and Patty Gray.
Journal notes, 1870
Typewritten transcripts of Caroline Dall's journal notes. Subjects include a Dall visit to Providence, R.I., Anita Tyng M.D., and the houses of Tyng and Amos Otis (Yarmouthport, Mass.).
Journal notes, 1871
Typewritten transcripts of Caroline Dall's journal notes. Subjects include Dall's trip to the water-cure of Rachel B. Gleason in Elmira, N.Y., and Alida C. Avery of Vassar College. Also contains a letter from Sarah K. Dall to Mark Healey, 26 Dec. 1871, before her marriage.
Letters, 1872-1874
Typewritten copies of letters from Caroline Dall to Fanny Healey, A. W. Stevens, Mark Healey, Sarah K. Munro, Martha L. B. Goddard, Edwin Morton, and others. Subjects include Healey family matters; Dall at Vassar and in Augusta, Me., Pigeon Cove, Mass., Providence, R.I., and New York; Dall papers deposited at the Massachusetts Historical Society; a meeting of the Boards of Health and State Charities (David A. Wells, William Graham Sumner); the Women's Club; and the William Ellery Channing-Lucy Aikin correspondence. Also contains copies of letters from W. E. Channing to Aikin, Autumn 1831, and Mary Anne Jackson to William H. Channing, 4 Nov. 1842.
Letters, 1875-1878
Typewritten copies of Caroline Dall letters to John B. Turner, William H. Herndon, Emily W. Healey, James Freeman Clarke, Franklin Haven, Marian Healey, F. B. Sanborn, and others. Subjects include the Women's Club, Dall finances, Herndon and Lincoln, social diseases, and Healey family matters (Caroline Dall's brother George Healey, the death and estate of Mark Healey).
Lectures notes, 1842
Handwritten Dall notes on lectures of Dr. James Walker, professor of natural religion, moral philosophy, and civil polity, Harvard College.
Reading and lecture notes, 1865
Handwritten reading and lecture notes on Greek history and ancient Asian history and culture.
Journal notes and letters, 1865
Handwritten journal notes and copies of Caroline Dall's letters to Edward Capen, Edward Everett, George Ticknor, F. B. Sanborn, and others. Subjects include Dall's effort to establish a department of social science at the Boston Public Library, the organization of the American Social Science Association, the Board of State Charities, and the hospitals and asylums of New York. Among the letters to Dall concerning the Boston Public Library is one from Ticknor, 23 May 1859. Also included are a report of the director of the Boston Public Library, Dec. 1865, and an undated "Report of the Milk Committee."
Notes and by-laws, 1865-1869
Typewritten notes and by-laws concerning the American Social Science Association.
Journal, 1878
Typewritten Dall journal of a Social Science meeting in Cincinnati and a tribute to Mary Carpenter for her work for female education in India. Includes undated newspaper clippings concerning a testimonial to Carpenter.
Report, 1866
Typewritten Dall "Report to the Woman's Convention," Boston, 26 Apr. 1866.
Notes, undated
Handwritten rules and "characteristics of a true gentleman."
Journal notes, 1869-1877
Typewritten Dall journal notes and a copy of a Dall letters to Cyrus A. Bartol, 1872. Subjects include the Radical Club and Julia Ward Howe.
Journal notes, 1869-1873
Typewritten Dall journal notes. Subjects include Dall in Connecticut and the American Social Science Association.
Journal notes and letters, 1873-1877
Typewritten Dall journal notes and copies of letters to Mrs. John E. Lodge and James M. Barnard. Subjects include the American Social Science Association.
Notes and miscellaneous, undated-1885
A typewritten Dall memorial to Maria Weston Chapman, a copy of an obituary of Dr. Buckminster Brown, genealogical notes on the Dix family, Robert Sedgwick and Abraham Fuller, a stock certificate for the Bank of Merit, and an undated sketch of Caroline Dall by Jonathan Allen.
Journals, 1847-1875
Typewritten transcripts of parts of Vols. J17-29 of the Caroline Dall journals.
Journals, 1876-1878
Typewritten transcripts of parts of Vols. J30-31 of the Caroline Dall journals.
II. Volumes, 1830-1911
A. Journals, 1835-1911
The journals in this subseries represent an almost daily record of Dall's life.
Reconstructed journal, 4 Sep. 1835-Oct. 1840
In two volumes. Subjects include the Healey family, the author's early childhood in New Hampshire (before 1835), school days, early literary efforts, family conflicts, and Boston (including impressions of Harrison Gray Otis, Daniel Webster, Samuel Eliot, and Elizabeth P. Peabody). Reconstructed in 1896.
Reconstructed journal, 12 Sep. 1840-24 June 1841
Subjects include the author's courtship and her impressions of John Quincy Adams, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Margaret Fuller, Theodore Parker, and others. Reconstructed in 1896.
Journals, 1838-1845
Subjects include the Healey family of New Hampshire and Boston (the death of Caroline's younger brother, her father's financial collapse), the Boston literary and social scene (William H. Prescott, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Quincy Adams, Caleb Cushing, Samuel Eliot, Daniel Webster, Joseph Story, Josiah Quincy, Edward Everett Hale, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Theodore Parker, James Freeman Clarke, Lorenzo Papanti), Caroline's Sunday School teaching, social concerns (work with the poor, antislavery), writings (articles and poems), literary opinions (on Dante, Charles Dickens, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Orestes Brownson, and others), Unitarianism (Charles Lowell), teaching in Georgetown, D.C. politics (the annexation of Texas), and courtship and marriage to Charles H. A. Dall, 1844. Many matters mentioned in the reconstructed journal (Vols. J1a-1b) are discussed firsthand and in full in these volumes. A few pages have been removed by the author from nearly all volumes. Vol. J13 contains a fragment of Caroline Dall's wedding bouquet.
1 Jan-11 Oct. 1838
14 Oct. 1838-28 Aug. 1839
30 Aug. 1839-22 May 1840
24 May-18 Oct. 1840
20 Oct. 1840-15 June 1841
17 June-19 Oct. 1841
20 Oct. 1841-23 Apr. 1842
24 Apr.-15 Aug. 1842
16 Aug.-4 Dec. 1842
5 Dec. 1842-31 May 1843
31 May-7 Oct. 1843
7 Oct. 1843-23 July 1845
Journals, 1845-1856
Subjects include family matters (the birth of William and Sarah Dall, C. H. A. Dall's ministry-at-large and mission to India, 1855, family moves to Baltimore, Boston, Toronto), Dall's writings (poetry, Essays and Sketches, articles for the Liberty Bell, and other publications), antislavery activities (Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Edmund Quincy, Frederick Douglass, Henry Wilson, Charles Sumner, aid to freedom seekers in Canada), women's rights (Margaret Fuller, Paulina Wright Davis, and the rise and fall of the Una), Unitarianism, various intellectuals and reformers (Theodore Parker, William H. Channing, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Delia Bacon, Bronson Alcott, Dorothea Dix, Henry Ward Beecher), and Dall literary opinions (on Dickens, James Russell Lowell, John Greenleaf Whittier, Benjamin Disraeli, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Hans Christian Andersen, Charlotte Bronte, Nathaniel Hawthorne, George Sand, and others). Also included are copies of Dall letters to Mark Healey, the trustees of the Unitarian Church, and others, 1851-1856; a note and a poem by Charles H. A. Dall and three pages from his journal, 1848; and clippings concerning Edmund Quincy and various performances of Jenny Lind. Some pages removed from all journals.
25 July 1845-31 Mar. 1846
1 Apr.-11 Dec. 1846
13 Dec. 1846-25 Sep. 1847
26 Sep. 1847-29 May 1849
30 May 1849-1 Mar. 1851
1 Mar. 1851-23 July 1852
25 July 1852-20 Oct. 1853
21 Oct. 1853-23 Dec. 1854
23 Dec. 1854-5 June 1856
Journals, 1856-1877
Subjects include Dall and Healey family matters (marital difficulties, Sarah's wedding, Mark Healey's death); Dall's writings (poetry, Woman's Right to Labor, Patty Gray, Centennial Letters); lectures; literary opinions (Michelet, John Greenleaf Whittier, Louisa May Alcott, and others); antislavery activities (Garrison, Phillips, E. Quincy, Sumner, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Samuel J. May, John A. Andrew, the drive for emancipation as a Northern war aim); the women's rights movement (Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, the drive for a suffrage amendment); the Civil War (Ball's Bluff, Robert Gould Shaw); other reformers, artists, and literary figures (Emerson, Longfellow, Henry James, Fanny Kemble, Edward Maitland, Edward Peacock, Julia Ward Howe); and notable deaths (Theodore Parker, Charles Lowell, Abraham Lincoln, Edmund Quincy). Includes copies of some letters of Caroline Dall, Sarah K. Dall, and Edward C. Towne and clippings of the Harvard Alumni Dinner, 1861. Pages have been removed from a number of the volumes.
6 June 1856-7 Sep. 1858
8 Sep. 1858-23 Apr. 1860
24 Apr. 1860-23 Oct. 1862
23 Oct. 1862-11 Mar. 1865
13 Mar. 1865-31 Dec. 1868
1 Jan. 1869-7 Oct. 1873
7 Oct. 1873-13 Mar. 1876
10 Mar. 1876-14 Nov. 1877
Journal, 15 Nov. 1877- 2 July 1879
Subjects include Dall research and lectures on Lincoln and Barbara Frietchie, Alfred University, the Academy of Natural Sciences (Alexander Agassiz), Dall family matters (William H. Dall's work, Caroline Dall in Buffalo and Washington), and Dall tours of prisons and facilities for the insane.
Journal, 3 July 1879-6 Sep. 1880
Subjects include Dall family matters (William H. Dall courtship and marriage), the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Peter Struve at Saratoga, Cornell University, the Elmira Reformatory, Francis Parkman's attack on women's rights, Dall journalistic activities, the Hayes White House, Felix Adler and Roman Catholic "interference" in education, Oliver Johnson on Garrison and Phillips, and Dall travels in Colorado, Utah (the Mormons), and San Francisco (Chinese in America).
Journal, 7 Sep. 1880-16 Sep. 1881
Subjects include Dall in California (San Francisco, Stockton, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara), family matters (the illness of C. H. A. Dall and grandson Charlie), Dall writings (My First Holiday, journalism), Dall as lay preacher, Washington (visiting the Hayes White House, the assassination of James A. Garfield), Boston (Charities Conference, prison reform), Concord (Frederic H. Hedge, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ellery Channing), Basil Hall Chamberlain, J. Vila Blake, Sarah Bernhardt, Alexander Graham Bell, Dorothea Dix, and Annie Crawford. Also includes undated newspaper clippings of a notice of a Bernhardt performance in Victor Hugo's Herani, a peculiar weather phenomenon in New England and other matters, and a one-page catalogue of paintings by Bernhardt.
Journal, 17 Sep. 1881-10 June 1883
Subjects include the assassination of President Garfield; F. B. Sanborn and the politics of the American Social Science Association; family matters (Dall instructions to her children for her funeral, marital and financial difficulties); Oscar Wilde in Washington; Clara Barton in Saratoga; Lucy Stone and the Woman's Journal; Dall visits to Montreal, Cincinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis; reminiscences (the dark side of Daniel Webster, Margaret Fuller's romance with Ossoli); and the Woman's National Education Committee. Contains undated clippings from the Boston Journal and Buffalo Courier and other newspapers describing Dall's Washington literary receptions and house artifacts, a National Academy of Science meeting, and the Zuni people.
Journal, 11 June 1883-26 Dec. 1884
Subjects include Benjamin F. Butler as Massachusetts governor, a visit to the American Antiquarian Society, Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Abby Quincy, Francis J. and William Lloyd Garrison, Anandibai Joshee, Rachel Bodley and the Woman's Medical School, Matthew Arnold, the death of Wendell Phillips (a memorial meeting attended by Blanche K. Bruce, Frederick Douglass, John D. Long), family matters (C. H. A. Dall in India), Alice Fletcher, the Blaine-Cleveland presidential contest, and Julian Hawthorne's Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife. Includes an undated clipping containing a letter for women's suffrage from a Massachusetts women's committee to the Republican and Democratic State Committees. Also contains a letter from D. E. Ware, 3 Nov. 1884, discussing his resignation from the Executive Committee of the Committee of 100.
Journal, 27 Dec. 1884-16 Nov. 1886
Subjects include William Everett as "Mugwump," the inauguration of Grover Cleveland, Dall's friendship with Mrs. Cleveland, Dall writings (letters to the Springfield Republican), Sordello, What We Really Know About Shakespeare, the Bacon-Shakespeare controversy, Elizabeth P. Peabody on Margaret Fuller, the American Social Science Association, the deaths of Vice President Thomas Hendricks and Mrs. Henry Adams, Ramabai and Anandibai Joshee, Dall family matters (finances, the death of C. H. A. Dall), and a visit to Concord (Ellery Channing, Louisa May Alcott, the Emersons). Contains newspaper clippings concerning Ramabai and Joshee, 1886.
Journal, 17 Nov. 1886-21 Sep. 1888
Subjects include family matters (C. H. A. Dall's will and family finances in general), Dall's Washington literature class, Dall writings (Life of Anandibai Joshee), a Dall trip to the South (Marietta, Ga., Charleston, S. C.), and the deaths of Louisa May Alcott and James Freeman Clarke. Includes Dall's report to D. E. Ware on her husband's effects, 8 Oct. 1887, her copies of letters to her husband from Sarah Dall, 27 Dec. 1859 and 21 Oct. 1877, William H. Dall, 16 Sep. 1860 and 11 Apr. 1863, and Caroline Dall, 20 Mar. 1861. Also contains a program of authors' readings on behalf of the American Copyright League, 17 Mar. 1888, with Dall notations on William Dean Howells, James Whitcomb Riley, and others; a program for the 40th anniversary of the first women's rights convention, 25 Mar.-1 Apr. 1888; and various other invitations, programs, and newspaper clippings.
Journal, 22 Sep. 1888-23 Dec. 1890
Subjects include the defeat of Grover Cleveland, a visit to the Cleveland White House, Dall's continuing friendship with Mrs. Cleveland, James G. Blaine, Dall literature classes, Alfred University, and Dorothea Dix. Also includes a copy of a letter from Frances F. Cleveland, 17 Jan. 1889, and newspaper clippings concerning the Parker Memorial Hall, a social event at the home of William C. Endicott, the Washington social season, and a commemoration of George Washington's inauguration.
Journal, 24 Dec. 1890-10 May 1893
Subjects include Emily Dickinson, Dall opinions (on Bernhardt in Cleopatra, British difficulties in India, Josiah Royce), Maria Weston Chapman, Dall writings (on Charles G. Finney, Barbara Frietchie), literature classes, Dall's 70th birthday, the McKinley Tariff, and the deaths of Sir Daniel Wilson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Sallie Holley, Rutherford B. Hayes, and Phillips Brooks. Also includes a Dall poem on the death of Mary Otis, 10 Sep. 1891, and a clipping on Dall's early Boston teachers, Caroline and Eliza Hastings.
Journal, 11 May 1893-22 Aug. 1895
Subjects include Dall writings (Patty Gray, Barbara Frietchie, Transcendentalism in New England, "Little Africa"), journalistic activities, Frederick Douglass, Mrs. Grover Cleveland, The Woman's Book, an unflattering article on Dall in the Worcester Spy, and a Dall visit to Concord. Includes a copy of the Spy article.
Journal, 23 Aug. 1895-2 Oct. 1897
Subjects include Dall writings (Margaret and Her Friends, Transcendentalism in New England, on Jenny Lind, poem "My Dirge"), Dall's reminiscences of childhood and courtship, her reconstruction of her journal, Russian literature, the deaths of William E. Russell and Darwin E. Ware, Dall notes on Lincoln, her visit to Emily Dickinson's house, the Todd-Dickinson case, Elizabeth P. Peabody, and the Grover Clevelands in Princeton. Also contains undated clippings on the Boston West End Library and other matters.
Journal, 3 Oct. 1897-6 June 1900
Subjects include the Elmira Reformatory, Dall journalistic activities, Dall literature class, the death of Alexander Wadsworth, publishing matters (Roberts Brothers; Little, Brown), Dall writings (in Poet-Lore, Alongside, on Wadsworth), Sallie Holley, genealogical explorations, and Boston social life. Includes newspaper clippings on a memorial service for William E. Gladstone, May 1898, and an 80th birthday tribute to Susan B. Anthony, Feb. 1900. Also contains a thank-you note from Henry U. Johnson to Dall, 6 Apr. 1898.
Journal, 6 June 1900-1 Jan. 1903
Subjects include Dall journalistic activities, assassinations and chaos in the world, Dall writings (Alongside, Transcendentalism in New England, on Thomas Gaffield, Memorial to Charles H. A. Dall, poem "Dream Song"), literary matters (F. B. Sanborn on Emerson, Henry Greenleaf Pearson on John A. Andrew), Dall's worsening illness, remembrances of Brook Farm, the Roosevelt White House, Philippine atrocities, and blacks in the life of Washington.
Journal, 1 Jan. 1903-25 June 1905
Subjects include Dall's friendship with Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holmes and Senator and Mrs. George Frisbie Hoar, the deaths of the Hoars, literary matters (Chadwick's Channing, Helen Keller, John Fiske), Dall writings ("Of Lady Rose's Daughter," Memorial, Fog Bells, on John A. Andrew), the deterioration of the presidency under Theodore Roosevelt, the politics of Mark Hanna, and Unitarian affairs. Contains two unaddressed letters of Dall, 29 Nov. 1904 and 5 May 1905.
Journal, 26 June 1905-20 Feb. 1911
Subjects include the loves of Caroline Dall; her journalistic activities; writings (Nazareth, Fog Bells, on Dorothea Dix); the deaths of Rockwood Hoar, Grover Cleveland, and Edward Everett Hale; Sanborn's history of the origins of the American Social Science Association; and Dall's worsening illness and loss of eyesight. Also includes some Dall verse, newspaper clippings, and a letter from U. G. B. Pierce, 12 Apr. 1909.
B. Letterbooks, 1839-1908
The letterbooks in this subseries contain Dall's outgoing correspondence and lists of correspondents.
Letterbooks, 1839-1883
Contains copies of letters to Mary Bartol, Sarah Choate, Mark Healey, Caroline F. Healey, Horatia S. Ware, Lucy A. Meacham, Elizabeth P. Peabody, Elizabeth H. Bartol, Sarah S. Balch, Austin Kuhn, Anne Kuhn, S. Foster Haven, Samuel F. Haven, Maria E. Foster, Theodore Parker, Charles Dickens, Charles H. A. Dall, Henrietta Dall, Anna I. L. Parsons, Paulina Wright Davis, George William Curtis, Charles Sumner, E. C. Gaskell, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, F. D. Huntington, William F. Channing, Anne Whitney, John Patton, Thomas Whitridge, Samuel J. May, Susan B. Anthony, Horatio R. Storer, Louisa Hall, J. H. Allen, Samuel E. Sewall, Marie E. Zakrzewska, T. J. Mumford, Cyrus A. Bartol, Martha L. B. Goddard, John E. Lodge, William H. Herndon, Marion W. Healey, Franklin Haven, William H. Dall, James Freeman Clarke, George W. Healey, Joseph E. Dall, F. B. Sanborn, and others. Subjects include social matters, Caroline Dall's literary career, her relationship with her parents, Boston (George Bancroft, William H. Prescott, Edward Everett Hale, Rufus Choate), religious views, transcendentalism, thoughts on a woman's abilities vs. a man's, Healey family genealogy, the antislavery movement (Charles Turner Torrey), the women's rights movement, the rise and fall of the Una, the Charles Sumner-Preston Brooks caning incident, 1856, the American Social Science Association, Herndon and Lincoln, social diseases, a women's suffrage amendment to the Constitution, women in medicine, and abortion. Vols. L3-6 contain a listing or register of Caroline Dall's outgoing correspondence and an occasional letter.
5 July 1839-24 Apr. 1841
25 Apr. 1841-12 Apr. 1842
12 Apr. 1842-19 Dec. 1851
4 Jan. 1852-27 Dec. 1858
1 Jan. 1859-29 Dec. 1874
2 Jan. 1875-26 Mar. 1883
Register of outgoing correspondence, 1 Apr. 1883-6 Oct. 1890
Contains some annotations and copies of letters to John Rand, A. P. Weeks, D. E. Ware, William H. Herndon, Austin Dall, and others. Subjects include Herndon's Lincoln biography and Dall family matters.
Register of outgoing correspondence, 7 Oct. 1890-6 Feb. 1897
Contains some annotations and copies of letters to J. M. Wade and others.
Register of outgoing correspondence, 8 Feb. 1897-6 Nov. 1902
Contains some annotations and copies of letters to F. S. Root and Emily W. Healey. Subjects include the American Social Science Association and Healey family matters. Also includes handwritten Dall article "Impossible Things," indicating her opposition to the Spanish-American War, 30 June 1898.
Register of outgoing correspondence, 7 Nov. 1902-29 Sep. 1908
Contains some annotations.
C. Notebooks, 1830-1910
The notebooks in this subseries contain research notes for Dall's writings.
Notebook, 1864-1865
Caroline Dall's "Studies towards the Life of a business woman, being Conversations with the mother of James Freeman Clarke D.D. (Rebecca Hull Clarke) in the winter of 1864-1865." Notes taken by Dall and copied out, 1884.
Notebook, undated
Dall genealogical notes on the Clarke family and lists of book titles.
Notebook, 1899
Clippings and notes compiled by Dall on Father Edward Thompson Taylor (1793-1871), pastor of the Seamen's Bethel, Boston. Includes articles by C. A. Bartol and Walt Whitman, various anecdotes from Bostonians on Father Taylor, Taylor reminiscences and impressions of Charles Dickens from American Notes, James Freeman Clarke, Charles Eliot Norton, and others.
Notebook, 1899
Memorial of educator Chloe Angeline Stickney Hall (1830-1892), including "The Silver Cord" by Augusta Larned, "Reminiscences" by Mary J. Eastman, and "Via Ad Astra," a poem by Mrs. Hall.
Notebook, 1885
Copies of letters of Joel and Ruth Barlow and Clara and Abraham Baldwin, 1779-1815. Includes letters from Elizabeth Whitman, Charlotte Smith, Mary Wollstonecraft, Dolley Madison, Elisa Custis, and others. Also contains part of an original letter. Letters relate to Dall's Romance of the Association (1875).
Notebook, 1879
List of Caroline Dall's book holdings.
Notebook, 1860-1894
Dall lists of "dead friends," 1860-1894, with notes discussing those listed.
Commonplace books, 1875-1910
Dall's thoughts on various subjects, including the Centennial, Josiah Quincy, Romance of the Association, Louisa May Alcott, and Thomas Trollope's What I Remember; Dall poetry concerning Edward Everett Hale and others; and notes on Shakespeare.
27 Feb. 1875-19 Mar. 1888
17 Oct. 1907-17 June 1910
List of Dall's writings and letters, 1834-1897
Notes on Clarke family residence and finances by Sarah A. Clarke, 1830-1865
Annotated inventory of Dall possessions given by Dall to the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1 Dec. 1899
D. Scrapbooks, 1849-1909
The scrapbooks in this subseries contain clippings of Dall articles, reviews, and notices concerning her work.
Scrapbooks, 1855-1909
Includes clippings of Caroline Dall articles and letters to the editor on the antislavery movement, lodging houses for young women, women and war, John C. Fremont and Abraham Lincoln's renomination, 1864, purchasing American manufactured goods, women's suffrage, the Old Testament, Lincoln and his biographer William H. Herndon, women and medical education, Confucius and the Chinese classics, Barbara Frietchie, women in the civil service, notable women of India, and Shakespeare; Dall obituaries and memoirs of Catharine Putnam (1862), Mary Chamberlain Stuart (1879), William Lloyd Garrison (1879), James A. Garfield (1881), Charles H. A. Dall (1886), and others; Dall reviews and essays on the works of Jules Michelet, James Freeman Clarke, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Gail Hamilton, Louisa May Alcott, George Eliot, Julian Hawthorne, Ramuhun Roy, John Greenleaf Whittier, and others; Dall "Letters from the West," 1866, and columns "Concerning Women," Cambridge Tribune, 1890; notices and reviews of Dall's Woman's Right to Labor (1860), Historical Pictures Retouched (1860), Woman's Rights under the Law (1861), The College, the Market, and the Court (1867), Patty Gray (1869-1876), Barbara Frietchie (1892), and Transcendentalism in New England (1895); notices and accounts of Dall lectures on women's progress, women's rights, distinguished women, Unitarianism, and other matters; the constitution of the American Association for the Promotion of Social Sciences, written by Dall; programs, documents, and accounts relating to meetings of the American Association for the Promotion of Social Sciences, the American Social Science Association, the American Unitarian Association, and other organizations; and letters from William H. Dall to Sarah K. Dall, 7 Jan. 1870 (Vol. S4), and to Caroline Dall from C. W. Moulton, 30 Oct. 1891 (Vol. S5), George F. Hoar, Ruth A. Hoar, and Calvin Stebbins, May-June 1895 (Vol. S5), Emma Rogers, 1 Dec. 1897 (Vol. S5), H. L. Loomis, 28 Mar. 1902 (Vol. S5), and Lucretia S. Hooper, undated (Vol. S5). Also contains a few handwritten notations by Caroline Dall.
Scrapbook, 1889-1906
Various clippings of Dall letters to the editor, book reviews, and articles; various loose clippings on the life and times of Abraham Lincoln; clippings of Dall letters to the Christian Register concerning the "Committee of Counsel and Comfort for Troubled and Friendless Women"; clippings and articles concerning the manufacture of kid gloves and woolen items, the renomination of Abraham Lincoln, and the activities of the Women's Loyal League, the New England Women's League for Diminishing the Use of Luxuries During the War, the Economic Leagues in New York and Boston, and other Civil War organizations; clippings of accounts of the meeting of the Western Social Science Association in Chicago at which Caroline Dall gave an address; clippings of accounts of various women's right's conclaves and the organization of a Boston Women's Club, 1868, and a Dall letter to the editor of the Springfield Republican concerning the expulsion of women from government departments, 1904; and Dall's "Fog-Bells" articles discussing the miracles of Christ.
Scrapbook, 1849-1860
Dall's short story "Ants" and clippings of some poetry by Charles H. A. Dall, accounts of the Woman's Rights Convention of 1855, Dall's lectures on womanhood, and reviews of her Essays and Sketches.
Scrapbook, 1873-1876
Clippings of Dall reviews of and essays on children's books and her "Centennial Letters" describing New York, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Washington, the National Academy of Science, Alfred University, etc.
Scrapbook, 1884-1885
Clippings concerning a controversial reference to Margaret Fuller in Julian Hawthorne's Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife (1884).
Scrapbook, 1866-1868
Clippings of Dall's "Letters from the West," containing descriptions of Chicago, Springfield, Ill., Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and Oberlin and Antioch College. Also contains a Dall article on Vassar College.
Scrapbook, undated
Clippings of Dall's translation of Spiridion by George Sand. Contains some Dall notes.
Scrapbook, 1890
Clippings of a Dall sketch of the life of astronomer Maria Mitchell (1818-1889).
Scrapbook, 1876-1877
Bound copies of the New Age, containing Dall articles and letters concerning the American Centennial celebration and preparations for it. Another complete set of her "Centennial Letters."
Scrapbook, 1888-1890
Clippings of obituaries of and various tributes to James Freeman Clarke (1810-1888) and Frederic Henry Hedge (1805-1890) in the Christian Register and other publications, including articles by C. A. Bartol, Edward Everett Hale, Phillips Brooks on the former, and N. P. Gilman and Edward H. Hall on the latter. Articles were collected by Dall for future memoirs on these friends.
Select Index
Listed below are the names of all correspondents in Boxes 1-22, as well as the names of select individuals and subjects of historical significance in those boxes. The numbers following each item indicate the box(es) and folder(s) where information about that item is located. For example, information about Cleveland Abbe can be found in Box 17, Folder 8.
Abbe, Cleveland, 17.8 |
Abbot, Francis Ellingwood, 4.12 |
Abbot, Lucy M. B., 7.3 |
Abbot, William F., 17.4 |
Adams, A. G., 7.19 |
Adams, Charles Francis, 7.1, 16.2 |
Adams, Edith M., 15.1 |
Adams, Elizabeth, 8.11 |
Adams, Martha, 4.1 |
Addams, Jane, 11.18 |
Addison, Clare Gantt, 7.14, 9.2, 9.3, 12.9, 17.9, 19.8, 21.3 |
Addison, Harriet, 6.18 |
Addison, Olivia, 11.9 |
Adler, Cyrus, 19.4, 19.12 |
Adler, Felix, 13.11 |
Agassiz, Elizabeth C., 5.19, 6.1, 12.9, 17.13, 20.7, 21.18 |
Aikin, Lucy, 22.6 |
Albee, [F.], 5.20 |
Alcott, Abby May, 2.19, 3.1, 3.18, 4.4 |
Alcott, Louisa May, 4.1, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 7.9 |
Alcott, May, 3.18, 4.1, 4.5 |
Alden, H. M., 6.14, 6.15, 7.24 |
Aldrich, Mary Austin, 19.15 |
Aldrich, Spencer, 20.2 |
Alexander, Jane, 10.19, 11.2 |
Alfred University, 5.19, 6.3, 6.11, 7.3, 7.10, 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 11.3 |
Alger, William R., 4.5 |
Allan, George W., 6.9 |
Allbee, B. H., 15.1 |
Allen, A. A., 5.13, 5.19, 6.3, 6.10, 6.11, 7.1, 7.3, 7.10, 11.3, 12.2, 12.4, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, 13.3, 13.13, 13.14, 16.10 |
Allen, Alfred, 10.4 |
Allen, Cornelia Seward, 19.13 |
Allen, Eva, 7.13 |
Allen, Jonathan, 7.16, 7.18, 11.2, 22.18 |
Allen, J. H., 2.7, 2.8, 3.16, 3.18, 4.15, 4.17, 4.18, 4.20, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 5.5, 8.5, 8.11, 8.13, 9.2, 9.18, 10.3, 10.11, 10.12, 10.14, 10.15, 10.16, 11.1, 11.6, 11.9, 11.11, 22.3 |
Allen, Nathaniel T., 2.13, 4.23, 5.10 |
Allen, Robert, 16.6 |
Allen, Sarah R., 18.3 |
Alton, Helen Caroline, 8.20 |
Alvord, B., 7.24 |
Amberley, Lady, 4.17, 4.18 |
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 20.2 |
American Antiquarian Society, 1.4, 8.10, 8.11 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 7.1 |
American Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 4.6 |
American Equal Rights Association, 4.13 |
American Social Science Association, 4.4, 4.7, 4.12, 4.17, 4.22, 4.24, 4.25, 5.6, 5.11, 5.14, 5.21, 6.2-4, 6.6, 6.9, 6.14-16, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8-14, 7.20, 7.23, 7.25, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.11, 8.17, 8.21, 9.13, 9.18, 10.17, 11.17, 11.18, 13.18, 14.2, 15.9. 16.9, 17.5, 22.11, 22.16, 22.17 |
Ames, Charles Gordon, 3.8, 3.11-14, 4.5-8, 5.7, 7.11, 9.12, 10.6, 10.10, 10.14, 13.17, 14.6, 16.4, 17.2, 17.4, 17.7, 17.14, 18.2, 18.4, 18.7, 18.8, 19.2, 19.5 |
Ames, Isaac, 5.3, 6.11 |
Ames, Julia Frances (Fanny), 3.13, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 5.3, 10.15, 21.10, 21.13, 21.14, 21.17 |
Amory, T. C., 5.14, 6.12 |
Anagnos, M., 11.13 |
Anderson, Ellie D., 8.18 |
Anderson, W., 1.9 |
Andrew, Elizabeth L., 12.1 |
Andrew, Henry H., 18.16 |
Andrew, John Albion, 4.10, 15.6, 15.8, 16.5, 18.5, 18.14, 18.16 |
Andrew, John F., 11.1 |
Andrew, N. Alfreda, 3.17, 8.1 |
Andrews, Emily R., 19.10 |
Andrews, Emma, 4.1 |
Andrews, Henry Porter, 6.16 |
Andrews, J. W., 10.10, 10.11, 10.13, 10.15, 10.16, 10.18, 19.7 |
Angell, H. C., 17.9 |
Angell, Sarah S. C., 12.2 |
Anthony, Susan B., 2.8, 2.18, 3.3, 3.16, 4.5-7, 4.9-10, 4.13, 4.20, 6.17-19, 7.15, 7.17, 9.1-2, 9.8, 9.19, 10.6, 11.2, 12.10, 16.1, 16.3, 17.4, 17.9, 17.10, 17.13, 18.3, 18.9, 18.11, 19.3, 19.5, 22.3 |
Antioch College, 3.10, 4.11, 4.13 |
Anti-Slavery Society, 4.1 |
(Apples), J. G., 5.12 |
Appleton, Elizabeth H., 1.8 |
Appleton, Emily W., 5.14 |
Appleton, (F.) P., 2.7 |
Appleton, John William M., 3.13, 3.18, 5.3, 5.12, 6.20, 7.19 |
Appleton, Mabel, 7.16 |
Appleton, Mary R., 4.1, 4.3-5, 4.9, 4.10, 4.15, 5.1, 5.9, 5.13, 5.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17 |
Appleton, T. G., 7.3 |
Appleton, Mary Anne (Mannie) Smith, 9.18, 11.17, 17.14 |
Appleton, W. H., 11.3 |
Appleton, William S., 5.17, 5.21, 5.23 |
Apthorp, Grace, 8.12 |
Apthorp, John V., 8.12 |
Apthorp, R. E., 6.12, 7.10, 7.14, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20, 8.10, 8.12 |
Arms, May W. Taylor, 21.10, 21.11 |
Arnold, C., 20.13 |
Arnold, Isaac W., 6.5 |
Arnold, Matthew, 9.1 |
Arnot, Raymond H., 18.7 |
Aspinwall, L. E. P., 7.1 |
[Atkins], M., 4.20 |
Atkinson, Ann, 6.18 |
Atkinson, Edward, 4.12, 4.22 |
Atkinson, Louisa, 4.13, 5.3, 5.4, 6.2, 11.11, 19.11 |
Atkinson, Lulie, 7.24 |
Atkinson, M. N., 8.7 |
Atkinson, Thomas W., 5.2, 22.3 |
Atwater, W. O., 11.7 |
Ausley, Mary, 6.17, 6.18 |
Austin, [ ], 6.3 |
Austin, Benjamin W., 11.3 |
Austin, Henry S., 9.15 |
Austin, May, 17.2 |
Austin, S. H., 4.23 |
Austin, S. S., 5.11 |
Austin, W. B., 8.4 |
Avery, Alida C., 3.10, 3.11, 4.19, 4.20, 5.8, 5.10-14, 5.22, 5.23, 8.12, 16.5, 22.5 |
Avery, Rachel Foster, 16.1 |
Aylesworth, Barton O., 17.4 |
Babcock, George R., 6.15 |
Babcock, J. M. L., 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 6.19 |
Babcock, Mary R., 6.15 |
Babcock, William G., 2.19, 5.22 |
Bacon, Delia, 2.1, 2.2, 2.15, 21.7, 21.8, 21.11 |
Bacon, Edwin M., 9.11 |
Bacon, John, 5.6 |
Bacon, Leonard, 3.2 |
Bacon, Susan Almira, 21.8 |
Badger, Ada S., 5.1, 5.23 |
Badger, Henry C., 5.22 |
Bainbridge, H. A., 5.8 |
Baird, Lucy H., 6.6, 6.10, 6.18, 7.15, 9.2, 11.6, 15.4, 16.9, 16.13, 19.12 |
Baird, M. R., 3.14 |
Baird, Mary H. C., 5.7, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.15, 7.18, 8.14, 9.8, 10.4 |
Baird, Spencer F., 5.7, 5.11, 7.14 |
Baker, L. Alice, 15.6 |
Baker, Ernest E., 10.18 |
Baker, Mabel H., 13.19 |
Baker, Marcus, 7.16, 7.17, 8.16, 8.21 |
Baker, May Cole, 10.11 |
Balch, Lucy H., 5.9, 6.18, 7.17, 7.22, 7.23, 7.25, 9.15, 9.18, 11.1, 13.4, 15.4, 15.10, 16.9-13, 17.2-5, 17.8, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 18.1, 18.4, 18.6, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.16, 19.1, 19.4, 19.5, 19.9, 19.10, 19.12-15, 20.1-3, 20.5, 20.6, 20.10, 20.12, 20.13, 20.14, 21.1, 21.2, 21.5, 21.6-10, 21.12-17 |
Balch, Sarah B., 18.13, 20.4 |
Baldwin, Clara, 1.1, 1.2 |
Baldwin, Ruth Standish, 13.19, 14.6, 19.4 |
Baldwin, William H., 5.10 |
Bancroft, George, 1.4, 1.14, 11.9 |
Bancroft, Harriot, 10.15 |
Bancroft, Lizzie L., 15.9, 15.10 |
Bancroft, Mrs. William, 1.10 |
Banister, Mrs. William B., 6.5 |
Banks, Nathaniel P., 17.14 |
Barber Henry H., 6.7, 6.12, 6.13, 6.15, 7.21, 8.1, 8.16, 8.19, 8.20 |
Barber, S., 4.18 |
Barclay, Mary M., 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 16.9, 16.10, 17.4, 17.6, 17.7, 18.1, 18.9 |
Barlow, Ellen Shaw, 18.1 |
Barlow, Joel, 1.1, 1.2 |
Barlow, Samuel L. M., 5.23, 6.1 |
Barnard, Anna E., 6.16, 9.1 |
Barnard, Augusta, 4.9, 5.12, 5.13, 5.14, 5.16, 6.1, 7.15, 8.4, 8.7, 8.14, 8.15, 8.21, 8.24, 9.1, 9.2, 9.6, 9.14, 9.15, 9.17, 10.1, 10.6, 11.1, 11.11, 11.15, 11.17, 11.18, 12.4, 12.12, 12.13, 13.7, 13.8, 13.10, 13.14, 13.19, 14.2, 14.6, 14.8, 14.10, 15.6, 15.8, 15.10, 16.6, 16.13, 17.4, 17.14, 18.1, 18.4, 18.6, 18.7, 18.9, 19.1, 19.11, 19.14, 20.2, 21.3 |
Barnard, Charles A., 21.7 |
Barnard, David, 2.19 |
Barnard, James M., 4.24, 5.8, 5.14, 5.16, 5.18, 14.12, 16.6, 18.1, 22.17 |
Barnard, Kate, 6.16, 6.18, 7.14, 7.17 |
Barnard, Sarah, 2.19 |
Barnardo, Thomas J., 9.14 |
Barnes, Eliza W., 21.13 |
Barnes, Miranda H., 5.4 |
Barnes, N. M., 3.7 |
Barnes, William S., 10.12, 10.13, 17.13, 18.9 |
Barrow, H. B., 10.13 |
Barrow, John S., 7.24 |
Barrows, Mabel, 14.6 |
Barrows, S. J., 10.4, 12.9 |
Barry, Katharine, 18.1 |
Barstow, E. W., 7.2, 13.12 |
Bartol, Cyrus Augustus, 1.5, 1.7, 1.16, 1.17, 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 2.14, 3.4, 3.8, 4.14, 5.12, 8.20, 22.15 |
Bartol, Elizabeth Howard, 1.3, 1.6-10, 1.12, 1.13, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.14, 3.18, 4.10, 4.13, 5.20, 6.1, 6.9, 6.15, 7.9, 7.10, 7.12, 7.17, 7.19, 7.24, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.11, 8.12, 8.16, 8.17, 8.21, 9.4, 10.14, 11.11, 11.13, 12.2, 12.8, 12.12, 13.3, 13.8, 13.10, 13.12, 14.2, 14.11, 15.1, 16.1, 16.3, 16.11, 17.1, 17.9, 17.10, 17.11, 17.13, 18.1-3, 20.6, 20.7, 20.13, 20.14, 21.1, 21.2, 21.6, 21.8, 21.9, 21.11, 21.12, 21.14, 21.15, 21.16 |
Bartol, George M., 13.11, 15.6 |
Bartol, Mary, 1.13, 2.16, 3.15, 4.8, 8.11, 8.20, 9.1, 9.3, 9.5, 9.12, 9.14, 9.18, 9.19, 10.2, 10.10, 10.18, 11.11, 13.7, 16.8, 16.9 |
Barton, Clara, 8.14, 8.15, 8.18 |
Bascom, Emma C., 11.2, 12.1, 14.10, 18.9, 18.13, 20.4, 21.8, 21.17 |
Bascom, Florence, 11.12, 11.15, 12.2, 13.12, 14.2, 14.3, 14.9, 15.5, 17.8, 17.12, 19.11 |
Bascom, John, 12.13, 19.7, 21.8 |
Bascom, William, 11.14 |
Bash, T. F., 6.8 |
Batchelor, George, 5.3, 5.13, 12.12, 17.14, 20.12 |
Battelle, H., 4.4, 4.7 |
Bauer, Adelia, 20.14, 21.1, 21.2 |
B[augher], Luddie D., 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 |
Baxter, Florence, 17.9, 21.7, 21.10, 21.15 |
Bayard, G. Livingston, 20.10 |
Bean, Mary A., 6.11 |
Beane, Samuel C., 5.6, 5.7, 18.8, 19.1, 19.2, 19.6, 19.11, 21.1, 21.17 |
Beatty, E. A., 6.14, 6.16, 6.18, 6.20, 7.3, 7.5 |
Beck, Sarah P., 6.20 |
Becker, George F., 17.3 |
Becker, Sarah C., 9.19, 10.1, 11.4, 11.9, 11.10, 11.13, 11.20, 13.2, 14.10, 15.2, 16.9, 16.10 |
Beckwith, L. E., 5.20 |
Beckwith, [Madeleine], 12.2 |
Beecher, Catharine E., 2.1, 21.7, 21.8, 21.11 |
Beecher, Henry Ward, 6.4, 6.6, 16.2 |
Beecher, J. J., 7.16 |
Beecher, Thomas K., 5.10, 5.23, 6.4 |
Beedy, Mary E., 7.2 |
Bell, Aileen, 20.13, 21.9, 21.13, 21.14, 21.15 |
Bell, Alexander Graham, 7.19 |
Bell, Charles H., 9.13 |
Bell, Eliza W., 14.8, 15.3 |
Bell, Gertrude A., 14.2 |
Bell, Grace Hubbard, 21.14, 21.16 |
Bell, John J., 5.10, 5.12, 6.3, 6.11, 7.3, 8.20, 10.8, 10.15, 11.6 |
Bell, Lucy, 20.4 |
Bell, Mabel G., 9.2, 10.15, 14.2, 14.3, 14.11, 16.3, 18.3, 19.5 |
Bell, Mary E., 9.13 |
Bell, S. H., 7.9 |
Bell, Samuel D., 3.14 |
Bellows, Elizabeth, 17.4 |
Bellows, H. W., 4.9 |
Bellows, Russell N., 7.6 |
Bennett, Margaret S., 4.15 |
Bensel, James Berry, 9.13 |
Berkley, William N., 6.1 |
Bertrum, James, 15.6 |
Bhat, Heshaurao, 8.22 |
Bigelow, Alanson, 7.17, 7.18, 8.5, 8.11, 8.16, 8.19, 8.20 |
Bigelow, Bessie, 8.17 |
Bigelow, Clary E., 21.6 |
Bigelow, Frank H., 11.14, 15.3 |
Bigelow, John, 6.17, 22.10 |
Bigelow, M. J. H., 3.15 |
Bigelow, Mary E. S., 12.7, 14.2, 14.6, 14.10, 14.12, 15.3, 15.4, 16.12, 16.13, 17.9, 19.15, 21.6, 21.13, 21.14, 21.15, 21.16 |
Bigelow, W. E., 21.14 |
Billings, J. [S.], 14.12 |
Birch, S., 4.15 |
Birdsall, Mary B., 2.14 |
Birkheimer, Geraldine, 16.9 |
Bishop, Elizabeth W., 10.8 |
Bishop, O. G., 12.3 |
Blackburn, Kathleen, 5.18 |
Blackford, H. W., 10.3, 10.7 |
Blackiston, Katharine, 14.5 |
Blackwell, Elizabeth, 4.13, 13.18, 14.3, 14.9, 15.8, 16.2, 16.3, 17.7, 18.1 |
Blackwell, Henry B., 4.24 |
Blaine, James G., 9.4, 9.5, 11.17 |
Blake, Anna, 1.13, 2.3 |
Blake, Clarence J., 5.7, 5.9, 5.17, 6.14, 6.16, 6.20, 7.12, 7.13, 7.19, 11.9, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 14.3, 14.6, 15.4, 15.5, 15.8, 15.10, 16.4, 16.5, 16.7, 16.11, 17.1, 17.9, 17.13, 17.14, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.11, 18.16, 19.2, 19.4, 19.10, 20.11, 21.3, 21.13 |
Blake, Frances H., 6.9, 7.6, 8.17, 9.3, 10.19, 11.15, 11.20 |
Blake, J. Vila, 4.12-15, 4.19, 4.24, 5.10, 5.18, 6.1, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 7.1, 7.5, 7.7, 7.12, 7.15, 7.17, 8.4, 9.5, 9.12, 12.3, 15.9 |
Blake, John H., 5.11, 5.12, 6.2, 6.17, 6.18, 7.15, 7.21, 7.24, 8.2, 8.10, 8.18, 8.19, 8.21, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.9 |
Blake, Lillie [S.], 6.1 |
Blake, Parkman, 1.13 |
Blake, Sarah, 1.13 |
Blake, Sara Lowell, 7.2 |
Blanchard, Alice, 9.10, 9.11 |
Blanchard, Amy E., 12.13 |
Blanchard, P. G., 4.19 |
Blashfield, Edwin Howland, 17.2 |
Blatchford, Caroline F., 12.3 |
Blatchford, John S., 5.14, 6.9 |
Bloomer, Amelia, 2.10 |
Bodfish, Robinson [ ], 5.7 |
Bodichon, Barbara L. S., 2.17, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 4.3, 8.18, 11.4 |
Bodley, Rachel, 7.19, 7.23, 8.13, 8.16, 8.17, 8.23, 9.16, 9.17, 10.1, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9, 10.10-12, 10.14 |
Bogardus, Marion B., 19.13, 20.11, 20.14 |
Bolton, C. K., 20.14, 21.1 |
Bolton, Constance, 7.14 |
Bolton, Henrietta Irving, 15.10 |
Bolton, Sarah K., 8.17, 13.3, 13.4 |
Bonaparte, Ellen C., 8.6 |
Bond, Elizabeth Powell, 17.4, 17.5, 17.7 |
Bond, George William, 10.10 |
Booker, W. F., 7.1 |
Booth, Mary L., 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4.12, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.10, 10.15 |
Boston Public Library, 17.4, 22.9 |
Botsford, J. L., 14.5 |
Botta, Anne, 9.14 |
Botume, E. A. L., 7.5 |
Botume, Elizabeth Hyde, 5.1, 6.19, 12.2 |
Botume, J., Jr., 6.19 |
Boud, S. G., 4.1 |
[Boueahe', Levi Polades], 6.18 |
Bourne, Susan H., 6.1-3, 6.12, 6.16 |
Boutwell, George S., 10.15, 17.14, 19.5 |
Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, 2.2, 3.4, 4.11, 9.4 |
Bowditch, Olivia Y., 18.8 |
Bowditch, Vincent Y., 18.1, 18.7 |
Bowen, Annie, 4.14 |
Bowen, C. J., 3.8 |
Bowen, Grace Aspinwall, 12.1 |
Bowles, Samuel, 8.8, 8.10, 8.12, 8.14, 8.16, 8.19, 8.20, 8.22, 8.24, 9.5, 9.10, 10.5, 10.12, 10.19, 12.9, 13.1, 13.10, 13.13, 14.1, 15.5, 16.10, 17.11, 17.12, 18.2, 18.5, 18.6, 18.8, 18.16, 19.4, 19.5, 19.7, 20.2, 20.3, 20.9, 20.10, 20.11, 20.12, 20.14, 21.2, 21.5 |
Bowser, Alexander J., 19.5, 19.6 |
Boyd, James F., 7.1 |
Boyd, Mabel, 14.2 |
Brackett, Anna C., 4.10, 4.13, 5.22, 5.23, 6.1, 6.3, 9.5, 9.10 |
[Bradbury, R.], 11.17 |
Bradford, Charles F., 6.6, 6.19 |
Bradford, Gamaliel, 7.3, 7.9 |
Brady, J. Everett, 12.10 |
Branson, Mary, 10.14 |
Brazier, H. C., 11.7 |
Bridge, Charlotte Marshall, 9.13, 11.14, 12.9, 13.13 |
Briggs, Charles E., 8.16 |
Briggs, Fanny T., 7.5 |
Briggs, Richard, 6.13, 8.5, 9.11 |
Brigham, Charles A., 2.7 |
Brigham, Clarence S., 18.5 |
Brigham, Emily, 8.22, 9.9 |
British, Continental, and General Federation, 7.7, 7.11, 7.12, 7.24 |
Brockett, S. P., 4.14 |
Brockway, Charles J., 6.15 |
Brockway, Emma, 7.14 |
Brockway, Z. R., 5.1, 8.5, 8.8, 12.6, 12.8, 13.10, 16.2, 19.11, 20.2 |
Bromwell, J. R., 19.6, 19.7, 19.8 |
Bromwell, Kate M., 13.3, 13.6, 14.9, 17.10, 18.16 |
Brooke, Caroline M., 14.1, 14.4, 14.11, 15.3 |
Brooks, Austin Anderson, 13.3 |
Brooks, Erastus, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.14, 9.19 |
Brooks, Margaret D. Cranch, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12-16, 2.5, 2.12 |
Brooks, Martha H., 9.8 |
Brooks, Phillips, 5.19, 12.1 |
Brown, Anne, 21.5 |
Brown, Cornelia Kirby, 14.4, 14.9 |
Brown, Emily Eaton, 17.13 |
Brown, Francis H., 5.6, 5.9 |
Brown, H. B., 17.2, 17.5 |
Brown, Henry W., 3.8 |
Brown, Howard N., 8.1, 10.3, 14.3, 17.4 |
Brown, John, 13.3, 16.9 |
Brown, John Murray, 21.2 |
Brown, L. M., 3.11, 5.11, 7.6, 9.13, 11.13, 17.4 |
Brown, L. W., 4.1, 5.7, 8.16 |
Brown, M. A., 1.12 |
Brown, Olympia, 4.14 |
Brown, Rebecca Warren, 21.18 |
Brown, Simon, 2.15 |
Brown, William G., 15.9 |
Brown-Tegnard, C. S., 6.1 |
Browne, Elizabeth C. L., 10.9, 10.17, 11.6, 11.14 |
Browne, L. L., 10.10 |
Browne, Laura L., 4.21 |
Bruce, Josephine B., 17.11 |
Bryan, William Jennings, 14.2, 21.3 |
Buchanan, J. R., 6.6 |
Buchanan, Mary Spottiswoode, 18.13 |
Buckingham, E., 5.5 |
Buckle, C. A., 8.4 |
Buckler, Janet Heriot, 16.10 |
Buckler, Lily, 13.15 |
Buckler, W. H., 16.10 |
Bucklin, Mrs. V. M., 7.6 |
Buckman, Margaret, 5.20, 7.4, 11.13, 13.12 |
Buel, C. C., 11.14 |
Bulfinch, Charles, 5.3 |
Bulfinch, Ellen S., 14.8, 15.1 |
Bulfinch, S. G., 5.3, 5.5 |
Bull, Sara C., 8.17 |
Bullard, Elizabeth L., 5.12, 5.22, 6.11, 7.4, 7.15, 7.21, 9.14 |
Bullard, Laura Curtis, 5.6 |
Bunker, Alice L., 4.16, 4.17, 4.19, 4.22 |
Bunker, Edward S., 4.7 |
Bunsen, Christian K. J., 4.9, 4.21, 4.22 |
Burgess, Edward S., 19.6 |
Burleigh, Celia, 5.14, 6.7 |
Burnap, Elizabeth W., 18.13 |
Burnap, George Washington, 2.7 |
Burnett, Mabel L., 13.8 |
Burnham, Clara Louise, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12 |
Burns, Anthony, 6.2 |
Burroughs, Henry, 6.20 |
Bush, S. W., 5.10, 22.3 |
Bush, T. L., 6.7 |
Buswell, Henry F., 18.15 |
Butler, Benjamin F., 8.16, 8.22, 8.23 |
Butler, Clement Moore, 2.2 |
Butler, Cornelia W., 4.19 |
Butler, George B., 5.20 |
Butler, James D., 10.17 |
Butler, Josephine E., 6.15, 7.6, 7.11, 7.24 |
Butts, B. [L.], 4.6 |
Cabell, M. V. E., 11.12 |
Cabot, F. Ernest, 12.9, 13.11, 13.17, 14.8, 17.8, 18.15, 19.16, 20.5 |
Cabot, John W., 12.11 |
[Caman], Ada, 13.12 |
Calder, Ellen M., 10.16, 14.3, 15.2, 16.10 |
Caldwell, Augustine, 5.16, 7.2, 7.24, 8.22, 9.14 |
Caldwell, Lydia, 5.14, 5.21, 5.22, 5.23, 6.10, 7.1, 8.22, 13.8, 13.18, 13.19, 18.8, 18.16, 19.5, 19.7 |
Calhoun Colored School, 13.1 |
Cambridge Tribune, 11.12 |
Campbell, Anna M., 5.12 |
Campbell, F. Dykes, 9.9, 9.10 |
Campbell & Cabot, 19.16, 20.3 |
Candler, John W., 7.4 |
Capen, Edward, 6.11, 22.10 |
Capples, Upham & Co., 8.20 |
Carey, Louisa, 6.16, 7.6 |
Carey, Rasa N., 9.11 |
Carlisle, Calderon, 6.18 |
Carnegie, Andrew, 15.6 |
[Carnes], Miranda H., 5.4 |
Carpenter, G. R., 10.19 |
Carpenter, Louise, 8.16 |
Carpenter, Mary, 3.6, 4.15, 7.6, 22.12 |
Carpenter, Russell, 11.8 |
Carpenter, T. E., 10.6, 10.7, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 12.4, 12.5 |
Carroll, John Lee, 10.14 |
Carstensen, M. A., 7.23, 7.24 |
Carter, Alice Bonham, 11.15 |
Carter, Franklin, 10.17 |
Cary, Charles, 20.2 |
Cary, Elizabeth Luther, 16.4 |
Cary, Maria, 3.18 |
[Casey, H. H.], 6.7 |
Casey, Mary, 7.1, 7.10, 7.17, 7.21, 7.22, 14.1, 15.10 |
Casey, Susan, 7.2 |
Casey, W. H., 6.7, 6.14, 6.17, 7.6 |
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6 |
Ceiley, Herbert H., 11.4 |
Chaapel, Jay, 16.11 |
Chadwick, John W., 4.21, 9.16, 11.15, 12.10, 13.13, 13.14, 15.1, 15.7, 16.7, 17.4, 17.5, 17.7, 17.8, 17.14, 18.1-4, 18.8, 19.3 |
Chalmers, Anne M., 10.1 |
Chamberlain, Agnes, 5.13, 5.14, 20.5 |
Chamberlain, Basil Hall, 8.5, 8.8, 8.15, 9.2, 9.18, 10.3, 10.7, 10.9, 11.1, 11.4, 11.7, 12.8, 12.10, 12.12, 13.13, 13.18, 14.10, 14.12, 15.2, 15.9, 16.2-5, 16.7, 16.9, 16.10, 16.12, 17.8, 17.10, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 18.5-8, 18.11, 18.14, 18.16, 19.1-3, 19.6, 19.7, 19.10, 19.11, 19.13, 19.14, 19.15, 20.1, 20.2, 20.6, 20.10-12, 20.14, 21.1-5, 21.8, 21.11, 21.13, 21.15, 21.16 |
Chamberlain, Mary --See Stewart, Mary Chamberlain |
Champlin, E. R., 9.13, 9.14, 9.16, 9.17 |
Chandler, Horace P., 8.11, 9.2 |
Chandler, Horace S., 8.10 |
Chaney, S. L., 12.1 |
Channing, Blanche M., 9.9, 9.11, 9.14, 9.16 |
Channing, Grace, 6.6 |
Channing, Jeannie, 6.7, 11.6, 14.3 |
Channing, M. J., 6.9, 11.14 |
Channing, Walter, 13.6, 13.7, 13.10, 13.15, 13.19, 14.4 |
Channing, William Ellery, 1.5, 1.7, 6.2-4, 7.22, 8.22, 22.6 |
Channing, William F., 2.15, 2.18, 6.2-5, 6.7, 6.19, 7.4, 7.22, 8.1-3, 8.22, 11.2, 17.6, 17.7, 17.14, 18.3, 22.1 |
Channing, William Henry, 2.8, 2.9, 3.12, 5.5, 5.6, 7.6, 7.8, 7.9, 9.8, 22.6 |
Channing-Saunders, Mary, 8.19, 14.3 |
Channing-Stetson, Grace Ellery, 21.18 |
Chapin, John B., 7.9 |
Chapin, Mary E., 4.11, 4.13 |
Chapman, Henry G., 19.1 |
Chapman, Maria Weston, 1.13, 2.1, 2.15, 3.3, 3.5-6, 3.18, 7.14, 8.21, 9.13, 10.12, 17.5, 22.18 |
Chase, G. B., 15.9 |
Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale, 2.4, 2.6, 2.12, 2.14, 3.12, 3.17, 4.19, 8.15, 8.17, 8.18, 12.3, 12.7, 12.9, 13.4, 13.14, 13.17, 17.3, 18.1, 18.12, 18.16, 19.2 |
Cheney, Mrs. H. V., 6.9 |
Cheney, G. L., 4.11 |
Cheney, Mrs. [S. W.], 2.3, 2.5 |
Cheseboro, Fanny, 5.9 |
Chevaillier, A. A., 8.12 |
Child, Lydia Maria, 1.3 |
Childe, Ellen, 22.6 |
Childe, Jessie Duncan, 16.7, 19.6, 19.12 |
Childe, John Healey, 10.2, 16.7 |
Choate, Dr. George, 1.5, 2.7 |
Choate, Martha H., 1.3 |
Cilley, Alice G. Healey, 18.5 |
Cilley, [Martha] C. B., 11.7 |
Ciocca, Ann Williams, 17.1-3, 17.7, 18.9 |
Civil War, Battle of Fort Wagner, 3.13 |
Claflin, Mary R., 8.9 |
Clapp, David & Son, 7.24 |
Clapp, Eliza T., 2.14, 2.19 |
Clark, Alvan, 4.9 |
Clark, D. H., 4.10 |
Clark, Isaac, 21.13 |
Clark, John E., 4.11-13, 4.18, 4.19 |
Clark, N. E., 1.18 |
Clarke, Anna H., 6.10, 6.14, 9.6, 9.9, 9.13, 10.12, 10.14, 10.18, 11.14, 12.10, 13.8, 14.1 |
Clarke, Annie G., 5.3 |
Clarke, Cora H., 8.6 |
Clarke, Edward H., 2.19, 3.4, 3.8, 4.24, 5.11, 5.13, 5.23, 7.2, 7.4 |
Clarke, E. W., 5.19 |
Clarke, Eva, 14.1, 14.5, 14.6, 16.11, 17.4, 18.10, 19.3, 21.2 |
Clarke, George K., 14.2, 14.4, 17.12, 18.9 |
Clarke, James Freeman, 2.8, 2.15-19, 3.2, 3.10, 3.14, 3.18, 4.3, 4.12, 4.23, 5.5, 5.6, 5.12, 5.23, 6.1, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.14, 8.16, 9.5, 9.12, 10.7, 10.10, 10.14, 10.19, 11.9, 22.2, 22.3, 22.7 |
Clarke, John S., 5.18 |
Clarke, Lilian F., 3.4, 6.6, 8.19, 10.2, 11.2, 11.16, 11.19, 14.4, 14.7, 18.10, 19.2, 19.15, 20.6, 20.7, 20.8, 21.11 |
Clarke, Mrs. Lot, 10.16, 11.10, 11.14, 12.1 |
Clarke, Martha Kuhn, 6.16, 7.9-13, 7.15, 7.17, 7.19, 7.22, 8.1, 8.2, 8.6, 8.7, 8.9, 8.15, 8.16, 8.18, 8.20, 8.23, 9.1, 9.3, 9.7, 9.9, 9.16, 10.1, 10.8, 10.14, 10.15, 11.3 |
Clarke, Mary Olmsted, 8.24, 12.3, 16.13 |
Clarke, Mary S., 18.3 |
Clarke, N. T., 5.8 |
Clarke, Polly Patten, 18.3 |
Clarke, Robert, 5.3 |
Clarke, Samuel C., 4.7, 4.9, 4.12, 4.18, 11.10, 11.16, 11.20, 14.1 |
Clarke, Sarah Anne (Freeman), 2.19, 3.10, 3.14, 3.17, 4.3-5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14, 4.15, 5.9, 7.19, 7.20, 7.22, 7.25, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.12, 8.14, 8.16, 8.19, 8.22, 9.1-5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.10, 9.14, 9.16-18, 10.2, 10.4, 10.5, 10.8-19, 11.1-7, 11.12, 11.13, 11.15, 11.17, 11.19, 11.20, 12.1-6, 12.9-13, 13.2-4, 13.7, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, 13.13, 13.16, 13.17, 13.18, 14.1, 14.2 |
Clarke, W. B., 16.7 |
Clarke, W. T., 2.18, 3.8, 3.12, 4.14, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.12 |
Clarke, W. O., 18.2 |
Clarke, William H., 6.5 |
Clement, E. H., 12.9, 12.11, 12.13 |
Cleveland, A. B., 1.5 |
Cleveland, Charles D., 1.5, 3.9, 3.10, 3.18 |
Cleveland, E. H., 6.14, 6.15, 6.17, 7.5, 7.9, 7.10, 7.12 |
Cleveland, Frances F., 11.6, 12.9, 13.4, 13.5, 13.11, 13.19, 14.1, 14.2, 14.5, 14.7, 14.10, 14.11, 16.6, 16.10, 17.1, 17.14, 18.5, 18.9, 18.10, 18.13, 19.2, 19.4, 19.10, 19.11, 20.4, 20.8, 20.10, 20.13, 20.14, 21.4, 21.6, 21.17 |
Cleveland, Grover, 9.5-7, 9.14, 10.13, 10.15, 11.12, 11.19, 12.1, 12.6, 13.12, 14.1, 16.6, 16.10, 17.14, 18.5, 18.13, 19.11, 20.4, 20.8, 20.10, 20.13, 21.4 |
Cleveland, Lucy, 12.7 |
Close, Flora L., 18.8 |
Closson, W. B., 13.19 |
Cobb, Emma B., 5.6 |
Cobbe, Frances Power, 8.12, 12.12 |
Coe, Kate Foote, 9.16, 9.17, 10.5, 10.7, 10.8, 11.1, 11.3, 12.2, 15.1, 15.3-6, 15.10, 16.6, 16.10, 16.11, 17.11, 17.14, 18.2, 18.4, 18.8, 18.9, 19.5, 19.6, 19.10, 20.6, 20.7, 20.11, 20.14, 21.5, 21.11 |
Coggeshall, Lizzie M., 2.1 |
Colburn, Susie P., 5.13 |
Colby, Clara B., 10.18, 14.11, 21.7, 21.12 |
Cole, Mrs. [O.] B., 18.14 |
Coles, George A., 5.9 |
Collins, Jennie, 6.3 |
Collyer, Robert, 3.10-14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 4.3, 4.5, 4.9, 4.23, 4.24, 5.6, 5.10, 5.12, 6.10, 7.22, 8.2, 11.9, 16.1 |
Comstock, C. A., 6.9, 7.9, 7.11, 8.3, 8.10, 8.19, 9.1, 10.11 |
Comstock, Ella Louise, 12.11 |
Comstock, G., 7.14 |
Comstock, Sarah C., 21.14 |
Conant, Augusta L., 4.16 |
Connor, Charles, 19.15, 20.1 |
Connor, Marion D., 21.10 |
Connor, Rowland, 22.3 |
Conway, Moncure D., 3.2, 4.5, 11.17 |
Cook, Moses, 12.6 |
Cook, Rose Terry, 6.8 |
Cooke, George W., 11.7, 15.4, 16.13, 18.2 |
Cooksey, Joseph R., 8.5 |
[Cooper], Peter, 4.19 |
Copeland, Abbie Marie, 18.14 |
Copeland, R. Morris, 3.11 |
Copland, Caroline, 3.10 |
Corbin, C. F., 4.12, 4.13, 4.14 |
Corcoran, W. W., 9.3, 9.7 |
Cordner, C. H., 5.10, 10.6, 11.12, 11.15, 12.10, 20.14 |
Cordner, J., 4.4, 5.7, 5.8 |
Cortelyou, George B., 17.2 |
Couper, Caroline Scorgia, 2.6 |
Couper, J. Hamilton, 2.6 |
Cowles, Edward, 12.6 |
Cox, M. M., 16.5, 16.7, 16.9, 16.10, 16.11, 17.1, 17.9, 17.12 |
Coyle, Cornelia, 14.2, 14.3, 14.12, 15.4, 15.6, 15.8, 16.13, 18.7, 18.13, 19.5, 19.6, 19.8, 19.9, 19.12, 19.13, 20.6, 20.14, 21.5, 21.7, 21.11, 21.15 |
Coyle, Harriot Lavergne, 16.1 |
Crafts, James Mason, 21.18 |
Cragin, M. J., 4.23 |
Craig, Isa, 2.19 |
Craighead, Alice, 11.19 |
Cram, S. E., 14.8 |
Cranch, C. P., 6.3, 9.7, 9.8, 9.19, 10.19, 11.8 |
Cranch, Caroline, 9.16 |
Cranch, John, 5.12, 8.2, 8.16 |
Cranch, Margaret D. --See Brooks, Margaret D. Cranch |
Cranch, W. G., 5.4, 5.6 |
Crane, Agnes, 9.18, 10.3, 10.9, 10.10, 10.12, 12.1, 12.2, 12.7, 12.9, 12.13, 13.11, 16.5, 16.7, 18.16, 19.1, 21.8, 21.10, 21.12 |
Crapo, Sarah, 8.16, 8.20, 8.21, 8.23, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.11, 9.13, 9.19, 10.1, 10.5, 10.11, 10.12, 12.6 |
Crapo, William W., 12.6, 13.8, 13.11, 14.6, 17.11, 18.12, 18.16, 19.3, 19.5, 19.15 |
Crawford, Annie, 7.12, 7.14, 7.16, 7.17, 7.20, 8.2, 8.12, 8.15, 8.16, 8.20, 8.21, 8.22, 8.23, 8.24, 9.2, 9.3, 9.8, 9.10, 9.13-17, 9.19, 10.1, 10.2, 10.5, 10.15, 10.16, 10.17, 10.19, 11.1, 11.8, 11.11, 11.19, 12.8, 12.9, 12.10, 12.12, 13.2, 13.6, 13.9, 13.10, 13.11, 13.16, 14.9, 14.11, 16.11, 19.15, 19.16, 20.8, 21.13 |
Crawford, John, 9.3 |
Crawford, Mary C., 18.2 |
Cridge, Alfred, 5.9 |
Crocker, Lucretia W., 2.19, 3.1, 3.18, 4.6, 4.7, 7.25, 8.22 |
Crockett, K. M., 3.14 |
Croffut, William A., 10.15 |
Croly, Jenny Cunningham, 8.2, 8.22, 9.1, 9.11, 9.12, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9, 10.17, 10.18, 10.19 |
Crunden, Frederick M., 9.4 |
Cummings, L. E., 14.6 |
Cummings, Louise S., 12.6 |
Cummings, S. P., 5.13 |
Cunningham, Alice H., 7.2, 7.3, 7.6 |
Cunningham, Anne Rowe, 21.12 |
Cunningham, John, 17.5 |
Cunningham, S. J., 8.24, 9.1, 9.3, 9.4, 9.17, 10.6, 10.9, 10.10, 12.8, 15.6 |
Curtis, Anna Shaw, 11.18 |
Curtis, Benjamin, 14.2, 18.5 |
Curtis, Elizabeth B., 12.10 |
Curtis, George William, 2.19, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 5.5, 5.10, 6.6, 6.10, 8.13 |
Curtis, Isabel Gordon, 20.14 |
Curtis & Cameron, 17.14 |
Cushing, Florence M., 7.8 |
Cushing, Frank H., 12.9 |
Cutler, Elleridge, 9.5, 9.6 |
Cutler, Minnie P., 12.10 |
Cutter, C. A., 7.1, 8.6 |
Cutter, George W., 7.1 |
Dabney, Julia P., 6.9 |
Dabney, Olivia, 2.15, 3.16, 4.8, 5.13, 6.10, 6.12, 7.3, 7.7, 9.3 |
Daggett, Kate N., 4.10, 4.12, 4.24, 7.20 |
Dall, Annette (Nettie) Whitney, 7.20, 7.23-25, 9.5, 9.12, 9.18, 10.1, 10.3, 10.11, 10.12, 11.10, 11.16, 12.4, 12.7, 12.9, 13.5, 13.6, 13.11, 13.12, 14.9, 15.2, 15.3, 16.3, 16.4, 16.12, 16.13, 17.1, 17.3, 17.11, 18.6, 18.13, 18.14, 18.16, 19.6, 19.7, 19.10, 19.11, 19.12, 20.7, 20.9, 20.10, 21.3, 21.7, 21.14, 21.16, 21.18 |
Dall, Austin, 10.4, 22.3 |
Dall, Caroline Wells Healey, 1.3-24.2; all volumes |
Dall, Charles Henry Appleton, 1.7-13, 1.17, 1.18, 2.1, 2.2, 2.6, 2.9, 2.11, 2.14, 3.3, 3.9, 3.16, 3.19, 4.1, 4.23, 5.16, 5.19, 5.20, 6.1, 7.6, 7.15, 7.22, 8.1, 8.11, 8.21, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 9.14, 9.18, 9.19, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.11, 10.15, 12.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.14, 18.1, 18.4, 22.1, 22.2 |
Dall, Charles Whitney, 15.1, 15.2, 16.6, 16.9, 16.10, 16.11, 16.13, 17.3-9, 17.11, 18.2, 18.8, 18.10-12, 18.15, 19.2, 19.7, 19.11, 19.15, 20.3, 20.6, 20.7, 21.7-14, 21.16 |
Dail, Hallie H., 7.7, 7.8 |
Dall, Henrietta A., 1.13, 1.17 |
Dall, J. E., 6.3 |
Dall, James A., 8.12, 11.17 |
Dall, Marcus, 15.2, 16.4, 16.11, 16.13, 17.11, 18.5, 18.6, 18.15, 18.16, 19.1, 19.2, 19.6, 19.9, 19.11, 19.15, 20.7, 20.8, 20.14, 21.2, 21.4, 21.6, 21.9-14, 21.16, 21.17 |
Dall, Marion, 15.1, 17.2, 17.4, 19.6, 19.8, 21.14, 21.15 |
Dall, Martha, 15.1 |
Dall, Mary, 7.3 |
Dall, Mary A., 16.5 |
Dall, S. H., 5.14 |
Dall, Sarah (Saidie) --See Munro, Sarah (Saidie) K. Dall |
Dall, Sarah K., 6.16, 6.17, 7.7, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.15 |
Dall, William, 16.13, 17.1, 17.2, 17.4, 17.5 |
Dall, William Austin, 16.12 |
Dall, William H., 1.12, 2.15, 3.9, 3.10, 3.14, 4.1, 4.4, 4.9, 6.1, 7.6-8, 7.12, 7.17, 7.22, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7, 9.4, 9.5, 9.12, 9.17, 9.18, 10.1-4, 10.10-13, 10.17, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.10, 11.11, 11.13, 12.3, 12.10, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.9, 13.16-19, 14.8, 14.12, 15.1, 15.2, 16.4, 16.11, 16.12, 17.1, 17.9, 17.10, 17.11, 18.4-7, 18.10, 18.14, 18.16, 19.2, 19.6, 19.7, 20.1, 20.7, 21.4, 21.10, 21.14, 21.16 |
Daly, Charles A., 19.14, 20.2 |
Dana, James J., 8.21, 9.2, 12.13 |
Dana, Thesta Dorcas, 9.7, 10.7, 11.7, 11.20, 12.8, 13.8, 13.16, 15.4, 16.6, 18.13, 19.5, 19.6 |
Danforth, John, 4.24 |
Daniell, Maria E., 18.1, 19.1 |
Dante Society, 9.4, 10.16 |
Darey, Mrs. Israel, 5.14 |
Darling, Caroline C., 5.8 |
Darling, Mary, 6.13 |
Darlington, H. M., 2.10 |
Darrah, J. M., 4.5 |
Davidson, Elsie, 12.8, 13.6, 13.16, 15.2, 15.9 |
Davidson, J. G., 16.5 |
Davies, M. M., 14.4 |
Davies, Mrs. Walter R., 15.4 |
Davis, Agnes, 10.1 |
Davis, Edith King, 8.3, 8.6, 9.14 |
Davis, Julia, 3.5 |
Davis, M. L., 1.9 |
Davis, Maria Mott, 4.12, 8.20 |
Davis, Paulina Kellogg Wright, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6-14 |
Davis, Raymond C., 12.6 |
Davis, William T., 4.12 |
Davisson, G., 5.12 |
Dawes, Anna L., 11.3 |
Dawes, E. S., 12.9 |
Dawes, Henry L., 11.18, 12.4 |
Dawson, Mary Williams, 18.3 |
Day, A. J., 8.10, 9.3 |
Day, John W., 14.7 |
Dean, John Ward, 7.20, 9.8, 9.11, 11.9, 14.8, 14.11, 16.3, 16.6 |
Dean, Phebe B., 3.16 |
Deane, Charles, 5.22, 6.1, 6.8, 9.11 |
Deane, Mary C., 7.7, 8.2 |
Dearborne, [F. W.], 7.2 |
Degen, Edith, 11.19 |
[Deirnett], H. E., 7.7 |
Delaporte, E., 6.8, 7.11 |
Denman, S., 4.12, 4.25, 5.1 |
Dennie, George, 22.10 |
Denton, Elizabeth M. F., 4.14 |
Derbey, E., 5.6 |
Derby, E. H., 6.13 |
Derby, George, 5.7, 5.8 |
Dexter, Elizabeth, 10.1 |
Dickey, Alice M., 14.6 |
Dickinson, Anna E., 3.10, 3.11, 4.12, 4.15 |
Dickinson, Emily, 11.7, 11.15, 11.16, 11.18, 12.7 |
Dickinson, Mary Lowe, 13.9, 13.11 |
Dickinson, S. B., 7.5 |
Dillaway, C. K., 8.15 |
Dillingham, Florence B., 13.1 |
Dillon, Juliette, 3.6 |
Diman, E. S., 8.10 |
Diman, J. S., 5.7 |
Dix, Dorothea, 2.8, 8.17, 8.20, 9.2, 10.16, 11.7, 11.8, 19.2 |
Dix, James A., 3.3 |
Dixon, C. P., 8.5 |
Doane, Henry, 1.4, 1.5 |
Dodd, C. M., 10.18, 11.3, 12.2, 13.3, 13.9, 13.12, 14.5 |
Dodd, Grace, 11.7, 11.9, 11.10 |
Dodd, J. P., 7.16 |
Dodge, Sarah, 9.11 |
Dole, Adelaide Stanton, 5.7, 5.8, 6.4, 6.20, 7.1, 9.18, 9.19, 10.8, 10.13, 10.19 |
Dole, Charles F., 13.11, 17.1 |
Donaldson, Frances Seymour, 17.10 |
Doolittle, [Steven] Mann, 14.12 |
Dorman, Ameill, 6.3 |
Dorman, Hannah H., 7.8, 7.16 |
Douglass, Frederick, 11.16, 12.7, 13.3, 16.1, 18.13 |
Douglass, Helen, 9.17, 10.9, 11.16, 12.7, 13.3 |
Draper, Sarah E., 3.7 |
Drummond, Sara Wiley, 18.13, 19.4, 19.12, 19.15 |
Dugdale, R. L., 8.4 |
Dummer, Governor (Academy), 17.11 |
Dunbar, Charles F., 4.10, 4.12, 4.18, 5.23, 6.9, 9.4 |
Dunbar, Mary Louise, 20.14, 21.1 |
Dunbar, William H., 9.19 |
Dunlap, Mary Livermore, 19.10 |
Durant, Thomas J., 4.20, 4.21, 5.1, 5.6, 6.17, 6.18, 7.17 |
D'Urban, [ ], 6.1 |
Duren, S. R., 6.20 |
Durkee, Florence E., 11.5, 11.6 |
Durkee, Julia G., 12.3, 12.8, 13.1, 13.12 |
Dustan, John Francis, 13.6, 13.10, 17.8, 17.10-13 |
Dwight, John Sullivan, 2.11 |
Dwight, Theodore F., 7.25, 8.12, 8.13, 10.13 |
Dwight, Thomas, Jr., 5.19 |
Dyer, Mary L., 16.1, 16.3 |
Earle, Anne B., 5.10 |
Earle, Sarah B., 9.5, 11.4 |
Eastwood, Alice, 21.3 |
Eccleston, J. H., 12.6, 12.9, 12.11, 13.1 |
Economical League, 22.2 |
Edes, Anna, 11.10 |
Edes, Henry H., 16.4 |
Edison, Thomas A., 7.13 |
Edmunds, Fanny R., 4.12 |
Edmunds, Susan M., 10.2 |
Edwards, Henry, 6.4 |
Edwards, Howard, 10.1 |
Edwards, M. A., 7.9 |
Ela, David, 10.2 |
Eliot, Dr., 22.7 |
Eliot, A. [A.], 9.15, 10.1, 12.9, 13.2, 13.13 |
Eliot, Charles W., 5.4, 7.1, 21.6 |
Eliot, Christopher R., 13.10, 13.17, 18.13, 19.2, 21.8, 21.9 |
Eliot, Emily M., 6.6, 6.18, 6.20, 7.3, 7.25, 16.6 |
Eliot, Samuel, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.17, 4.18, 4.22, 4.25, 5.22, 6.6, 6.12, 12.9, 14.1, 18.1 |
Eliot, Samuel A., 8.23, 16.4, 17.2, 18.2, 20.6, 20.13 |
Eliot, T. L., 8.4 |
Eliot, W. G., 4.7, 5.18, 5.19, 6.15 |
Elkinson, Mary P., 10.9, 10.11 |
Ellery, Henrietta C., 7.15 |
Ellet, Elizabeth Fries Lummis, 2.18 |
Elliot, E. B., 8.10 |
Elliot, E. R., 19.14 |
Elliot, George H., 11.3 |
Elliot, Maud Howe, 19.9 |
Ellis, Alice, 18.3 |
Ellis, George H., 16.11, 18.7, 21.17 |
Ellis, Mrs. M. G., 10.12 |
Ellis, Rufus, 5.12, 5.17, 5.18, 6.8 |
Elmira Reformatory, 12.8, 12.11, 12.12 |
Elmes, Lucy R., 4.10, 4.13, 4.17, 4.20 |
Elmy, E. C. W., 6.14 |
Emerson, Ellen T., 7.5, 7.18, 8.20, 11.3, 11.19, 13.8, 13.10, 14.7, 18.6, 19.2, 19.5, 20.6, 21.7 |
Emerson, George Barrell, 1.4, 1.9, 1.15, 1.17 |
Emerson, Kate Paulding, 21.1 |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 2.15, 4.16, 6.12, 7.3, 7.6, 7.23, 8.18, 8.20, 9.1, 11.19 |
Endicott, Ellen, 9.12, 10.13, 10.19, 11.3, 11.7, 11.20, 12.1, 16.4 |
English, Miss (School for Young Ladies), 1.5 |
Erving, William, 11.16, 11.17, 11.19 |
Estes & Lauriat, 8.23 |
Eustis, Cora S., 18.15 |
Evans, John, 17.13 |
Evans, W. W., 7.23, 7.24 |
Everett, C. C., 11.5, 11.6, 11.18, 14.2 |
Everett, Edward, 22.10 |
Everett, William, 8.16 |
Ewell, E. S., 18.10, 18.13 |
Fairbanks, [Rhoda] A., 5.5 |
Fairchild, Charles S., 11.4, 11.17 |
Fairchild, Helen L., 10.7, 10.12, 10.13, 10.15-19, 11.1. 11.2, 11.4, 11.5, 11.8, 11.9, 11.11-14, 11.17-20, 12.1, 12.6, 13.11, 14.1, 14.7, 14.10, 15.10, 16.10, 17.14, 18.8, 18.10, 18.11, 18.14, 18.13, 21.11 |
Fairfax, Mary A., 7.16 |
[Fales], M. E., 7.10 |
Farley, A. S. W., 3.14 |
Farley, Harriet, 2.1 |
Farmer, N., 17.10, 18.6, 18.9, 18.15, 18.16, 19.2, 19.6 |
Farquhar, C. H., 14.11 |
Farquhar, Edward, 8.11, 8.24, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10.4, 10.11, 10.19, 11.17, 11.20, 12.2, 12.4, 12.10, 12.11, 13.3, 13.5, 13.8, 13.11, 13.17-19, 14.1, 14.7, 14.8, 14.12, 15.1-4, 15.8, 15.9, 16.1, 16.4, 16.12, 16.13, 17.9, 18.4, 18.6, 18.7, 18.9, 18.16, 19.1 |
Farquhar, Ellen, 14.10, 19.13, 19.15, 20.7 |
Farquhar, Lottie H., 13.19 |
Farquhar, Mary W., 17.9 |
Farwell, Susan W., 14.9 |
Fassig, Oliver, 13.7 |
Fay, E. A., 11.15 |
Fay, Mary B., 14.3, 21.15 |
Fearing, E. P., 5.7 |
Felt, Elizabeth L., 5.16, 6.13, 6.14, 6.18, 6.20, 7.5 |
Felt, H. George, 5.16-19, 7.14 |
Felt, W. L., 6.2 |
Fenn, W. W., 10.12, 18.8, 19.1 |
Ferrette, Julius, 6.4, 6.5 |
Fetridge, W., 6.9 |
Fette, Gretchen, 16.8 |
Ffoulke, Sadie C., 18.14 |
Field, Eliza W., 6.3, 9.7 |
Field, John W., 6.3, 9.2, 9.3, 9.8, 9.15 |
Fields, Annie, 3.17, 4.5, 15.9 |
Fields, James T., 3.8, 3.10, 3.16, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 5.12 |
Fifield, Emily A., 11.3 |
Finch, Florence, 8.10 |
Finch, M., 2.11 |
Finney, Charles G., 11.14 |
Firth, A., 7.19, 8.7, 9.5, 9.9 |
Firth, Abram, 2.18 |
Firth, J. F. R., 3.13, 3.14, 7.9, 9.2 |
[Firth], Jennie, 5.11, 5.14, 5.20, 6.19, 7.11, 7.18, 7.25 |
Fish, Clara P., 21.13 |
Fish, W. H., 9.5 |
Fisher, D. W., 11.2 |
Fisher, George, 12.4 |
Fiske, John, 6.13, 6.19, 9.7, 12.13, 14.11 |
Fletcher, Alice C., 8.17, 8.18, 8.22, 9.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.8, 9.9, 9.11-13, 9.18, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, 10.16, 10.19, 11.8, 11.9, 11.14, 11.19, 12.8, 12.12, 13.1, 13.4, 13.13, 16.8, 19.3 |
Fletcher, N. G. Dimock, 7.8, 7.10, 7.13 |
Fletcher, W. I., 14.10 |
Flint, J. S., 2.1 |
Fogg, Anna B., 8.19 |
[Folger], R., 2.15, 2.16 |
Foote, Frances E., 13.4 |
Foote, Henry W., 5.10, 5.17, 6.16, 6.17, 9.9, 14.4 |
Foote, Kate --See Coe, Kate Foote |
Forbes, Susan E. P., 11.4, 15.3, 16.3, 18.3 |
Ford, Howard & Hulbert, 7.25 |
Forman, Emily Shaw, 5.8, 5.9 |
Fort Wagner, Battle of, 3.13 |
Foster, A. Edward, 13.14 |
Foster, Eliza A., 7.5, 7.7 |
Foster, Elizabeth, 16.13 |
Foster, George H., 11.12 |
Foster, J. W., 3.17 |
Foster, Joseph, 10.15 |
Foster, Sarah H., 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 7.2, 7.22 |
Foundes, C. P., 6.17, 6.19, 6.20, 7.2 |
Fox, George W., 10.6, 10.11, 11.1, 14.12, 20.5, 21.3, 21.10 |
Francis, Abby B., 3.12, 8.6, 8.17 |
Francis, D. C., 5.7 |
Francis, Eben, 9.5 |
Free Religious Union, 5.6, 5.8 |
French, Blanche C., 15.2, 16.8, 17.4, 17.11, 18.2 |
Fretwell, John, Jr., 6.16, 7.3 |
Frietchie, Barbara, 7.10, 7.14, 11.14, 11.17, 11.19, 11.20, 12.1, 12.2, 16.1, 21.17 |
Frissell, H. B., 12.13 |
Frothingham, A. L., Jr., 9.10 |
Frothingham, Ellen, 4.20 |
Frothingham, Frederick, 4.20, 7.10, 7.11, 7.13, 8.13 |
Frothingham, Julia W., 9.14, 10.1, 10.3, 10.18 |
Frothingham, Lois R., 7.6 |
Frothingham, Louisa, 9.7, 10.1 |
Frothingham, O. B., 3.4, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 4.12, 4.20, 5.8, 11.7 |
Frothingham, Paul Revere, 16.1, 18.7, 18.8 |
Fry, Henry L., 8.18 |
Fuertes, E. A., 7.24, 8.1 |
Fuertes, Mary P., 7.24, 18.1 |
Fuller, Arthur B., 2.11, 2.17, 3.1, 3.4 |
Fuller, Edith Davenport, 21.14, 21.17 |
Fuller, Elizabeth, 14.2 |
Fuller, Ella Mills, 16.7 |
Fuller, F. T., 9.9 |
Fuller, Margaret, 1.3, 2.11, 9.4, 9.7, 9.10, 12.10, 13.1, 13.2, 13.4, 13.8, 13.10, 13.11, 13.13, 13.14, 14.1, 21.13 |
Fuller, Melville, 21.15 |
Fuller, R. F., 3.3 |
Fuller, Sarah S., 13.15, 14.3, 14.4 |
Fuller, Willard Perrin, 21.2 |
Furness, Horace Howard, 6.5, 6.8, 6.10, 6.12, 6.15, 13.10, 17.8, 18.8, 18.15, 21.18 |
[Furness], J. H., 4.2, 5.21 |
[Furnivall], F., 4.2 |
Gaffield, Maria W., 20.7 |
Gaffield, Thomas, 1.3, 1.8, 5.12, 8.7, 13.14, 14.10, 16.8, 16.11 |
Gage, M. E. Joslyn, 4.23 |
Gale, Ida M., 18.16 |
Gallaudet, E. M., 8.12, 18.9 |
Gallaudet, S. D., 12.6 |
Gamble, Clarke, 7.9, 7.10 |
Gamble, J. L., 16.7 |
Gangoolly, J. [C.], 2.18 |
Gannett, Ezra Stiles, 1.9, 2.19, 3.10, 3.12 |
Gannett, Henry, 10.8 |
Gannett, W. C., 6.2, 6.7, 6.8, 6.12, 7.24, 16.13, 18.3, 18.4, 18.7, 18.9, 19.5, 21.12 |
Gantt, Clare --See Addison, Clare Gantt |
Gantt, Mary C., 6.16, 7.7, 7.23, 8.12, 8.15, 9.4, 10.1 |
Gantt, Thomas T., 8.17 |
Gardiner, Harry Norman, 10.13, 10.16-19, 11.1, 11.7, 11.9, 11.10, 11.14, 11.15, 11.18, 11.20, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.5, 16.5, 17.14, 18.11 |
Gardner, Anna, 3.4, 10.12 |
Gardner, E. N., 4.23, 4.24, 4.25, 5.3, 5.5 |
Garfield, James A., 8.9, 8.10, 9.10 |
Garfield, Mary, 11.3 |
Garoutte, [E.], 19.16 |
Garret, Eliza H., 3.12, 3.16, 4.4 |
Garret, Mary B., 4.4, 4.13 |
Garrison, Francis J., 6.14, 6.16, 7.24, 9.1, 9.2, 9.7, 11.8, 12.9, 14.3, 15.6-8, 16.2, 17.5, 17.7, 17.12, 17.13, 18.9, 18.13, 19.1, 19.10, 19.13, 19.15, 20.13, 21.7, 21.10, 21.11, 21.15 |
Garrison, George T., 7.11 |
Garrison, Wendell P., 4.4, 4.6, 7.6, 7.21, 9.9, 9.12, 9.14, 9.15, 10.2, 10.9, 10.11, 10.17, 10.18, 10.19, 11.8, 11.18, 13.11, 15.8, 15.9, 16.13, 17.1, 17.5, 17.12, 19.9, 19.12 |
Garrison, William Lloyd, 2.1, 4.1, 4.20, 4.25, 6.14, 7.1, 7.3, 7.14, 7.21, 7.22, 7.24, 8.2, 8.22, 13.3, 18.12, 18.16, 22.1 |
Garvin, Mary, 19.9 |
Gaskell, Meta, 4.5 |
Gaston, Emma, 7.3 |
Gates, Adelia, 19.15, 20.1, 20.2 |
Gates, Merrill E., 13.1 |
Gay, Caroline Humphrey, 21.3, 21.6 |
Gay, Elizabeth, 2.17, 2.19, 3.1-4, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.13, 3.14, 6.3, 21.6 |
Gay, Fanny M., 4.11 |
Gay, Frederick L., 6.18, 7.12 |
Gay, Phineas E., 3.8 |
Gay, Sydney Howard, 2.9, 2.12, 3.17 |
Gayet, S. H., 4.24 |
Geist, Huldah, 7.1 |
Getchell, Ellen P., 17.3 |
Gifford, L. J. K., 5.1 |
Gilchrist, H. H., 10.2 |
Gilder, Richard Watson, 6.6 |
Giles, Henry, 3.2, 3.8 |
Gill, Theodore, 5.5 |
Gillan, Jean, 19.1 |
Gillett, Emma M., 19.13 |
Gillis, J. L., 19.16 |
Gilliss, J. W., 3.6 |
Gillmore, Margaret, 14.2 |
Gilman, D. G., 7.20, 10.6 |
Gilman, Samuel, 2.15 |
Gilmore, James R., 10.18 |
Gilmore, Laura E., 9.19 |
Gladden, Washington, 7.11, 7.14, 7.15 |
Gladstone, J. P., 6.16 |
Gladstone, William E., 12.9 |
Gleason, Adele, 19.16 |
Gleason, Rachel B., 7.21, 8.1, 8.3, 18.14, 22.5 |
Gleason, S. O., 8.3 |
Goddard, D. A., 4.23, 4.24, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.22, 7.8, 7.12, 22.6 |
Goddard, Daniel F., 6.4 |
Goddard, Elizabeth, 4.19 |
Goddard, Henry P., 2.17 |
Goddard, Lucy, 3.10 |
Goddard, Martha L. B., 4.13, 4.14, 4.20, 5.6, 5.8, 5.12, 6.8, 6.13, 8.13, 22.6 |
Goddard, Matilda, 4.13, 10.18, 13.17, 14.1-3, 14.5, 14.8-11, 15.3-5, 15.8, 16.1, 16.6 |
Good Housekeeping, 20.14 |
Goode, G. Brown, 9.3, 11.2, 11.7, 12.13 |
Goode, Sarah F., 12.1 |
Goodell, Helen E. S., 14.8, 14.12, 15.4, 19.6, 20.7 |
Goodnow, Nathan B., 8.20 |
Goodrich, F. E., 12.13, 13.1 |
Goodspeed, A. M., 5.7, 5.8 |
Goodspeed, E. M., 5.7 |
Goodwin, Ella L., 7.15 |
Goodwin, Elliot H., 18.8, 19.2 |
Goodwin, W. W., 17.13, 19.4, 19.6, 20.14 |
Gordon, George A., 17.10, 17.14, 18.5, 20.1 |
Gordon, Kate M., 21.10 |
Gore, J. H., 11.20 |
Gore, Sarah Abbie, 13.8, 14.1, 15.10 |
Gorham, John G., 4.17 |
Gorham Manufacturing Company, 10.12 |
Gould, Alice B., 16.10, 16.11 |
Gould, B[enjamin] A[pthorp], 4.13, 13.4 |
Gould, Ira, 2.2 |
Gould, T. R., 1.3 |
Goumans, E. L., 3.18 |
Graff, Alvin, 5.22 |
Graham, Addie R., 10.18 |
Graham, William, 11.14, 11.15, 11.16 |
Granger, A. P., 14.5 |
Grant, George W., 18.1 |
Grant, S. A., 8.15 |
[Grassner], Harriet H., 4.7 |
Graves, Mary H., 5.18 |
Gray, Alice A., 12.2 |
Gray, David, 6.15, 7.25 |
Gray, Isa E., 5.11, 5.13 |
Gray, Jane L., 8.16, 18.3 |
Greeley, Ann F., 4.10, 4.13, 4.22 |
Greeley, Gabrielle, 8.7, 8.8, 9.15 |
Greeley, William H., 6.13 |
Green, Malcolm, 19.1 |
Green, Samuel A., 13.16, 13.19, 15.1, 15.10, 21.15, 21.18 |
Green, Samuel S., 17.1, 17.8, 17.12, 18.1 |
Greene, B., 5.18 |
Greene, E. B., 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 8.14 |
Greene, W. B., 2.10 |
Greenlaw, William Prescott, 18.2 |
Greenleaf, Edward H., 7.6, 10.7, 10.17, 11.1, 11.4, 11.11, 11.13, 11.14, 11.15, 11.17, 12.1, 12.4, 12.8, 12.10 |
Greenman, Walter F., 21.1 |
Greenwood, Grace --See Lippincott, Sarah Jane |
Gregory, Louisa A., 8.17 |
Grew, Mary, 4.13 |
Griffin, Elizabeth B., 15.6 |
Griffin, M., 15.4 |
Griffin, N. H., 4.14 |
Griffing, J[osephine] S[ophie] [White], 4.17, 5.1 |
Griffith, M. L., 8.12 |
Griffith, Hattie, 2.15, 2.16 |
Grinnell, Edith, 12.9, 19.11 |
Griswold, H. S., 13.11, 14.6 |
Grows, Mary H., 6.1 |
Guild, Curtis, Jr., 19.15 |
Guild, Mary S. P., 9.4 |
Gustin, Alfred J., 8.18 |
Gutekunst, F., 21.7 |
Guthrie, Anne B., 20.2 |
Guthrie, M. E., 21.13 |
Guyot, A., 6.16 |
Guyot, S. D., 4.24, 7.1, 7.2 |
Gwynne, S. H., 20.3 |
Hague, Mary B., 14.4 |
Hague, T. O., 11.3, 11.4 |
Haldar, R. D., 3.3 |
Hale, Edward Everett, 2.11, 2.13, 3.3, 4.11, 4.14, 5.5, 8.4, 8.24, 9.9, 13.12, 13.17, 14.5, 15.1, 15.6, 17.12, 19.4, 19.12, 20.5, 20.6, 20.10, 21.1, 21.2, 21.6, 21.9 |
Hale, Ellen Day, 9.4, 19.12 |
Hale, Emily, 18.15, 20.11, 21.13 |
Hale, Henry H. Selby, 5.19 |
Hale, Horatio, 8.23 |
Hale, Lucretia P., 4.8, 4.23 |
Hale, M. E., 3.11, 9.2 |
Hale, Mary C., 11.14, 15.7 |
Hale, Sarah E., 1.3 |
Hall, Angelo, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 |
Hall, E. B., 2.7 |
Hall, Edward H., 8.1, 11.18, 12.11, 14.6, 15.3, 17.13, 18.8, 19.4 |
Hall, Florence Howe, 18.7 |
Hall, Francis, 7.22 |
Hall, Harriet W., 4.13 |
Hall, Julina, 12.13 |
Hall, Louisa, 2.9, 2.12, 3.14, 7.10, 8.2, 8.9, 8.20, 9.6, 12.4 |
Hall, M. B., 3.14, 3.18, 4.2 |
Hall, Mary L., 4.7, 6.16, 7.3, 8.6, 11.9, 13.4, 17.1, 21.1, 21.18, 22.3 |
Hall, Nathaniel, 2.14, 2.18, 2.19, 5.10 |
Hall, Ruth, 17.9, 18.3 |
Hall, Sarah E., 7.6, 7.21, 8.19, 12.13, 14.1, 16.10 |
Halliwell-Phillipps, [J.] O., 10.9 |
Hallock, J. N., 5.10 |
Ham, L. S., 4.8, 4.9, 4.15 |
Ham, L. W., 4.13 |
Hamilton, Kate W., 7.10, 7.23, 13.15 |
Hamilton, L. M., 17.13 |
Hamlin, Augustus C., 11.19, 16.3 |
Hamlin, Frances B., 17.7 |
Hamlin, Francis S., 17.12, 19.11 |
Hanaford, Phebe A., 12.9 |
Hardinge, Emma, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8 |
Hardy, E. D., 11.17, 12.3 |
Hardy, Mary H., 3.18 |
Hardy, Pratt & Co., 18.2 |
Harlow, H. M., 7.15 |
Harris, Adeline Eaton, 16.7, 17.13 |
Harris, Catharine, 11.8 |
Harris, Charlotte M., 11.7 |
Harris, Clarendon, 8.20 |
Harris, Edith Davidson, 19.16, 20.3 |
Harris, Harriet B., 2.2 |
Harris, Jerusha (Rue) H. Peacock, 4.5, 4.10, 4.13, 4.17, 4.22, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.12, 5.13, 5.23 |
Harris, Sarah T., 14.5 |
Harris, W. T., 11.9, 11.17, 13.10, 14.2, 14.3, 15.5, 16.11, 17.5, 19.14 |
Harrison, Benjamin, 10.18 |
Harrison, D. C., 10.1 |
Harrison, J. B., 4.20 |
Harrison, S. P. Buchanon, 15.9 |
Hart, John M., 7.18 |
Hart, John S., 5.13, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 |
Hartwell, Rosa E., 4.1 |
Harvey, William S., 9.16 |
[Harwedy, I.], 5.3, 5.9 |
[Hasdaske], Martha, 4.13 |
Hassam, Frederick W., 18.4 |
Hastings, Alice, 6.18 |
Hastings, Eliza, 1.3 |
Hastings, Emily, 14.5 |
Hatch, J. L., 4.20 |
Hathaway, E. F., 21.14 |
Haughton, Susan D., 1.8 |
Haven, Caroline S., 3.14 |
Haven, Frances W., 8.21, 15.6, 16.3, 17.3, 18.10, 19.1, 19.6, 19.9, 19.10, 19.15, 20.1, 20.3, 20.13, 20.14 |
Haven, Franklin, 4.1, 4.2, 6.13, 21.1, 22.7 |
Haven, Samuel Foster, 1.3, 1.4, 1.9, 1.14, 1.17, 2.2, 2.7, 2.19, 3.3, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12, 4.3, 4.21, 4.22, 5.14, 5.19, 6.10, 7.17 |
Hawes, Ellen M., 9.6 |
Hawley, Edith A., 10.8 |
Hawthorne, Julian, 9.7, 9.10 |
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 3.17, 9.7, 9.10 |
Hawthorne, Rose, 3.17 |
Hayden, Kate Reynolds, 15.4 |
Hayes, Maria S. S., 11.13 |
Hayes, Rutherford B., 7.13, 8.10 |
Hayward, Gerald S., 10.7 |
Hayward, Laurence, 21.9 |
Head, Charles D., 5.6 |
Healey, Alice, 17.11, 18.3, 18.5 |
Healey, Annie F., 19.10 |
Healey, Caroline Foster, 2.3, 2.4, 2.12, 2.13, 3.2, 4.8, 4.10, 4.23, 22.2 |
Healey, Charles N., 6.19, 9.6, 16.3 |
Healey, Ellen, 1.17 |
Healey, Emily, 2.4, 6.15, 6.16, 11.10, 14.7, 15.4, 22.7 |
Healey, Fannie, 5.20, 7.11, 8.4, 9.6, 9.10, 17.5, 22.6 |
Healey, Frances, 18.14, 21.4, 21.5, 21.6, 21.12 |
Healey, Francis W., 6.19 |
Healey, George Clifford, 19.10 |
Healey, George W., 2.4, 2.11, 4.9, 4.11, 22.7 |
Healey, Hattie D., 16.1, 16.3, 21.4 |
Healey, J. W., 6.3, 6.5 |
Healey, Marianne, 1.17, 2.3, 2.4, 11.6, 11.7, 22.6, 22.7 |
Healey, Mark, 1.4, 1.8, 2.3, 4.8, 6.19, 22.1, 22.5, 22.6, 22.7 |
Healey, Sarah E., 17.5, 18.14, 19.7, 19.9, 19.11, 20.2, 20.3, 20.10, 21.4 |
Healey, Sarah P., 3.14, 3.15, 8.5, 9.6, 9.11, 10.11, 11.8, 14.8, 16.13, 17.12 |
Hebner, M., 10.5 |
Hecox, Laura J. F., 8.4 |
Hedge, Caroline F., 4.1, 5.5 |
Hedge, Charlotte A., 5.15, 7.1, 7.10, 7.11, 7.15, 7.24, 8.7, 8.17, 8.20, 9.2, 9.10, 9.18, 10.2, 10.9, 10.15, 11.1, 11.4, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12, 11.18, 12.1, 12.10, 14.6, 17.9, 17.10, 17.12, 18.16, 19.4, 19.13, 20.3, 20.6, 20.14, 21.11, 21.12, 21.17 |
Hedge, Frederick H., 2.12, 3.8, 3.18, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5, 4.9, 4.13, 7.6, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 8.10, 8.11, 8.14, 8.17, 8.20, 9.7, 9.12, 10.6, 11.5, 11.6, 11.20 |
Hedge, Frederick H., Jr., 7.16 |
Hedge, Louisa, 21.14, 21.16 |
Hedge, Lucy P., 4.1, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 6.3, 7.3, 7.17 |
Hedge, Mrs. William, 2.4 |
Hellen, N. T., 20.3 |
Henman, S., 5.17 |
Henry, Caroline, 5.22, 6.16, 6.18-20, 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.6 |
Henry, Helen L., 7.8, 7.9 |
Henry, Mary A., 8.16, 9.19 |
Henry, May, 6.17 |
Hereford, Brooke, 8.24 |
Hericourt, Jenny P., 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 |
Herndon, William H., 3.2, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 4.3, 4.6, 4.9-12, 4.20, 5.14, 5.15, 5.17, 5.19, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7, 7.12, 8.9, 11.4, 19.11, 21.8, 22.7 |
Herrick, Mary Langley, 19.14 |
Herrick, S. B., 6.8, 6.12 |
Herringshaw, Thomas W., 16.7 |
Herrman, Esther, 17.14 |
[Hersly, Ella], 9.5, 10.16 |
Hewes, J. T., 4.17 |
Hewitt, D. R., 5.4, 5.5 |
Hewitt, S. C., 2.11, 2.12 |
Heywood, John H., 9.14, 10.14, 10.15, 10.17 |
Hickey, E. H., 9.9 |
Hicks, Atherton, 7.7 |
Hicks, Harriet B., 3.6, 3.9, 5.10, 5.11, 5.13, 7.1, 7.12, 7.14, 8.17, 9.4 |
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 2.2, 2.5, 2.9, 2.11, 2.12, 2.15-18, 3.3, 3.5, 3.9, 4.6, 4.7, 4.11, 4.20, 5.3, 5.16, 7.19, 7.24, 9.4, 9.7, 9.10, 10.7, 11.15, 11.19, 15.8, 16.3, 17.14, 18.11, 19.11, 21.3, 21.17 |
Hill, Alonzo, 1.5 |
Hill, Charlotte L., 2.14, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6 |
Hill, Frederick Stanhope, 11.7, 11.9, 11.12, 11.13, 12.4, 13.4, 13.6, 15.1, 15.6 |
Hill, Jessie Porter, 11.11 |
Hill, Juliet L., 16.1 |
Hill, Th., 2.19, 4.5, 4.6 |
Hillard, G. S., 5.20 |
Hinckley, Frederic A., 5.13, 5.14 |
Hincks, Bithia A., 2.15 |
Hincks, Fannie, 4.8, 5.10 |
Hincks, William, Jr., 2.10, 2.15 |
Hitchcock, Edward, 4.25, 5.4 |
Hoadley, John C., 6.3, 6.8 |
Hoadly, Charles, 6.6 |
Hoar, Edward S., 8.10, 8.18 |
Hoar, Elizabeth H., 7.5, 7.6, 7.9, 7.22, 8.7, 8.10, 10.7, 10.8, 10.15, 14.2, 14.9, 15.10 |
Hoar, Florence, 7.9, 8.6 |
Hoar, George F., 8.21, 10.2, 13.15, 14.11, 15.6, 15.9, 16.2, 16.8, 16.9, 17.4, 17.5, 17.12, 18.6, 18.9, 18.11, 18.15, 18.19, 19.1, 19.16 |
Hoar, Rockwood, 18.16, 19.1, 20.3 |
Hoar, Ruth A., 8.10, 11.10, 11.20, 12.13, 13.1, 13.10, 13.12, 13.18, 14.1, 15.3, 15.4, 16.2-6, 16.8, 16.9, 16.11, 16.13, 17.7, 17.8, 17.9, 17.11, 18.5-10 |
Hobart, Enoch, 1.3 |
Hodges, Samuel W., 5.13 |
Hodgson, Richard, 10.3, 10.7, 10.15 |
Hoefling, Matilda K., 18.5 |
Hoff, M. C., 20.3 |
Holbrooke, M. L., 4.18, 4.20 |
Holbrooke, George O., 21.16 |
Holland, Emma E. P., 11.5, 13.4, 15.2, 18.15, 19.2, 19.4, 19.5, 19.10, 20.4, 20.6, 20.13, 21.2, 21.6, 21.7, 21.10, 21.11, 21.12 |
Holland, Harriet N., 7.19, 8.14-17, 11.6, 11.7 |
Holley, Sallie, 2.12, 2.15, 2.17-19, 3.3, 3.7-9, 3.11, 3.13, 3.15-17, 4.7, 6.7, 6.12, 6.14, 6.18, 15.7 |
Hollingsworth, Pollie R., 5.15, 5.16, 8.13, 18.3 |
Hollingsworth, Rose, 5.21 |
Holmes, Amelia L., 4.3 |
Holmes, Fanny, 18.2, 18.3, 18.5, 18.6, 18.9, 18.11, 19.13, 19.16, 20.8 |
Holmes, Julia Archibald, 4.17, 22.3 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 4.18 |
Holther, H. C., 16.4 |
[Holunt], Addie J., 8.14 |
Holyoke, Helen M., 5.8 |
Homans, E. S., 5.12, 5.13 |
Hopley, Catherine, 9.3 |
Horne, Perley L., 17.11 |
Horsey, Anna, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.12, 9.19 |
Horsey, Eliza Lee, 10.16 |
Horsford, E. N., 7.20 |
Hosmer, George Herbert, 9.4 |
Hosmer, George Washington, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 3.16, 4.10, 4.13, 4.14 |
Hosmer, James K., 4.10, 4.15, 4.23, 10.13, 12.12, 13.15 |
Hosmer, Julia W., 18.13, 19.10, 19.14 |
Hosmer, W. E., 3.3, 3.4 |
Houghton, Henry Oscar, 6.7 |
Houghton, James, 2.7, 2.19 |
Houghton, Susan D., 1.8 |
Houghton Mifflin & Co., 12.6, 18.8 |
Hovey, C. F. & Co., 20.2 |
Howard, Caroline Hosmer, 12.12, 19.10, 20.2, 20.6, 20.13 |
Howard, L. O., 14.2, 15.6 |
Howard, Mary, 8.10, 8.22, 9.8, 10.4, 10.5, 10.8, 11.3, 11.4, 11.11, 12.5, 13.3, 15.9, 16.2, 16.8, 16.9, 16.10, 17.1, 17.14, 18.1, 18.3, 18.8, 18.9, 18.10, 18.12, 18.13, 18.14, 18.16, 19.1, 19.3, 19.5, 19.6, 19.9, 19.11, 19.14, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7, 20.9-13, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 21.5, 21.6, 21.8, 21.10, 21.12, 21.13, 21.14, 21.16 |
Howard, Sophie E., 11.14-17, 11.19, 11.20, 12.1 |
Howe, Eliza, 13.1 |
Howe, Estes, 4.6 |
Howe, Julia Ward, 3.19, 4.6, 5.12, 5.18, 9.11, 17.4, 20.7, 22.3, 22.15 |
Howe, Lois L., 14.9 |
Howe, W. Tracy, 1.5 |
Howells, William Dean, 5.21 |
[Howison], G. H., 6.19 |
Howitt, Margaret A., 7.23 |
Howland, Louise, 18.16 |
Howry, Martha P., 17.7, 17.12 |
Hoyt, Charles S., 7.10 |
Hubbard, Gardiner G., 10.17, 11.1, 13.12 |
Hubbard, Gertrude M., 13.1, 14.12, 15.2, 17.2, 17.12, 18.12, 18.14, 19.1, 20.1, 20.6, 20.9, 21.4, 21.9, 21.10 |
Hughes, Francis, 6.4 |
Hughes, Sarah F., 18.5 |
Huickley, Elizabeth Carter, 5.13 |
Huidobro, Carolina, 18.14, 18.15, 19.1, 19.3, 19.4 |
Humbert, [Aime], 7.12 |
Humphreys, E. R., 5.23 |
Hunt, Harriot K., 2.15 |
Hunt, Helen, 5.19, 5.22, 6.9, 7.19, 8.6 |
Hunt, Sarah E., 7.1, 7.14, 8.12, 9.2, 9.3 |
Hunt, Thomas Sterry, 5.19, 5.20, 6.3, 6.6, 7.8 |
Hunting, J. M., 4.10 |
Huntington, A. S., 9.8, 12.1 |
Huntington, F. D., 1.13, 1.16, 2.1, 2.5, 2.7, 2.13, 5.2, 5.18, 5.19, 5.23, 6.11, 7.9, 8.7, 8.8, 8.17, 10.2, 11.13, 11.19, 13.5, 13.17, 13.18, 14.1, 14.7, 16.10, 17.13, 18.7, 18.8 |
Huntington, Hannah D. S., 18.8, 19.1 |
Hurtt, S. S., 8.17 |
Hussey, Alfred Rodman, 18.13, 18.14 |
Hutcheson, David, 9.14, 10.14, 10.16, 11.1, 11.4, 20.5, 20.6 |
Hutchins, F. A., 14.12 |
Hutchinson, Annette, 5.7 |
Hyatt, Alpheus, 10.5, 10.6, 12.1, 15.10 |
Hyatt, Della, 10.5, 10.7, 13.16, 14.5, 14.6, 15.1, 15.5, 15.7, 18.8 |
Hyatt, Harriet Randolph, 10.3, 13.15, 15.5, 16.5 |
Hyde, A., 7.19, 8.18, 8.19 |
Irwin, [Addle] D., 14.3 |
Jacks, L. P., 20.13 |
Jackson, Helen H., 5.19, 5.22, 6.9, 7.19, 8.6 |
Jackson, Jeanie M., 12.1 |
Jackson, Mary Anne, 22.6 |
Jackson, Patrick Tracy, Jr., 6.11, 7.2 |
Jacobi, Mary Putnam, 6.9, 12.11 |
James, Henry, 2.19, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.12 |
James, Henry, Jr., 6.8, 6.9, 8.12, 8.18 |
James, M. R., 4.5 |
James, William, 11.5, 20.8, 20.10 |
Janney, Nathaniel E., 10.10 |
Jaquith, Abby, 19.13 |
Jarvis, Josephine, 4.18 |
Jenkins, Elizabeth H., 15.3, 15.5, 15.6, 15.7, 16.2, 16.3, 17.2, 17.7, 17,9, 17.10, 17.13, 20.7 |
Jenkins, Helly, 5.14 |
Jenkins, Howard M., 8.10, 8.19 |
Jenks, W. S., 19.14 |
Jennings, John W., 20.2-4 |
Jerson, Henry, 6.19 |
Jewett, Annie, 18.8, 18.12, 20.2, 21.2, 21.3 |
Johns, Jeanie S., 8.2 |
Johns Hopkins University, 7.20, 7.21 |
Johnson, A. S., 20.2 |
Johnson, Andrew, 4.5 |
Johnson, Elizabeth A., 19.8 |
Johnson, Harriet B., 6.4, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10 |
Johnson, Laura W., 3.15 |
Johnson, Oliver, 3.11, 4.1, 8.2, 9.8 |
Johnson, Samuel, 7.7 |
Johnson, William Samuel, 4.4 |
Johnston, Belle A., 8.18 |
Johnstone, E. B., 11.20 |
Johnstone, Emily, 3.5 |
[Jolliero, Arveliex Cimino], 5.8 |
Jones, Mollie F., 15.4 |
Jordan, Mary A., 10.17, 10.18, 11.1, 11.2, 11.5, 11.7, 11.9, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.1, 12.7, 16.5, 18.11 |
Joshee, Anandibai, 8.22-23, 9.2, 9.7-8, 9.12, 9.16-17, 10.2, 10.6-7, 10.9-12, 11.3, 12.4 |
[Jours], Harriette E., 20.14 |
Judd, Helen M., 17.16, 18.6, 18.8, 18.9, 18.11, 19.3, 19.9, 19.10, 19.14 |
Kaan, Emma, 20.4 |
[Kaighn], Hannah E., 2.13 |
Kain, Julia, 17.14, 18.9, 21.6, 21.13 |
Kansas Emancipation League, 3.9 |
Kapnist, J., 4.4, 4.5 |
Kell, Edmund, 4.23, 5.13, 5.17, 5.20 |
Kelley, O. M., 4.18 |
Kelley, R. M., 8.18 |
Kelley, William D., 3.17, 10.6 |
Kelsey, Carl, 20.2 |
Kemp, Agnes, 4.21, 5.6 |
Kendall, S., 2.8 |
Kennan, Emeline R. Weld, 8.3, 9.2, 9.12, 10.11, 10.17 |
Kennan, George, 8.18, 8.20 |
Kennan, Lena, 8.8 |
Kennard, Anne M., 1.15 |
Kennard, James, Jr., 1.14, 1.15 |
Kennard, W. H., 7.9, 7.10, 7.13, 7.21, 9.3, 9.5 |
Kennedy, W. S., 11.1, 11.3 |
Kennon, B. W., 6.16 |
Kent, Alex, 11.13 |
Kent, Cora L., 8.5 |
Kent, Ellen M., 14.14 |
Kent, H., 7.5, 8.2 |
Kenyon, Ida F., 7.16 |
Keyes, Lucy B., 6.17, 7.2, 7.3, 7.5, 7.7, 7.10, 8.7, 8.8, 8.19 |
Kidder, Anne-Mary M., 8.14 |
Kilborn, S. L., 4.6, 4.13 |
Kim, B. W. M., 3.18 |
[Kimball, M. C.], 5.16 |
King, Isabella G., 13.5, 14.9 |
King, Margaret R., 7.16, 9.1, 10.15, 10.16 |
King, Moses, 8.24 |
King, Rufus, 7.16 |
King, [T. T.], 7.20 |
King, William, 5.12 |
King, William & Son, 19.15 |
Kingsbury, Frederick J., 10.12 |
Kingsbury, Sarah E. M., 15.3 |
Kirby, Georgiana B., 6.16, 8.4, 8.5, 9.19, 10.1 |
Kirk, Ellen Olney, 20.1 |
Kirk, J., 6.15 |
Knapp, Anna Lawrence, 15.2, 15.9 |
Knapp, Arthur M., 7.25 |
Knapp, S., 4.10 |
Kneas, G. L., 20.2, 20.3 |
Knight, M. S., 7.19 |
Knotz, Karl, 7.1 |
Knowlton, H. M., 8.14, 19.12 |
Knowlton, Louise Wolcott, 10.4 |
Kohler, Therese, 4.20 |
Kossuth, Louis, 14.10 |
Kovacs, John, 8.17 |
Kuhn, George H., 1.12 |
Kuhn, Mary R., 9.14 |
Kuhn, William P., 8.10, 8.16, 9.9, 9.12 |
Kurtz, Charles M., 20.11 |
Lacroix, Edith Adams, 18.7 |
Ladd, Alex H., 11.9 |
Lamb, H. E., 17.13 |
Lamb, Rose, 10.3 |
Lander, Jean W., 11.12, 12.1, 14.12, 15.6 |
Lane, William C., 12.6, 21.13 |
Langford, Fannie, 4.6 |
Langley, S. P., 10.1, 10.13, 10.14, 11.16, 12.11, 13.5, 13.19, 14.3, 14.4, 15.4, 15.6, 16.13, 17.6, 17.7, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.8, 19.12, 19.13, 19.15 |
Langton, H. H., 13.10 |
Lanman, Charles, 4.4, 8.10 |
Larkin, E. P., 6.13 |
Larnelle, R., 19.13 |
Lathrop, G. P., 6.6 |
Latimer, W. H., 7.11 |
Latting, John J., 6.17 |
Law, Edward E., 6.10 |
Lawrence, Abbott, 6.16 |
Lawrence, Katharine L., 10.9 |
Lawrence, [Katherine Bigelow], 1.5, 1.6 |
Lawrence, Margaret Woods, 4.25 |
Laws, Virginia R., 11.15 |
Lay, Henry C., Jr., 5.6, 5.8, 7.6 |
Layford, Fannie, 6.19 |
Lazenby, A., 19.6 |
Leales, George A., 5.6 |
Learned, John C., 6.19, 8.2, 8.16 |
Learned, Lucy W., 8.17, 9.14 |
Leavitt, E. Bradford, 14.4, 14.7, 14.12, 21.9 |
Lee, Hannah Sawyer, 1.4 |
Lee, Sophia E., 13.6, 13.16, 20.2, 21.6 |
Lee, William, 5.4 |
Lee & Shepard, 22.7 |
Lees, Florence S., 6.1, 6.2 |
Lefroy, H., 9.5 |
Leighton, Rufus, 15.9 |
Lemicklaen, H. C. S., 10.19 |
Lennebacker, Helen, 8.5 |
[Leonard], E. T., 8.16 |
Leonard, Henry C., 4.7 |
Leonowens, A. H., 5.12 |
Letchworth, William P., 6.15, 7.12, 8.15, 17.9 |
Leverett, Charles E., 6.7 |
Lewin, Sarah, 3.9, 4.4 |
Lewis, E. W., 10.12 |
Liberty Bell, 1.13, 2.4 |
Lieker, [Bettie], 15.4 |
Lincoln, Mrs., 22.4 |
Lincoln, A. B., 4.4 |
Lincoln, Abraham, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.17, 4.2, 4.3, 4.9, 4.10, 4.12, 4.18, 5.14, 5.15, 5.17, 6.5, 7.1, 7.12, 8.9, 10.6, 11.4, 13.15, 13.19, 19.11, 21.8, 22.2, 22.7 |
Lincoln, D. F., 4.17, 4.18, 5.6, 5.17, 6.13, 6.16, 7.15, 7.19, 7.21, 12.5, 16.11, 18.9, 19.1, 21.6, 21.17 |
Lincoln, John C., 5.7 |
Lincoln, William, 5.15, 6.15, 8.19, 9.4 |
Lindahl, Josua, 7.14 |
Lippincott, Sarah Jane, 13.1 |
Litchfield, Grace, 11.14, 11.20, 12.12, 13.1, 13.2, 13.7, 13.12-15, 13.19, 14.7, 14.8, 14.10, 14.12, 15.2, 15.5, 15.8, 15.9, 16.7, 16.8, 16.13, 17.4, 17.8, 18.1, 18.4, 18.5, 18.7, 18.8, 18.11, 18.12, 18.15, 19.1, 19.3-6, 19.9-16, 20.1, 20.5-10, 20.12, 21.1, 21.3-5, 21.9, 21.10, 21.12-15 |
Little, M. H., 21.2 |
Little, Brown & Co., 15.1, 16.7, 18.8, 19.4, 19.6, 19.8, 20.5, 21.1 |
Littlehale, Ednah Dow --See Cheney, Ednah Dow Littlehale |
Livermore, Elizabeth A., 4.22, 6.20, 7.12, 7.14, 7.17 |
Livermore, Mary A., 4.2, 5.6, 9.16, 19.10 |
Locke, Calvin S., 8.11 |
Lockwood, Belva A., 8.1 |
Lodge, Anna Cabot, 6.8, 12.3 |
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 11.4, 19.4, 19.16 |
Lodge, Mrs. John E., 22.17 |
Logan, Mary, 9.14 |
Lombard, Herbert Edwin, 20.5, 20.13, 20.14 |
Long, Agnes, 19.1 |
Long, John D., 9.2, 17.6 |
Longfellow, Alice M., 8.13, 10.8 |
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 2.9, 4.14, 4.22, 6.3, 7.19 |
Longfellow, Samuel, 4.20 |
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 19.12 |
Lord, Eliza H., 11.19, 20.5 |
Lord, Mally E. C., 11.17 |
Loring, Anna, 9.1, 9.19, 10.6, 11.12, 11.13 |
Loring, Charles G., 1.3, 1.7, 3.17, 4.15, 4.20, 6.6, 7.1, 7.3, 7.4 |
Loring, Cornelia, 3.17, 4.1, 4.3, 4.16, 4.17, 5.5, 5.12 |
Loring, George B., 9.2, 10.16 |
Loring, Sally P., 11.12, 11.13 |
Loring, Susy F., 7.7 |
Lossing, Benson J., 6.14 |
Lothrop, S. K., 5.19 |
[Loundes, S.], 20.2 |
Love, Maria M., 17.6, 19.15 |
[Lovell], Margaret L., 4.15, 4.16 |
Lowe, Martha P., 9.1, 9.2 |
Lowe, Mary F., 9.3, 10.4 |
Lowell, Anna C., 1.6, 1.9, 1.16, 1.17, 2.1, 2.11, 5.7, 5.14, 5.20, 5.23, 6.13, 6.16, 7.15, 7.20, 7.23, 8.6, 8.11, 8.14, 8.24, 9.8, 9.11, 9.13, 10.15, 11.3, 11.13 |
Lowell, Anna P., 21.15 |
Lowell, Augustus, 8.18, 14.2 |
Lowell, Charles, 1.3, 1.7, 1.10, 2.14, 3.4, 5.5, 20.6, 20.7 |
Lowell, James Russell, 5.8, 11.13, 19.10 |
Lowell, Josephine S., 8.5, 8.8, 8.16, 8.17, 8.20, 10.11, 12.11, 17.4, 17.7, 17.8, 18.1, 19.9 |
Lowell, R. A., 2.6 |
Lowell, R. R., 2.5 |
Lowell Institute, 13.12 |
Lukens, E. A., 2.15, 2.16, 3.2, 3.5 |
Lunt, Hannah E., 4.17, 4.24, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.9, 5.13, 10.12, 14.1, 17.1, 18.12, 18.13, 19.5, 20.10, 20.11, 20.13, 21.4, 21.8, 21.14, 21.16, 21.17 |
Lunt, Martha P., 21.4, 21.9, 21.14-18 |
Lupton, Harriet, 3.1 |
Lyman, Almira, 4.18 |
Lyman, Arthur, 18.2, 20.7, 20.9 |
Lyman, E. B., 8.20, 9.2, 16.12 |
Lyman, Elisabeth R., 10.12, 12.2-4, 12.6, 12.13, 13.2, 13.8, 13.10, 13.15, 13.16, 13.17, 14.1, 14.2, 14.5, 14.9, 14.10, 14.12, 15.1, 15.4-6, 15.8, 16.3, 16.5, 16.8, 16.12, 17.3, 17.5, 17.8, 17.11, 18.1, 18.3, 18.7, 18.11, 18.16, 19.1, 19.4, 19.5, 19.7, 19.9-14, 20.1, 20.2, 20.5, 20.6, 20.7, 20.9, 20.10, 20.12, 20.13, 21.3, 21.5, 21.8, 21.14, 21.15, 21.16, 21.17 |
Lyman, H. W., 4.11, 4.12, 4.17, 5.2 |
Lyman, Mary P., 1.14, 1.15, 1.17, 2.1 |
McCauley, Annie C., 8.1 |
McCauley, Clay, 8.3, 9.15, 14.12 |
McClure, Myra S., 5.9 |
McCook, Hettie B., 17.8, 21.7 |
Macdaniel, Fanny L., 13.6, 13.11 |
MacDonald, George, 5.11 |
MacDonald, Louisa, 5.14, 5.15 |
McGee, Anita Newcomb, 18.11 |
McGee, I. J., 18.6 |
McIntyre, [J. W.], 19.5, 19.6, 19.10, 21.2 |
McKee, Mary Harrison, 11.19 |
McKinley, William, 14.1, 16.7 |
McLaughlin, M. Louise, 7.18-20, 7.23-25 |
McLellan, Helen L., 13.11 |
McPherson, W. J., 7.17 |
Macy, Anne Mitchell, 10.17, 18.14, 19.1 |
Madden, F. W., 16.7 |
Magern, George F., 5.3 |
Magill, Edward H., 6.15, 7.18, 11.5, 15.3 |
Magill, Helen, 8.8, 9.4 |
Magruder, John H., 20.2, 20.3 |
Maitland, Edward, 5.13, 5.15, 5.16, 5.21, 5.22, 6.5, 6.7, 6.18, 7.4, 8.14, 8.21, 9.8 |
Major, A., 8.18 |
Malleson, Elizabeth, 3.7 |
Manly, Sarah, 16.5 |
Mann, B. Pickman, 14.5 |
Mann, Horace, 1.4, 1.8, 2.18 |
Mann, Laura N., 21.7 |
Mann, Mary, 3.9 |
Manning, A. Adeline, 5.19 |
Manning, E. Adelaide, 7.6 |
Manning, J. M., 3.8 |
Mansfield, Gideon M., 7.6 |
Marble, Annie Russell, 17.9 |
Mareau, Emma Endicott, 13.12, 14.7, 21.4 |
Marquis, A. N., & Co., 15.1 |
Marsh, Luther R., 3.1 |
Marshall, John E., 7.20 |
Marshall, Thomas L., 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 6.3, 6.6, 7.8, 7.12, 10.19 |
Marshall, W., 6.14 |
Martin, Ellen A., 8.7 |
Martin, Florence, 12.13, 13.12, 15.9 |
Martina, J. Walker, 19.4 |
Martineau, James, 2.8 |
Massachusetts Historical Society, 13.16, 13.17, 13.19, 14.8, 15.9, 15.10, 19.4, 21.18, 22.6 |
Massachusetts Medical Society, 7.12, 7.15 |
Matson, Henry, 11.14 |
Matthews, Albert, 13.15 |
Mattson, H., 10.15 |
May, Abby W., 3.19, 4.18, 5.6, 6.10, 6.14 |
May, Adeline, 12.11, 12.13, 13.5, 13.6, 13.10, 13.16, 14.11, 15.3, 15.6, 15.7, 15.9, 17.3, 17.5, 17.8, 17.9, 18.8, 18.16, 19.10, 19.14, 21.9 |
May, Elizabeth G., 8.21, 10.14, 15.8 |
May, John, 18.3 |
May, Joseph, 10.18 |
May, Samuel, Jr., 2.5, 2.9, 2.14, 2.15, 9.12, 10.14, 11.18, 12.9, 13.3, 13.5, 13.18, 14.1, 14.2, 14.11, 15.6 |
May, Samuel J., 3.1-3, 3.5, 3.8, 4.10, 22.2 |
May, Sarah R., 8.20, 8.21, 9.4 |
Mayer, Harriet H., 20.3 |
Maynard, Laurens, 17.2 |
Mayo, A. D., 20.5 |
Maxcy, Estelle A., 19.10, 19.14, 20.4 |
Mead, Edwin D., 11.19, 12.5, 12.12 |
Means, Emily A., 14.8 |
[Means, Lilla B.], 11.19 |
Means, N. E., 12.7 |
Meehan, Thomas, 10.4 |
Mendenhall, Sue A., 12.2, 12.6, 12,10 |
Mendenhall, T. C., 12.9, 12.10 |
Merriam, John B., 16.4 |
Merriam, Lizzie, 4.1, 4.3-5, 4.9, 4.14, 4.15, 4.19, 5.4, 7.16, 7.25, 10.11, 11.5 |
Merriman, Helen Bigelow, 8.22, 12.11, 14.11 |
Messer, Edmund Clarence, 17.3, 21.6, 21.10 |
Messer, Emma B., 15.5, 16.3, 16.12, 17.7, 17.8, 18.2, 20.1, 21.14 |
Messinger, Susan D., 17.14, 19.7, 19.8 |
Metcalf, Joel H., 17.13 |
Might, J. P., 9.15 |
Milburn, John George, 6.15 |
Mill, John Stuart, 3.9, 6.5 |
Miller, A. W. K., 16.7 |
Miller, Anne F., 7.10 |
Miller, C. L., 15.6 |
Miller, E. J., 7.9, 8.7, 8.8, 8.10, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 18.10 |
Milliken, D. L., 7.2, 7.9, 7.10 |
Mills, Carrie Gay, 16.7 |
Mitchell, Mrs. Alex, 14.2, 14.6, 14.7 |
Mitchell, Amelia H., 4.20 |
Mitchell, F. T., 7.15 |
Mitchell, Maria, 4.5, 4.14, 4.18, 5.22, 7.14, 11.2 |
Mitchell, Weir, 18.8 |
Mitter, Pobitromony, 5.20 |
Moffett, P. A., 5.10 |
Montague, William L., 4.14 |
Moodie, Catherine (Katie) --See Vickers, Catherine (Katie) Moodie |
Moodie, Susanna Strickland, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.5-14 |
[Moonesawmy], V. C., 7.9 |
Moore, Alice W. M., 14.6, 14.10 |
Moore, Ella, 9.17, 10.1, 10.4, 11.3, 12.6, 14.7, 15.1, 16.13, 18.6, 18.10, 18.13, 19.15 |
Moore, Philip D., 3.6, 22.1 |
Moors, John F., 4.14 |
Morgan, Caroline S., 13.1 |
Morison, Emily Marshall, 19.12, 19.13 |
Morison, John H., 7.5, 11.7 |
Morison, Robert S., 6.1, 17.13 |
Morley, John R., 13.18 |
Morrill, Justin S., 13.16, 15.1 |
Morrison, Mary C., 15.6 |
Morrison, W. W., 6.10 |
Morse, Lucy G., 12.8 |
Morse, N., 4.5 |
[Morse], S. H., 5.10, 5.18 |
Morton, Edwin, 22.6 |
Morton, Helen, 18.14, 19.15, 19.16, 20.2, 20.6, 21.8 |
Moseley, Julia M., 17.7 |
Moseley, Kate M., 16.6 |
Moseley, W. O., 5.6 |
Moses, Catharine Ramsdell, 15.2 |
Mott, Frederick B., 11.12 |
Mott, Lucretia, 2.12, 4.15, 8.5, 8.20 |
Moulton, Caroline Chase, 8.2 |
Moulton, Charles Wells, 10.14, 11.15, 12.4, 12.8, 12.13 |
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 4.17 |
Mountford, William, 3.6 |
Muirhead, Helen Quincy, 19.5, 19.7, 19.13 |
Muirhead, James F., 18.9 |
Mulligan, Charlotte, 8.7 |
Mumford, Anne M., 4.1 |
Mumford, E. G., 4.16 |
Mumford, Thomas J., 2.13, 3.8, 3.17, 3.19, 5.2, 5.3, 22.3 |
Munro, Charles D., 13.6 |
Munro, Josiah G., 6.19, 7.17, 7.25, 8.12, 8.24, 10.13, 11.13, 12.7, 12.10, 12.13, 14.2, 15.6, 15.10, 16.5, 16.9, 16.12, 17.5, 19.1-3, 19.6-8, 19.10, 20.12, 20.13, 21.12, 21.14, 21.16 |
Munro, S. M., 7.11, 7.17 |
Munro, Sarah (Saidie) K. Dall, 3.7, 6.11, 7.7, 7.17, 7.18, 7.22, 8.15, 8.24, 9.8, 9.10, 9.12, 9.16, 10.3, 10.12, 10.14, 11.11, 11.12, 11.18, 12.6, 12.12, 13.1, 13.3, 13.18, 14.1, 14.4, 14.5, 15.3, 15.8, 15.9, 16.6, 16.11, 16.12, 16.13, 17.1, 17.2, 17.5, 17.11, 18.7, 18.9, 18.13, 18.14, 19.2, 19.4, 19.10, 19.11, 19.16, 20.3, 20.5, 20.6, 20.8, 20.9, 20.12, 20.13, 21.1, 21.5, 21.8, 21.9, 21.12, 21.13-16, 22.2, 22.5, 22.6 |
Munro, William, 5.12, 6.10, 6.12 |
Munro, Willis, 11.6, 11.7, 11.17, 12.7, 12.8, 14.2, 14.5, 14.9, 15.1, 15.3, 16.2, 16.11, 16.13, 17.3, 17.5, 17.7, 18.12, 19.13, 20.7, 21.5, 21.10, 21.12, 21.14, 21.17 |
Murdoch, Caroline Dorcas Smith, 1.3, 2.8, 5.9, 6.15, 7.6, 7.10, 7.17, 9.5, 9.9. 9.13, 10.6, 11.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.9, 13.11, 13.12, 13.18, 14.2, 14.7, 14.10, 15.10, 16.3, 16.5, 16.8, 17.2, 17.4 |
Murdoch, Helen M., 17.11, 19.8, 20.5 |
Murdoch, John, 9.3 |
Murdoch, Maria N., 17.12, 18.9, 19.8, 20.2, 20.3, 21.6, 21.9 |
Murray, [Elizabeth], 4.6, 4.10, 4.13, 4.14 |
Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 16.1 |
Murrick, H. M., 10.18 |
Murrick, J. P. M., 9.11, 19.9 |
Muzzey, Alice B., 17.13 |
Myers, Anna T., 14.6, 18.3 |
Nash, H. C., 12.3 |
Nason, A. C., 18.7 |
National American Woman Suffrage Association, 16.1, 18.11 |
National Civil Service Reform League, 19.2, 21.12 |
National Cyclopedia of American Biography, 15.6 |
National Education Association, 15.2 |
National Woman Suffrage Association, 6.18, 7.15, 7.23, 14.11 |
Needham, Charles W., 19.5 |
Nelson, Mrs., 13.11 |
Newbegin, R. G., 15.7 |
Newcomb, M. C. Hassler, 21.12 |
Newcomb, Simon, 18.11 |
Newell, Mary Hughes, 20.11 |
New England Freedman's Aid Society, 4.3 |
New England Hospital for Women and Children, 5.2 |
Newhall, Edward, 5.10 |
Newton, Clara Chipman, 8.16 |
Newton, John M., 6.19, 6.20, 7.7 |
Nichols, Elizabeth F., 11.14 |
Nichols, J. T. G., 16.3 |
Nichols, John, 5.9 |
Nichols, Mary Sargeant Neal Gove, 2.5 |
Nicholson, E., 7.20, 7.22, 7.23, 7.24, 8.3, 8.15, 8.21, 9.6 |
Nicholson, W. L., 7.20 |
Nicolay, John G., 10.5 |
Nightingale, Florence, 5.22 |
Niles, Thomas, 7.3, 7.6, 7.25, 8.4, 8.5, 8.9-12, 8.16, 8.19, 8.20-22, 9.2, 9.11, 9.13, 9.14, 9.16, 10.6, 10.7, 10.9, 10.11, 10.13, 11.2, 11.3, 11.14, 11.17, 12.2, 12.3, 12.6 |
Norcross, M. P., 11.16 |
Normelay, Katharine P., 11.15, 13.11 |
Norris, J. Parker, 6.8-12, 6.19, 7.14, 8.3, 9.6, 9.7, 9.11 |
Norton, Charles Eliot, 4.1, 4.20, 9.17, 10.16, 10.19, 11.13, 11.19, 15.4, 18.8, 19.12, 19.16, 20.3, 20.13, 21.6 |
Noyes, Atherton, 10.10, 10.15, 11.4, 11.11, 11.20, 12.7, 12.8, 13.7, 13.11, 13.15, 16.7, 16.8, 16.11, 18.1, 19.9 |
Noyes, Daniel P., 6.7, 6.8, 6.13, 8.10, 8.12, 9.17 |
Noyes, E., 8.4 |
Noyes, Edward P. (Ned), 8.1, 9.5, 9.18, 10.5, 10.11, 10.18, 11.6, 11.9, 11.10, 11.13, 12.1, 14.8 |
Noyes, G. R., 4.11 |
Noyes, Helen McG., 5.10, 5.13, 5.18, 6.2, 6.5, 6.10, 6.12, 7.3, 7.6, 7.15, 7.25, 8.2, 8.4, 8.6, 8.10, 8.14, 8.24, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8, 9.12, 9.16, 10.9, 10.10, 10.17 |
Noyes, Jessie P. H., 13.13 |
Noyes, Joseph H., 6.20 |
Noyes, Margaret Davenport, 16.13 |
Noyes, Marion McG., 6.1, 11.4, 11.10, 12.4, 13.7, 13.11, 13.18, 15.2, 18.16 |
Nute, Ephraim, 2.15 |
Nuttall, Zelia, 9.19, 10.3, 12.10, 13.11 |
Nutting, Mary, 4.23, 12.11 |
Oakey, Louise T., 7.10 |
O'Brien, Robert Lincoln, 20.12 |
O'Connell, Maurice, 4.7 |
O'Connor, Ellen M., 10.16, 14.3, 15.2 |
O'Connor, Ellen (Nelly), 7.12, 7.17, 8.4 |
O'Connor, William D., 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 22.1 |
Offley, Helen B., 14.3 |
Ogden, Mary, 14.3 |
Oliver, Elizabeth Shaw, 18.14 |
Oliver, Grace A., 13.4 |
Oliver, Robert Shaw, 18.13, 18.14 |
Olmstead, Lemuel G., 6.1 |
Olney, Agnes, 14.6 |
Omaha people, 8.22, 9.1 |
Orcutt, Emma Louise, 16.12 |
Ordway, Lizzie P., 14.12, 20.14 |
Ormsbee, Richard, 8.12 |
Osborn, Elizabeth Cheever, 15.5, 21.1, 21.3 |
Osgood, Lucy, 3.16, 5.7, 22.2 |
Osgood, Samuel, 2.7 |
Otis, Agnes Pauline, 8.7 |
Otis, Amos, 4.8, 4.9, 4.17, 5.7, 22.4 |
Otis, Mary, 9.5, 10.2, 10.16, 10.17, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11 |
Page, Walter H., 15.3 |
Paine, [H.] T., 6.8 |
Paine, R. B., 6.10 |
Paine, Robert Treat, 6.10 |
Painter, L. A., 14.2 |
Palfrey, J. G., 4.6, 14.7 |
Palfrey, Mary G., 6.5 |
Palmer, Birtha Honore, 12.2 |
Palmer, Emma H., 10.15, 10.16 |
Palmer, George H., 5.12 |
Pancoast, M. E., 14.1, 17.9, 19.5 |
Park, John [C.], 6.8 |
Parker, Alice, 11.12 |
Parker, Daniel P., 1.12, 1.13, 1.17 |
Parker, Lydia D., 3.8, 3.10, 5.18, 5.21, 7.9 |
Parker, Peter, 13.18 |
Parker, Theodore, 1.3-8, 1.10, 1.12-17, 2.3, 2.6, 2.12, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.18, 3.3, 3.8, 5.8, 16.9, 22.1 |
Parkes, Bessie R., 2.18, 2.19, 3.1, 3.7 |
Parkman, Francis, 7.24 |
Parkman, Mary E., 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.4, 4.5, 5.7, 7.25 |
Parsons, Anna, 4.14, 4.17, 5.2, 5.8, 6.3, 6.8, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 |
Parsons, Anna I. T., 2.3-6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.13, 2.15, 2.16, 3.6, 4.15, 9.19 |
Parsons, E., 4.23 |
Parsons, William, 5.18 |
Pascoe, Charles E., 8.12 |
Patten, Harriet F., 5.19 |
[Patteson], P., 5.11 |
Patton, Abby, 4.23 |
Patton, George, 18.3 |
Patton, John, 2.11, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.19, 3.3, 3.7, 3.11, 3.14 |
Paulding, Helen, 6.16, 8.14, 8.21, 12.10, 13.17, 15.10, 16.13, 21.3 |
Payson, Anne C., 2.14, 8.15 |
Payson, Mary F., 2.18 |
Peabody, Andrew Preston, 1.13, 2.13, 2.14, 2.19, 3.1, 3.19, 4.4, 5.12, 6.10, 9.4, 9.14, 11.6, 11.8 |
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1.16, 2.11, 2.13, 2.14, 2.18, 2.19, 3.1, 3.3, 3.6, 3.14, 12.7, 18.14, 22.1, 22.3 |
Peabody, Francis G., 19.6, 21.10, 21.13 |
Peabody, L. M., 13.15 |
Peabody, Mary R., 5.5, 11.8, 11.10, 11.13, 12.2, 18.11, 19.1 |
Peachy, [ ], 9.4 |
Peacock, Edward, 3.9, 3.11, 3.12, 3.15, 3.17, 3.19, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.15 |
Peacock, Jerusha H. (Rue) --See Harris, Jerusha (Rue) |
Peacock, Lucy, 3.15, 3.17, 4.2, 4.4 |
Pearson, Henry Greenleaf, 16.5, 18.5, 18.14, 18.16 |
Peckham, Adelaide W., 15.1 |
Peirce, Bradford K., 4.10, 4.18 |
Peirce, Charlotte L., 6.15 |
Peirce, H., 2.14 |
Peirce, Melusina (Zina) Fay, 5.1, 5.12, 5.22, 6.1 |
Pellew, Augusta, 11.1, 11.14 |
Pembrook, Sarah A., 11.10 |
Pendergast, N., 9.11 |
Perabo, Ernst, 5.5 |
Perkins, A. T., 6.1, 7.24 |
Perkins, Charles C., 5.9, 5.18, 6.6, 6.17 |
Perrine, Emma Folsom, 14.10 |
Perry, Adeliza, 9.12 |
Perry, Elizabeth W., 9.17 |
Perry, Virginia, 3.1, 3.10, 4.15, 4.17 |
Peterson, Frederick, 7.23 |
Peterson, Laura, 19.16 |
Peterson, Lee, 19.16 |
Pfister, Henry, 19.14, 20.2 |
Phelps, A. H. C., 6.3 |
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 5.1 |
Phelps, C., 1.5 |
Phelps, Lucy E., 18.1 |
Philbrick, John D., 4.21 |
Phillips, Barnet, 9.7 |
Phillips, Mrs. S. R., 21.8 |
Phillips, Samuel R., 21.9 |
Phillips, Wendell, 1.18, 2.15, 2.18, 3.1, 3.3, 3.8, 3.15, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.12, 4.20, 5.18, 6.4, 6.9, 8.20, 8.22, 9.2, 9.3, 13.3 |
Pickard, Lizzie W., 12.12 |
Pierce, E. R., 5.21 |
Pierce, Edward L., 7.10, 8.16 |
Pierce, Esther, 21.1, 21.2 |
Pierce, Fay E., 20.5, 20.6, 21.14 |
Pierce, Florence L., 20.5, 20.6, 20.9, 20.13, 21.3, 21.4, 21.5, 21.14 |
Pierce, Hugh, 20.10, 21.2, 21.4, 21.6, 21.14, 21.17 |
Pierce, Ulysses G. B., 16.10, 18.4, 18.13, 18.14, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5 |
Pierpont, H. L. C., 4.13 |
Pilborn, S. L., 4.10 |
Pilling, Elizabeth C., 13.8, 14.6, 14.9, 19.3, 21.5 |
Pilling, J. W., 11.3 |
Pitman, S. C., 3.15 |
Pittrin, Louisa B., 12.5 |
Platt, Sarah, 4.17 |
Pline, John, 17.11 |
Plitt, George, 19.15 |
Plumer, Louise Nason, 21.4 |
Plummer, E. M., 8.24 |
Poet-Lore, 10.19, 11.12, 14.9, 14.11, 15.4 |
Pollok, Augustine, 9.1 |
Poor, Agnes B., 6.18 |
Pope, Emily F., 18.6 |
Porcher, Mary A., 2.17 |
Porter, Abby G., 15.5 |
Porter, B. W., 7.15 |
Porter, Charlotte, 13.5 |
Porter, M. C., 3.11 |
Potter, Edward T., 14.11 |
Potter, William J., 4.12, 4.19, 5.6, 5.8, 8.12 |
Potts, Frank C., 20.2, 20.4 |
Powell, A. M., 4.18 |
Powell, Elizabeth M., 3.11 |
Powell, J. H., 7.4 |
Powell, J. W., 9.11 |
Power, M. I., 4.16 |
Power, S. D., 9.14 |
Powers, Elissa J., 4.23 |
Prang, Louis, 4.21 |
Pratt, Enoch, 12.6 |
Pratt, R. H., 8.18, 8.19 |
[Pretins], H. C., 5.8 |
Prescott, W. H., 19.9, 19.15, 22.1 |
Preston, Charles T., 19.12 |
Preston, H. W., 5.19, 5.20, 5.22, 6.6, 6.8 |
Preston, Jessie W., 15.6 |
Price, Sarah T., 8.17 |
Prichard, Elizabeth, 1.13, 1.14 |
Prichard, William M., 7.1, 7.18, 10.1, 10.10, 13.2, 13.3, 13.11, 14.6, 14.7 |
Prickard, S. T., 13.2 |
Prince, Benjamin, 5.19 |
Prince, J. T., 7.23 |
Prince, Katharine J., 5.13, 5.22, 6.17 |
Prince, W. H., 6.10, 7.2 |
Princeton (steamer), 1.10 |
Princeton Review, 7.20 |
Proctor, Emily Dutton, 11.12, 13.10, 16.8, 21.1 |
Proctor, L. A., 4.8 |
Progressive Publishing Company, 21.12 |
Pryor, Sara A., 19.5 |
Pugh, Sarah, 3.16 |
Pumpelly, Eliza, 5.6, 11.11 |
Putnam, Anna E., 7.15 |
Putnam, A. P., 6.5, 6.6, 6.13, 6.15, 7.12, 7.16, 9.1 |
Putnam, Benjamin W., 4.22 |
Putnam, Caroline F., 3.10, 4.16, 15.7 |
Putnam, Catharine, 2.19, 3.2-6, 3.11, 21.12 |
Putnam, D. A., 6.11 |
Putnam, F. W., 6.9, 7.1, 7.3, 7.21, 7.22, 7.23, 7.24, 19.6 |
Putnam, George, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 |
Putnam, George H., 11.12, 12.9, 13.1, 13.4, 13.10, 13.19, 14.1, 14.2, 14.5, 14.7, 14.11, 15.9, 16.1, 16.8, 17.4, 17.5, 17.8, 19.3, 19.4, 19.5, 19.6, 21.12 |
Putnam, George Palmer, 4.20, 5.7 |
Putnam's, G. P. Sons, 11.9, 11.20, 12.4 |
Putnam, Georgina Lowell, 14.10, 15.1, 15.3, 15.5, 15.6, 16.3, 19.6, 19.10, 20.1, 20.6, 20.11 |
Putnam, Herbert, 15.1, 15.3, 15.4, 15.6, 16.1, 16.3, 20.13, 21.5, 21.12, 21.16 |
Putnam, James O., 7.10 |
Putnam, M. Lowell, 6.7 |
Putnam, P. F., 2.18 |
Putnam, S. C., 3.14 |
Putnam, Mrs. S. R., 22.1 |
Putnam, W. L., 17.9, 17.10 |
Quincy, Abby P., 8.24, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.10, 9.14, 10.2, 10.17, 10.18, 10.19, 11.5, 11.6, 11.10 |
Quincy, Edmund, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 7.1, 7.5, 7.7, 13.3 |
Quincy, Eliza Susan, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10, 5.12, 5.13, 5.20, 6.4, 6.10, 6.14, 6.16, 6.20, 7.1, 7.13, 8.21 |
Quincy, F. Fanny, 10.18 |
Quincy, H. F., 12.2, 15.9 |
Quincy, Josiah Phillips, 8.19, 8.21, 8.24, 9.1, 9.12 |
Quincy, Mary, 7.7, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.2 |
Quincy, Mary Jane, 6.2 |
Radcliffe, Jessie R. 19.6 |
Radcliffe, Wallace, 19.14 |
Radical Club, 22.3, 22.15 |
Ramabai, Sarasvati, Pundita, 10.7-9, 10.15, 11.4 |
Rambin, Augustus C., 11.19 |
Ran, G. Subba, 20.8, 20.9 |
Rand, John, 11.13 |
Ranlet, Frances B., 17.14 |
Ranney, R. H., 6.1 |
Ransom, Caroline L., 9.11 |
Rathbun, Emily, 17.3 |
Rathbun, Lena, 9.14, 10.3, 16.13 |
Rathbun, Richard, 20.1, 20.2, 20.4, 20.9 |
Ray, Ossian, 9.6 |
Ray, Sallie B., 9.4, 9.12 |
Raymond, George, 17.6 |
Raymond, M. E., 15.5 |
Redpath, James, 4.20, 4.21, 5.5, 5.6 |
Reid, Helen Leah, 18.2 |
Rein, Einnrich, 6.5, 6.7, 6.12, 6.15 |
Rein, [Maria Alric], 6.2, 6.6, 6.8, 6.12, 7.3 |
Renouf, Edward, 11.13 |
The Revolution, 4.20, 4.21 |
Reynolds, Grindall, 8.20, 8.21, 9.16, 10.1, 10.3, 10.10, 10.11 |
Rhees, William, Jr., 15.4 |
Rice, Alexander, 7.15 |
Rice, Alice M., 8.19, 8.22, 9.4, 9.8, 11.9, 13.3, 13.15, 14.7, 14.10, 15.1, 15.5, 15.8, 16.2 |
Rice, Charles M., 18.8 |
Rice, Fletcher C., 14.5 |
Rice, W. W., 10.7 |
Rich, Alice, 5.13, 5.14, 6.4, 6.9, 6.13, 7.10, 7.13, 7.18, 7.22, 8.11, 10.5, 11.11, 14.4, 16.4, 16.11, 16.13, 17.2, 17.5, 17.6, 18.7, 19.6 |
Richard, Henry, 7.4 |
Richard, William M., 10.1 |
Richards, Elise B., 14.12 |
Richardson, J. A., 8.20 |
Richardson, Susan O., 6.11 |
Ricketson, John H., 8.13 |
Riddle, A. G., 11.14 |
Riley, C. V., 10.19, 12.9 |
Ripley, George, 2.14 |
Rizer, Sarah Comstock, 15.5 |
Robbins, Anna S., 4.1 |
Robbins, Martha, 19.8 |
Robbins, S. K., 16.12 |
Roberts Brothers, 6.14 |
Robie, H., 2.19 |
Robie, Virginia D., 8.9 |
Robinson, C. A., 12.2 |
Robinson, Harriet H., 8.6, 8.11, 8.14, 8.19, 16.11, 20.3 |
Robinson, W. S., 5.12 |
Rockwell, C. O., 8.10 |
Rockwood, Eleanor D., 5.13 |
Rogers, A. C., 4.21 |
Rogers, Eleanor Silliman, 14.1, 17.14, 19.16, 20.1, 20.11 |
Rogers, Emma, 3.9, 6.7, 8.20, 14.6, 14.10, 17.4, 17.14, 18.2, 18.9, 18.11, 19.10 |
Rohlfs, Charles, 16.7 |
Rolfe, W. J., 17.10 |
Rollins, H., 3.6 |
Romney, L. A., 4.16 |
Rood, M. Helen, 3.2 |
Roosevelt, Theodore, 10.17, 10.18, 13.13, 17.2, 19.8, 21.3 |
Root, Frederick Stanley, 15.8, 15.9, 16.9, 17.5, 17.8 |
Russ, Mary, 13.1 |
Russel, William C., 3.2, 6.9 |
Russell, Caroline Nelson, 12.7, 16.12 |
Russell, Isaac Franklin, 20.4 |
Russell, J. Augusta, 19.14 |
Russell, Jane F., 3.8 |
Russell, John L., 2.17 |
Russell, M. B., 2.9 |
Russell, Marian, 19.1, 19.2, 19.4, 19.7, 19.9, 19.10, 19.11, 19.13, 19.16, 20.3, 20.5, 20.6, 21.5, 21.6, 21.18 |
Russell, William E., 13.17 |
St. Austin, S., 4.23 |
St. Gaudens, Augustus, 12.8, 20.11 |
St. John, Charles E., 17.14, 18.7, 18.8, 18.9, 18.15, 19.1, 21.12 |
Salisbury, R., 6.4 |
Salisbury, Stephen, Jr., 7.21, 8.10, 8.11 |
Saltar, Mary M., 11.7, 11.9, 14.1, 15.10, 18.7, 19.10, 20.7 |
Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 3.6, 3.8, 3.17, 4.4, 4.7, 4.12, 4.17, 5.21, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.9, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8-14, 7.20, 7.23, 7.25, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, 8.8, 8.21, 8.22, 9.13, 9.16, 9.18, 10.2, 10.4, 10.9, 10.13, 10.17, 11.9, 11.17, 11.18, 12.3, 12.12, 13.2, 13.8, 13.18, 14.2, 14.10, 15.2, 15.4, 15.9, 15.10, 16.5, 16.9, 16.12, 18.15, 19.2, 21.9, 21.10, 22.7, 22.10 |
Sanborn, J. L., 4.12 |
Sanborn, Louisa L., 20.7 |
Sander, Jean, 8.19 |
Sanford, Maria L., 12.2 |
Santayana, George, 14.2 |
Sargent, John T., 1.10, 2.18, 3.3, 4.21, 5.15 |
Sargent, L. M., 4.9 |
Sattay, S. Govinda Row, 10.12 |
Savage, Anna L., 5.13, 5.14, 5.19, 5.21, 6.3, 6.4, 6.11, 6.14, 6.16, 7.8, 7.19, 7.20, 7.24, 7.25, 8.3, 8.5, 8.10 |
Savage, Annie W., 9.6 |
Savage, Charles T., 6.19, 6.20, 7.1, 7.4 |
Savage, John R., 6.7, 6.20, 7.24, 8.10 |
Savage, S. K., 6.15, 8.2, 8.12 |
Savage, W. H., 7.24, 7.25 |
Savary, Anna H., 12.6 |
Savary, John, 4.19, 4.20, 9.11 |
Saxe, John Godfrey, 2.1 |
Saxton, S., 5.1, 20.14, 21.1 |
Schayer, Julia, 8.6, 8.21, 9.1, 9.3, 9.10, 9.19, 10.5, 10.6, 10.9, 15.3, 16.2 |
Schmidt, Anna, 13.10 |
Scudder, Eliza, 2.15, 3.1, 3.2 |
Scudder, H. E., 6.18, 11.18, 12.10, 16.7, 17.3, 17.5 |
Scudder, Samuel H., 8.23 |
Scull, Sarah A., 9.12, 13.11 |
Seaphane, Ella C., 11.2 |
Sears, Francis B., 13.19 |
Sears, O. B., 21.19 |
Seaver, Nathaniel, Jr., 13.3 |
Seawell, Molly Elliot, 11.4 |
Sebolt, O. J., 19.4 |
Sedgley, N. J., 10.17 |
Sedgley, [N.] P., 14.2 |
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, 1.17, 2.15, 2.18 |
Seeger, Augusta, 5.7, 5.8 |
Sellstedt, Caroline S., 7.14, 8.18, 9.3, 9.10, 9.12, 9.13, 12.5 |
Sellstedt, L. G., 11.7, 11.12, 19.2, 21.13 |
Senkler, Margaret Sophia, 2.15 |
Sepoy, Emily M., 2.8 |
Severance, Caroline Maria Seymour, 2.15, 2.17, 3.5, 4.6, 4.13, 8.4, 22.3 |
Sewall, Harriet Winslow, 2.16, 2.17, 2.19 |
Sewall, Lucy E., 3.12, 4.18, 4.23, 8.6 |
Sewall, Samuel E., 2.9, 2.19, 3.5, 3.8, 3.11, 3.15, 4.21, 5.1, 5.12, 5.15, 8.10, 8.13, 8.16, 9.19, 10.2, 10.13, 22.3 |
[Seward], Olive Risley, 10.16, 11.1 |
Seymour, [ ], 4.18 |
Shackford, Charles C., 2.11, 2.14, 3.4, 3.6, 6.15, 10.17 |
Shackford, Martha B., 4.23, 11.13, 16.2, 16.3, 16.9, 16.10 |
Shakespeariana, 11.2, 11.3, 11.9 |
Shannon, Mary C., 2.6, 2.9, 2.14, 2.15 |
Shattuck, George C., 4.17 |
Shaw, F. George, 3.16, 3.18 |
Shaw, Francis, 15.1 |
Shaw, Josephine C., 3.4, 3.14 |
Shaw, Mary C., 3.10 |
Shaw, Robert Gould, 4.5, 14.9 |
Shaw, Sarah B., 2.18, 3.13, 3.19, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 5.1, 5.13, 5.14, 7.3, 12.6, 13.1, 13.8, 13.10, 14.1, 14.5, 18.1 |
Sheafe, J. P., 15.2 |
Shedd, Mary E. B., 14.1 |
Sheldon, George, 18.2 |
Sheldon, May L., 9.5, 9.6, 9.18 |
Shepard, Eliza F., 5.2 |
Shepard, Lucy E., 3.14 |
Sheppard, Mark, 6.13, 6.14, 7.1, 7.3, 7.17, 11.18 |
Sheppard, Mary E., 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.13, 11.18 |
Sherman, E., 6.3 |
Shippen, Rush R., 6.15, 7.20, 7.22, 7.25, 8.1, 8.6, 9.13, 12.6, 19.3 |
Shores, Elizabeth G., 1.14 |
Short, Emma H., 18.11 |
Shorties, Hester, 7.24 |
Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 22.10 |
Sibley, John Langdon, 4.14, 4.18 |
Sidney, Vida Croly, 17.5 |
Siebert, Wilbur H., 12.5 |
Silsbee, Maria P., 11.2 |
Silsbee, William, 7.24 |
Simes, Louisa, 1.13, 1.15, 1.18, 9.18 |
Simmons, Elizabeth R., 17.7 |
Simmons, H. M., 8.17 |
Simmons, Sally M., 7.4 |
Sims, J. T., 8.14 |
Sinclair, John E., 20.2, 20.3, 20.4 |
Sinding, Paul C., 5.8 |
Slack, Charles W., 3.11, 22.1 |
Slicer, Thomas R., 11.8, 12.5, 12.10, 16.1 |
Sloan, Morton W., 12.12 |
Slocum, Jane M., 9.6, 12.2 |
Small, E. A., 4.8 |
Small, Herbert, 15.8 |
Small, Maynard & Co., 15.7, 15.8 |
Smedes, Agnis Otis, 11.12, 11.13 |
Smith, A., 4.14 |
Smith, Annie Tolman, 13.1 |
Smith, Azariah, 10.9, 11.19, 13.1, 13.11, 14.12, 16.3, 17.4 |
Smith, Caroline Dorcas --See Murdoch, Caroline Dorcas Smith |
Smith, Charlotte R., 18.9, 18.12 |
Smith, Duncan, 10.9 |
Smith, E. Oakes, 2.10 |
Smith, Emily Antoinette, 18.9 |
Smith, Emily B., 15.1 |
Smith, Erminine A., 7.23, 7.25, 8.4 |
Smith, Frances A., 6.3 |
Smith, Gerrit, 2.15, 4.12 |
Smith, Goldwin, 11.18, 21.18 |
Smith, H. E., 9.14 |
Smith, Jennie, 7.24 |
Smith, Louisa, 7.2 |
Smith, Mary Anne L. (Mannie) --See Appleton, Mary Anne (Mannie) L. Smith |
Smith, Mary Livermore, 17.4, 17.12 |
Smith, Sanderson, 10.4 |
Smith College, 10.18, 10.19, 11.2, 11.10, 11.14, 11.18, 21.16 |
Smithe, J. C., 15.1 |
Snell, E. S., 4.8 |
Snelling, G. A., 6.13 |
Soldiers' Aid Societies, 4.5 |
Solger, Lucy M., 8.6, 11.12, 12.9, 13.14 |
Somerset, Isabel, 11.11 |
Sorrel, A., 6.14 |
Spalding, Charles C., 4.20 |
Spalding, Elizabeth P., 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 2.1, 2.2, 2.9 |
Spalding, M., 18.13 |
Spalding, Sarah, 11.18, 12.12, 12.13, 13.4, 14.8, 14.10, 15.9, 15.10, 16.3, 16.12, 18.1, 18.7, 18.8, 18.11, 18.12 |
Spalding, Susan P. P., 7.20 |
Spalter, Alice J., 16.10 |
Sparhawk, Harriet Hirst, 2.17 |
Sparks, M. C., 7.20, 8.17 |
Spaulding, Henry G., 19.2 |
Spelman, Martha A., 1.17 |
Spencer, Sara Andrews, 7.23 |
Spofford, Ainsworth R., 10.19, 14.6, 15.4, 18.9, 19.3, 19.4, 19.11, 19.13, 20.1, 20.6, 20.14, 21.4 |
Spofford, Florence, 11.17, 20.5, 20.6, 21.5 |
Spofford, Harriet P., 10.12, 10.18, 15.1, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.7, 16.11, 16.12, 16.13, 17.3, 17.10, 18.3, 18.16, 19.2, 19.5-8, 21.4 |
Sprague, Julia A., 17.14, 18.1 |
Sprague, Mary A, 6.19 |
Spring, Edward A., 7.24, 8.3, 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, 8.12, 16.2, 19.5 |
Spring, Marcus, 5.1 |
Spring, Rebecca B., 4.10, 4.16 |
Squires, Charles W., 6.1 |
Stack, Bettie C., 18.9 |
Staigg, Richard M., 7.5 |
Stanford, Jane L., 11.2 |
Stanley, Anna H., 13.18 |
Stanley, Blanche H., 20.6 |
Stanton, Adelaide D., 11.17 |
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 3.5, 3.6, 3.12, 4.7, 4.20, 4.21, 6.17, 10.6, 13.9 |
Staples, C. A., 4.9, 4.18 |
Staples, N. A., 3.11 |
Stearns, Frances R., 16.1 |
Stearns, Mary R., 13.13, 15.3, 15.8, 16.7, 17.11, 17.14, 20.11, 21.4 |
Stearns, Oliver, 5.3, 5.4 |
Stearns, Robert E. C., 13.19, 16.11 |
Stearns, S. Burger, 4.5 |
Stebbins, C. L., 19.5 |
Stebbins, Horatio, 4.3, 9.14, 16.1 |
Stebbins, Juliette S., 14.10 |
Stebbins, Rufus P., 4.15 |
Stedman, Henry R., 11.6, 12.6, 13.16 |
Steiner, A. W., 8.10 |
Steiner, Lewis H., 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 7.5, 7.10, 7.14, 8.7 |
Stephens, Abby W., 9.7, 11.1, 14.10, 16.8, 16.13, 18.1, 19.6 |
Stephenson, Celia L. P., 20.3 |
Stephenson, J. H., 3.19 |
Sterrett, Isaac MacBride, 12.8, 12.9, 12.11, 12.12 |
Stevens, A. W., 5.12, 5.14, 5.17, 5.20, 5.22, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.10, 6.16, 6.19, 8.8, 8.10, 9.19, 13.8-14, 14.3-5, 14.8, 15.1, 18.3, 21.8, 22.6 |
Stevens, Harriet F., 3.10, 19.8, 19.9 |
Stevens, Joseph S., Jr., 2.12, 2.13 |
Stevens, Mary K., 8.3, 18.2 |
Stevens, Olivia Frelove, 4.18 |
Stevenson, Hannah E., 4.3, 7.1 |
Stevenson, James, 8.13, 8.17, 8.22, 10.1, 10.7, 10.14 |
Stevenson, Tilly E., 8.3, 8.6, 8.17, 8.22, 9.3, 9.5, 9.18, 10.12 |
Stewart, Alice, 8.5 |
Stewart, C. M., 7.24 |
Stewart, Cora, 18.16 |
Stewart, Elizabeth, 16.6 |
Stewart, Mary Chamberlain, 5.14, 5.16, 5.19, 5.20, 6.16, 6.18, 7.3, 7.6, 7.10, 7.11, 7.17 |
Stewart, Samuel B., 5.14, 9.3, 14.6, 16.1, 16.2, 16.9, 19.8, 21.8 |
Stickney, Jenny, 4.1 |
Stimpson, William, 5.6 |
Stoddard, Elizabeth B., 4.19, 4.23 |
Stone, Cornelia, 11.14 |
Stone, Ellen A., 11.10, 11.11 |
Stone, Frances H., 16.5, 16.8, 16.9, 16.10, 16.11, 17.2, 17.7, 18.9, 20.9 |
Stone, James, 2.8 |
Stone, L. H., 4.25, 6.3, 8.16 |
Stone, Lucy, 2.7, 2.11, 2.16, 5.2, 11.9 |
Stone, Margaret M., 21.4 |
Storer, Abby M., 6.13, 6.14 |
Storer, Horatio R., 4.6, 4.8, 4.24, 5.2, 22.3 |
Storer, Sarah S., 14.7 |
Storey, Mariana T., 12.7 |
Story, Charles W., 11.13 |
Story, John, 2.9 |
Stow, J. W., 7.25 |
Stowe, Emily H., 7.9 |
Stowe, Lydia R., 3.14 |
Strickland, Agnes, 1.6 |
Strickland, E. F., 8.20 |
Strickland, Eliza, 1.3 |
Strickland, Jane, 1.4 |
Stroud, Mary, 8.3, 8.12, 8.13, 9.3, 9.5, 9.18, 10.19, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.8, 17.11 |
Studwell, Edwin, 4.19 |
Sullivan, T. Russell, 18.10 |
Summerhayes, Katharine, 15.3 |
Summerhayes, Martha, 14.11 |
Sumner, Arthur, 5.1 |
Sumner, Charles, 2.9, 2.10, 3.5, 5.16, 5.18, 6.6, 8.16, 8.17, 16.13, 22.3 |
[Sundberg], Frausetug, 7.14 |
Sunderland, J. T., 11.15, 14.1 |
Swan, Sarah H., 13.14 |
Swank, Emi B., 3.10 |
Swift, Lindsay, 16.1 |
Symonds, John D., 6.4 |
Symonds, Joseph W., 21.5 |
Symonds, Lucy, 5.21, 7.1 |
Symons, Arthur, 9.15, 9.16 |
Taft, William Howard, 19.7, 20.11, 21.3, 21.8 |
Talbot, Emily, 7.9 |
Talbot, I. T., 5.5, 6.20, 7.6 |
Taylor, Fidelia H., 8.4 |
Taylor, Mary Imlay, 16.2, 16.4, 17.2 |
Tebbets, Mrs. Theodore, 22.2 |
[Thacher, S. M.], 6.4 |
Thayer, George F., 1.9 |
Thayer, J. B., 5.18 |
Thayer, Sophia Ripley, 12.9 |
Thomas, Alice W., 14.7 |
Thomas, Fannie P., 16.1, 18.9 |
Thomas, John Jenks, 15.5, 18.9 |
Thomas, Mary, 8.12 |
Thompson, D'Arcy W., 4.20, 5.3 |
Thompson, E., 5.8, 5.23 |
Thompson, E. Delaporte, 17.13 |
Thompson, Ella A., 17.4, 17.5 |
Thompson, Emily, 7.1, 9.9, 10.4, 10.5, 18.9, 18.10 |
Thompson, George, 3.19, 4.1 |
Thompson, Jacob, 14.1 |
Thompson, James W., 7.14 |
Thompson, Martha, 3.12 |
Thompson, S. R., 6.9 |
Thoreau, Henry David, 3.10 |
Thoreau, Sophia, 3.10 |
Thornton, J. Wingate, 5.8 |
Thurston, E. S., 18.8 |
Ticknor, Anna, 6.20 |
Ticknor, George, 4.2, 22.10 |
Ticknor & Fields, 4.12 |
Tiffany, C. C., 5.17 |
Tiffany, Francis, 4.11, 10.16, 13.18 |
Tillard, Mary, 10.4, 10.7 |
Tillinghast, C. B., 18.16, 19.2, 20.12 |
Tillinghast, M. E., 9.5 |
Tillstone, Francis J., 16.8 |
Tilton, J. Flora, 19.10 |
Tilton, Mrs. Theodore, 5.6 |
Tindale, Helen, 16.1 |
Tisdale, Mrs. H. E., 16.7 |
Tison-Smith, Marie, 18.13 |
[Titcomb], J. P., 8.7 |
Todd, Thomas, 17.13, 18.7, 19.4, 19.5, 19.7, 20.12, 21.5 |
Todd-Dickinson case, 14.8, 14.12, 15.4 |
Toft, P., 10.7, 10.8 |
Tolman, Mrs., 22.7 |
Tolman, Harriet, 6.14 |
Tolman, Rebecca D., 12.4 |
Tomkins, Helen, 8.24, 9.13, 10.3 |
Tomlinson, William P., 4.25, 9.13, 10.3 |
Torrey, Charles Turner, 1.10 |
[Toulmin], Fanny Biddle, 13.13 |
Towne, William H., 5.16 |
Townsend, Sophia, 7.19 |
Tracy, Ann B., 1.10 |
Train, George Francis, 4.20 |
Treadwell, Adeline, 9.2 |
Tremain, Lizzie, 5.1 |
Tuckerman, Elizabeth Wolcott, 10.7, 10.12, 10.15, 10.18, 11.9, 13.9, 13.18, 16.3, 16.4, 16.8, 16.9, 16.13, 17.8, 17.12, 17.14, 18.2, 18.14, 19.3, 19.15 |
Tudor, E. F., 3.15, 4.14 |
Tudor, Elizabeth Whitnell, 18.5 |
[Tunholm], W. L., 7.9 |
Turnbull, Frances L., 15.1 |
Turner, Eliza S., 4.13, 6.15, 8.20 |
Turner, F. H., 6.12 |
Turner, Jane A., 12.2 |
Turner, John B., 22.7 |
Turner, Mrs. M. M., 14.1 |
Tyndale, Theodore H., 5.15, 5.20, 6.3, 6.6, 6.9, 6.13, 18.16 |
Tyng, A. A. McA., 5.15, 7.2, 7.3 |
Tyng, Anita E., 3.7, 4.23, 4.25, 5.6, 5.7, 5.10, 5.15, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 7.3, 7.6, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.14, 8.2, 8.3, 8.6, 10.13, 12.1, 22.4 |
Una, 2.7, 2.8, 2.10-14 |
Underground Railroad, 2.2, 2.5, 15.8 |
Underwood, B. F., 8.9, 8.10, 8.12 |
Underwood, Sara A., 10.2, 10.6, 10.9 |
Upham, Susan, 10.19 |
Valentine, Robert G., 14.7, 19.4 |
VanCampen, F. R., 10.1 |
VanCampen, M. R., 10.8 |
VanDuzee, 16.5, 16.6 |
Vandyke, Henry, 20.2 |
Vasey, George, 8.5 |
Vassar College, 7.15 |
Vaughan, Mary C., 3.18, 3.19 |
[Vazelline], Charles, 5.21 |
Very, Jones, 2.11 |
Vibbert, S. A., Mrs., 5.5 |
Vickers, Catherine (Katie) Moodie, 2.9, 2.10, 7.9, 7.11, 7.12, 7.20, 10.2, 10.3, 13.15, 17.13, 18.11 |
Vidaver, D. H., 5.16 |
Villard, Fanny Garrison, 7.22 |
Villard, H., 8.15 |
Villarruel, A., 6.8 |
Voorhees, E. W., 8.21 |
Wadsworth, A. F., 15.2 |
Wadsworth, Adelaide E., 6.7, 8.10, 8.12, 9.17, 10.1, 10.5, 10.9, 10.19, 12.4, 13.11, 14.11, 14.12, 15.1, 16.7, 16.9, 16.13, 17.4, 20.5, 20.14 |
Wadsworth, Alexander, 8.2, 8.17, 11.12, 11.18, 13.11, 13.17, 14.5, 14.11, 15.5 |
Wadsworth, C. A., 7.10 |
Wadsworth, Elis. A., 6.11, 7.17, 7.24 |
Wadsworth, Elizabeth White, 9.12, 10.18, 11.12 |
Wadsworth, Emily Marshall, 10.15, 11.10, 11.12, 13.18, 13.19, 15.5, 15.6, 16.5, 16.8, 17.14, 18.3, 18.9, 19.3, 20.1, 20.2, 20.7, 20.8, 20.11, 20.13, 21.6 |
Wadsworth, Lucy G., 15.1, 15.2, 20.2, 20.14 |
Wadsworth, Mary C., 8.10, 9.1, 15.1, 15.3, 15.10, 17.6, 17.8, 18.8, 19.3, 19.5, 19.6, 19.15 |
Wadsworth, Oliver F., 15.1, 15.4, 16.13, 21.4, 21.13, 21.16 |
Wainwright, B. Ernest, 3.7 |
Waite, L. E., 3.7 |
Wakefield, Bertha, 18.14, 19.3 |
Walcott, Charles D., 12.9, 20.5 |
Walker, E. M., 21.14 |
Walker, E. S., 8.9, 8.14 |
Walker, Francis A., 8.9, 8.19, 8.22, 10.2 |
Walker, G. G., 3.9 |
Walker, George, 4.6 |
Walker, George Leon, 13.15 |
Walker, J. G., 9.15, 9.18 |
Walker, James, 22.8 |
Walker, Mary A., 4.21, 4.23, 5.2 |
Walker, Rebecca W., 9.9, 9.12, 9.14, 10.1, 10.3, 10.19, 11.3, 11.7, 11.11, 13.13, 13.16, 14.4, 14.8, 15.1, 15.8, 16.13, 21.13 |
Walker, Susan G., 10.1, 11.1, 11.4, 11.9, 14.2 |
Wall, S. E., 2.17, 2.19, 3.2 |
Walsh, Mary E., 11.3 |
Walton, Bessie M., 16.6 |
Walton, Fanny, 16.10 |
Walton, Mary A., 14.1, 14.9, 15.6, 15.9 |
Ward, Elizabeth Schonberg, 10.19 |
Ward, H. Snowden, 14.11 |
Ward, Hatty L., 1.13 |
Ward, Katharine L., 12.6, 14.10, 14.11, 15.1, 15.2, 16.5, 16.11, 17.1, 17.2, 18.8, 18.9, 18.10, 18.15, 19.2, 19.6, 19.15 |
Ward, Samuel G., 10.14, 12.1 |
Ward, William H., 5.8, 6.14 |
Warder, John A., 8.18 |
Ware, Adelaide F., 11.1, 16.7 |
Ware, Alice H., 7.7, 7.8 |
Ware, Darwin E., 6.14, 7.7, 7.18, 8.6, 8.19, 9.10, 9.16, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 11.10, 11.17, 11.18, 12.6, 12.7, 12.10, 12.11, 13.3, 13.7, 13.10, 13.16, 14.6 |
Ware, Emma F., 7.2, 7.3, 7.7 |
Ware, Horatia S., 6.15, 6.19, 7.15, 9.2, 11.10 |
Ware, Harriet, 19.1 |
Ware, Helen, 7.19 |
Ware, John F. W., 4.19, 5.1, 5.6, 5.12, 5.17, 5.18, 6.1, 6.6, 6.7, 6.10 |
Ware, L. G., 7.3 |
Ware, Louisa L., 6.5 |
Ware, Richard D., 8.17, 14.6 |
Ware, William F. J., 5.5 |
Ware, William R., 5.22, 5.23, 6.9, 6.12, 7.2 |
Warren, John Collins, 1.3 |
Warren, W. F., 15.7 |
Washburn, Andrew, 13.13 |
Washburn, Emory, 4.5, 5.5, 22.11 |
Washington, Booker T., 16.10, 16.12 |
Washington Post, 19.14 |
Wasson, David A., 3.5, 3.9, 4.10, 5.15, 5.16, 5.18, 6.12, 7.1 |
Waterbury, Jennie R., 7.1 |
Waterman, Hattie, 4.6 |
Waters, Alice G., 12.3 |
Waters, Henry F., 10.2 |
Waterston, Anna C. L., 5.20, 6.6, 8.2, 8.16, 9.5, 10.1, 10.10 |
Waterston, Robert Cassie, 1.4, 1.7, 1.10, 1.12 |
Watkins, C. S., 7.21 |
Watson, Amelia M., 16.2 |
Watson, Tom, 18.13 |
Wayland, Francis, 7.19, 7.20, 12.13, 13.2, 13.17 |
Wayland, H. L., 4.25 |
Weeks, A. P., 13.11, 15.7, 15.10, 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 16.13, 17.13, 18.9, 19.6, 19.9, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, 20.11, 20.12, 20.13, 21.1, 21.16 |
Weeks, Clelia, 5.11, 5.13-15, 5.17, 7.8 |
[Weiss, A. D.], 4.4, 4.9 |
Weiss, John, 2.7, 3.6, 3.8, 3.15, 3.16, 4.8, 4.12, 4.23, 4.24, 5.3, 5.5 |
Welch, Jane Meade, 11.14, 11.15, 12.8 |
Weld, Angelina Grimke, 4.9 |
Wellbrook, F. A., 13.14 |
Wellington, Leah N., 15.6 |
Wellington, Lydia D., 18.1, 18.2, 18.12, 19.10, 20.2 |
Wellman, Hiller C., 18.16 |
Wells, E. S., 5.5, 7.10 |
Wells, Kate Gannett, 5.19, 20.6 |
Wells, William V., 4.6 |
Wendte, Charles W., 7.15, 9.10, 9.13, 9.15, 20.11, 21.12, 21.13, 21.14 |
Werthner, Evangeline H., 12.1 |
Werthner, William, 11.12, 12.1 |
West, Alice, 11.6 |
West, John S., 10.13, 10.18 |
West & Lee Game Co., 6.2 |
West Newton English and Classical School, 5.10 |
Western, Maude Stanton, 16.1 |
Weston, Dora, 7.3, 7.5 |
Wetherbee, John, 5.13 |
Wheatland, Henry, 5.16, 5.19 |
Wheeler, Benjamin, 20.3 |
Wheeler, Dunham, 20.3 |
Wheeler, E. J., 13.4, 13.9 |
Whipple, Charles K., 3.6, 5.3, 5.6 |
Whipple, E. A., 11.11, 11.13, 12.3, 13.15, 13.19, 14.8, 14.12, 15.3, 15.5, 15.7, 16.4, 17.11, 19.9 |
Whipple, E. C., 3.5 |
Whipple, George N., 10.12, 11.4, 12.3, 12.4, 13.11, 16.3, 17.4, 19.2, 20.6, 20.8 |
Whipple, Harriet L., 16.1 |
Whitaker, Mary A., 4.25 |
White, Andrew D., 19.11 |
White, Eliza O., 11.4, 17.13 |
White, Harriet M. R., 9.5 |
White, James C., 4.8 |
White, James T. & Co., 15.5 |
White, Margaret E., 11.7 |
White, Mary B., 14.7, 15.2 |
White, Richard Grant, 8.11 |
White, W. Howard, 13.1 |
Whiting, Lilian, 17.14, 18.1, 21.13 |
Whiting, W. D., 5.12, 5.23 |
Whitman, Isaac S., 6.9 |
Whitney, Adeline Dutton Train, 4.4, 5.11, 5.16, 5.18, 14.1, 15.6 |
Whitney, Anne, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.17, 3.3, 3.8, 3.15, 3.17, 3.19, 4.1, 5.5, 5.11, 5.16, 6.8, 8.21, 8.22, 9.2, 9.8, 9.13, 10.7, 10.13, 11.8, 11.11, 11.13, 11.17, 11.20, 13.7, 13.8, 13.14, 16.10, 16.13, 17.7, 17.8, 17.13, 18.5, 18.6, 18.13, 18.16, 19.9, 19.11, 19.16, 20.2, 22.1 |
Whitney, Annette (Nettie) --See Dall, Annette (Nettie) Whitney |
Whitney, Charles C., 12.11, 14.7, 17.1, 17.2, 17.4, 17.8, 18.12 |
Whitney, Elizabeth, 8.6, 9.18, 10.6 |
Whitney, F. B., 12.13 |
Whitney, James L., 6.11, 7.22 |
Whitney, [Josiah Dwight], 8.15 |
Whitney, Julia, 18.12 |
Whitney, Louisa, 5.19, 7.1, 7.3, 7.19, 7.24, 8.10, 8.13 |
Whitney, Margaret F. G., 10.18, 12.1, 12.6, 12.13, 13.2, 13.5, 13.16, 13.19, 15.9 |
Whitney, Mary F., 14.4 |
Whitney, Mary W., 11.8, 14.12, 17.8 |
Whitney, Minnie G., 19.15 |
Whitney, [Seth Dunbar], 5.16 |
Whitney, William Dwight, 4.4 |
Whitridge, Helen, 7.14, 7.23 |
Whitridge, Thomas, 4.24, 7.8, 7.17, 22.1 |
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 4.16, 4.22, 5.18, 5.21, 6.12, 12.12, 13.19, 20.14, 21.5 |
Whittlesey, Eliphalet, 10.1, 13.13 |
Whyte, James, 2.8 |
Wiggin, James Henry, 4.8 |
Wigglesworth, D. E., 6.5 |
Wigglesworth, Edward, Jr., 5.9, 5.14, 5.15, 5.19, 6.17, 9.11, 9.14 |
Wild, Catherine (Katie), 8.14, 9.6, 9.7, 9.10 |
Wilder, David, Jr., 4.7, 5.1 |
Wilder, Marshall P., 5.4, 22.2 |
Wilkeson, Louise, 6.20, 7.14, 7.23, 7.24, 8.16 |
Wilkins, Emily J., 12.2 |
Wilkinson, L. B., 13.4 |
Willard, Mrs. E. O. G., 4.20 |
Willard, Susan B., 12.7 |
Williams, A. & Co., 8.16 |
Williams, Amelia L., 9.10 |
Williams, Anna O., 8.18 |
Williams, Elizabeth Wadsworth, 12.7 |
Williams, Emily, 4.13 |
Williams, Francis C., 19.13 |
Williams, Henry, 9.10, 13.1 |
Williams, J. Otis, 5.8 |
Williams, Theodore C., 11.2 |
Willis, Bailey, 15.6 |
Willis, Cornelia Grinnell, 14.12 |
Willis, Margaret D. B., 18.12 |
Willits, Margarita, 5.5 |
Wills, Charles K., 6.3 |
Wills, Edith Russell, 21.5 |
Willson, Edmund B., 7.24, 10.3, 10.11, 10.17, 10.19, 11.8, 11.10, 11.12, 11.16, 11.17, 12.3, 12.6, 12.10 |
Willson, Lucy B., 15.8, 16.11 |
Willson, M. A., 7.3 |
Wilmer, [W. H.], 20.12, 21.17 |
Wilson, Mrs. D., 2.9 |
Wilson, Daniel, 2.10, 2.11, 3.3, 3.9, 3.10-12, 3.15, 3.17, 3.18, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 4.11, 4.14, 4.17, 5.6-8, 5.10, 5.22, 6.1, 6.8, 6.10, 6.12, 6.18, 7.3, 7.13, 7.18, 7.19, 8.10, 8.13, 9.14, 10.7, 11.9, 11.13, 11.16, 11.18, 21.18, 22.1 |
Wilson, Davies, 8.17, 8.18 |
Wilson, Emily Newcomb, 15.7 |
Wilson, Henry, 6.2 |
Wilson, Hattie, 4.1 |
Wilson, James Grant, 16.3, 16.4 |
Wilson, John & Son, 4.22, 6.20, 7.25, 10.8, 10.9 |
Wilson, M., 3.11, 5.13 |
Wilson, M. C., 8.18 |
Wilson, Sybil, 11.2, 11.17, 12.6, 21.18 |
Wilson, Virginia M., 17.8 |
Wilstach, J. A., 4.25, 5.1 |
Winchester, M. A., 9.3 |
Wines, C. Maurice, 5.1 |
Wines, Enoch Cobb, 4.24, 5.7 |
Wines, Fred H., 4.24, 5.1 |
Winkley, Martha W., 5.11 |
Winkley, S. H., 7.1, 22.2 |
Winslow, Ellen A., 17.8 |
Winslow, Erving, 18.6, 19.1 |
Winslow, Nancy Otis, 11.8 |
Winslow, William C., 11.1, 11.4, 14.4, 17.6, 17.13 |
Winsor, Justin, 8.12 |
Winston, Nancie Otis, 12.3, 15.4 |
Winthrop, Lizzie, 3.14 |
Winthrop, Robert C., 5.14, 5.20, 5.23, 7.7 |
Wirner, Mattie E., 15.6 |
Wise, Henrietta, 9.6 |
Wise, Isaac M., 4.11 |
Wise, William G., 4.22, 4.23 |
Wister, Annis Lee, 13.14, 15.7, 18.8, 18.9 |
Wister, Sarah B., 7.5 |
Wolcott, Cornelia F., 21.3 |
Wolcott, Ella L., 5.4-6, 5.9 |
Wolcott, Harriet F., 10.1 |
Wolcott, Henrietta L. T., 15.7, 18.3 |
Wolcott, Roger, 15.7, 16.8 |
Woman's Century, 10.17 |
Woman's Journal, 9.7 |
Women's Liberal Christian Mission, 5.18 |
Women's Medical Hospital, 21.18 |
Wood, Emma P., 5.18, 5.19, 6.8, 7.23 |
Wood, Ida M. C., 14.10 |
Woodbury, Anne, 13.3, 14.4, 15.4, 16.9, 17.4 |
Woodbury, John, 8.22, 8.23, 9.4 |
Woodcock, Annie S., 20.1 |
Woodward, Fannie S., 15.6 |
Woodward, Martha G., 20.13 |
Woolsey, Sarah C., 5.12 |
Woolson, Abba G., 8.2 |
Worcester, John, 4.16, 4.17, 4.20 |
[Workman, Benjamin], 2.7 |
Worthington, J. H., 11.13 |
Wright, Anne W., 10.15 |
Wright, [Arthur] Williams, 20.3, 20.7 |
Wright, R. Ramsay, 19.9 |
Wylie, George W., 19.14 |
Wylly, Marion J., 17.5 |
Wynkoop, Mary Mason, 17.3 |
Wynkoop, Theodore S., 9.8, 9.17, 11.5, 11.11, 11.12, 12.4, 12.7, 12.8, 12.10, 13.18, 15.8, 20.11 |
Youmans, Kate L., 6.7-10, 6.16 |
Youmans, W. J., 11.20 |
Young, George H., 4.25 |
Young, Lucy, 19.13 |
Zakrzewska, Marie E., 2.15, 3.4, 3.5, 3.8, 4.1, 4.7, 4.12, 4.17, 4.20, 5.1, 5.2, 5.15, 5.16, 8.6 |
Preferred Citation
Caroline Wells Healey Dall papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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