1665-1959; bulk: 1810-1930
Guide to the Collection
This collection contains the papers of the Jackson family of Newburyport, Boston, and Beverly, Mass., primarily those of Patrick Tracy Jackson (1780-1847), Patrick Tracy Jackson (1818-1891), Patrick Tracy Jackson (1844-1918), and Charles Loring Jackson (1847-1945), as well as those of the related Russel, Cabot, Tracy, Gardner, Loring, Lee, Lowell, and Smoot families. It includes family correspondence, personal and professional papers, business and financial records, Civil War papers, and estate administration records.
Biographical Sketch
These brief biographical sketches highlight the individuals most prominently represented within the collection. They are arranged chronologically.
Patrick Tracy Jackson (1780-1847) (PTJ I) was born in Newburyport, Mass. on 14 Aug. 1780, the youngest son of Jonathan Jackson (1743-1810) and his second wife, Hannah Tracy Jackson (1755-1797). After studying at Dummer Academy, PTJ I was apprenticed to Newburyport merchant William Bartlett at age 15. He began a career at sea on behalf of both Bartlett and his elder brother Henry Jackson from 1799 to 1808, then established himself in Boston as a merchant specializing in the East and West Indies trade. When the War of 1812 depressed shipping, PTJ I collaborated with his brother-in-law Francis Cabot Lowell (1775-1817) to establish a textile factory in Waltham and with a group of wealthy mercantile families known as the Boston Associates, founded the Boston Manufacturing Company in 1813. The Waltham factory was the first to gather all the steps of converting raw wool into cloth as one operation.
By 1820, PTJ I and the Boston Associates established the Merrimack Manufacturing Company, with additional cotton factories along the Merrimack River, and the city of Lowell, named for Francis Cabot Lowell. In 1830, to improve transportation between Boston and the mills, PTJ I oversaw the construction of the Boston & Lowell Railroad, the first railroad to receive a charter from the Massachusetts General Court. He also served as president of the Lycoming Coal Company in Farrandsville, Pa. and as designer and developer of Boston's Pemberton Square, projects in which he invested heavily but lost a large amount of money. To support his family in his later years, he accepted positions as president of the Concord Railroad of Concord, N.H., agent of the Proprietors of Locks and Canals on the Merrimack River, and agent of the Great Falls Manufacturing Co. in Somersworth, N.H.
PTJ I married Lydia Cabot (1787–1869) in November 1810 and the couple had nine children: Anna Cabot Jackson Lowell (1811-1874), Sarah Cabot Jackson Russel (1813-1844), Susan Cabot Jackson (1817-1826), Patrick Tracy Jackson (1818-1891), Hannah Lowell Jackson Cabot (1820-1879), Catherine Cabot Jackson Stone (1822-1877), Sophia Jackson (1826-1835), Edward Jackson (1830-1850), and Eleanor Jackson (d. 1895). He died in Beverly in Sept. 1847.
Patrick Tracy Jackson (1818-1891) (PTJ II)was born in Watertown, Mass. on 5 Nov. 1818, the son of textile manufacturer Patrick Tracy Jackson (1780-1847) and Lydia Cabot Jackson (1787-1869). He grew up in Boston and summered in Waltham. At Harvard, PTJ II specialized in mineralogy and helped to found the Harvard Natural History Society, graduating in 1838. He learned the cotton manufacturing business with the firm of James K. Mills and Co. (later Charles H. Mills and Co.) as a junior partner, and between 1850 and 1857, built the Hampden Mills at Holyoke with financing from the Loring family. He was treasurer of the New England Emigrant Aid Society, also known as the Massachusetts State Kansas Committee, which sent arms to the Free Soil Settlers in Kansas and financed the work of John Brown. After the Hampden Mills business failed in 1875, PTJ II became a cotton buyer and from 1877 to 1879, worked as director and treasurer of the Automatic Signal and Telegraph Company of Boston. He also served as director of the Bank of Commerce, examiner of the Suffolk Savings Bank, and treasurer of the Eastern Yacht Club.
In March 1843, PTJ II married Susan Mary Loring, and the couple lived in Boston where they had four children: Patrick Tracy Jackson (1844-1918); Charles Loring Jackson (1847-1935); Anna Pierce Jackson (1855-1922); and Ernest Jackson (1857-1913). They summered in Beverly, where Susan's father owned a farm at Pride's Crossing. PTJ II suffered a stroke and died on 10 November 1891.
Patrick Tracy Jackson (1844-1918) (PTJ III) known to his family as Tracy, was born in Boston to Patrick Tracy Jackson II and Susan Loring Jackson (1823-1905) on 19 Dec. 1844. He entered Harvard College in 1861 but soon left to join the Union Army. From 1863 to 1865 he served as second lieutenant in the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment and captain of the 5th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment, the third Black regiment raised in Massachusetts. He received his A.B. from Harvard in 1865, and from 1868 to 1869 was employed in the Hampden Mills in Holyoke. He then worked in the dry goods commission business in Boston, and later was a cotton buyer with his son, Arthur Loring Jackson, as P.T. Jackson and Co. He also served as the treasurer of the Boston Provident Association. PTJ III married Eleanor Baker Gray (1847-1930), the daughter of Rev. Frederick Turell Gray and Elizabeth Phillips Chapman Gray, in 1871. The couple had four children: Patrick Tracy Jackson (1871-1959); Arthur Loring Jackson (1874-1924); Susan Loring Jackson Noble (1879-1951); and Frederick Gray Jackson (b. 1882). The family lived in Cambridge and summered at Pride's Crossing in Beverly.
Charles Loring Jackson (1847-1935) was born in Boston on 4 April 1845, the son of Patrick Tracy Jackson II and Susan Loring Jackson (1823-1905). He graduated from Harvard College in 1867, shortly thereafter joining Harvard's chemistry department, becoming an assistant professor by the age of 21. In 1873, Charles traveled to Germany to study under Robert Bunsen and August von Hoffman, and was among the first to bring the study of organic chemistry to the United States, a field that he taught at Harvard for forty years. Charles was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences. After his retirement, he spent his time at his estate in Beverly, where he enjoyed gardening, amateur theatre, and poetry. In 1926, he published The Gold Point, a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories. Charles died on 31 October 1935.
Collection Description
The Patrick Tracy Jackson family papers consist of 14 document boxes and 14 cased volumes of manuscripts and printed material. They are arranged into five series that document the Jackson family of Newburyport, Boston, and Beverly, Mass., including family correspondence, personal and professional papers, account books, business and financial records, Civil War papers, and estate administration records. Also included are papers of the related Cabot, Tracy, Lee, Loring, Gardner, Russel, Lowell and Smoot families.
Family correspondence comprises a large part of the collection, including the letters of Patrick Tracy Jackson I (1780-1847); his son Patrick Tracy Jackson II (1818-1891); his grandchildren Patrick Tracy Jackson III (1844-1918), Charles Loring Jackson, and Anna Pierce Jackson; and his great-grandson, Patrick Tracy Jackson IV (1871-1959). Other family correspondents include Susan Loring Jackson, William Channing Russel, Henry Lee, Samuel Gardner, Charles Greely Loring, Cornelia Loring, Anna Smoot Jackson, Mary Head Smoot, Lucy and Sophia Russel, and Anna Jackson Stevenson. Correspondence describes the family's various business pursuits, largely in the textile industry; finances; family news; daily life; travels; and social activities in Boston and Beverly.
Early papers include records of the Dorchester and Milton nail manufacturing mills of Jonathan Jackson (1672-1736) and his son Edward Jackson; records of the Newburyport mercantile businesses of Jonathan Jackson (1743-1810); records of the French and Indian War privateer Bethel and the Revolutionary War privateers Game Cock and Oliver Cromwell; and the Revolutionary War recollections of Mary Turell of Boston, written in 1821.
The papers of PTJ I contain a small number of records pertaining to the Waltham and Lowell textile mills of the Boston and Merrimack Manufacturing Companies, including property deeds and a volume of manufacturing statistics. More fully documented is PTJ I's service as chairman of Boston's Rope Walk Committee, his development of the Lycoming Coal Company in Farrandsville, Pa. to mine coal and construct a blast furnace for producing iron; his real estate investments in Boston's Pemberton Square; and his management of the Concord Railroad of Concord, N.H. Correspondents include civil engineers William Gibbs McNeill and George W. Whistler, textile manufacturer Kirk Boott, publisher Ebenezer Andrews, and Boston mayor Josiah Quincy.
The papers of PTJ II are related to his involvement as a Harvard student and alumnus, his work as president of the Hampden Mills in Holyoke, and his positions as treasurer and director of the Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. of Boston. They also contain a travel journal describing his trip through New York State in the summer of 1836.
PTJ III's Civil War letters document his service from April 1863 through March 1864 with the 1st Mass. Cavalry, and from March 1864 to October 1865 as captain of the 5th Mass. Cavalry, an African American regiment. His letters describe action at the Battle of Aldie (Va.) in June 1863, where a large part of his regiment was killed; his decision to join the Massachusetts 5th; his impressions of African American soldiers; his experiences guarding Confederate prisoners of war at Point Lookout, Md.; the march into Richmond on 3 Apr. 1865; and his service in Clarkesville, Tex. from July to October 1865. PTJ III's reminiscences of his Civil War service, written in 1895, include detailed descriptions of his experiences. Other papers include those related to PTJ III's cotton buying firm, P.T. Jackson and Co., and to his service as treasurer of the Perkins Institution for the Blind, including a letter from Helen Keller.
Also of interest are several letters written by Cabot Jackson Russel, who was killed in the assault on Fort Wagner in July 1863, describing his Civil War experiences with the 44th and 54th Infantry Regiments, the latter under Robert Gould Shaw. The papers of Harvard chemistry professor Charles Loring Jackson include correspondence with professors at universities throughout the Midwest establishing new chemistry departments, as well as researchers interested in Jackson's work in organic chemistry. The collection also contains estate administration papers, guardianship records, bankruptcy settlements, and multi-generational family trust accounts of the extended Jackson family, for which PTJ II, PTJ III, and PTJ IV served as executors and administrators.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Patrick Tracy Jackson, November 2009.
Detailed Description of the Collection
Expand allI. Family correspondence, 1810-1959
Arranged chronologically.
Early correspondence includes four letters from PTJ I to his brother-in-law Francis Cabot Lowell in Edinburgh and London in 1810 and 1811. They discuss Jackson's engagement and marriage, their mutual trade ventures with India and China, Lowell's plans to open a brewery upon his return to America, and the growing tensions between the United States and Great Britain and its effect on their business.
Correspondence of the 1830s and 1840s includes letters from Susan Loring Jackson, the wife of PTJ II, to her sister Jane Loring (later Gray) discussing family news and daily life in Boston. Letters between PTJ I and PTJ II discuss family finances, business, and activities. William C. Russel of New York, PTJ I's son-in-law, is a frequent correspondent, writing about William's land investments in Manhattan, the 1844 presidential election results in New York, and PTJ I's opinion of a calico printing machine. He also describes his experiences during the Great New York City Fire of 1845. Other family correspondents during this time include Henry Lee, Samuel Gardner, Anna Jackson Lowell, Lucy and Sophia Russel, Charles Greely Loring, and Caleb W. Loring.
There is no family correspondence between 1846 and 1861. The Civil War letters of PTJ III's cousin Cabot Jackson Russel (1844-1863) describe his experiences serving in the 44th and 54th Infantry Regiments. In February 1863, Cabot writes that he is "going under Bob Shaw," and sends news from Camp Stevenson. He was killed in the assault on Fort Wagner in July of 1863. In September 1863, Charles R. Lowell writes about the Mass. 54th soldiers believed to be still held as prisoners by the South and expresses hope for Cabot's survival. In November 1865, Susan Lowell Jackson writes to her sister Jane about PTJ III's return from war.
For Patrick Tracy Jackson III's Civil War letters to his family, see Series II.F.
Other family correspondence includes letters from Cornelia Loring (third wife of Charles Greely Loring) in Berlin to her step-granddaughter Anna Pierce Jackson; courtship letters between PTJ IV and Anne Smoot, who marry in April 1898; and correspondence between Anne, her mother Mary Head Smoot, and her sister Margaret "Peggy" Smoot, who write from Berkeley, Calif. Correspondence in the early 1900s is mostly between the Smoot family, including letters from Anne's brother, Joseph Edward Smoot, who writes to PTJ IV about starting a lumber business in Memphis and Savannah.
Later correspondence is that of PTJ IV with his wife and children, including letters from their daughter Anna from Europe in 1924, letters related to Anna's engagement and marriage to William Stevenson in 1925, and letters from Anna describing her daily life in the Azores, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland as she and her husband travel for his work with a commercial cable company.
II. Personal, business, and military papers, 1710-1940
This series contains the papers of PTJ I; his son PTJ II; his grandchildren, PTJ III, Charles Loring Jackson, and Anna Pierce Jackson; PTJ IV and his wife, Anna Smoot Jackson; and their son, PTJ V. A small amount of papers are related to earlier Jackson family members, including PTJ I's father, Jonathan Jackson; his grandfathers, Edward Jackson and Patrick Tracy; and his great grandfather, Jonathan Jackson. Related papers include those of the Cabot, Lee, Turell, Loring, and Russel families. Papers document the family's businesses in shipping and trade, privateering, and manufacturing, particularly the cotton and textile industry; PTJ III's Civil War service with the 1st and 5th Massachusetts Cavalry Regiments; and Charles Loring Jackson's academic career in organic chemistry. Also included is personal correspondence, diaries and memoirs, and financial papers.
A. Jonathan Jackson (1672-1736) and Edward Jackson papers, 1710-1751
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
The papers of Jonathan Jackson (1672-1736) and his son, Edward Jackson (1708-1757), include a copy of a petition to the Massachusetts General Court to build slitting mills for manufacturing nails, and the Court's grant of a bounty for their manufacture; accounts and receipts related to building the mills and their operating expenses; and accounts of expenses for the funeral of Jonathan Jackson in January 1736. An account book dating from 1710 to 1751 lists general expenses of Jonathan and Edward, including building materials, labor, and provisions. Four small account books pertain to the slitting mills, including several accounts of goods, an alphabetical inventory of tools, and items produced at the Dorchester and Milton mills. A 1728 account book includes wage accounts of masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, and farriers, as well as costs of provisions, timber, wrought and cast iron, bricks, and coal used for building the Dorchester mill.
A 1748 account book contains lists of prize goods captured from the Spanish ship Jesus Maria y Joseph by the ship Bethel of Boston, a privateer partially owned by Edward Jackson. (For additional papers related to privateering, see Series II. C., Jonathan Jackson papers and Series II.L.ii. Brig Oliver Cromwell account book.)
Loose papers, 1727-1736
Account book, 1710-1751
Slitting mill "account of goods," 1727-1728
Dorchester slitting mill account book, 1728-1729
Slitting mill "account of goods," 1730
Slitting mill 'account of goods," 1743
Ship Bethel account book, 1748
B. Tracy family papers, 1742-1780
Arranged chronologically.
This subseries includes personal correspondence of Patrick Tracy, grandfather of PTJ I, papers related to Tracy's service for the 1st Church of Newburyport with the ordination of Thomas Cary in 1768, and various accounts and receipts belonging to Tracy and his sons Nathaniel and John Tracy.
C. Jonathan Jackson (1743-1810) papers, 1767-1810
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
Papers of Newburyport merchant and politician Jonathan Jackson, father of PTJ I, include those related to his shipping and importing partnerships with John Bromfield from 1766 to 1774 and with his brothers-in-law Nathaniel and John Tracy from 1774 to 1777. They include shipping receipts; cargo lists; and accounts with various merchants for rum, molasses, flaxseed, and other goods. Also included are 1775 and 1776 accounts related to the sloop Game Cock, a Revolutionary War privateer. The subseries also contains receipts, lists of expenses, accounts, and a checkbook.
Jackson and Bromfield accounts, 1767-1772
Jackson, Tracy, and Tracy accounts, 1773-1778
Miscellaneous business records, 1804-1805
Boston Bank check book, 1806-1810
D. Patrick Tracy Jackson I (1780-1847) papers, 1810-1847
This subseries contains personal and business correspondence; legal and financial papers, including property deeds for lands in Boston, Waltham, and Lowell; papers related to PTJ I's service on the City of Boston's Rope Walk Committee; and business papers related to the Lycoming Coal Co. in Farrandsville, Penn., real estate investments in Boston's Pemberton Square, and the Concord (N.H.) Railroad. A small "Memorandum of Manufacturing" pertains to PTJ I's development of the Waltham and Lowell textile mills.
i. Personal and business papers, 1810-1847
Arranged chronologically.
Correspondence includes that of Boston printer and publisher Ebenezer T. Andrews concerning the purchase of 45 Newbury St. (formerly the Thomas and Andrews bookstore) and other property from 1821 to 1825. Also included are letters from prominent civil engineers William Gibbs McNeill and George W. Whistler, including an 1844 letter from Whistler in St. Petersburg where he supervised the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg Railroad; Josiah Quincy, writing in relation to Jackson's work as a commissioner of Boston's waterworks; Caspar W. Wever, who established Weverton Manufacturing Co. in Weverton, Md. using the city of Lowell as a model; and many others requesting advice and financial investment.
A large number of deeds for property in Boston, Waltham, and Lowell are evidence of Jackson's land purchases, including 1822 deeds in Waltham for the land and buildings of the Boston Manufacturing Co. Other papers include receipts, lottery tickets (Jackson was the treasurer of the Harvard College Lottery), deeds for a pew in King's Chapel in Boston and for a tomb-lot in St. Paul's Church in Boston, balance sheets, a $10,000 donation to support an assistant minister at Trinity Church, and papers related to support for Boston's Warren St. Chapel. Also included is genealogical correspondence and a memorial to PTJ I written by the board of the Proprietors of Locks and Canals Corp., for which he served as treasurer.
ii. Rope Walk Committee records, 1824
Arranged chronologically.
Rope walk committee records pertain to PTJ I's position as chairman of the Reference Committee which determined a fair price for the City of Boston to purchase the land from its owners, the Proprietors of the Rope Walk Lands. The lands later became part of the Boston Public Garden. Records include Jackson's notes and memoranda, 1824 meeting records, and several letters, including one from Boston mayor Josiah Quincy.
iii. Pennsylvania investments, 1833-1845
Arranged chronologically and by record size.
Records in this subseries document the detailed workings of the Lycoming Coal Co. and its failure in 1839. PTJ I was president of this company of Boston investors who bought lands in Farrandsville, Pa. in 1832 to mine for coal. In 1836 the company financed the construction of a blast furnace at Farrandsville, the first in the United States to use coal to produce iron for manufacturing locomotives. The bulk of correspondence is from Lycoming Co. general agent Daniel Tyler to treasurer Charles Russell Lowell (PTJ I's son-in-law), giving detailed progress reports on the company's efforts. Other correspondents include investors Edmund Dwight, Thomas H. Perkins, and George Lyman; British furnace operators Gerard Ralston and Daniel Treadwell; W. P. Farrand; Henry Walters; and James Hepburn. Records also include financial accounts and valuations, investment agreements, deeds, and other legal documents. Undated oversize records include drawings and descriptions of the mines and a survey of the Susquehanna River.
1844 and 1845 papers are related to PTJ I's sale of his farm near Farrandsville, known as "Quay's Farm," to Jonas Sperring.
Loose records, 1833-1845
Oversize material, n.d.
iv. Pemberton Square records, 1835-1838
Arranged chronologically.
In 1835 PTJ I purchased, in partnership with William Appleton, Abbott Lawrence, and John P. Thorndike, several large estates on Pemberton Hill. He then graded the hill, using the fill to create land for a terminus for the Boston and Lowell Railroad, later the site of Boston's North Station. On the leveled land, he put up for auction sixty-five lots around a common square, originally named Phillips Place. Records include correspondence related to the purchase of the Greene and Phillips estates (among others); with designers, builders, and purchasers; and with Boston city aldermen about the amount of land to be removed and the sale of existing buildings. Additional records include financial accounts and receipts; purchase and sale agreements; deeds, prospectuses; and a catalog advertising lots for sale with their terms. Also included are accounts for the construction of public ways, court actions related to property disputes, and records related to arbitration between PTJ I and Ebenezer Francis in 1838.
Loose records, 1835-1837
Loose records, 1838
"Phillips Place" [Pemberton Square] lot book, 1835
v. Concord Railroad records, 1835-1841
Arranged chronologically.
PTJ I became president of this Concord, N.H. railroad in July 1836. Records include by-laws, acts of incorporation, directors meeting minutes from 1835 and 1836, and correspondence with consulting engineers William Gibbs McNeil and George W. Whistler about building the railroad; with project engineer James Baldwin; with treasurer Joseph Low about selling shares to finance it; and with various persons in an effort to obtain funding from the New Hampshire legislature. The project stalled by 1839 for lack of funding.
See also PTJ I's later correspondence with McNeil and Whistler in Personal and business papers, Series II.D.i.
vi. Volumes, 1820-1828
Arranged chronologically.
PTJ I's cash book lists daily expenses for food, clothing, rent, charitable donations, and investments, as well as accounts with family members. His various bank books list money deposited and withdrawn. An 1822 account book is labeled "money in pocket and money in bank." PTJ I's 1828 "Memorandum of Manufacturing," written in an almanac, includes several pages of manufacturing statistics for the Waltham and Lowell mills.
Cash book, 1820-1822
Suffolk Bank book, 1821-1822
Account book, 1822-1824
Columbian Bank book, 1822-1824
Columbian Bank book, 1824-1828
"Memorandum of Manufacturing," 1828
vii. Patrick Tracy Jackson memorial, 1847
Two handwritten copies of this memorial, written on 3 October 1847 by PTJ I's brother, James Jackson, outline his life and character.
E. Patrick Tracy Jackson II (1818-1891) papers, 1834-1892
The papers of PTJ II reflect his years as a Harvard student and his service as an alumnus, his business and financial difficulties in the textile industry, and his position as a director and treasurer of the Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. of Boston, which operated fire and burglar alarm systems. Also included is correspondence related to the Civil War, a travel journal, and account books recording personal and family finances.
i. Loose papers, 1834-1892
Arranged chronologically.
PTJ II's business and personal papers include his Harvard admission papers and class lists, employment agreements with James K. Mills as a partner in his commission business in 1840 and 1842, financial accounts and receipts, and an 1857 stock certificate for the New England Emigrant Aid Co. 1857 correspondence includes that with Francis C. Lowell and Gardiner Shaw about investments, trusts, and PTJ II's financial difficulties, and with others about the Hampden Mills and local economic conditions.
Correspondence from 1862 to 1865 is related to the Civil War service of PTJ II's nephew Cabot Jackson Russel, and about obtaining a position for PTJ II's son, PTJ III, as a cavalry officer. Also included are letters from A.S. Hartwell about Hartwell's search for his brother, a prisoner of war. An anonymous letter written in Feb. 1863 describes the living conditions of freed African Americans and "contrabands" in Washington D.C. 1866 papers are related to PTJ II's role on the Harvard Committee of Fifty to fund Alumni Hall in 1866, and as chairman of the class subscription fund, including correspondence, lists, accounts, and receipts.
From 1879 to 1880, many of PTJ II's papers are related to his work as director and treasurer of the Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. of Boston, including correspondence with company founder, William B. Watkins. 1881 correspondence with Henry Lee and undated sketches of various house floorplans are also included in the papers.
ii. Volumes, 1836-1891
Arranged chronologically.
Volumes include a detailed diary of PTJ II's trip during the summer of 1836 to West Point, the Catskill Mountains, Utica, the Erie Canal, and Niagara Falls, and a brief account of his trip in the summer of 1837 to Lowell. An account book, most likely kept by PTJ II's wife, Susan Loring Jackson, lists the names and wages for cooks, nursery workers, chamber maids, and parlor maids with occasional comments on the worker's habits or character. PTJ II's cashbook, ledger, and account books contain entries related to his personal finances as well as family accounts for which he served as trustee. For more information about family trust accounts, see Series III.C.
Other volumes include an account book related to the trust of Mahala Williams, whose relationship to PTJ II is unknown, and a memoranda book containing notes, addresses and costs of materials, most likely used in PTJ II's business as a cotton buyer.
Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. volumes include a record book containing articles of incorporation, by-laws, minutes of director and stockholder meetings, and treasurer's reports; a book of stock certificate receipts; and a volume listing customer accounts in Boston.
Travel journal, 1836-1837
Household help account book (Susan Loring Jackson), 1844-1857
Cashbook, 1853-1857
Ledger, 1854-1858
Account book, 1857-1858
Account book, 1863
Suffolk Bank check register, 1863-1864
"Mrs. Mahala Williams trust" account book, 1875-1879
Memoranda book, 1877-1891
Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. record book, 1877-1880
Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. stock book, 1877-1878
Automatic Signal and Telegraph Co. customer accounts, 1877-1879
F. Patrick Tracy Jackson III (1844-1918) papers, 1856-1918
This series contains the Civil War papers of PTJ III, including letters to his family describing his service in the 1st and 5th Mass. Cavalry regiments and a memoir of his war experiences. Other papers include records related to the construction of his Cambridge home in 1889; correspondence related to his position as treasurer of the Perkins Institution for the Blind, including a letter from Helen Keller; account books detailing his personal finances; and an account book of his business as a cotton buyer.
i. Civil War papers, 1863-1918
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
PTJ III's Civil War letters document his service from April 1863 through March 1864 as a 2nd lieutenant with the 1st Mass. Cavalry, and from March 1864 to October 1865 as captain of the 5th Mass. Cavalry, an African American regiment. Writing to his parents and his brother, Charles Loring Jackson, his letters describe daily routines; troop movements; action at the Battle of Aldie in June 1863, where a large part of his regiment was killed; his decision to join the Massachusetts 5th in the spring of 1864; his impression of African American soldiers; his experiences guarding 15,000 Confederate prisoners of war at Point Lookout, Md.; the march into Richmond on 3 Apr. 1865, and his service in Texas from July to October 1865. Included with the letters are typewritten transcriptions. Several notebooks also contain handwritten copies of the letters transcribed by PTJ III's mother, Susan Loring Jackson.
Loose papers include a promissory note, two receipts for Confederate prisoners that PTJ III delivered to Libby Prison, and military orders allowing PTJ III to remain in New Orleans in October 1865. PTJ III's reminiscences of his Civil War service, written in 1895, use his own letters and a regimental history as references and include detailed descriptions of his experiences. A typewritten copy of the memoir contains minor inaccuracies and omits several passages from the original.
Letters (with transcriptions), Apr. 1863-Oct. 1865
Loose papers, 1865-1918
Memoir (manuscript), 1895
Memoir (typescript), 1895
ii. Cambridge construction records, 1889-1890
Arranged chronologically.
Papers are related to the construction of PTJ III's house at 17 Follen St. in Cambridge in 1889. They include mortgage deeds, building contracts, accounts, receipts, work orders, and correspondence.
iii. Miscellaneous papers, 1856-1913
Papers include ephemera from Dixwell School and Eastern Yacht Club, a letter of admission to Harvard University in 1861, and miscellaneous receipts. Correspondence is largely related to PTJ III's position as treasurer of the Perkins Institution for the Blind; the incapacity of his uncle, Edward Jackson; and various charitable donations. An 1892 letter from Helen Keller discusses the money she raised to build a kindergarten for blind children.
iv. Volumes, 1873-1896
Arranged chronologically.
Private cash account books list in detail PTJ III's daily living expenses and income. The P.T. Jackson and Co. account book contains the income and expenses of PTJ III's business as a cotton buyer.
Private cash account book, 1 Jan. 1873-8 June 1878
Private cash account book, 8 June 1878-19 June 1882
Private cash account book, 19 June 1882-30 Sept. 1885
Private cash account book, 1 Oct. 1885-1 Mar. 1889
P.T. Jackson and Co. account book, 1886-1892
Private cash account book, 1 Mar. 1889-15 Mar. 1892
Private cash account book, 16 Mar. 1892-31 Dec. 1896
G. Charles Loring Jackson papers, 1867-1928
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
The papers of Charles Loring Jackson, Harvard chemistry professor and the brother of PTJ III, consist largely of correspondence. Included are letters discussing his teaching at Harvard from students, alumni, instructors, and fellow professors; describing new chemistry programs at colleges including the University of Cincinnati, Purdue University, Rutgers University, Oberlin College, Arkansas Industrial University, and other Midwestern universities; from researchers in Acapulco, Lucerne, Munich, Berlin, and Dublin discussing Jackson's work in organic chemistry; and related to Jackson's interests in amateur theatre, drama, and literature. Correspondents include Robert B. Warder, Charles R. Sanger, Harry B. Hodges, Alexander McCrackin, Albert Menke, Wilder D. Bancroft, and William Gibbs. Later correspondence is largely related to Jackson's honors, awards, and appreciation for his aid.
Jackson's sketchbook contains fanciful pencil drawings from his time in France, Germany, Holland, and England in 1874 and 1875; and sketches of New England from 1877 to 1879. A chemistry notebook, which includes several 1863 accounts of his father, PTJ II, contains lecture notes for classes in 1875 and 1876 as well as teaching outlines for courses from 1877 through 1911.
Loose papers, 1867-1928
Sketchbook, 1874-1879
Chemistry notebook, 1875-1912
H. Anna Pierce Jackson papers, 1868-1912
Arranged chronologically.
The papers of Anna Pierce Jackson, the sister of PTJ III, contain a volume entitled "Records of the Alcott Club." Written in Anna's hand, it contains copies of stories, poems, and rules of the club, which was based on Louisa May Alcott's recently published Little Women. Anna's loose papers include copies of poems, story drafts, and personal correspondence.
See also Series I, Family correspondence.
Records of the Alcott Club, 1868-1869
Loose papers, 1870-1911
I. Patrick Tracy Jackson IV (1871-1959) papers, 1900-1940
Arranged chronologically and by record type.
The personal papers of PTJ IV contain correspondence, including letters from Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of the New York Evening Post, dating from 1901 to 1904; a 1900 inventory of personal property; business cards from the Lowell Weaving Co. in Lowell, Mass., where he served as treasurer; and a 1932 invitation to the opening of the Sydney Harbor Bridge in Sydney, Australia. PTJ IV's personal expense cash books list expenses of daily life, including food, dry goods, clothing, auto, hired help, and utilities.
Bay State Cotton Co. records consist of a disbound notebook of statistics related to the Waltham and Lowell mills including costs of cotton, comparative values of materials, freight weights, machinery inventories, net waste reports, and customer accounts.
See also Series I. Family correspondence.
Personal papers, 1900-1932
Bay State Cotton Corp. records, 1914-1915
Personal expenses cash book, 1916-1920
Personal expenses cash book, 1920-1928
Personal expenses cash book, 1937-1940
J. Anna Smoot Jackson papers, 1891-1927
Arranged chronologically.
Papers of Anna Smoot Jackson, the wife of PTJ IV, include courtship poems and sketches from an unknown suitor, a list of wedding presents, personal correspondence, and calling cards.
See also Series I., Family correspondence.
K. Patrick Tracy Jackson V (1906-1992) papers, 1919-1931
Arranged chronologically.
Papers include a copy of PTJ V's birth certificate; 1925 report cards from the Berkshire School in Sheffield, Mass.; 1931 condolence letters on the death of his son, and miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda.
L. Papers of related families, 1775-1904
i. Letter to Andrew Cabot, 1775
Andrew Cabot (1749-1791) was the father-in-law of PTJ I. In this letter, Cabot's agent writes that he has sold his cargo in Cadiz but seeks advice about returning to America because of current political tensions.
ii. Brig Oliver Cromwell account book, 1777-1778
This account book lists prizes taken by the privateer brigantine Oliver Cromwell, captained by William Coles, from the brigantines Queen of Portugal, Little Betsey, and Ville de Bayonne. The privateer was owned in part by John Cabot, Andrew Cabot, and Joseph Lee, in-laws of PTJ I.
iii. [Henry Lee] accounts, 1816-1817
Arranged chronologically.
This series of financial records, most likely kept by Henry Lee (1782-1867), the brother-in-law of PTJ I, include accounts with the trusts of Charles Jackson, William Cabot, and Hannah Jackson; rental accounts; accounts with various merchants; and a shipping invoice for the brig Hindu.
iv. Mary Turell, "Recollections," 1821
Mary Turell was the grandmother of Frederick Turell Gray, whose daughter Eleanor Baker Gray married PTJ III. Written in 1821 at the age of 81, Mary's handwritten memoir contains her reminiscences of soldiers marching through Roxbury on their way to Cape Breton in 1745, the Boston Massacre, and the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. "Recollections" was published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register in 1860.
v. Letters from Daniel Webster to Charles Greely Loring, 1841
Charles Greely Loring (1794-1867) was the father-in-law of PTJ II. An 1841 letter from Daniel Webster thanks Loring for his support and friendship, and an undated letter asks for contact information for a mutual friend.
iv. Lucy E. Russel papers, 1903-1904
Arranged chronologically.
Lucy Russel was the cousin of PTJ III and the sister of Cabot Jackson Russel, who died with the Massachusetts 54th Regiment at Fort Wagner. Papers include correspondence related to finding Cabot's sword in Savannah, returning it to the family, and displaying it at the reunion of the Massachusetts 44th Regiment, along with news clippings describing the events.
III. Family estate and trust records, 1665-1919
This series contains the estate administration papers, guardianship records, bankruptcy settlements, and family trust accounts of the extended Jackson family, including members of the Cabot, Lowell, Russel, Gardner, Chandler, Stone, and Gray families.
A. Estate administration papers, 1665-1919
Arranged chronologically by individual or family.
Estate administration papers in this subseries are primarily related to estates for which PTJ I, PTJ II, PTJ III, and PTJ IV served as executors. They include the estates of Jonathan Jackson, father of PTJ I; PTJ I and his wife, Lydia Cabot Jackson; Lydia's siblings, Robert, Sebastian, Andrew, and Anna Cabot; PTJ I's siblings Harriett Jackson, Charles Jackson and Sarah Jackson Gardner; PTJ I's brother-in-law, Francis Cabot Lowell; PTJ I's children and their spouses, Anna Jackson Lowell, Charles Russell Lowell, William Channing Russel, PTJ II, Susan Loring Jackson, Hannah Jackson Cabot, Samuel Cabot, Catherine Jackson Stone, John O. Stone, and Edward Jackson, and PTJ I's grandson, PTJ III. Papers consist of wills, estate inventories, outstanding invoices and accounts, executor accounts and reports, property deeds, and other legal and financial records. Of note are the trusts prepared by PTJ I for his daughters which, mostly likely because of the bankruptcy of his son-in-law Charles Russell Lowell, provided inheritances for them that could not be controlled by their husbands.
Edward Jackson (1605-1691) and Elizabeth Newgate Jackson wills, 1665-1709
Jonathan Jackson (1743-1810) estate, 1805-1832
Cabot family estate, 1811-1825
Francis Cabot Lowell estate, 1814-1832
Tracy family estate, 1815
PTJ I estate, 1840-1850
Harriett Jackson estate, 1845-1866
Lydia Cabot Jackson estate, 1847-1901
Russel family estate, 1849-1891
Edward Jackson (d. 1908) estate, 1855-1908
Charles Jackson estate, 1856-1891
Samuel Cabot and Hannah Jackson Cabot estate, 1869-1901
Sarah Jackson Gardner estate, 1865-1876
Charles Russell Lowell estate, 1870-1871
Anna Jackson Lowell estate, 1873-1899
John Chandler and Anna P. Chandler estate, 1875-1897
John O. Stone and Catherine Jackson Stone estate, 1884-1901
PTJ II estate, 1889-1892
Frederick T. Gray estate, 1891-1893
Susan Loring Jackson estate, 1895-1907
Eleanor Jackson estate, 1896-1900
PTJ III estate, 1918-1919
Miscellaneous estates, 1814-1864
B. Guardianship and bankruptcy records, 1810-1840
Arranged chronologically by subject.
This subseries contains papers related to guardianship and bankruptcy cases in which PTJ I served a role. He was appointed guardian for the estate that his niece, Sarah Jackson Gardner, received from her grandfather, Jonathan Jackson. PTJ was also an executor in the bankruptcy settlement of his nephew, Jonathan Jackson Gardner. Gardner's bankruptcy papers contain bills and accounts from his Boston apothecary business, and records related to the sale of his supply of drugs, medicines, and shop furniture to PTJ I, who disbursed profits proportionately to Gardner's debtors.
The Charles Russell Lowell bankruptcy settlement includes the accounts of his father, Rev. Charles Lowell with PTJ I, his father-in-law, as well as an inventory of his estate.
Sarah Jackson Gardner guardianship records, 1810-1826
Jonathan Jackson Gardner bankruptcy settlement, 1828-1830
Charles Russell Lowell bankruptcy settlement, 1836-1840
C. Family trust accounts, 1852-1911
Records include loose accounts, ledgers, journals, and cash books related to various family trusts, most originating from the estates of Jonathan Jackson; PTJ I and his wife, Lydia Cabot Jackson; and Charles Greely Loring, the father-in-law of PTJ II. Records were largely kept by PTJ II, PTJ III, Edward Jackson, and Ernest Jackson.
i. Loose records, 1852-1904
Arranged chronologically.
ii. Volumes, 1866-1911
Arranged chronologically.
See also PTJ II's account books, which contain both personal and trust accounts: Vol. 1, 1853-1857; Vol. 2, 1854-1858; and Vol. 4, 1863.
Family accounts ledger, 1866-1875
Family accounts journal, 1866-1875
PTJ II and Edward Jackson account book, 1875-1910
Family account cash book, 1885-1887
Family accounts ledger, 1885-1892
Family accounts cash book, 1887-1891
Family accounts journal, 1888-1893
Family accounts cash book, 1892-1895
Family accounts ledger, 1892-1905
Family accounts journal, 1894-1900
Family accounts cash book, 1895-1898
Family accounts cash book, 1898-1901
Family accounts journal, 1900-1906
Family accounts cash book, 1901-1904
Family accounts cash book, 1904-1907
Family accounts cash book, 1907-1911
IV. Miscellaneous papers, 1755-1931
A. Unrelated papers, 1755-1931
Arranged chronologically.
Unrelated papers are those of persons with an unknown relationship to the Jackson family or related families, including an anonymous account book containing a list of debts for 1755 and 1756. The travel journal of George Chapman (1809-1834) describes his journey from Boston to Quebec through western Massachusetts and New York with members of the Shaw family in 1828, after his graduation from Harvard University. The papers of Helen Frye White include correspondence, membership lists, and a record book containing meeting minutes related to her position as a D.A.R. state regent from 1895 to 1900. The record book also contains several lists of expenses related to the Women's Hospital Association from 1891 to 1893.
Account book, 1755-1756
George Chapman, "Notes taken upon a journey from Boston to Quebec," 1828
Helen Frye White record book, 1891-1900
Helen Frye White, DAR state regent records, [1895-1900]
Miscellaneous papers, 1857-1931
B. Genealogical papers, n.d.
Genealogical papers contain biographies and lists of descendants of early members of the Jackson and Tracy families.
C. Index of collection, n.d.
An index of the Jackson family papers, prepared by a descendant, includes a chronological item list of papers in the collection with handwritten annotations.
V. Printed material, 1815-1933
Arranged chronologically.
This series contains programs, orders of service, and publications related to Harvard University from 1836 to 1838 and from 1870 to 1890; reports and circulars related to various iron, coal, and canal companies, most likely related to the businesses of PTJ I and PTJ II; a printed memoir of PTJ I written by John A. Lowell in 1848; newspaper articles about the Civil War, political opinion, obituaries, or activities and history of the Jackson family; invitations; calling cards; and other ephemera.
Preferred Citation
Patrick Tracy Jackson family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
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