Offsite Storage Inventory
Restrictions on Access
The Godfrey Lowell Cabot papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@masshist.org.
This collection consists of the papers of businessman, inventor, and aviation pioneer Godfrey Lowell Cabot, including correspondence, diaries, and financial records documenting his involvement in the New England Watch and Ward Society, his service as U.S. Navy pilot during WWI, and his philanthropy.
Biographical Sketch
Godfrey Lowell Cabot (1861-1962) was born in Boston on 26 February 1861, the son of Samuel and Hannah Lowell (Jackson) Cabot. He graduated from Harvard College in 1882 and did post-graduate work at Zurich Polytechnicum, the University of Switzerland, Harvard, and Norwich University. He married Maria B. Moors on 23 June 1890; she died in 1934. They had one daughter, Eleanor C. Bradley, and three sons, Thomas D. Cabot, John Moors Cabot, and James Jackson Cabot.
Cabot became a successful businessman and manufacturer of carbon black. He was active in community affairs and served as secretary of the New England Watch and Ward Society and as trustee of many institutions. He facilitated and commanded the aviation section of the Massachusetts Naval Militia in 1916 and was inducted from the militia into the Navy Reserves as a lieutenant in April 1917 at the start of the United States' involvement in World War I, serving until March of 1919. During his service, he patrolled the Boston Harbor and was in command of a school for flying cadets at Eastern Yacht Club in Marblehead, Mass. from April to August of 1917. He founded the National Aeronautical Association and served as president of the organization in Washington for 3 years. He died on 2 November 1962, an honorary officer of both the National Aeronautical Association and the Federation Aeronautique Internationale.
Collection Description
Papers of businessman, inventor and aviation pioneer Godfrey Lowell Cabot of Boston, Mass. include personal correspondence, 1870-1962, diaries, 1872-1922, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, and writings (including typescripts) related to various organizations and activities, including the Harvard Class of 1882 Alumni Association, 1927-1941, New England Watch and Ward Society, 1913-1921, and the Maria Moors Cabot Foundation; and correspondence and cash accounts of Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc. regarding the manufacture of carbon black, 1934-1962. The largest collection of papers relate to Cabot's involvement in aviation, including correspondence and subject files related to patents, the Aero Club of New England, the Aero Pickup Service Corps, 1892-1959; and papers related to Cabot's role as U.S. Navy pilot during World War I, 1917-1918.
Processing Information
This collection is PARTIALLY PROCESSED.
Acquisition Information
This collection was donated by Ralph Bradley in 1969.
Restrictions on Access
The Godfrey Lowell Cabot papers are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@masshist.org.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. General correspondence, 1877-1969
Arranged chronologically.
II. Subject files
Arranged alphabetically.
Subject files A-L
Beverly Farms House: construction
Bidwell, Anna
Bradley, Mrs. Ralph
Cabot, Samuel II
Cabot, William Putnam
Christmas gifts by G.L.C.
Confidential papers
Ell, Dr. Carl S.
Financial matters
Household employees
Lincoln eulogy
Luby, George
Subject files M-Z
Malloy, Patrick
Medical records, 1956-1962
Miner's phthisis
Nurses for Dr. Cabot
Roan Antelope Copper Mines
Solar energy
III. Harvard papers, 1882-1941
Arranged chronologically and alphabetically.
Materials pertaining to alumni activities of the Class of 1882.
Correspondence, 1882-1937
Correspondence, 1938-1941
General papers, 1890-1941
Subject files A-Z
IV. Cash accounts, 1940-1954
Personal accounts and Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc. accounts.
V. Watch and Ward Society papers, 1891-1966
Arranged chronologically.
General materials pertaining to this society of which Cabot served as secretary.
VI. Maria Moors Cabot Foundation records, 1944-1964
Awards, materials, foundation report booklets, and research scrapbook.
VII. Business correspondence, [1934-1962]
Arranged alphabetically.
Materials relating to Godfrey L. Cabot, Inc.
VIII. Miscellaneous papers, 1910-1966
Pelletier investigation, 1910-1921
Aero Club of America minutes, 1920
Biographical material, 1881-1957
Ralph Bradley, 1936-1966
Cambridge Electric, 1923
Aeronautics materials, 1915-1943
Harvard Class of 1882 misc.
WWII: poison gas, 1939-1942
National Economic Council, 1947
Sponsorship of English children, 1940
Gas manufacturing, ca. 1900
Botany/forestry, 1937-1954
Maria Moors Cabot ancestry scrapbook
Business papers
Printed material
IX. Printed material, 1909-1967
Arranged chronologically.
Journals and reports of various institutions.
X. Aviation papers, 1892-1959
Arranged alphabetically by year.
Printed materials
Patent, 1892-1893
Aviation misc., 1905
Aero Club of America, 1906
Patents, 1906-1907
Aviation misc., 1908
Patents, 1912
Invoices, 1914
Aero Club of America, 1915
Aviation misc., 1915
Blueprints, 1915
Burgess Co., 1915
Conference Committee on Nat'l Preparedness, 1915
National Aeroplane Fund, 1915
Patents, 1915
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1915
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., 1915
Aerial Age Weekly, 1916
Aero Club of America, 1916
Aero Club of New England, 1916
American Airship Co., 1916
Aviation misc., 1916
Aviation and Aeronautical Engineering, 1916
Blueprints, 1916
Burgess Co., 1916
Burns, Walter G., & Co., 1916
Cabot, Cabot, & Forbes, 1916
Cameron Engineering Co., 1916
Curtiss Marne Flying Trophy, 1916
Eastern Aeroplane Co., Inc., 1916
Harvard University, 1916
Hathaway, Josiah, 1916
Howard, Henry, 1916
Invitations, 1916
Legal, 1916
Mass., Commonwealth of, 1916
Mass. Institute of Technology, 1916
National Aeroplane Fund, 1916
Newspaper clippings, 1916
Phillips, John C., 1916
Plympton, Stevens, & Perrin, 1916
Quill, D. W., 1916
Read, Edward Sears, 1916
Sloane Manufacturing Co., 1916
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., 1916
Thomas Aeromotor Co., Inc., 1916
Transcontinental Aeroplane Contest, 1916
U.S. Gov't- House of Representatives, 1916
U.S. Gov't- House of Representatives, Ways & Means Committee, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, misc., 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Headquarters Eastern Division, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Mass. Volunteer Militia, Naval Militia, Dept. of (Boston), 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Nat'l Aerial Coast Patrol Commission, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Office of Naval Aeronautics, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Militia Affairs, Washington, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 9th Deck Division, Naval Militia Mass., 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Secretary of the Navy, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., U.S. Naval Aeronautic Station, Pensacola, FL, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., 1916
U.S. Gov't- Senate, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Senate, Lodge, Henry C., Private Land Claim Committee, 1916
U.S. Gov't- Senate, Weeks, John W., 1916
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., 1916
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Office of Chief Signal Officer, 1916
Wright Co., 1916
Aero Club of America, 1917
Aero Club of France, 1917
Aero Club of New England, 1917
American Bridge Co., 1917
Armstrong, Harry Y., 1917
Aviation- Torpedo Carrying Seaplane, GLC & Rear Admiral Fiske, 1917
Aviation misc., 1917
Aviation & Aeronautical Engineering, 1917
Burgess Co., 1917
Callan, John Gurney, 1917
Cameron Engineering Co., 1917
Fiske, B. A., 1917
Flying, 1917
Hamer Improved Washer Co., 1917
Hopkins, Nelson S., 1917
Hyde, William Albert, 1917
Marshall, Henry Newton, 1917
Commonwealth of Mass., 1917
Mass. Institute of Technology- Klennin, Alexander, 1917
Mass. Institute of Technology- misc., 1917
Mass. Institute of Technology- U.S. Naval Aviation Detachment, 1917
Misc., 1917
Misery Island Hangar, 1917
News clippings, 1917
Patent, 1917
Saugus property, 1917
Savage Arms Corp., 1917
Simplex Automobile Co., 1917
Sperry Gyroscope Co., 1917
Sturtevant, B. F., Co., 1917
U.S. Gov't- misc., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Blood, John Bald (Commanding Officer), 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Aide for Information, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Office of Aviation Aide, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Aviation Station, Marblehead, Mass., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Office of Boston Navy Yard, Commandant, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Office of District Enrolling Officer, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Office of District Enrolling Officer, Marblehead, Mass., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Supply Officer, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Mustin, Henry C., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Consulting Board of the U.S., 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Chief of Naval Operations, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 9th Deck Division, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Secretary of the Navy, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., U.S. Navy Aeronautic Station, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Senate, 1917
U.S. Gov't- Treasury Dept., 1917
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., 1917
Wright-Martin Aircraft Corp., 1917
Aero Club of America, 1918
Aero Club of New England, 1918
Alexander, M. J., Mfg. Co., Inc., 1918
Aviation misc., 1918
Blueprint, 1918
Burgess Co., 1918
Clark, Merrill E., 1918
Fiske, B. A., 1918
Flying, 1918
Harvard University, 1918
Marshall, N., 1918
Commonwealth of Mass., 1918
Mass. Institute of Technology- U.S. Naval Aviation Detachment, 1918
Misc., 1918
Murray & Tregurtha Co., 1918
Nat'l Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, 1918
Newton, J. H., 1918
Northeastern College, 1918
Patents, 1918
Reports, 1918
Savage Arms Co., 1918
Sperry Gyroscope Co., 1918
Splitorf Electrical Co., 1918
U.S. Gov't- Post Office, Air Mail Service, Monthly Report of Operations & Maintenance, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Post Office, Second Assistant Postmaster General, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Aircraft Board, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Commerce Dept., Bulletins on Visibility & Camouflage in War, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Commerce Dept., Bureau of Standards, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Commerce Dept., Report on Special Transmission, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Committee on Public Information, 1918
U.S. Gov't- misc., 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Bureau of Supplies & Accounts, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Aviation Aide Office, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Bureau of Aircraft Production, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Bureau of Construction & Repair, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Bureau of Navigation, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Bureau of Steam Engineering, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Office of Chief of Staff, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Office of Commandant, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, District Communications Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, District Detail Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, District Disbursing Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, District Enrolling Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, District Supply Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, misc., 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Naval Reserve Flying Corps, 1918
U.S. Gov't- First Naval District, Office of Naval Force Commander, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Fiske, B. A., Rear Admiral, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., misc., 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Air Stations, Chatham, Mass., 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Air Stations, Hampton Roads, Va., 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Operating Base, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Office of Naval Operations, 1918
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Secretary of the Navy, 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Aviation Examining Board, 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Chemical Warfare Service, 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., National Aeronautic Committee, 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., misc., 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Army, Office of Chief Signal Officer, 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Army, Headquarters, Northeastern Dept., 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Army, Military Aeronautics Dept., 1918
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., Army, misc., 1918
Whittemore-Hamm Co., 1918
Wilson, J. J., 1918
Wilson, H. B., & Co., 1918
Wright-Martin Aircraft Co., 1918
Aero Club of America, 1919
Aero Club of Massachusetts, 1919
Aero Club of New England, 1919
Aero Club of Texas, Inc., 1919
Aerial League of America, 1919
Aviation misc., 1919
Blueprints, 1919
Burgess Co., 1919
Curtis, Greeley S., 1919
Flying, 1919
Invitations, 1919
Commonwealth of Mass., 1919
Saugus property, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Interior Dept., U.S. Patent Office, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Construction & Repair Bureau, Captain H. C. Mustin, U.S.N., 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Office of Commandant, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Communication Superintendent, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Detail Officer, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Disbursing Officer, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Recorder, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., First Naval District, Supply Officer, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., misc., 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Naval Operations Office, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Navy Cost Inspector, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Secretary of the Navy, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., U.S. Naval Air Station, Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, W.V., 1919
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., 1919
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., Airmail Service, Monthly Reports of Operations & Maintenance, 1919
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., War Dept., 1919
Wright-Martin Aircraft Corp., 1919
Aerial Age Weekly, 1920
Aerial League of America, 1920
Aerial League of the World, 1920
Aerial Service Corp., 1920
Aero Club of America, 1920
Aero Club of Massachusetts, 1920
Aero Club of New England, 1920
Aero Clubs of Minnesota, 1920
Aeromarine West Indies Airways, Inc., 1920
Aeronautic Library, Inc., 1920
Aircraft Fireproofing Corp., 1920
Air Service News Letter, 1920
American Aerial Corp., 1920
Aviation misc., 1920
Pamphlets, 1920
Patents, 1920
U.S. Gov't- general, 1920
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1920
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., 1920
U.S. Gov't- Post War Dept., Office of the Director of Air Service, 1920
Aero Club of America, 1921
Aero Club of Massachusetts, 1921
Aero Club of New England, 1921
Aviation misc., 1921
Boston Herald, 1921
Edwards, Clarence R., 1921
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1921
Mass. Institute of Technology, 1921
Premier Congress de la Navigation Aerienne, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Army Dept., Headquarters First Corps Area, 1921
U.S. Gov't- House of Representatives, Committee on Post Office & Post Roads, 1921
U.S. Gov't- misc., 1921
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., 1921
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Office of Navy Dept. First Naval District, Commandant, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Secretary of the Navy, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., Supplies & Accounts Bureau, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Navy Dept., U.S. Destroyer & Submarine Base, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., Air Mail Service, Monthly Report of Operation & Maintenance, 1921
U.S. Gov't- Secretary of State, 1921
U.S. Gov't- War Dept., 1921
Aero Club of America, 1922
American Investigation Corp., 1922
Aviation misc., 1922
Boston Aviation Field Fund, 1922
Detroit Aviation Society, Inc., 1922
Commonwealth of Mass., 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter H., 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Advance Committee on Organization, 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- by-laws, 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Coffin, Howard E., 1922
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- governors, 1922
Aero Club of America, 1923
American Unitarian Association, 1923
Aviation misc., 1923
Brown, Arthur J., 1923
Byrd, Richard E., 1923
General Airways System, Inc., 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- general, 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter H., 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Coffin, Howard E., 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Fullam, Rear Admiral W. P., 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Mulvihill, B. H., 1923
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Patterson, F. B., 1923
Pamphlets, 1923
U.S. Gov't- Royal Hungarian Legation, 1923
U.S. Gov't- speeches, 1923
Aviation misc., 1924
Patents, 1924
Aero Digest, 1925
Aviation misc., 1925
General Airways System, Inc., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- general, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- accounting, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter H., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Amick, A. H., Jr., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Cabot, Godfrey L., Pres., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- chapters, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Contest Committee, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- convention, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Fullam, William F., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- membership, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- review, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Shenandoah, 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Slyer, N. M., 1925
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Woodhouse, Henry, 1925
Newspaper clippings, 1925
New York 1925 Air Races, 1925
Speeches, 1925
Sperry Gyroscope Co., 1925
U.S. Gov't- general, 1925
U.S. Gov't- Army, 1925
U.S. Gov't- Navy, 1925
U.S. Gov't- Post Office Dept., 1925
U.S. Gov't- Senate, Bingham, Hiram, 1925
American Yearbook, 1926
Aviation misc., 1926
Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1926
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1926
Hughes & Hughes, 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter, 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- American Arctic Expedition, 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Buckland, E. G., 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Guggenheim, Harry F., 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Horner, Leonard S., 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Lewis, G. W., 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- McCracken, William P. (Hon.), Jr., 1926
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, misc., 1926
National Air Races, 1926
National Air Races, Schory, C. F., 1926
National Air Races, Slyer, N. M., 1926
National Air Races, Wolfley, Carl H., 1926
National Air Races, Young, Clarence M., 1926
Newspaper clippings, 1926
Pamphlets, 1926
Patents, 1926
Speeches, 1926
U.S. Gov't, Dept. of Commerce, 1926
Aviation Magazine, 1927
Aviation misc., 1927
Boston Chamber of Commerce, Committee on Aviation, 1927
Byrd, Richard E., 1927
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1927
General Airways System, Inc., 1927
Commonwealth of Mass., 1927
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- general, 1927
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter (Pres.), 1927
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Boston Chapter, 1927
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Schory, C. F., 1927
U.S. Gov't, 1927
Misc., 1928
Aero Pickup Devices, 1929
Aviation, 1929
Aviation misc., 1929
Aviation Business Bureau, Inc., 1929
Colonial Air Transport, Inc., 1929
Commission Internationale de Navigation Aerienne, 1929
Driggs, Laurence La. T., 1929
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1929
Ide, John J., 1929
Internat'l Commission for Air Navigation, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- general, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Bingham, Hiram, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- minutes of meeting of board of governors, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Neely, Frederick R., 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- notices to offices & governors, 1929
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Schory, C. F., Secretary, Contest Committee, 1929
News clippings, 1929
Pamphlets, 1929
Adams, Porter, 1930
Aero Pickup Service Corp., 1930
Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc., 1930
Aviation, 1930
Aviation misc., 1930
Blueprints, 1930
Card, A. W., 1930
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1930
Fernald, F. C., 1930
Gardner, Lester D., 1930
Harvard Flying Club, 1930
Ide, John J., 1930
Institute of Politics, 1930
Map, Swiss Customs Aerodrome, 1930
Mass. Air Terminal & Arena, Inc., 1930
Moth Aircraft Corp., 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- general, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Adams, Porter, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Bingham, Hiram, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- financial statements, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- governors meeting, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Ide, John J., 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- notices to chapter officers & governors, 1930
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- Schneider Contest, 1930
Newspaper clippings, 1930
Patents, 1930
Pamphlets, 1930
Royal Aero Club, 1930
Speeches, 1930
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1930
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1931
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1931
Aero Pickup Service Corp., misc., 1931
Aviation misc., 1931
Blueprint, 1931
Cash disbursements, 1931
Newspaper clippings, 1931
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1932
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1932
Aero Pickup Service Corp., misc., 1932
Patents, 1932
Misc., 1933
Newspaper clippings, 1933
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1934
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1934
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Landreau, Norman B., 1934
Aero Pickup Service Corp., misc., 1934
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Pop, Earl C., 1934
Aviation misc., 1934
Correspondence, outgoing, 1934
Aviation misc.- speeches & reports, 1934
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1934
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- incoming correspondence, 1934
Aviation misc., 1935
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1936
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1936
American Airlines, Inc., 1936
Aviation misc., 1936
Correspondence, outgoing, 1936
Newspaper clippings, 1936
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1937
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1937
American Airlines, Inc., 1937
Aviation misc., 1937
"Flight Strip," 1937
Proposal of the New England Regional Planning Commission for the development of emergency landing fields.
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1937
Newspaper clippings, 1937
Aviation misc., 1938
Collier Trophy Committee; The Wright "Double Row Cyclone 14" aircraft engine, 1938
(bound notebook)
Newspaper clippings, 1938
Aero Pickup Service Corp., 1939
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1939
American Airlines, Inc., 1939
Aviation misc., 1939
Card, A. W., 1939
Collier Trophy Committee presentation, 1939
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1939
Newspaper clippings, 1939
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Card, A. W., 1940
Aero Pickup Service Corp., Fernald, F. C., 1940
Aero Pickup Service Corp., misc., 1940
Aero Pickup Service Corp., statements & data regarding tests, 1940
American Airlines, Inc., 1940
Aviation misc., 1940
Civil Aeronautics Board application, 1940
Correspondence, outgoing, 1940
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1940
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, misc., 1940
Newspaper clippings, 1940
Aero Pickup Service Corp., 1941
Letters concerning stocks & federal taxes applied thereto.
Aviation insurance, 1941
Aviation misc., 1941
Correspondence, outgoing, 1941
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1941
American Airlines, Inc., 1942
Aviation misc., 1942
Correspondence, outgoing, 1942
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1942
Aviation misc., 1943
Correspondence, outgoing, 1943
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1943
All American Aviation, 1944
American Airlines, Inc., 1944
Aviation bulletins, 1944
Aviation misc., 1944
Correspondence, outgoing, 1944
Nat'l Aeronautic Association- chapter service bulletins, 1944
Misc., 1944
Policy Study #2, 1944
On postwar aircraft landing facilities.
Pick-up, 1944
Aviation misc., 1945
Committee on Aviation, 1945
Correspondence, outgoing, 1945
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1945
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1945
Pickup, 1945
Aviation misc., 1946
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1946
All American Aviation, Inc., 1946
American Airlines, Inc., 1946
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1946
Correspondence, outgoing, 1946
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1946
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1946
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1947
Aeronautical Research Foundation, 1947
All American Aviation, Inc., 1947
American Airlines, Inc., 1947
Aviation misc., 1947
Commission D'Aeronautique Sportive Internationale, 1947
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1947
Committee on Flight Without Motor, 1947
Compania Cubana De Aviacion, S.A., 1947
Correspondence, outgoing, 1947
Eastern Air Lines, Inc., 1947
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1947
International Society of Air Affairs, 1947
Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, 1947
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1947
Navy Dept., "New Sea," 1947
United Air Lines, 1947
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1948
Air Transport Association of America, 1948
All American Aviation, Inc., 1948
American Airlines, Inc., 1948
Aviation misc., 1948
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1948
Correspondence, outgoing, 1948
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1948
"International Trade By Air," 1948
An address before the World Law Group of the Harvard Law School.
Mass. Aeronautics Commission, 1948
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1948
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1948
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1949
American Airlines, Inc., 1949
Boston Metropolitan Airport, 1949
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1949
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1949
Flight Safety Foundation, Inc., 1949
Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, 1949
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1949
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1949
State Airport Management Board, 1949
Aviation misc., 1950
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1950
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1950
Flight Safety Foundation, Inc., 1950
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1950
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1950
Aviation misc., 1951
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1951
American Airlines, Inc., 1951
Boost Boston Aviation, 1951
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1951
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1951
Includes a history of the F.A.I.
Flight Safety Foundation, Inc., 1951
Helio Aircraft Corp., 1951
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1951
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1951
Trans World Airlines, Inc., 1951
Aero Club New England, 1952
Aero Club New England, special, 1952
Aeronautic Association of Boston, 1952
American Airlines, Inc., 1952
Aviation misc., 1952
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1952
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1952
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1952
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1952
Aero Club of New England, 1953
American Airlines, Inc., 1953
Aviation misc., 1953
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1953
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1953
"Flying," 1953
Logan International Airport, 1953
Misc., 1953
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1953
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1953
Newspaper clippings, 1953
Aero Club of New England, 1954
Aeronautical Section, Library of Congress, 1954
American Airlines, Inc., 1954
Askim Gummivarefabrik, 1954
Atlantic Seaboard Corp., 1954
Aviation misc., 1954
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1954
Fairchild Engine & Airplane Corp., 1954
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1954
Nat'l Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1954
Nat'l Aeronautic Association, 1954
Pan American World Airways, 1954
Aero Club of New England, 1955
American Airlines, Inc., 1955
Aviation misc., 1955
Committee on Aviation, Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1955
Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 1955
Pan American World Airways, 1955
Aviation misc., 1956-1964
"Presentation of New England Airlines," by W. Smith, [1959]
Bound notebook of plans/proposals for New England Airlines to provide air service in the state of New Hampshire.
XI. Oxygen papers, 1903-1921
Arranged chronologically.
Materials relating to the development of oxygen compression.
XII. Diaries & notebooks, 1872-1922
Arranged chronologically.
Diary & transcript, 7 Nov. 1872-25 June 1875
Commonplace book & transcript, ca. 1875
Diary & transcript, 27 June 1875-1 June 1876
Diary & transcript, 1 June-9 Oct. 1876
Diary & transcript, 10 Oct. 1876-17 July 1877
Diary & transcript, 18 July 1877-17 Nov. 1878
Diary & transcript, 18 Nov. 1877-15 May 1880
Diary & transcript, 22 May 1880-Sep. 1881
Diary & transcript, Sep. 1881-6 Apr. 1884
Diary & transcript, 7 Apr.-10 Oct. 1884
"Chemical industries" notebook & transcript, Oct. 1884
European tour.
Diary & transcript, 19 Oct. 1884-19 Feb. 1885
Diary & transcript, 19 Feb. 1885-5 Feb. 1886
German notebook, [1881-1887]
Diary & transcript, 26 July 1886-23 Jan. 1887
Diary & transcript, 24 Jan. 1887-7 Jan. 1888
Diary & transcript, 10 Jan.-11 Sep. 1888
Diary & transcript, 11 Sep. 1888-2 Sep. 1889
Diary & transcript, 3 Sep. 1889-17 June 1890
Diary & transcript, 22 June 1890-20 Mar. 1892
Diary & transcript, 25 Mar. 1892-6 Aug. 1893
Diary & transcript, 9 Aug. 1893-3 Sep. 1894
Diary & transcript, 5 Sep. 1894- 25 June 1895
Diary & transcript, 29 June 1895-17 June 1896
Diary & transcript, 17 June 1896-25 Mar. 1897
Diary & transcript, 26 Mar.-18 Dec. 1897
Diary & transcript, 18 Dec. 1897-10 May 1898
Diary & transcript, 10 May-6 June 1898
Diary & transcript, 7 June-4 Dec. 1898
Transcript- European Gas-Works survey, 1898
Diary & transcript, 7 Dec. 1898-28 June 1899
Diary & transcript, 7 Dec. 1898-28 June 1899
Diary & transcript, 29 June 1899-5 Mar. 1900
Diary & transcript, 8 Mar.-7 Nov. 1900
Diary & transcript, 11 Nov. 1900-16 Mar. 1901
Diary & transcript, 17 Mar. 1901-14 Jan. 1902
Diary & transcript, 13 July 1902-25 Feb. 1903
Notebook- Iceland, Greenland, and Cuba, ca. 1903
Diary, 3 Dec. 1913-21 Feb. 1915
Diary & transcript, 1918
Diary & transcript, 27 Sep. 1921-22 June 1922
XIII. Writings, undated
Manuscript and typescript versions of two stories, "The Chess Player" and "Everard of Eagle's Rock," as well as manuscript essays on flying and memories of Samuel Cabot.
XIV. Scrapbooks & albums, 1915-1961
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1915-1925
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1917-1947
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1927-1935
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1949-1956
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1956-1959
Scrapbook- newspaper clippings, 1948-1958
Album of transcribed correspondence excerpts, 1891-1934
Album from Maria Moors Cabot Foundation for Botanical Research, 1961
XV. Biographical material, 1952-1969
Material consists largely of obituaries and biographical sketches.
XVI. Miscellaneous and undated material, undated
Correspondence, undated
Personal papers, undated
Aviation papers, undated
XVII. Oversize material
Oversize blueprints and certificates.
XVIII. Additions, 1891-1968
Previously restricted papers opened in 2019.
Correspondence with Maria Moors Cabot, 1895-1929
Personal correspondence, 1938-1956
Miscellaneous papers, 1891-1923
Record of Godfrey Lowell Cabot diary distribution, 1952-1957
Biographical correspondence, 1963-1968
Preferred Citation
Godfrey Lowell Cabot papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Access Terms
This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.
Materials Removed from the Collection
Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Godfrey Lowell Cabot photographs (Photo. Coll. 218).